February News4U 2018

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FEATURES 6 An Interview with Christian Picciolini The Life After Hate Co-Founder tells His Story

OF 72 73 74 86


VHS Spotlight Tri-State Pet Pics Moore Explores! Mug Shots

10 Big Bad Voodoo Daddy at the Victory An Interview with Drummer Kurt Sodergren


14 2018 Winter Jam Spectacular at the Ford Center An Interview with NewSong's Russ Lee

76 The Write Stuff 77 Maybe I'm Just Getting Old... 77 Tri-State Politics

18 Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra at the Victory Ol' Blue Eyes & The Three Bs in February 20 2018 Valentine's Day Date Night & Gift Guide Great Ideas for that Special Someone


BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 66 Peoples Trust & Savings Bank 68 Mortgage Masters 70 Simplicity Furniture

COUPONS 43 Save Big!

CUISINE & DINING 32 What's Cookin': The Rooftop 34 Restaurant Guide

Established in 1991 by Bashar Hamami Publisher Brian Bennett


Operations Manager Joshua Adams


Managing Editor & Writer Thomas Ellis


PREVIEWS & REVIEWS 78 79 80 82 84

Showplace Cinemas Film Music Beer Wine

Account Representatives Terri Hilborn


TJ Tanoos


Tracy McKinney

RELIGION 76 Ask the Pastor

SPORTS 44 Evansville Thunderbolts Player Profiles


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Paul Bragin, Alice Daum, Kevin Fleming, Johnny Fletcher, Bryan Fox, Gavin Gaddis, Jonathan Gluff, Daniel Knight, Jabez Martinez, Marisa Patwa, John Thurgood, Walter the Wine Guy

ENTERTAINMENT 46 56 58 60 52

In Town & Around Film: Bullitt County Film: Unlisted Owner Arts & Activities The Really Big Show

LOCAL HAPPENINGS 30 Chefs of Note 64 Community & Family

News 4U is published monthly and is distributed throughout the tri-state. For information about advertising, subscriptions, distribution or guides & lists, call (812) 426-6398 or write us at 125 N Weinbach Ave, Ste 510 Evansville, IN 47711. News 4U is published by EMG Publishing. All rights reserved.

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ebruary 2018 may well go down as the biggest month ever for tri-state events. Seriously. It's a mystery to me why so many entertainers want to tour the Midwest in the middle of our annual deep freeze, but let's just be thankful that they do. And just who are we talking about? Only some of the top names in the business, including high profile comedians, singers and bands from all genres. Check this out: Avenged Sevenfold (2/3), In This Moment (2/6), Here Come the Mummies (2/8), Scotty McCreery (2/8), Winter Jam (2/15), Big Bad Voodoo Daddy (2/16), Travis Tritt (2/16), Bill Engvall (2/17), Luke Bryan (2/17), Rodney Carrington (2/23) and Jim Gaffigan (2/24) - all coming to the Ford Center, Old National Events Plaza, Owensboro Convention Center and Victory Theatre over the next


three and a half weeks. Mighty impressive. But in the excitement over all the shows coming to the tri-state this month, let's not forget that love is in the air. Yes, Valentine's Day is fast approaching so be sure to treat your significant other/object of your affection appropriately. Sweet nothings are certainly nice and all, but better yet, take a look at our V-Day gift guide and find something extra special to let them know that you're in it for the long haul - or at least until you find somebody better. Just kidding. Moving on... We've got interviews with Winter Jam's NewSong, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy and Christian Picciolini, the co-founder of a nonprofit peace advocacy organization called Life After Hate. Plus, we're introducing a new monthly article, "Moore Explores." All that and more inside! - TE

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Photo Credit: Dennis Sevilla


Christian Picciolini The Life After Hate co-founder on his involvement in the white power movement and eventual change of heart At 14-years-old, Christian Picciolini was a self-professed marginalized young man living in the suburbs of Blue Island, Illinois, just outside of Chicago. Disaffected and lost, divorced from any sense of community, he was a prime target for Clark Martell, former leader of the Chicago Area SkinHeads (CASH). The year was 1987. In short order, Picciolini was drawn into a world of hate that he neither understood nor initially promoted, seduced by feelings of power and purpose. Still, his rise through the ranks of the white power movement was swift; by age 16 he had taken over for Martell and later formed a hate rock band called Final Solution - the first of its kind to perform in Europe.


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But by 1996, Picciolini had become disenchanted with his life and complicity in the violent acts perpetrated by CASH and other white supremacist skinhead organizations; a major re-think followed and a new path emerged. As the co-founder of Life After Hate, a not for profit peace advocacy organization, he now dedicates his time to speaking out against racism in all its forms, especially directing his message at the vulnerable youth of today. His recent high profile interviews include segments on CNN, 60 Minutes, NPR, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee and I Love You, America with Sarah Silverman.

Picciolini spoke at the Victory Theatre on January 22. News 4U caught up with him just prior to the event. The fact that you were just 14 when you were drawn into the white power movement has been much discussed. Is that the hardest thing for people to wrap their heads around? Yeah, they find it hard to know how a good kid who came from a good family could go down a road like that without there being something there - without there being racism in the home or a broken home. The fact is that I wasn't looking for racism; I was looking for an identity, a community, and a purpose. Racism found me. And I learned it because it was the only identity, community and purpose I had a found after 14 years of feeling marginalized and bullied - just being an outsider and not having a lot of friends. And not knowing who I was. Was I this Italian kid? I mean, I was sheltered, too. My parents are Italian immigrants who came to the U.S. in the '60s. We lived in an Italian community. Growing up, that was my world. When I was born they moved us to a suburb that was not ethnic; it was very white. That's where I [attended school] from first grade through eighth grade. And I was the odd kid; suddenly I was the weird, foreign outsider and that's why I was bullied and ostracized. I was the "Fez" from that TV show, That 70's Show - that weird foreign kid [laughs]. Not quite that dorky, but I didn't have any friends.

So your grade school experience contributed to your eventual descent into the white power movement? Absolutely. I would go to this Catholic school in this really, really white neighborhood. Nobody knew who they were. You'd ask somebody, like, 'What are you?' and they'd go, 'I don't know, I'm 5% German and 2% Irish.' I was, like, 100% Italian, so I thought the whole world was Italian. So, I became the odd man out and my parents would pick me up after school and bring me back to the Italian neighborhood to be raised by my grandparents because they were working seven days a week, 14 hours a day and I felt abandoned by them. Here I am feeling abandoned by my real family and spending a lot of time in the streets feeling very lonely - and I had this identity crisis. I had low selfesteem even though I was very ambitious. I thought that I could do a lot, but I felt stupid, too, because I didn't understand certain things. I mean, I was born here [the U.S.] but my parents weren't. No excuses, but I guess those were my potholes that led me down that road. What sorts of things did Martell and CASH say to draw you into a world of hate? They obviously reel you in with kind of benign things about pride, and, 'It's ok to be white. People are trying to take that away from you - you should be proud of that.' And then it turns into "those enemies" - the Jews or whatever that are trying to take away that pride; they have to be eliminated. Then it turns into, like, an "us against them" narrative and by that time you've given up your family; you've given up your hobbies and any friends that you have; and you have nothing to go

back to, so you're all in. It's no different than ISIS, it's no different than a street gang. It's really about acceptance and feeling like you're a part of something bigger than you. Not knowing what the hell you're getting into and then getting in so far that either A) You can't go back or B) You're so invested that you've no other option but to go forward. For me, it was B. At 16, I did start to learn the rhetoric and did start to recruit people the same way that I was recruited. I did start to believe the conspiracy theories that I was being fed. But because I wasn't raised as racist, there was always that little tiny bit of logic and rationale and doubt. That was part of what saved me.

Considering what you experienced, you must cringe when you see young kids at hate rallies along with their parents.

It's child abuse. First of all, you're endangering your child by putting them in that situation. Taking your children and having them holding placards and wearing, you know... whether it's a Klan hood or something like that to a place where you know there's going to be violence is just not good parenting. I don't care what your beliefs are, it's just not good parenting. But to indoctrinate your children at that young age and not give them the opportunity to think freely... this is not who we are. Speaking of parenting, it was fatherhood that really turned the tide for you, correct? That was probably the first big moment, but there were so many of them. My child being born challenged my priorities. Was I this hate monger or was I a father and a husband? Was my community the one that I had manufactured around me to boost my ego or the one that I had physically given life to? Was my purpose to scorch the earth because I was angry and couldn't deal with my own self-loathing and feelings of low self-esteem? Or was it to actually make it a better place for my children, my neighbors and my family to grow up in? So, I had kind of a massive epiphany, but that life was really all I knew; so, it was really difficult to

leave. If I was to say what actually changed me or gave me the courage to actually say what I was feeling inside as I was questioning it, it was receiving compassion from the people that I least deserved it from. Were people skeptical of your change of heart? Are they still? You know what's funny? The one thing that I've realized: the only people that are skeptical about my change and who have basically told me that 1) You can't change or 2) I don't believe you've changed or 3) You're an idiot because of what you're saying they're all white people. People of color have forgiven me; I get emails from Rabbis by the hundreds. The only people that disparage me are the white people who claim that they're not racist. It's so fascinating to me. The Charlottesville tragedy back in August [Unite the Right rally that resulted in three deaths] really shocked a lot of people. But it shouldn't have considering the simmering racial tensions in our country. People need to recognize that those rallies like Charlottesville happen every month in cities across America and have been happening for at least the last 30 or 40 years. I think what Charlottesville did was remind people that this is here and that it might be growing but until people recognize that Charlottesville was not an anomaly... that's what we need to understand. I think we can cover it differently, but I think without normalizing it. People need to understand that this is growing right under your nose - it's not as visible as it used to be when I was involved. We recognized that we were too edgy for the average American white racist and we wanted to blend in. Here we are 30 years later and that's exactly what's happening today. And that's a scary thing. The infection is spreading. It's about how quickly we can neutralize it and treat the sickness.

Picciolini is the author of two books, 2015's Romantic Violence: Memoirs of an American Skinhead and 2017's White American Youth: My Descent into American's Most Violent Hate Movement - and How I Got Out. For more info, visit christianpicciolini.com

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Drummer Kurt Sodergren talks Louie, Louie, Louie, jamming with Stevie Wonder, wearing suits and more


or many, many years, swing music was simply considered the sound of a bygone era. But Big Bad Voodoo Daddy set out to change all that beginning in 1989 - at a time when hair bands were still ruling the charts with glam guitar riffs and lots of lipstick. Formed in Ventura, California, by leader Scotty Morris and drummer Kurt Sodergren, the group spearheaded the swing revival five years later with a whip-smart self-titled debut and frenetic live show that rekindled the drive and relentless energy of the big band sound popularized in the early to mid 20th century.

record, however, the band's latest release showcases a surprising restraint. Louie, Louie, Louie - a criticallyacclaimed tribute to jazz greats Louie Armstrong, Louie Jordan and Louie Prima - sees the band stretching out, experimenting with arrangements while tamping down the adrenaline. It's a testament to the virtuosity of the players that the album so perfectly captures the vibe of each composer yet offers a fresh new take on songs written long ago.

Countless performances later, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy is still blazing a trail of blaring horns and jumping jive on stage. On

Where did the idea for Louie, Louie, Louie come from? When we started, we had a lot of interest in us playing weddings and things like that and so all of a sudden, with not having a lot of original music - we had enough for a pretty explosive 50 minute set at clubs - all of a sudden we had to play three hours. So, we raided the vaults of Louis Jordan and Louis Armstrong and learned all these tunes. Kind of by osmosis as we started writing more original tunes - that material was a big influence on us. I mean, Louis Jordan is almost the inventor of rock and roll. It really

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saved us and it taught us a lot about playing the style - for me, for sure, because I didn't have a lot of experience. It was Scott's idea [the new album] completely. It was already signed and sealed and packaged and ready to go when he came up with the idea to do the record. He had the name and what songs he was interested in playing - though I think we added a few more to that list. So, it's kind of like a thank you and if some people don't know one, two or all three of these artists, we want to go out and play the music and see if we can turn people on to it - just let them know what our roots are. Do you find that people are hungry for more visceral, energetic music these days, considering all of the computer-generated stuff being recorded? Oh yeah, we get a lot of comments from fans saying that we really look like we're having so much fun - that we had smiles on our faces the whole night. For me, playing the drums, I really don't get a break during the show and people like the fact that I'm just "on" the whole time. And not to knock, for instance, a shoegazer band that just kind of gets out there and plays - because a lot of times when the music is so complex, there's not going to be a lot of jumping around. But the music's exciting... and we don't really put any thought into it - we just go up and play and that's how it comes out. Our thing just happens to be playing

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American music with real instruments - no backing tracks. And there's an audience for that, fortunately, as well. Just how inuential is jazz/swing drumming? Well, I can approach this in several ways. Having a knowledge of swing drumming should be in every drummer's repertoire. [Tool drummer] Danny Carey, for instance, played in college - he played in a big band. And he's actually playing with [saxophonist] Doug Webb now in a jazz quartet. Even [Rush drummer] Neil Pert... a while ago, he decided that he wanted to get back to his roots and started that whole Burning for Buddy festival [tribute to jazz drummer Buddy Rich] and record. And he'd have a whole bunch of drummers come in and play Buddy Rich tunes, including himself. He also went and studied with Freddie Gruber, who is a great, great teacher - he taught all those cats how to play - and [Neil] changed his grip to traditional grip. Neil Peart can swing a dead cat around [laughs]. And I also think that [Led Zeppelin drummer] John Bonham had a really deep knowledge of swing and jazz drumming because if you listen to "How the West Was Won," and you hear his solo, he quotes [jazz drummer] Max Roach. And he swings really hard. Big Bad Voodoo Daddy famously jammed with Stevie Wonder at the Super Bowl halftime show years ago. Walk us through that whole experience. It was amazing. I mean, he drove out onto the field in a car - he was behind the wheel! The week before, we were in Miami recording our tune [for the broadcast] because we played "Sir Duke" - we were in the studio recording that. It was just us - but we didn't know that Stevie was connected through the internet and he was listening to the recording. His musical director was on the line but we didn't know that Stevie was listening - and the director would say, 'Can you swing that a little harder, more syncopated high-hat?' I'd say, 'Sure.' And then at the end, Stevie got on and talked to us. And then the next week when we showed up, we got to meet him and it was just unbelievable. I also met Kiss at that show. Final question: Do you ever tire of wearing suits on tour? You know, we've been wearing vintage suits for a long time. None of us ever wore costumes. That, to me, is kind of like... if you want to do that, whatever, but that's not what I like. I would wear a vintage suit but wear it with Doc Martens. Then the swing craze hit and, of course, there was a backlash. But fortunately the music that we play transcends all that - all the fickleness. We continued and kept wearing vintage suits, but just recently Scott and I and some of the other guys have started to wear a little bit more modern suits. We'll probably discuss the direction we want to go at the beginning of the year, but I think we want to maybe go with a little bit more contemporary look. The music that we're playing is not a kitschy thing - it's real. For more info, visit bbvd.com or victorytheatre.com. The Victory is located at 600 Main St. in downtown Evansville.

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NEWSONG'S RUSS LEE ON THE SUCCESS OF THE TOUR, BUILDING A SENSE OF COMMUNITY, HUMANITARIAN CAUSES AND MORE Year after year, Winter Jam brings together the biggest names in Christian music for a festivallike atmosphere that draws tens of thousands of fans to arenas all across the Midwest and beyond. Featuring such high profile acts as Skillet, Building 429, Kari Jobe, John Christ, Jordan Feliz and KB, as well as the founders of this hugely popular annual event, NewSong, the 2018 tour is absolutely packed with talent - all for the requested donation price of just $15. No wonder then that Winter Jam continues to be one of the best-attended tours around.



