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Podcast Corner
from News4U July 2021
with Gavin Gaddis
Welcome to the Podcast Corner, your source for some of the best and most inventive podcasts around. Each month I'm offering up four bite-sized reviews, so read on and then listen in!
Want more podcast recommendations? You can find long-form reviews, musings on happenings in the podcasting world, and links to podcasts I produce at my website: thepodreport.com or follow me on Twitter @ThePodReport.
Hosts Michael Hobbes and Aubrey Gordon pick apart the wild world of health and wellness, decoding and debunking decades of outright lies and misinformation motivating the American public’s interpretation of what counts as healthy, and what it means to be fat. From the fat-free craze of the 90s propped up by little more than fad diets and marketing to the sad realities of shady diet companies like Weight Watchers, Maintenance Phase shines a light on these things that have been a (worryingly strong) influence on how we eat and think about our bodies. maintenancephase.com
HuffPost reporter Michael Hobbes and writer Sarah Marshall love picking apart the past to truly understand things that most folks only have a rough idea of thanks to pop culture osmosis. The two flit around time at breakneck speed, alternating between one-off episodes on single topics to excellent multi-part series on things that stopped the world cold (i.e. the O.J. Simpson trial). The trio of episodes that effectively build a history of what we now know as “cancel culture” is some of the best podcasting I’ve ever heard. Specifically the episode “The Chicks vs. the Iraq War” is hall of fame level stuff. yourewrongabout.com
Each episode journalists Katelyn Burns and Oliver-Ash Kleine dismantle the pearl-clutching claims of whatever evidence “cancel culture” is running amok, dismantling the newest right-wing grift du jour. While I’ve already recommended this show, I’m re-upping my recommendation for two reasons: 1) The show has a cross-over with You’re Wrong About, and 2) Their episodes have become more useful than ever as that right-wing grift machine keeps on grinding. We’re at the point where the fraudulent Kentucky Derby winner says his horse testing positive for drugs is “cancel culture,” folks. It’s time to read up for whenever your gullible family members start believing this is a legitimate concern.
A train wreck in slow motion, cosplay journalist Alex Jones continues to wreck lives and spread lies in the interest of staying a millionaire. Luckily for us, there’s some people especially qualified to factcheck such a meme-laden monster. Each episode of Knowledge Fight features Dan Friesen, a poor soul who has subjected himself to thousands of hours of conspiracy theory powerhouse InfoWars, filling in comedian Jordan Holmes on Jones’ latest antics. It’s easy to write off Jones as a crackpot with horrific reading comprehension, but Knowledge Fight shows just how far he's willing to go (spoiler: terrifyingly far). knowledgefight.com