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Official Journal of the Amalgamated Transit Union AFL-CIO/CLC
LEGISLATIVE ISSUE INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Legislative Conference ATU Legislator of the Year ATU-COPE Contributors List Convention Call 2007
International Executive Vice President
Les Coalitions Politiques Essentielles pour le Progrès La Conférence Législative de l’ATU qui s’est tenue récemment et à laquelle ont participé avec enthousiasme de nombreux officiers des sections syndicales, m’a rappelé une fois de plus, que l’ATU a construit une coalition efficace unissant un ensemble d’intérêts et de programmes qui ont amélioré la vie des travailleurs et des travailleuses et en particulier ceux et celles de l’industrie des transports en commun.
International Secretary-Treasurer
Pour créer cette coalition, nous avons travaillé sur trois fronts : législatif, organisationnel, et politique. L’ATU a aussi mis en place des coalitions avec nos frères et sœurs d’autres syndicats par le biais de l’AFL-CIO et du CLC et par les affiliations de nos sections syndicales aux fédérations de travail dépendant de l’Etat et aux conseils de travail centraux.
International Vice Presidents TOMMY MULLINS
Lorsque l’ATU s’est organisé pour la première fois en 1892, les bagarres furent très féroces contre les employeurs mais nous n’avons pas eu besoin de dépendre des politiciens, des législateurs ou des groupes communautaires. Nous n’avons pas eu, non plus, à nous battre contre d’immenses corporations ou d’immenses systèmes publics de transport en commun. Le combat entrepris il y a 115 ans, pour cette mettre en place cette organisation a été un combat très local.
Roanoke, VA – mullins@atu.org
New Orleans, LA – rrichmond@atu.org
Tenino, WA – dhansen@atu.org
Washington, DC – bb@atu.org
Ashburn, ON – lkinnear@atu.org
Gloucester, ON – rgraham@atu.org
Kansas City, MO – jperez@atu.org
Calgary, AB – bhykaway@atu.org
Petaluma, CA – ccook@atu.org
Reno, NV – wmclean@atu.org
Mt. Angel, OR – rheintzman@atu.org
Madison, WI – jborchardt@atu.org
Canton, MI – pbowen@atu.org
Staten Island, NY – lhanley@atu.org
Lancaster, TX – kkirk@atu.org
Clayton, NC – grauen@atu.org
International Representatives GARY MAURER
Atlanta, GA – gmaurer@atu.org
Lilburn, GA– rrivera@atu.org
Flossmoor, IL – mbarnes@atu.org
Thornton, CO – ysalazar@atu.org
Canadian Council ROBIN G. WEST
Canadian Director 61 International Boulevard, Suite 210 Rexdale, ON M9W 6K4 director@atucanada.ca
Le Front Législatif Aujourd’hui, la législation qui vient en aide à nos membres ne peut pas passer par le Congrès, les législatures étatiques, ou les gouvernements provinciaux ou fédéraux du Canada à moins que l’on apporte notre soutien aux politiciens locaux ou nationaux lorsqu’ils se présentent. Sans les contributions en dollars des activistes de l’ATU, la “semelle de leurs chaussures” et leurs votes, une part importante de notre coalition n’existerait pas. Le Front Organisationnel Aujourd’hui, nous ne pouvons pas organiser les travailleurs, sans avoir recours à cette coalition de soutien. Nous avons des politiciens à tous les échelons du gouvernement qui soutiennent nos efforts et nous avons besoin que nos alliés du parti travailliste se joignent à nos campagnes. Par exemple, organiser les employés du secteur privé aux Etats-Unis sera plus équitable lorsque le Congrès votera et que le Président signera la loi sur «la Liberté de Choix des Employés » qui est toujours en attente. Cette législation donnerait aux travailleurs des Etats-Unis le même droit que les travailleurs des provinces canadiennes et de la plupart des pays industrialisés qui ont déjà - le droit de faire reconnaître la carte de membre syndical. Cela veut dire que lorsque la majorité des employés appartenant à une cellule qui est en puissance de négocier, indique, en employant les arguments adéquats, qu’elle veut être représentée par l’ATU, l’employeur doit reconnaître l’ATU et négocier avec elle. Le Front Politique Au niveau local, lorsque l’on organise les travailleurs des transports scolaires ou ceux du para-transit, nous recherchons l’appui de nos alliés politiques, qu’ils siègent dans les conseils de communes, dans les conseils d’administration scolaires ou dans les conseils d’administration des transports locaux. Nous avons besoin du soutien du public qui utilise ces transports et des groupes communautaires. Lorsque nous arrivons à établir ces coalitions, les travailleurs et les travailleuses sont gagnants. Aujourd’hui les départements législatif, politique et organisationnel de l’ATU travaillent à l’unisson pour aider et construire ces coalitions. Nous allons continuer à construire ce syndicat en travaillant sur tous ces agendas pour assurer un meilleur avenir à nos membres actuels et aux membres qui vont se joindre à nous.
UN MENSAJE DEL PRESIDENTE INTERNACIONAL POR WARREN S. GEORGE Las Coaliciones Políticas son Esenciales para Lograr el Progreso La recientemente realizada Conferencia Legislativa de ATU, la cual tuvo la entusiasta participación de numerosos dirigentes de uniones locales, una vez más vino a comprobar que la ATU ha forjado una coalición de programas e intereses conjuntos que han mejorado las vidas de hombres y mujeres trabajadores, particularmente aquellos que laboran en la industria del tránsito. Nosotros hemos bregado para crear esta coalición en tres frentes: legislación, organización y acción política. La ATU también ha forjado coaliciones con nuestros hermanos y hermanas en otras organizaciones sindicales, a través de nuestra afiliación a las centrales obreras AFL-CIO y CLC, y la afiliación de nuestras uniones locales a las federaciones laborales a nivel estatal y los concilios laborales a nivel local. Cuando la ATU fue organizada por primera vez en 1892, las luchas contra los empleadores eran feroces, pero nosotros no necesitamos depender de políticos, legisladores o grupos comunitarios. Ni tampoco nosotros estábamos luchando contra gigantescas corporaciones de tránsito o contra grandes sistemas públicos de servicios de tránsito. La lucha para organizar trabajadores hace 115 años atrás fue una lucha de carácter local. El Frente Legislativo Hoy día, la legislación que apoya a nuestros miembros no puede recibir consideración favorable por el Congreso Nacional, las legislaturas estatales, o por los gobiernos provinciales y federales del Canadá, a menos que nosotros apoyemos y ayudemos a candidatos a cargos nacionales y locales cuando ellos realizan sus campañas políticas, y que los hagamos responsables por sus acciones una vez que ellos sean elegidos. Sin la contribución voluntaria de los dólares de los activistas de ATU, su trabajo a nivel de base y sus votos, una gran parte de nuestra coalición no existiría. El Frente de Organización Hoy día también, no podríamos organizar a los no organizados sindicalmente sin el apoyo de la misma coalición de partidarios y seguidores. Nosotros necesitamos que los políticos a todos los niveles de gobierno apoyen nuestros esfuerzos, y nosotros necesitamos que nuestros aliados dentro del movimiento sindical también se unan a nuestras campañas. Por ejemplo, la organización de empleados en el sector privado en los Estados Unidos será mucho más equitativa cuando el Congreso Nacional apruebe, y el Presidente firme, el proyecto legislativo actualmente pendiente que se titula “La Ley de Libre Selección del Empleado.” Esta legislación le daría a los empleados en los Estados Unidos el mismo derecho de que ya disfrutan los trabajadores en la mayor parte de las provincias del Canadá y en muchos otros países a través del mundo industrializado – o sea, el derecho a recibir reconocimiento sindical a través de la simple verificación de las tarjetas firmadas por los trabajadores autorizando su afiliación a una unión. Esto significa que cuando una mayoría de empleados cubiertos por una potencial unidad de contratación colectiva indican que ellos desean ser representados por la ATU, después de comprobación adecuada, el empleador debe dar reconocimiento de inmediato y contratar colectivamente con la ATU. El Frente Político En un nivel más local, cuando nosotros organizamos chóferes de autobuses o trabajadores de para-tránsito, nosotros solicitamos el apoyo de nuestros aliados políticos ya sean ellos representantes en consejos municipales, juntas escolares o en autoridades de tránsito. Nosotros queremos y necesitamos el apoyo de las federaciones laborales a nivel estatal y provincial y el de los concilios laborales a nivel local. Necesitamos también el apoyo del público usuario del tránsito y de los grupos comunitarios. Cuando nosotros forjamos estas coaliciones – los hombres y las mujeres trabajadores ganan sus batallas. Hoy día, los departamentos legislativos, de organización y de acción política de ATU trabajan aunadamente para ayudar y asistir en la creación de estas coaliciones. Nosotros continuaremos a fomentar el crecimiento de esta Unión trabajando por medio de todas estas agendas, a fin de construir un futuro mejor para nuestros miembros de hoy día, así como para aquellos que vendrán en el futuro.
Political Coalitions Essential to Progress The recently completed ATU Legislative Conference, which was enthusiastically attended by numerous local union officers, once again brought home to me that the ATU has built an effective coalition of combined interests and programs that have bettered the lives of working men and women, particularly those in the transit industry. We have worked to create this coalition on three fronts: legislative, organizing, and political. The ATU has also built coalitions with our sisters and brothers in other unions, through our affiliations with the AFL-CIO and the CLC, and our locals’ affiliations with state labor federations and central labor councils. When the ATU first organized in 1892, the fights were fierce against the employers but we did not need to rely on politicians, legislators or community groups. Nor were we fighting against giant transit corporations or large public transit systems. The fight to organize 115 years ago was a local struggle.
The Legislative Front Today, legislation supporting our members cannot get through Congress, state legislatures, or the provincial and federal governments of Canada, unless we support local and national politicians when they run for office, and hold them accountable once they get there. Without our ATU activists contributing their dollars, their shoe leather and their votes, a very significant part of our coalition would not exist.
When we build these coalitions, working men and women win.
The Organizing Front Today, we cannot organize the unorganized without this same coalition of supporters. We need politicians at all levels of government to support our efforts, and we need our allies in Labor to join in our campaigns. Organizing private employees in the United States will, for example, only become truly equitable when Congress passes, and a president signs, the currently pending “Employee Free Choice Act.” This legislation would give employees in the United States the same right which workers in most Canadian provinces and most countries throughout the industrialized world already have – the right to union card check recognition. This means that when a majority of employees in a potential bargaining unit indicate that they want ATU as their representative, upon adequate proof, the employer must recognize and bargain with the ATU.
The Political Front On a more local level, when we organize school bus or paratransit workers, we seek the support of our political allies whether they sit on city councils, school boards or transit authorities. We want and need the support of state and provincial labor federations and local councils. We need the support of the riding public and community groups. When we build these coalitions, working men and women win. Today, the legislative, political, and organizing departments of the ATU work closely together to help assist and build these coalitions. We will continue to build this Union by working through all of these agendas to build a better future for our members today and for those to come.
w w w . a t u . o r g
Vol. 116, No. 2
Contents 2
International Officers & General Executive Board
International President’s Message in French & Spanish
International President’s Message Political Coalitions Essential to Progress
Magazine Index
International Executive Vice President’s Message Swearing to Tell the Truth
International SecretaryTreasurer’s Message Debit Cards Pose Danger to Locals
7 Become an ATU-COPE Club Member 8 Convention Call 55th International Convention
10 2007 Legislative Conference Taking It to the Next Level 15 Conference Reception Snapshots 16 Know Your Rights: Criminal Background Reviews 17 ATU Legislator of the Year Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-GA
18 Legislative Report Delivering Our Message on Capitol Hill 19 Canadian Agenda: Federal Budget Proves Disappointing 20 2006 ATU-COPE Awards 21 2006 ATU-COPE Club List 47 New Jersey Council Rallies 48 Local News 49 Coming ATU Events 50 Focus on Wellness: Managing Weight - How to Get Started 51 GEB Minutes: Excerpts, Fall 2006
3 8 21 50 51
Coalitions Essential to Progress Convention Call ‘07 ‘06 ATU-COPE Clubs Focus on Wellness Excerpts, Fall ‘06 GEB Minutes
57 GEB Minutes: Excerpts, Special Meeting, Jan. 11, 2007 58 In Memoriam 59 Arbitrations 60 Proud to Be ATU Two ATU members who make us proud With this Legislative Issue we introduce a revised look. We hope you like it.
Subscription: USA and Canada, $5 a year. Single copy: 50 cents. All others: $10 a year. Published bimonthly by the Amalgamated Transit Union, Editor: Shawn Perry, Assistant: Paul A. Fitzgerald. Editorial Office: 5025 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20016-4139. Tel: 1-202-537-1645. Please send all requests for address changes to the ATU Registry Dept. ISSN: 0019-3291, USPS: 260-280. PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40033361. RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: B&M Mailing Service Limited, 35 Van Kirk Drive, Unit 15, Brampton, Ontario L7A 1A5, E-MAIL-BMCOMM@PATHCOM.COM The objects of this International Union shall be to organize Local Unions; to place our occupation upon a higher plane of intelligence, efficiency and skill; to encourage the formation in Local Unions of sick and funeral benefit funds in order that we may properly care for our sick and bury our dead; to encourage the organization of cooperative credit unions in the Local Unions; to establish schools of instruction for imparting a practical knowledge of modern and improved methods and systems of transportation and trade matters generally; to encourage the settlement of all disputes between employees and employers by arbitration; to secure employment and adequate pay for our work, including vacations with pay and old age pensions; to reduce the hours of labor and by all legal and proper means to elevate our moral, intellectual and social condition. To engage in such legislative, political, educational, cultural, social, and welfare activities as will further the interests and welfare of the membership of the Organization. To seek the improvement of social and economic conditions in the United States and Canada and to promote the interests of labor everywhere.
Swearing to Tell the Truth Since the beginning of the new year, I have twice had the opportunity to represent our U.S. members while testifying on important transit issues on Capitol Hill. Finally, after 12 years of Republican control of Congress, the ideas of working people are once again being taken seriously. It’s about time.
Democrats Want to Bolster Transit Security Foremost on the minds of Democrats is the issue of transit security. Democrats in both the House and Senate were defeated by Republican leadership on numerous occasions in recent years when they attempted to bolster transit security through increased investment and mandatory training for front line employees. Incredibly, even after the horrific events on transit systems in Madrid and London, the Republicans seemed to be waiting for an act of transit terrorism to occur on U.S. soil before taking any action. Democrats are looking to pass legislation soon.
Training, Technology
...the ideas of working people are once again being taken seriously.
While testifying on this issue, we received questions from members of Congress on what exactly can be done in this area. Training is of course the number one answer. But beyond that, we tell lawmakers that modern technology must be employed to the maximum extent feasible, including the use of upgraded communication devices, global positioning tracking systems, and so-called dirty bomb detection systems, among other options. And of course, as we found out with the London Underground, cameras can be extremely helpful in bringing people to justice. Separately, I recently testified before the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission, which was created by Congress to come up with new ideas on public transportation issues. We let them know that many of the transit systems that our members work for – especially small to mid-size transit agencies – are struggling to make ends meet because of a lack of funding. We recommended that Congress change the rules on federal funding by allowing certain transit systems to use their federal transit funds for operating assistance. We also urged the commission to recommend new legislation that would encourage states to invest more in transit. If we can achieve these two goals, I believe that it would improve the lives of many of our members and provide expanded transit choices for our customers.
A Privilege Testifying before Congress on behalf of the ATU is a privilege. My only hope is that our views will be given ample consideration, as these issues are too important to keep on the back burner any longer.
Debit Cards Pose Danger to Locals
No local union officer should hold a debit card… because it is contrary to the… ATU Constitution.
Many of us enjoy the convenience of an ATM debit card for our personal use. We can pull money out of our accounts anytime of the day or night and we can use it at the grocery store instead of a personal check. But my own experience has been that when the bank statement comes, I often see that while I was keeping track of the money I was pulling out of the checking account with the debit card, my wife was also using it. In most months this results in there being less money in the account and I cannot reconcile it without her records too.
No Safeguards When it comes to ATM debit cards for local unions, the practice is fraught with danger. Over recent months, we have had a few situations in which a local officer has used a debit card attached to a union’s accounts to get cash for personal use or to purchase personal items. A debit card does not have the financial safeguards that are found in the ATU Constitution and General Laws, where it states in Section 13.5 that: All funds of the L.U.s (Local Unions) shall be deposited in a bank or banks, selected by L.U.s, the funds to be deposited in the name of the union, to be drawn out upon drafts signed jointly by two (2) or more officers of the respective L.U., one of whom must be the F.S. (Financial Secretary).
Contrary to ATU Constitution These protections do not exist when a debit card is used by a local union president or financial secretary, and these expenditures of union funds are sometimes kept from the membership because there is no cancelled check. A union officer is a fiduciary; your dues are entrusted to that officer for the purpose of conducting union business. In my opinion, no local union officer should hold a debit card because it is contrary to the language of the ATU Constitution which requires dual signatures on drafts.
An Invitation to Abuse The vast majority of our union officers act responsibly with the union’s treasury. But as a member, you need to hold your local officers accountable, and as local officers, you need to act responsibly with the union treasury. Debit cards are an invitation to abuse and if one is offered by the bank, local union officers should not take them; if they have them, they should cut them up. At your next local union meeting, question your officers. Find out if your local officers have union debit cards, and if so, how are they used. We all need to act responsibly to protect the members of the ATU.
Support Pro-Transit & Pro-Labor Candidates Ask Your Local Union Officer How You Can:
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Fill Out the Enclosed Post Card Today!
Only ATU Members living in the U.S. may contribute to ATU-COPE www.atu.org
Convention Call Fifty-Fifth Convention from the International Headquarters of the
Amalgamated Transit Union 5025 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016-4139 April 1, 2007
Fellow ATU Members: In compliance with the Constitution and General Laws of our Union, I am notifying you that the Fifty-Fifth Convention of our Union will convene at the Bally’s Las Vegas hotel, 3645 Las Vegas Boulevard, South Las Vegas, NV 89109, on Monday, September 17, 2007, at 9:00 a.m. BASIS OF REPRESENTATION The basis of representation regulating the election of delegates to the Convention is found in the following sections of the Constitution and General Laws: Section 6.4 Representation; L.U. The basis of representation to the Convention shall be one (1) delegate for each L.U. [Local Union] having three hundred (300) or fewer members. A L.U. having three hundred and one (301) up to six hundred and fifty (650) members shall be entitled to two (2) delegates. A L.U. having six hundred and fifty one (651) up to nine hundred and fifty (950) members shall be entitled to three (3) delegates. A L.U. having from nine hundred and fifty one (951) up to twelve hundred and fifty (1,250) members shall be entitled to four (4) delegates and for each additional four hundred (400) members or fraction thereof, shall be entitled to one (1) additional delegate. In totaling membership only those in good standing for the month of May preceding the Convention are to be counted. NOTE: In accordance with Section 6.4, representation of Local Unions will be based on the membership of the Local in good standing for the month of May preceding the Convention. Accordingly, credentials cannot be forwarded to Locals until the May 2007 monthly membership report has been received at the International Office. Section 6.5 Representation; J.B.C. The basis for representation to the Convention by a J.B.C. [Joint Bargaining Council], formed for collective bargaining purposes pursuant to Section 23 of [the] Constitution, shall be one (1) delegate, except that a J.B.C. representing more than five thousand (5,000) members shall be entitled to two (2) delegates. A J.B.C. representing more than twelve thousand (12,000) members shall be entitled to three (3) delegates. No member represented by the J.B.C. who is, by virtue of his or her office in the L.U. or otherwise, a delegate from his or her L.U., shall be eligible to serve as delegate from the J.B.C. Delegates from a J.B.C. shall not have the right to vote in the election of International officers unless elected by secret ballot vote among the
membership represented by the J.B.C. The provisions of the Constitution relating to delegates from L.U.s shall also govern delegates from a J.B.C. unless clearly inapplicable. Section 6.6 Representation; C.C. The C.C. [Canadian Council] shall be entitled to one (1) delegate. No member of a Canadian L.U. participating in the C.C. who is, by virtue of his or her office in the L.U. or otherwise, a delegate from his or her L.U., shall be eligible to serve as delegate from the C.C. The delegate from the C.C. shall not have the right to vote in the election of International officers. The provisions of [the] Constitution relating to delegates from the L.U.s shall also govern the delegate from the C.C. unless clearly inapplicable. DELEGATES Section 6.7 Delegates. The election of delegates must be held at least four (4) weeks previous to the Convention. A member, to be eligible as a delegate, must have been a member in continuous good standing of his or her L.U. the two (2) years next preceding the day of the nomination meeting. When a L.U. has not been in existence for the two year period, the L.U. shall elect its other delegates from among its members. Except where, pursuant to Section 14.2 of [the] Constitution, a meeting attendance requirement is imposed as a condition of eligibility for such an office, the president-business agent, F.S./B.A., or R.S./B.A. where applicable, shall, by virtue of his or her office, be the first (1st) L.U. convention delegate and the F.S. (president in L.U.s where the president is not B.A.) shall, by virtue of his or her office, be the second (2nd) L.U. convention delegate and the election ballot shall in each instance so state. Except where, pursuant to Section 14.2 of [the] Constitution, a meeting attendance requirement is imposed as a condition of eligibility for any such office, a L.U. may provide in local bylaws that local officers and executive board members may be delegates to Conventions of the A.T.U. by virtue of their office. In such case, where the number of executive board members exceeds the number of convention delegate positions allocated to the L.U. under Section 6.4, the L.U. shall designate by position and limit the number of delegates elected by virtue of their offices to the total number of delegate positions. The remaining executive board members shall be elected to numbered positions as alternate delegates for purposes of filling vacancies and any additional delegate positions to which the L.U. may finally be entitled under Section 6.4. The local officers and executive board members elected as delegates and alternate delegates by virtue of
their office under the L.U. bylaws shall represent the L.U. as convention delegates to the extent of the available positions. Where L.U. bylaws provide that local officers and executive board members may be delegates to Conventions of the A.T.U. by virtue of their office, the ballot must state “and Convention Delegate” or “and Alternate Delegate,” as appropriate, after each such office. Section 6.8 Alternates. L.U.s shall provide in their bylaws for the election of alternate delegates to the Convention by secret ballot, provided that nothing herein shall prohibit L.U.s from providing in their bylaws that L.U. officers may serve as alternate delegates by virtue of their office unless and except where, pursuant to Section 14.2 of [the] Constitution, a meeting attendance requirement is imposed as a condition of eligibility for such an office. Section 6.9 Disqualifications. Members who have voluntarily left the service in which the L.U. or J.B.C. or the I.U. is engaged, shall not be eligible as delegates to a Convention of this Union. Section 6.12 International Officers. All International officers not elected as delegates by their L.U.s shall be delegates to the Convention by virtue of their office but shall not have the right to vote in the election of International officers. International officers who are elected by the membership of their L.U.s by secret ballot may serve as delegates to the Convention, their expenses to be paid by the said L.U.s and, in such cases, they shall have all the voting rights and all powers of other delegates elected by the L.U.s. Section 6.15 Excused Absences. The policies, laws and plans for the direction of this Union shall be adopted and put into force from time to time by direction of the regular Conventions of this Union, and it shall be the duty of each and every local of this Union to be represented at these Conventions by one (1) or more delegates. No L.U. shall be excused from being represented except from distressed conditions, owing to lockouts, strikes or causes of that kind. In such cases the L.U. affected shall apply to the I.P. no later than the tenth (10th) of May in the year in which the Convention is held for permission to be excused from sending delegates to the Convention. The I.P. shall investigate and rule upon such applications. Unless excused by the I.P., all L.U.s shall be represented as this Constitution provides. CREDENTIALS Section 6.10 Credentials. Each delegate shall establish his or her claim to a seat by credential signed by the president and R.S. of the L.U. he or she represents, with the seal of said L.U. attached. L.U.s shall send names of the respective delegates and alternates elected to the International office of the A.T.U. at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the Convention. Credentials shall be given each delegate elected, signed by the president and R.S. and the seal of the L.U. attached thereto. Section 6.14 Financial Requirements. Delegates shall not be entitled to a seat in the Convention unless all taxes and assessments of their L.U. have been paid in full. RESOLUTIONS Section 6.16 Resolutions. Resolutions contemplative of amendments to the Constitution and General Laws of the I.U. shall first be approved by the L.U. and bear its official seal and then shall be forwarded to the International office in time to be in the hands of the I.P. not later than the first (1st) of August in the year in which the Convention is held. Such resolutions so received by the I.P. shall be printed and placed in the hands of convention delegates at the opening of the particular Convention at which said resolutions are proposed to be presented. All resolution(s) received by the first (1st) of April in the year in which the Convention is held will be published in the May/June issue of In Transit in the year in which the Convention is held. No resolution contemplative of amending the Constitution and General Laws, except as herein provided, shall be considered by Conventions, except on permission or direction by vote of two thirds of the delegates present.
VOTING Section 6.11 Voting. Each delegate shall be entitled to one (1) vote, no proxy votes being allowed. EXPENSES Section 6.13 Delegate Expenses. The I.U. shall pay one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) to each L.U, J.B.C., and C.C. towards the mileage and legitimate expenses of a L.U., J.B.C. and C.C.’s first delegate and an additional seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) to a L.U., J.B.C. and C.C. sending two (2) or more delegates. All other mileage and legitimate expenses for delegates shall be borne by the L.U., J.B.C. and C.C. they represent. NOTE: Pursuant to Section 6.2 the General Executive Board has enacted to require payment of a registration fee of $150 for each delegate and $150 for each guest. Registration fees for delegates and guests should be paid when credentials are returned to the International Office. Headquarters The headquarters for the Convention will be the Bally’s Las Vegas hotel, 3645 Las Vegas Boulevard, South Las Vegas, NV 89109. All requests for hotel reservations must be made through the hotel itself, either by calling 1-800-634-3434 and providing the ATU Convention “group code” of SB ATU 7, or by using the ATU-dedicated internet reservation process which can be accessed via the link posted on the International Union’s website. (Any hotel reservations made by other means, including a travel agent or an internet travel service, will not be within the more favorable ATU group block of accommodations.) Hotel Rates Bally’s daily guest room rate is: $129.00 (USD) for single or double (plus 9% applicable taxes). Transportation Delegates must make their own arrangements for transportation individually or in groups by bus, rail, air or private automobile according to their own desires. Visitors Members who are not delegates, and friends of the members and delegates, who desire to visit the Convention can register as guests and take advantage of all hotel and other Convention arrangements. I cordially invite them to attend our Convention, and those wishing to do so may make reservations directly with Bally’s. Attendance I call to the attention of each Local Union Section 6.15 of the Constitution, which provides that it shall be the duty of every Local Union to be represented at the Convention by one or more delegates. Value of Attending The laws and policies of this Union are amended and adopted by the Conventions of our Union. It is essential that all of our Local Unions recognize the importance of the coming Convention and arrange to send delegates. Hoping to see all Local Unions and Joint Bargaining Councils represented by full delegations, I remain, Fraternally,
Warren S. George International President
Legislative Conference WA S H I N G T O N , D C
MARCH 10-14, 2007
ATU Activists Take It to the Next Level at Legislative Conference
International President Warren S. George welcomed the Legislative Conference participants on Saturday evening, March 10. He reviewed the legislative accomplishments of the previous year and surveyed the political landscape ahead.
Determined to take advantage of the new majorities in Congress, representatives from politically active locals all over the United States converged upon Washington, DC, from March 10 – 14 for the ATU’s largest Legislative Conference ever.
This was the first time since 1994 that conference participants lobbied a Democratically-controlled Congress. They worked hard to make that happen, and they took it to the next level – making sure that elected representatives follow through on their commitments to work for pro-transit and pro-labor legislation. ATU-COPE Winners The event began Saturday evening, March 10, with an address by International President Warren S. George, who reviewed the legislative accomplishments of the previous year and surveyed the political landscape ahead. International Secretary-Treasurer Oscar Owens presented the 2006 ATU-COPE President’s Award to attendees whose locals raised the highest dollar amounts for COPE, and the Chairman’s Award to those which enrolled the highest percentage of their members in the program.
The Conference applauded each of the attending presidents whose locals received top honors in what has become a friendly rivalry. They saved their warmest response, however, for a moment in which Local President and reigning Patriot Award winner Herb Dill, 788-St. Louis, MO, presented the award to the new winner, Local President Dale Anderson, 519-La Crosse, WI, who beat out the long-standing champ to win the award as the highest individual contributor to the ATU-COPE program. In typical ATU-style, Dill was almost as delighted to pass the award on to Anderson as he would have been to receive it himself, noting that the more members there are who step up to the plate for ATU-COPE, the more effective the program will be. Day One: Policy ATU Legislative Director Jeff Rosenberg kicked off the meeting by profiling the new Democratic committee chairs who have the most impact on the ATU. Rosenberg then laid out some of the Union’s legislative priorities: n increasing federal support for mass transit in the face of attempts by the Bush Administration to slash transit funding; n increasing state funding for mass transit; and n amending current law to allow communities with populations above the current 200,000 limit, to apply federal transit assistance to their operating budgets (administration, wages, etc.) if their transit systems run 100 or fewer buses during peak hours. If We Don’t Organize, We Will Die The Conference next heard from Charles Lester, ATU’s new organizing director, who led a panel of local presidents in relating the lessons they have learned from their organizing experiences, successful and otherwise. The panel included Local Presidents Wayne Baker, 1764-Washington, DC; Pennie Johnson, 1733-Vernon Hills, IL; and Jon Hunt, 757Portland, OR. Lester started off with a blunt assessment: “If we don’t organize, we will die. The direct support we enjoy and the success we have in representing our members is directly tied to how strong we are.”
Local President and reigning Patriot Award winner Herb Dill, 788-St. Louis, MO, left, presents the award to the new winner, Local President Dale Anderson, 519-La Crosse, WI, who beat out the long-standing champ to win the award as the highest individual contributor to the ATU-COPE program.
The organizing director explained the challenges facing 21st century labor organizers: “Employers have become more vicious. They don’t care what the law says; they will break it. They will intimidate, they will lie, and they will fire workers who try to organize. “At the ATU we have to be more prepared for employer tactics, and prepare workers a little better because in the face of all the fears, lies
and intimidation, employees will choose not to go forward and vote for the Union,” Lester explained. The Employee Free Choice Act The panel discussion was followed by AFL-CIO Legislative Representative Byron Charlton, who spoke in favor of the ATU Organizing Director Charles Lester: Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), a bill recently passed ‘If we don’t organize, we will die.’ by the House of Representatives. The bill would allow employees in a potential bargaining unit to establish a local union after a majority of those workers designated a union as their representative through a card check. Charlton quoted from a statement given at congressional hearings on the bill: “In 2002, the State Department condemned elections in the Ukraine for failure to ensure a level playing field because employers of state-owned enterprises were pressured to support the ruling party; faculty and students were instructed by universities to vote for certain candidates; and the governing party enjoyed one-sided media coverage while the opposition was largely shut out of state-run television. “Well, brothers and sisters,” he declared, “every one of these practices is completely legal under the National Labor Relations Act. The sad fact is that right now our government demands higher standards for democracy in the Ukraine than it does for Americans in workplaces across the country.” AFL-CIO Legislative Representative Byron Charlton: ‘The sad fact is… our government demands higher standards for democracy in the Ukraine than it does for Americans in workplaces across the country.’
Charlton urged the Conference to speak out and support this legislation, which still must be passed by the Senate and signed into law by President Bush – who has threatened to veto it.
Creating Workplaces with Real Family Values On Sunday afternoon, participants heard from Manar S. Morales, director of the Attorney Network of the Center for WorkLife Law at the University of California’s Hastings College of Law. Morales described the conflicts between work and family life that tend to push women into “opting out” of the workforce. She noted
MA - Legislative Conference Board President Gary Pires
Local President Wayne Baker, 1764-Washington, DC
that employers also punish men who choose family responsibilities over workplace demands such as overtime. Morales said the Center has found that “inflexibility of jobs pose a real problem for working families. Today, nearly 75 percent of all working U.S. adults have little or no control over their work schedules,” and that, “lower paid workers, not surprisingly, have the least amount of control.” Morales related several incidents in which employees who took time off to respond to a child’s health crisis were punished for doing what any conscientious parent would do in a similar situation. “What we’ve seen in many of these cases,” she said, “is that we’re not dealing with workers who are ‘slackers.’ These are conscientious workers; they want to do right by their employers, but they’re also conscientious parents who want to do right by their children.”
Morales cited the lack of
Director of the WorkLife Law Attorney child care as a problem that creates Network Manar S. Morales: “tag-team” families in which parents ‘…inflexibility of jobs pose a real work at different times during the problem for working families.’
day so that one of them will always be at home with their children. She also pointed to the lack of mass transit as another problem, making it difficult for low-wage workers to pick up children at schools and child care centers while commuting to and from work.
The Center has also discovered that men are less likely than women to reveal to their boss that they are refusing overtime because of family considerations. Morales said that this will sometimes put men in greater jeopardy than if they had explained why they couldn’t work. Morales advocated several solutions to work/family conflicts including allowing employees to use both family and sick leave to care for their families; giving workers more control over overtime, and providing enough advance notice of overtime so that employees can arrange for child care; enabling workers to take personal leave in twohour segments; paid vacation; and addressing discrimination against adults with family responsibilities. Our Common Interest “Regardless of what fights there are back home, our common interest is what we fight for here,” asserted Bill Millar, president of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA). In this way, Millar, the
Local President Pennie Johnson, 1733-Vernon Hills, IL
Assistant Trustee Jon Hunt, 757-Portland, OR
Conference’s next speaker, acknowledged that although ATU locals and their management counterparts have their disagreements, they are able to work together in Washington for things such as transit funding and security. ATU and APTA have their legislative conferences in Washington at the same time every year, which gives some ATU local officers and their managers an opportunity to lobby Congress together. Millar thought that this was a particularly potent tactic, explaining, “If we’re together, sitting in that congressional office, that speaks volumes before we even open our mouths.” The management association president welcomed the attitude of the new Democratic majorities in Congress, saying that the new committee chairs “do seem to be more receptive to the message we bring forward” at transit hearings. “The nature of the questions has changed.” Millar explained, “It’s not about our legitimacy to be there anymore. It now is: ‘Let me see the details of your proposal. Let me see what we can do.’” Millar outlined the environmental and economic benefits the nation American Public Transportation receives from mass transit and President Bill Millar: ‘Regardless of what fights there are back home, our common touted new figures showing interest is what we fight for here.’ continued ridership growth. After Millar’s presentation, the participants broke up into discussion groups to devise their own suggestions for items which could be included in the next reauthorization of SAFETEA-LU, the six-year transit funding authorization bill. Day Two: Politics The second day of the event focused on politics. And, appropriately, it began with a presentation on ATU-COPE by ATU Political and Regulatory Affairs Director Karen Head. She thanked the conference participants for their hard work and challenged everyone to become even more active in support of ATU-COPE in the current election cycle. Beyond 2006 The Legislative Conference provided ATU activists from all over the U.S. their first opportunity to gather and celebrate the majority-making victories they worked so hard to achieve in 2006. AFL-CIO Field Mobilization Director Naomi Walker, one of the principal figures in the Labor 2006 effort, had the pleasure of showing the group many of the statistics that the federation has compiled which illustrate the positive impact of Labor in the successful election effort. Walker explained that Labor’s success was “really no accident. It took a lot of planning and strategy – movement wide. There was no way one union, one federation, or one state could carry the load. It really had to be a broad plan.” As a consequence, she declared, “we accomplished all of our goals for 2006.” The AFL-CIO is now engaged in a four-election cycle plan with the goal of “running-the-board” in 2012. By that year, the AFL-CIO plans for Labor to be a deciding factor in the election of pro-worker
majorities in state legislatures, state houses and in both houses of Congress. The labor federation is also strategizing to elect a pro-worker president in 2008 and to re-elect him or her in 2012. Walker warned that with many primaries being scheduled earlier than ever before, the presidential nominees of both parties may well be known as early as next January. That, of course, means that Labor must get its 2008 program up and running very soon. AFL-CIO Field Mobilization Director Naomi Walker: Labor’s success was ‘really no accident. It took a lot of planning and strategy – movement wide.’
A Long, Long Time “Boy, I’ve waited a long time to use the words ‘opportunities before the new Congress;’ a long, long time,” said AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department President Ed Wytkind, reflecting on the previous 12 years of Republican Congresses. “ATU is defined by being the voice of the labor movement on public transportation and over-theroad bus issues,” Wytkind continued, “but you’re also defined by the values you hold, the vision you share, and the principles you fight for.”
AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department President Ed Wytkind: ‘ATU is defined by being the voice of the labor movement on public transportation… but you’re also defined by the values you hold, the vision you share, and the principles you fight for.’
“One year ago I stood before you and said that we had no choice but to make our voices heard loud and clear,” Wytkind remembered, “And, guess what? You made your voices heard loud and clear, and gave it your all because the livelihoods of American workers were truly on the ballot. We made history, my friends, and all of you should be very proud of that.”
Wytkind brought the Conference alive with an impassioned and inspiring speech, urging transit workers to continue the fight and make even more gains in the future. With that energy still lingering in the air, ATU Political Director Head listed all of the work the Union did in the 2006 election as well as its plans for the 2008 contest. Never Too Early to Start Voters have complained for many years that there are no candidates running for office who they want to vote for. So, it should not be surprising that political parties go looking for good people to run for office in many districts across America. Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-MD, was in charge of “candidate recruitment” for the Democrats in the House of Representatives in the last election, and he did so well that he was promoted to chair the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
Van Hollen spoke to the Conference, thanking the ATU for helping to put him over the top in his first election to Congress four years ago. The Maryland Democrat spoke enthusiastically about transit as a “win-win” proposition for communities. He also addressed the need for increased transit security given terrorist targeting of transit systems around the world. Van Hollen used a PowerPoint Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-MD: presentation to display public ‘…we can’t maintain and build on attitudes on issues critical to the this majority without your help. country – particularly with regard It’s never too early to start.’ to the war in Iraq. Van Hollen demonstrated that the Democratic Party had a “strong foundation” on which to build a larger majority in 2008. “We couldn’t have done this without your help, and now we can’t maintain and build on this majority without your help. It’s never too early to start,” he insisted. At the State Level Next, ATU Legislative Director Rosenberg led a panel discussion of the ATU’s state legislative program and the work that individual locals are doing in their states. The panel included ATU Legislative Conference Board Presidents Dale Anderson, WI; Mike Lowery, FL; Dennis Antonellis, WA; Babe Amash, NY; Ron Cox, IL; Donnie Small, Sr., LA; Gary Pires, MA; and Pat McMahon, PA; as well as Local President Jerry Reel, 812-Clarksburg, WV. You Make Transportation Work
Recording Secretary Mike Harms, 85-Pittsburgh, PA
The federation president thanked the ATU activists for all of the work they did in the last election. “No one worked harder than your own union,” he declared. But Sweeney pulled no punches: “We all know it’s not nearly enough. We’re still not where we need to be. The reality is that our membership is still not growing. We still don’t have the filibuster-proof, veto-proof majority we need in the U.S. Senate in order to win real change for working families.” Sweeney provided examples of the problem: n The bill to increase the minimum wage is stuck in the Senate even though 90 percent of Americans want it raised. n The Employee Free Choice Act will have a tough time getting through the Senate. n Other legislation addressing health care, education, retirement security, economic growth, national security, as well as transit security and funding will all run into roadblocks in the Senate. In addition to changing the Senate, he asked the conference participants to work hard for the Employee Free Choice Act. Sweeney proclaimed that “our biggest battle is over the very survival of the labor movement … and that’s why the EFCA is so important. Passing it in the Senate and electing a president who will sign it is our top priority. This is a fight for all of us … We will not have strong unions in any industry until we have a stronger total labor movement.” As for presidential politics, the labor leader believes, “We also have the best chance we’ve had in years to elect a president of the United States who will champion our cause, and we have a number of candidates who will do just that.” Sweeney’s message of hope and challenge was well received by the conference participants, who gave him an extended round of applause.
The next speaker was a man who is the face of Labor in the United States – AFL-CIO President John Sweeney. Sweeney, the son of a bus driver, told the ATU representatives that he was “so appreciative of the job you do every day for all of us, for all of
our families, and especially for the members of your own union, not only on the job, but away from the job as well. You not only make transportation work, but you help pass the laws to guarantee adequate funding to protect safety and workplace standards.”
The ATU Legislator of the Year award was presented following Sweeney’s address (see page 17). Your Union was the Backbone
AFL-CIO President John Sweeney: ‘Our biggest battle is over the very survival of the labor movement.’
Political Coordinator Byron Shane, 85-Pittsburgh, PA
Conference-goers were delighted to receive an impromptu visit from Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-OR, who wanted to thank the ATU for all the work it has done.
Local President Jerry Reel, 812-Clarksburg, WV
FL Legislative Conference Board President Mike Lowery
With regard to the new Congress, Blumenauer remarked, “This is the first time we haven’t been spending lots of time on defense. We have an opportunity to move forward in a constructive way. I’m looking forward to working with you in this Congress to carry that message forward.” “We’ve got reauthorization of SAFETEA-LU (the six-year transit funding authorization bill) coming up just two years from now,” he reminded them. “It was kind of messy last time with 12 extensions. But now we’ve got an opportunity to do this one right. “You know we’ve worked since 1999, together, on transit security legislation and your Union was the backbone of this. We worked for two years, and you know what? They wouldn’t even give us a hearing on the bill.
“There’s always this dichotomy between Labor and management; their needs are not the same. But if we work together and we focus on the customer first, we will save jobs and we will create jobs. So the message that I get out to the leadership and the general managers is that you cannot do a thing without Labor. Labor is the solution. Labor is not the problem. The people who make it or break it are the bus operators, the mechanics, and all of the front line workers.” Transportation Day of Action Following Simpson, Monica Silbus gave a short presentation on the coming Transportation Day of Action sponsored by the International Association of Machinists.
“But on September 12, 2001, they started listening to us,” Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-OR: Blumenauer marveled, “in a ‘Together, I think we are going to be matter of hours we had a hearing very successful in this session of Congress, scheduled. In two days our and it’s about time.’ entire bill was dropped into the Patriot Act. It was a terrible piece of legislation but the work that we did was there for transit security. We need to be working together to finish the job.” Blumenauer continued, “You’re not only dealing with potential terrorist acts. We need to make people understand that what you do is homeland security; it’s disaster protection; and that, one reason we want to expand and enhance transportation systems is because that’s the way people will get out of town if there’s a problem.
Silbus asserted, “Brothers and Sisters, we’re in a fight International Association of Machinists for our lives… Every social Transportation Education Representative movement that this great Monica Silbus: ‘Brothers and Sisters, country has ever had, that we’re in a fight for our lives…’ has been effective and made a difference, happened when and only when the people of this great country took the cause against injustice to the streets, and said ‘enough is enough.’” ATU will participate in the demonstration which will take place on May 17 in Washington, DC. On to Congress
“Together, I think we are going to be very successful in this session of Congress, and it’s about time,” he concluded. Labor is the Solution
Local President Calvin Kennedy, 1324-Savanah, GA, left, lays out ATU’s legislative priorities in a meeting with Rep. John Barrow, D-GA, during the lobbying portion of the Legislative Conference.
WA Legislative Conference Board President Dennis Antonellis
First on the agenda on Day Three was an address by James Simpson, the new head of the Federal Transit Administration. Simpson recalled his recent experience as a commissioner of the New York State Metropolitan Transportation Authority, saying,
NY Legislative Conference Board President Babe Amash
Freshman Sen. Bob Casey, D-PA, left, gave a warm greeting to Local President Pat McMahon, 85-Pittsburgh, PA, on Capitol Hill during the lobbying portion of the Legislative Conference. Local 85 campaigned vigorously for Casey.
IL Legislative Conference Board President Ron Cox
Finally, educated about the issues and energized by many speakers, the conference participants fanned out across Capitol Hill to lobby their congressional representatives. Later that evening APTA and ATU sponsored their first-ever joint reception for Members of Congress in the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill.
LA Legislative Conference Board President Donnie Small, Sr.
a Conference Reception Snapshots Rep. Ron Klein, D-FL, left, with Local President Dwight Mattingly, 1577-W. Palm Beach, FL
Rep. Bruce Braley, D-IA, right, with Karen Head, ATU staff, and Rob Healy, APTA
Rep. Tim Bishop, D-NY, right, with Assistant Trustee Michael Lucivero, 1181-New York, NY
Rep. Steve Kagen, D-WI, right, with Local President Dale Anderson, 519-La Crosse, WI
Rep. Chris Shays, R-CT, left, with Jeff Rosenberg, ATU staff, center, and an unidentified person
Rep. Corrine Brown, D-FL, left, with International President Warren S. George, right, and Local President Dwight Mattingly, 1577-W. Palm Beach, FL
Rep. Nick Rahall, D-WV, right, with Assistant Trustee Jon Hunt, 757-Portland, OR
From left, Local President Ron Cox, 416-Peoria, IL, welcomes Rep. Dan Lipinski, D-IL, with Pennie Johnson, 1733-Vernon Hills, IL, and Henry Lee Ruff, 1028-Des Plaines, IL
Rep. Joe Courtney, D-CT, left, with International President Warren S. George
Rep. John Yarmuth, D-KY, center, with Local President Larry Snook, 1447-Louisville, KY
Rep. Tim Mahoney, D-FL, right, with Local President Dwight Mattingly, 1577-W. Palm Beach, FL
Rep. Michael Arcuri, D-NY, right, with Karen Head, ATU staff, and International President Warren S. George.
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: CRIMINAL BACKGROUND REVIEWS With union workers in the transit and school bus industries increasingly targeted for criminal background checks, it is now more important than ever for ATU members to be educated consumers and extra‑vigilant about their rights. Background Checks: a New Age and a New Rage In the post‑September 11 world, security concerns have become paramount on all forms of transportation services across North America. One result has been a significant increase in employer use of criminal background checks to screen job applicants and even existing workforces. Led by a company known as Choicepoint, a growing industry of human resource firms are amassing huge databases and offering criminal history information to private and government employers at relatively inexpensive rates in record time. In 2004, 80% of HR professionals said they conducted criminal background checks, up from 51% in 1996. But there are hardly any legal limits on when employers can run background checks and what information the investigating companies can report to these employers. As a result, even if the policies of a particular employer are tailored to consider only more recent records or just actual convictions (as opposed to arrests), the background report that the employer receives typically shows any contact the individual has had with the criminal justice system – no matter how old, no matter how the case may have turned out, and no matter how relevant any of the information might even be to one’s job. “But Why Should I Be Concerned?” The vast majority of us, of course, should have nothing to worry about. (Still, the statistics might surprise you. In the U.S., one in five adults has a misdemeanor or felony record that will show up on a routine criminal background check.) But the trend has become so widespread that even union members with no criminal records can end up with serious problems caused by criminal background checks.
In fact, a 1997 study found that one in 20 “name‑based” background checks – the type done by Choicepoint and most public bodies – produces a criminal record for those who in fact have none. Each year, that adds up to an estimated 300,000 innocent workers who have to cope with the results of a “false positive” background check. The information collected is, moreover, often out of date and therefore largely inaccurate. A study in New York found that 87% of rap sheets had at least one error and that more than 40% contained two errors. And according to some estimates, more than 40% of arrest records have not been updated in at least five years to show, for example, if a case has been dismissed. Needless to say, the implications of an erroneous or inaccurate criminal background report can be devastating. Protecting Your Interests The lessons to be learned are simple: 1) Get a copy of your criminal record; Know what an employer would likely be told about you.
Just like your credit report, it is important to get a hold of your criminal record to be sure it is accurate and complete – and that it does not show activities of someone who has stolen your identity. It is easy enough in most jurisdictions and usually involves just a minor fee, if any. A non‑profit group called the HIRE Network maintains a list of U.S. criminal record depositories at www.hirenetwork.org. Click on the “Resources & Assistance” link on the menu on the top of the page. For information on obtaining a report from the central repository of criminal records maintained by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, visit www.rcmp‑grc.gc.ca/crimrec/crimrec_e.htm.
2) Correct any mistakes or old information right away; Don’t put it off!
If you find any mistakes or information that has not been updated (like an arrest without an indication as to the final disposition of the case), contact the agency which maintains the record and follow all available procedures to get your record fixed.
For starters, both the commercial firms like Choicepoint and government authorities routinely generate errors and inaccuracies of all kinds that unfairly penalize union workers. Employers, then, often receive a criminal history report on a worker who, as it later turns out, has simply been confused with someone else with a similar name. Union workers with fairly common names like Smith, Lopez, Williams, or Jones in particular need to be on the lookout for a background check that inaccurately reports a criminal record.
ATU Presents
‘Legislator of the Year’
Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-MS
The ATU presented its third annual ATU Legislator of the Year Award to Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-MS, on March 12, at the ATU Legislative Conference. Local President Artines Pratt, 1208-Jackson, MS, joined International President Warren S. George in presenting the award to Thompson for his tireless work on behalf of transit workers. Thompson has long been a friend to the ATU and all working men and women. In his 14 years in Congress, he has established himself as a leader on civil rights, education and health care reform. His dedication to working family issues has made a real difference in the lives of his constituents and the lives of the ATU members that he represents. “I feel like I’m with family,” said Thompson, “I would not be in Congress had it not been for organized labor support in 1993.” Understands the Safety Role of Transit Workers While his 14 years of dedication to transit labor are laudable, it was his work over the past two years, during which he served as the ranking Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee that earned him the title of ATU Legislator of the Year. The Mississippi Democrat has shown that he understands the crucial role that transit workers and over-the-road bus employees play in enhancing the safety and security of our nation’s transit systems. Despite resistance by transit employers and the previous Republican Congress, Thompson has been steadfast in calling for increased and dedicated funding for transit and over-the-road bus security – and for mandatory training for all frontline workers in these industries. In June 2006, Thompson released a report on the state of rail and mass transit security in the U.S. The report called on the Administration to take several concrete steps to address the security threats facing mass transit, including mandatory training for frontline workers. Shortly after releasing the report, he introduced legislation to implement these recommendations. Unfortunately, due to opposition by the Bush Administration and the Republican leadership in Congress, his bill was not enacted into law. Bold Legislation
“I’m real happy,” he told the conference, “to say that with the new leadership here you all can feel real comfortable that you’ve got some friends who now chair key committees and, believe me, in this town, there’s no substitute for being in charge.” He has introduced bold legislation (H.R. 1401) which will significantly improve the security of the systems that ATU members operate and maintain, and will ensure that ATU members receive the training they need and deserve. The legislation would also provide transit workers with whistleblower protections and ensure that they are consulted in the process of identifying and addressing security priorities. This legislation was passed by the U.S. House on March 27. “We’re going to mandate security training, and not that 30-minute video you get once a year,” he asserted, “it’s going to be an ongoing continuing education that’s tied to security.” “See what it means to be in charge,” Thompson asked, “everything in that bill is exactly what you asked me to put in there.” “I want you to carry that back to your membership,” he stated, “that you can now talk to the people who are running things that impact your lives.”
Now, however, Thompson is championing this issue from a much more advantageous position – as Chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security.
legislativereport DELIVERING
As International Executive Vice President Michael J. Siano notes in his column (see page 5), ATU has had the opportunity to testify before Congress several times since the Democrats took control of the congressional agenda in January. Public transportation security, intercity bus safety and security, and transit funding issues are on the minds of lawmakers during the first days of the 110th Congress. George Asserts Need for Training On January 18, U.S. Senator (and presidential candidate) Chris Dodd, D-CT, the new chair of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, convened the committee’s first hearing of the session, focusing on the state of transit security in the U.S. Dodd was joined on the panel by new Democratic Senators Sherrod Brown, OH; Bob Casey, PA; and Jon Tester, MT. Since 9/11 the federal government has spent over $7.50 per passenger on aviation security, but less than one penny per rider on transit security. International President Warren S. George testified before the committee on behalf of the ATU, focusing on the issue of training for front line transit employees. George asserted, “In the event of a terrorist attack within a mass transit system, the response of employees at the scene within the first few minutes is crucial to minimizing the loss of life and to evacuating passengers away from the incident. Transit employees are the first on the scene, even before police, firefighters or emergency medical responders. They must know what to do in order to save the lives of their passengers and themselves.” Dodd agreed, adding, “If we are truly serious about keeping Americans safe from the risks of terrorism and if we are committed to economic prosperity, then I believe it is imperative that we act to strengthen America’s transit networks.”
before the Highways and Transit Subcommittee, telling the panel that “it is our members who are on the front lines of this battle and who know best what dangers they face everyday on the job.” ATU Identifies Transit Priorities On March 19, ATU testified before the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission, which was created by Congress to develop new ideas on transit issues. ATU identified a number of transit policy priorities for the commission’s consideration. These priorities include: doubling the size of the federal transit program; enhancing transit and over-the-road bus security programs; encouraging more people to ride public transportation; providing for more flexibility in the use of federal transit funds; encouraging increased transit investment by the states; and expanding workforce development programs. Over-the-Road Safety Finally, on March 20, Local President Bruce Hamilton, Local 1700-(Greyhound), testified before the House Highways, Transit and Pipelines Subcommittee regarding motorcoach safety. He touched on several issues of concern to the ATU, including the need for increased enforcement of existing federal safety standards, bus operator fatigue, vehicle safety standards, and security. Hamilton also urged the committee to adopt a national ground transportation policy to ensure that all American citizens, in urban and rural communities alike, have access to safe and affordable transportation – particularly in emergency situations. He declared, “the tragic events of 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina demonstrate the importance of having buses available across the U.S. to safely transport people out of harm’s way. A strong national bus program would meet this need.”
Siano: ATU on the Front Lines The U.S. House of Representatives is taking up transit security issues as well, and on March 7 Siano testified on behalf of the ATU
canadianagenda Federal Budget a
Disappointment The federal budget, announced on March 19, proved disappointing in two major areas for transit and labor interests. The budget failed to provide dedicated funding for transit and cut taxes for profitable corporations without increasing investments in the Canadian economy. Long-Term, Dedicated Funding Rejected The budget was released just weeks after the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and several big city mayors urged Ottawa to create a national public transportation strategy that would provide predictable funding and thereby allow for long-term transportation planning. The Federation made a specific proposal calling for $2 billion per year of long-term dedicated funding, combined with the requirement that cities focus on transit-oriented development. Ignoring the advise and recommendations of Canada’s cities, the federal government instead proposed extending the Gas Tax Fund transfer to municipalities for an additional four years. And, rather than creating a permanent source of revenue, the federal government proposed the creation of a new Building Canada Fund, to fund transit and other infrastructure projects on an ad-hoc basis. “This budget simply does not provide the long-term, predictable, and sustainable funding that is needed to maintain and expand Canada’s public transit systems,” said ATU Canadian Director Robin West. The ATU is particularly concerned with the federal proposal’s promise to tie federal investments to public-private partnerships, especially with the creation of a federal public-private partnership office to encourage increased reliance on such partnerships. History has taught us that these partnerships may lower operating costs by replacing good public-sector jobs with lower-wage, contracted-out positions. A Welcome Step In a “welcome step,” according to Michael Roschlau, president and CEO of the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA), the budget did expand the federal tax credit for transit pass users to include certain weekly transit passes and electronic fare cards. “However, we are disappointed that the long-standing request for a tax exemption for employer-provided transit benefits has still not been recognized as one of the most effective ways of using the tax system to promote transit use,” said Roschlau.
Dismay The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) likewise expressed dismay at the 2007 Federal Budget, stating in a press release that “Budget 2007 erodes the federal government’s capacity to improve the lives of working people.” While the budget cuts corporate taxes by $6.4 billion, and transfers $5.1 billion to other levels of government, it provides only $3.2 billion of spending on federal programs - equaling two dollars of tax cuts for every dollar of new federal spending. Many of the new programs, according to the CLC, “seem somewhat innocuous and lacking a clear sense of priority.” “Its basic direction, like previous Liberal and Conservative federal budgets, is to reduce the size of government and hence its capacity to serve working people,” stated the CLC press release. “By focusing on corporate tax cuts and unaccountable transfers to the provinces, this budget fails to meet the real needs of Canada’s cities, transit riders, students, parents, and working families,” said ATU Canadian Director West.
TRANSIT Contributed Highest Dollar Amount UNION
Membership Amount 50 or less Runner-up:
Local Union
AMALGAMATED 51 - 200 TRANSIT Runner-up: UNION 201 - 800 Runner-up:
AMALGAMATED 843 - Bellingham, WA TRANSIT 398 - Boise, ID UNION 1575 - San Rafael, CA 1179 - New York, NY
801 - 1500 Runner-up:
519 - La Crosse, WI 801 - Altoona, PA
726 - Staten Island, NY 618 - Providence, RI AMALGAMATED AMALGAMATED TRANSIT TRANSIT 587 - Seattle, WA UNION UNION 1056 - Flushing, NY
$ 3,309.09 $ 600.00 AMALGAMATED $ 3,888.00 TRANSIT $ 3,251.51 UNION $ 9,887.78 $ 9,219.25 $ 86,987.88 $ 32,464.00
AMALGAMATED TRANSIT $ 97,186.39 UNION $ 61,793.62
Local Unions with the AMALGAMATED TRANSIT Enrolled UNION
Membership Amount 50 or less Runner-up:
Local Union
519 - La Crosse, WI 923 - Amsterdam, NY
91% 56 %
82% 80%
201 - 800 Runner-up:
1235 - Nashville, TN 1575 - San Rafael, CA
74% 54%
801 - 1500 AMALGAMATED Runner-up TRANSIT 1501 + UNION
726 - Staten Island, NY 26AMALGAMATED - Detroit, MI TRANSIT UNION PA 85 - Pittsburgh,
1056 - Flushing, NY
PATRIOT’S CLUB Anderson, Dale E. Avery, Ellometha Bachtel, Paul J. Baker, Robert H. Belmain, Sheldon I. Besses III, Louis L. Blair, William A. Bogart, Carl Bridges, Deoleous A. Buckley, Daniel J. Cahill, Kevin J. Caldart, Anthony R. Caldwell, David Floyd Carter, Lisa B. Chapman, Robert Church, David E. Cook, Charles Crayton Sr., Leslie Cuddy, Richard T. D’ambrosio, Kenneth M. Daily, Terrence R. Danahey, Michael P. Davis, Ramona V. Dawson, Brian Dennis, Andrea D. Dickerson, Roosevelt Diehl, Robyn E. Dill, Herbert S. Dobbs, Gloria M. Dolores, Edward J. Duncan, Katherine M. Dunn, Sherlyne Dunn, William Edwards, Roy C. Endsley, Charles William Farrell, Charles A. P. Fernandes, Manuel J. Ferreira, Victor M. Fitzgerald, James D. Fitzgerald, Mary B. Fremming, David C. Fusco, Scott D. Gallegos, Robert A. Garguillo, Michael F. Gordon Jr., Romeo O. Gotcher, Joseph H. Gould, William E. Green, Debbie A Griffin, Paul L. Hamilton, Bruce E. Hanley, Lawrence J. Hansen, Donald T. Healey, Kevin F. Heintzman, Ronald J. Hennessy, Michael R.
519 1338 587 IVP 618 268 618 1145 1300 618 618 85 1164 587 1338 618 IVP 1338 618 618 587 618 587 726 1001 825 587 788 998 265 1001 1338 282 618 847 587 618 618 1015 1015 618 618 1001 726 618 1309 618 587 587 1700 IVP IVP 618 IVP 1179
Hodge, Richard J. Holt Jr., Raymond A. Hubbard, Donnie A. Hunt, Jonathan J. Jackson, Regina D. Jefferson, Darrell Jones-White, Rebecca Jones, Anthony L. Kaplan, Paul Kirk, Kenneth R. Lanucha, Jeanna L. Larney, Kenneth J. Lewis, Maurice G. Lurz, James F. Lutz, John M. Mazzei, Robert J. Mc Guire, Brian P. Mc Lean, William G. Moffitt, Virginia A. Monaco, Robert S. Moore, Samuel Moorehead, Wes R. Mullins, Tommy N. Munro, John C. Murphy, Richard Murray Jr., Edward M. Musto, Angelo Neil, Paul B. Norton, Lance F. Okoniewicz, Christine Palandri, Anthony Pekarovic, Raymond K. Perkins Sr., Lloyd Poole, Valerie L. Reid, James R. Richmond, Rodney Rife, Kenneth Doane Riskosky, John B. Ritchie, Peter R. Rivera, Julio X. Rosado, Jose A. Rose Jr., Richard J. Rovito, Joseph Ryan III, Charles A. Ryan, Raymond M. Salazar, Yvette J. Satariano, Frank J. Shaff, Jerold Shaw Sr., Matthew J. Sherblum, Robert Simmons, Karen S. Springer, Loretta A. Stewart, George Stone, Martin Terry, Earl Tillman, Brenda J. Triplett, Alan F. Trujillo, Rudy
CENTURY CLUB STATESMEN’S CLUB 618 618 1338 757 587 241 192 241 1577 IVP 19 618 1056 1300 282 85 1342 IVP 618 726 726 587 IVP 587 IVP 618 726 587 587 282 1001 587 998 1001 618 IVP 1093 1309 618 1001 587 618 256 1548 618 1001 85 282 282 618 IVP 265 726 1093 564 1287 265 1001
$100 - $249 $50 - $99
Van Dewater, Bruce Wadding, Brian D. Wallace III, Jerry Wallace, Tom V. Watson, Carey P. Wickham, Kelly R. Williams, Yvonne M. Withington, Anthony R. Wong, Stephen G. Wright, William R. Young, Sandie M. Zullo, Albert D.
282 1001 587 757 587 587 192 1575 265 1700 1001 757
CONGRESSIONAL CLUB Adams-Watkins, Joyce J. Adams, Clinton L. Adams, Melissa A. Agnew, Charles Agostini, Yamel Aguilar, Arturo E. Alberti, Roy P. Alexander, Charles L. Alexander, Kevin L. Allen, Helen S. Alshiemer, William F. Amundsen, Eric Andersen, Donald M. Anderson, Craig N. Andres, Kevin C. Angell Jr., Robert E. Annibale, Michael Appleberry, Malcolm Argento, John Askins, Mark Aubin, Nicholas Gerard Auerbach, Marc A. Auger, Ovide L. Baenen, Paul A. Bahorich, Joseph J. Bailey, Eric Bailey, Suzanne M. Baker, Catherine L. Baker, Kim D. Bakke, Harold R. Baldassare, Peter Balogh, Kurt G. Balogun, O. Jason Balzi Jr., Peter Bangs, Robert E. Banks, Christine V. Baribault, Peter A. Barnes, Bernice F. Barrios, Julio Barry, John P. Bartlein, Kevin P. Bayer, John K.
256 26 587 618 726 1277 726 627 1555 1001 618 726 587 587 265 618 726 282 726 726 1001 587 618 587 85 1001 587 843 1001 587 726 726 1338 726 587 1287 618 689 726 589 587 241
Bean, Robert J. 1433 Beckham Jr., Clyde L. 256 Benedetto, Tony 726 Benson, Kenneth W. 192 Bernard, Laura 726 Bert, Arnold R. 618 Besignano, John 726 Betts, Brian 726 Beyers, William A. 1342 Blanks, Bryan 1338 Blocchi, John 282 Botts, George R. 726 Bourbeau, Christopher 726 Braylock, Freda 996 Breihan, Michael W. 788 Brooks, Stanley H. 587 Brown-Johnson, Sharon R. 1564 Brown, Mike A. 1001 Bryant, Antonette C. 1555 Buck, Connie J. 398 Buck Jr., George E. 618 Buelt, William Casper 1001 Bullock, Garcell 1277 Burmeister, Michael 726 Bush, Buddy J. 726 Cagianese, Dennis M. 1001 Calico Jr., Levil E. 1338 Campbell, Ray H. 587 Campodonico, Ivan 726 Camputoro, Andrew J. 726 Carey, Michael L. 1321 Carney, Thomas J. 726 Carpenter, Colleen 85 Carter, Anthony J. 1287 Cashion, Jeffrey A. 1164 Cassella, Daniel 726 Castronovo, Steven R. 726 Caterina, Paul 726 Cavaliere, Mary E. 587 Chajet, Gustavo 726 Chambers, Robert B. 823 Chatman, Vida D. 587 Chernetsky, Boris 726 Childress, David J. 1575 Ciancio, Joseph 726 Ciani, James 726 Ciollo, Onorato 726 Civitelli, Silvana 618 Clark Jr., Dewey W. 1287 Clarkin, Matthew M. 618 Cleaver, John 726 Clifford, William G. 587 Closter, Theodore N. 1309 Cobb, Cassandra R. 998 Colbert, Herschel 627 Cole, Allen L. 1164 Cooper, Betty R. 282 Cordray, George W. 1287
$25 - $49
Cotrone, Frank E. Cox, Earl Craig, Edward J. Crehan, Vincent G. Crider, Mary L. Crokett, Richard G. Crowley Jr., John J. Cruz, Carl A. Cunningham, James Daly, William M. Danielski, Frances Darden, Eugene Day, Jessie T. De Andrade, Scott De Bord, Mark J. De Fluri, Joseph G. De Palma, David De Siderato, Ronald Deibler, Thomas A. Del Grosso, Richard Delcroix, Andre Delfini Jr., Alfredo Delfino, Richard Delis, Donald D. Dendrinos, Christos G. Denneny, Thomas J. Denning, William J. Dente, Lawrence Detmer, James M. Di Francesco, Salvatore E. Di Nardo Jr., Sabatino Di Perna, Jeffrey S. Dick, John R. Ditoro, Michael Dmochowski, Jeffrey Doaty, Debra J. Dowd, Robert J. Downes, Patrick D. Drennon, Derrick Driscoll, James Duffy, Edward W. Dugas, Robert J. Dunn, Frank Dunne, Robert J. Dunwkosky, Carl W. Earle, David A. Eastham, David Echols, Dennis J. Edkins, Charles Edwards, Annie Edwards, Princess A. Eicke, Richard R. Enge, Greg M. England, Amanda A. Evans, Steven M. Fairbanks, David S. Fairlie, James R. Faria, Eric
618 1093 587 1342 1164 618 618 726 265 726 726 726 1564 618 587 587 726 618 1309 726 726 726 726 256 587 618 1577 726 1564 726 85 85 726 726 726 268 587 883 1338 726 85 618 726 726 726 587 726 587 726 996 587 823 587 1001 1093 587 726 1037
Farrell, Stephen S. Farrell, Terrance B. Farwell, Dennis A. Fasano, Lashawn Fattorusso, John Fernandez, Douglas Ferolano, Joseph Fields, Andrew L. Fields, Sophronia D. Flanigan, Thomas Ford, David L. Forlizzi, John Foulks, Karen M. Fragapane, Michael Frances, Kevin Franchino, John Francis, Daniel L. Franklin, Stephen French, Stanley F. Friedlan Jr., James W. Gaither, Clifford O. Gardner, James R. Gariepy, David S. Gaudette, Joseph D. Gay, Stanley Gentile, Gregory George, Warren Gervasi, Joseph Gibbons, James W. Gil, Jennie L. Gilbert, Leola F. Giordano, Scott A. Gittens, Raymond Giudice, Robert Glimm, Ronald C. Godfrey Jr., Earl W. Golden, John Golditch, Stewart Michael Gonzalez Jr., Francisco Gorton, Thomas R. Graupe, Brigitte Greco Jr., Joseph A. Green, Steven M. Greubel, Mic C. Gronek, Stanley Anton Guglielmini, Michael Guttadauro, Thomas Hambric, Daniel Hamilton, Gary D. Hamilton, Lavon M. Haney, Felix W. Hankerson, Esther L. Harms, Michael J. Harrington, Paul M. Harris, Gwendolyn M. Hathaway, Edmund E. Hawkins, Wayne R. Hayes, Harvey Head, Karen Hedstrom, Audrey R. Hendricks, Richard J. Hermanson Jr., James L. Hines, Donald Hohman, Lewis C. Holt, Hakim Hopkins Jr., Lester A. Howard, Curtis A. Hussey, Ella L. Hutchinson, Thomas Hyman, Jean F. Ingram, Ricky Inzerillo, Peter Jackson Jr., Robert L. Jacobs, Jerry L. Jacobson, Penny W. Jennings, Roy D.
618 618 1037 726 618 726 726 26 268 282 1093 726 996 726 726 1309 19 726 618 1309 256 192 1321 714 836 726 IP 726 618 587 587 726 726 726 587 618 726 1001 726 618 587 618 1321 587 1001 726 726 726 998 265 268 587 85 618 788 618 618 618 MAL 587 1277 587 256 256 726 618 732 1287 1338 85 726 726 587 587 587 757
Johnson Sr., Gary Johnson, Darrell Johnson, Nathan E. Johnson, Ralph J. Johnson, Richard W. Johnson, Robert Johnson, William Jones, Lorenzo L. Joseph, Vincent Joszpf, Daniel Karalis, Joseph J. Kay, David R. Keller, Stephne A. Kelley, Vickie L. Kelly-Vrontos, Sharon Kelly, Iver R. Kibbey Jr., Bryan W. King, Edward Kirschner, Karen K. Kleiboeker, Jerry L. Klugh, Ralph T. Koza, Yevgeniy Kupfer, Samuel La Francesca, John La Plume, Walter F. Lafata Jr., Andrew Lane, Douglas E. Langston, Michael Lansburg, David C. Larsen, William Lauria, John Layton, Ronald Lee Lee, Hattie D. Lee, Julia E. Lemmon, Harold R. Leonard, Karen Lerch, Paul S. Levada, Richard J. Lies, George Lobaido, Steven L. Longland, Valerie H. Lovata, Richard T. Love, Allan Lowery, Felix J. Lowery, Michael A. Lucas, Daniel J. Lucero, Kimberly L. Maluk, Thomas Manookian, Robert Mansfield, Benetta Marazzo, Joan A. Marcello, Kathleen Marks, Thomas Marshall, Charles Marshall, Richard A. Martinez, Luis Mason Jr., Richard Mathewson, Charles C. Mattingly, Dwight H. Maurer, Gary Mc Clure, Brian P. Mc Cormack, Donald Mc Cormick, Kenneth Mc Coy, Micheal E. Mc Cubbin, James L. Mc Cuiston, Julie A. Mc Cune, Paula L. Mc Donald, Marvin R. Mc Elroy, Joel A. Mc Grath, William V. Mc Kay, Dennis L. Mc Kelvey, Troy V. Mc Kitrick, Dwayne Mc Lean, Anthony Mc Lean, Dennis S. Mc Leish, James C.
268 1091 1309 726 1433 1091 726 265 726 726 618 757 1001 276 85 618 587 618 847 1309 85 726 726 726 618 726 587 726 1321 726 726 1277 587 689 587 726 587 618 726 726 587 587 726 1300 1395 85 1001 726 726 MAL 726 726 726 726 1001 726 726 618 1577 IR 1164 726 587 1593 1433 1384 587 587 1287 726 1309 587 85 618 265 618
Mc Mahon, Patrick J. Mc Namara, John A Mc Sorley, Daniel Mendez, Jose L. Mervosh, Matthew Messier, Raymond B. Metz, Thomas Meyers, James Michaels, Morgan L. Mickel, Steven Mielcarek, Joseph V. Milano, Patrick Miller, Charles N. Miller, Gayland Miranda, Rafael Mitchell, Walter A. Moisanen, Dawn A. Moisanen, Jan M. Moitoso, Edward Moliere, John Monti, Michael R. Moore, Michael J. Moore, Robert E. Moquin, Steven M. Morio, Frederick Morris, Kathi A. Morris, Keith Moschello, Gregory Mosley, Joe J. Mulieri, Joseph Mulvihill, Warren Mundy, William Murphy, Norman D. Myers, William A. Myrick, Michael Nemcsik, Curtis Ng, Wallace G. Niz, Ralph T. Norris, Frank R. Nowak, Craig Nuckols Jr., Orlando Nwakaego, Ngozi O’Keefe, Robert J. Offley III, John W. Oglesby, Kellee K. Ojeda, Gilberto Okie, George J. Okie, Michael Olander, J. Fred Owens, Oscar Owens, Melvia R. Owens, Wilfred M. Padilla, Raymond Paige, Barbara Palazzolo, Joseph Palonis, Stephen M. Parker, Tyrone E. Parrish, Steven K. Patridge, Herbert Pearson, Mark J. Pearson, Wesley J. Pellerin, Richard E. Perdomo, Lydia E. Perez Jr., Javier M. Pernell, Brenda G. Perrotti, Michael Perry, Shawn Peterkin, Robert D. Pittari, Anthony Platten, Todd K. Plivac, Muharem Pommerenk, Gregg Porter, Charles R. Porter, Lori A. Pradier, Larry Joseph Pressley, Albert
85 618 726 726 85 1575 726 726 587 726 85 726 587 618 726 726 883 883 618 726 618 587 587 1321 726 843 843 726 1001 726 726 726 1093 618 689 85 618 256 1321 726 587 587 398 1037 587 726 726 726 587 IST 26 1575 726 618 726 85 726 1015 1091 265 85 618 618 IVP 192 726 MAL 1338 726 1001 282 726 788 1287 1277 726
Price, Rico R. Prosser, Lawrence C. Pulcino, Anthony J. Putnam, Earle W. Quilla, Frank Rapcavage, Michael T. Reese, James E. Rendina, William M. Rethage, Steven R. Riccardi, Robert M. Rice, Larry D. Riley, Richard Ring, Maurice W. Ripo, Michael Rivera, Rafael Rivera, Victor Robinson, Doris J. Robinson, Rudy Robinson, Sherrielynn Robinson, Steven D. Rocco, Anthony Roderick, Antone Rodriguez Jr., Daniel G. Rodriguez, Rolando H. Rogan, Leland Rosales, Glenn A. Rotondo, Leonardo Rubino, Gregory Ruiz, Roberto Russo, Joseph M. Ruzzano Sr., John M. Safrin, Neal I. Saint Rose, Jean M. Salvaggio, Todd Sanchez, Jose L. Santa-Maria, Jack K. Satchell, Carol Schmeelk, Daniel Scott, Robert L. Sepe, David G. Sepolen, John W. Shackelford, Marvin L. Shane, Bryon S. Sheler, Lester Sheppard, Clyde Sherlock, Brian L. Short, Yvonne M. Siano, Michael J. Sidhu, James Silver, Neil H. Smith III, William Solomon, Debra K. Sousa, Carlos Souza, William J. Spagnola, Richard Spaulding, Norman Spears, Wilford C. Spicer, Daniel Stark, Chris Starnino, Ronald M. Stewart, Mickeal G. Stinger, Rhodessa O. Stites, Karen D. Stone, James Stone, Patrick Sullivan, Richard P. Swaggerty, Lawrence Swain, Nathaniel Sweeney, Dennis A. Sweetland, Owen C. Tambellini, Mark P. Tancredi, John R. Tanzi, Angelo Taylor, Belinda J. Taylor, Destry R. Teraskiewicz, Robert
1575 1091 726 MAL 726 726 587 587 85 726 1287 998 1309 726 IR 726 1056 587 1001 618 726 618 694 1338 726 1277 726 726 726 726 618 587 726 726 726 1342 726 726 192 618 587 1287 85 689 726 587 587 IEVP 618 1277 618 1384 618 618 726 265 308 726 19 618 1015 192 1384 726 726 618 726 26 1321 618 85 618 726 85 398 726
Thompson, Deborah Toohey, John J. Torti, Elecuterio Travis, Glen A. Tucker, James A. Tucker, Robin Turbiak, Michael Tuttle, Robert G. Tyler, Richard D. Updale, Eric J. Vandervlis, Paul D. Vanguilder, Jac V. Vann, Terrence L. Vargas, Shawn T. Varriano, Michael Venuto, Joanne Vestal, David C. Vitale, Dennis M. Vomero, Anthony Von Runnen, Edward C. Voorhees, Lucas W. Vurture, David Wakenight, Deeann K. Walker, Del L. Walker, Wade M. Wallace, Michael E. Walsh, Donald J. Watkins, Della R. Webster, Cathleen M. Welch, Joseph Wetzel, Leo White, Byron S. White, William C. Whitehead, Craig D. Whitmer, Charles G. Wiggins, Larry B. Wiley, Keith Williams, Barry W. Williams, Kiyoto Williams, Paul H. Williams, Randolph E. Williams, Stephen Williamson, Donald R . Wilson, Ruth Wiser, Douglas L. Wofford, Julee Wotipka, Cynthia A. Wyatt, Joneth R. Yarns, Kyle Yondola, Richard F. Yula, Eryn Zabawsky, Stephen M.
726 618 618 587 618 618 726 587 1564 726 726 726 1564 1277 726 726 587 726 726 265 587 726 587 843 587 726 726 1564 85 IVP MAL 726 1700 627 587 726 726 1091 726 1338 618 726 587 587 1145 1091 587 1091 726 726 1555 85
CENTURY CLUB Abraham, Viji P. Abramowicz, Daniel S. Abreu, Carlos H. Abruzzo, Leonard Aceves, Jesus A. Adam, Phillip Jean Adamek, Mark S. Adams, Dwain Adams, Harvey Addington, Ward R. Adeosun, Mudasiru Adigun, Olubanjo Adinolfi, Joseph M. Agard, Brian C. Agate Jr., Peter S. Agosto-Figueroa, Sonia Aguirre, Jose C. Ahmad, Raheem Ahmad, Zar’if Aiello, Peter
1056 1005 1056 726 1277 1056 618 1056 1056 587 726 627 726 1056 1056 726 1277 1177 282 726
Akins, Calvin 241 Alabi, Taofiki 618 Alamin, Ismail 1056 Alatorre, Jose L. 1277 Albanese, Christopher A. 1056 Alberti, Charles 726 Alejandro, Cathy 726 Alex, Mammen T. 726 Alexander, Bryant 308 Alexander, Edward C. 587 Alia, Ronald O. 587 Aliventi, Eric 1056 Allard, Theodora R. 1564 Allen, David 618 Allen, James B. 587 Allen, Jeanette 265 Allen, John 618 Allen, Joseph 726 Allen, Schenea 836 Allen, Stephany A. 1056 Almanza, Frank A. 1564 Almeida, Roseann B. 1037 Alsheimer III, William F. 618 Alston, Tammi W. 1328 Alverdes, Phyllis G. 587 Alzate, Luis F. 1056 Amador, Eddy L. 1056 Amador, Joan E. 1056 Amaro, Jose R. 1056 Ambert, Louis 726 Ambos, Russell J. 1277 Ameerally, Ayube 1056 Amorelli, Charies 726 Amrhein, Robert F. 85 Anderson, Allen V 1277 Anderson, David R. 788 Anderson, Edwin J. 1287 Anderson, George H. 587 Anderson, Harold V. 1277 Anderson, Heidi N. 757 Anderson, Linda R. 587 Andrade, Anthony 1056 Andrews, David 726 Angall, Wayne 1056 Angel, Tyrone 1575 Antonellis, Dennis 1015 Arce, Luis A. 308 Archer, Sherry E. 398 Archuleta, Christopher P. 265 Arendas, Patricia A. 85 Arias, Jaime A. 1056 Armstead, Torrance 19 Armstrong Sr., Roosevelt T. 282 Armstrong, Raymond L. 618 Arnold, Erika K. 757 Arrieta, Omar 1056 Aryakia, Ali 726 Aschoff, Lee P. 241 Ash, Zachariah 1177 Astaiza, Giovanni 1056 Atkinson, William F. 883 Avedisian, Richard G. 618 Avenoso, Ronald 726 Avila, Ismael 1001 Avila, Michael A. 1574 Aviles, Sonia I. 1056 Ayala, Ernest 726 Ayres, Norman R. 1555 Babbar, Suresh K. 1056 Bachtel, Michael L. 587 Badini, Robert J. 85 Baer, Robert 726 Baggett, Lyn 587 Baggett, Priscilla J. 1564 Baigorria, Carlos A. 1056 Bailey, Gene E. 618
Bailey, George R. Bak, Carl Baker, Alan S. Baker, Jerrold W. Baker, Mary L. Baker, Robert L. Baker, Ronnie Ballard, James W. Ballard, Michael Ballarte, Victor Ballena, Rufo T. Ballew, Michael I. Ballou, Peter Balmer, John H. Baltzer, Bruce E. Banks Jr., Noah Banks, Eddie L. Barisciano, Lawrence Barnes, Corliss S. Barnes, Raymond Barnett, Edward D. Barone Jr., Peter Barretta, Beni Barrientos, Eliseo Barron, Michael Barry, Frederick O. Barsom, Mourad R. Bartalamia, Paul C. Bartlett, Joseph W. Bartlett, Robert Bartley, Alice Bass, William Otis Bassler, Richard R. Battaglia, Andrew Battey, Shaun E. Bauerle, Bonnie L. Baxter, Madonna T. Beasley, Michael L. Beaudet, Gerald B. Becker, Arnold M. Becraft, Russell D. Been, Stephen Behr, Douglas R. Belgrave, Hubert H. Bell, Clifford R. Bell, Mark H. Bell, Robert E. Bell, Thomas R. Bellamy, Steven Bellas, Matthew F. Belle, David G. Benavides, David P. Benevento, Debra A. Benjamin, Johnnie M. Benjamin, Richard Bennett, Anthony Bennett, Arnold C. Bennett, Nathaniel G. Benoit, Wayne M. Benton, Flossie L. Berdin, Raymond G. Bergquist, Eric A. Bernstein, Julius Bero, Dennis F. Berrigan, Joan A. Berry Sr., Dallas Berryman, Melvin F. Bessette, David M. Best, Brian Lee Bethea, William Betti, Joseph R. Beuerlein, Lesa K. Bevis Jr., Walter C. Bewley, Kellie R. Bianco Jr., Anthony Biro, Gary T.
1342 726 587 1575 1300 587 726 587 726 1056 587 1277 618 587 1001 265 1433 726 587 618 1056 726 1056 1056 241 1177 1056 589 85 788 85 1328 998 726 1056 1328 398 587 1548 587 1277 726 1267 1056 689 587 587 587 1056 1056 1328 694 726 1056 726 1056 1145 587 618 192 1277 587 1181 587 618 256 398 618 1328 1179 85 282 1547 1555 618 85
Birtch, Deborah Bisogna, Edward Bissonette, Paul Blackburn, Derek E. Blackmon, Douglas A. Blackshear, Zina Blagrove, Donovan C. Blair, Ervin S. Blais, David P. Blake, Nicole M. Blakemore, Monte A. Blakney Sr., Charles E. Blank, Keith A. Blasigh, Bruno M. Blaylock, Eric L. Blesie, Gregg A. Blevins, Donald M. Blight, Charles Conant Blocker, Deborah Blodgett, Arthur W. Boehme, Paul A. Bogan, Pamela J. Boggan, Patricia A. Boles, Trissten M. Bollman, Jack C. Bomberger, Linda Bonaparte, Carl Bond, Barry W. Bond, Derrick C. Bond, Pamela G. Bonn, Rose Bonnett, Ernest Booker, Ricky L. Boone, John P. Boone, Victor A. Booth, Christina Borchardt, Janis M. Borland, Michael A. Bosco, James Bouie, John H. Bourgeois, David R. Bourne, Floyd C. Bowen, Susan E. Bowers, David Bowes, Thomas G. Bowser, Errol C. Bradfield, James W. Bradford, Lawrence Bradley, James E. Bradley, Joseph Bradley, Verdrene Bradshaw, William Brady, Kevin P. Breard, Steven P. Breaux, Antoine Brice, Sharlynn W. Bridgeman, Chris L. Briggs, Ronald C. Briggs, Shirley Briley, John Brim, Freddie Brinkley, Cynthia J. Brinson, Theodore E. Brockman, Leslie H. Broderick, Jerome P. Bronstorph, Arnold K. Brooks, Cynthia Y. Brooks, Ernest J. Brooks, Nicolas Brooks, Willie E. Brown Jr., Lasalle Brown, Aldonia T. Brown, Charles Brown, Deborah Brown, Edith Brown, Gene M.
398 726 618 1277 1056 85 1056 1056 618 1056 1056 1001 1093 276 1328 587 726 1277 85 1015 587 26 1564 398 85 1555 1056 1056 1056 587 1056 265 1338 587 268 618 IVP 1056 726 587 618 1056 618 726 589 587 587 1056 589 589 587 1093 1056 618 1056 276 587 587 825 758 1287 788 1342 998 85 1056 1564 732 726 1277 85 1328 265 758 587 1575
Brown, James Brown, Janaya A. Brown, Larry L. Brown, Lenworth E. Brown, Regina J. Brown, Vincent K. Bruzzese, Joseph L. Bryant, Almonda R. Buckley, Gerald F. Bugalla, Robert Bujosa, Michael Bullock, Christopher A. Bullock, John C. Burdan, Thomas W. Burgio, Joseph A. Burke, John E. Burke, Onva Burke, Richard Burkholder, Donald L. Burnett, Barbara Burnett, Michael Burney, Walter W. Burns, James J. Burns, Judy A. Burr, Merwin J. Burrell, Alphanso Burrell, Leonard Burse, Curtis B. Burt, Joseph Burton, Daniel K. Busby, James D. Busch, John Bush Jr., William H. Butcher, Michael G. Butler, Richard Butler, Robert T. Byrd, Alex C. Byrd, Carol Byron, Robert J. Cabrinha, Christopher C. Cady, Kenneth A. Caine, Brian L. Calinog, Mark T. Callahan, Robert L. Callender, Martin A. Camacho, Fernando Campbell Jr., Fred Campbell, Candice Campbell, Darryl R. Campbell, Ethel L. Campbell, Jason Campopiano, Michael A. Canales, Aristeo Candelaria, Harry F. Cappalli, Steven M. Caprilli, Geofredo Renzo Carbajal, Ricardo Card, Kevin Cardenas, Joe A. Cardillo, Albert P. Cardwell, Clifton N. Carlucci, Joseph Carotenuti, Jason Carothers, Darrell A. Carrick, Benjamin F. Carrillo, Joel L. Carrington, Granderson Carroll, Clara M. Carroll, Robert C. Carroll, Sarah E. Carten, Kevin F. Carter, Annette Carter, Holman F. Carter, Lauretta C. Carter, Matthew P. Carthens Jr., Dwight L.
618 1056 1056 1577 85 1309 726 1177 589 1436 1277 1015 1328 1177 618 85 788 589 587 843 819 714 618 1576 589 1056 1056 1056 1328 589 587 1056 85 1056 618 618 192 1093 618 1277 1564 1056 1277 589 1056 1056 1338 1300 1056 1564 265 618 265 726 618 1277 694 618 1001 618 268 726 618 1056 568 1277 726 1300 1575 192 726 587 1001 587 1056 689
Cartieri, Mark A. Casciola, Myrna E. Cash, Josephine M. Casselberry, Daniel T. Ceis, Patricia J. Celani, Lawrence Celestin, Dennis P. Centeno, Eric Cepeda Jr., Esteban Chambers, Richard J. Champion, Eric Chandler, Karen S. Chaney-Loughran, Judy A. Chapman, Jacques Charles, Joackim Charles, Robert A. Charles, William A. Chavez, Francesca E. Chavez, Robert G. Chavis, Hazel A. Cheah, Twah D. Cherry, David Chihanick, David G. Childress, Eric J. Chinapen, Trevor Ching, Sammy Chinn, Poy G. Chioffe, Michael C. Cinelli, Peter Clancy III, John A. Clardy, J. A. Clark, Nancy E. Clark, Noreen P. Clark, Norman F. Clark, Spence Lee Clark, Vinssen I. Clay, Eric K. Cleary, Timothy A. Clem, Stewart Clement, Robert W. Clifton, Mitchell Clinton, Terry L. Coates, Kevin R. Cockerham, William M. Coco, Thomas A. Coday, Debbie E. Coffey, David P. Coffil, Carl Cohen, Michael Cole, Billy D. Cole, David W. Cole, Joseph A. Cole, Kevin M. Cole, Steven R. Coleman, Candi S. Coleman, Ronald R. Collins, Eric Collins, Varita K. Colon, Manuel I. Comer, Ivan Compare, Thomas E. Comstock, Douglas E. Con, Hugo L. Conklin, James A. Conklin, Michael A. Connell, Kevin J. Connolly, Kevin P. Connolly, Walter Constantineau Jr., W. J. Conway, Timothy P. Cook, George O. Cook, Ivey A. Cooney, Austin T. Cooper, David T. Copeland, Alexander B. Coppa, Christopher D.
85 587 1342 85 1576 618 241 1056 1177 1342 1056 1164 265 282 1056 587 726 276 265 1328 1056 618 1342 26 1056 726 587 1056 282 589 843 587 1564 1328 26 19 1056 85 627 618 1056 788 1056 587 587 1235 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 618 618 1277 241 1555 1056 1564 1277 726 587 587 1277 1056 1056 265 589 726 618 618 268 587 618 282 1056 618
Coppa, David N. Corbett Jr., Michael J. Corley, Tiffany L. Cortez Jr., Herman Cortez, Miguel Cossean, Brian D. Costello, Robert Couture, Karen J. Cox, Jesse E. Cox, Ronald L. Coyle, Parnell J. Coyne, Colleen A. Crabtree, Kenneth R. Craig, Sascha H. Craighead-Bey, Clyde V. Cram, Henry J. Cram, Theresa M. Craney, Thurman D. Cravens, Sandra J. Crediford Jr., William S. Creech Jr., Lee Crespo, John Cripps, Chantil C. Crombie Jr., Albert M. Cromer, David Cross, Glenie Crutcher, Madison Crutchfield Sr., Jack S. Cruz, Alejandro A. Cruz, Chrissy M. Cruz, Frank Cruz, Severiano Cubero, Joseph P. Cuebas, Johnny Cummings, Deborah L. Curatola, Joseph Curiel Jr., Carlos Curneen, James D. Curran, George Curry, Larry Curtis, Jacqueline D. Curtis, Marchel Curtoni, Renee L. Custer, Kathleen M. Cute Jr., Thomas G. D’angelo, Joseph M. D’arezzo, Richard V. D’onfrio, Danny Da Ponte, Manuel C. Da Silva, Hernani M. Da Silva, Jose Dabecco, Richard Dacosta, Aubrey H. Daily, William R. Dalton, Shagaye Damery, Lisa M. Damron, Richard P. Daniel, Kenneth D. Daniels, Christopher J. Daniels, Kenneth Darelius, Joel M. Davenport, Courtney E. David, Carlton Davies, Bryce Davis, Anthony Davis, Anthony L. Davis, Bobby Ray Davis, Clarence L. Davis, Clifford B. Davis, Deborah P. Davis, Deborah S. Davis, Donna Davis, Evelyn V. Davis, Gregory K. Davis, James Davis, Jeri E.
618 85 689 308 1056 726 1547 618 587 416 587 589 618 85 1056 618 618 1287 276 714 589 1056 276 618 726 26 627 689 1056 1056 1277 589 1277 1056 1575 726 1277 587 618 26 618 26 587 1576 618 726 618 726 618 1056 618 85 1056 757 398 587 1277 308 587 1091 618 1015 1564 1277 282 1328 1575 85 26 1056 587 1564 587 1164 618 587
Davis, La Vance D. 587 Davis, Miquita 1564 Davis, Prenoyal C. 587 Davis, Robin L. 1575 Davis, Sylvester 1328 Davison, Donnie 1277 Davisson, Karen M. 587 Dawson, Anthony J. 587 Dawson, James E. 1328 Dawson, Kit N. 1309 Day, Thomas I. 587 De Cohen, Garth 726 De Gregorio, John 726 De Marco, Louis 618 De Maris, Ronald 618 De Rosa, James 618 De Vries-Maddy, Jarijke Mm 587 De Witt, Dennis M. 587 Dean, Robert 1056 Dearmin, Orlessia 1564 Deasley, Naomi 618 Decker, Logan E. 1577 Decory, Russell H. 587 Defries Jr., John A. 1342 Degaugh, Linda 282 Deitz, Thomas J. 164 Del Toro, Arnold 1277 Dela Cruz Jr., Juan E. 1277 Delaney, Corrine Y. 1001 Delaney, Daniel J. 1384 Delfino, Gary P. 618 Delgado Jr., Adrian 618 Delsesto, Stephen M. 618 Demers, Bert L. 618 Demers, Julie 618 Denecke, Donald H. 1056 Dennee-Lee, Jacqueline A. 1384 Dennis, Antoinette 822 Denson Jr., Lloyd A. 1056 Deperto, Donald C. 1342 Devine, Patrick Robert 85 Di Giovanni, Anthony J. 726 Di Maria, Robert 726 Di Pietro, James 618 Diaz-Gomes, Rodny 726 Diaz, Anthony 726 Diaz, Christopher 726 Diaz, Federico 618 Diaz, Henry Alex 1277 Diaz, Raoul 1056 Dick, Philip S. 587 Dickinson, Fredrick James 1277 Dickinson, Michael J. 587 Dickmann, Stephen Karl 1517 Diederichs, Terrance G. 1277 Diel, Adam 726 Diele, Joseph 726 Dippold Jr., George K. 85 Dittamore, Dwayne J. 587 Dixon Jr., Frederick D. 85 Dixon, Derrick R. 1056 Do, Hy Q. 1277 Dodson, Paul M. 689 Dolan, Edward 1548 Dolby, Gregory W. 618 Dominguez, Debra Diane 1001 Dompier, Timothy A. 1015 Donald-Shipp, Katheryn 308 Donald, Huey 282 Donalds, Cathy A. 587 Donza, John 726 Dooley, Jonathan T. 1447 Doppmann, Jeff D. 587 Dorman, James P. 1056 Dormeus, Roge 1056 Dos Santos, Terrence 825
Douglas, Ann M. Douglas, Richard L. Dow, Duane L. Down, Jeff Doyle, Joseph E. Doyle, Kevin Doyle, Robert W. Dragon, Antoine Drekalo, Vladimir Driskell, Michael B. Duarte, Brien G. Dube, Anna Dubois, Linda Dubose, Becky C. Dubose, Rhodema A. Dudley, Michael S. Duhon, Vernell Dull, Thelma W. Dumas, Billy G. Dunbar, Brian S. Dunbar, Raymond L. Dunlap, Linda L. Dunleavy, Kevin F. Dunne, Kathleen M. Dunston, Marcus D. Duran, Max A. Duong, Alan T. Duroe, William G. Dusek, Charles H. Dutra, John F. Dwyer, Rodger Dwyer, Ronald E. Dyette, Lex J. Dzhanashvili, Merab Eck, Thomas Eckhardt, Katherine E. Eddy, Todd Edminster, Daniel L. Edrich, John P. Edward, Feisal Edwards, Evette R. Edwards, Joseph A. Edwards, Kennie C. Egan, Dermot Ehrig, Kathryn M. Ekdahl, Jimmie R. Elbrecht, Dennis J. Elgar, John Elias, Steven D. Elliott, Gwendolyn Ellis, Vellesha Ellison, Joseph P. Enata, Orhan B. Enriquez, Jo Ann Epps, Randy E. Ersery, Freddy L. Ervin, Robert C. Espinell, Raymond L. Espinosa, Jose Espinoza, Alex Esposito, James Estes, Darryl R. Etwaroo, Chait Euell, Dana C. Eva, Pale Evans, Keith E. Evans, Regina L. Evans, Timothy B. Evers, James M. Ewing, Craig J. Ezenekwe, Onyema C. Fadis, Michael N. Fallens, Stanley L. Faria, Jayne C. Farmer, Marvin W. Farrari, William L.
847 757 883 265 589 618 618 618 726 587 1575 618 618 265 1164 1177 1277 1575 241 587 282 1164 589 587 1056 1277 1277 587 758 618 1056 618 1056 1056 1056 587 1005 587 1277 726 1564 726 1056 1056 1342 587 1056 618 618 1177 1056 726 752 694 587 1287 998 1056 820 1277 726 587 1056 1056 265 164 276 1164 589 587 1056 1056 618 1555 1300 1056
Farrell, Brian J. Farrell, John Farris, James F. Feaster, Robert M. Felton, Jerry L. Femenella, Ann Femenia, Joseph E. Fenley, William D. Fenner, Raymond E. Ferguson, James A. Fernandes, David Fernandez, Juan M. Ferra, Keri M. Ferrandino, Christopher Ferrante, Carlo A. Ferrantelli, Thomas Ferrara, Christopher Ferreira, Joseph A. Ferrerra, Edward A. Ferruzola, Jaime F. Festus, Robin L. Fields, Archie Fields, Ruby L. Fields, Terry Fiene, Mark R. Findlay, Oswald Finn, James P. Fionda, Peter A. Fiske, Harold Fitch, Zarnell S. Fithian, Timothy Fitzgerald, Ellen D. Fitzpatrick, Larry M. Fitzsimmons, Robert W. Flaherty, William Flanagan, Robert Flanagan, Timothy J. Flecha, Victor H. Fleming Jr., Edward L. Flowers, Stephen L. Fogarty, Patrick Folger, Peter Fonseca, Juan R. Fonseca, Mauricio I. Ford, John J. Ford, Kevin Foreman, Sonya Forlenza, Gennaro J. Forman, Eugene Formoso, Edwin M. Fortune, Steve Foster, Gary M. Foster, Jesse E. Foster, Tallulah P. Fournier, Donald Fox, William J. Foy, Michael Foye, Luke A. Fracasso, Richard L. Francavilla, Michael Francese, Thomas S. Franco, H. Clare Francois, Jean F. Franklin, Arthur Franklin, Norman R. Fravala, Kenneth W. Frede, Sharon L. Freeman, Brian Keith Freeman, Darrius B. Freeman, Gary Freitag, Mark S. Fremstad, Daniel T. Fria, James Gabriel, Jean Gaffney, Henry D. Galbraith, James T.
618 587 587 726 1384 726 1056 1001 1056 1287 618 694 618 726 726 726 1056 618 618 825 1056 825 618 1338 998 825 164 241 618 587 726 282 587 618 726 726 587 726 788 788 1179 714 1287 1056 726 1056 265 726 1056 1277 1056 1056 1287 1287 618 587 398 1056 618 726 618 618 1056 788 618 618 192 1277 26 1056 587 587 726 618 26 587
Gallant, Robert Gallegos Jr., Theodore Gallon, Arlene N. Gallon, Dan Gambacorta, Priscilla Gamez, Hector A. Gappa, James Henry Garcia, David Garcia, Henry Garcia, Javier E. Garcia, Marjorie Garcia, Mark A. Garcia, Modesto Garcia, Nelson Gardner, Robert O. Garner, Marvin Garner, Teresa Lee Garofalo, Leon Garris, Charles Garsva, Michael W. Garvin, Willie Gaskins, David Gause, Hubert A. Gayle, Clive C. Geiger, Darryl S. Gelman, Scott Genussa, Angela E. George, Derek S. George, Michael A. George, Philip G. Gerling, Mark G. Gervase, James Gessay, Brian R. Ghulam, Dayanand Gibson Jr., Earvin Giddens, Angela Gilchrist, Barry L. Giles, John O. Giles, Mary K. Giles, Patricia A. Gill, Juanita Gillen, Jerome M. Gillham, George B. Gilliard, Decarlo Gilmore, Shirley E. Giordano, Albert Giorgio Jr., Henry Giovannetti, Michael D. Giron, Melvin Giunta, Thomas J. Givner, Veronica J. Glenn Jr., Edgar D. Glenn, Brian John Glover, Earnest Glover, Thomas Glover, Wyetta J. Glukuov, Mark Goeller, Gregory K. Gold, Christopher Gold, Christopher M. Gomez, Roberto M. Gonsalves, Darlene J. Gonzales, Angelita T. Gonzalez, Andres Gonzalez, Annaldo S. Gonzalez, Braulin Gonzalez, Eva Gonzalez, Juan M. Goo, Leroy D. Goodlet, Jacqueline Gordon, Larry D. Gorham, Dennis R. Gorman, John E. Gormley, Katherine Gosse, Jim Thomas Gottler, James
618 19 1056 788 726 1056 1277 1056 1056 1277 1056 1277 1056 1056 85 998 1328 1056 726 1575 627 1056 282 1056 788 1056 1056 1056 618 618 1321 726 85 1056 726 1338 1056 1328 1177 732 308 618 1267 85 757 726 618 1277 825 1056 85 1277 398 726 282 1342 726 1056 726 1056 1277 1037 1277 1277 618 1179 265 1091 276 1564 1093 1328 1056 618 19 282
Gouch, Robbie R. 85 Graham, Addie J. 822 Graham, Jeffery 1338 Graham, Larry W. 1575 Grainger, Katherine F. 587 Granberry Jr., Arthur 998 Graney, Stephen E. 714 Graves-Jackson, Sandra Helene 192 Gray, Anthony M. 265 Gray, Gardner J. 1056 Gray, Gary L. 308 Gray, Kenneth J. 618 Greco, Joseph P. 1179 Green, Alfonza 1056 Green, Bertha M. 1005 Green, Christa Lynn 192 Green, Curtis 1056 Green, John A. 1328 Green, Robin K. 1287 Green, Ronald N. 757 Green, Stanley L. 587 Green, Utah 1056 Green, Wayne L. 192 Greene, Daniel A. 282 Greene, Roland D. 1056 Greener, Ralph 1056 Greenlee, Pier 819 Greer, Teresa 26 Greve, Judy A. 1287 Griffin, Delphine L. 85 Griffin, James D. 1056 Griffin, Tenesha M. 1056 Griffith, Clint 1564 Griffith, Dean A. 85 Grimshaw, Thomas P. 618 Grist, Kathryn 618 Grothe, David W. 587 Grotins, Egon 1575 Guarano, Noel B. 726 Guerrero, Antonio 1277 Guhl, Gordon J. 587 Guidinger, Phil W. 1277 Guinote, Richard 819 Gurjian, Christine G. 618 Gutierrez, Edking 1056 Guyton, Ray L. 587 Guzman, Bernardo F. 1277 Guzzi, Thomas 726 Guzzone, Susan K. 726 Haanraadts, John C. 1179 Hachiya, Raymond D. 587 Haggins, Eli 587 Haith, Linda 726 Haley, John M. 587 Hall, Bernard 1056 Hall, Edwin Roy 1277 Hall, John H. 618 Hall, Judith B. 1342 Hall, Michael 1056 Haloon, Rosemary E. 589 Halpert, Andrew 726 Hamilton, Balmore L. 1179 Hamilton, Bryant E. 689 Hamilton, Mark S. 1575 Hampton, Adolphus 1564 Hampton, Paul 587 Handy, Ronald 618 Hankey, Steven W. 587 Hannah, Renee 241 Hanson, Charlene M. 618 Haran, Walter J. 589 Harms, George J. 1179 Harper, James E. 587 Harrella, Joseph P. 801 Harris, James P. 1338 Harris, John R. 265
Harris, Lorene 265 Harris, Maurice E. 308 Harris, Melissa 726 Harris, Ronald 689 Harris, Sandy B. 587 Harrison, Michelle A. 1056 Hart, Robert F. 1577 Hartzell, Larry E. 689 Harvey-Fleming, Kimberly J. 85 Haschak, Robert 825 Hatley, Marvin E. 241 Hatton Jr., Richard 726 Havens, Maia D. 587 Hawkins, Christopher J. 1575 Hawkins, Ivy May 1001 Hayes, Robert C. 26 Hayes, William J. 726 Haymond, David A. 398 Haynes, Robert D. 843 Haywood, Manuel H. 265 Hazel, Emma J. 1056 Hazel, Twan 1056 Hearns, Kimberly 1564 Hebert, Maurice G. 282 Helm II, John F. 587 Henderson, Bryan K. 1056 Henderson, Donald 1338 Henderson, Glen E. 587 Henderson, Hazel P. 587 Henderson, Walter L. 1577 Hendrickson, Clint A. 1056 Henry, Kenneth P. 587 Henry, Larry R. 1056 Henson, Floyd A. 1309 Henton, Annette 26 Hernandez, Antonio E. 1277 Hernandez, Barbara A. 726 Hernandez, Jacinto 1056 Hernandez, Joseph T. 694 Herrera, Virginia A. 1056 Herring, Tony S. 26 Herriot, Janet 1056 Hershey, Clarence D. 587 Hershkowitz, Russel 726 Hesseltine, Paul D. 587 Hewitt, Charlotte 726 Higley, Denise 19 Hildebrand, Werner 1056 Hill, Angela 1056 Hill, Bennue D. 1056 Hill, James C. 1577 Hilliard, Franette 85 Hills, Bernell J. 1309 Hink, John M. 1575 Hofherr, Barton L. 682 Hogan, Chris 618 Hoheusle, John 758 Holcomb Sr., Ronnie K. 85 Holden, Evon F. 587 Holeman, Debra A. 587 Holler, Michael P. 282 Hollie, Alan W. 1555 Hollinger, William R. 85 Hollis, Terry W. 618 Holloway, Bruce M. 1328 Holmes, Bruce A. 587 Holmes, Raven N. 1277 Hopkins Jr., Ninus 587 Hopkins, Kathy D. 587 Hopkins, Sherian 1287 Hopper, Darryl 618 Horn, Christopher L. 587 Horsch, Troy Jay 1517 Horton, James J. 1287 Hoskins, Earl J. 26 Hossein, Ahmad W. 1056
Householder, Mark R. Howard, Elijah Howell, Theresa Howie, Paul F. Hudec Sr., Herbert Hudnall, Johnny O. Huff, Andre L. Huff, Sandra G. Hughes, Carmen M. Hughes, Glenn Hughley, Harris T. Huizar, Ernest C. Hull, Anthony L. Hull, Gary L. Humphries, Kelly L. Hunt, John D. Hunt, Robin L. Huot, David J. Hurskin, Dennis Hurst Jr., Willie Hurt, Jeffrey A. Hurt, Ursula R. Hutcheson, Mark A. Hutt, Daniel H. Hwang, Hoon Ianno, Albert F. Ien, Timothy Ignacio, Delano Iniguez, Juan J. Iozzi Jr., Anthony Ippolito, Christopher Irace, John S. Isenberg, John C. Ismail, Adam M. Israel, Xavier D. Ittiavirah, Andrews Iverson, Bruce W. Ivey, Marylatesia Ivy, Mark G. Jablonski, Andrew Jack, Lennox Jackson Jr., Claude Jackson, Andrea G. Jackson, Carl C. Jackson, Carmen M. Jackson, Charlene Jackson, David K. Jackson, Edward A. Jackson, Gary Jackson, Jeffery M. Jackson, Jeffrey G. Jackson, Joseph Jackson, Josephine Jackson, Kyam Jackson, Richard T. Jackson, Ronald F. Jackson, Walter Jacobson, Peter N. James, David A. James, Jeff J. James, Kevin J. James, Thako Jamison, Ronald Jaques, Aden J. Jaquez, Ruben Jauregui, Juan M. Javier, Leonard W. Jean-Baptiste, Petrus Jeannite, Pierre F. Jeannot, Maurice Jefferson, Natalie D. Jefferson, Philip R. Jefferson, R. Craig Jeffery, Cheryl M. Jenkins, Janie Jenkins, Lynette K.
276 192 1056 587 265 26 308 587 276 1342 1056 694 308 1001 587 589 1056 618 26 26 689 1287 1145 587 1056 1056 825 1575 825 618 282 726 726 587 1056 726 714 282 1056 726 726 587 1564 587 843 1338 1328 1056 618 587 587 1564 265 1056 1056 1056 618 587 801 843 587 1056 1300 398 1395 1277 1056 1056 1056 1056 192 587 587 843 1091 1342
Jenkins, Rafael W. Jennings, Brian Jennings, Kevin M. Jensen, Brandon W. Jerro, Cedrick A. Jeter, Jackie L. Jeter, Roland H. Jewsbury, Laurex M. Johe, Wiley Johnson, Debra L. Johnson, Edgar Louis Johnson, Francine Johnson, Frank C. Johnson, Howard V. Johnson, James L. Johnson, James R. Johnson, Jean Lewis Johnson, Maureen J. Johnson, Melvin Johnson, Michael A. Johnson, Michael C. Johnson, Paulette D. Johnson, Robert C. Johnson, Sharon A. Johnson, Wanda S. Jones III, Ernest Jones Sr., Morris Jones, Craig A. Jones, Jeffrey L. Jones, Renee B. Jones, Rodney A. Jones, Steven M. Jones, Warren M. Jose, Kurian P. Joseph, Darcelin Joseph, Sheldon Joslin, Andrew T. Joule, Edward Joyner, Jerome L. Judd, Alvester N. Jurczyk, Jeffrey E. Juul, Torkil Kambish, John E. Kammeyer, Lon R. Kane, Thomas E. Kanellis, Theodore Karabochos, James J. Karidis, Spiros Karlin, Aleksandr Kasaj, Eddie Kasson, Patrick M. Kawatsuma, Jun Kee, Harold Joseph Keefe, Thomas P. Keegan, James M. Keeton, Graylon G. Keilman, Lori A. Keith, Richard Keller, John J. Kellington, William G. Kelly Jr., Lawrence C. Kelly, Kurt Kelly, Terry Kennedy, Dennis M. Kent, James C. Kern, Linda L. Keys, Barry S. Khan, Saleem M. Khan, Zubair Khandai, Ashok Kielur, Theodore A. Kilcullen, Jesse Killoran, Paul J. Kimble, Michael Kimple Sr., Lonney King, Christopher A.
1056 726 618 998 1277 689 689 1056 1575 192 1277 1328 587 1056 587 1056 1001 726 587 1179 1056 1555 1056 1056 265 241 241 587 85 268 1309 276 1056 1056 1056 618 587 726 1056 1056 308 1575 265 1192 589 726 1575 1575 618 726 164 587 618 587 1056 268 618 1575 589 85 589 1056 1564 1056 843 282 689 726 1056 1056 85 726 276 1056 1177 1300
King, John A. W King, Philip M. King, Sheila J. Kinoshita, Kevin K. Kinsella, Arthur W. Kinsman, Tom Kirkland, Gary V. Kirtley, Renee Klimuk, Joseph R. Knox, Kenneth Parker Knutson, Louis A. Kojoian, Michael Koonz, Anthony Herold Kopperdahl, Dale L. Kozub, Daniel M. Krantz, Steven O. Kraynick, Ted Krehbiel, Ronald D. Kress, Michael B. Krona, Harvey L. Krugh, Robert J. Kubick, Ernest D. Kunde, Kathleen L. Kurkjian, Matthew Kurtz, Richard Kweder, William Kwiatkowski, Roger S. La Barba, Alex D. La Belle, Marc O. La Torre, Victor R. La Vern, Katherine J. Labedz, Anthony L. Lachman, Beerdatt Lafferty, William F. Lafleur Jr., Emile J. Lafond, Timothy T. Lambert, David G. Lambert, Rudy Lamor, Jake Lancaster, Samuel C. Land, Gerome V. Landrau, Charles J. Landvogt, Christopher R. Lane, Reginald Lang, Donald F. Langager, Curtis D. Langston, Sheritta R. Lanier, Emmett L. Lannigan, Stephen Lapaglia, Margaret C. Laresca, Lorraine Larkin, David J. Larsen, Casey Boyd Larsson, Jan G. Laster, Turner L. Latham, Michael Lattin, Charles J. Lau, Kim Ho Laughlin, Laurence R. Laureano, Scott Laurence, Marvin K. Lavallee, Cynthia Laverde, Rafael D. Lawrence, Calvin A. Lawrence, Richard D. Lawson, Stephen Lazare, Joseph Lazo, Cesar I. Le Blanc Jr., Gary T. Le Bron, Juan F. Leak, Carol A. Leal, Mauro Leavell Jr., Billy K. Lebeau, Robert Ledbetter, Chesley R. Lee, Allen R.
587 726 618 757 726 843 1287 265 726 19 1277 618 1001 587 1342 313 265 587 1164 587 587 85 1464 MAL 726 1091 268 587 618 1056 587 1342 1056 618 618 19 587 1338 1577 788 788 1309 726 825 1056 19 1564 587 618 589 726 618 1517 587 689 587 1342 1056 587 825 265 618 1056 1056 618 589 1056 1056 618 308 587 694 241 618 587 589
Lee, John J. 589 Lefevre, Ronald 1056 Leggin, Jerome 587 Lentini, Anthony 726 Leonard, Richard L. 587 Levkovskiy, Ruslan 1056 Lewis Jr., Willie F. 1277 Lewis, John H. 1056 Lewis, Judy L. 26 Lewis, Karen 1342 Lewis, Randy L. 587 Lewis, Robert A. 726 Lewis, Stephen L. 1517 Lie, Fung N. 1056 Lind, Steven C. 282 Linglifelter, Glenda G. 1164 Linnert, Harold J. 85 Linquist, Thomas W. 587 Linville, Daniel T. 587 Linville, Marcia 758 Littlefair, Bert P. 1179 Littles, Donald E. 1177 Locke, Timothy M. 85 Logie, Kenneth 1056 Loman, Robert L. 689 Londers, James 618 Longoria, Leonzo R. 265 Loomis, Robert J. 757 Lopez Jr., Luis 1056 Lopez Jr., Robert C. 265 Lopez Jr., Wilson 726 Lopez, Jeffrey M. 1277 Lopez, Oniqueka 726 Lopez, Rafael F. 1056 Lopez, Wyatt W. 1277 Lorenzo, Terry L. 587 Loughran, Tim 265 Louie, Clifford T. 587 Love, Ronald G. 1287 Low, George 726 Lowe, Glenroy S. 1056 Lowery, Dorothy 1564 Lucarini, Eugene R. 726 Lucas, Edward A. 1177 Lucero Jr., Neno 265 Lucien, Matthew 256 Lujan, Thomas A. 1001 Lujan, Thomas S. 1277 Lukaszekski, Jeannette 618 Lumpkin, Leonard 268 Luong, Howard 1277 Lynch, Barry A. 714 Lynch, Edward J. 1056 Ma, Gordon E. 587 Mac Donald, William Wayne 398 Mac Dougall, Stephan G. 589 Mac Elveen, Christopher 587 Mac Fadden, Channing 587 Mac Lean, Thomas R. 714 Mac Lunny, William H. 164 Macabagdal, Fernando B. 1277 Macari, Pasco J. 618 Macias, Yolanda 1309 Mackin, Bruce A. 282 Maclies Jr., Samuel 1535 Macon, James V. 998 Maguire, Kenneth P. 618 Makle Jr., Joseph B. 689 Malloy, Michael J. 85 Malone, Regina L. 1287 Mancato, Peter J. 726 Mangan, Janice R. 587 Manley, Lynda 843 Marchetti, John D. 1179 Marchu, Richard S. 587 Marcoux, Diane 618
Marengo, John T. 1056 Marin, Richard 265 Markoe, Rudolph C. 26 Markus, Joseph 587 Marovic, Georgia P. 85 Marshall, Anthony M. 1056 Marshall, Larry S. 1328 Martin Jr., Alvis L. 308 Martin, Letitia 1056 Martinez, Cuauhtemoc 1277 Maskell, Harry R. 824 Mason Jr., Walter A. 689 Massa, Ramiro 618 Massey Jr., Clarke 1342 Massung, Patrick S. 85 Mastrocola, Michael F. 589 Mastrostefeno, Mario E. 618 Mather, Chad M. 757 Mathis III, Porter D. 587 Matson, Thomas H. 587 Matthews, Joseph L. 1056 Matthews, Michael 265 May, Rolland C. 998 Mazujian, Mark 726 Mazzone, Leonard N. 589 Mc Allister, Robert J. 618 Mc Amis, Michael H. 1164 Mc Avoy, Nancy 1145 Mc Cann, Colleen E. 1555 Mc Carthy, John J. 1056 Mc Caskie, Logan 1056 Mc Clain, Richard L. 1564 Mc Clanahan, Corrita Y. 1309 Mc Clellan, Patrick J. 589 Mc Cormick-Williams, Shyrl 26 Mc Cormick, Thomas P. 618 Mc Cue Jr., Raymond D. 589 Mc Cullers, Reginald 1328 Mc Cullers, Sherita R. 1328 Mc Cutchen, Harvey D. 1564 Mc Donald, John L. 627 Mc Donald, Ronald W. 85 Mc Fadden, Caesar L. 282 Mc Fall, Shawn W. 1056 Mc Farlane, Deborah A. 398 Mc Garty, Charles 618 Mc Gauran, Eileen J. 726 Mc Gee, Kenneth Charles 1277 Mc Gowan, Robert J. 726 Mc Grath, John J. 589 Mc Grew, Gregory A. 757 Mc Intosh Jr., Henry B. 1177 Mc Kenney, Robert A. 1555 Mc Kiernan, Michael 618 Mc Kinion, Booker T. 587 Mc Kinnon, Shawn 821 Mc Laughlin, Andrea S. 587 Mc Nair, Gregory T. 587 Mc Nair, Theodore 1056 Mc Namara, Jacqueline M. 587 Mc Neill, Juawann F. 689 Mc Phee, Michael F. 589 Mc Rae, Marti J. 276 Mc Reynolds, Hugh L. 587 Meade, Jennifer 1056 Meadors II, Harold R. 587 Mecca, Vincent 726 Medeiros, Donald M. 618 Medeiros, Joseph C. 618 Medina, Joe I. 276 Meisten, Edward Q. 825 Mejeur, Steven M. 1093 Mejia, Cesar A. 1056 Mejia, Manuel 1056 Melendez, Jose L. 1056 Melgar, William 618
Melillo, Lisa 618 Melillo, Walter 618 Melly, Aiden J. 1056 Melnik, William A. 758 Mena, James A. 1056 Menard, Debra 618 Mendez, Miguel 726 Mendoza, Charlette J. 265 Menella, John 726 Menendez, Bernardo A. 1464 Merideth, Kenneth C. 587 Merrick, Haile 1056 Mettler, John R. 587 Meyers, Timothy P. 85 Michaels, Patrick Francis 1277 Michels, James C. 587 Middleton, Vincent 1056 Mihara, James D. 587 Mikolay, Francis G. 85 Miles, Gwendolyn P. 192 Militello, Vincent 726 Millard, Todd 618 Millea, Kevin M. 618 Millender, Reginald C. 587 Millensifer, Robert D. 398 Miller-Andrews, Angela M. 268 Miller, Brian K. 26 Miller, David B. 587 Miller, Karen 1700 Miller, Larry G. 713 Miller, Vicki L. 757 Miller, Wallace B. 1056 Mills, Thomas 618 Mino, Henry 726 Miranda, Joseph E. 1277 Misciagna, Nicholas 726 Misiti, Nick 726 Mistretta, James D. 589 Mitchell, Dolly 1447 Mitchell, Gregory D. 587 Mitchell, Kim E. 308 Mitchom, James A. 788 Moe, Ian M. 726 Moerland, Charles 836 Molyneaux, Eric 1056 Monroe, John W. 587 Montalvan, Jose A. 618 Montanye, Ruth C. 825 Montes De Oca III, Vincent 1277 Montes, Ruben C. 1277 Montgomery, Billy 825 Monti, Ralph J. 618 Moody, William L. 1577 Moon, Terry L. 587 Mooney, David G. 589 Moore, David J. 883 Moore, Debi J. 587 Moore, Derrick R. 1056 Moore, Jason N. 1056 Moore, Rosa M. 1056 Moquillaza, Carlos F. 1056 Mora, Ignacio R. 1575 Morales Jr., Samuel 1277 Morales, Steve 1056 Moreau, Paul A. 1056 Morgan, Robert H. 1577 Morin, Ronald P. 265 Morrill, Jennifer S. 282 Morris III, James E. 26 Morris, Hazlette G. 1056 Morris, Mary E. 1056 Morrison, Anthony T. 1056 Morrissette, Barry 618 Morsen, Steven P. 1056 Morton, Nickie D. 1235 Mosley, Pennie S. 313
Moss, Deborah J. Moss, Gwendolyn P. Moura, John Mourachian, Edward Muccio, Raymond J. Muhammad, Larry T. Mulcahy Jr., Joseph A. Mullins, Gary L. Mundan, William A. Muneshwar, Khemraj Munoz, Darlene Munoz, Jesus V. Murphy Jr., John M. Murphy, Daniel A. Murphy, Elizabeth A. Murphy, Gregory P. Murphy, James B. Murphy, Mary E. Murphy, Ronald G. Murphy, William Murray, Elliot C. Murray, John F. Murray, Patrick M. Murrow, John L. Muse, Jeffrey L. Musto II, Dominick C. Musto, A. Alfred Muthersbaugh, Gregory Myers, Dale L. Myers, Frank J. Myers, Jimmy Myers, Vincent J. Myles, Mack H. Nadrowski, Lori A. Napoletano, Todd A. Napoli, Anthony Napolitano, Gerard Napolitano, Vincent Nared, William Nash, Gregory D. Nava, Jaime Naylor, Thomas M. Naylor, Willium Y. Negron, Luis O. Neloms, Rachelle Nelson, David C. Nelson, Keith W. Nelson, Shayne Neubert, Frank W. Neville, George W. Newberry, Jack L. Newland, Victor R. Newman, James D. Newman, Karen K. Niceler, Vivian Nicholls, Alvin Nickerson, William L. Niecestro, James A. Niels, Clifford G. Nieves, Bernardo A. Nieves, Esteban P. Nieves, Luis Nieves, Nelson Nikolin, Bruno W. Nist, Daniel G. Nixon, John J. Noles, Gregory E. Nordeste Jr., Daniel T. Notides, John C. Novicki, Walter Novsam, David C. Nowlin Jr., William H. Nugent, Christopher Nugent, Denis P. O’Brien, James M. O’Brien, Michael J.
85 1277 618 618 1056 241 618 1267 1277 1056 1056 241 618 1056 1056 1056 618 618 256 726 1056 589 843 587 587 1056 726 587 587 1056 689 1056 276 618 1056 1056 726 1056 618 587 1277 618 618 726 1564 1056 998 265 587 587 757 1056 1277 398 276 1056 714 308 1277 1342 282 822 276 1309 85 689 26 618 282 589 618 689 1056 1056 589 726
O’Flaherty, Richard M. 1547 O’Malley, Patrick A. 618 Oba, J. Ferrich 587 Obando, Edison 1056 Oddo Jr., Frank 1056 Ogden, Sonya 758 Oge, Perald M. 1056 Okazaki, Charla L. 587 Olaveson, Randy 1517 Olink, Arthur 618 Oliveri, Linda G. 256 Olivo, Horacio A. 1056 Opocensky, Linda A. 1575 Orilia, Nunzio 1056 Orisca, Oristil 825 Ormond, Brian D. 587 Ortiz, Adelita 587 Osburn, Christopher J. 587 Osorio, Juan M. 1056 Owens, Cynthia J. 689 Owens, Denise 1056 Oxendine, Ralph 85 Pacheco, Michael A. 1056 Pacheco, Steven 1056 Pacheco, Xiomara 618 Pagala, Don R. 276 Pagen, Ralph 1056 Paige, Bobby Ray 1328 Paiz, Jose A. 689 Pak, Yong I. 1056 Palacios, Carlos R. 1056 Palazzo Jr., Antonio F. 618 Palladino, John 726 Palladino, Joseph J. 726 Palmer, Fred E. 164 Palmer, Richard D. 587 Palomino Jr., Jose Louie 1277 Panasside, Vincent 726 Panzella, Victor D. 726 Papa, Gerard E. 998 Park, Hyunsoo 1056 Parker, Andrerson 825 Parkerson, Robert A. 843 Parrales, Carlos W. 1056 Parrillo, Ernest D. 618 Parrish, Bruce MAL Pasqualicchio, Francesco 1056 Patel, Hasmukhbhai T. 1056 Paternostro, George L. 726 Patrick, James V. 85 Patterson, Gregory B. 587 Patterson, Stephen D. 1277 Payne, Brent 1091 Payton, Darryl E. 1277 Pazhouhandeh, Firouz 618 Peacock, Charlie H. 308 Pearson, Carol L. 1015 Pearson, Jeffrey S. 85 Pecaitis, Peter J. 164 Pecoraro, Michael R. 1056 Pecoraro, Pietro 726 Pecunia, Luis 1056 Peelo, Stephen P. 1056 Pegues Sr., John A. 587 Pella, Anthony 618 Pelletier, Michael 618 Pereyda, Rolando 1277 Perez, Nelson 726 Perillo, Francis 726 Perkins-Hooker, Marilyn D. 308 Perkins, Angle 1564 Permenter, Lou 1056 Pernell, Veda 1564 Perry-Knight, Melinda Ann 1328 Perry, Charles 1056 Perry, Charles F. 1328
Perry, Ronald B. Persad, Trevor K. Peters, Richard B. Peterson, Edward B. Peterson, Jayson J. Peterson, Kevin Peterson, Mark O. Peterson, Victoria S. Peterson, William F. Petrone, James Pettit, Johanna L. Petty, Shirley A. Phillip, Omar Phillips, Gloria Piatek, Robert J. Picard, Nancy Marie Pierce, Linda L. Pierre-Louis, Jean R. Pierre, Smath Pillay, Masla Pires, Gary J. Pleasants, Herschel A. Plummer, Dareyl L. Plummer, David R. Plummer, James G. Plutzner, Francis F. Plutzner, Joseph Pobega, Anthony Poe, Donald E. Pofahl, Gary A. Poindexter, Angela M. Pokrywczynski, Thomas Poland, David D. Pollard, Leo Pollock, Louice Poor, Hallie L. Pope, David A. Potter, Paul P. Pouncy, Lorenzo Powell, Kathleen Y. Powell, Mark A. Pratt, Erroll C. Pratt, Manuel L. Pray, Bruce Prendergast, Michael Prescott, Greg Price Jr., Lawrence Primm, James W. Primous, Melvin K. Proctor, Edward D. Prunty, John K. Psarreas, Derrick Pulley, Roy C. Purnell-McAfee, Eileen A. Quade, Bill T. Quarles, Bruce D. Quartuccio, Paul L. Quezada, Jesse J. Quick, Gilbert M. Quinn, Charles S. Quinn, John M. Quirke, Denis G. Ragonese, Gregory Raiford, Marcus Rajan, Poikayil V. Raju, Philip E. Rakisits, Craig A. Ramdin, Nandram Ramirez, Ruben Ramirez, Sandra A. Ramirez, Vladimir Ramos Jr., Ottoniel Ramos, Robert P. Ramraj, Jariam Ramsay, Victor Ramsey, Barbara L.
1328 1056 1342 1277 587 256 587 1015 726 1056 19 843 1056 85 618 714 1037 618 1547 587 1037 192 587 1384 1328 618 618 726 726 998 1564 1342 587 587 1056 587 308 1056 1338 192 1384 1056 1093 618 726 587 1564 85 587 1574 1056 726 1328 1577 587 689 726 1277 1056 618 587 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1277 1056 1277 276 1277 1056 265 1056 1056 788
Randle, Marvin L. Rankin, Paul A. Ransom, Justin H. Ransom, Thomas M. Raposa, Marilyn M. Rattey, Robert Rauen, Gary Ray, Charonne L. Reall, John M. Reams, Richard C. Redding, Jamie Redman III, Eugene R. Redmond, Dinah M. Redmond, Sherry G. Reed, Robert Reeder, Leslie Reel, Jerry L. Reeves, Jeffrey L. Rego Jr., Anthony D. Reilly, Michael T. Reiter, Chris C. Remark, John A. Remsen, Paul D. Rettmer, Robert V. Reyes, Edgardo M. Reyes, Jose H. Reyes, Nicholas Reyes, Raymond Reynolds, Conrad Reynolds, Ian G. Reynolds, Robert R. Reynolds, Terry D. Rhule, Kevin D. Rice, Deborah F. Richards, Alma C. Riddle, Kenneth Ridenour, John E. Rinehart, Anthony P. Rivera, Angel Rivera, Edwards T. Rivera, Gerald Rivera, Israel Rivera, Mark Rivera, Noel Rizzo, Christine Mary Roach, Robert B. Robberson, Arthur V. Roberts, John Moldan Robertson, Michael Robertson, William Robinson, Jacqueline J. Robinson, Kenneth J. Robinson, Mark A. Robinson, Michael S. Robinson, Tina Robinson, Vivian W. Robles, Deni A. Rocha, Carlos F. Rodgers, Michael S. Rodriguez, Dagoberto Rodriguez, Juan A. Rodriguez, Julio C. Rodriguez, Raynard R. Rodriguez, Wilson Rogers, James P. Rojas, Jesus Romaine, Jules Romanello, John Romano, Giovanni Romero, Gary A. Rosa, Ceferino S. Rosario III, Jesus Rosario, Livio Rosenberg, Steven R. Rosenwasser, Mitchel D. Ross, Jeffrey
587 1277 1277 85 618 618 IR 1277 618 1277 618 1001 308 587 308 1564 812 714 618 618 1576 85 1056 587 587 1277 726 726 880 1056 587 587 1056 265 1300 1564 313 85 726 726 282 726 726 726 1056 1287 618 1056 618 587 587 85 241 1056 618 1564 1056 618 618 1056 726 1056 265 726 1277 726 618 726 1056 1001 589 726 1056 825 1056 1056
Ross, Tyrone Rossetti, Anthony J. Rossetti, Joseph Rostrom, Judith C. Rouse, Benjamin F. Rowe, Shirley J. Rubenstein, Andrew S. Rucker, Luci Rudelich, Nicholas E. Ruffin, Nanette K. Ruiz, Donald R. Ruiz, Janet Ruvalcaba, Juan Ruzzano Jr., John M. Ryan, Robert Rybock, Kenneth W. Saari, William D. Sabitoni, Albert R. Saduski, John Salaam, Zayid F. Salas, Cesar G. Salazar, Johnny Salazar, Jose Saleem, Kamal F. Salerno, Mark Salese, Robert F. Salley, Christopher L. Samuel, Johnkutty Sanchez, Antonio R. Sanchez, Pedro A. Sanchez, Rodolfo Sandoval, Agustine Sandoval, Gerardo Sanford, Carolyn C. Sanford, Jeffery M. Sang, Stephanie Santana, Hiram Santana, Omar Santiago Jr., Alfonso Santiago, Edwin Santoli, Michael Santoro, Clotide M. Santos, Charles Santos, Thomas B. Sariberkyan, Albert Savage, Jamal P. Sawrey, Richard B. Saxton, Dwayne A. Scarcella, Camillo Scarvace, Anthony Scharer, Kurt A. Schaub, Jerome C. Scherbarth, Kathy Scherkenbach, David J. Schiffman, Steven E. Schirripa, Giuseppe Schmatz, John P. Schuler, Deborah E. Schwald, Brenda D. Schwarz, Sam F. Scoppa, Salvatore Scorpio, Frank Scorzelli, Marc Scott, Adrian L. Scott, Eugene D. Scott, Peter J. Scott, Randolph Scuotto, John A. Seaberg, Eric C. Seabrooks, Gerald W. Seay, Debra M. Sedlak, Thomas A. Seerattan, Jagdish K. Segura, Alvaro Seleski, Joseph Serapiglia, Vincent
758 85 726 587 85 1328 1056 788 998 859 276 726 1277 618 726 587 587 618 164 587 1277 1309 1309 1056 726 1575 618 1056 1277 1056 618 192 1056 1564 1564 726 726 1056 825 1056 726 726 618 618 618 726 587 1056 726 85 587 85 1338 1309 618 726 1056 1056 587 757 726 618 726 192 85 587 19 726 618 1056 1070 85 1056 1056 164 726
Seymore, Laura L. Shackelford, William Shaffer, Jeffrey W. Shagam, Don H. Shannon, James Shannon, Joseph E. Sharpe, Sonia Sharrieff, Nuraddin S. Shaw, Devon Shea, Thomas A. Shea, Thomas M. Sheehan, Lorraine A. Sheldon, Warren W. Shepherd Jr., Iziah Shields, Barbara Chavis Shoffner, Wallace O. Shogren, Linda J. Shove, Miles E. Shutsha, John B. Shy, Lynette M. Sica, Alexander R. Sidberry, Daniel Siebenaler, Samuel J. Sikora, Charles H. Siler, Norman P. Sillan, Shanta Silletto, Anthony J. Silva, Ricardo M. Silveira, John F. Simmons Jr., Abraham Simmons, Michael W. Simoes, Robert S. Simon Jr., Ervin C. Simon, Carol A. Simonds, Patrick C. Simpson, Frank D. Simpson, Robert E. Sims, Thomas E. Singh, Dhanpaul D. Singletary, Edward R. Sinisgalli, Victor Sinnovich, Judith R. Sionni, John Siravo, Edward Sivils Jr., Sylvester Skea Jr., Richard C. Skipwith, Maria V. Skouge Jr., Richard R. Skwirz, Anne Sloan, Courtney R. Small Sr., Donnie K. Smalls, Andre L. Smith-Hurley, Jeremie Smith, Ernest D. Smith, Ernest P. Smith, Eugene R. Smith, Fitzroy Smith, Irving Smith, Ivette Smith, James A. Smith, Jannifer Smith, Jim D. Smith, Kevin L. Smith, Laura Jean Smith, Lisa Smith, Nathan Smith, Rudolph Smith, Terron Darnell Smith, Vincent Smithburg, Carl Smoot, Charles Snitchler, David M. Sookdeo, Rooplall Sookram, Winston D. Soto Jr., Angelo Soto, Adolfo L.
192 726 1277 883 265 726 1056 1056 1056 618 589 589 1321 1328 1328 883 587 282 1056 1056 1056 1056 519 1342 998 587 726 1277 618 26 241 618 788 85 843 1056 587 1287 1056 282 1056 85 618 618 1447 1342 788 587 618 85 1535 1056 1056 1056 1287 587 1056 1056 618 398 1564 587 618 1001 618 1564 726 836 726 587 1056 1145 1056 1056 1056 1277
Soto, Arturo F. Soto, Madge Soto, Mercedes B. Soto, Reuben Sotomayor, Christopher A. Soubeyrand, Kenneth M. Souza, Steven Spata, John M. Spear, Ruth Spellman, Bernard Spellman, Norris S. Spence, Michael D. Spencer, Scott A. Spezze, Dane Sullivan St. Amand, Donald E. St. Pierre, Michael Stark Jr., Richard C. Stauffer, Thomas L. Stennett, Ronald S. Stenoien, Deborah S. Stephenson, Susan Stevens, Bruce M. Stevens, Martha D. Stevens, Wilgarth D. Stewart, Barbara E. Stewart, Beverly A. Stewart, Priscilla L. Stillwell, David G. Stine, Richard W. Stitt, Terry L. Stone, Steven E. Strader, Marvin L. Strandlien, Daryl L. Strauss, Philip Strickland, Bernard P. Striker, Roy A. Strong III, Robert L. Stroud III, Johnnie L. Suarez, Margarita Suhd, Glenn D. Sullivan, Jeremiah Sumpter, Wayne M. Swaim, Elizabeth A. Swanson, James L. Sweeney, Robert Sweetser, Bruce E. Swift, Fred M. Swindle Jr., Billy R. Swindle, Janice M. Swope, Yvonne R. Sygh Jr., Jacob Sylvia, William K. Szoke, Stephen Talley, Darryl Tamayei, Randal M. Tan, Tian Tang, Frank Tangorra, Vincent Tarasiewicz, Mark Tarnacki, Alexander J. Tate, Isaac Tate, Kenneth Tatum, Tommy Taylor, Alexandria C. Taylor, Clinton W. Taylor, Kenneth Cornell Taylor, Robin R. Taylor, Shela S. Terrazas, Ronny E. Tester, Lyle E. Thandi, Chamanjeet Theodore, Alexandre D. Theodore, Stanley A. Thomas, Andrea R. Thomas, Annie F. Thomas, Corey
1309 1056 308 726 1056 85 1575 1277 1179 1056 587 587 587 1001 618 618 825 587 1056 587 618 265 1464 1056 1328 1070 1564 1287 587 282 1056 85 587 1056 308 1342 587 26 282 1277 1056 268 276 618 726 589 1342 587 587 587 788 618 726 1564 1277 726 1056 1056 726 618 758 726 1177 1056 398 1056 587 398 1277 587 265 1056 1056 1070 825 627
Thomas, De Wayne Thomas, George Thomas, Karmen R. Thomas, Keith A. Thomas, Panickel Y. Thomas, Seulal Thomas, Theodore S. Thomas, William L. Thompson, Charles Thompson, George Thompson, Kevin D. Thompson, Lisa A. Thompson, Michael E. Thornton, Dionndra J. Thurston, Catherine Tierney, Daniel Tilbury, David E. Tillery Jr., Calvin Tillman, Gwindolyn Jeanine Tillou, Gary Tinsley, Sandra Tobin, Daniel W. Tolbert, Kenneth M. Tolentino, Fernando Toler, Michael Toles, Philip R. Tompkins, David J. Tompkinson, Brian C. Tonkin, Jerome Toomey, Alan Torres, Evelyn D. Torres, Jorge J. Torres, Jose A. Torres, Veronica Towell, Linda Townsell, Duane A. Trammell-Williams, Lalita M. Tran, Cal V. Trantel, Eric A. Travi, Juan E. Tremblay Jr., Robert Tremblay, Robert P. Trevethan, Michael D. Tribble, Antoine J. Trischitta Jr., Frank S. Trompeter, Michael J. Trott, Dean Troupe Jr., William Troupe, Charles Q. Trumbull, Larry S. Trusell, Pamela Tscheiner, Norbert G. Tuitt, Kervden Turne, Marla M. Turner, Jim Turner, Leroy G. Twohig, Douglas Urban, Michael R. Uzzo, Frank Valdez, Juanita R. Valenson, William S. Valente Sr., Michael J. Valenti, Vincent J. Valentin, Samuel Valiyaveedan, Alexander Valverde, Jesus R. Van Putten Jr., Vincent O. Van Soelen, Pieter J. Vander Ploeg, William A. Vann, Richard C. Varella, Charlene Vargas, Gerado Vargas, Julio C. Varghese, Joseph Varghese, Thomas Varkey, James
587 726 85 1277 1056 1056 587 1056 85 1309 1575 587 689 26 519 726 587 308 1277 618 1338 1277 308 618 26 726 85 726 1056 1555 1056 1056 282 1056 398 1056 1300 1277 1179 1056 618 618 1300 1564 726 1056 282 587 788 587 1056 627 1056 587 587 1056 726 164 1056 241 85 726 1056 726 726 1277 880 1277 587 1179 618 1056 1277 1056 1056 1056
Varkey, Michael Vasquez, Pedro Vaughan, Robert H. Vayos, Thomas G. Vazquez, Basilio Veiga, William D. Velasco, Mario Velasco, Oscar A. Velez, Tomas Venable, Kelly A. Venditti, Anthony Vera-Zapata, Enrique Vereecke, Robin A. Verlinde, David A. Verzani, Richard R. Veve, Ruderick Vibart, David Vidalon, Eileen K. Vigo, David Villa, Anthony D. Villacorta, Normandy G. Villumsen, Lars Vinck, David J. Vineyard, George E. Viscomi, Rocco A. Vitale, Ralph Vizcaino, Jorge A. Vollaro, Jeffrey Von Essen, Donald W. Vorrasi, Philip Wade, Johnny Wadsworth, Venessa M. Wagner, Alan S. Wagner, John F. Wahrer, Michael Walcott Jr., Albert Walker Jr., James Walker, Brandie L. Walker, Catherine N. Walker, Dennis J. Walker, Leon Wallace, Melvin C. Wallace, Raymond C. Walton, Robin G. Ward, Brentnol A. Ward, Michael Ward, Michael Ward, Terrence B. Warren, Keith A. Washington, Johnny Watkins, Harvey B. Watley, Alicia D. Watson, Alexander Watson, Jeffrey B. Watson, Lamont Watson, Milton M. Webb, Charlotte D. Webb, Michael S. Webb, Patricia L. Webb, Wilton C. Weekly, Johnny S. Weems, Mark Weers, Arthur J. Weimann, Robert Weiner, Steven E. Weis Jr., David P. Werner, Christian A. Wesley, Michael West, Darryle Westbrooks, Antonio Wezenberg, Linda R. Whitaker, Yolanda J. White, Jiceri D. White, Mary L. White, Richard I. Whitehead, Thomas Whitfield, Lytresa
1056 Wick, Chris W. 587 726 Wiemert, Richard 1056 726 Wilcox, Eric 1056 726 Wilkinson, William 618 726 William, Edward J. 1309 589 Williams Jr., Stanley G. 822 1277 Williams, Dale B. 697 1277 Williams, Douglas 1056 1056 Williams, Elizabeth L. 276 587 Williams, George 1056 726 Williams, Herbena 26 1056 Williams, Jerry Thomas 1277 1287 Williams, Jimmy C. 587 1576 Williams, Keith 1056 587 Williams, Rod A. 587 1001 Williams, Rodney B. 726 1056 Williams, Sheila 1056 587 Williams, Troy E. 1056 1056 Willis, Fredia L. 1338 265 Wilmot, David A. 618 1277 Wilson Jr., Elijah B. 1177 1277 Wilson, Dennis 1056 726 Wilson, Kevin R. 1056 788 Wilson, Louis N. 85 85 Wilson, Paul 1596 618 Wilson, Richard L. 1056 618 Wilson, Ronald T. 1328 726 Wilson, Russell P. 85 587 Winata, Johnny B. 1575 726 Windham, Alonzo G. 1564 587 Winters, Avery Cecil 1056 1177 Witherspoon, Larry 1300 276 Witz, William E. 276 587 Womack, Guilford 1235 1056 Wood, Richard P. 587 843 Woodbine, Cynthia 618 268 Woodbine, Dennis M. 618 308 Woodham, Lydell 1056 1328 Woods, Josephine Y. 587 1056 Woods, Larry L. 1056 1056 Woolaston, Gary A. 1056 1056 Wraggs, Anita J. 788 713 Wright, Billy D. 689 265 Wright, Brian D. 268 1179 Wright, Darnell C. 308 618 Wright, Evelyn A. 26 843 Wright, Terrence L. 282 1056 Wyman, David E. 587 19 Wynn, Herbert G. 1575 1056 Xenofontos, Xenofon P. 1056 85 Yacono, Michael A. 1056 268 Yakemonis, Steven E. 1277 587 Yakimow, David S. 268 85 Yarbrough, Latonya 587 726 Ybarra, James 587 1328 Yee, Warren Y. 587 192 Yeh, Chang-Chia 1056 587 Yen, Wilson 726 1164 Yeung, Shing-Hin 1056 1328 York, Louise S. 1300 1575 Young, Barrett W. 1575 308 Young, Brenda G. 1277 1287 Young, Cynthia 587 398 Young, James E. 1328 1056 Young, Judy J. 587 1056 Yu, Heng Li 1056 689 Zahreddine, Hassan K. 587 1577 Zarookian, Robert 1056 241 Zawodniak, Timothy F. 85 268 Zhang, Shu 726 1384 Zukowski, Mariana P. 726 1564 1277 1056 STATESMEN’S CLUB 587 1338 Abbott, Richard M. 85 308 Abdelal, Kaled M. 308
Abdullah, Owvor M. Abernathy, Carolyn Abraham, Chacko Abraham, Viji Abreu, Freddy Abreu, Jose A. Accoo, Maranda Acevedo, Carlos J. Acevedo, Saul A. Acosta, Edgar Adams, Angelita Adams, Charles F. Adams, Christopher Adams, David B. Adams, Donald W. Adams, Mary A. Adams, Steve M. Addison, Jemil Adebayo, Olushina Adelmann, Henry C. Adler, Izidor Afonja, Mohammed S. Aguilar, Joseph A. Aguilar, Victor C. Aguilera, John R. Aguirre, Daniel J. Aikens, Crea J. Ainsworth, Dennis R. Akery, Frances M. Albarracin, Alexander Alegria, Peter M. Alexander, Eric Alexander, Halbert Alexander, Kris B. Alexander, Velda D. Alexandroff, Eric S. Alford, Reuben O. Alfred Jr., Edward R. Ali, Damita M. Allaire, Thomas H. Allen, Alise J. Allen, Christopher L. Allen, Dale M. Allen, Johnny L. Allen, Joseph L. Allen, Kurt R. Allen, Melody R. Allen, Sarita Allenbaugh, David H. Allison, Andrew S. Allison, Theodore Almanza, Jason C. Altera, Jean Alvarado, Humberto A. Alvarez, Cheryl-Lee Alvarez, Hilary Amador, Javier Ambus, Deborah M. Ami, Nancy Amon, James G. Amos-Sikora, Lamar Amsbary, Charles Ray Anciaux, Kenelm R. Anderson, Brantley D. Anderson, Bruce G. Anderson, Dario J. Anderson, Derek C. Anderson, Judie Anderson, Michael A. Anderson, Sharon B. Anderson, William Arthur Andoscia, Robert J. Andrew, Thomas R. Andrews Sr., Gerald L. Andrews, Clement D. Andrews, Donald R.
587 788 726 726 1056 1056 1177 241 241 726 256 192 726 1338 689 788 1310 1056 726 1277 726 726 726 1309 241 308 801 1309 1300 822 1277 241 788 757 587 85 618 689 788 587 241 689 587 689 1300 1555 26 85 85 1577 308 1277 618 1575 883 726 1070 788 726 726 998 1192 587 1177 758 1309 241 1564 689 627 1015 618 19 1277 1177 1338
Angeles, Romeo S. Anguiano, Joseph Anselmo, Gil B. Anthony, Jennell Applewhite, Dorothy Aquino, Angelo Arao, Wayne Arehart, John D. Arenth, Lisa M. Ariel, Sherman L. Armetta, Joseoh T. Armstrong, James E. Armstrong, Wanda L. Arno, Donald R. Arrahim, Abdul W. Arroyo, Angel P. Asare, Ruth M. Ashford, Rene O. Askew, Thomasina H. Augustin, Frederic Ault, Teddy A. Ausano, Jerry A. Austin, Warren P. Authier, Leona Autieri, Vincent M. Avants, Leland S. Avila, Edward J. Avila, Felix Ayala, Daniel Ayala, Eliezer Ayers, Rochelle Ayres, Timothy Aziz, Mohamed Babaoye, Stephen O. Babcock, Brent J. Baca, Jose A. Baccarella, Philip Bach, Gloria A. Bach, Mark A. Bailey, David S. Bailey, Devanne M. Bailey, Kenneth J. Bain, Marlon P. Baird, Linda Baker, Kristal N. Baker, Michael Baker, Michael D. Balach, Johnny Balatti, Anthony Balch, Beatrice L. Balderas, Pedro Ball, Roxana Ballard, Caleb F. Bamrungcheep, Kriengsak Bankhead, Maurice Banks Jr., Charlie L. Banks, Curtis L. Banyas, Gary J. Baraona, James F. Barber, Christine L. Barber, Harley Barber, Ray A. Barklind, David C. Barlow, Eric M. Barmore, Adolph Barnes, Byron K. Barnes, Deborah A. Barnes, George A. Barnes, Katherine M. Barnes, Keith W. Barnes, Mamie J. Barnes, Mickeda Barnes, Sebron Barnes, Shannon D. Barnes, Stephen A. Barnett, Johnene L.
1574 308 587 26 241 820 256 1436 85 822 1181 689 998 714 1342 689 587 880 85 726 85 265 85 1338 822 788 313 726 1309 1056 26 85 1056 192 587 1309 1056 998 788 587 26 282 689 1338 26 265 788 85 726 1321 1091 308 689 1277 241 1177 788 85 265 998 843 1177 587 689 308 689 308 1342 1015 689 192 618 241 998 587 85
Barr, Joseph R. Barrett, Stephen D. Barrientos, Michael Barry, George Barry, Sharon D. Bartee, Fredrick N. Bartolini, William A. Barzda, Eric Bascombe, Rohan J. Baselj, Tracy A. Bass, Barbara J. Bass, Derald A. Batchelder, Robert I. Bates, Darryl E. Bates, Glenn F. Bates, Michelle Bathurst, Forrest F. Battaglia Jr., Salvatore Battaglia, Anthony Baylor, June D. Bayona, Hugo Beam, Richard B. Beaman, Henry T. Beard, Maurice Beasley, Angela D. Beatty, Laurie Beaver, Douglas A. Beckett, Thomas A. Bedford Jr., Henry L. Beebe, Carl F. Beech, Russell W. Behers, James R. Behrens, Paul A. Belen Jr., Jesus Bell, Cabrina D. Bell, Gerardine Bell, Joseph Bell, Roy J. Bell, Timothy J. Bell, Tyrone O. Bellard, Patricia L. Belleville, James W. Belleville, Rebecca S. Benbrook, Matt D. Bennear, Shawn D. Bennett Jr., Jonathan Bennett, Deborah E. Bennett, Harley F. Bennett, Mark Bennett, Thomas J. Benson, Christy J. Beretta, Angel Bergles, Brian C. Bergstrom, Wayne Bernardi, Mary L. Bernwell, Jerome W. Berry, James J. Berry, John Berry, Rita M. Bethany, Thomas E. Bevan, Thomas E. Bevills, Millicent Beyer, Edgar L. Bielewicz, Frank Billups, Annie R. Billups, Daniel L. Billups, Samuel E. Billups, Willie G. Binion, Larry Bishop, Edward C. Bitter, David W. Bittle, Charlene E. Bittner, Scott A. Bivens, Walter T. Bizinski, Mark E. Bjerk Jr., Arthur E.
1342 689 265 726 85 1338 618 726 1056 85 26 788 714 26 689 308 587 1181 1181 1056 820 85 1342 265 26 587 1310 1145 694 1145 1177 85 788 726 587 1395 282 689 85 689 192 788 788 1575 85 1056 85 1145 627 85 276 726 85 1575 85 1056 1179 627 1575 308 85 788 788 998 788 1342 587 823 26 26 1517 689 85 26 1309 587
Black, Kerry W. Black, Oronde I. Black, Wayne A. Blackmon, Paris Shantel Blackshear, Ellen L. Blackshear, Gerald Blackwell, Walter Blaich, Donna Blaine, Thomas W. Blair, Jimmy L. Blake, Christine Blanchard, Richard Blanchette, Jarone H. Blanco, Alberto Bland, Herbert L. Blandin, Janice D. Blanding, Isaiah Blankson, Humphrey A. Bloom, Mary Joan Blount, Ronald M. Board, Gloria J. Boback, Timothy M. Bobak, Michael S. Bobo, Angela L. Bock, Charles C. Boddie, Phyllis Bogdanski, Francis B. Bojkovic, Muhamed Bolden, Anthony D. Bolden, Maurice Bolden, Shirley A. Bolosan, Elieser S. Bonavita, John Bond Jr., Morris Bond, Tracy W. Bones, Kathy A. Bonett, Casey Bonidie, Vincent R. Booker, Antoinette D. Booker, Cora L. Boone, Milton G. Booth, Faye J. Bordner, Donald L. Borgeling, Henry C. Borruso, Robert Boswell, Richard W. Bou, William Boukhalfa, Bouzkri Bowen, Gerald S. Bowens, Victoria L. Bowlby, Gene D. Bowman, Donald E. Boyd, Curtis Boyd, Lois A. Boyd, Stanford C. Boyd, Sylvia J. Boyle III, Howard C. Bracken, R. Kelley Brackens, Patricia A. Bradley, Noble Bradshaw, Gregory J. Brady, Deandra R. Brady, Donald L. Branch, Mae E. Brancheau, Michael S. Brantley, Kevin O. Braxton Jr., Johnnie Braxton, Jimmy L. Bray, Camille M. Breazeale, Patsy L. Breedlove, Heather K. Brennan, Thomas M. Brent, Alexander Brent, Jimmy Brentley, Melvin K. Breshears, Brian D.
689 1056 1575 788 587 26 726 726 1015 788 788 726 1309 1277 85 1287 282 1056 85 689 26 85 85 788 1309 1177 85 726 1309 26 1555 265 726 308 1300 282 726 85 308 998 1300 1338 587 836 726 788 1056 726 689 85 587 627 1342 996 308 788 1576 1309 1338 1338 85 26 587 308 587 689 1309 788 1015 587 26 1321 241 587 85 398
Brevard, James 689 Brewer, Bernice 836 Brewster Jr., Jules M. 26 Bridges, George R. 587 Briggs, Cecil 1309 Britton, Mandalette 788 Brock, Beverly 1309 Brody Jr., John 726 Brook, Linda G. 1338 Brooks III, Sidney H. 241 Brooks Jr., Herbert D. 85 Brooks-Harper, Sondra J. 85 Brooks, Charles D. 1164 Brott, Rodney R. 1310 Brown Jr., Adolph 265 Brown Jr., Eddie 1338 Brown Jr., Louis E. 689 Brown, Aaron Malone 192 Brown, Alphonso 788 Brown, Anthony D. 85 Brown, Bill H. 241 Brown, Billy D. 847 Brown, Borritta D. 308 Brown, Carmelita S. 788 Brown, Charles E. 788 Brown, Charles F. 689 Brown, David 26 Brown, Derrick Q. 1338 Brown, Eric 1338 Brown, I. V. 788 Brown, James M. 788 Brown, Jeff 1164 Brown, Juanita 689 Brown, Latanya J. 85 Brown, Lonnie 241 Brown, Margaret E. 26 Brown, Michael 1338 Brown, Robert 1338 Brown, Ronald 26 Brown, William 726 Browne, Teresa 788 Brownell, Frank 726 Brumirski, Henry D. 998 Bruno, Angelo F. 1321 Bryant, Ares 26 Bryant, J. B. 192 Brydges, Christine R. 1576 Bubb, Norbert 726 Buckels Jr., Edgar 788 Buckendorf, Douglas Edward 398 Budd Jr., Jean 192 Budd, Andre K. 282 Buell, Mike D. 265 Buford, Leon 241 Bugg, Detroit L. 1309 Bullock, Christopher 1056 Bullock, Fredrick B. 1338 Bullock, Ray A. 689 Bulsak, Gregory S. 85 Bunch, Clarence 26 Burcin, Gary T. 85 Burford, Sonya B. 689 Burge, Paul B. 85 Burger, Linda A. 836 Burgos, Caleb 1056 Burgos, Luis 726 Burke, Brendan T. 714 Burnley, David R. 1338 Burns, Anthony 1309 Burns, Freddie G. 998 Burrell, Deborah M. 788 Burrell, La Priest John 398 Burton, Prince J. 26 Busam, Mary R. 587 Bush, John P. 689 Bush, Valerie L. 1342
Businger, John H. Bussi, Raymond P. Butler Jr., Frederick A. Butler, Christoph Butler, Larry D. Butler, Theron B. Butterfield, Sandra Buyna, Stephen R. Buzby, Kenneth C. Bye, Christopher Byers, Benjie Byrdsong, Jerome U. Cabanas, Timothy W. Cabrera Jr., Juan Cabrera, George Cabrera, Hector Caceres, Fernando R. Caceres, Michael F. Cackowski, Martin Cadetto, Peter Caesar, Christopher Cage, Munsel K. Cain, Nancy K. Calderone, Frederick Caldwell, Melvin Caldwell, Sonia R. Calhoun, Carl O. Calkin, Scott F. Callaway, Sandra S. Camacho, Julio Campanella, John Campbell, Christopher Campbell, Lancellot H. Campbell, Lloyd L. Campbell, Vibert L. Cancio, Aimee R. Candelaria, Raymond Canfield, John B. Canino, Michael W. Cannavo, Michael Cannon, Atria A. Cannon, Daryl L. Cannon, Derrick L. Cantrell, Jacqueline M. Cao, John C. Capobianco, Michael Capper, Anthony Caraway, Daren E. Carcia, Donald A. Carde, Roberto Cardona Jr., Reynaldo S. Cardoza, Henry D. Carey, Harvey N. Carlisle, Nancy D. Caron, Patricia A. Caron, William J. Carpenter, David Carr, Andre Carr, Corey D. Carr, David L. Carr, Ronald R. Carroll, Clifford Carroll, Denise Ann Carroll, Timothy J. Carrube, Jo-Ann Carson, Norman Carter, Albert J. Carter, Devron Carter, John Carter, Joyce A. Carter, Judith Carter, Sheila V. Carter, Yvette Carthans, Jeremiah Carthern, Carl C. Casares, Miguel A.
19 1179 618 689 192 265 1310 85 1015 726 689 1177 1056 308 1277 820 587 587 726 308 726 26 587 819 726 825 689 1548 847 1056 880 1056 689 192 1056 1464 726 282 689 726 788 689 689 1575 587 726 726 1338 85 1342 1001 265 1575 192 174 174 1321 85 308 308 308 819 265 85 726 788 85 1277 998 587 822 689 788 788 689 1338
Case, Edwards F. Casey III, Edno D. Casey, Patrick Cason Jr., Edward Cason, William D. Casseday, Tina Castile, Antonio M. Castillo, Jacob Castillo, Percy Castillo, Ray Castro, Joe L. Castro, Roberto Castronuovo, Joseph Caughman, Yvonne A. Cavitt, Reginald D. Cavolo, James D. Cayavidis, Dimitrios Cebula, Leonard Celio, David Cericola, Michael Cersosimo, Jay Cervantes, Ninfa Cesarone, Kathleen D. Chan, Kam M. Chandler, Dawn M. Chapman Jr., Brian G. Chapman, Paul A. Chappell, Barbara D. Chappelle, Mathaneal Charity, Michael W. Chase, Cheryl E. Chasky, Dale R. Chatman, Rozelle R. Chatman, Wilma J. Chavez, Ronald Cherian, Varghese Childress-Morgan, Brenda D. Chinn Jr., Donald L. Chludzinski, John M. Chuckro, David J. Chuney Jr., Fred J. Ciesla, Diane L. Cintron Jr., Ramon Civale, David Clagett, Ellen L. Clark Jr., Walter Clark, David Clark, Harvey W. Clark, Kendall A. Clark, Marvin B. Clark, Richard L. Clark, Tamara A. Clark, Tonya Marie Clark, William D. Clarke, Myra V. Claudino, John Clay, Cecil R. Clay, Yvonne Clayton, Felicia G. Clayton, Tom W. Clayworth Jr., Fred L. Cleary, David H. Clemmons, Jackie Cleveland, Dallas W. Cleveland, Janet A. Cleveland, Tommy F. Clifford, Michael Coates, Gregory E. Cochran, Richard J. Coda, Vincent L. Cody, Karla Coe, Thomas P. Cogdill, Stanley L. Cole, Karren J. Cole, Kelly K. Cole, Roland D.
192 26 726 788 26 587 308 1091 726 1277 276 1575 726 1056 788 85 265 85 618 726 1091 308 1548 587 1235 1342 282 1338 587 689 85 85 1564 26 1338 726 788 689 1342 85 26 1342 822 618 85 689 726 689 241 26 1575 85 788 880 1342 726 788 241 788 1517 164 1309 1338 788 308 1309 820 689 308 85 758 587 587 308 308 85
Cole, Stephanie L. Cole, Stephen W. Coleman, Charles J. Coleman, James B. Coleman, Kenneth J. Coleman, Willie J. Collana, Charles J. Collazo, Jose R. Collier-Johnson, Doris F. Collier, William F. Collins, James T. Collins, Sean L. Colon, Eufemio Colon, Miguel A. Colon, Pablos Colorado, John Colston, Tracey L. Colvil, Brett Combs, Kendrick M. Compel, Michael D. Condron Jr., Jacob G. Connell, Joseph C. Conner, Howard Conner, Juan E. Considine, Jack R. Cook, Benathan Cook, Elaine R. Cook, Gregory Cook, Richard K. Cooke, Charles A. Coonce, Bobby J. Cooper, Harold G. Cooper, Kirk Corado, Julio C. Cordiello, Anthony M. Cordiello, Michael Corley Jr., Elijah Coronell, Simplicio A. Cortes, Omar Cosby, Norbert P. Cosey, Wiley Cospito, Anthony Cossean, Douglas Costello, Patrick Cotton, Jessie Cotton, Johnny Cottone, Charles J. Countryman, Tobbi A. Cousar, Benny T. Covers Jr., Chester A. Cowan, Joel E. Cox, Angelo Cox, Anthony R. Cozart, James O. Craven, Steven Crenshaw, Willie S. Crespo, David Crockett, Michelle D. Cronk, John Cronk, Wylie F. Crosby, Rhodafe B. Crosby, Theresa D. Crosier, James D. Crowe, William Crudup, James S. Cruz, David Cruz, Sherry Culkin, James Cullens, Joseph Culley, Gregory T. Culver, Gregory Cummings, David S. Cummings, Karl D. Cunningham, Charles Cunningham, Robert S. Cunningham, Yvette Y.
689 587 689 843 1464 1342 1342 726 1555 1575 85 192 308 308 726 820 308 726 788 85 801 19 241 85 308 1342 26 1564 1575 308 788 1338 241 689 1181 1181 689 276 726 1235 788 726 726 726 704 282 587 757 1300 1342 19 689 587 788 164 1287 726 308 820 1547 1015 308 85 1356 265 726 265 241 726 726 26 1338 26 1575 1342 308
Cureton, Columbus N. Curran, Bruce A. Currie, Ronald A. Curry, Samuel T. Curtin, Dennis M. Curvin, Danny R. Cusick, Steven M. Cutillo, Stefan D’angelo, Anthony Da Cruz, Stanley Dadum, Joey D. Dafgard, Douglas C. Dalli, Carmine Dallojacono, Brian Dame, Carleton Elmer Dameron Jr., John J. Danby, Frank E. Daniel, Otis Daniels Jr., Lewis D. Daniels Jr., Walter Daniels, Philip A. Danio, Randall L. Darbous III, Samuel A. Darby, Eric Darby, Roy L. Darnell, Gary R. Darrington, Jimmie R. Dashiell, Danita C. Daugherty, Joseph W. Dauksha, Mark R. Davenport, Eric J. Davey, Mark R. Davidson, Russell Preston Davidson, Warren L. Davis Jr., Robert E. Davis-Boone, Vivian D. Davis-Thomas, Jacqueline R. Davis, Albert Davis, Allan H. Davis, Calvin J. Davis, Carrie Y. Davis, Christine Davis, Cora L. Davis, Daniella Davis, Darryl Davis, Daymon A. Davis, Debra L. Davis, Dexter Davis, Faith D. Davis, Gerald Davis, Jelani Davis, Jerry G. Davis, John E. Davis, Joseph M. Davis, Kenneth L. Davis, Kim D. Davis, Lora K. Davis, Lu Verl Davis, Melicent Davis, Richard L. Davis, Shirley A. Davis, Tonya C. Davis, Vickie R. Davis, Wayne F. Davison, Jimmie Dawkins, Karen L. Dawson, Connie Dawson, Kathleen B. Day, Kenneth Day, Merrill W. De Fell, Andrea De Freitas, Jose A. De Groot, Tom G. De Jesus, Reynaldo G. De La Rosa, Dustin Defell, Andrea
689 1015 689 689 1342 26 689 726 726 726 85 1342 726 1179 618 788 1015 1564 1091 788 308 1309 587 192 1235 1309 19 689 1575 788 689 757 398 587 618 241 788 689 587 26 308 689 308 308 308 1575 801 265 85 788 726 1338 164 788 1015 1300 587 1338 726 1498 308 587 1177 714 308 85 1384 308 1338 1287 308 1277 587 1277 265 308
Dela Cruz, Cristin D. Delaney, Michael C. Delcore, Nicola Delgadillo, Marco A. Delgado, Marie Delgado, Phyllis A. Deloch, La Wanda Delsignore, Vincenzo Denis, William H. Denk, Raymond J. Derheim, Lorna J. Desavieu, Delval G. Devaney, James T. Devito, Joseph Devito, Louis Devora, Ester Di Benedetto, James Di Benedetto, Michael E. Di Benedetto, Philip Di Dolce, Anthony M. Di Lorenzo, Richard Di Piano, Ralph Diaz, Jose R. Dickerson, Alpheria Diehl, Robert M. Dieli, Philip Digiulio Jr., Joseph Dileo, Nicholias Dings, Lawrence Dinh, Danny Hanhba Dinoia Jr., John Divers, Samuel E. Dixon, Mark L. Dixon, Willie L. Doane, Cynthia S. Dominguez, Jose Donahue, Anthony J. Donato, Thomas Donza, John Dorsey Jr., William H. Dorsey, Chesler T. Dotson, Tykese Doty, Theadore M. Doughty, Sandra M. Doughty, Suzanne L. Douglas, Fred L. Dovner, Douglas Dowtin, John T. Dozier-Malone, Larry D. Dozier, Michael J. Dragseth, Steffen M. Dresher, Thordan H. Driesen, James H. Driver, Sydnee M. Dubbs, Victor J. Dublin, Aaron Duda, Lawrence M. Duderwick, Richard M. Dudley, James Dudziak, John D. Duemmel, Joseph A. Duffey, Catherine A. Duffy, Paula A. Dugan Jr., William J. Dugan, Dennis P. Dukes Sr., Allen G. Dulski, Dean G. Dumas, Michael D. Duncan Jr., Moses N. Duncan, Jacoline Duncan, Pearlie A. Duncan, Robert J. Dunham, Larry Dunkle, William L. Dunkley, Lawrence L. Dunlap, Kenneth R.
587 726 726 1277 726 1517 788 618 726 85 757 308 825 265 726 1575 726 1179 726 85 726 1179 821 268 587 726 758 726 1548 1277 726 689 587 689 1548 726 589 726 726 308 1300 1564 1309 19 1342 26 726 689 788 998 587 1015 587 1056 788 689 241 1342 825 1342 282 757 1056 85 618 26 85 26 26 256 998 587 1300 85 276 1164
Dunstan, Alfred H. Durand Sraddha J. Durggins, Maralene M. Durham, Sonseeahay M. Duzant, Tasha Dyer, Glen D. Dyson, Marvin P. Dziuk, Pauline M. Eapen, Thomas Earley, George E. Easterwood, Michael Eaton III, Joseph T. Eaton, Curtis K. Eberlin, Donald P. Eberly, Buddy R. Edelmann, David J. Edwards, Anne Edwards, Dale G. Edwards, Thomas D. Effinger, Rich L. Eigner, David Alan Eiler, Scott M. Elder, Deborah J. Eldere, Tony C. Elek, Steve Elemen, Jess B. Elfers, Daniel Ellerbe, Gerald D. Ellerbe, Quentin Ellery Jr., Harry M. Elliott, Michael S. Ellis, Andrew J. Ellis, Audrey Ellis, Charles Ellis, Dennis G. Ellis, Francis J. Ellison, Ralph C. Ellwood, Susan P. Elo, Ralph Elson, Robert J. Elston, James H. Elwell, John S. Emata, Lionel C. Emerick, Sally J. Emerson, David Emerson, Floyd E. Emken, Brandon Enfield, Bruce A. Engdahl, Frank C. English, Ardra Enos, Thomas Raymond Enright, John M. Enright, Neil J. Enright, Thomas A. Enright, William Epple, Edward Epps, Calvin Erickson, Melvin Byran Ernst, Carol W. Ervin, Curtis Eshuis, Clifford W. Espinoza, Jose R. Esposito, Gerard A. Estavillo, William Estmond, Stanley A. Estrella, Victor Estudillo, Caesar F. Etchoe, Michael L. Evans, Anthony E. Evans, Jeffery Evans, Jeffery P. Evans, W. Mark Evans, William V. Fagan, Christopher D. Fahey Jr., Thomas J. Fair, Joseph
268 587 770 788 726 714 587 256 726 689 788 192 26 282 1015 85 788 587 689 308 998 1576 85 1164 85 265 627 1179 689 85 587 788 265 587 1517 1145 1309 1056 726 788 26 714 265 587 726 1464 726 587 587 1338 618 726 618 282 265 726 26 847 587 788 843 265 726 265 1235 726 998 587 726 825 85 265 85 587 589 788
Falconello, David P. Fant, Larry Farinaccio, Anthony Farkas, Charles E. Farley, Rodney Farmer Jr., Joseph A. Farmer, Lavada C. Farr, Louis H. Farrell, Kevin M. Fashaw, Roxanne Feaster, Tera D. Feder, Joel A. Fedor, Ronald Feely, Michael P. Fennell, Jerry L. Fennoy II, Hence C. Fentress, William T. Ferensen, Donald C. Ferguson, Craig Ferguson, Tracey T. Fernandes, Leonard W. Fernbach, David A. Ferrando, Nicholas Ferre, Luis Ferris, Raymond Ficano, Peter Fichera, Thomas J. Fields, Gary E. Fields, Jacqueline R. Fields, La Vonne Figueroa, Edward Finazzo, Vito Finnegan Jr., John D. Fish, Kenneth E. Fish, Patricia Fisher, Richard Fitchett, Vernell W. Fitzgibbon, Michael Fitzpatrick, Kimberly D. Flaherty, Kevin P. Flemate, Steven J. Fleming, Bonita Fleming, La Sean N. Flemmings, Marlene Fletcher, Herbert M. Flint, Yvette Florence, James H. Florence, Jesse J. Flores Jr., David S. Flores, Daniel Flores, Robert Flowers, Cynthia A. Flowers, Gary A. Fluker, Daniel S. Fong, Chee F. Ford, Jo Ford, Theresa Forh, Kim Forsyth, Albert G. Fortune Jr., Charles Fosselman, Laura Foster, Arthur L. Foster, Dwight L. Foster, Steven Foster, Thomas S. Fowler, Larry Fowler, Lorraine Fowler, Patricia Louise Fraas Jr., Robert E. Francisco, Michael Frank, Karen F. Franklin, Charles J. Franklin, Marion L. Franklin, Maurice N. Franklin, Sara D. Franks, Nicholas J.
726 726 726 85 1564 689 308 587 618 587 1287 85 85 714 689 26 1177 587 265 689 689 308 726 726 843 726 85 1575 85 788 1056 726 85 587 589 726 1056 85 85 85 19 265 1564 689 85 308 85 26 265 726 726 308 1056 26 1056 1338 1342 726 587 192 265 85 788 308 788 1091 192 192 85 1056 587 192 1309 1309 587 1145
Franks, Shirley Franzcak Jr., Edward S. Fraser, Dennis Frauenkron, Jean C. Frederick, Andrew M. Freeman, Curtis Freeman, Nanette Fremstad, Donna E. Frey, Ernest Freyer, Charles W. Friedman, Meir Frierson, Anita Frisby, Robert Frontera, Chad Frontis, Steve B. Frost, Anthony C. Fryar, Daniel J. Fryar, Jacob S. Fryar, James K. Frye, Gene R. Fuller, Cepeda R. Fuller, Robert M. Fulton, Mattie L. Fultz, Marlene P. Furey, Gerard P. Furia, Terri L. Gabriel, Joseph M. Gaikwad, Nitin Gajardo, Joven Galano, Anthony Galbert, Gloria J. Gallagher, Gregory G. Gallagher, James N. Gallo, Frank Gambacorta, Nicholas Gambler, Frederick Gamblin, Lynn S. Gandia, Noel Gantt, Richard H. Garcia, Efrain Garcia, Jose G. Garcia, Juan J. Garcia, Lawrence Garcia, Luis Garcia, Yemny R. Gardner, Clifford Gardner, John C. Garner, Apryl L. Garvin, Brigitte M. Garzone, Philip Gaskill, Larry D. Gaudet, John W. Gay Jr., Vance B. Gayden III, Nephus Gaylord, Diane G. Geib, Craig George, Vincent Geranen, Curtis M. Gerber, Darlene Gergurich, Peter D. Germano, Christopher Gerrity, Thomas M. Ghobrial, Mike H. Giaime, Richard Gianoulis, John Gibbons, David J. Gibbons, Joseph P. Gibbs, Cornelius Gibeaut, David L. Gibson, Robert E. Gibson, Subrina V. Gigliotti, Anthony Gigliotti, Edward Gildea, Robert L. Giles, Warnell Gill, James A.
788 726 726 1192 822 788 1564 587 164 85 282 1300 689 726 587 26 241 587 241 788 1575 1342 26 241 1321 714 1145 265 265 726 192 587 788 726 726 1056 85 726 689 265 694 694 1277 726 836 1575 1277 85 788 726 996 714 689 26 587 825 726 192 85 85 726 1342 825 1179 726 618 1056 241 998 265 26 726 1181 85 26 1342
Gillam, Regina L. Gillard, James Gillespie, Marilyn C. Gillespie, Ollie M. Gilmore, Larry Gioco, Charles J. Giorgakis, Vasilios N. Giroux, Bryan Gish, Michael D. Giza, Ronald Glaser, Randal G. Glenn Sr., David C. Glidden, Robert Gloster, Clemon C. Gluck, Alan H. Glymph, Ricardo F. Goldsby, Thomas L. Golembiewski, Michael Golling, Thomas S. Gomez, Hector Gomez, Johnny S. Gonzales, Joyce G. Gonzales, Marsha A. Gonzalez Jr., Rafael D. Gonzalez, Daniel R. Gonzalez, George A. Gonzalez, Guadalupe Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Kevin J. Gonzalez, Laureano Gonzalez, Luis Gonzalez, Maria P. Gonzalez, Michael Gonzalez, Ramon Gonzalez, Rene Goode, Missy Gooden, Claudia A. Goodman, Linda J. Goodman, Nancy Faye Goodman, Walter L. Goodwin, Jeffrey L. Goodwin, Mc Glotha Goodwin, Retheena M. Goodwin, William H. Gordon, Bernard Gordon, Clive B. Gordon, Emerson E. Goss, Paul G. Gould, Joseph M. Gowans, Morgan A. Grady, Bobbie J. Grady, Michael A. Graham, Charles H. Graham, James D. Graham, Orville R. Grandstrand, Delores V. Grant, Bridgette A. Grant, Eric Grant, Gregory S. Grasso, Michael Graves, Catherine Graves, Du Wayne D. Graves, Mattie R. Gray, Amos B. Gray, Calvin T. Gray, George E. Gray, Steven B. Green, Brenda G. Green, Christopher H. Green, Douglas Green, Eunice D. Green, Frank Green, John D. Green, Mark A. Green, Marvin Green, Maurice L.
627 1577 788 788 788 265 1300 1575 587 1342 85 26 726 26 1548 587 1342 726 265 265 308 694 1287 308 587 1309 1309 820 880 726 726 1309 1056 1056 726 MAL 1179 1342 1164 1433 1005 788 825 825 587 726 587 1287 880 241 1164 587 1384 1164 1056 1576 1309 308 308 726 1342 757 308 998 689 788 788 308 689 241 265 726 757 1342 587 1177
Green, Richard A. Green, Wayne Green, Willie Green, Willie R. Greenawalt, Kendall L. Greenberg, Craig L. Greene, Barbara A. Greene, Carla L. Greene, Shannon Gregg II, Cleveland Gregg, Joan L. Greif, Harold J. Greinke, Kevin Greve, Arthur Griffin Jr., Robert L. Griffin, Keith J. Griffin, Larry Griffin, Stephon T. Griffis, Raeseanda Griffith, James A. Grisanzio, John Grose, James R. Gross, Derek Q. Grossman, Penelope R. Gruss, John M. Guanlao, Luis V. Guarnieri, Michelle Gudinas, William L. Guercia, Frank Guest, Alana J. Guevara, Melanie L. Gugliaro, Gary Guillory, Pennie R. Guinn-King, Parris Gulemmo, Michael R. Gulino, Alexander Gunn, David F. Gunn, Jason C. Gustafson, Gary L. Gutierrez, Thomas Guyton, Bertha D. Gwinn, Vance W. Hackett, Patrick A. Hads, Mike H. Haenggi, Glen A. Haffner, George R. Hagel, Gary M. Hagerty, Terrence F. Hajbi, Nader Husni Hale, David A. Hall, Billy Hall, Doretha Hall, Jesse V. Hall, Shelia M. Hallen, Patrick Halley, Mario P. Halls, Thomas C. Halupke, Basil J. Hambly, Louis S. Hamilton, Valerie V. Hamm, Bernard C. Hamm, Samuel L. Hammerstone, Frank A. Hammond, Brian T. Hammond, Peter C. Hanchulak, Robert M. Haney, Donley D. Hankins, Joanne Hanks, Robbin Hannibal, Arthur A. Hannibal, Robert M. Hanus, Mark Happ, Kathryne A. Haralson, Ella F. Harbin, Anthony S. Hardgrove, Anthony
1287 85 825 689 757 726 1309 85 308 689 825 1015 758 836 1342 241 726 268 265 85 1056 85 308 1548 1145 587 726 1547 726 241 265 1181 308 1564 726 726 1309 85 587 1575 1309 265 1384 1384 587 268 587 85 822 1309 241 241 689 308 820 26 820 1145 265 85 689 788 1179 1056 714 164 1342 998 1091 265 265 1575 85 308 26 819
Hardin, Patricia C. Hardy Jr., Leroy Hardy, William G. Hargrove, Cheryl Ann Harlach, Randolph S. Harmon Jr., Rodgers Harmon, David Harrington, Latricia Harris, Charles B. Harris, Cheryl G. Harris, Christopher L. Harris, Diane Harris, Douglas J. Harris, Jamila Y. Harris, John D. Harris, Michael L. Harris, Rick Harris, Russell Harris, Tito Harrison, Bonita L. Harrison, Ronnie Harrison, William Harsche, John J. Harshaw, William J. Harshman, Eric J. Hart, Charles G. Hart, Lorrine Hart, Yvonne Harter, Dale M. Hartman, Ray W. Harvey, Alan C. Haskell, Albert A. Hastie, James V. Hatch, Alexander A. Hatcher, James Ralph Hatfield, Scott Hathaway, Alan Hathaway, Mark Hathorn, Kenneth Hauser, Kenneth Hawthorne, James L. Hayes, Maria A. Hayes, Michael T. Hayes, Ollie Hayes, Robert A. Hazinski, Joseph R. Heaney, Walter Heard, Angela Maria Heard, Cary D. Hebert, Kenneth A. Hecathorn, Gregory Heidenreich, Joseph Heidkamp, Michael T. Henderson, Rick Hendricks, Joseph W. Hennessy, Cheryl L. Henriksen, Henry F. Henriques, Manuel Henry, Corwin D. Henry, Donald E. Henry, Kenneth E. Henzsley, Ricardo A. Hernandez, Jose Hernandez, Juan M. Hernandez, Rodolfo B. Herrera, David Herrera, Randy Herrera, Ricardo Roque Herrera, Robert Herring, Tiffani Kay Herron, Isaiah Herzog, Douglas J. Hess, John R. Heuer, Jeffrey L. Heyward, Darrold T. Hickey, Daniel
587 282 825 192 1342 308 627 1338 85 1300 587 788 265 26 164 788 308 19 1342 689 1338 1145 726 26 1309 689 241 726 587 85 587 1309 1575 689 1235 1164 618 618 282 519 689 788 726 192 1575 998 726 1277 85 282 265 998 85 1575 587 836 618 1547 1287 689 689 689 265 1309 689 1575 265 1277 265 847 689 998 627 788 610 1056
Hicks-Eleam, Rhonda M. Hicks, Clayton Hicks, Owezo M. Hicks, Roger E. Hidalgo, Carlos Higgins, Andrew Higgins, Patrick J. Hill, Byron C. Hill, Curtis L. Hill, Dan L. Hill, Kim M. Hill, Leonard F. Hill, Robert F. Hill, Sylvia A. Hillery, Cashandra Z. Hillgartner, Danny A. Hilyard, Floyd C. Hilzinger, Ronald L. Hines, Eric E. Hinson, Lorraine Hinton, Charles M. Hinton, Steven L. Hodge, Robert L. Hodl, Tom P. Hodo, Maxine Hoelzle, Michael R. Hoffman, Les A. Hoffman, Scott H. Holden, James Holder, Leon J. Holland, Edna B. Hollandsworth, Mary Hollis, Mary G. Holloway, Ella R. Holloway, Terri L. Holman, Rotina Holman, Thomas Holmes Jr., Jermiah Holmes, Audrey A. Holmes, Brian L. Holmes, Bruce S. Holmes, Johnnie L. Holmes, Mark Holt, Patricia L. Holt, Robert H. Holton, Marshall L. Holtz, Larry L. Honadel, Charles Honor, Gregory L. Hood, Anthony Horne, David B. Horne, Joseph L. Horner, Marlene K. Hornsby, Ramonica Horsch, Glen W. Horvath, Michael Hoskin, William Houck, John Howard, Carolyn A. Howard, Douglas R. Howard, Eula E. Howard, Kevin M. Howard, Myra D. Howell, Sherri E. Howland, Kevin L. Howlett, Darius S. Hubbard, Bruce Huber, John A. Hudson, Michael R. Huey, Richard L. Hughes, Artis Hughes, Terry D. Hughey, Marcus D. Hughley, Delores Huhem, Jeffrey Hume, Robin
85 265 26 1177 726 726 788 308 1338 1517 85 1300 788 308 308 85 757 587 726 587 26 788 1548 1015 308 843 587 1277 726 788 788 276 587 627 627 1338 726 1342 1056 192 308 1309 825 308 276 788 587 1447 26 164 1056 1309 587 308 1517 726 241 265 26 1300 689 1056 1177 85 19 788 1179 1342 825 587 268 1342 26 192 726 587
Humphrey, Michael Hunstad, Michael W. Hunt, Christopher Hunt, Quinton R. Hunter Jr., Curbie Hunter Jr., Ronney Hunter, Yvonne E. Hurd, William A. Hurt, Elvis G. Huston, Alan S. Hutcherson, Maceo Hutchings, Marjorie Iams, Stanley W. Ianazzi, John Ianello, Patrick J. Iannello, Joseph Iglesias, Michael Ingoglina, Salvatore Ingram, Elbert L. Ingram, Eugene H. Ingram, Raemon E. Iraggi, Michael Irby, Gary L. Irby, Oscar F. Irizarry, Anthony Irving, Ronald Isbitski, Gary A. Ives, Jon O. Izaquirre, Fernando Izquierdo, Rosita Jacek, Wojciech Jacko, Joseph A. Jackson, Angela Y. Jackson, Brenda A. Jackson, Diana J. Jackson, Donald W. Jackson, James H. Jackson, Johnny Jackson, Kerry Jackson, Lee W. Jackson, Leona L. Jackson, Richard B. Jackson, Sadie D. Jackson, Sander Y. Jackson, Terry Jackson, Vernon E. Jacobs, Ronald Jacobsen, Betty L. Jacobsen, James P. Jacobson, Eric Jacobson, William T. Jacox, Leonard W. Jagielski, Kevin A. Jaime, Dora E. Jakeman, James A. James, Aaron M. James, Edward G. James, John E. James, Robert M. James, Thomasenia D. Jarosz, Richard E. Jason, Paul J. Jauregui, Roberto Jeanette, Linda L. Jedrzejewski, Michael J. Jeffery, Robert W. Jeffords, Kenneth Jeffries, Cynthia A. Jeffries, William Jemmott, Thomas Jenkins, Joel Jenkins, Joseph Jenkins, Reshell E. Jenkins, William Jennings, Samuel Jennings, Vance E.
241 587 26 1342 1593 241 820 587 308 587 192 276 1287 726 1056 726 726 1181 1287 26 1575 1179 587 308 726 1091 164 241 308 265 1056 85 788 26 788 689 689 1338 726 788 265 85 1177 26 689 1277 726 587 587 726 587 1005 85 1309 587 1056 1056 241 726 689 265 164 265 85 85 192 1342 26 788 1181 85 627 26 1177 1300 85
Jeralds, Cheryl D. Jerry, Ricco Jessie, Victoria D. Jimenez, Anibal J. Jiminez, Janice G. John, Lyndon B. Johnson II, Clinton Johnson Jr., J. C. Johnson, Alan F. Johnson, Andrew J. Johnson, Avon Johnson, Bryan C. Johnson, Carl D. Johnson, Carla D. Johnson, Carlos C. Johnson, Clayton Johnson, Curtis L. Johnson, Darryl C. Johnson, George H. Johnson, George M. Johnson, Gerald R. Johnson, Geraldine Johnson, Grace H. Johnson, Harvey L. Johnson, John B. Johnson, Kathleen E. Johnson, Keith A. Johnson, Kevin Johnson, Kimberly I. Johnson, Larry E. Johnson, Larry M. Johnson, Ledora S. Johnson, Leroy Johnson, Letise T. Johnson, Marlyn G. Johnson, Martin Johnson, Maurice Johnson, Michael L. Johnson, Michelle Johnson, Millicent Johnson, Renita Johnson, Rocky M. Johnson, Sandra J. Johnson, Sibyl J. Johnson, Terri L. Johnson, Tommy Johnson, Tracey T. Jolitz, Roy C. Jones Jr., Bolton A. Jones Jr., Eugene Jones Sr., Elliott B. Jones, Andrew D. Jones, Daniel W. Jones, Douglas S. Jones, Edward L. Jones, Elvee Jones, Eric D. Jones, Garrett D. Jones, Gary B. Jones, Giselle Jones, Harry Jones, James L. Jones, Jerry E. Jones, Kevin G. Jones, Kris N. Jones, Marvin Jones, Rita Y. Jones, Shawn A. Jones, Shelly L. Jones, Ted G. Jones, Terry W. Jones, Terry W. Jones, Theodore Jones, Tony D. Jones, Virginia Jones, Walter T.
880 1177 282 1577 587 1056 241 689 788 85 241 880 26 788 689 689 689 265 1742 587 85 26 85 1309 85 85 689 85 85 1287 192 308 26 1056 192 726 241 1342 308 788 1338 587 26 788 1564 1338 627 998 26 26 308 308 1164 19 85 241 26 689 1342 1564 820 732 1164 241 689 1464 1287 689 1300 1164 788 1300 1547 587 825 1575
Jordan, Curtis 726 Jordan, Paul 1267 Jordan, Thermon R. 26 Jorgensen-Cashwell, Jocelle L. 587 Joseph, David A. 618 Joseph, Jacob 726 Jovel, Rafael A. 265 Joy, Abraham 1056 Joy, Sunil 1056 Joyner, Polly 822 Jurado, Francisca G. 1309 Kaciczak, Jan 726 Kacinko, Robert J. 85 Kahler, Lawrence A. 587 Kahler, Russell E. 85 Kahn, Sahibzada 726 Kaiser, Robert 726 Kaminski, Donna L. 85 Kammenzind, Scott C. 85 Kaur, Jatinder 265 Kay, Christine 1517 Kay, Thomas J. 587 Kaye, Anne 1575 Kearney, Barbara J. 689 Kearney, John M. 85 Keating, Richard R. 85 Keaton, Bruce 1342 Keaton, Bryndis 19 Keefer III, William S. 85 Keely, Darrell 788 Kehoe, James 726 Keller, Keith C. 587 Kelley, John H. 1321 Kelley, Mary H. 843 Kelly Jr., Thomas B. 788 Kelly, Anna 825 Kelly, Daniel J. 788 Kelly, Darin K. 1056 Kelly, Harry 726 Kelly, Harry G. 587 Kelly, James D. 1338 Kelly, Michael 726 Kelly, William T. 85 Kelsey, Bernard D. 26 Kendzerski, William C. 85 Kennedy, Cynthia L. 788 Kennerly, Barney N. 689 Kennerly, Phillip B. 689 Kenney, John J. 589 Kent, Robert 1548 Kerila, Thomas W. 1145 Kern, Donald P. 788 Kerr, Mary E. 587 Kettlety III, James L. 618 Kidd, Jerome 587 Kidd, Kenneth B. 788 Kiflegiorgis, Yemane 192 Killebrew, Sandra M. 1177 Killingsworth, Gillian 788 Kimble, Samuel 627 Kimbrough, Charles 26 Kimbrough, Johnny L. 26 King Jr., Joseph L. 26 King-Horst, Sandra L. 164 King Sr., James 1091 King, Debra C. 256 King, Eric F. 308 King, Eugene 192 King, Roland 308 Kinney, Arthur J. 587 Kinney, Karen 1517 Kinsey, Kevin D. 587 Kirby, Dennis 726 Kirchhof, Delores J. 256 Kirk, Marissa A. 1309 Kirkendall, Barrett S. 282
Kirton, Sven Kirvin, Jeffrey Klaus, James L. Kleidman, Mikhail Klemm, Michelle A. Kleuser, Albert Kline, Kevin J. Knapp, Anthony T. Knesel, Jude Knestaut, Stephen Kniestedt, Rachel A. Knight, Curtis Knight, Gloria J. Knight, John Knight, Lavonne E. Knox, Craig L. Knox, Derick R. Knupp, Dwight J. Knutson, Steven G. Kolar Jr., Raymond A. Kolas, Carl D. Koldan, John P. Kolegar, Richard H. Koman, Robert J. Kopicko, Douglas E. Korbett, Les Korito, Steven E. Kosinski, Peter Kosner, Thomas Kramer, Robert Kraus, Tim H. Kreps, Keith A. Kronenbitter, Frank T. Kruckman, Justin Kruger, Stephen J. Krupski, Gerald J. Kryzosiak, Andrew J. Kubisty, Christian M. Kukic, Victor J. Kurkowski, Steven J. La Fontant, Daniel P. La Point, Allen D. Lacroix, Charles J. Ladasky, John J. Ladner, Nathaniel R. Laferriere, David C. Lagerman, Patricia J. Lagreca, Alfonso V. Lainis Jr., John A. Laird, Leland W. Lambert, Pamela A. Lamberty, Herminio T. Lamicella, Sebastian Lampo, Donald J. Lane Sr., Larry F. Lane, Bennie L. Lang, Nicholas Lant, Robert Lanza, James J. Laraichi, Abdelali Larsen, Denise Larson, David N. Lasseson Jr., Steven J. Latney, Joseph W. Latragna, Kenneth C. Laurent, Todd M. Lauria, Robert Law, Keith Lawrence, James E. Lawrence, Robert A. Laws, David W. Lawson, Aarons S. Le Gault, James E. Le Page, Michael F. Le, Kevin Lea, Ellen P.
726 820 788 726 85 880 1342 1300 726 880 587 398 1177 689 85 1555 788 282 519 265 85 308 268 85 85 85 587 726 265 1342 1555 19 398 398 757 1342 85 1342 85 398 726 587 587 85 1575 618 85 1342 1342 587 618 19 726 85 1235 1164 627 726 1342 726 726 85 587 689 282 85 726 627 85 265 788 1056 998 714 1277 276
Leaver, Leona M. Lechillgrien Jr., Donald Ledbetter, Jeffrey L. Ledbetter, Richard L. Ledford, Pennie J. Lee Jr., Lucius Lee, Gregory Lee, Todd D. Lee, Willie J. Leeka, Christien R. Leggs, Frank P. Leistman, Richard Leli, Thomas Leonard, James M. Lesane, Myers Leslie, Vicki E. Lester, Carrie B. Lester, Steven D. Leulu, Telesia Leung, Kwok-On Levano, Jose’ L. Levesque, Phillip Lewis, Alfred B. Lewis, Diann M. Lewis, Gerald E. Lewis, Kevin Raymond Lewis, Lydia M. Lewis, Mark D. Lewis, Michael C. Lewis, Milton Lewis, Richard A. Lewis, Shirley A. Lewis, Virginia B. Lewis, William M. Leyton, Richard Jay Lichten, Stewart Lighty, Jacqueline J. Lijewski, Kenneth P. Lile, Perri M. Lim, Jeffrey J. Limargo, Ben S. Lincoln, Tommie L. Lipinski, Lester Litrell, Sam Little, Raymond Little, Vernel L. Littlejohn, Teresa A. Liu, Gong H. Locke, Isaac S. Lockhart, Laswinde M. Lockman, Gary A. Lodestro, Anthony Loer, Robert M. Loesh, Otto Logan, Mark Lomack, Willie J. Lomatewama, Inez L. Lombardi, John P. Lomovsky, Dennis Loney, Nigel Longen, Rex J. Lopata, John M. Lopez Jr., Fernando Lopez, Jose A. Lopez, Louis A. Lopez, Maria L. Lopez, Ricardo M. Lopez, William A. Lopez, Wilson Lopez, Yvette Lotito, Thomas Louis, Marcel Lovdahl, Rodney D. Love, Remos Love, Tony O. Lowe, David L.
1547 726 85 85 587 192 241 788 689 627 308 726 726 1235 1309 587 26 587 265 726 1056 726 689 1208 85 1277 241 587 256 726 85 1342 610 282 1277 726 1056 85 26 587 587 265 164 726 192 26 192 1056 1235 192 282 726 587 19 1056 788 587 726 726 726 758 85 1056 820 19 825 265 694 726 726 726 823 587 689 1277 1235
Lowe, Edwin L. Lowe, Frank L. Lowry, James M. Lozada Jr., Rafael Lucas, Ralph A. Lucas, Ronald L. Lucivero, Michael Lukasik, Richard Lunden, John Luque, Juan J. Lusterino, Joseph Lynch, George R. Lysne, Dennis L. Mabery, Nealis Mabry, Jacqueline M. Mac Gregor, George J. Mac Kenzie, Roland R. Mac Leod, Trenton J. Mac Near, Keith A. Macauda, Marcello Mack, William D. Mackey, Richard C. Mackie, Donna L. Macklin, Harold A. Maddalena Jr., Dante B. Maddalone, Nicholas Maddalone, Paul Madden, Roy L. Maddox Jr., Walter I. Madeya, Michael J. Madison, Elizabeth M. Maguire, Dennis C. Magwood, Darnell Mahaffey, Donna R. Mahan, Edwin E. Maholmes, Damon M. Maiello, Steven Maier, Joseph J. Maisonave, Arturo Maisonet, Carlos A. Majewski, Benjamin M. Major, Daniel E. Mak, Peter Makatura, Paul D. Makena, Dajari J. Makowski, Leonard J. Malcom, Dennis D. Malko, Emory Malko, Gregory C. Mallard, Felicia A. Mallet, Cynthia Maney, Freddie B. Mangiameli, Joseph F. Mangold, Earl W. Mann, Everett C. Mansfield, Michael Mansker, Gregory B. Manzi, Louis Mapp, Robert C. Mapp, Sandra O. Marchese, Anthony M. Mardirosian, David E. Marhol, Clinton E. Mariano, Joseph W. Marinelli Jr., Richard Marino, Ted Markowski, Robert Marr Jr., Henry L. Marsey, Susan E. Marsh, James Marshall Jr., Sylvester Marshall, Byron Marshall, Danny Marshall, Stan Martier Jr., Samuel L. Martin, Delores W.
26 587 85 726 26 689 1181 1342 726 308 726 1179 587 241 587 1267 26 587 26 726 282 282 1548 1300 618 1181 1181 241 689 85 308 587 85 85 308 26 726 1179 726 726 241 1309 820 85 758 689 26 726 726 241 788 788 587 587 308 26 587 726 26 1177 726 1145 519 726 1179 726 1179 1593 788 726 308 823 192 265 85 788
Martin, John M. 726 Martin, Norman L. 1577 Martin, Randolph 241 Martin, Rex W. 587 Martin, Walter C. 26 Martinez, John P. 265 Martini, Elio Joseph 1575 Martins, Francisco 618 Martins, Jose 618 Martone, Daniel M. 1342 Marx, Malcom G. 587 Mason, Lisa R. 192 Mason, Thomas 726 Mata, Jose 1309 Mathew, David P. 1577 Mathews, Ralph W. 689 Matos, William 726 Matriciano, Joseph L. 1179 Matthews, Cedric R. 241 Matthews, Daniel W. 587 Matthews, Diane O. 85 Matthews, Rosemere 26 Matzen, Dean M. 998 Maurer, Michael J. 85 Maury, Huntly N. 1575 Maxwell, Georges A. 1056 May, Robert A. 998 May, Thomas G. 164 Mayberry, Charles 726 Mayford, Scott H. 998 Mays, Kim T. 788 Mazzuca, Victor J. 788 Mc Adory, Antionette 26 Mc Alarney, Keith A. 726 Mc Allister, Joseph 587 Mc Arthur Jr., James J. 618 Mc Avoy, Donald 726 Mc Bride, John B. 587 Mc Brien, Stephen P. 1056 Mc Bryde, Rita 825 Mc Cabe, Dennis 1577 Mc Cain, George M. 587 Mc Cann, Michael L. 587 Mc Carter, Eric C. 265 Mc Cartney, Douglas T. 820 Mc Carver, Cynthia 1338 Mc Cauley, Joseph K. 618 Mc Clain, Kimberly Adams 85 Mc Clard, Ralph E. 1384 Mc Clease, Ernestine P. 1177 Mc Clerkin, Kim M. 1342 Mc Clinchey, Michael 1179 Mc Comb, Anita 788 Mc Connell, Phil 843 Mc Cormick Jr., Thomas J. 265 Mc Coy, Gerald M. 689 Mc Coy, Joyce A. 308 Mc Cracken, Randy L. 788 Mc Crady, Carl D. 192 Mc Crae, Alma 825 Mc Cray, William N. 587 Mc Cullom, Rita C. 26 Mc Cullough, Arthur 788 Mc Donald, Johnie T. 308 Mc Dougal, Eugene C. 26 Mc Dowell, Vonzell 587 Mc Ewen, Harriett Lynne 398 Mc Fadden, Ulysses J. 1300 Mc Farland, Connie M. 192 Mc Farland, Gregory 26 Mc Farland, Roland V. 85 Mc Gaffic, Gary G. 85 Mc Gahee, Robert L. 788 Mc Gee, Daniel J. 1015 Mc Gee, J. Vesha C. 1192 Mc Gee, Yvonne L. 1091
Mc Glynn, Michael B. Mc Gonigle, James L. Mc Govern, Sean T. Mc Intosh, Natalie O. Mc Intosh, Sydney G. Mc Intyre, Thomas Mc Kay, Shawn Mc Kelvey, Timothy E. Mc Kenney, John G. Mc Kenzie, John Mc Kinney, Haywood B. Mc Kissack II, Robert N. Mc Knight, Don R. Mc Knight, Eric D. Mc Leod, Thomas Mc Little, Carl Mc Millan, Terry L. Mc Morrow, Michael P. Mc Neal, Nathaniel N. Mc Nie III, Gilbert C. Mc Pherson, Earl Mc Roberts, Annette D. Mc Shane, Lise C. Mc Shane, Michael Mcfarland, Toni M. Meadows, James M. Means, Elaine Medeiros, Luis Medina, Jason Medina, Manuel A. Medina, Salvador D. Medley, Leonard D. Medwid, Kevin C. Meehan, Edward Megia, Leonard C. Meier Jr., Robert F. Meissner, Richard Melau, Carl W. Melendez, Angelo Melonson, Angela Mena, Digno Mendez Jr., Michael Mendoza, Ramiro Mennella, Christopher Mercado, Edgardo Mercer, Maureen V. Meredith, Michael W. Meredith, Terrance A. Merrill, Dennis R. Metz, Robert J. Metzger, Gabriel R. Mevissen, Thomas E. Meyer, Kevin J. Miah, Fazlu Middleton Jr., Stephen Miele, Stephen Miesel, Charles R. Mikell, Wilson Mikolajczyk, Kenneth Mikos, William J. Miles Sr., George Miller Jr., Eugene W. Miller, David M. Miller, Janice A. Miller, John R. Miller, Paul A. Miller, Sheila M. Miller, Tamara S. Miller, Troy L. Millien, Jean R. Minafee, Beverly F. Minard Jr., Everett L. Mingo, Eric Minnaji, Patrick Minnaji, Steven A. Miramontez, Ricardo D.
1321 1548 1056 1177 1577 726 726 85 788 726 1564 308 758 26 1091 788 1015 820 587 85 689 788 587 726 1338 26 308 618 726 1056 265 1287 85 726 265 85 726 1015 1056 587 820 726 1309 726 1342 26 1338 308 1517 85 726 1005 568 1056 726 618 1447 689 1342 85 996 85 788 19 85 192 1005 1555 627 1547 998 587 1342 85 85 587
Mireles, Carlos Mitchell Jr., John H. Mitchell, Beverly A. Mitchell, Charles P. Mitchell, Gail A. Mitchell, Kenneth C. Mixon, Kenneth Mizelle, Jacqueline B. Moczygemba III, Vincent Modena, Peter Modeste, Davin E. Mohamed, Abdalla J. Molinelli, Brian Molitor, John P. Moll, H. Edward Molton, Herbert L. Monegro, Juan C. Monjure, Ronald J. Monson, Robert A. Montanez, Ramon Montano, Kenneth Montgomery, Willie S. Montoya, Ramiro Monzon, Elaine Moore III, James Moore Jr., Calvin Moore, Ann J. Moore, Bryan L. Moore, Christine A. Moore, John T. Moore, Marshall P. Moore, Mary A. Moore, Mitchell A. Moore, Roney Moore, Sandra K. Moore, Thomas M. Morales, Jose M. Moran, Patrick Moreau, Ronald T. Morgan, David J. Morrill, Allen Morris Jr., Gregory A. Morris Jr., Harmon C. Morris, Charles E. Morris, Ernest Morris, Jay B. Morris, Marty M. Morris, Sherry L. Morton, Bruce Moses, Edward K. Moses, Wally D. Mosesso, Richard P. Moss, Anthony Mottram, Valentina Moulton, Carl N. Moyer, Angela D. Moyer, James Muceus, Jeff M. Mudhar, Jasveer S. Mueller, Dale B. Muhammad, Donald I. Muhlbeier, Donald A. Mullaney, Douglas A. Mullen, Carlene Mullen, Harrison Mulligan, Philip J. Mullins-Jenkins, Carolyn L. Mulnik, Henry P. Munoz, Abel Munoz, Cecilia G. Munro, Jeffrey Muratore, Steven J. Muren, Louis Murgo, Gregory Murin, Bruce R. Murry, Shane M.
1091 19 1593 1575 1342 26 241 689 694 726 1555 1309 726 788 1342 788 825 843 587 820 265 726 1309 587 689 85 192 788 85 689 689 1235 85 788 268 308 241 1179 618 788 843 85 1177 241 241 85 1517 308 1564 587 1517 85 241 618 265 788 726 757 587 85 1575 587 825 788 1342 1015 241 788 1575 1309 726 726 726 618 85 689
Musgrove, Priscilla 282 Musser, John E. 587 Muttillo, Anthony 880 Myers, Travis 726 Nakano, Steve S. 587 Nale, Robert S. 587 Napoli, John A. 726 Nash, Charlesene 26 Nash, Willie Mae 998 Nath, Garendra 1056 Natoli, Joseph J. 726 Naumann, Patricia L. 587 Navarro, Ernesto 265 Naylor, Dennis A. 587 Neal, Andrea 85 Neal, Charles L. 1338 Neal, Daniel R. 265 Nebel, Kevin 85 Nedd, Phillip R. 689 Needham, Lisa 843 Negron, Angel 726 Neiffer Jr., Martin R. 587 Nelson, Charla D. 241 Nelson, Damon J. 85 Nelson, Jimmy 1338 Nelson, Jimmy L. 587 Nenadic, Dusan 265 Neptune, Ronald J. 714 Nerocker, Frank C. 587 Nesbit, Michael W. 788 Ness, Richard E. 587 Neumeier, Mary C. 1464 Neve, Eric W. 587 Neven, Michael F. 265 Newby, Darryl A. 26 Newcombe, Raymond 1179 Newman-Wiley, Barbara V. 308 Newman, Lawrence B. 265 Newton, Michael K. 1056 Nichols, Don W. 276 Nichols, Eric 265 Nickens, Greg D. 689 Nickolite, Stephen M. 26 Nieves, Mark 726 Nillas, Nathaniel 587 Nims, Thomas M. 587 Nixon, George E. 85 Nixon, Ronald S. 587 Noblick, Darren F. 1576 Noles, Kenyatta 26 Norman, Levene 1338 Norvell, Don O. 757 Novi, Michael D. 1575 Nowak, John M. 1179 Nowlen, Christopher 726 Nufio, Carlos R. 587 Nugent, Christopher K. 587 Nunez, Fabio A. 689 Nutt, Russell 689 O’Connor Sr., John F. 1555 O’Connor, Frank 726 O’Donnell, Eugene E. 1548 O’Neal Jr., Roger 308 O’Neil Jr., Ronald 820 O’Neill, Eric 726 O’Toole, James R. 1056 O’Toole, John 726 Obstoy, Valerie J. 998 Ochoa, George 276 Odrowski, Anthony J. 308 Ogdon, John E. 587 Ogletree, Claudette M. 241 Ogletree, Laticia D. 26 Okoro, Kenneth S. 587 Olejniczak, Alan C. 1342 Olen Jr., Chester 1342
Olive Jr., Frank J. Oliver, Steven E. Olmos, Rafael Olson, Sharlene A. Onwudinjo, Mercy V. Oommen, Philip Oppie, Jason J. Orangis, William M. Orr, Don E. Orrick, George M. Osborne, John L. Osmic, Eset Osorio Jr., Luis Oster, Joseph J. Ostrowski, Edward J. Otis, Richard P. Ott, Harry M. Owens, David Owens, Eugene S. Owens, Michael Owens, Michael L. Owens, Walter L. Pack, Jennifer E. Pagan, Zenaida Y. Page, Jada Page, Lynnette D. Paine Jr., Franklin W. Paine, Stanley Palathinkal, Shebi Palmer, Earl H. Palmer, Frank T. Palmer, Janet M. Panicker, Koshy Pape III, William W. Pappas, James W. Paray, Chris N. Paredes, Jose G. Parham, Cassandra L. Parker, Thomas J. Parks, Donald E. Paronich, Ronald Parson, David H. Passalaqua, Mark Patikowski, James S. Patterson Sr., Bennie M. Patterson, Charles W. Patterson, Theodore Patton Jr., Phillip L. Patton, Carita Patton, Cleophas Pavlinek, Larry E. Payne, James Payne, Lydell E. Payne, Melvin P. Payne, Rick Dean Payne, Robert V. Payne, Thomas E. Pearson, Fred A. Pearson, James E. Pecoraro, Ignatius Peczonczyk, Luba Pedersen, Keith A. Pee-May, Tessee B. Pena, George Pendelton, J. C. Pender, Kimberly Pendleton, Jeanie Penn, Vonda J. Pennybaker, Nathaniel Penrod, Jerry L. Pensoneau, Stephen L. Pentecost, Sam M. Peoples, Willie J. Peppers, Geraldine Peppers, Jerry W. Percherke, Christine
880 689 1056 998 268 1056 587 85 308 1164 788 282 265 19 241 714 241 398 265 1338 1177 241 85 1056 308 587 587 788 1056 85 85 587 726 726 1548 1056 689 1056 1145 1342 726 85 726 825 998 1235 308 241 1564 788 241 726 308 1575 847 85 85 689 85 1342 1342 1179 689 1056 1342 726 308 788 85 1309 788 26 241 308 308 85
Perdue, Henry S. Perez Jr., Hector L. Perez, Frank Perez, Frank Perez, Lucas F. Perez, Ramon Perez, Santos G. Perillo, James Perkins, David N. Perkins, Gill C. Perkins, Rocky Wayne Perry, Charles E. Perry, Cynthia V. Perry, David J. Perry, Kafi Perry, Keith W. Perry, Larry Perry, Raynard Perry, Sharon L. Personette, Joseph Perzan, Kenneth E. Peters, Raymond T. Peters, Walter H. Peterson, Gloria G. Petrick, Jeffery Pettiford, Irvin R. Pettit, Joan M. Philhower, Jeremy Phillips, Roy Pickett, Kevin J. Pickett, Rodney Pieczykowski, Walter Pierce, La Vorn Pierce, Lauretta A. Pierce, Mary J. Pierce, Ronald A. Pilewski, Anthony Pinder, Ronald Pinkham Jr., Ernest G. Pinkston, Helen A. Pinto, Joseph K. Pinto, Osbourne Pio, Ronald E. Pisano, John Pittsley, James C. Plante, Richard D. Platt, William E. Pleasant, Carlton W. Pollard, Michael E. Pollutro, Jerome P. Polseno, Jerry Polverari, Richard L. Poon, Felix S. Popescu, Radu Porch, Alvin Q. Porco, Michael P. Porter, Leland Porter, Michael Porter, Shakeysha A. Posley, Bradley L. Powell, Gina R. Powell, Michael J. Powell, Roy R. Pratt, Shirley Prefontaine, Sally A. Preston, Gwendolyn E. Preston, John F. Price, Gary Price, Richard Chester Pride, Deborah A. Prieto, Lisa Pritchard, Charles Pritchett Jr., Frederick W. Proctor, Samuel L. Propp, Lawrence F. Proud, Richard J.
282 1056 726 726 308 726 308 726 1300 308 398 998 689 618 26 689 1235 26 241 726 788 1056 788 689 85 689 689 726 726 26 726 241 689 1177 587 1177 85 1300 714 241 1179 726 1309 726 1145 714 1056 587 1056 1342 726 618 1555 726 689 85 825 788 1564 26 998 308 241 282 998 308 714 26 714 276 265 1547 265 689 998 85
Provorse, Ronald J. 694 Pruitt, Desirea M. 788 Pucik, Michael J. 757 Puerta, Hector 726 Pugliese, Robert A. 282 Pulliam, Darrell E. 788 Punnolil, Varghese 1056 Purtell, David M. 85 Purvey, Grace R. 1056 Purvis, Alan L. 757 Pyda, Wojciech 726 Qualls, Terry 26 Quarles-Alston, Shelia C. 689 Quezaire, Steve L. 998 Quiles, Joel 726 Quinerly, Lovette 85 Quinn, Eugena L. 1056 Quinn, William R. 1517 Quinney-Fisher, Janina 1277 Quinones, Henry A. 1056 Quintana, Jose G. 308 Raab, Donald R. 587 Rabideau, Robert 1235 Rae, Opal J. 1576 Ragland, Leo Wendell 788 Rago, Frank A. 1342 Ragsdale Sr., William H. 1287 Ramdath, Ken 726 Ramirez Jr., Jose 241 Ramirez, Antonio O. 192 Ramirez, Salvador 192 Ramkhelawan, Shubash 1056 Ramlagan, Nateram 1056 Ramos, Charlie 1056 Ramos, Mario L. 308 Ramos, Victor 1056 Ramsammy, Richard R. 1056 Ramsaran, Ian 1577 Randles, Marty F. 587 Range, Melody E. 1309 Ravenell, James E. 1056 Rawlins, Nicole Leah 192 Ray, Barry A. 1564 Ray, Stephorn D. 689 Raycrow-Simpson, Alethia M. 689 Rayford, Shirley A. 265 Reardon, Kevin P. 587 Reaves, Clayton T. 26 Rebernisek, Jon F. 998 Rebsamen, Michael E. 1575 Redick, Dennis N. 26 Redmond, Lavald 241 Reed, Reginald P. 1338 Reeder, Ronald W. 587 Reese, Alonzo R. 26 Reese, Eugene N. 26 Reeves, Charles J. 85 Reeves, Morgan L. 308 Reick Jr., Edward J. 85 Reid Jr., Harvey R. 26 Reid, Arthur F. 1056 Reid, Edward L. 694 Remias, John J. 272 Rendero, Thomas 726 Rheubothom, Thomas 726 Rhoden, Ronald 241 Rhone, Darnell W. 1287 Rice, Chakolus R. 788 Rice, Dwaine E. 788 Rice, Tawnya A. 788 Rich, Chandler 627 Rich, Gerald D. 689 Rich, James E. 788 Richard Jr., Arnett 26 Richards, Stanley G. 689 Richardson, Gerald 1309
Richardson, Rochelle 788 Richardson, Rodney 587 Richey, Aldo R. 587 Richko, Lisa A. 85 Richmond, Wesley C. 308 Riddle Jr., Epson 788 Rieger, John J. 998 Rienks, David 1547 Riggs, Marshall D. 85 Riley, Lawrence J. 1342 Riley, Michael 1309 Rioja, Miguel 825 Riotta, Maria 726 Ripa, Alfred 880 Ritter, Thomas 85 Rivas Jr., Thomas 726 Rivera Jr., Miguel 1056 Rivera, Joseph 726 Rivera, Mara I. 308 Rivers, Rhonda K. 1447 Rivers, Ricky Dean 26 Rizzo, Frank J. 726 Robbins, Mark W. 1235 Roberson, Richard 998 Robert, Thomas L. 1056 Roberts, Catherine M. 627 Roberts, Sherman T. 85 Robertson, Bernard 689 Robertson, Katrina 1177 Robertson, Maurice 587 Robertson, Wanda M. 1177 Robinson, Aaron W. 1342 Robinson, Charles 1575 Robinson, Elizabeth L. 85 Robinson, Nicole 85 Robinson, Pierce F. 820 Robinson, Richard P. 85 Robinson, Russell A. 241 Robinson, Shari J. 1575 Robinson, Shirley A. 752 Robinson, Tawna Louise 1517 Robinson, Wardell 1342 Robinson, Willie E. 268 Robinson, Wilma L. 308 Robles, Robert V. 265 Rochford, Patrick 726 Rockhold, Ernest 241 Rodgers, Anthony R. 192 Rodrigue, St. Julien 1179 Rodrigues, Orin R. 1056 Rodriguez, Anthony 726 Rodriguez, Carlos D. 1309 Rodriguez, Cynthia A. 694 Rodriguez, Edmond 1342 Rodriguez, John M. 788 Rodriguez, Juan 308 Rodriguez, Rafael 1056 Rodriguez, Ruth 726 Rodriguez, Shannon 265 Rodriquez, Carlos R. 1577 Rogers, Marie A. 26 Rogers, Shirley J. 1177 Rogers, Theodora C. 998 Rogerson, Joseph D. 587 Rolark, Thaddieus M. 241 Rolfe, Diane S. 587 Roman, Louis 164 Romandetti, Christopher L. 726 Romano, Anthony B. 589 Romero, Joffre F. 1056 Roopnauth, Balram 1056 Rosado, Edgar J. 1056 Rosario, William 726 Rose, Clifton S. 689 Rose, John W. 1342 Rosebrough, Kenneth 1300
Ross Sr., Eric 268 Ross, Kenny K. 276 Ross, Pearlie M. 689 Ross, Robert L. 689 Rossman, Marcia J. 1005 Rost, Thomas A. 1342 Roth, Patrick A. 85 Roullier, Daniel A. 1277 Rowin, Larry K. 1309 Rowlett, Byron K. 1338 Royal, Raymond G. 618 Rozzell, Randall M. 1179 Rucks, Alvena D. 26 Rucks, Andrea K. 26 Rudd, Donald E. 26 Rue, Donald 26 Ruffin, Bernard L. 26 Ruiz, Randy 265 Rumbaugh, Robert P. 85 Rumpf, Terry L. 788 Rupp, Paul J. 1575 Russell, Albrigail 26 Russell, James M. 85 Russell, James T. 689 Russell, Patrick J. 1464 Russo, Joseph 726 Russo, Paul R. 265 Ryan, Michael E. 265 Ryan, Robert D. 1342 Ryder, Glenn L. 587 Sagastume, Oscar 1277 Salas, Jehu 1338 Saldana, Richard 1056 Salerno, Thomas 1181 Sales, Woodrow 1235 Saliba, Charles M. 726 Salinas Jr., Nicholas 265 Sallis, Esther F. 241 Salter, Gregory A. 1338 Saluto, Robert 1179 Sam, Lindall J. 398 Samaraweeramudlig, Mahendra 726 Samatallee, Nazir A. 1056 Sammon, Rena A. 308 Samos, Christian J. 726 Sampson, Mary R. 1015 Samu, David 1056 Samuels, Deborah 726 Samuels, Sylvia D. 689 San Agustin, Tami S. 265 San Filippo, William J. 85 Sanchez, Adolfo 1309 Sanchez, Adrian 1338 Sanchez, Raymond 726 Sanders, Bruce B. 26 Sanders, David P. 282 Sanders, Isaac 788 Sanders, Michael J. 689 Sanders, Tony 265 Sanders, Vernell L. 726 Santagata, Andy 618 Santana-Goff, Nora 1309 Santana, Carlos 726 Santana, Luz 820 Santiago, Pascual 241 Santillanez, David 1277 Santobello, Ronald 726 Sappington, Gary J. 1300 Sarsfield, Gerald J. 85 Sarter, Michael 1179 Sarter, Peter 1179 Sarvis, Timothy A. 1300 Sataraka, Neddy K. 587 Sattler, Michael A. 587 Saucedo, Guillermo 1277 Saufnauer, Kelli A. 1575
Savado, Anthony Savage-Bey, Jay T. Savage, James M. Savoy, Tasha L. Sawh, Maryellen Saxby, Steven A. Sayo, Lamberto D. Scafede, Anthony J. Scaggs Sr., Russell W. Scales, Larry S. Scarborough, Rodney Schaar, Gary L. Schaefer, June E. Schafer, Delroy S. Schaller, Robert D. Schergen, Marc J. Scheuer, William E. Schmautz, Curt D. Schmidt, Steven Schmitt, James M. Schoen, Eric B. Scholz, John J. Schuster Jr., Paul M. Schuster, Robert Schutt, Trula Schwanke, Barbara L. Schwartz, Alan M. Schwartz, Kenneth Sciarrino, Joseph V. Scorcia, Joseph Scott, Allen Scott, Betty C. Scott, David A. Scott, James L. Scott, Richard Scroggins, Lonnie Seaberg, Gary C. Seda, Hilton Segura, Jerome Seise, Gilbert Sellers, David Sembler, Robert J. Senbet, Worku Serafin, Joseph M. Serra, Patsy Serrano, Judith Serventi, Joseph J. Sewell, Anthony W. Sgambati, Geraldine Sgambati, John A. Shafer, Wesley L. Shagan, Anthony Shahan, David B. Shaheed, Hassan M. Shaheed, Sarwar Shambee, Tamika A. Shambray, Inga M. Shamlin, George C. Shamlin, Tracy Shapiro, Robert H. Sharp, Thomas A. Shaughnessy, Douglas Shaw, Denise Y. Shaw, Lonnie S. Shaw, Ronald Sheard, Thomas J. Sheehan, Jo Ann Shelton, Clarence Shelton, Donald Shelton, Michael S. Sherman, Teddy Shento, Anthony H. Shephard, Betty Sheridan, John F. Sheridan, Michael J. Sherrock, Robert F.
241 689 85 689 726 587 1575 85 241 788 819 85 788 1005 1005 241 587 587 1310 1056 1277 519 85 819 836 587 589 85 85 726 689 689 85 192 825 627 618 1179 308 880 726 726 265 1342 726 820 85 689 265 265 1145 1056 689 1555 241 308 627 1338 1338 788 26 726 627 758 19 85 1447 689 308 85 1091 85 26 1277 1575 1056
Sherwood, Michael W. Shields, Michael E. Shipp, Charles E. Shorter, Kevin Shub, Arkadiy Shumac, Earl Sibert, Janice Sibley, Michael Sica, Ernesto Sichak, Dale W. Sidbeck, Clarence Sidbury Jr., Stanley Silva, Angel M. Silva, Michael Silva, Robert Simmons Jr., Lawrence Simmons, Delonte O. Simmons, Dolphus S. Simmons, Michael D. Simmons, Robert C. Simmons, Sheretta Simmons, Stanley O. Simmons, Terence Simmons, William M. Simms, Paul Simon, Michael L. Simonis, Chad A. Simpson, Emma M. Sims, Susan E. Sims, Willie E. Singh, Hardeep Singh, Naunihal Singh, Rai S. Singleton, Dennis K. Sintayago, Ricardo Sipe, Patrick H. Siskovich, Joseph Sizemore, Juvonny O. Skaris, Gary J. Skaris, Joseph A. Sklar, Edward Skornickel, Anthony J. Skrinjar, Edward J. Skwierczynski, Florian S. Slater Jr., John O. Slisz, Stanislaw Sloan, Anthony W. Small, Jerome Small, Michael Anthony Smalls, Isaac M. Smart, Douglas Smedman, Marilyn Smiley, Charlene Smith Jr., Arthur C. Smith Jr., Clinton Smith Jr., Willie J. Smith-Poter, Emma Smith, Anthony J. Smith, Densel Smith, Desideria Smith, Edward J. Smith, Frederick Smith, Frederick E. Smith, Gerald A. Smith, Karen Smith, Kevin A. Smith, Larry G. Smith, Lee A. Smith, Leon B. Smith, Malcolm Smith, Michael J. Smith, Nicholas Smith, Orlando S. Smith, Rodney Smith, Rodney L. Smith, Roger A.
1309 85 689 689 726 85 689 1564 1179 85 587 689 1056 726 726 610 689 689 1056 1575 788 689 836 1235 689 587 998 241 26 788 1056 265 1179 788 726 85 164 689 85 85 726 85 85 1310 587 726 689 1300 1300 1177 1309 726 1447 1575 26 26 822 1564 265 26 788 282 265 26 1564 788 26 85 788 26 618 265 788 26 26 308
Smith, Stephanie L. Smith, Willie V. Smitreski, Lawrence Smyntek, James T. Snyder, Danny W. Solitro, Michael J. Sollitto, Dominic Sorem, Alana E. Sorrells, Jeanette Soto, Juanita Soto, Noberto Sotomayor, William Sottile, Stephen Souza, Alan J. Sparks Jr., Samuel C. Sparks, Thomas J. Sparnroft, Robert Spence, Rodger Spencer-Moore, Toni J. Spencer, Roy D. Spencer, Tony Speranza, Ralph Spetelunas, Peter S. Spicer, Kim L. Spillane, James C. Spillane, Joseph Spinnenweber, John Spratt, La Shonda E. Spriggs, Nena N. Springer, Debra Springer, Roger R. Springfield, Mary A. Squires, Patrick K. St. Pierre, Eric Stack, James P. Stadelman, Paul J. Stamps, Michal M. Standley Jr., Roy A. Stapf, Rickey Stark, Shelton E. Steadmon, Cordie L. Stebner Jr., William J. Steele, John C. Steele, Roger R. Steen, Karl S. Steichen, James L. Stephens, Anthony Stephens, Theresa L. Stephenson Sr., David R. Sterling, Michael L. Stevens, Anthony L. Stevens, Frank R. Stewart Jr., Roy Stewart Jr., Russell Stewart, Calvin G. Stewart, Clarence W. Stewart, Darrell D. Stewart, Edward Stewart, James H. Stewart, Kato Stewart, Louise R. Stewart, Robert L. Stiegler, Donald E. Stites, Micheal J. Stoehr, Robert J. Stoffle, Robert L. Stofle, Dan J. Stone, Debra Lynn Stone, Karl R. Stoner, Melanie M. Stoy Jr., John J. Striggles, Shundia R. Stroker, Jerry W. Strom, James E. Strong-Nelson, Barbara Strong, Kenneth
689 26 726 1342 19 618 726 587 627 241 726 726 726 1575 1287 587 726 825 788 1577 627 726 618 689 589 880 85 1564 689 1547 1056 26 788 618 85 85 85 587 85 1287 1447 1433 519 1517 19 587 822 398 85 19 689 85 1177 689 282 788 26 241 998 726 1564 1015 85 1384 85 256 265 85 416 313 801 26 788 587 758 1338
Stroud, Brenda J. Stroughter, Fred L. Strouts, Lily Strub, Wayne C. Strunk, Emil W. Strutt, Gerard E. Stubbs, Patti Y. Stuto, Nuccio Suber, Autumn P. Sullivan Jr., Paul J. Sullivan, Ellis Sullivan, Gabriel John Sullivan, Ronald S. Sullivan, William J. Summer, Valerie K. Summerville, Pierre L. Sumners, Ronald L. Sumpman, Joseph C. Surgeon-Jones, Sandra Suruj N. Suter Jr., Charles A. Sutherlin, Lee C. Sutton, Maurice S. Sutton, Reginald E. Sutton, Rodney C. Swank, Diana M. Swank, Richard W. Swann, William E. Swanson, Ronald C. Sweet, Peter J. Sweetsir, Seth H. Swenson, Mike D. Tablit, Regidor M. Taboso, Bernardo R. Tacardon III, Crispin Taha-Shaheed, Safiyya Taimi, Patricia L. Talbot, Harold Talley, James R. Talton-Higgins, Tina L. Tammaro, Anthony Tang, Stanley W. Tapper, Perry M. Tappero, Frederic Tarbell, Candace J. Tarr, Katherine M. Tavarez, Abagail Taylor, Chanler L. Taylor, Charlotte R. Taylor, Darryl R. Taylor, David Taylor, Douglas S. Taylor, Gordon E. Taylor, Leon Taylor, Sandra E. Taylor, William E. Teagarden, Robert L. Tejeda, Conrado D. Tello, Ramon Termine, Joseph T. Termine, Michael Terry, Katrina A. Tetreault, Rosemary Theccanat, George M. Thigpen, Lynette L. Thomas, Arnold A. Thomas, Henrietta D. Thomas, Lorenzo Thomas, Mark C. Thomas, Mohan Thomas, Roderick T. Thomas, Sherman L. Thomas, Vincent J. Thomas, Willie C. Thompson Jr., Chester Thompson, Charles Ray
26 788 587 1056 726 85 689 726 85 85 26 880 788 618 587 689 587 85 1464 1056 26 788 241 689 1564 85 85 689 1564 843 714 587 587 821 726 1555 587 1056 1235 85 726 726 587 265 398 85 726 85 26 689 265 587 587 241 1287 1177 587 1056 726 726 726 26 618 308 308 282 843 308 1309 726 788 26 26 26 1356 276
Thompson, David D. Thompson, Edward P. Thompson, Julie A. Thompson, Lawrence B. Thorne, Charles W. Thorne, Colin Thorne, Oliver J. Thornton Jr., Louis E. Thornton, Clement N. Thornton, George P. Thorpe, Kenneth W. Thour, Paul D. Threadgill, Melvin Thurmond, Michael G. Thurston, Byron Tibbetts, David F. Tobias, George Tobin, Theresa L. Tobin, Thomas E. Tolbert, Glenn R. Toledo, Edward J. Tolliver, David L. Tolliver, Veronica D. Tolson, Daniel L. Tompkins, Ormayne Tomter, Wayne C. Tonkinson, Doyle E. Topete, Bonnie Torres, Evangelina Torres, Fausto N. Torres, Juan Carlos Torres, Zamira Towne, Elvin B. Townsend, Theresa D. Townsend, Wesley Tracey, Oscar Tran, Thanh Trani, Thomas Trasmil, Jesusito Traut, Thomas D. Trautmann, Joe F. Travers, Richard M. Travis, Giles O. Traynor, Richard A. Treanor, Timothy P. Tremmel, John Trent, Hasson Trice, Derrick L. Trigg, Kathleen M. Trosper, James W. Trotter, Vernon E. Troung, Hoi I. Troupe, Yul M. Troutt Jr., James R. Troxell, Charles M. Truesdale, Bryant F. Tubbs, Andra Tucker, Michael E. Turnbough, James E. Turner, Angel L. Turner, Carl E. Turner, Carolyn L. Turner, Kelvin T. Turner, Robert T. Turner, Scott T. Tuttle, John Twaites, Georgia Uchiyama, Michael I. Uhren, Michael P. Ulloa, Javier V. Ulrich, Jon C. Umana, Eddie Underwood, Catherine R. Une, Jeremy B. Uraga, Faustino Urbaniak, Richard F.
1576 689 265 85 689 726 689 689 689 85 1342 1005 1575 85 1056 788 726 587 587 26 726 788 26 689 788 1310 587 265 1277 587 1277 820 398 1300 308 822 265 1548 1575 268 587 618 241 714 618 726 825 689 276 1287 788 1277 788 265 726 689 308 308 308 85 1342 276 1338 192 85 587 758 265 587 1056 1309 1056 85 587 726 587
Valencia, Daniel A. Valenti, Charles Valenti, Paul Valenti, Thomas V. Van Auken, Randolph S. Van Hemert, Peter M. Van Lieu, Christina M. Van Rensalier, Sandra M. Vanderpool, George E. Vannaman, Mary E. Vannoy, Robin G. Vargas, Belinda Vargas, David Vargas, Victor M. Vargason, John H. Vargo, Gary G. Vargo, Joseph S. Vasconi, Francis E. Vasquez, Anthony Vaughan, Dean A. Vaughn, Joann Vaughn, Leroy D. Vaughn, Willie F. Vaughns Jr., David Vechter, Richard L. Vega, Obed Velasquez, Rogelio Vera, Nemesio Vercosa, Amarildo M. Vicinanza, Frank Vick, Janice Vicuna, John Vietmeier, John D. Vietri Jr., Alfred Viggiani, Gene Vigna, Frank S. Villa, Jose L. Villahermosa, Jose Villalva, Berta A. Vincent, Jenne J. Vong, Sing Vreeland, Richard L. Vunck, Marcus L. Wacker, James J. Waddell, Daphne Waddington, Carol A. Wade, Bernard Wade, Bruce E. Wade, Christopher Wade, David W. Wade, Diane D. Wagner, James R. Wagner, Wayne A. Walker III, Doyle J. Walker, Alicia Walker, Anthony Walker, Anthony Walker, Bradley P. Walker, Eloise M. Walker, Felton E. Walker, Janet L. Walker, Lydia A. Walker, Marcus E. Walker, Rita Walker, Roy E. Walker, Theresa M. Wall, George F. Wallace, Barbara Wallace, Barbara A. Wallace, Eugene A. Wallace, Eunice M. Wallace, Freddie W. Wallace, Marvin L. Wallace, Michael A. Wallace, Phyllis A. Wallace, Ricardo T.
1309 726 85 726 282 788 1001 1177 1145 847 26 308 726 726 1005 85 788 1145 726 587 627 689 689 192 85 726 726 1056 1056 726 1235 726 85 1309 726 265 1309 758 1555 1300 265 1575 265 1342 726 265 1338 1056 1575 85 788 1300 587 998 1564 241 1342 843 241 1056 85 85 192 26 714 308 1342 1338 788 788 788 757 1070 241 618 268
Wallace, Stanley 788 Wallace, Thomas D. 689 Walters, Matthew 726 Walton, Benjamin E. 19 Ward, Angel A. 689 Ward, Bruce E. 714 Ward, Donald L. 587 Ward, Maurice 1300 Ward, Michel D. 689 Ward, Stewart R. 1056 Wardlow, Wayne 241 Warner, David E. 788 Warner, Jeffrey P. 587 Warner, William R. 1575 Warren, Carlos W. 587 Warren, Easter M. 788 Warren, Margaret E. 1300 Warren, Tarron 26 Washington Jr., Vinson M. 689 Washington, Charnita 1564 Washington, Shirley L. 192 Wasik, Donna M. 85 Waters-Jenkins, Angelique 627 Waters, Donte M. 689 Waters, Kenneth L. 689 Waters, William 689 Watkins, Anthony D. 689 Watkins, Kevin L. 26 Watkins, Larry E. 1342 Watkins, Roxann J. 192 Watson, Edward R. 880 Watson, Melvin M. 241 Watson, Yvonnjamaria 788 Weakly, Norman P. 1056 Weathers, Michael L. 1056 Weatherspoon, Laurica 256 Webb, Jerri Lynne 398 Webb, Nancy A. 587 Webb, Stewart H. 1517 Webster Jr., James 85 Webster, Brandon K. 26 Webster, Brian E. 85 Webster, Jerbe A. 587 Webster, Samuel 26 Weddington, Gloria J. 788 Weeden Jr., Alfred M. 1342 Weems, Curtis 26 Wehr, Marlene 1091 Weiner, Darryl 265 Welch, Patrick E. 587 Wells, Alan 26 Wells, Demathraus Y. 308 Wells, Rita J. 241 Wentz, Kirt L. 843 Werlein, Thomas Alan 1310 West III, Arthur J. 689 Westbrook Jr., Fred A. 26 Whalen, James E. 85 Whalen, Michael D. 998 Whatley, Andre R. 1342 Wheeler, Adrienne D. 689 Wheeler, Charlie N. 26 Whipple, Shirley M. 694 Whitaker Jr., Robert 820 Whitby, Ricardo P. 689 White, Arndray 726 White, Bruce B. 726 White, James L. 689 White, Ronald E. 1177 White, Walter D. 85 Whitehead, Michael A. 587 Whiting, Deborah J. 788 Whiting, Robert E. 788 Whitley, Dan E. 788 Whitley, David F. 587 Whitney, Leonard 265
Whittle, Randy Wicker, Ida Lee Wiehagen, Robert J. Wikman, Richard Wilbourn Sr., Armond C. Wilburn, Carl W. Wilburn, Inga P. Wilcutt, Robert Wilder, Tiffany Wiley, Addis G. Wiley, Dianna Wiley, Stephen A. Wilk-Smith, Alberta A. Wilkes, Tony E. Wilkins, Jacquin L. Wilks, Kelvin L. Willey, Charles Williams, Alexander B. Williams, Barbara J. Williams, Brenda Joyce Williams, Bruce M. Williams, Christine Williams, Cornelius Williams, David L. Williams, Effie J. Williams, Georgia M. Williams, Howard J. Williams, Jacqueline M. Williams, James N. Williams, Jerome K. Williams, Jerome K. Williams, Judy A. Williams, Kory D. Williams, Larry L. Williams, Latarsa L. Williams, Lemont Williams, Linwood E. Williams, Patricia A. Williams, Quentin E. Williams, Richard A. Williams, Robert L. Williams, Robin Williams, Stephanie Williams, Sukinah Williams, Sylvia R. Williams, Vickie Williams, William D. Willingham, Damon Scott Wilmington, Dori L. Wilson III, Johnny Wilson Jr., Cleotha Wilson, Charles R. Wilson, Christopher Wilson, Diana G. Wilson, Joehayward V. Wilson, Juan T. Wilson, Kathy V. Wilson, Nina M. Wilson, Oliver S. Wilson, S. D. Wilson, Theresa J. Wilson, Tony C. Wilson, William L. Wimmer, Ingrid Winn, Vernon D. Winsky, Jose A. Winsor, David A. Winston, Richard T. Winter, Kevin W. Winters, Jerry Wayne Wisdom, Diane Marie Wisdom, Henry C. Witchko, Wayne S. Witheril Jr., Dennis N. Withers, Donald R. Withers, Stanley J.
1091 Witner, Thomas P. 85 788 Wittmer, Ralph A. 85 85 Wockley, Jeffrey L. 85 1056 Woleen, Randy 1342 788 Wolf, Frank W. 880 85 Wolf, Mark 726 308 Wolfe, Charles 880 618 Wolfmeyer, Gregory M. 788 1338 Wolford, Darrell T. 85 726 Wong, Kendall 726 726 Wong, Raymond 1056 26 Wood, Brian 85 282 Wood, Renee L. 1464 26 Wood, Stanley E. 1464 1309 Wood, Vernon 26 689 Woodall, Steve D. 1309 398 Woodfill, Greg M. 587 788 Woods, Everett 241 308 Woods, Isaiah 689 192 Wooten, Orvin L. 788 788 Wopperer, Dixie F. 587 1300 Wright, Arvesta 308 788 Wright, Benedetta 998 282 Wright, Delroy 825 192 Wright, Devron J. 689 241 Wright, Gardenia S. 1300 85 Wright, Karen R. 85 788 Wright, Kevin 788 26 Wright, Randy G. 788 587 Wright, Ricky 308 1342 Wright, W. Douglas 256 1145 Wroblewski, William J. 726 192 Wylie, Allen R. 1342 689 Wylie, Robert L. 1145 308 Wynn Jr., William 85 726 Xiao, Xiaoliang B. 282 1056 Yahya, Aminah 836 788 Yen, David 726 689 Yeri-Obidake, Sandra 265 627 Yip, Kwong K. 1056 587 Yongkoom, Neville 825 758 Young, Billie L. 1300 26 Young, Cale N. 1564 819 Young, David K. 26 836 Young, Eric Taylor 192 241 Young, Garnett R. 587 26 Young, James E. 26 788 Young, Jamie 825 843 Young, Larry D. 282 1338 Young, Larry E. 85 26 Youngers Jr., Robert J. 1342 85 Zabik, Jan 726 1338 Zalak, Kevin J. 1179 587 Zedd Jr., Curtis 265 587 Ziegler, Doreen P. 1056 1056 Zigarovich, William J. 85 1517 Zimmer, Joseph M. 85 85 Zuffante, Michael 726 1056 1575 282 PRESIDENT’S CLUB 587 1287 Abbarno, Joseph M. 1342 587 Abbondanza, Raymond 85 689 Abeygoonesekera, Lakmin V. 1555 1056 Aboukir, Ali 1436 1342 Abram Jr., William C. 268 689 Abram, Christy 1338 587 Abrams, Jan E. 26 1464 Adamczyk, Thomas 241 847 Adamowski, Linda M. 398 1577 Adams, Bryan D. 788 85 Adams, Daryl Levon 1277 587 Adams, Floyd A. 689 820 Adams, Gordon 26 689 Adams, Inetha R. 1300n
Adams, John D. 714 Adams, Joseph P. 85 Adams, Kevin M. 85 Adams, Letha 1338 Adams, Marc E. 1179 Adams, Marcel S. 268 Adams, Regina C. 268 Adjieteh, Emmanuel 308 Ago, Isuf 726 Aguirre, Elizabeth 276 Ahmad, Nasirullah 998 Ahumada, Ricardo E. 1309 Akers, Charles W. 276 Alavanja, Vera 1235 Alavanja, Zelyko 1235 Alba, Arthur A. 998 Alcom, Timothy P. 85 Alcorn, Sandra F. 1287 Alejandro, Kim F. 265 Aleman, David 1056 Alexander, Anthony 1235 Alexander, Larissa Y. 788 Alexander, Philip H. 1395 Alexander, William J. 85 Allen Jr., Bryce L. 85 Allen, Bruce J. 268 Allen, Dewanna L. 26 Allen, Dulvet A. 241 Allen, Dwayne 627 Allen, Jacqueline 998 Allen, Lourrie A. 241 Allen, Michael V. 85 Allen, Tamika N. 998 Allen, Thomas Ray 1235 Allen, Veronica L. 85 Almbayed, Susan M. 85 Almirante, Antonio 1309 Almond, Robert L. 85 Alston Jr., Robert 1177 Alston, Beverly D. 689 Alston, Bruce Francis 1277 Alston, Glynnis M. 26 Alvardo, Jose 819 Ambrose-Steckbauer, Robert L. 998 Ames Jr., Robert L. 1300 Amoabeng, Charles 1091 Amoranto, Edwin G. 1575 Amos, Roosevelt P. 1338 Andara, Jose Mejia 1277 Anderson III, Ulysses S. 268 Anderson, Alan D. 85 Anderson, Alfonso 998 Anderson, Carla L. 1575 Anderson, Denise 1179 Anderson, Diann F. 1555 Anderson, Don E. 85 Anderson, Dwight O. 825 Anderson, James Edward 1277 Anderson, Jeffrey N. 1309 Anderson, Jerome J. 788 Anderson, Lionel 788 Anderson, Marcus P. 268 Anderson, Michael J. 726 Anderson, Natakianika N. 1564 Anderson, Norman C. 1015 Anderson, Rodney E. 1338 Anderson, Willeen H. 268 Andrascik, Dennis J. 85 Andre Jr., Martin 788 Andre, Cleatos R. 85 Andrews, Alberta 788 Andrews, Dion N. 689 Andrysczyk, Karen M. 998 Angel, Yaneth 825 Annesi, William R. 85 Antoine, Robert R. 1005
Antonella, Sean Antonovich, Bryan Antonovich, Gary A. Applewhite, Carol Arbaczewski, Gerard R. Archer, Orin G. Arend, Jeffrey L. Arenth, Christopher C. Armstead, Ronald G. Armstrong, Pamela Y. Arriola, Ishmael Asbury, Calvin Asbury, Lee M. Ashe, John W. Ashford, Sherman J. Askew, Nathaniel L. Atkinson, Carrenthia Attaway, Eric W. Atwal, Kirpal S. Augenstein, Jason S. Austin, Charles R. Austin, Frederick D. Austin, Maurice Autore, Donald L. Averett, Derrick E. Avery, Terry L. Avila, Felix Aycart, Rene M. Ayele, Mulugeta A. Baccallao, Rafael Bach, Thomas E. Bacher, John R. Back, Gary L. Bacon III, Clifford Bagley, Richard Bahar, Ephraim A. Bailey, Brian O. Bailey, Christopher S. Bailey, David A. Bailey, Desmond R. Bailey, Gary B. Bailey, Katie M. Bailey, Norma J. Bailey, Robert E. Bailey, William Bailiff Jr., Edgar Baines, Marilyn T. Baker Jr., William Baker Sr., Kenneth L. Baker, Darrell D. Baker, John L. Baker, Judy A. Baker, Kenneth W. Baker, Nedgra D. Baker, Peter J. Baker, Yolander Baldwin, Darrell Balenton, Cheryl M. Bales, Renee A. Balint, Clinton E. Ball, Connie L. Ball, Damian E. Ballard, Barbara Ballente, Cris Banachoski, Charles J. Banks Jr., Charles E. Banks, Antwan M. Banks, Beverly Banks, Mekelljon Banks, Ralph D. Banyai, Bernard William Barbary, Thomas S. Barber, Brandon Barber, Felton Barber, Glen Barber, Gregory E.
85 788 85 689 85 689 85 85 689 788 265 1179 85 1300 998 85 1338 276 265 85 85 241 241 85 26 26 1056 726 241 820 85 1179 1333 268 85 268 308 823 714 689 1742 682 85 26 85 689 1235 825 998 998 85 268 627 1179 1235 821 85 241 265 85 1300 26 627 276 85 1300 788 1300 1564 85 85 1342 1338 241 164 689
Barber, Myron N. Barbera, Stephen Barca, Christopher R. Barczy Jr., Emory J. Bareham II, James R. Barger Jr., William T. Barham, Leroy K. Barker, Robert G. Barkovich, James Martin Barnes Jr., Ernest Barnes Jr., Levi W. Barnes, Edward C. Barnes, Jeffery Barnes, Johnny Barnes, Lenee M. Barnes, Les E. Barnes, Rodney Barnes, Tyree Barnett, Jeffrey U. Barnett, Ronald R. Barno, Margaret Barone, Michael J. Barr, Lo Wayne L. Barragan, Antonio V. Barrella, Daniel Barrera, Peter Barrett, Charles R. Barrett, John Barrett, Kevin P. Barrett, Reginald Barrios, Pedro Barrios, Steven M. Barry, Dennis M. Barson Sr., Lawrence T. Bartko, Mark R. Bartley, Francena C. Bartley, Margie A. Barton, Jeffrey W. Basa, David W. Basius, Mark L. Baskerville, Gigi Baskin Jr., James H. Baskin, Robert E. Bast, Melodee L. Bastida, Armando A. Batch, Charles Wesley Bates, Alvin J. Bates, Jacqueline M. Bates, Lynnette L. Bates, Richard H. Batey, Fernecia M. Battaglia, Paul E. Battaglia, Salvatore Battle, Wayne Batts, Tavia N. Batzel, Joseph A. Baune, Raymond A. Bautista, Debra K. Bazemore, Marcella L. Beamis, Timothy Frank Bean Jr., Wilford T. Bean, Michael A. Beason, Charles B. Beatty, Vernell L. Beaty, Jeffery S. Beaty, Shirley Beaver, Jerry Beavers, Solomon Bechtel, Floyd E. Beck, Neil E. Becks IV, George Becton, James W. Beilfuss, Charles P. Belback, John A. Bell, Cynthia A. Bell, James E.
85 1056 85 85 282 85 85 587 85 1235 788 1235 1300 788 1015 1015 276 268 85 26 825 1056 1574 276 726 276 1235 726 85 880 1277 265 85 85 85 1324 788 1277 85 1548 1277 26 1235 998 1309 1395 998 85 85 85 1235 1547 1181 1338 1564 268 1015 998 1300 1015 788 1342 788 85 1235 1338 1164 825 1436 1575 268 1179 998 85 1309 241
Bell, John S. Bell, Michael D. Bell, Robert J. Bell, Rosemary I. Bell, Tim E. Bellamy, Gerald D. Bellantonio-Curto, Andrea Bellard, Donald R. Belt, Tammy M. Benardis, Sotirios Bender, Edwin S. Bender, Lisa J. Bender, Regis P. Bendtsen, Robert A. Bennett, Gregory O. Bensley, David E. Benson, J. L. Benson, John W. Bentley, Harry E. Benton, Jerry Benton, La Tonya A. Benton, Willie Berdnik, Robert J. Berkavich, Kevin W. Berkavich, Rose Marie Berkley, Dean F. Bernthon, Thomas B. Berry, Bernard L. Berry, Donna Bertschy, Walter H. Bethavas, Steven Beverly, Rodney J. Bey, Mumtaz M. Beyah, Ericka A. Bianchi, James V. Bick, Kevin A. Bickar, James R. Bickar, Jason M. Biel, Albert I. Bilal, Charmaine H. Bilbrey, Joe L. Billing Jr., Grady Billingslea, Michael Billingsley, Angelina M. Billingsley, Kristy A. Billington, Patricia M. Bindus, Jason A. Bingham, Robert P. Binkley, Larry W. Birdsong, Thomas Bishop, Donna M. Bisson, Kenneth A. Bivens, Jason A. Black, Brenda A. Black, Dan L. Blackmon, Janet F. Blaine, Richard L. Blair, Danny J. Blake, Lashanette Blake, Stanly E. Blanchard, Antoinette M. Blanchard, Geraldine Bland, Bryan D. Blanford, Jacqueline E. Blasco, Martin A. Blasius, Linden G. Blasko, Kirk S. Blazer, Theresa E. Blevins, Kathleen S. Blobner, Ronald J. Blocher, Greg Blue, William L. Blundell, Daniel J. Blunt, Wanda A. Boada, Mauro R. Boado, Jojo M.
85 85 85 587 85 1342 726 1338 192 1056 85 1309 85 85 587 1145 1338 282 85 689 1338 192 85 85 85 1287 1145 1309 1338 998 726 788 85 268 1235 85 85 85 1342 85 1235 26 1564 788 1164 1192 85 85 1235 627 1287 268 689 268 265 1235 1309 1309 788 1577 85 788 1179 26 85 268 85 1235 192 85 836 85 998 1300 820 587
Boback, Richard K. Bodnar, Albert M. Boehm, Stephen J. Boettcher, Margaret Boggess Boitnott, Judith A. Boldware, Darlene M. Bolivar, Renee E. Bolton, Rochell D. Bomar, Lester W. Bonazza, David G. Bond, Grace J. Bond, Martin Bones, Arnold L. Bongioranni, Anthony Bonidie, Michael A. Bonidie, Roy A. Bonilla, Arnaul Bonner, Leonard J. Bonura, George C. Bonzell, David G. Booker, Karema N. Booker, Ollie D. Booker, Steven M. Boone, Beatrice Boone, Reginald F. Booth, Robin J. Born, John P. Borodycia, Christine Borowski, Douglas L. Borowsky, William T. Bosco, Anthony D. Boss, Kenneth D. Bossert, John R. Boswell, Christi L. Boswell, Rhonda Botsko, James Bound, Jerome M. Bower, Gloria J. Bower, John J. Bowers, Anthony W. Bowers, Elijah L. Bowers, Linda K. Bowers, Phyllis Y. Bowers, Rhonda S. Bowers, Rose Lee Boxley, Elizabeth Boyd, Robert L. Boyer, Karl P. Boyle, Daniel W. Boyle, James C. Boyle, Timothy P. Bracken, Wendy L. Bradley, Arnell A. Bradley, Curtis Bradley, Tyrone Bradley, William E. Bradshaw, Ralph S. Brady, Carrie A. Brager, Edmund A. Branch, Charles A. Brandon, Angela M. Brandon, Suzan Brandt, Douglas S. Brannan, L. H. Brannon, Anthony Brannon, Shawn M. Brar, Harmeet Braun, Daniel Keith Braxton Jr., Samuel W. Braxton, Andrew W. Bray, Dana Edward Brazle, Vaughn K. Breisinger, David A. Bressler, Lance T. Brewer, Bernadette D.
164 85 85 1548 587 268 398 689 1235 85 1338 1179 282 726 85 85 587 85 85 1277 1179 268 689 1300 268 26 416 85 85 85 1179 1309 726 1309 85 164 268 85 519 1235 1015 998 1235 1015 836 85 1015 1056 85 85 587 788 1338 1091 282 85 85 998 682 1235 998 1338 85 1338 1179 85 843 85 26 268 26 1338 85 1333 26
Brewer, Dennis E. Brewer, Steven C. Bridges, Ginger Bright, Mitchell L. Brister, Sheila Britt, Andrianne Brock, Garnett C. Brock, Richard H. Broers, Cathleen A. Brogden, Christine Brooks, Donald Brooks, Mark J. Brooks, Michael O. Brooks, Michelle L. Brophy, Patrick J. Broskey, William J. Brown Jr., Marvin Brown Jr., Melvin J. Brown Jr., Milton Brown, Atlee Brown, Brian C. Brown, Calvin Brown, Calvin Brown, Clifford M. Brown, Cornelius Brown, Donna C. Brown, Douglas J. Brown, Evan C. Brown, Henry Brown, Henry L. Brown, James Brown, James B. Brown, John W. Brown, Keith M. Brown, Kevin Brown, Norman R. Brown, Pauline Brown, Ricky E. Brown, Robert C. Brown, Robert L. Brown, Steve Brown, Sylvia M. Brown, Sylvia R. Brown, Timothy L. Brown, Toyia Q. Brown, Vickeith F. Browne, Barnett J. Browne, William F. Bruce, Edward Bruder, Darlene M. Brunetti, Francis A. Bruno, Leonard Brush, James Bryant, Bruce A. Bryant, Willie O. Bucar III, George Bucci, Anthony F. Bucero, Diego Buchanan, Rodgers Bucheit, Jerald C. Buckley, Margarett E. Buckson, John R. Budhram, Dhanesh Budowski, Konstantin Buenaventura, Cesar Buettner, Robert A. Buggs, Sandra J. Bugni-Coleman, Heidi S. Bulger, Robert M. Bullock, Kenneth W. Bunch, Bernetta M. Bundy, Timika M. Burchell, Linda L. Burgess Jr., Harold V. Burgess, Vern L. Burke, Paul G.
998 1235 268 1015 1338 1338 85 268 265 1300 1321 85 85 268 85 85 1277 26 1338 1300 998 282 998 1070 1235 1342 1015 820 1338 998 1338 998 192 241 998 26 788 1287 788 1235 1447 308 26 1300 268 26 282 85 268 85 85 1342 825 1235 998 85 85 1056 1235 1309 627 998 1179 682 1309 85 192 587 880 26 1277 85 85 85 1015 85
Burkett, John R. Burkhart, Donna C. Burl, John Burnam, Richard L. Burnett, Rae A. Burnett, Robert Brandon Burns, Inez Burns, Kimely D. Burns, Willie James Burrell, Donzell V. Burrell, Lester Burroughs, Linzy E. Burry, Gary Burton Jr., Alfred Burton, Brandon Burton, Jeannie Burton, Lucille Burton, Vonell Bush, Angela Busse, Bruce Joseph Butler, Anita L. Butler, Daniel M. Butler, Dorothy N. Butler, Lillie B. Butler, Ray Butler, Ronald E. Butler, Timothy Byarse, Reginald Bylsma, James E. Bynum, Terry Byrd, Bobbye Byrd, Patricia A. Byrd, Tina L. Cabrera, Herminio Cage, Edward Cahill, Betty E. Cain, Antonio O. Calcagno, Ronald Caldito, Wilfred Calhoon, David R. Calhoun, Celeste Calhoun, Sabrina Denise Calk, Matthew S. Calloway, Carla L. Calloway, Lester Calloway, Norma J. Calloway, Timothy J. Calton, Robert J. Cameron, David W. Cameron, Thomas S. Camp, Kimberly Camp, Michael D. Campbell, Danny R. Campbell, Elizabeth Campbell, John H. Campbell, Michael J. Campbell, Rose B. Cannata, Raymond R. Cannon, Damion L. Cantrell, Janise L. Cantwell, Gary P. Canty, Lezette P. Capaci, Anthony M. Capasso, Vincent J. Capell, H. Grant Capers, Lewis C. Cappellett, Brian J. Capshaw, George T. Caputo, Leonard Caracciolo, Nicholas Cardwell, Bruce J. Carey, David C. Carini, George F. Carlisle, Matthew Carlton, Gordon J. Carmichael, Raymond L.
757 587 256 398 192 1277 282 1564 788 1056 825 1179 1575 788 1338 998 682 268 26 1277 268 85 998 788 26 85 998 268 788 1338 241 788 26 1056 788 1164 689 726 265 752 85 192 85 85 1564 1309 26 820 85 85 1338 282 1338 1287 726 85 85 1555 689 1070 85 241 587 1179 587 587 1145 1235 726 85 268 1436 85 1338 26 1564
Carnes, Mary E. Carney, Karen A. Caron, Allen J. Carr, Christopher J. Carr, Edward S. Carr, Robert C. Carr, Wilbur K. Carriero, Carl F. Carrillo, Mario Carroll, Robert P. Carson, George Carswell, Larry Carter Jr., Samuel Carter, Allison Carter, Giles L. Carter, Gwendolyn L. Carter, Jimmie Carter, Joyce A. Carter, Kay F. Carter, Linda O. Carter, Michael K. Carter, Robert L. Carter, Russell M. Carter, Sharon Carter, Tina L. Carter, Willie Carthins Jr., Lafayette Cartwright, Tony L. Caruso, Donald J. Caruso, Rory Caruthers, Patsy A. Carver, Gary E. Cary, Ira Lee Casarez, Teresa Casciano, Patrick Cascio, Guiseppe Casey, Calvin Cassan, Sam A. Castelli, Angelo Castillo, John M. Caston, Michael L. Catalan, Guillermo Cataldo, Thomas J. Catarcio, Nick D. Caughman, Bennie L. Cavannaugh, Margaret Ceballos Jr., Raul Cella, James G. Celony, Etienne Ceravolo, Gregory Cerra, Richard M. Chamberlain, Tamula D. Chambers, Darryl Chambers, Ronald Lee Chandler, Marcus A. Chaney, David Lee Changa, Edward J. Chapin, Robert A. Chapman, James A. Chapman, Kenneth Chapman, Reginald Charles, Jean M. Chase, Lane Chaudry, Shahid Chavez Jr., Isidro Chavis, Pamela Cheriyan, Jacob Cherry, Arthur Cherubini, Jeffery Cheta, Nankumar Chiarenza, John Chiluisa, Polo A. Chin, Renard Chiodo, Dean F. Chisco, Damian S. Choice, Charles
85 85 1179 85 85 1342 26 268 998 726 1338 682 825 788 1742 998 1436 836 1309 1309 1056 1177 85 1338 627 1395 825 1235 85 726 1235 1287 1742 1564 726 1179 268 1015 726 1267 241 1309 1309 89 1179 268 1575 85 821 85 85 1235 788 1436 1338 85 1321 164 19 164 26 1056 758 1056 241 85 726 823 998 1056 1179 1336 825 85 85 1338
Choice, Yolanda Chrisp, Crystal Victoria Christian, Deboss D. Christiansen, John A. Chriswell, Kevin Churney, Jan B. Cialone, Angelo M. Ciardo, Sebastian Cibula, Christopher Cichoski, Raymond J. Cilmi, Michael Clancy, Stephen Clark, Erin L. Clark, Jackylon L. Clark, Jerel M. Clark, Ralph J. Clark, William S. Clarke, Andrew B. Clarke, Jeffrey S. Clawsell, Stephen A. Clay, Mark J. Clay, Ronnald B. Clay, Vicki Clayton, Carol Clayton, Dionne E. Cleary, Robert O. Clemens, Patrick F. Clementi, Steven G. Clements, Arthur M. Cleveland, Christopher Cleveland, James E. Cliff, Melvin E. Clore, Cheryl Clough, Caronda Clouser, Timothy A. Clowe, Jack E. Clukey, James A. Coale, Robert D. Cobb, Daron Cobb, Delores Coburn, Jimmie C. Coburn, Phillip R. Cochran Jr., Edward L. Cockrell, Jacqueline Y. Cockroft, Rhonda R. Cody, Olliver L. Coffee, Elna D. Coffy, Jeffrey T. Coggin, James R. Cohen, Joseph Cohen, Steven A. Cohn, Matthew P. Colarossi, Richard C. Coldren, Mary Cole Jr., James W. Cole, Bernadette J. Cole, Susan M. Colega, Samuel J. Coleman Jr., Maurice Coleman, Angela Coleman, Ida C. Coleman, James Coleman, Melissa G. Coles, Leslie T. Coley, John J. Coley, Mark J. Colin, Robert St. Fort Collar, Fred C. Collell, