portfolio / atsuhiro tanokuchi

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ATSUHIRO TANOKUCHI Portfolio 2017-2019

00 Atsuhiro TA N O K U C H I My Homepage https://gling-glo0.wixsite.com/atsuhirotanokuchi?fbclid=IwAR26w Q1c5GrLKdBrYfWTy1Pm-fGzZf2d8smp6qh4ffBRDuVFbL8x9M2wNYg

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCkySzM0s91hvbSJn5e8H1Hw?view_as=subscriber




1. Diploma Work 2018 at Tokyo University of Science [ Excellence Award ]


Participation: 36 works / Organizer: Tokyo University of Science

Birth : 1995. 10. 22

2. Akarenga Diploma Collection 2018 in Tokyo

Nationality : Japan

[ Highest Score at Initial Screening ] Participation: Over 130 works / Organizer: Akarenga Committee


3. Ooi-city Public Space Competiton [ Excellence Award (2nd Prize) ]

2014 - 2018

Participation: 227 works / Organizer: Shinagawa-ward in Tokyo

Bachelor of Engineering (Architecture) Tokyo University of Science, Japan

4. WORLD ROBOT SUMMIT 2018 / Exhibition & Movie creation [ Attendance : approximately 70,000 visitors ]

2018 - 2021 (expected)

Sponsors: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Master of Bachelor of Engineering (Architecture)

Coopration: SEVEN & i HLDGS. Co., Ltd

Tokyo University of Science, Japan 5. SEI MODERN EXPO - TT island [ Exhibition & Presentation in Spain ] WORK EXPERIENCE

International workshop

2019.11 - 2020.1

6. The Tokyo cultural Heritage Alliance

Donghua Chen & Partners (China) / Internship

[ Exhibition / Study & Movie creation ] at Kudan House and Nikken Sekkei

2017 - 2019 NIKKEN SEKKEI / part-time job

6. Hafele Design Competition 2016

3D modeling using Rhinoceros & Grasshopper

[ Jury Prize ] Participation: Over 100 works / Organizer: Häfele GmbH & Co KG

2016 - 2019 KENGO KUMA & ASSOCIATES / part-time job


3D modeling using Rhinoceros & Grasshopper / Making models Adobe: Illustrator CC / Photoshop CC / AfterEffects CC / Indesign CC 3D modeling: Rhinoceros / Grasshopper / Houdini / Maya (biginner) Rendering: V-ray for Rhino / Unreal Engine 4 Others: Micro office / Python

Selected Projects & Exhibitions 2017 - 2019 My works are based on architectural digital design & Computer Graphics... Movie creation / Architectural design / Algorithmic design / Realistic drawing / Illustration


Exihibition-Movie Creation World Robot Summit 2018


3D Motion Graphics design with Houdini


Architectural Design IKEBUKURO WATER PARK


Architectural Design URBAN ARC


Digital Illustration A Tectonic Dream

Attendance : approximately 70,000



Digital Illustration Book Cover Design

Architectural Design Triumph pavilion "LIGHT"

Ooi-city Public Space Competiton [ Excellence Award (2nd Prize) ]

Diploma Work 2018 at Tokyo University of Science [ Excellence Award ] Akarenga Diploma Collection 2018 in Tokyo [ Highest Score at Initial Screening ]



Presentation in Spain Self-Actualizing Building

SEI MODERN EXPO - TT island [ Exhibition & Presentation in Spain ]


Architectural Design Architecture not for life


Architectural Design Do not Stall The Blood Circulation

Intern in China

01 WORLD ROBOT SUMMIT 2018 2018.6 - 2018.9 Exhibition / Movie creation & Design Group work : Yuki MATSUBARA (R) / Atsuhiro TANOKUCHI (L) Production period : 3 months [ At tendance : approximately 70,000 visitors ] Softwares: Unreal engine 4 / Rhinoceros / AfterEffects CC Sponsors & Cooporation: Ministr y of Economy, Trade and Industry SEVEN & i HLDGS. Co., Ltd New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization

You can watch the movie on YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qQW6KcDzEs&t=8s&list=LLEmTEcC pOBiB4MMWwAGAOow&index=2

Proposal In Tokyo, parks that are located in the city center are crowded with visitors. Meanwhile the number and the quality of parks are insufficient to prevent crime. In order to enhance the common dining area within the convenience stores, we propose one that is open in a park-like setting, open 24 hours everyday. Through observations in Kinka Park, we have extracted 31 patterns of activities associated with five spatial compositions. Using this data, we designed the 7-Eleven Masumoto building for brunch at lidabashi in Chiyoda Ward.




01:37 The movie was rendered through 360 degee optical camera lens to fit the huge circular screen: 12m in diameter, so that the attendance feels like they are in the realworld.

Movie sequence

Computational softwares used to create CG movie 1. 3D-modeling : Rhinoceros 2. Rendering and exporting to the movie : Unreal Engine 4 3. Editing the movie : AfterEffects CC

Phase 2 Video Making - Unreal Engine 4 Export the 3d-modeling to Unreal Engine 4 to apply the materials and set the camera path. The output was 6425 images; 90 fps*70 sec

Phase 1 3D-Modeling with Rhinoceros The SEVEN-ELEVEN shop exsists at Iidabashi, Tokyo. I mada the 3d-modeling of surroudings elaborately with Rhinoceros.

Phase 2-1 material making

Phase 2-2 camera path

02 3D Motion Graphics with Houdini I n di v i d u a l w o r k Softwares: Houdini

Proposal I am studying algorithmic design with Houdini through self-study for my master's thesis about digital ornament of architecture. I am on middle of learnig the software and these are some process and archives. Please find attached my Youtube channel below URL. https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCkySzM0s91hvbSJn5e8H1Hw?view_as=subscriber

fractal design

Destruction simulation of a statue

Nest generation on a statue


Noise visualization colored by artwork of jackson pollock

Differential growth through coral generation

03 IKEBUKURO WA T E R PA R K 2019.7 - 2019.8 Competition Individual work Design period : 1 month

Softwares: Rhinoceros / Grasshopper / Unreal Engine 4 / Photoshop CC

Proposal How might the architecture change in the age which half of world's population lives in urban areas? The desingn is situated in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. The proposal of mix-used building with WaterPark on the middle of the building. There used to be a amusement park on the rooftop o f t h e c o m m e rc i a l b u i l d i n g , w h i c h i s p re c i o u s for the famillies to hang out in high-density city. The amusement park and the commercial building e c o n o m i c a l l y h ave i n t i m a t e re l a t i o n s h o p t o o n e another. Referenced to the ecnomical relationship, I designed the new landmark building.

You can watch the movie on YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CVG1tr0kPs&t=95s

Pool side (middle storey): This area symbolizes Ikebukuro-dsistrict; is famous for including Red light district and amusement district simultaneously. The lighting effects: the neon light and the downpour of light from overhead pool

Restaurant (high-storey): The Water sliders in the building provide the visitors with multi-layered experiences.

Water slider (high-storey): The colorful water sliders can be seen from outside and provide the amusement to the city.

Axonometric drawing

Facade design

Double-skin facade encourage natural ventilation. The cooling installation with pool water enables the building to be sustained with low-energy.

To cut the cost, the facade is designed with colorful low-cost water supply pipes. The pipes wrapping around the building emphasize the architecture has relationship with water as ornament.

Building height

Blue & Transparent (higher storey) The facade and the building vanish into the sky

Facade transparency



RED (lower storey) The color attracts the vistors in Ikebukuro

50% 0m


04 Book cover design

I n di v i d u a l w o r k Design period : 2 weeks Softwares: Rhinoceros / Grasshopper

Proposal The design concept is "RESONANCE" T h i s b o o k i s c o m p o s e d o f f i ve l e c t u re s i n To k yo U n i ve r s i t y o f S c i e n c e by S o u Fu j i m o t o, Ya s u t a k a Yoshimura, Shingo Masuda, Akihisa Hirata, Yuko Nagayama. I g e n e r a t e t h e vo i c e w a ve f ro m t h e i r i n d i v i d u a l lectures with Grasshopper and envision the waves are resonating; connecting them smoothly one another.

The published book

Digital design studies with grasshopper: Curve generation from the voice file of the architects

05 URBAN ARC 2018.7 - 2018.9 Competition Group work : Ryota TORAO / Hiroki KONDO / Atsuhiro TANOKUCHI Design period : 2 months Award : Ooi-city Public Space Competition [ Excellence Award (2nd place) ] Participation : 227 works / Organizer : Shinagawa-ward in Tokyo Softwares: Rhinoceros / V-ray / Photoshop CC

Proposal The aim was to create an open public space that allows us to enjoy the environment beyond the boundar y of the site, as opposed to the idea of a closed architecture / park. The thought of responding to various existing curves around the site and shaping the architecture and the park accordingly, creates an affordance to draw attractiveness of the town by making more of the city visible. This proposal consists of small architecture and carefully planned niches in a public space.

To be shortlisted (final presentation)

Smoking area

0 1 2 3 4 5

Visitors and passengers are encouraged to stay and are tempted to take some photos to post on SNS.

#ViewfromCafeTerrace #SequentialPlants

#Bricks #Weeds&Architecture

#RestUnderTrees #WhereToGoByBicycle

#WaitingForTrain #AtOoi-CityStation


図 1:300


Ladies' restroom

Men's restroom

Bike share port

Accessible restroom


■ 都市のスカイラインに呼応する円弧状のタワー 敷地の隣を走る線路は京浜エリアを結んでおり、郊外住宅地から都心部の高層ビル群 の足元を抜けていくように走る電車からは都市のスカイラインをダイナミックに感じ ることが出来ます。大井町駅は住宅地と高層ビル群の境界地域にあり、いわば都心部 の玄関口とも言えます。そのような景色の移り変わりの中に於いて、今回の建築は、 まちのシンボルになれるような、タワー状のボリュームがふさわしいと考えました。

▲ 京浜を結ぶ都市のスカイラインイメージ

▽ 最高高さ 7.5 M



屋根:不燃膜屋根 空に抜ける視線 外壁: レンガパネル


LED ブラケット照明 自然光採光 人口軽量土壌 パーライト スタイロフォームかさ上げ



LED 間接照明



▽ 大井町駅ホーム床レベル


カガミ ベンチ:再生木デッキ 床:レンガ舗装


床:コンクリ―ト打放し 透湿性吸水防水材塗布

*災害時に備え、地下ピットを非常用便槽として活用します (だれでもトイレ内に災害用便器設置を想定)

立会川暗渠空間 地下の暗渠構造に負担のかからない計画とします

■ 快適な環境をつくりだす形態

断面図 1:50

線路上や 暗渠上 を吹く風

06 A T E CTO N I C DREAM 2017.11 - 2018.1 Diploma project Individual work Design period : 2 months Awards : Diploma Work at Tokyo University of Science 2018 [ Excellence Award ] Participation : 36 works Organizer : Tokyo University of Science Akarenga Diploma Collection 2018 in Tokyo [ Highest Score at Initial Screening ] Participation : Over 130 works Organizer : Akarenga Committee Softwares: Rhinoceros / Grasshopper / V-ray / Photoshop CC

Proposal Application surrealism for city and architect. S i m o n i d e s , o n e o f t h e e a r l y G re e k p o e t s , p ro p o s e d a Memory Palace, an imaginary location in your mind where mnemonic images are stored. You can recall a memor y continuously when following the right route in the Memory Palace. I defined a dream as something to be recalled discontinuously, dispersed along the wrong route.

[PART1] Mutant Crossbreeding of Cities Dream City / Paul Klee Close observation of Paul Klee’s Dream City yields odd overlapped geometries, which I imagine have emerged from a dream, or fuzzy memories.







[PART 1] Mutant Cross-breeding of Cities 1-1-1. Fragmentation < deconstruct >

Selecting and displacing 30 pieces of trimmed "city-fragments" between the range of 30 - 50m.

1-1-2. Unconsciousness < stir >

S h u f f l i n g t h e "c i t y - f r a g m e n t s ", t h e y a r e p l a c e d i n t o "m e m o r y p a l a c e " h a p h a z a r d l y.

1-1-3. Multiple interpretation < rotate >

Rotating the "city-fragments" randamly, the preference of views differs from person to person.

1-1-4. Impression < extend and intend >

The size of the each memory palace's room depends on the individual, and is not always the same.

1-2. Reconstruction < array >

2 1 p a t t e r n s o f "m u t a n t c i t y " a re c re a t e d t h ro u g h re p e t i t i o n o f t h e s t e p s a b ove.

1-3. Crossbreed < overlap >

Overlapping few patterns of "mutant city" selected at random, several strange geometries emerge.

[PART2] Mutant Crossbreeding of Objects African Sonata / Vladimir Kush Parts of animals represented in this image are replaced by instruments associated with each character. I imagine that the interchangeability of scale and form of the objects are something that emerge from a dream-like state. 2-1

Parameter A (leaves) diameter (bottom) : 4000mm diameter (top) : 3000mm hight : 3300mm Parameter B (roots) Recursive operation : 10

Parameter A (leaves) diameter (bottom) : 2000mm diameter (top) : 1600mm hight : 3300mm

Parameter A (leaves) diameter (bottom) : 2000mm diameter (top) : 1600mm hight : 3300mm

Parameter B (roots) Recursive operation : 10

Parameter B (roots) Recursive operation : 15


[PART 2] Mutant Cross-breeding of Objects 2-1. Fragmentation < deconstruct >

Selecting 20 objects from the same range as Part 1.

2-2. Unconsciousness < deform >

The “mutant objects” are results of changing the parameters through Grasshopper, which are partially emphasized.

2-3. Crossbreed < overlap >

By overlapping the patterns of “mutant objects”, the “mutant cross-breeding of objects” is generated.

07 TRIUMPH P AV I L I O N "LIGHT" 2018.9 - 2018.11 Competition Group work : Kaon KO / Hikoki KONDO / Yuki MATSUBARA / Satoshi HOTSUMI / Atsuhiro TANOUCHI Design period : 3 months Softwares: Rhinoceros / Grasshopper (kangaroo) / Unreal engine 4 / Photoshop CC

Proposal Light is discerned relative to shadow. The interior environment of a pavilion deliberately reduces the quantity of light to amplify it in limited locality via the form of a reversed arch. At the bottom of the arch is an opening that funnels light on to ground, as opposed to from the top, as if light possess weight. The airy, geometrically folded tent-like envelope is suspended by 9m x 9m steel tube frame, composed of 3m cube grids and interesting the tent at 31.36 degrees. The gridded rigid frame and the faceted soft envelope with thin, flexible reinforcement create a construct of silhouette and material, openness and enclosure; the space between them is one that marginal, providing a break visually as well as physically. Two entry points are provided at north and south sides of the pavilion, encouraging foot traffic and visual link between V&A Museum of Childhood and St John's Church.

You can watch the movie on YOUTUBE


Inside the pavilion render with Unreal Engine 4 and Photshop CC







Tent simulation with grasshopper and kangaroo

08 SELF-ACTUALIZING BULDING 2018.9 - 2018.11


TUS international WS

Self-Actualizing Building is based on the analysis of Space Syntax in order to create

Individual work

a methodology for automatically generated design according to spatial functions and

Design period : 2 weeks

necessary volumes, while neuron-like network system links the various spaces together.

Instructor : Jin Taira Concept Softwares:

New technologies such as lasercutting, 3D printing, and robotics, have been incorporated

Rhinoceros / Grasshopper (kangaroo)

into new experimental methods of construction. However, for the most part, both theory and

/ V-ray / Photoshop CC

practice of designing and constructing buildings remain a manual process today.The aim of this project is to propose an “automated” design method using the analysis of space syntax.

Que se otorga a

ATSUHIRO TANOKUCHI Por haber PARTICIPADO en la QUINTA SEMANA DE ARQUITECTURA [05SA] Organizada por el Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Gran Canaria, como PARTICIPANTE en la exposición SEI MODERN/ EXPO. TTISLAND [re]DEVELOPMENT island. Presentada en el Castillo de la Luz de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, del día 27 de septiembre al 4 de octubre del 2019 DECANO del COA GRAN CANARIA D. Vicente Boissier Domínguez

Coordinador del SEI MODERN/CINE Dr. Jin Taira Alonso

Exhibition & Presentation in las Palmas, Spain

09 Intern in China 2019.11 - 2020.1 worked as intern in China Optimize the panelization; each panel has mostly same size (L) and the edge panels are cutoff on diagonal (R). Curvature is defined by catenary

Shadow study with realtime render: Unreal engine 4

Referenced to Origami-structure with Grasshopper.

10 Architecture for life

2 018. 5 V is u a l s t u d y I n di v i d u a l w o r k Design period : one week Softwares: Rhinoceros / Grasshopper (firefly) / V-ray

Proposal Wh a t m i g h t a d e s i g n f o r t h e l i v i n g a n d t h e n o t l i v i n g , b e t we e n ex p e c t e d a n d u n ex p e c t e d , l o o k like? My attempt here was to explore a design that is unforeseeable from a rational human perspective. Fixed-point video at Scramble Intersection in central Shibuya, Tokyo, was analyzed using Grasshopper to generate a machine-driven design proposal, what the imagination of an artificial intelligent machine might come up with.

11 Do not Stall The Blood Circulation 2 017. 4 - 2 017.7 Design studio Individual work Design period : 4 months I n s t r u c t o r : M u t s u e H AYA K U S A - C e l l S p a c e A r c hi t e c t s -

Proposal "Logitics is the blood circulation of the city," were the words of Chiaki MUKAI, an ex-astronaut. Although logitics is essential to the city, it has various problems, such as long-distance truck drivers' severe labor conditons. Currently, logitics warehouses that are indispensable in disaster situatons are mostly situated along the Tokyo-Bay. I propose a logitics warehouse n ea r Ikeb u ku ro s t a t i o n , w h i c h b o a s t s t h e s e c o n d largest number of passengers in Tokyo, by converting a postwar housing complex. The addition of seismic reinforcement, water filtering system and storage tanks, and passageways directly linked to the station alter not only the function of the building but also its appearance as a new symbol of the city. The vacant units are renovated into hotel rooms for truck drivers, while the new addition houses a gallery, public bath, gym, and other functions that serve the public day-to-day.

Capsel hotel for truck drivers

Open museum

Dynamic Corridor

North facade



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