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The genesis of Winter Jam goes all the way back to the mid-90s, just before singer Russ Lee joined NewSong. Apart from taking an extended break from the band beginning in 2000 to record several solo albums, he's had a front row seat for most of the tour's incredible 20+ year run. Lee kindly spoke with News 4U ahead of the big show at the Ford Center. As someone who's been along for much of the ride, what's your take on the success of Winter Jam? It's kind of like the biggest, craziest, wildest church service. It's really an anomaly, a hybrid version of a Christian event that changes. From the beginning, NewSong has always tried to do two things: prayerfully approach it, bring people together that we would love to hear and that we think folks would love

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to hear; also, we've tried to keep the integrity of Winter Jam, tried to keep it exactly what it is. A lot of artists that come on the tour say, 'We love what happens on the stage; we also love what happens behind the stage.' Because there's two aspects to it - the entertainment value and ministry value on the stage. But there's also the community and family feel. We work hard to make sure that artists and their families and people that are out on tour are taken care of. We try to build a sense of community on the stage and off. It seems that the tour is needed more than ever in terms of community. I agree. It's a hopeful night. And you've got people of every ethnicity, every denominational background - Christian and non-Christian. it's a night of celebration

pointing people towards hope. You know, one of the seasons that Winter Jam really grew was when the economy was really struggling, and it was just too expensive to bring your family to an event. But you could afford to bring them to Winter Jam and people really appreciated that - I think that bred some loyalty among the fans. I also think that people are really encouraged. It's a night that you can come out and kind of step away from all of the things that have you worried and troubled. You look at your kids and at what's going on - and you think that this is supposed to be the most forward, developed time in the history of the world and we can't even get along with someone whose skin is a different color. It's crazy. At Winter Jam, people see this unity, this community - love for their fellow human. So many positive things. I love it because as somebody who gets on the bus year after year, it's really encouraging to know that we're sort of sending fresh supplies to the front lines, into battle. We're refreshed and we're going back out there to fight again. Winter Jam's lineup is always impressive, but are there any

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artists or bands that haven't participated yet that you'd like to bring on board? There are a couple of artists that we would like to have that are doing really well and we like what they're about. I think Need To Breathe would be an amazing band to have. And Switchfoot - though NewSong hosts another big youth event between Christmas and the beginning of the year and we've had a couple of artists on that, including Switchfoot. And I'll tell you who I miss. A few years ago, we had TobyMac, and he's kind of started his own event - the Hits Deep Tour. Part of the idea is kind of built around Winter Jam. He told us that he didn't want us to think that he was stealing our idea, but he just loved the model - and we felt like there was room for another tour. But you know, regardless of the lineup each year, every tour kind of takes its own rhythm. Every night we have real depth and it just feels really good. As long as we get one or two really big, established artists, then everything else just kind of falls into place. NewSong is known for supporting humanitarian causes around the world. Do you feel like it's a mission for the band? As a Christian, it's my responsibility. The world is His family. The world is a dark place that needs the light, and as I go, my job is to shine that light. You know, what goes around, comes around. If people see us caring about others and doing positive things, taking some of the resources and time that we've been given and using it to draw attention to the needs of others, that's a powerful thing. I always think about children around the world - they didn't ask to be born into their circumstances. As you know, we focus a lot on that, on kids and the future. We want kids to be safe and to have hope. We have our American-ized, conditioned ideas about what success and comfort and all of those things look like. I just really believe that the strength of the world is in the family - in the family having hope and being strong. Children are our tomorrow, so if you we're going to invest in tomorrow, then we have to invest in children. It involves helping the kids immediately, but it also involves building stronger communities; cleaning up the water; putting healthcare in place; putting education in place; putting micro and cottage industries in place so that families can provide for themselves. There are so many aspects to it - I could talk about this all day. This is not about self-preservation as much as it's about finding our cause and our calling and doing that for the good of others and for the glory of God. For more info, visit 2018.jamtour.com or fordcenter.com. The Ford Center is located at 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd. in downtown Evansville.

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Ol' Blue Eyes & The Three Bs: The EPO is doubling down with two highly-anticipated concerts this month


love in the air, there's no better date night than an evening with Ol' Blue Eyes and the EPO (or date afternoon for that matter). The timeless songs of Frank Sinatra are the very definition of romantic and DeSare - named a Rising Star Male Vocalist in Downbeat magazine - will Tony DeSare deliver all your favorites with the passion, playfulness and skill they Elizabeth Bowden, the First Prize winner demand: "Night and Day," "Moon River," of the 2012 International Women’s Brass "My Way," "Luck Be a Lady," One for My Conference Trumpet Competition. The Baby" and more. Featured on both the CBS Illinois native has played with a number of Early Show and the Today Show, the New top orchestras, including Pennsylvania’s York native has three top 10 Billboard jazz Lower Merion Symphony Orchestra, San albums to his credit and has performed Juan Symphony and New Haven Chamber around the world, winning audiences over Orchestra and is currently a member with a "fresh take on old school class." The of the Richmond Symphony Orchestra EPO's Valentine's Day-themed concerts are and the former Principal Trumpet of the always a hit, so be sure to get your tickets Sarasota Opera Orchestra. Together, soon for this stirring tribute to Ol' Blue Bowden and the EPO's principal players Eyes. Two performances! SINATRA & BEYOND / FEBRUARY 10 & will tackle Bach's Brandenburg Concerto 11 / 7 P.M. & 2 P.M. No. 2 - a season highlight in the making. BACH, BEETHOVEN & BRAHMS / With Valentine's Day fast approaching and In addition, you'll hear Brahm's Variations FEBRUARY 24 / 7 P.M. on a Theme of Haydn, Beethoven's wildly Just two weeks later, Maestro Savia energetic Symphony No. 7 and more. One and the Orchestra will go from the performance only - don't miss out! classic songs of Sinatra to the greats of classical music: Bach, Beethoven & Brahms. Call them the The Three For tickets and more info, Bs for short, but either way, they're visit victorytheatre.com or responsible for some of the most evansvillephilharmonic.org or call 812-425powerful works ever composed. 5050. The Victory is located at 600 Main St. It's no small task to bring these in downtown Evansville. pieces to life, but the EPO will get a major assist from trumpeter Mary Mary Elizabeth Bowden fter last month's brilliant collaboration with legendary pianists Misha and Cipa Dichter, Maestro Savia and the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra have their work cut out to top such a dazzling performance. But not to worry. With two highly-anticipated concerts on tap for February, they're doubling down in a big way, taking on Ol' Blue Eyes himself, Frank Sinatra, and The Three Bs - better known as Bach, Beethoven & Brahms. The former performance will feature singer, pianist and award-winning composer, Tony DeSare, while the latter will feature magnificent trumpeter Mary Elizabeth Bowden, plus Robert Anemone (violin), Elizabeth Robertson (oboe) and Leanne Hampton (flute). Indeed, it's a very ambitious agenda for the EPO, but you wouldn't expect anything less from the area's best orchestra.

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SAVVY SINGLE HEARTS CLUB Still looking for that special someone? Join Christian Singles for exclusive monthly dances, parties, friendships, events, speed dating, and more!

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New local tasting tour promises to be a culinary delight for all


or 19 very successful years, the Evansville Philharmonic Guild's signature Homes of Note Tour helped to raise thousands of dollars annually for the not for profit organization's efforts to promote youth music education through the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra. But with the 20th anniversary approaching, it seemed the perfect time to take a new, more inclusive direction, to create something that people of all ages could enjoy. After a little brainstorming, the Guild members came to a consensus, crafting a classy event that is sure to please anyone who enjoys great local food: the Chefs of Note Downtown Evansville Tasting Tour. This delicious tour will feature five of the area's best restaurants - Jaya's, Café Arazu, Just Rennie's,

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Stone City Grill at Doubletree and Piece of Cake - all run by some of the most talented chefs Evansville has to offer. At each location, enjoy a cooking demonstration from the chef as well as samplings of their signature dishes. As an added bonus, most of the restaurants will provide a recipe to take home. This is a rare opportunity to meet the people who make the food you love and get an insight into how they create such culinary delights. The Chefs of Note tour will begin with three groups of attendees all stationed at different locations before ultimately arriving together at the Double Tree by the Hilton for a grand finale that includes dessert by Piece of Cake and a silent auction - inside and outside the Ballroom, respectively. Each session is scheduled to last

45 minutes with a half hour in between to assemble at the next destination. Along the way, youth musicians will provide entertainment and "drinks with a punch" will be served. A parking garage is available at the Double Tree and all the restaurants are within a short distance for an easy transition back and forth. Organizers plan to relocate Chefs of Note every year to get a taste of all that the tristate has to offer. Don't miss this exciting inaugural event that's destined to become an annual favorite! Tickets are just $25 and may be purchased online at Eventbrite.com, Chefs of Note or call the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra office at 812-425-5050.

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What else does the Rooftop have to offer?

The Rooftop Food & Drink


I was recently talking with some of my coworkers about the downtown area near the Ford Center and Old National Events Plaza. We all agreed that while the restaurants and bars that are there now are all fantastic places to go, the problem isn’t one of quality, but quantity; there just aren’t a lot of options. Fortunately, with the welcome addition of The Rooftop, Evansvillians now have one more great choice near this hub of sports, concerts, and comedy. Located a mere block away from the main entrance and exit of the Ford Center, the short walk is rewarded by a long list of great food and drink options. Their menu greets you with a number of sandwiches (such as the customer-favorite Serious Stromboli), salads, appetizers, stone oven pizzas, and entrees. They even have a large offering of breakfast options, which is served from 7-10:30 a.m.

nearly any Mexican restaurant - and it mixes with the notes of paprika on this potatobased appetizer to make me appreciate Richie’s family recipe. The two homemade chutney sauces - one cilantro-based, one with a sweeter flavor - perfectly complement an already great and complex taste. The same goes for the Butter Chicken. Another family recipe, it’s just the right mix of savory and sweet that every visitor needs to try.

Owner Richie Patel and I decided I should try the Buffalo Chicken Sandwich first. A good Buffalo sauce is something of a guilty pleasure of mine, and theirs has a uniquely amazing flavor. It has just the right amount of tanginess, and the very mild heat is there to enhance the flavor without overpowering it.

Although the outdoor seating on the eponymous rooftop won’t open until the weather warms up, the indoor options are very inviting. There are tables in addition to the bar seating in their bar area (which stocks an impressive number of bourbons, in addition to other spirits and beers), and the dining room features several booths and tables. Coupled with the upstairs group rooms and their delivery service, they’re able to accommodate groups big or small on location, or bring their food straight to you! - Jonathan Gluff

Having sampled enough of the sandwich to take some notes - knowing full well I’d later finish it - I eagerly moved on to their Samosa. I love cilantro - the amount of cilantro in salsa is directly proportional to how much I like

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February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

At Evansville's only Rooftop Bar, we are more than just great food! Come check us out for drink specials, private parties, great breakfast options and much more! Join us on February 4th for our big super bowl party! Come for breakfast and stay for the biggest game of the year later in the evening. It will be busy so call for reservations!

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RESTAURANT GUIDE Whether you're looking for a new place to eat or rediscovering an old favorite, check out our comprehensive restaurant guide for local favorites all around the tri-state!

AMISH STOLL’S COUNTRY INN 19820 Castle Creek Dr 812-867-7730

BARBECUE BANDANA’S BAR-B-Q 6636 Logan Dr 812-401-9922 CARNE ASADA 1454 E Division St 812-459-5556 GATRICK'S BBQ & FINE DISHES 535 Lincoln Ave 812-901-4666 HAWG ‘N’ SAUCE 6580 Leonard Rd N Mt Vernon, IN 812-838-5339 HICKORY PIT STOP 1521 N Main St 812-422-6919 J & B BAR-B-Q & CATERING 48 S Holloway St Henderson, KY 270-830-0033 MARX BARBEQUE 3119 W Maryland St 812-425-1616 MISSION BBQ 1530 N Green River Rd 812-213-0200

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MOONLITE BAR-B-Q INN 2840 W Parrish Ave Owensboro, KY 270-684-8143 NISBET INN 6701 Nisbet Rd Haubstadt, IN 812-963-9305 OLD HICKORY BBQ 338 Washington Ave Owensboro, KY 270-926-9000 OLE SOUTH BAR-B-Q 3523 Hwy 54 E Owensboro, KY 270-926-6464 PEAK BROS. BBQ 6353 US-60 Waverly, KY 270-389-0267 SHYLER'S BBQ 5416 E Indiana St 812-476-4599 THOMASON’S BARBECUE 701 Atkinson St Henderson, KY 270-826-0654 TOM'S MARKET 1048 Clay St Henderson, KY 270-827-5338 WOLF’S BAR-B-Q 6600 N First Ave 812-424-8891

February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

BARS/PUBS/ TAVERNS 711 TAVERN 711 E Virginia St 812-422-0904 ALLEGRA LOUNGE (Holiday Inn Airport) 7101 US-41 812-867-7999 BAR LOUIE 7700 Eagle Crest Blvd 812-476-7069 BOB’S LOUNGE 907 N Fares Ave 812-425-4929 BOILER ROOM BAR 1100 Walnut St, Ste 10 Owensboro, KY 270-684-4999 BOKEH LOUNGE 1007 Parrett St 812-909-0388 BUCK’S TAVERN 1015 N Fulton Ave 812-429-0055 CARSON'S BREWERY 2404 Lynch Rd 812-759-8229 CKB COMMONWEALTH KITCHEN & BAR 108 2nd St Henderson, KY 270-212-2133 CHILLY WILLY’S 3039 Claremont Ave

812-423-0726 CRICKET’S 518 W Main St Newburgh, IN 812-858-2782 DAPPER PIG 1112 Parrett St 812-401-3333 DARMSTADT INN 13130 Darmstadt Rd 812-867-7300 DAVE’S SPORTS DEN 701 N Weinbach Ave 812-479-8887 DEERHEAD SIDEWALK CAFE 222 E Columbia St 812-425-2515

Mt Vernon, IN 812-985-7333 FOOL MOON GRILL & BAR 5625 Pearl Dr 812-467-7486 FRANKLIN STREET TAVERN 2126 W Franklin St 812-459-5210 GERST HAUS 2100 W Franklin St 812-424-1420 HAGEDORN’S TAVERN 2037 W Franklin St 812-423-0794 HIGHLAND INN 6620 N 1st Ave 812-402-2544

DIAMOND LANES 2400 US-41 812-424-4677

HORNVILLE TAVERN 2607 W Baseline Rd 812-963-0967

DOC’S NIGHTCLUB 1305 Stringtown Rd 812-401-1201

J'S SPORTS BAR & GRILL 1602 S Vann Ave 812-401-2266

ENIGMA BAR & GRILL 4044 Professional Ln Newburgh, IN 812-490-0600

KC’S CORNER POCKET BAR & GRILL 1819 N Fulton Ave 812-428-2255

FAT BOY'S TAVERN 115 McCreary St Fort Branch, IN 812-753-9914

KC'S MARINA POINTE 1801 Waterworks Rd 812- 422-0400


KC’S TIME OUT LOUNGE & GRILL (Washington Square Mall) 1121 Washington Square



KEVIN'S BACKSTAGE BAR & GRILL 524 Main St 812-424-5020

NISBIT INN 6701 Nisbit Rd Haubstadt, IN 812-963-9305

KIPPLEE’S 2350 Division St 812-476-1936

O'BRIAN'S SPORTS BAR & GRILL 1801 N Green River Rd 812-401-4630

KNOB HILL TAVERN 1016 SR-662 Newburgh, IN 812-853-9550

OLD CHICAGO 6550 E Lloyd Expy 812-401-1400

ST PHILLIPS INN 11200 Upper Mt Vernon Rd 812-985-5558 SHORTY'S BAR 1209 Baker Ave 812-401-1560 SOMEPLACE ELSE 930 Main St 812-424-3202 SPORTSMAN’S GRILLE & BILLIARDS 2315 W Franklin St 812-422-0801

KOODIE-HOO’S GRILL & BAR 231 W 2nd St Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-5202

ON DECK RIVERSIDE BAR & GRILL 100 2nd St Henderson, KY 270-826-2424

LAMASCO BAR & GRILL 1331 W Franklin St 812-437-0171

PEEPHOLE BAR & GRILL 201 Main St 812-423-5171

STONER'S GRILL 219 S 3rd St Boonville, IN 812-897-3042

LEGENDS 1050 S Weinbach Ave 812-476-7444

PISTON'S BAR & GRILL 2131 W Franklin St 812-401-1699

TAYLOR'S TAVERN 2509 W Parrish Ave Owensboro, KY 270-683-5577

RICK’S 718 BAR & GRILL 718 3rd Ave 812-423-0872

TIKI TIME BAR & GRILL 840 LST Dr 812-425-1912

LEROY’S TAVERN 2659 Mt. Vernon Ave 812-464-8300

RICK'S SPORTS BAR 1531 S Green River Rd 812-477-4088

LUCKY JOE’S BAR & GRILL (Ellis Park) 3300 US-41 Henderson, KY 812-425-1456

RI RA IRISH PUB 701 NW Riverside Dr 812-426-0000

TIN MAN BREWING CO. 1430 W Franklin St 812-618-3227

LEGENDS SPORTS BAR & GRILL 4431 Springhill Dr, Ste E Owensboro, KY 270-240-5360

LYLE’S SPORTS ZONE PIZZA & PUB 1404 E Morgan Ave 812-425-7729 MARIGOLD BAR 2112 S Weinbach Ave 812-475-8780 MO'S HOUSE 1114 SE Parrett St

ROCA BAR NORTH 12301 Hwy 41 N 812-868-8898 ROCA BAR SOUTH 1618 S Kentucky Ave 812-422-7782 ROOKIE’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL 117 2nd St Henderson, KY 270-826-1106

STOCKWELL INN 4001 E Eichel Ave 812-476-2384

TJ’S STOCKYARD INN 1217 Baker Ave 812-402-9273 TURONI'S FORGET-ME-NOT INN 4 N Weinbach Ave 812-477-7500 TURONI'S PIZZERY & BREWERY 408 N Main St 812-424-9871 YELLOW TAVERN 521 Church St New Harmony, IN

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BREWERIES/ WINERIES CARSON’S BREWERY 2404 Lynch Rd 812-759-8229 EVANSVILLE BREWHOUSE 56 Adams Ave 812-909-2668 MYSTIQUE WINERY 13000 Gore Road Lynnville, IN 47619 812-922-5612 TIN MAN BREWING CO. 1430 W Franklin St 812-618-3227 TURONI’S BREWERY 408 N Main St 812-424-9871 WINZERWALD WINERY 26300 N Indian Lake Rd Bristow, IN 812-357-7000

CAFÉS/DELIS 6TH ST TWILIGHT DELI 10 NW 6th St 812-421-0606 ARAZU ON MAIN 415 Main St 812-401-1768 BITS & BYTES 216 NW Fourth St 812-423-5713 CAFÉ 111 111 S Green River Rd 812-401-8111 CAFÉ ARAZU 17 W Jennings St Newburgh, IN 812-842-2200 CLEO’S BAKERY & BROWN BAG LUNCHES 9 W Jennings St

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Newburgh, IN 812-853-0500 DAILY’S ANNEX BAKERY & CAFÉ 701 N Main St 812-423-0320 DELI THE (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4000 DONUT BANK BAKERY & COFFEE SHOP (East) 5 N Green River Rd 812-479-0511 1950 Washington Ave 812-477-2711 1200 Lincoln Ave 812-402-4111 (North) 2128 N First Ave 812-426-2311 1031 E Diamond Ave 812-426-0011 (West) 210 N St. Joseph Ave 812-426-1011 (Newburgh) 3988 SR 261 812-858-9911 EMGE’S DELI & ICE CREAM 206 Main St 812-422-3026 FIREHOUSE SUBS 1031 N Green River Rd 812-477-2141 FLYING SAUCER CAFÉ (Evansville Airport) 7801 Bussing Dr 812-423-1113 GRANOLA JAR 1033 E Mt Pleasant Rd 812-437-1899 GREAT HARVEST BREAD CO. 423 Metro Ave 812-476-4999 HONEYBAKED HAM

February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

(East) 1446 N Green River Rd 812-471-2940 (Downtown) 318 Main St 812-492-4967

5301 Pearl Dr, Ste 100 812-228-4222

JASON’S DELI 934 N Green River Rd 812-417-9905

PENN STATION EAST COAST SUBS (East) 600 N Weinbach Ave, Ste 720 812-453-3824 137 N Burkhardt Rd 812-479-7366 (North) 4827 David Lant Dr 812-402-7366 (West) 5310 Pearl Dr, Ste A 812-434-7366 (Henderson) 1111 Barrett Rd 270-826-7361 (Owensboro) 3625 Frederica St 270-683-1515 3023 Highland Pointe Dr 270-852-8888

JEANNE’S GELATO 2003 Lincoln Ave 812-479-8272 JIMMY JOHN’S (East) 2320 N Green River Rd 812-402-5747 701 N Burkhardt Rd 812-401-5400 (North) 130 N St Joseph Ave 812-402-9944 (Newburgh) 8680 High Point Dr, Ste A 812-490-7111 JUST RENNIE’S CAFÉ 100 SE 4th St 812-490-8098 KITE & KEY CAFÉ 2301 W Franklin St 812-401-0275 LIC'S DELI & ICE CREAM (East) 4501 Lincoln Ave 812-477-3131 (Downtown) 11 NW 5th St 812-422-2618 (North) 800 E Diamond Ave 812-424-4862 (South) 2001 Washington Ave 812-473-0569 (West) 2311 W Virginia Ave 812-423-4173 MCALISTER’S DELI (East) 2220 N Green River Rd 812-618-2050 (West)

PANERA BREAD 220 N Burkhardt Rd 812-476-7477

PENNY LANE COFFEEHOUSE 600 SE 2nd St 812-421-8741 PG CAFÉ 1418 W Franklin St 812-402-4445 PLANTERS COFFEEHOUSE 130 N Main St Henderson, KY 270-830-0927 RZ CAFÉ & CATERING CO. 104 N Main St Fort Branch, IN 812-615-0039 SALAD WORLD (East) 3311 N Green River Rd 812-471-5083 (Downtown) 200 Main St 812-422-0777

(North) 601 E Boonville New Harmony Rd 812-867-2741 (Newburgh) 4222 Bell Rd 812-490-6070 SARA’S HARMONY WAY 500 Church St New Harmony, IN 812-682-3611 SCHLOTZSKY’S 301 N Green River Rd 812-471-4011 SPUDZ –N– STUFF (North) 601 E Boonville New Harmony Rd 812-867-7783 3904 N First Ave 812-228-1068 (Newburgh) 4222 Bell Road 812-490-6070 ZOUP! FRESH SOUP COMPANY (East) 6240 E Virginia St 812-477-2664 (North) 4660 N First Ave 812-423-1800

CASUAL THEME ALLEGRA LOUNGE (Holiday Inn Airport) 7101 US-41 812-867-7999 ANOTHER BROKEN EGG CAFE 701 W 1st St Owensboro, KY 270-691-8960 APPLEBEE’S (East) 5100 E Morgan Ave 812-471-0942 (West) 5727 Pearl Dr 812-426-2006 (Henderson)

1950 US-41 270-826-9427 BAR LOUIE 7700 Eagle Crest Blvd 812-476-7069 BEANS & BARISTAS (Eastland Mall) 800 N Green River Rd 812-475-8566 BEEF O’BRADY’S 8177 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-490-9464 BOKEH LOUNGE 1007 Parrett St 812-909-0388 BONEFISH GRILL 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-401-3474 BRU BURGER BAR 222 Sycamore St 812-302-3005 CAMBRIDGE

GOLF COURSE 1034 Beacon Hill Dr 812-868-4653 CHEDDAR’S 2100 N Green River Rd 812-491-9976 CHILI’S 600 N Green River Rd 812-475-1510 CKB COMMONWEALTH KITCHEN & BAR 108 2nd St Henderson, KY 270-212-2133 DAPPER PIG 1112 Parrett St 812-401-3333

FOOL MOON GRILL & BAR 5625 Pearl Dr 812-467-7486

KITCHEN BUFFET THE (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4000 ext. 6059

HADI SHRINE RED FEZ 6 Walnut St 812-423-4285

KOODIE-HOO’S GRILL & BAR 231 W 2nd St Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-5202

KC’S CORNER POCKET BAR & GRILL 1819 N Fulton Ave 812-428-2255 KC'S MARINA POINTE 1801 Waterworks Rd 812- 422-0400

DOC’S NIGHTCLUB 1305 Stringtown Rd 812-401-1201

KC’S TIME OUT LOUNGE & GRILL (Washington Square Mall) 1121 Washington Square 812-437-9920

DOUBLE D’S 1206 E Main St Boonville, IN 812-897-8813

KEVIN'S BACKSTAGE BAR & GRILL 524 Main St 812-424-5020

LEGENDS SPORTS BAR & GRILL 4431 Springhill Dr, Ste E Owensboro, KY 270-240-5360 LUCKY JOE’S BAR & GRILL (Ellis Park) 3300 US-41 Henderson, KY 812-425-1456

101 W 2nd St Owensboro, KY 270-684-7800 O’BRIAN’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL 1801 N Green River Rd 812-401-4630 POPEYES 3300 N First Ave 812-423-4291 RED ROBIN GOURMET BURGERS 6636 E Lloyd Expy 812-473-4100 ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHOCOLATE FACTORY (Inside Cold Stone Creamery) 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-437-2653

MAJOR MUNCH 101 NW First St 812-437-2363

ROOFTOP THE 112 NW Martin Luther King Blvd 812-550-1599



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4706 E Morgan Ave 812-402-5122 SHOW-ME’S 1700 Morgan Center Dr 812-401-7469 TAP HOUSE (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4000 TGI FRIDAYS (Eastland Mall) 800 N Green River Rd 812-491-8443 WALTON'S INTERNATIONAL COMFORT FOOD 956 Parrett St 812-467-4255 WAYBACK BURGERS (East) 115 Cross Pointe Blvd 812-475-9272 (North) 624 E Diamond Ave 812-422-4999 ZAXBY'S 1021 N Burkhardt Rd 812-602-5515 8175 High Pointe Dr Newburgh, IN 812-490-1199 ZOUP FRESH SOUP CO. (East) 6240 E Virginia St 812-477-2664 (North) 4660 N First Ave 812-423-1800

CHINESE BIG BANG MONGOLIAN GRILL 2013 N Green River Rd 812-602-1400 CANTON INN RESTAURANT 947 North Park Dr 812-428-6611

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CHARLIE’S MONGOLIAN BBQ 315 E Diamond Ave 812-423-9897 CHINA KING 590 E Diamond Ave 812-423-1896 CHINA VILLAGE 8423 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-858-8238 CHOPSTICK HOUSE RESTAURANT 5412 E Indiana St 812-473-5551 CRAZY BUFFET 701 N Burkhardt Rd 812-437-8833 GOLDEN BUDDHA 3221 Taylor Ave 812-473-4855 5066 SR-261 Newburgh, IN 812-853-2680 GRACIE’S CHINESE CUISINE 12500 US-41, Ste 8 812-868-8888 GRAND BUFFET MONGOLIAN GRILL 1356 N Green River Rd 812-476-6666 JIMMY GAO'S SZECHWAN CHINESE RESTAURANT 669 N Green River Rd 812-479-7600 LINCOLN GARDEN 2001 Lincoln Ave 812-471-8881 MANDARIN HOUSE 1111 Barrett Blvd Henderson, KY 270-826-3001 MA T 888 China Bistro 5636 Vogel Rd

February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

812-475-2888 SHING-LEE CHINESE RESTAURANT 215 Main St 812-464-2769 TASTE OF CHINA 4579 University Dr 812-422-1260 TWO BROTHERS 3806 N First Ave 812-423-6188 WOK ‘N’ ROLL 311 S Green River Rd 812-474-0181 YEN CHING CHINESE RESTAURANT 406 S Green River Rd 812-474-0181

DESSERTS/FROZEN TREATS COLDSTONE CREAMERY (East) 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-437-2653 (West) 5435 Pearl Dr, Ste 5 812-461-0100 EMGE’S DELI & ICE CREAM 206 Main St 812-422-3026 GAYLA CAKE 422 N Main St 812-454-9791 JEANNE’S GELATO 2003 Lincoln Ave 812-479-8272 JUST RENNIE'S COOKIE COMPANY 102 SE 4th St 812-401-8098 LIC'S DELI & ICE CREAM (East) 4501 Lincoln Ave 812-477-3131 (Downtown)

11 NW 5th St 812-422-2618 (North) 800 E Diamond Ave 812-424-4862 (South) 2001 Washington Ave 812-473-0569 (West) 2311 W Virginia Ave 812-423-4173 ORANGE LEAF YOGURT 701 N Burkhardt Rd 812-401-5215 PIE PAN 905 North Park Dr 812-425-2261 PIECE OF CAKE 210 Main St 812-424-2253 SWEET BETTY’S BAKERY 5600 E Virginia St, Ste E 812-402-3889 SWEET CECE’S 5625 Pearl Dr 812-401-5232

FAMILY/ HOMESTYLE ACROPOLIS 501 N Green River Rd 812-475-9320 BOB EVANS (East) 1125 N Green River Rd 812-473-9022 (Princeton) 2825 W Broadway St 812-386-1228 BUFFALO WILD WINGS (East) 715 N Green River Rd 812-471-9464 (West) 5404 Pearl Dr 812-423-9464 (Owensboro) 4736 Frederica St 270-686-7800

BURGER BANK 1617 S Weinbach Ave 812-475-2265 CAROUSEL RESTAURANT 5115 Monroe Ave 812-479-6388 CARRIAGE INN 103 E Gibson St Haubstadt, IN 812-768-6131 CLEAVERS RESTAURANT 5501 E Indiana St 812-473-0001 COMFORT BY CROSS-EYED CRICKET 230 Main St 812-909-3742 CRACKER BARREL 8215 Eagle Lake Dr 812-479-8788 CROSS-EYED CRICKET 2101 W Lloyd Expy 812-422-6464 CULVER’S 1734 Hirschland Rd 812-437-3333 DENNY’S CLASSIC DINER 5212 Weston Rd 812-424-4472 19501 Elpers Rd Newburgh, IN 812-867-7156 DENNY’S RESTAURANT (East) 351 N Green River Rd 812-473-1063 (North) 3901 US-41 812-423-9459 ELLIS PARK CLUBHOUSE 3300 US-41 Henderson, KY 812-425-1456 FIVE GUYS BURGERS 5402 E Indiana St


812-401-1773 FRANKLIN LANES 1801 W Franklin St 812-423-5355 GATTI TOWN 316 N Green River Rd 812-473-3800 GOLDEN CORRAL 130 N Cross Pointe Blvd 812-473-1095 1320 N Green St Henderson, KY 270-869-9310 HIGHLAND INN 6620 N First Ave 812-402-2544 HILLTOP INN 1100 Harmony Way 812-422-1757 HORNVILLE TAVERN 2607 W Baseline Rd 812-963-0967 IHOP 601 N Burkhardt Rd 812-471-0510 IVY ROOM (SWIRCA) 16 W Virginia St 812-464-7800 KOODIE-HOO’S 231 W 2nd St Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-5202

Haubstadt, IN 812-867-3216 MARY & MARTHA'S PLACE 6840 Logan Dr Suite A 812-401-2660 MERRY-GO-ROUND RESTAURANT 2101 N Fares Ave 812-423-6388 NEW FRONTIER RESTAURANT & BAR 12945 IN-57 812-867-6786 O’CHARLEY’S (East) 7301 E Indiana St 812-479-6632 (West) 5125 Pearl Dr 812-424-3348 OLD MILL 5031 New Harmony Rd 812-963-6000 PIE PAN 905 North Park Dr 812-425-2261 POPEYES 3300 N First Ave 812-423-4291 RAFFERTY’S 1400 N Green River Rd 812-471-0024

KORNER INN 15 W Main St Elberfeld, IN 812-983-4200

RED WAGON 6950 Frontage Rd Poseyville, IN 812-874-2210

KT’S FIRE GRILL 7247 Main St Wadesville, IN 812-673-4996

ROCKHOUSE AT WOLF’S 31 N Green St Henderson, KY 270-212-1400

LIBBY & MOM’S CAFÉ 2 Richardt Ave 812-437-3040 LOG INN 12491 S 200 E

ROSE HILL CAFÉ 8133 Rose Hill Dr Newburgh, IN 812-853-8443

SMITTY’S ITALIAN STEAKHOUSE 2109 W Franklin St 812-423-6280 ST. JOE INN 9515 St Wendel Rd 812-963-9310 STOLL’S COUNTRY INN 19820 Castle Creek Dr 812-867-7330 ZESTO (West) 102 W Franklin St 812-424-1416 (Downtown) 920 E Riverside Dr 812-423-5961

FINE DINING CAVANAUGH’S (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4333 CKB COMMONWEALTH KITCHEN & BAR 108 N 2nd St Henderson, KY 270-212-2133 CORK ‘N CLEAVER 650 S Hebron Ave 812-479-6974 EDGEWATER GRILLE 1 E Water St Newburgh, IN 812-858-2443 MADELEINE’S FUSION RESTAURANT 423 SE 2nd St 812-491-8611 RED GERANIUM (New Harmony Inn Resort) 520 N St New Harmony, IN 812-682-4431


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GERST HAUS 2100 W Franklin St 812-424-1420

GREEK ACROPOLIS 501 N Green River Rd 812-475-9320


IRISH RI RA IRISH PUB 701 NW Riverside Dr 812-426-0000

ITALIAN ANGELO’S 305 Main St 812-428-6666 BIAGGI’S 6401 E Lloyd Expy, Ste 3 812-421-0800 DILEGGE’S 607 N Main St 812-428-3004 FAMOUS BISTRO 102 W 2nd St Owensboro, KY 270-686-8202 LITTLE ANGELO'S 8000 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-853-8364 LITTLE ITALY 4430 N First Ave 812-401-0588 MILANO ITALIAN CUISINE 500 Main St 812-484-2222

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OLIVE GARDEN 1100 N Green River Rd 812-473-2903 SAUCED ITALIAN RESTAURANT 1113 Parrett St 812- 402-2230 SMITTY’S ITALIAN STEAKHOUSE 2109 W Franklin St 812-423-6280

JAPANESE FUJI YAMA 915 North Park Dr 812-962-4440 GINMIYA ASIAN DINER 4827 Davis Lant Dr 812-471-8100 IWATAYA JAPANESE RESTAURANT 8401 N Kentucky Ave, Ste J 812-868-0830 KANPAI SUSHI & ASIAN BISTRO 4593 Washington Ave 812-471-7076 ROPPONGI JAPANESE STEAK & SUSHI 7221 E Indiana St 812-437-5824 TOKYO JAPAN 3000 N Green River Rd 812-401-1020 TOKYO TEPPANYAKI 2222 US-41 Henderson, KY 270-869-1968 ZUKI JAPANESE GRILL 1448 N Green River Rd 812-477-9854

KOREAN CUISINE 518 Main St 812-550-1171 3332 Villa Pt #102 Owensboro, KY 270-240-2976 JAYA’S AUTHENTIC FOODS 119 SE 4th St 812-422-6667

MEDITERRANEAN/ MIDDLE EASTERN ARAZU ON MAIN 415 Main St. 812-401-1768 CAFÉ ARAZU 17 W Jennings St Newburgh, IN 812-842-2200 HOUSE OF COMO 2700 S Kentucky Ave 812-422-0572 MANNA MEDITERRANEAN GRILL 2913 Lincoln Ave 812-473-7005 RAFFI'S OASIS CAFÉ 5702 E Virginia St 812-602-3660

MEXICAN CANCUN MEXICAN RESTAURANT 341 S Green St Henderson, KY 270-826-0067 CHAVAS MEXICAN GRILL 4202 N First Ave 812-401-1977


CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL 499 N Green River Rd, Ste A 812-471-4973



February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

MEXICAN RESTAURANT 720 N Sonntag Ave 812-421-1986 EL MAGUEY GRILL 3250 Warrick Dr Boonville, IN 812-897-6666 EL PATRON MEXICAN RESTAURANT 943 North Park Dr 812-402-6500 EL RIO MEXICAN CUISINE 1919 N Green River Rd 812-471-1400 FIESTA ACAPULCO 8480 High Pointe Dr Newburgh, IN 812-858-7777 HACIENDA MEXICAN RESTAURANT (East) 990 S Green River Rd 812-474-1635 (North) 711 N First Ave 812-423-6355 (West) 5440 Pearl Dr 812-422-2055 HERRADURA 4610 Bellemeade Ave 812-402-0355 HOT HEAD BURRITOS 5625 Pearl Dr 812-437-5010 JALISCO MEXICAN RESTAURANT 4044 Professional Ln Newburgh, IN 812-490-2814 LA CAMPIRANA 724 N Burkhardt Rd 812-550-1585 LOS BRAVOS (East)

6226 E Waterford Blvd 812-474-9078 (North) 3534 N First Ave 812-424-4101 (West) 4630 W Lloyd Expy 812-464-3163 (Boonville) 3311 Liberty Blvd 812-897-3442 LOS PORTALES MEXICAN GRILL 3339 N Green River Rd 812-475-0566 LOS TRES CAMINOS 12100 US-41 812-868-8550 MOE’S SOUTHWEST GRILL 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-491-6637 NACHOS GRILL 821-B S Green River Rd 812-471-9481 QDOBA MEXICAN EATS 922 N Burkhardt Rd, Ste 101 812-401-0800 RIVIERA MEXICAN GRILL 10604 SR-662 Newburgh, IN 812-490-9936 SALSARITA'S FRESH MEXICAN GRILL 3910 E Morgan Ave 812-437-2572 3500 Villa Point Owensboro, KY 270-686-7505 TACO TIERRA 420 S Green River Rd 812-402-8226 TEQUILA'S MEXICAN RESTAURANT 408 Southwind Plz

Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-2392

PIZZA/SANDWICHES ANGELO'S 305 Main St 812-428-6666 8000 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-853-8364 ARCHIE & CLYDE’S 8309 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-490-7778 AZZIP PIZZA (East) 2121 N Green River Rd 812-401-0490 (West) 5225 Pearl Dr 812-401-3572 (Newburgh) 8680 High Pointe Dr 812-518-3810 BIG M’S PIZZERIA 1313 N First Ave

812-434-6909 BOSTON’S GOURMET PIZZA 3911 Venetian Dr Newburgh, IN 47630 812-853-3400 CAROLYN'S COUNTRY PIZZARIA 6800 NS Rd 161 Tennyson, IN 812-567-4444 CICIS PIZZA 101-B N Green River Rd 812-477-2424 DAVE’S SPORTS DEN 701 N Weinbach Ave 812-479-8887 DEERHEAD SIDEWALK CAFE 222 E Columbia St 812-425-2515 DELI THE (Tropicana Evansville)

421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4000 DOMINO'S PIZZA (East) 600 N Weinbach Ave 812-473-1011 (North) 1940 N Green River Rd 812-471-8585 (South) 1300 S Green River Rd 812-477-5544 2101 S Weinbach Ave 812-473-3383 (West) 421 N St Joseph Ave 812-424-7333 FAT BOY'S PIZZA 10722 Hwy 662 Newburgh, IN 812-518-3061 FETTA SPECIALTY PIZZA & SPIRITS 118 St Ann St Owensboro, KY 270-926-0005

FIREDOME PIZZA & WINGS 2046 US-41 Henderson, KY 270-831-1977 FRANKLIN STREET PIZZA FACTORY 2033 W Franklin St 812-602-3028 GARDO’S ITALIAN OVEN 13220 Darmstadt Rd 812-868-8071 GATTITOWN 316 N Green River Rd 812-473-3800 HARMES UNA PIZZA 967 S Kentucky Ave 812-426-2600 HEADY’S PIZZA 4120 N First Ave 812-437-4343 HIGHLAND PIZZA SHOP

6669 Kratzville Rd 812-402-8900 KIPPLEE’S 2350 E Division St 812-476-1936 LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA (North) 2411 Stringtown Rd 812-401-8555 (South) 2007 Washington Ave 812-471-5755 (West) 130 N St Joseph Ave 812-401-9555 LYLE'S SPORTSZONE PIZZA & PUB 1404 E Morgan Ave 812-425-7729 MALONEY'S PIZZA & WINGS 3030 Highland Pointe Dr Owensboro, KY 270-684-8080 MAMA ROMA’S

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(East) 2008 E Morgan Ave 812-422-1212 (South) 3115 Covert Ave 812-477-6262 MELLOW MUSHROOM 101 W 2nd St Owensboro, KY 270-684-7800

(East) 1033 S Weinbach Ave 812-476-4941 (West) 220 N St Joseph Ave 812-424-7976 (Newburgh) 7777 SR-66 812-853-3368

PIZZA 101 W Broadway St Princeton, IN 812-385-2554


TURONI’S FORGET-ME-NOT INN 4 N Weinbach Ave 812-477-7500

OLD CHICAGO 6550 E Lloyd Expy 812-401-1400

ROCA BAR NORTH 12301 Hwy 41 N 812-868-8898

PANGEA KITCHEN 111 S Green River Rd, Ste E 812-401-2404

ROCA BAR SOUTH 1618 S Kentucky Ave 812-422-7782

PAPA JOHN’S (East) 303 N Weinbach Ave 812-477-7700 5436 E Indiana St 812-473-5200 (North) 4204 N First Ave 812-425-2345 12414 Hwy 41 North 812-867-7272 (West) 4814 W Lloyd Expy 812-423-7272 (Newburgh) 3955 Haley Dr 812-858-7272 PARKWAY PIZZA 3911 Broadway Ave 812-423-3339

ROCKHOUSE AT WOLF’S 31 N Green St Henderson, KY 270-212-1400 ROUNDERS PIZZA 510 W Mill Rd 812-424-4960 ROUNDERS TOO 12731 N Green River Rd 812-867-7172 SAM’S PIZZERIA 2011 W Delaware St 812-423-3160 SANDY’S PIZZA 609 S Main St Ft Branch, IN 812-759-3972

PIZZA CHEF 423 W Main St Boonville, IN 812-897-1600 4938 SR-261 Newburgh, IN 812-853-3338

SCHAUM'S PIZZERIA 240 S Green River Rd 812-402-4733

PIZZA DEPOT 2801 E BoonvilleNew Harmony Rd 812-867-9131

SPANKEY’S UNA PIZZA 4404 W Lloyd Expy 812-402-6776



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SLICE THE 2011 Lincoln Ave 812-402-8518

February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

TALK OF THE TOWN PIZZA 1200 Edgar St 812-402-8696

TURONI’S PIZZERY & BREWERY 408 N Main St 812-424-9871 TURONI’S PIZZA 8011 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-490-5555 TWISTED TOMATO PIZZA CO 2333 St George Rd 812-401-2323

PRIVATE DINING BALLROOM AT SAUCED THE 1119 Parrett St 812-402-2230 EDGEWATER LA VERANDA BANQUET ROOM 1 E Water St Newburgh, IN 812-858-2443 IVY ROOM (SWIRCA) 16 W Virginia St 812-464-7800 JUST RENNIE’S 100 SE 4th St 812-401-8098 OLD POST OFFICE 100 NW 2nd St 812-253-2102

SEAFOOD BONEFISH GRILL 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-401-3474 LURE SEAFOOD & GRILLE 401 W 2nd St Owensboro, KY 270-240-4556 MADELEINE’S FUSION RESTAURANT 423 SE 2nd St 812-491-8611 RED LOBSTER 4605 Bellemeade Ave 812-477-9227

(East) 1 N Burkhardt Rd 812-471-8403 (West) 5645 Pearl Dr 812-421-0908 LONGHORN STEAKHOUSE 320 N Green River Rd 812-473-2400 MADELEINE’S FUSION RESTAURANT 423 SE 2nd St 812-491-8611 OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE 7201 E Indiana St 812-474-0005

TIN FISH 300 W Jennings St Newburgh, IN 812-490-7000

SMITTY’S ITALIAN STEAKHOUSE 2109 W Franklin St 812-423-6280


TEXAS ROADHOUSE 7900 Eagle Crest Blvd 812-477-7427

CAVANAUGH’S (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4333 CORK ‘N CLEAVER 650 S Hebron Ave 812-479-6974 DOUBLE D’S 1206 E Main St Boonville, IN 812-897-8813 HAUB STEAKHOUSE 101 E Haub St Haubstadt, IN 812-768-6462 HORNET’S NEST 11845 Petersburg Rd 812-867-2386 HOUSE OF COMO 2700 S Kentucky Ave 812-422-0572 LOGAN’S ROADHOUSE

WESTERN RIB-EYE & RIBS 1401 N Boeke Rd 812-476-5405

THAI PANGEA KITCHEN 111 S Green River Rd, Ste E 812-401-2404 THAI PAPAYA CUISINE 1434 Tutor Ln 812-477-8424



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IN TOWN & AROUND THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 6:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Irish Session Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 7:00 PM Bar Louie -- Live Acoustics KC's Corner Pocket -- Texas Hold 'Em KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Texas Hold 'Em Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Trike Night Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Someplace Else -- Comedy Open Mic hosted by Kimberly Lynn Tropicana Evansville (421) -Roulette Ready 8:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Thursday Night Jams 9:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Traditional Irish Music w/ Jim Staley 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Fabulous Rodenberg Boys 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Tony Henning Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Sushi Roll 8:30 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Andy Brasher Band 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Live Karaoke J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ T-Rob & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Pistons Bar & Grill -- Scott Winzinger Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Tragikly White Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Factor Primo O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Blackford Creek 11:00 PM

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Tropicana Evansville (421) -- DJ C Danny Lewis 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Tova Uravich & Vincent T Debeaute SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3 1:00 PM Franklin Street -- Gumbo Cookoff 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Mike Mitchell 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 6:30 PM Ford Center -- Avenged Sevenfold: The Stage World Tour 7:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Sushi Roll 8:30 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke w/ Mitchell Dupree 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Live Entertainment J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ T-Rob & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Pistons Bar & Grill -- Bombshell: The Rock Show! Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Dom Wier 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Tragikly White Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Goose O'Brian's Sports Bar -- DJ 3lectro Angel 11:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- DJ C Danny Lewis 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Vincent T Debeaute SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Carson's Brewery -- Super Bowl Viewing Leroy's Tavern -- Super Bowl Party Lyle's Sports Zone -- Super Bowl Party Rick's Sports Bar -- Super Bowl Party Sportsmans Grille & Billiards -Super Bowl Party 10:00 AM Old National Events Plaza --

February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

SuperBride Sunday 2:00 PM Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Super Bowl Party w/ Flick Football Contest 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / Cornhole Tropicana Evansville (421) -Likewise 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 9:30 PM Someplace Else -- Social Drag Sunday! MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5 O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Trivia Franklin Street Tavern -- Pub Poll Tropicana Evansville (421) -Likewise 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: David Weddle 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 6:30 PM Carson's Brewery -- Game Night Victory Theatre -- In This Moment 7:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Trivia Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Karaoke O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Open Dart Tourney Tropicana Evansville (421) -Likewise 8:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Pub Quiz 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / College Night Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 KC's Corner Pocket -- Free Pool

O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 6:30 PM Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Josh Merritt 7:00 PM Ford Center -- UE Men's Basketball KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -- Bar Trivia Tropicana Evansville (421) -Likewise 8:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 9:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ T-Rob & Karaoke KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Gerst Haus -- Mardi Gras Celebration KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Mardi Gras Madness! Stockwell Inn -- Mardi Gras Celebration 6:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Irish Session Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:15 PM Ford Center -- Evansville Thunderbolts Hockey 7:00 PM Bar Louie -- Live Acoustics KC's Corner Pocket -- Texas Hold 'Em KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Texas Hold 'Em Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Trike Night Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Someplace Else -- Comedy Open Mic hosted by Kimberly Lynn Tropicana Evansville (421) -Likewise 7:30 PM Old National Events Plaza -- Scotty McCreery Victory Theatre -- Here Come the Mummies 8:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Thursday Night Jams

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9:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9 Gerst Haus -- Mardi Gras Celebration KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Mardi Gras Madness! Stockwell Inn -- Mardi Gras Celebration 4:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Traditional Irish Music w/ Jim Staley 5:00 PM Franklin Street -- Franklin Mardi Gras Crawl 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Mad Women 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Rob Caudill's Tribute to Rod Stewart Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 7:15 PM Ford Center -- Evansville Thunderbolts Hockey 8:00 PM Someplace Else -- Leather & Lace King Night 8:30 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Gravel Engine 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Live Karaoke J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ T-Rob & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Pistons Bar & Grill -- Nick Gregory Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams 10:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- Bombshell: The Rock Show! KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Tailgate Revival w/ Adairs Run (from Nashville) Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Team Skelton's Montourage O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Cynthia Murray Trio 11:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- DJ Mayo 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Tassandra Crush, Chelsey Nicole Stevens & Lorenzo Luckardo SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Gerst Haus -- Mardi Gras Celebration KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Mardi Gras Madness! Stockwell Inn -- Mardi Gras

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February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

Celebration 11:00 AM Buds Harley-Davidson-East -- Chili Cook-Off 4:00 PM Franklin Street -- Mardi Gras Grand Parade 5:00 PM Franklin Street -- Franklin Mardi Gras Crawl 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: JC Stone 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Rob Caudill's Tribute to Rod Stewart Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Corey Evitts Old National Events Plaza -- The Really Big Show Victory Theatre -- EPO presents: Sinatra & Beyond 8:30 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Muddy Gutt 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Live Entertainment J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ T-Rob & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Pistons Bar & Grill -- Love Junkies Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Dave Austin Band 10:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- Bombshell: The Rock Show! KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Match City Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Hyryder (Tribute to The Grateful Dead) O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Torpedo Vegas 11:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- DJ Mayo 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Tassandra Crush, Chelsey Nicole Stevens & Lorenzo Luckardo SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Gerst Haus -- Mardi Gras Celebration KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Mardi Gras Madness! Stockwell Inn -- Mardi Gras Celebration 2:00 PM Victory Theatre -- EPO presents: Sinatra & Beyond 5:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Songhouse: Stephen Horning 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's


Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / Cornhole Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Top Tier Trio 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 9:30 PM Someplace Else -- Social Drag Sunday! MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Gerst Haus -- Mardi Gras Celebration KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Mardi Gras Madness! O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts Stockwell Inn -- Mardi Gras Celebration 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Trivia Franklin Street Tavern -- Pub Poll Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Top Tier Trio 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Gerst Haus -- Mardi Gras Celebration KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Mardi Gras Madness! Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -- Mardi Gras Shrimp Boil Stockwell Inn -- Mardi Gras Celebration 6:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Honey Roy (Fat Tuesday) Lyle's Sports Zone -- Fat Tuesday Mask Party Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 6:30 PM Carson's Brewery -- Game Night 7:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Trivia Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Karaoke O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Open Dart Tourney Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Top Tier Trio 7:30 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- All Keyed Up Dueling Pianos 8:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Pub Quiz 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / College Night Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 KC's Corner Pocket -- Free Pool

O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts 6:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- 2nd Annual Stoopid Cupid Party w/ Bruce Li Food Truck Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -- Bar Trivia Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Top Tier Trio 8:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 9:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ T-Rob & Karaoke KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15 6:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Irish Session Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM Bar Louie -- Live Acoustics Ford Center -- Winter Jam 2018 KC's Corner Pocket -- Texas Hold 'Em KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Texas Hold 'Em Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Trike Night Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Someplace Else -- Comedy Open Mic hosted by Kimberly Lynn Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Top Tier Trio 8:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Thursday Night Jams 9:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 9:30 PM Someplace Else -- Thirsty Thursday FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16 4:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Traditional Irish Music w/ Jim Staley 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Fabulous Rodenberg Boys 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 6:30 PM

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Carson's Brewery -- Namaste for the Brews 7:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -DRZHIVEGAS 7:15 PM Ford Center -- Evansville Thunderbolts Hockey 7:30 PM Victory Theatre -- Big Bad Voodoo Daddy 8:00 PM Pat Coslett's Simplicity Furniture -Comedian/Musician Heywood Banks 8:30 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Descent 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Live Karaoke J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ T-Rob & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Pistons Bar & Grill -- Nutshell Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Live Music TBA Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Rumpke Mountain Boys O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Josh Merritt 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Patience Eau Claire & Courtney O'Lynne SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 5:00 PM Victory Theatre -- Bill Engvall 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Nick & Dennis 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 7:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -DRZHIVEGAS 7:30 PM Ford Center -- Luke Bryan "What Makes You Country Tour" 8:00 PM Victory Theatre -- Bill Engvall 8:30 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Dirt Roads & Denim 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Live Entertainment J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ T-Rob & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Pistons Bar & Grill -- DJ Electro Angel

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February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Angel Rhodes 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Radio Tokyo Lamasco Bar & Grill -- The Cold Stares w/ Otis O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Deadly Serious Party 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Patience Eau Claire & Courtney O'Lynne SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Rick's Sports Bar -- Daytona 500 Party 3:00 PM Ford Center -- UE Men's Basketball 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / Cornhole Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Sally & Wild Cards 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 9:30 PM Someplace Else -- Social Drag Sunday! MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19 O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Trivia Franklin Street Tavern -- Pub Poll Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Sally & Wild Cards 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Lindsey Williams 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:30 PM Carson's Brewery -- Game Night 7:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Trivia Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Karaoke O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Open Dart Tourney Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Sally & Wild Cards 8:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Pub Quiz 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill --

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Karaoke & DJ / College Night Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 KC's Corner Pocket -- Free Pool O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts 9:15 AM Old National Events Plaza -- Nugget & Fang 12:00 PM Old National Events Plaza -- Nugget & Fang 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 6:30 PM Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Cynthia Murray 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -- Bar Trivia Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Wild Cards 8:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 9:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ T-Rob & Karaoke KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22 6:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Irish Session Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM Bar Louie -- Live Acoustics KC's Corner Pocket -- Texas Hold 'Em KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Texas Hold 'Em Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Trike Night Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Someplace Else -- Comedy Open Mic hosted by Kimberly Lynn Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Wild Cards 8:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Thursday Night Jams 9:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23 4:00 PM

Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Traditional Irish Music w/ Jim Staley 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Dog Town Three 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Angel Rhodes Old National Events Plaza -- Rodney Carrington Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Queens Blvd 7:15 PM Ford Center -- Evansville Thunderbolts Hockey 8:30 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Glastone 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Live Karaoke J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ T-Rob & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Pistons Bar & Grill -- Mike Mitchell Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Adairs Run (from Nashville) & Sean Stemaly Lamasco Bar & Grill -- The Southern Belles w/ Captain Midnight Band O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Dr. Moody 11:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- DJ JJ 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Chelsey Nicole Stevens & Lorenzo Luckardo SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Buds Harley-Davidson-East -- Cold Weather Ride 11:00 AM Someplace Else -- Leather & Lace Brunch 1:00 PM Ford Center -- UE Men's Basketball 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Sassafras 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- D.K. Wells Old National Events Plaza -- Jim Gaffigan "The Fixer Upper Tour" Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Queens Blvd Victory Theatre -- EPO presents: Bach, Beethoven & Brahms

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8:30 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Shannon Lawson 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Live Entertainment J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ T-Rob & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Pistons Bar & Grill -- Live Music TLC Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Dave Austin Band 9:30 PM Old National Events Plaza -- Jim Gaffigan "The Fixer Upper Tour" 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Fortag Lamasco Bar & Grill -- JEB O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Muddy Gutt 11:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- DJ JJ 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Selma Souls Bday Bash w/ Chelsey Nicole Stevens, Lorenzo Luckardo & Sierra D'Leight SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25 5:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Songhouse: Paul Wiemeier 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / Cornhole Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Ben & Chuck 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 9:30 PM Someplace Else -- Social Drag Sunday! MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26 O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Trivia Franklin Street Tavern -- Pub Poll Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Ben & Chuck 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Corduroy Orbison

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February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

6:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- BRC Release Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Trivia Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Karaoke O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Open Dart Tourney Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Ben & Chuck 8:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Pub Quiz 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / College Night Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 KC's Corner Pocket -- Free Pool O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts 1:00 PM Ford Center -- OVC Men's & Women's Basketball Championships 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 6:30 PM Ford Center -- OVC Men's & Women's Basketball Championships 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -- Bar Trivia 8:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 9:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ T-Rob & Karaoke KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke

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BULLITT COUNTY Mr. Pictures Film

Regionally shot action/thriller receiving Evansville premiere at Showplace Newburgh on February 11


ilmmakers David McCracken and Josh Riedford first met as students at Memorial High School, eventually making their way out of dodge to the bright lights of the big city - LA for the former and Boston for the latter. Near the beginning of 2015, the two former Tigers had a mutual epiphany. Tired of working full-time jobs, beholden to The Man, as it were, they decided to become their own bosses and start a production company called Mr. Pictures. The first

major project: Bullitt County, an action/ thriller written by McCracken - who's studied film & TV at USC - and set in the 1970s on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. "We worked on it all through 2015 to get it to a point where we really liked it," Riedford explains. "We pulled in a few people on board; we had the lead actor in mind and cinematographer." By 2016, the funding was in place and the cast and crew - which included well-respected character actor Richard Riehle (Office Space, Casino) - were flown into Evansville to begin the filming process. Ultimately, the majority of scenes were shot in New Harmony, Huntingburg and Boonville along with a few scenes in Evansville and Henderson. In addition to Richard Riehle, Bullitt County features Mike Nelson, a veteran of small sitcom roles and commercials. He's a longtime friend of McCracken and Riedford who's never quite gotten that elusive big break; however, that may soon change. "We're trying to use this film as our bounce board into getting into the

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bigger leagues, so we're kind of hoping to bring him up with us," Riedford says. After shooting was completed in the fall of 2016, the project shifted back to LA for post-production with most of 2017 spent shaping the film into something special. From the writing to the acting to the cinematography, Bullitt County is a highly professional venture on every level as the trailers available on Vimeo make very clear. The film made its world premiere back in October at the Austin Film Festival and will come to Showplace Newburgh on February 11 for an exclusive screening - a great opportunity for the tri-state to see and support the finished product before McCracken and Riedford hit the festival circuit in the spring and then prep for either a broader theatrical run or a deal to distribute the film on Amazon, iTunes and other major sites. Even with all this activity, another project for Mr. Pictures is already in the works - a "sci-fi dramedy" based on a script that McCracken wrote several years ago. Riedford is tight-lipped on the details at this point but clearly excited about the follow-up to their first feature film especially the opportunity to work with more high profile, talented actors like Riehle. "It was so great to hear his stories because he has done an insane amount of things. But he's also down to earth and just one of the sweetest men I've ever worked with." Showplace Newburgh is located at 8099 Bell Oaks Dr. For more info, visit mrpicturesfilm.com

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Director and cast of top 10 selling horror ďŹ lm coming to Evansville for DVD autograph signing at Barnes & Noble on February 10 Several years back, News 4U was invited up north to Vincennes for an initial screening of a gripping found footage horror film shot entirely in southeastern Illinois. Featuring a primarily local cast, Unlisted Owner directed by Jed Brian for Lawford County Productions - played to a packed house of friends, family and entertainment people like us with a "comments & suggestions" session immediately following the viewing. We published an article about the film not long after - the first real bit of press by all accounts. And then life carried on as it tends to do. In fact, that was the last News 4U heard about Unlisted Owner for quite some time. But behind the scenes, Brian was busy tweaking it and shaping it into an eventual top 10 seller on Amazon. You read that right. Since being released on DVD four months ago, the film has been battling it out with the likes of It, American Horror Story SSN 6, Happy Death Day, Jeepers Creepers 3 and other big budget scarefests, reaching a peak of #9. "It is so amazing to see Unlisted Owner do so well competing against such well known new releases as an indie horror film," Brian says. Amazing, indeed. And now you have the opportunity to meet the director and cast during a special DVD autograph session at Barnes & Noble on February 10 from 1-2:30 p.m. Buy the film and find out firsthand how they turned Unlisted Owner into a top 10 seller.

SYNOPSIS: "In Unlisted Owner we find our group of six friends - played by Gavin Groves, Haidee Corona, Tyler Landers, Jed Brian, Andrea Potts, and Griffin Groves - hear of a family of five murdered in a house close to where they will be camping for the night. Deciding to return to investigate would be the worst mistake of their fun filled night." Going forward, Brian hopes to build off this unexpected but welcome success and develop more hair-raising projects for Lawford County Productions. Hopefully, his efforts will not only draw more attention to the creative activity going on in the tri-state but also inspire other area filmmakers in the process. Unlisted Owner is released by Tomcat Films/ Summerhill Films.

Photo Credit: Tanner Hoke

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Barnes & Noble is located at 624 S. Green River Rd. in Evansville. For more info, visit lawfordcountyproductions.com

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FEBRUARY ARTS & ACTIVITIES Join the fun with all of these great music and art activities around the Tri-State. FEB 2: EVANSVILLE RIVER CITY BOP CLUB DANCE

Join the Evansville River City Bop Club every first Friday of the month for some swing dancing. The club does it all - East Coast swing, West Coast swing, Cha Cha, line dances, and waltzes. For more info, visit ercbopclub.com Fraternal Order of Eagles: 6000 Old Boonville Hwy., Evansville, IN / 7pm


Avenged Sevenfold became one of the world’s biggest rock bands by creating a sound that broke through obstacles of language, distance and culture. They raised the stakes and standards for the genre with a string of blockbuster albums, including their 2005 platinum-selling breakthrough, City Of Evil, 2007’s platinum-selling Avenged Sevenfold and two consecutive No. 1’s on Billboard’s Top 200 Albums chart: 2010’s Nightmare and 2013’s Hail To The King. With special guests Breaking Benjamin and Bullet for My Valentine. For tickets and more info, visit fordcenter.com Ford Center: 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd., Evansville, IN / 6:30pm


For the second installment of the “On-Stage” series, 20 musicians will play a tribute to the music of Duke Ellington. For more info, visit haaa.org Preston Arts Center: 2660 S. Green St., Henderson, KY / 7pm


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Enjoy this special performance by the Evansville Philharmonic Chorus at St. John's Catholic Church. General admission is $15. For more info, visit evansvillephilharmonic.org or call 812-425-5050. St. John's Catholic Church: 625 Frame Rd., Newburgh, IN / 7:30pm


Here Come the Mummies is an eight-piece funk-rock band of 5000 year-old Egyptian Mummies with a one-track mind. Their "Terrifying Funk from Beyond the Grave" is sure to get you into them (and possibly vice versa). Since their discovery, HCTM has opened for P-Funk, Al Green, and Cheap Trick; rocked Super Bowl Village; become a regular on The Bob and Tom Show; played massive festivals like Summer Camp, Common Ground, Voodoo Fest, Musikfest, Summerfest, and Riverbend. Plus, they've sold tickets by the thousands across large swaths of North America. For tickets and more info, visit victorytheatre.com Victory Theatre: 600 Main St., Evansville, IN / 7:30pm


Scotty McCreery burst onto the national music scene in 2011 at age 17, quickly establishing himself as one of country music’s hottest new stars. After winning Season Ten of American Idol and capturing the hearts of millions of television viewers nationwide, McCreery released his debut album, which was the best-selling solo album released by a country artist in 2011. Indeed, his deep voice and irresistible sound create the perfect blend of contemporary and traditional country. With more than 300 live shows under his belt across the U.S., Canada, the Philippines and the

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Caribbean, McCreery has quickly become a crowd favorite appealing to all ages. For tickets and more info, visit oldnationaleventsplaza. com Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St., Evansville, IN / 7:30pm


The Really Big Show is a community variety show that brings together some of the tristate’s best musicians, dancers, comedians and entertainers to benefit The Arc of Evansville, an organization that has been a unique and dynamic asset to the community since 1954 by providing opportunities for development, employment, and independence for individuals with disabilities. For tickets and more info, visit oldnationaleventsplaza.com Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St., Evansville, IN / 7pm


Singer, songwriter and pianist Tony DeSare gives the classic hits a modern flair. Named a Rising Star Vocalist in Downbeat magazine, DeSare has lived up to this distinction by winning critical and popular acclaim for his three Billboard Top 10 Jazz albums and a host of national appearances from symphony orchestras and jazz clubs to Las Vegas headlining with Don Rickles. You won't want to miss this swingin' concert featuring hits such as "Night & Day," "Moon River," "My Way," "Luck Be a Lady," "One for My Baby" and more! For tickets and more info, visit victorytheatre.com or evansvillephilharmonic.org or call 812-4255050. Victory Theatre: 600 Main St., Evansville, IN / 2/10 (7pm); 2/11 (2pm)



GRAMMY-nominated Skillet will headline the Winter Jam 2018 Tour Spectacular. Among the biggest annual tours in the world, Winter Jam is once again set to showcase a lineup of some of the best and brightest names in Christian music. For tickets and more info, visit fordcenter.com Ford Center: 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd., Evansville, IN / 7pm


A financially and morally bankrupt family hires a hit man to kill the family matriarch in order to collect the insurance money in this darkly disturbing, dramatic comedy by Tracy Letts. Directed by Jacob Bilinski. For tickets and more info, visit evansvillecivictheatre.org Evansville Civic Theatre: 717 N. Fulton Ave., Evansville, IN


Experience this rare opportunity to see CMA and GRAMMY award-winning country artist Travis Tritt in an intimate solo-acoustic setting where his powerful voice and his guitar are the subject of the spotlight. It's an up-close and personal event punctuated by personal stories and anecdotes about his life and musical influences. For tickets and more info, visit owensborocenter.com Owensboro Convention Center: 501 W. 2nd St., Owensboro, KY / 8pm


Early on, during their legendary residency at the Derby nightclub in Los Angeles, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy reminded the world - in the midst of the grunge era no less - that it was still cool to swing. The band, cofounded by singer Scotty Morris and drummer Kurt Sodergren, was at the forefront of the swing revival of that time, blending a vibrant fusion of the classic American sounds of jazz, swing, and Dixieland, with the energy and spirit of contemporary culture. For tickets and more info, visit victorytheatre.com Victory Theatre: 600 Main St., Evansville, IN /



Newburgh Community Theater presents "Four Weddings and an Elvis" by Nancy Frick, a romantic comedy set in a Las Vegas wedding chapel. Enjoy a fun evening of light dinner and entertainment. For tickets and more info, visit newburghcommunitytheater.org Preservation Hall: 200 State St., Newburgh, IN


Bill Engvall is a GRAMMY-nominated, multiplatinum-selling recording artist and one of the top comedians in the country. Most recently, he was a contestant on season 17 of ABC’s Dancing with the Stars, and as a fan favorite, he made it to the finals. Earlier this year, Bill lent his voice to the animated comedy series Bounty Hunters, which aired on CMT. He previously starred in, and executive produced, the TBS sitcom The Bill Engvall Show. Bill was part of the enormously successful Blue Collar Comedy concert films, which sold over 9 million units and received a GRAMMY nomination. For tickets and more info, visit victorytheatre.com Victory Theatre: 600 Main St., Evansville, IN / 5 & 8pm


Country music superstar Luke Bryan is a two-time Academy of Country Music and Country Music Association Entertainer of the Year, a five-time host of the ACM Awards and the 2017 Super Bowl LI national anthem performer. He has sold over 10 million albums and had 18 career No. 1 singles and has headlined arena tours and sold-out stadiums across the U.S. performing for more than 5.6 million fans in the last three years alone. For tickets and more info, visit fordcenter.com Ford Center: 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd., Evansville, IN / 7:30pm


Characterized by the Philadelphia Inquirer as a “poet…[with] an expressive edge to his playing that charms, questions, and coaxes,”20-year-old American pianist Daniel

Hsu captured the bronze medal and prizes for best performance of both the commissioned work and chamber music at the Fifteenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in June 2017. For tickets and more info, visit underthebeams.org Murphy Auditorium: 419 Tavern St., New Harmony, IN / 7:30pm


Rodney Carrington has been making audiences laugh for almost twenty years with his unique brand of stand-up comedy. The country singer-songwriter has recorded eight major label comedy albums which have sold more than two million copies - two of which have been certified Gold. His most recent special, Laughter’s Good, is now available on Netflix. For tickets and more info, visit oldnationaleventsplaza.com Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St., Evansville, IN / 7pm


Jim Gaffigan is a GRAMMY-nominated comedian, actor, New York Times bestselling author, top touring performer, and multi-platinum-selling father of five. Gaffigan is known around the world for his unique brand of humor which largely revolves around fatherhood and his observations on life and food. For tickets and more info, visit oldnationaleventsplaza.com Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St., Evansville, IN / 7 & 9:30pm


An evening of music by The Three B's! The program begins with Brahms' sublime Variations on a Theme of Haydn. Trumpeter Mary Elizabeth Bowden joins EPO principal players for J.S. Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 and Beethoven's wildly energetic and dancelike Symphony No. 7 is one of the Viennese master's most powerful works. For tickets and more info, visit victorytheatre.com, evansvillephilharmonic.org or call 812-4255050. Victory Theatre: 600 Main St., Evansville, IN / 7pm

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Regionally shot action/thriller receiving Evansville premiere at Showplace Newburgh on February 11


The Arc of Evansville's annual fundraiser is chock full of tri-state talent Back once again by popular demand, The Really Big Show is a tri-state tradition showcasing some of the area's most talented performers - from dancers to singers and everything in between - along with appearances by local personalities from radio, TV and more. And it's all overseen by the Honorable Mayor Lloyd Winnecke. Hosted by the dynamic of duo of 14News Chief Meteorologist Jeff Lyons and co-writer Marc Scott - an ace comedy team - The Really Big Show benefits The Arc of Evansville, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing children and adults with disabilities opportunities to achieve their full potential. Net proceeds from 2017 were over $90,000 - an impressive feat for a community variety show that is written, created and produced by a nearly all-volunteer cast and crew. We caught up with co-writer Marc Scott for a quick chat as final preparations were being made for the big night. How did you and Jeff initially connect? I started working at WFIE 14 right after my wife and I moved to Evansville around 1995 and eventually became the director for the 6 p.m. newscast. Over the course of my 10 years there I became good friends with Jeff. It didn’t hurt that we were trapped in a building together for 12 hours a day, but as Jeff has told me many times, “If I were 10 years younger we would have been great friends in high school or college.” The 10 years, of course, is the part that I never let him forget. (Sorry, Jeff - just had to get that dig in there

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again) All jokes aside, Jeff is a really great guy. We continued to have lunches together over the years after I left the station to become a stay-athome dad. And about five years ago he asked me if I would be interested in helping him punch up some old stale jokes for The Really Big Show. It sounded like a hoot so here we are five years later with well polished, old stale jokes. What does working with Arc mean to you? Other than getting to hang out more with my friend Jeff, the easiest part about this whole endeavor is working with The Arc and the people that work there. Having attended the show over the years, I had a bit of knowledge about The Arc and the services that they provided but I had no idea about the scope of those services and just how important they are to our community. From the NAEYC accredited Child Life Center for children with and without disabilities to the services that they provide for the adult clients with disabilities, a few words in an article just can’t do it justice. "Achieve With Us” is more than just a clever tag line used to promote an origination. It truly is their mission to help people achieve their dreams and goals in a caring and supportive environment.

February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com


Any famous last words? Come on down to The Really Big Show at the Old National Events Plaza and be entertained by great acts from all over the tristate and to support an incredible cause. As an added bonus, you'll get to see two grown men, only separated by 10 years, (Sorry, Jeff - couldn’t help but slip that in again) covered in flop sweat and having a mild panic attack all for your entertainment! This year we promise 100% all new old stale jokes!

2018 PERFORMERS Honey Roy Band

Fabulous Five

Ladies in Pink

Gina Moore w/

Camo Dancer Acapella

Bittner Academy's Rowdy Ropers The Arc of

Evansville's Really Little Dancers

Rachael Goldman Eclipse

Hoops of a Feather AM Bruno

Heartlines from Achieve Academy of Dance

Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children age 12 & under. VIP ticket packages, which include prime seating to the show and admission to the Curtain Call Reception following the show (including hors d'oeuvres, beer, wine, desserts, music and silent auction) are $100 each and may be purchased by calling The Arc of Evansville at 812-428-4500, ext. 309 or can be purchased online at arcofevansville. org. The Old National Events Plaza is located at 715 Locust St. in downtown Evansville.

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FEBRUARY COMMUNITY & FAMILY Get involved and have some fun with these great community activities around the Tri-State.


The region’s largest hunting, fishing and boat show, the Kentucky Sportsman's Show returns and will again showcase exhibitors, demonstrations, seminars and interactive activities across a broad spectrum of industries including hunting, fishing, boating, archery, scuba, ATV, RV, camping, and more. Also included is outdoor apparel, equipment, guns, knives and more. For more info, visit owensborocenter.com Owensboro Convention Center: 501 W. 2nd St., Owensboro, KY


The second annual Play for Kate Basketball Tournament in memory of Kate Bruggenschmidt is open for girls in third through eighth grades. Games will be played at Castle North Middle School and Castle South Middle School. All referees are sanctioned. For more info, visit playforkate.com Castle Middle Schools: Newburgh, IN


Sample the flavors of New Orleans and the rituals of Mardi Gras with the Franklin Street Events Association’s fifth annual Gumbo Cook Off. For more info, visit Franklin Street Events Association on Facebook. West Franklin Street: Evansville, IN


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Join Keep Evansville Beautiful and other community members to clean up the city. For two hours in the morning, participants dedicate themselves to cleaning up litter in a designated area of town. For more info, visit keepevansvillebeautiful.org or call 812-425-4461.

Newburgh OR you can pre-register online at superbridesunday.com/pre-register/ OR you can register at the door. For more info, visit oldnationaleventsplaza.com


The Franklin Street Events Association is proud to announce our very 1st Wedding Expo! Approx 20 small businesses from Franklin St. will be on site to help you with your wedding planning needs! FREE to attend. For more info, visit Franklin Street Events Association on Facebook.

Garvin Park: Evansville, IN

This sweet night of giving features 10 local chocolatiers who will bring their best chocolate desserts, free champagne, and live music. All proceeds go to Lampion Center’s counseling programs. For more info, visit lampioncenter.com or call 812-471-1776. St. Vincent Manor: 3700 Washington Ave., Evansville, IN / 7pm


The inaugural Super 6K (3.7 miles), will take place during Super Bowl weekend and will start and finish by the fountain in Garvin Park. For more info, email tristatefit@gmail.com Garvin Park: Evansville, IN / 2pm


SuperBride Sunday is a totally unique bridal event experience designed with the bride and vendor in mind. SuperBride Sunday brings weddings to life and allows vendors to show off what they do while brides take the entire experience in. There are two ways to register for SuperBride Sunday Evansville. You can register ahead of time to be a VIP Bride at Ella Park Bridal in

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Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St., Evansville, IN / 10am-3pm


Tin Man Brewing Company: 1430 W. Franklin St., Evansville, IN / 11am-3pm


Support Pulmonary Fibrosis Partners in their mission during an evening of bourbon pairing by Tom Fischer and bowties and accessories by Joy O'Connor with Dapper Dudes Designs. For more info, visit pulmonaryfibrosispartners.org Sauced: 1113 Parrett St., Evansville, IN


Escape the cold and journey to South America. Be the first to stroll through Orchid Escape, a tropical jungle filled with blooming orchids, waterfalls, and exotic animals. Enjoy the tastes of South American fare, art demonstrations, and docents sharing interesting tidbits about the zoo’s plants and animals. For more info, visit



Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden: 1545 Mesker Park Dr., Evansville, IN


The ninth annual Hearts on Fire 5K will take place on the USI campus. The event will feature an athlete division run/walk followed by a Cupid Fun Run for kids. For more info, visit usi.edu/running/5k-heartson-fire USI Campus: 8600 University Blvd., Evansville, IN / 9am


Although the official date of Mardi Gras isn’t until Feb. 28, you can join in on the fun with Franklin Street Events Association for their fifth annual Mardi Gras event. For more info, visit Franklin Street Events Association on Facebook. West Franklin Street: Evansville, IN / 4pm


Hearts for Hounds will be hosting a night of Carnivale in Venice, Italy-style with Italian-themed food. Local artists will be painting masquerade masks that will be auctioned off to benefit PC Pound Puppies. For more info, visit pcpoundpuppies.webs. com Evansville Country Club: 3810 Stringtown Rd., Evansville, IN / 5:30pm


The Really Big Show is a community variety show featuring comedy, music and dance performed by local residents to benefit The Arc of Evansville, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing children and adults with disabilities opportunities to achieve their full potential. The show is written, created and produced by a nearly all-volunteer cast and crew. For more info, visit arcofevansville.org or oldnationaleventsplaza.com Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St., Evansville, IN / 7pm



Experience foreign lands without ever leaving the city. USI international students prepare traditional foods, and Carter Hall is covered with decorations from around the world. Students also perform traditional dances, songs, and games. For more info, visit usi.edu Carter Hall, USI Campus: 8600 University Blvd., Evansville, IN / 10:30am


The Friday Night Dance Club is hosting "A Night of Trivia!" Prizes will be given to the top three teams. A cash bar will also be available, with a silent auction throughout the evening. Registration is $35 per individual or $280 for a table of eight. For more info, visit Friday Night Dance Club on Facebook. Hadi Shrine Temple Ballroom: 6 Walnut St., Evansville, IN / 6pm


Posey Humane Society's annual fundraiser is a very cool and dapper affair, indeed. The Silent Auction will begin at 6pm with heavy hor d’oeuvres provided by Denise Rapp’s The Moveable Feast. The Live Auction will begin at 7pm with auctioneer John Pate. Auction items include Daniel Knight of Studio B Portrait Packages, Brinker’s Jewelers Pearl Necklace, Handmade Quilts, Breeze Sobek Pottery, Small Animal Bed, Rolling Hills Country Club Golf Package, Red Geranium Weekend Package, Artist Cedric Hustace Print, DoubleTree-Evansville by Hilton Weekend Package, Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra Subscription Tickets, Mayor for a Day, Gift Baskets, Gift Certificates and Gift Cards plus much more. Tickets are available in advance for $20 at IGA, Hawthorne Animal Clinic, United Bank, or from any committee member. The price is $25 at the door the night of the event, if still available. For more info or to reserve a table please contact Jody Pfister at 812480-1802 or email pfisterjw@gmail.com or poseyhumane@hotmail.com Mt. Vernon Elks Club / 6-9pm

FEB 22: OWENSBORO'S NIGHT OF PRAISE Owensboro's Night of Praise is a praise and worship event led by a communitywide mass choir and orchestra from local churches. For more info, visit Owensboro Night of Praise on Facebook. RiverPark Center: 101 Daviess St., Owensboro, KY / 6pm


Guests will enjoy lunch and spring fashions from Wildflower Boutique and also will receive artwork by the children in Patchwork Central’s Arts & Smarts afterschool program. The event will feature silent and live auctions and support Patchwork’s programming. For more info, visit patchwork.org Patchwork Central: 100 Washington Ave., Evansville, IN / 12pm


Marketing and business professionals are invited to attend a dinner, ceremony, and reception for the Annual American Advertising Awards. For more info, visit aafevv.com Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St., Evansville, IN / 6pm


This family friendly comedic variety show is offered by the choir school of First Presbyterian Church as a fundraiser for music camp scholarships. For more info, visit firstpresevansville.com First Presbyterian Church: 609 S.E. Second St., Evansville, IN / 4pm


Honoring women leaders, the Southwest Indiana Chamber hosts this annual luncheon to celebrate women in the community. For more info, visit oldnationaleventsplaza.com Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St., Evansville, IN / 11:30am

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Tell us how/why you decided to start Mortgage Masters of Indiana? I had been in the mortgage industry for a number of years in Bloomington, IN (my hometown) including working for a local title company and for a national lender as an originator. I loved the origination business and felt like my customer service oriented skills and desire to help people with a need perfectly aligned with the origination components of the industry. When I moved to Evansville, the natural fit was for me to continue in the origination business and I took a position with a local depository institution as a loan originator. It became clear early on that this loan originator position was not what I had grown accustomed to and was not going to be a fit for my personality. I remember being told "we can't do that loan" on the first day. It was a good loan, but in my business we are always limited by the different interpretation of guidelines. I am a person who stands in every corner, just making sure I don't miss some piece of the puzzle. I try to say "not now" instead of saying "no." I was at a crossroads and really had to make a quick decision as to what I was going to do. After some thought and a little sense of anxiety I jumped in to starting my own origination company, Mortgage Masters of Indiana, Inc. Have you gotten any accolades or awards from your industry? I have been recognized nationally as a Women's Leader of the Mortgage Industry and was very honored to have received that recognition. The most cherished part of the award is that I was nominated by my

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employees and I had no idea they had done so. It sounds clichéd to say so, but the 'accolades' we strive for most are the compliments from our customers and referral sources. We receive glowing and positive feedback on literally a daily basis and when you read some of our Zillow (and other social media sources) reviews it is so incredibly affirming to know that our efforts towards helping people in what can be a stressful and challenging situation are so appreciative of those efforts and it is actually humbling to hear from them how we have helped them. It is not uncommon for them to have tears in their eyes and to give us a gift of appreciation. These moments are very rewarding, and when those accolades come in it just underscores how happy I am that I made that decision nearly 20 years ago. What are some reasons our readers should choose Mortgage Masters for their home loan? Well, we certainly offer great rates, great products, competitive costs and compete with any lender in the area to give borrowers what it is they need from a mortgage bank. Additionally, as we are a local provider we are incredibly accessible and we perform all of our functions here locally under my direction. It is important to me that our customers understand that feature and how much of a difference it can make to be able to walk in our Evansville or Bloomington offices and talk face to face with who it is that is helping them work thru the process. We have combined that high

February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

touch feel with technology to offer the best of both worlds for our customers and referral sources. But, ultimately it boils down to our employees. Each one of us is driven to make the mortgage experience a positive one. We have salvaged situations that other lenders have not been able to figure out and that is because we are so dedicated to figuring out any situation that can be figured out. Our sole point of being in business is to serve others and our employees have taken that on as their mantra each day and I can confidently say we have contributed immensely to this area and helped tens of thousands of people. It doesn't get any better than that. For more info, visit mortgagemastersofindiana.com


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fter nearly 44 years of serving the tri-state, Harp's Exotic Fish & Pets closed shop last spring. The following day, renovations on the building were underway for a brand new business. After four months of hard work, on

September 1, 2017, Pat Coslett's Simplicity Furniture & Sleep Shoppe opened its doors. With shiplap and German smear on the walls, the store's decor is the perfect backdrop for this large, open space filled with beautiful home furnishings, mattresses and more to fit just about anyone's taste. Indeed, owner Pat Coslett and the members of his staff have created a very warm and inviting atmosphere; everyone at Simplicity greets you with a smile and allows you the freedom to browse and venture throughout the store with ease. In addition, the sales team is extremely knowledgeable and more than happy to answer any questions. Best of all, Simplicity has the lowest prices guaranteed, along with first-rate free financing deals and free local deliveries every day! However, this is not just

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the area's top furniture and mattress store. In fact, Pat Coslett has created something you would never expect to find in a furniture store - something no other furniture store around has... O'Grady's! This is Simplicity's event room where at least once a month the store features high profile comedians, musicians and more. Up next: Heywood Banks on February 16 at 8 p.m. A Bob & Tom favorite, Heywood puts on a highenergy, family-friendly comedy and music show with such hits as "Toast," "Big Butter" and more! Tickets are only $20 and are strictly limited to 99 seats. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the store or at the door on the night of the show. Stay in the loop with all the upcoming events at O'Grady's by visiting Pat Coslett's Simplicity Furniture Facebook page. In addition to comedy and music acts, Simplicity has hosted war reenactments and even started the tri-state's only Irish club, Celtic Connection. Yes, Pat Coslett has created a unique, fun-filled, one of a kind experience - an entirely new and exciting way to buy furniture! - Tracy McKinney

For more info, visit Pat Coslett's

Simplicity Furniture on Facebook.

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Each month we’ll be checking in with the VHS for the latest good news and to help find furever homes for some of their more unique/older residents.

PAIGE: Paige is a female American Staffordshire Terrier mix (or “pit bull.”) She is an absolutely wonderful, sweet, loving girl. She loves to receive affection from anyone who will give it and the volunteers & staff just rave about her. VHS recently pulled Paige and several of her friends from Evansville Animal Care & Control when they were out of kennel space. She is around 2 years old. Her $110 adoption fee includes her spay, microchip, vaccines, and heartworm test!

GEORGE: George is a 1 ½-year-old male tuxedo cat. He is FIV+, but can live just fine with other cats even if they don’t have FIV. In fact, he currently lives in the Cageless Cat Lounge with no problems at all. He’s very playful and loves mousey toys! George’s fee is $40 and he’s already neutered, microchipped, and ready to go home today. Contact Vanderburgh Humane at (812) 4262563 or adoptions@vhslifesaver.org for details!

Previous to adopting an animal from the VHS about six months ago, Newburgh resident Sierra Miller and her husband had rescued a cat from the Hopkins County Humane Society in Madisonville, KY, where they initially lived. They've also had a cute little Shih-Tzu ever since he was just 12 weeks old. The cat ended up being taken care of by a friend when the Millers moved up north which meant the search was on for another feline friend after they got settled in. "Our son kept talking about wanting another cat," Sierra explains. "So we went [to the VHS] and looked. Actually, we didn't have any intent on adopting one that night, but there was Duchess, and she kind of got really attached to my son and my husband - it was kind of one of those fate things." The Millers took her home that night. Reportedly, the transition for Duchess was relatively smooth. In fact, it was the dog that felt a little uncomfortable at first, but he's since come around and the two have become good friends, often playing together. "Duchess has made this place her home," Sierra says. Another successful adoption!

THEA: If your family is missing a piece that’s shaped like a fluffball with big ears and four long feet, then Thea may be just what the doctor ordered. She’s a female Dutch rabbit who’s about 2 years old. She was originally “just another pet store bunny,” purchased and then surrendered. So she’s hoping to binky her way into a bun-loving home for the next 8-10 years of her life. Her adoption fee is $40 and includes her spay and microchip!

400 Millner Industrial Drive | 2 blocks west of Garvin Park in Evansville 812-426-2563 | Adoption Hours: Tues-Sat 12-6pm | www.vhslifesaver.org

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N E W S 4 U C O M M U N I T Y & FA M I LY



ur nation’s 16th President and the man that we see on all of our pennies was born on February 12th, 1809. Many places like to lay claim to a part of Abraham Lincoln and his life, and with good reason. Lincoln was instrumental in some of the most iconic moments in American history. Illinois is the Land of Lincoln; southern Indiana has Lincoln’s Boyhood Home; and then there’s a little out of the way place in Kentucky, the National Historic Park: Abraham Lincoln Birthplace.








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My favorite thing about exploring is finding stuff unexpectedly. I was actually on my way from Bowling Green visiting friends to go on a tour of a Bourbon Distillery (a Moore Explores adventure for another time) when I stumbled upon the park. I promise you this, it’s quite easy to miss Lincoln’s

Birthplace - located a little outside of Hodgenville, Kentucky. Way off the beaten path from major travel routes, but certainly a great place to visit any time of year. The nondescript entrance to the main part of the park does nothing to prepare the guest for the wonder that sits just a few hundred yards back off the rural two lane road. Even if you’ve never been to Washington, D.C., you know the look of high quality marble and granite buildings. Seeing one of these marvels out in

the middle of a farm field, perched atop a grassy hill, is quite astounding. The Memorial Building is cool, like REALLY

February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

cool. Fifty Six steps, representing the 56 years The Memorial, the very first built for the President, was designed to house of Lincoln’s life, lead you a one room log cabin just like the one Abraham Lincoln was born in. up to the structure. Six pillars greet you at the top and an ornate door leads you into a big room with a high ceiling. Inside sits a surprise.

The building was commissioned in 1909 by Theodore Roosevelt (in my opinion one of the coolest dudes to ever lead our country and the man that started the National Parks system) and dedicated by William Howard Taft two years later in 1911 before a crowd of thousands. The Memorial, the very first built for the President (even before the aforementioned D.C. structures) was designed to house a one room log cabin just like the one Abraham Lincoln was born in. It’s really neat to see a true piece of history in such amazing condition, located and preserved forever within the structure on the Sinking Spring Farm. (See picture on opposite page.) The spring sits off to the side, and still produces fresh water each day. A very tall flag pole and the park’s Welcome Center round out the things to see and do here. However, there’s much more to check out! Stop by the town square and snap a



picture or a selfie of bronze statues of Lincoln both as a boy and a man. While at the center of town you can grab a bite at Laha’s Red Castle. The red brick building has been serving burgers to happy customers for over 65 years, and I highly recommend it. If you’re anything like me (a burger fan, and really... who’s not?) grab a couple - one that’s been run through the garden and another with onions, pickle, and mustard only. “Yum!” is an understatement when you order up a freshly hand-formed ground beef patty grilled up on a wellseasoned flat top that’s been cooking these burgers since 1934. Sure, it’s not a

true “castle” but there is a charming little stone tower nearby. For a Burgerologist - Laha’s Red Castle Hamburgers is a must. Head northeast after you fill up your belly for the second half of the National Historic Park. You see - the Lincoln Family only lived for a couple of years at the Sinking Spring Farm - another five years were spent at the Knob Creek Farm which had more room and acreage. Plus, the original farm was disputed land, which often happened in that timeframe. Abraham Lincoln would later write that this farm was where he first had memories... both good and bad. In fact, Lincoln nearly drowned in a flooded Knob Creek but was saved by a quick thinking friend who grabbed a large branch to pull him to safety. Take a minute to stroll the grounds that helped mold one of the greatest men in American history. Many believe that it was the humble beginnings and simple surroundings of Kentucky that made him the man he grew into. The Lincoln Family moved to Indiana and left the farm behind in 1816.

If you’re looking for a great local getaway, one that’s inexpensive, fun, and family friendly, check out Abraham Lincoln Birthplace. I know you’ll be glad you did... I certainly was! It’s wild what you can find if you just take the time. So do yourself a favor, get out of the house, grab the family or some friends, and Go Explore!

Sinking Spring Farm

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with Kevin Fleming of First Presbyterian Church


HOW CAN WE HELP THOSE WHO DON'T HAVE A SPECIAL SOMEONE FOR VALENTINE'S DAY? This is one of those strange years when Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday fall on the same day. In the Christian tradition, Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the Season of Lent, those forty days plus Sundays, before the celebration of Easter (which is on April 1st. I’m not kidding!) There is always a little trepidation approaching Valentine’s Day. Some people are fortunate enough to have found that person who reciprocates the love extended to them. Others are going through those painful times that follow a break-up, a divorce, or the death of a loved one. Still others have not found that genuine love, though they have been searching for it for years. We know that one of the things that enhances our humanity is giving and receiving love. If you are one of those fortunate enough to have that one person who makes you more fully who you are glory to God! But I hope you’ll also be aware of those around you - family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, acquaintances - for whom the whole Valentine’s Day hoopla is trying and even painful. Pity is not needed. Understanding, sensitivity, and compassion are always helpful. This is a different but equally important kind of love to share on Valentine’s Day. This is a love that comforts, heals, and eases the potential pain. A kind word, a gentle action, an anonymous gift - love can be expressed in ways that bring wholeness and even joy. And we’re always in need of that. First Presbyterian Church is located at 609 SE 2nd St. / 812-423-6297.

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with Jonathan Gluff Our Aging Entry-Level Workforce (Or "Minimum Wage, Maximum Age") I had an interesting epiphany the other day while at the gym: Many of the workers were much older than I was used to seeing. It made me wonder why that was. They didn’t look near retirement age, so it was doubtful they were looking for a part-time job to fill their free time or supplement Social Security. Had they lost a better-paying job and had to settle for something less? This brings up a question I’ve pondered many times before: With so many experienced workers having to settle for lowpaying/entry-level jobs, do we need to look at paying these workers more? I’m not saying the minimum wage should be $15/hour. (Although we should have a conversation about wages not increasing with inflation, but that’s a can of worms - and hate mail

February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

- I’d rather not open.) But here are my arguments for increasing the pay of older workers in traditionally lower-paying jobs. They’re potentially taking a job from a younger employee who needs the experience. I’m willing to bet none of them have this intention. But given that they’re usually more experienced, patient, and mature than most teenagers/young adults, they’re generally going to be better employees, so what incentive is there to not hire them over a younger, potentially less mature one? Obviously there are exceptions to this rule on both sides, but I think you’d be hard-pressed to say I’m completely wrong here. I know I, for one, wasn’t the most reliable employee when I was younger, but luckily I had some great managers and mentors who taught me how to be better.

Secondly, paying them more helps support them while still giving an employer an incentive to give that entry-level job to a younger person. I remember reading the terrible conditions many poor retirees live in, including resorting to eating pet food. Since then, I’ve greatly sympathized with their plight. Many need parttime jobs to survive; why not help them while still giving employers a reason to take a chance on a younger worker when possible? I want to stress that I’m no expert here. I’m not an economist or statistician by any stretch of the imagination, and I don’t have any sort of agenda that I’m trying to push. However, with so many people losing jobs and having to start new ones, I think it’s something we need to look at more closely.




with Johnny Fletcher

From 60 to zero in 12 hours flat Hey, you know how car companies are always trying to impress consumers by noting how fast their vehicles can accelerate from zero to 60 mph? Usually in the matter of a few seconds - which I suppose comes in handy if you've just robbed a bank and need to quickly flee the scene of the crime. Or maybe there's a warrant out for your arrest and at any moment you might need to take off at top speed to avoid being hauled in. Or even if you're just late for a movie or something. Anyhow, none of this really has anything to do with what I'm getting at here. My point is that last night I went for a very enjoyable walk in 60 degree weather. 12 hours later, I awoke to snow, freezing rain and a wind chill of zero. Sure, this is somewhat typical of Midwest weather. No doubt it's a real crap shoot much of the time,

but for some reason this latest sudden turn has irritated me big time. Like Peter Gabriel "Big Time" - the real deal. To shamelessly plug the title of my own article, maybe I'm just getting old... but frankly, this is not what I signed up for. Isn't that one of the "buzz phrases" right now? Like "all the feels" and "haven't (insert activity) in a minute." To be honest, I preferred the lingo from my childhood when Valley Girls were in vogue and walked around saying absurd but loveable things. You know, wildly amusing statements such as "bag your face" and "take a chill pill." All prefaced by "like," of course. Which makes me think of Molly Ringwald and the whole 80's brat pack thing. Which makes me think of the west coast. Which reminds me of what I was going on about... So, my buddy out in LA continually drops the fact

that it's 75 and sunny out there every day into our conversations - all while we're busy being made into human popsicles in the tri-state. Man, it's tough to listen to that and not feel the lure of warmth. But at what price? It's a catch-22 if there ever was one. If you don't mind living in a box, perhaps literally, then California just might be your savior. Or if you've recently inherited a gold mine, by all means, jump ship. That buddy of mine that I mentioned a few sentences ago? He purchased his very modest LA home for $200,000 about 15 years ago. It was recently appraised at $900,000 - with no real upgrades of any kind, mind you. The irony is that he's considering selling the house, moving back to the Midwest and living off that pure profit for years to come. Big time.


WEINZAPFEL'S BEST BET IS 2022 Safe to say the Democrats are sensing blood in the water after GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore lost his race in Alabama. Not to mention 2018 is a mid-term year. History is on their side after all, as no party in the White House has gained seats in a mid-term election since 2002 - not long after 9/11 when President Bush was riding high on a patriotic wave. Now that the Dems have hope in 2018 there is better recruitment of candidates. Enter Jonathan Weinzapfel, the former Evansville mayor who brought us the Ford Center. There's talk about him being a congressional candidate this year or a gubernatorial candidate in 2020. Looking at the numbers, he barely lost in 1996 to incumbent John Hostettler for the 'bloody 8th' congressional seat; he was elected to two terms in the Indiana House; he slaughtered Evansville mayor Russ Lloyd and won a second term almost unopposed. But is now the time to run and if so, what race should he choose? If Weinzapfel is patient, he might try running for the Senate in 2022 - most likely against incumbent Todd Young. It will be Trump's second mid-term (yes, Trump will be reelected) and the Dems have actually done somewhat well in Indiana's Senate elections. Since 2000, the only two statewide races that the Dems have won have been Evan Bayh's reelection in 2004 and Joe Donnelly in 2012. One thing's for sure, we definitely haven't heard the last of Weinzapfel. The views expressed in the article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of News4U.

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RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 9TH Starring:Jenna Fischer, Judy Greer

From Clint Eastwood comes The 15:17 to Paris, which tells the real-life story of three men whose brave act turned them into heroes during a high-speed railway ride. In the early evening of August 21, 2015, the world watched in stunned silence as the media reported a thwarted terrorist attack on Thalys train #9364 bound for Paris - an attempt prevented by three courageous young Americans traveling through Europe. The film follows the course of the friends’ lives, from the struggles of childhood through finding their footing in life, to the series of unlikely events leading up to the attack. Throughout the harrowing ordeal, their friendship never wavers, making it their greatest weapon and allowing them to save the lives of the more than 500 passengers on board.

RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 23RD Starring: Billy Magnussen, Jason Bateman, Rachel McAdams, Sharon Horgan

Max and Annie's weekly game night gets kicked up a notch when Max's brother Brooks arranges a murder mystery party - complete with fake thugs and federal agents. So when Brooks gets kidnapped, it's all supposed to be part of the game. As the competitors set out to solve the case, they start to learn that neither the game nor Brooks are what they seem to be. The friends soon find themselves in over their heads as each twist leads to another unexpected turn over the course of one chaotic night.


RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 9TH Starring: Dakota Johnson, Eloise Mumford, Eric Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Kim Basinger

Believing they have left behind shadowy figures from their past, newlyweds Christian and Ana fully embrace an inextricable connection and shared life of luxury. But just as she steps into her role as Mrs. Grey and he relaxes into an unfamiliar stability, new threats could jeopardize their happy ending before it even begins.


RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 23RD Starring: Gina Rodriguez, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Natalie Portman, Oscar Isaac, Tessa Thompson A biologist signs up for a dangerous, secret expedition where the laws of nature don't apply. Based on Jeff VanderMeer’s best-selling Southern Reach Trilogy, Annihilation stars Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson, Tuva Novotny and Oscar Isaac. It was written and directed by Alex Garland (Ex Machina, 28 Days Later).


RELEASE DATE: FEBRUARY 16TH Starring: Andy Serkis, Angela Bassett, Chadwick Boseman, Danai Gurira, Forest Whitaker, Lupita Nyong'o, Martin Freeman, Michael B. Jordan

After the events of Captain America: Civil War, King T'Challa returns home to the reclusive, technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda to serve as his country's new leader. However, T'Challa soon finds that he is challenged for the throne from factions within his own country. When two foes conspire to destroy Wakanda, the hero known as Black Panther must team up with C.I.A. agent Everett K. Ross and members of the Dora Milaje, Wakanadan special forces, to prevent Wakanda from being dragged into a world war.

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February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com


MUDBOUND (R) ELEVATED FILMS Mudbound starts when the McAllan family moves from their suburban life to a farm in the Mississippi Delta. Their move is immediately derailed by misfortune, and as the McAllans' suspend their expectations, it becomes clear that they will never get back to their initial hope for a clean and simple life. Their fate collides with a family of tenant farmers who live on their land, the Jacksons, an African American family with their own dream of a better existence, and the film slides between the two families, revealing a codependency that becomes ever more toxic and unforgiving as the film progresses. At its core, Mudbound plays like a highlight reel, a series of tragic events and sad goodbyes (and there are so many sad goodbyes in this film) that are linked by a chorus of narrators. Each narrator guides us through the action of each scene like a lyrical empath, which in concept may seem overwrought and unnecessary, but manages to accent the true beauty of this film, which is its pacing, a product of a screenplay (written by writer/director Dee Rees with the help of Virgil Williams) adapted from a novel by Hillary Jordan, from which the film gets its name. What this adaptation does so well that many adaptations fail to do is its focus on a character, defining each by their choices, the decisions they make not just to stay alive or to keep the plot moving, but in order to hold on to some shred of their own humanity. - John Thurgood

Showplace Cinemas East 1801 Morgan Center Drive Evansville, IN 47715 Showplace Cinema North 4200 N. 3rd Ave. Evansville, IN 47710 Showplace Cinemas South 950 Hebron Ave. Evansville, IN 47714 Showplace Cinemas Newburgh 8099 Bell Oaks Drive Newburgh, IN 47630 Showplace Cinemas Princeton 2691 W. Broadway St. Princeton, IN 47670 Showplace Cinemas Henderson 406 Walker Drive Henderson, KY 42420 Showplace Cinemas Harrisburg 701 N. Commercial St. Harrisburg, IL 62946

FOR MOVIE INFO CALL 812-422-3456




There is no denying that Message from the King falls into the ronin genre. All the elements are there: a hero prepared to risk it all in order to exact revenge on a gang of vaguely Eastern European origin with a loose connection to a political elite, a hooker who aids the cause, several other women in degrading circumstances and one pederast. The latter might not be so common, but the rest are staples in a cannon that has become tried and true, a companion of predictability. The appeal lay somewhere in the platitude “what you see is what you get,” and there is a certain level of comfort knowing what will come next. A counter to that predictability - and what may not have even been director Fabrice Du Welz's intent - comes at the very end of the film, a final show of modest self-discipline, and what that concept has come to mean in current pop culture. Chadwick Boseman's performance upends the typical lone wolf, rogue figure. He isn't introverted or antisocial. He complies with basic rules, and listens to authority. He is smart and articulate. The message throughout the movie, the literal message from the title of the movie, is that he has what the bad guys are looking for, and by the end it isn't vengeance that is bestowed but a solution, which it would seem, now more than ever, is what audiences pine for most. We're looking for sensibility, a hero with solutions, and Message from the King gives us just that. - John Thurgood

FEBRUARY MOVIES 2/9 The 15:17 To Paris Fifty Shades Freed The Hurricane Heist Peter Rabbit

2/16 Black Panther Early Man Samson 2/23 Annihilation Game Night Pacific Rim

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NEIL YOCKEY Light & Shadow Self-Released For Boonville musician Neil Yockey, less is most definitely more. On Light & Shadow, his new EP available for download on CD Baby, the instrumentation is purposely limited to just over-driven bass guitar and drum loops, yet the sound is remarkably full. Smooth vocals featuring off-the-wall lyrics born out of wonderfully weird song titles (i.e., "Millennials are Killing Marmalade," "Mass Extinction 6") complete the minimal mix that has echoes of 90's-era rock with a touch of grunge. Undoubtedly, what makes Light & Shadow tick is Yockey's impressive bass playing (powered by a Liverpool distortion pedal). Tracks like "Idaho" and "False Roads" are propelled by deft fretwork normally reserved for electric guitar; still, the bottom end remains to anchor it all. It's a delicate balance that he pulls off seemingly effortlessly, best exemplified by the aforementioned "Mass Extinction 6," an exercise in heaviness with periodic pseudo-solos that shift the dynamic at will. Couple this bare-but-tough musical blueprint with Yockey's near-croon of a vocal delivery and you've got one of the more interesting local releases in recent memory. Catch Neil Yockey every Thursday at Ri Ra Irish Pub from 6-8 p.m. - Johnny Fletcher

RHETT REPKO Thx for the Ride EP Self-Released The best word to summarize Thnx for the Ride is balance. One of the band’s stated goals was to create an EP that was both poppy and weighty, both modern and retro, both clean and raw, and for the most part, they succeeded. An obvious example is the EP’s title track, which combines bitter lyrics (“I hate to see you unhappy, but baby, what else can you be?”) with throwback instrumentals that are almost reminiscent of *NSYNC. On the other end of the spectrum, “Make Me Right” has a similar feel to old-school Green Day, but communicates feelings of hope after a breakup. The EP’s songwriting shouldn’t be ignored, either. Rhett Repko sings with a sharp tongue, resulting in lyrics like, “She thinks that I’m going crazy / Does she know what she’s like lately?” More generally, Thnx for the Ride appears to tell a story, taking the listener through the end of a relationship, its resulting fallout, and hopeful new beginnings. In the age of digital music and singles, it's refreshing to listen to a narrative EP structured this well. - Alice Daum, WUEV Student Station Mgr.

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BROKE ROYALS Broke Royals Self-Released Broke Royals only has two members, but that doesn’t stop them from heavily orchestrating the tracks on their self-titled debut while still (for the most part) not sounding disjointed. Guitar, bass, keys, harmonized vocals - and even what sounds like someone blowing into a set of glass bottles - all come together as well as they would with a four-piece, and knowing that the band had a hand in mixing the tracks in addition to writing and recording them makes this feat all the more impressive. The album is decent lyrically, with “Cold,” a song encouraging its subject to win back a lost lover, and “Seth Jordans,” a unique take on growing up, balancing out more generic tracks like “The Old House” and “This Time.” It was also a good idea to include harmonies wherever possible to add interest and depth to the vocals, which could otherwise be mistaken for that of any other alternative singer. Finally, the album’s diverse range of concepts brings hope for a successful sophomore album, as long as the band continues to refine their skills in instrumentation and songwriting. - Alice Daum, WUEV Student Station Mgr.

LA BOUQUET Heavy Sunshine Self-Released In 2018, there is no shortage of synth-pop bands, but as far as I can tell, La Bouquet is one of only a few synth-rock groups to emerge in the alternative scene. Rather than carelessly inserting a synthesizer into a rock song or a guitar into an electronic song, on their debut EP Heavy Sunshine, the duo manages to split their sound evenly down the middle, incorporating the best of what each genre has to offer. If you listen to these tracks, you will hear everything from good old-fashioned guitar hooks to syncopated beats that almost sound like they were inspired by EDM. The EP's production is its best quality, while the lyrics trend towards being generic and sometimes confusing, with awkward lines such as, “Climb into my mouth, I’ll swallow your heart” not being out of place. Some songs also suffer from structural issues: For example, while “Loveless” is one of the bestsounding tracks, the last several lines of its chorus could easily be a separate bridge. However, Heavy Sunshine is, overall, a respectable debut, and promises improvement in La Bouquet’s future. - Alice Daum, WUEV Student Station Mgr.


LINKIN PARK One More Light Live Warner Bros. One More Light Live is difficult to review for two reasons: it's a live album, therefore really only meant for a completionist of the band; and it's the final time Linkin Park recorded something before Chester Bennington committed suicide on July 20, 2017. Linkin Park hasn't ever been the cheeriest act in the world, but a new layer of melancholy hangs heavy over the recording. And it truly is a live recording, for better or worse. The singers miss notes from turning their heads away from the mics; Bennington is trying to conserve his voice so there's none of his classic gravelly screaming on certain choruses; some synth-heavy songs feel like the band is basically waiting around for the next time they can actually play or do something. Yet, for all the faults, I can't deny the fact I started crying when Bennington sang the hell out of "Numb." I haven't voluntarily listened to that song in over five years, but this version is bookended with Mike Shinoda rapping “one last time, make some noise,” not knowing it really was the last time they'd perform for an album. One More Light Live accidentally became a swan song, blemishes and all. - Gavin Gaddis

EMINEM Revival Aftermath Eminem is a complicated person to review. He’s a brilliant lyricist whose rhymes actually can properly be called “fire.” That being said, his successful longevity comes at the price of his remaining hell-bent on dropping the same slurs he used to be edgy in 2000 in 2017. Even the least PC yahoos of the music industry (e.g. Hollywood Undead) wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole. This combined with the fact that the last album, Marshall Mathers Pt. 2, was arguably one of his best, this new one faces an uphill battle. Revival attempts to climb that mountain with a slew of same-y songs that follow a predictable Eminem formula with four songs (a mere 21% of the album) actually worth listening to. One of the four is an inherently problematic song in which Mathers attempts to depict the institutional racism of America against black people… by singing as if he was black. Politics and racial tensions aside, Revival is lousy with featured celebrities attempting to replicate the success of "Monster." Where "Monster" was a powerful song, the imitations sound like B-sides from the given celebrity’s album that happen to have Eminem as a feature. - Gavin Gaddis

N.E.R.D No One Ever Really Dies Columbia When he's not wasting time and talent on doing forgettable soundtracks to forgettable animated movies, Pharrell Williams actually produces engaging music as half of hiphop/rock band N.E.R.D. Seven years in the making, No One Ever Really Dies starts off with a bang. "Lemon" sets the tone with a catchy beat, great lyrics, and guest star Rihanna killing her sections. From here on, the album delivers a heck of a lot of powerful hip-hop. It almost feels like N.E.R.D quietly produced several neverreleased albums in the interim and then released this one with only the best singles in one package. It’s albums like this that remind us Williams is actually capable of having opinions and musical ambition beyond poppy fluff like "Happy," which is both a good thing and a bad thing. No One Ever Really Dies is definitely not an album for the older crowd who just know Williams for his hat and TV persona. Immigration, transgender rights, police brutality - this album hits them all and hits them unabashedly. Also, Ed Sheeran guests on a track, because of course he does. - Gavin Gaddis

DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA Pacifisticuffs Spinefarm To put the oddity of Diablo Swing Orchestra into context, Pacifisticuffs is the first commercially-released album I have ever seen that has zero annotations on Genius. Thousands upon thousands of units sold and not a single superfan can assign meaning or context to the lyrics of this album. One song can start as an angry metal song before giving the listener whiplash by transitioning into a Latin-inspired pseudo-tango bridge. So many elements are blended by this Swedish avant-garde metal band it boggles the mind. Jazz, bluegrass, gospel, metal, swing, classical, rock, metal - all these things can be found on Pacifisticuffs. In the hands of a less talented (or insane, depending on one’s viewpoint) band, this would be far too many ingredients to make anything coherent. Therein lies the beauty: This album isn’t trying to be coherent, it’s just trying to be enjoyable. A recurring issue I have with bigname artists these days is they seem to think a coherent album must have a bunch of songs that sound almost identical. Two or three big singles, then a bunch of bland, samey noise for 12 songs. Diablo Swing Orchestra somehow has made an album that is coherent because none of the songs sound the same. - Gavin Gaddis Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • February 2018

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FEBRUARY BEER REVIEWS This month’s beers are available depending on supply & demand at all 10 Liquor Locker locations. Visit our website at www.Liquor-Locker.com. URBAN CHESTNUT STLIPA


STLIPA is an Imperial IPA. Its name is short for St. Louis IPA. The brewers tell us to pronounce it “sta-leep-ah.” It pours a hazy, orangish hue with a short, khakicolored head and plenty of lacing. Its aroma carries both citrus and floral hop notes accompanied by some malts. The taste follows with more of the same in a very good way. It’s big on hop flavor, slightly sweet and strong in warming booziness. It came in one of those new 16oz cans with a top that opens fully. That would be handy in a situation where a pint glass isn’t an option.


A thick off-white head tops this deep copper-colored beer. The first smell of the beer contains a good balance of citrus and pine scents. The first sip of the beer packs a lot of hop flavors along with a significant amount of carbonation. The hop flavors maintain a strong presence in the long finish. IPA lovers will want to try this award-winning India pale ale. Pair it with spicy foods.


This is a clear amber-colored beer. It has the average hopped up flavor as most IPAs but nothing that flashy. I do like the large can with the interesting opening. That is the reason I gave it a 4 and not a 3. It does have an 8% ABV but it's just a little better than your average IPA.

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Goose says that this is a coffee ale aged with beans from a local coffee roaster. It pours up a clear light copper color with a frothy head that quickly fades to a film. Aroma is mostly like a pale ale with very subtle coffee… because I know it’s there. As is usually the case, I drank it very slowly and noticed the coffee nuance more after it warmed up a bit. Noticed it more in the aroma as well. The taste has the attributes of any good pale ale with pale malts and light hops combining with the coffee kiss delivered with this one. Actually it’s good that the coffee influence is subtle since a more dominating effect would turn this respectable pale into a cheesy flavored beer. Try it, you might like it.


The thin white head quickly disappears after pouring this golden ale into a beer mug. The scent contains malt notes, with some coffee present as well. The malt flavors hit the tongue first, followed by coffee in the finish, with more malt in the end. Unlike most beers with coffee, this one keeps a traditional gold color rather than black like many stouts and porters with coffee. Pair it with Mediterranean dishes or Monterrey or pepper jack cheese.


This in an amber-colored beer with a 5.5 % ABV. I can taste the coffee right away but it's not overbearing. I usually don't care for the coffee flavors in stouts but I really enjoy the flavor in this one. Granted, it doesn't hit you over the head with the flavor but that is what I really like about it.

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Imperial porters are on my favorites list. This one is named in honor of Hunter S. Thompson. It pours up pitch black with a medium brown creamy head and plenty of lacing. The aroma is big, featuring very roasted malts, dark chocolate, big hops and alcohol. The taste is very roasted, espresso coffee, some dark chocolate bitterness, a lot of hops and definite booziness. The mouthfeel is heavy, impressive and smooth in texture. This is a sipping brew to my taste. I really enjoyed this unusual, intense porter, but at 9.2% ABV, it’s not for everyone.


A thick tan head forms on this porter when poured into a traditional English pub glass and never totally evaporates. A good amount of roasted malt fills the nose. The initial taste has malt sweetness, with the roasted flavors returning and staying in the very long finish. People who enjoy traditional English beers like stouts and porters should try this limited release beer. Pair it with blue cheese, smoked meat, barbecue, chili, chocolate and coffee desserts.


This is a dark black beer with a nice brown head and a lot of carbonation. I can taste the rich coffee and chocolate flavors. It has a 9.2 % ABV which snuck up on me. This is the best imperial stout I have tasted in a long time. I find that most of them have some funky aftertaste which takes away from the flavor, but this one is really good.


SIERRA NEVADA HAZY LITTLE THING wheat in the recipe which contributes to the hazy appearance. The nose is classic with a pleasant citrus, floral and other unidentifiable pleasantness. Probably nuances from hops I'm not familiar with. The taste includes a certain sweetness with citrus hops and a grassy herbal finish. The mouthfeel and hops bitterness help make this an IPA drinker's session brew. I enjoyed it.


Here’s an add-on to the list of numerous excellent IPAs today. It pours up a bright hazy straw color with a generous two finger head and lots of lacing. It has some


A thick white head rests on top of this hazy golden India pale ale. The presence of hops dominates the nose, with an edge toward more citrus scented hops. The first sip of the beer seems mild, but hop flavors return in

the finish. This unfiltered and unprocessed beer could serve as a good introduction to people who say they don’t enjoy IPAs. Pair it with grilled pork ribs, sharp white Cheddar cheese or pineapple upsidedown cake.


This is a straw-colored beer with good carbonation. I like the sweet hops flavor and the 6.7% ABV. I'm a big fan of all the newer beers Sierra Nevada has brought out. They have been very busy, and this one does not disappoint. They could have jazzed up the can a bit but a solid beer nonetheless.


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Walter the Wine Guy FROM LIQUOR LOCKER

Champagne recommendations that will put the icing on your successful Valentine's Day February is here again! The Super Bowl is over, basketball is starting to get good, spring training is just around the corner and the Daytona 500 is coming soon! But, if you are in a committed relationship, a budding relationship, or have been married for a while, you KNOW that Valentine’s Day is a make or break day! I want to give you a few suggestions that may keep you off the couch for a couple days and avoid that “LOOK” and you know what that is! The elixir of the day is champagne! Maybe it was marketing, maybe not, but historically speaking, next to New Year’s Day, this is the day when more champagne is popped! Now, some of you may try to go cheap, you always do, and to those people, I say, “you know what your partner drinks, so go with cheap,” but for those of you who know when it is time to splurge, read this article carefully! There are quite a few choices if you want champagne - many are very good - but the ones I’m going to recommend are truly the best that I have tasted in quite a few years. They are from one small producer that sources the grapes from the finest vineyards all over the Champagne region. That producer is Bessarat De Bellefon. The wines are all very different, and have all scored 90 points or more from Wine Spectator, Wine Enthusiast, and Wine Advocate and all are under $100. The flavors imparted from these wines are bright, crisp, and wonderfully drinkable. I STRONGLY recommend any of these, and if you pair them with the food suggested, they should really be the icing on

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a successful Valentine’s Day! The first one is Cuvee Des Moines Extra Brut. It is a blend of 45% Pinot Meunier, 35% Chardonnay, and 20% Pinot Noir. Truly one of my favorites. When you pour this into the glass, you notice the brilliant straw color with copper highlights, a fine persistent mousse forming a quite noticeable ring. The aromas from this wine are mineral and intense, with a slight citrus note. Give it a swirl, allow some air into the wine and sniff it. In doing so, you should pick up a slight bit of salinity and roasted notes. Sip it and you should notice a fresh and very crisp structure, including the fruits that present themselves in the form of pear and quince. The finish is refreshing, persistent, complex and refined. This wine pairs wonderfully with Shrimp Remoulade, Sautéed Scallops with lime, or for something different, try Prosciutto with Quince Paste. 90 points Wine Spectator, Wine Enthusiast, and Wine Advocate.

Walt is Liquor Locker's Resident Wine Guru The next one is Cuvee Des Moines Brut. This wine is a blend of 45% Pinot Meunier, 35% Chardonnay, and 20% Pinot Noir. On the nose, you get floral aromas of honeysuckle and acacia with dried flower notes. After swirling in the glass, it reveals more fruity fragrances of white peach and plum. As the wine opens, you pick up hazelnut and praline notes. On the palate, initially the impact is fresh and lively, with the wine being full-bodied, and very silky. Definite fresh fruit notes of apricot, pineapple, and peach. A long assertive finish, showing it to be an elegant and distinguished wine. Pairs well with Roasted Poultry, or Roasted Pork with a light butter sauce. Scored 92 points Wine Spectator and Wine Advocate.

CUVEE DES MOINES BRUT On the nose, you

get floral aromas of

CUVEE DES MOINES EXTRA BRUT The aromas from this wine are mineral and intense, with a slight

February 2018 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

citrus note.

honeysuckle and acacia with dried flower notes.

A third one is Cuvee Des Moines Brut Rosè. This wine is a blend of 40% Pinot Meunier, 30% Chardonnay, and 30% Pinot Noir. To the eye, this wine gives you a wonderful soft pink color with salmon highlights. The nose is generous, intense, and refined, with very marked notes of red fruits, namely wild strawberry. It carries notes of red current and

almond. As the wine opens, you get notes of lime and spring blossoms. On the palate, you notice the wine is rather weighty and slightly acidic, then red fruits are back to the fore with red and black currants. The finish is long and delectable, with a slight hint of spice. This wine is a great aperitif, but is also ideal served with White Chocolate Mousse topped with sautéed strawberries. Scored 92 points Wine Spectator.


To the eye, this wine gives you a wonderful soft pink color with salmon highlights. The

nose is generous, intense, and refined, with very marked notes of red fruits.

The last one is Cuvee Des Moines 2006 Vintage Brut. This wine is a blend of 54% Chardonnay, 31% Pinot Meunier, and 15% Pinot Noir. It has a wonderful straw color in the glass, along with a beautiful mousse. On the nose, it has the classic mineral and citrus aromas. But, the beauty of this wine is on the palate! With the blend having less Pinot Noir, it gives a wonderful light and fresh crispness, with sharp notes of citrus. The fruits come at you in the form of pear and quince, with classic slight notes of minerality. The finish is bright and refreshing, though complex and refined. This is a vintage of the FIRST ORDER! Try this wine with Seafood Pasta, Thai-spiced Sea Bass, or as a starter with Artisanal Charcuterie. Scored 93 points Wine Enthusiast, 91 points Wine Advocate, and 91 points Wine Spectator.


It has a wonderful straw color in the glass, along with a beautiful mousse. On the

nose, it has the classic mineral and citrus aromas.

Well, I tried to do my best to describe what I honestly feel are great wines. Make sure you chill them thoroughly, and always point the cork away from people when you open them! So pop one or more and enjoy. Happy Valentine’s Day,

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