Logo Created By: N. Armando Garcia & Tanisha Brown Publication: Attract Magazine Co-Founders: N. Armando Garcia & Tanisha Brown
Attract Magazine is a free women’s lifestyle publication showcasing women of all ethnic backgrounds and age groups who are confident, strong and have overcome some form of adversity in their life. Our content will feature fashion, beauty tips, health regiments, fitness, exotic getaways, advice and food for the soul. The magazine will show women how to remain confident and embrace self-love in the form of learning how to be the “best you.”
{ a ttra ct: } we a lth : love : frie n d s : h a p p in e ss : p a ssi o n : h e a l th : re l a t i o n sh i p s : b u si n es s : fa mi ly : g oa ls : beauty : success
{ attr ac t: } weal th : love : fri ends : ha pp iness : p a ssi o n : h e a l th : re l a t i o n sh i p s : b u sin e ss : fa mily : g o a ls : b e a u ty : su cce ss
{ P UR P OSE } Attract Magazine is for your everyday woman. No matter what occupation she has, how much money she makes, or where she resides, there will be something in this publication that every woman can relate to. We are a women’s lifestyle magazine that acts as the sounding block for women everywhere, encouraging sisterhood, unity, and empowerment. Attract strives to be the “older sister” who is available to listen to your darkest secrets, provide helpful tips, support ambitions, and provide encouragement. Attract Magazine is in tune with women and publishes articles and stories that we feel will benefit the reader, not discourage them. We do not wish to overwhelm
our women readers by throwing fad diets at them or unachievable beauty results, but rather celebrate individuality, self-love, and strength. Attract provides a well-rounded environment for women to be free of the stereotypes they are held to and embrace the freedom of being themselves. We believe women are revolutionaries and it is time that women band together and uplift each other. Attract is more than a magazine, it is the marking of sisterhood. We are the modern day woman’s guide to showing how to put yourself first and discover who you are and most importantly, to always bring forth be the best version of yourself.
Attract will feature a diverse crowd of women on our covers. We do not discriminate and we want to create an environment where all women are accepted and aren’t judged based upon their past, but rather celebrated for their strength in overcoming adversity. We want to give the women we feature a voice and the freedom to talk openly about the obstacles they have faced, free from the stigma they may be tied to in their personal and public lives. We don’t believe it is all about the glitz and glamour, but rather story behind the woman. We want to focus on showcasing more than what’s in their makeup bag or closet and focus on their story as well,
by asking personal questions that provide a deeper look at who they are. We believe everyone has a past and everyone makes mistakes, but its how one deals with them that makes them an Attract woman and we want our readers to see that. We are celebrating the woman who created a platform for herself either by overcoming adversity or using her strength to make a life for herself. We hope to create a close-knit relationship between our readers and celebrity covers/features by striving to create an environment where any everyday woman can open up our magazine be able to relate.
{ a ttra ct: } we a lth : love : frie n d s : h a p p in e ss : p a ssi o n : h e a l th : re l a t i o n sh i p s : b u si n es s : fa mi ly : g oa ls : beauty : success
{ attr ac t: } weal th : love : fri ends : ha pp iness : p a ssi o n : h e a l th : re l a t i o n sh i p s : b u sin e ss : fa mily : g o a ls : b e a u ty : su cce ss
{ WHE R E TO F I N D } This publication is not like your average beauty magazine, where you would have to pay $5.95, and can only find the latest issue at the nearest bookstore or magazine stand. Let’s face it, in our busy lives, who really goes to the bookstore to pick up their favorite lifestyle magazine these days? So we decided to create a publication and distribute it where it can be most effective, along the route of your everyday path. Some of these places include: nail/hair shops, boutiques, coffee shops, schools, hotels, restaurants, and gyms. With that being said, Attract Magazine is a free magazine where you don’t have to pay in order to know the latest fashion trends, beauty tips, health regiments, exotic getaways, etc. Attract will also be available online. With free digital editions, mobile apps and social media outlets, Attract Magazine extends its audience reach in this digital age. We will provide the same quality information that we offer in our print version to our digital readers, so that we may reach a wider audience and build brand identity with them
{ GOAL }
Attract is a publication for the women of today who knows what she wants and strives daily to achieve that goal, no matter what industry she’s in. This magazine is for the woman who has goals & has overcome adversity, but has channeled that adversity into strength.
Attract Magazine is poised to be a go-to publication in a generation where every moment counts when it comes to advertisements & editorials. By having a periodical that is free of charge to the consumer, the ability to gain millions of impressions is only further enhanced by the top-notch quality of the content and resulting product. By having relationships with reporters, stylists, make-up artists, health care professionals, and entertainers themselves, the resulting outcome will be a tangible product that will benefit both the reader and advertiser equally.
{ a ttra ct: } we a lth : love : frie n d s : h a p p in e ss : p a ssi o n : h e a l th : re l a t i o n sh i p s : b u sin es s : fami ly : goals : beaut y : success
Attract Magazine is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram among others. These networks will be integrated to have multiple streams of content displayed daily. This will help in the increase of brand awareness, site hits, impressions and magazine visibilty. We work with you to assist in the growth of social media pages through shared promotions. We can also use these network to promote client events. If you do not have a Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Yelp or Blog account we can help with all of that as well.
{ a ttra ct: } we a lth : love : frie n d s : h a p p in e ss : p a ssi o n : h e a l th : re l a t i o n sh i p s : b u sin es s : fami ly : goals : beaut y : success
{ S O CI A LM E D I A }
{ att ract: } weal th : love : f ri en ds : happi ne ss : p a ssi o n : h e a l t h : re l a t i o n sh i p s : b u sin e ss : fa mily : g o a ls : b e a u ty : su cce ss
{ R E A DE R SHI P } Our target market is very diverse. It includes all of Southern California. Readers are locals & visitors alike being exposed to the Southern California lifestyle.We are the fusion of joy that women desperately want.
TOTAL READERSHIP 30,000* Attract Subscribers: Free Publication Comp/Promo Copies: 2,000 Distribution Los Angeles: 8,000 Total Circulation: 10,000 Readership Outreach: *3 to 1 Pass-a-long
Note: Attract Magazine is a free publication. This means 100% of each issue ends up in the hands of the readers/your customers. Not thrown away after sitting on the racks like traditional paid magazines.
Our design and $5,000.00 $3,500.00 $2,800.00 Back Cover production department will be happy $2,500.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 Two Page Spread Inside Front to create your $2,500.00 $2,000.00 $1,800.00 ad for you. Inside Back Cover A fee of $150 will be $1,800.00 $1,400.00 $1,000.00 Full Page assesed for this service. $850.00 $650.00 $500.00 Please contact Half Page info@attractmag.com $450.00 $350.00 $250.00 1/4 Page for details. $250.00 $200.00 $150.00 1/8th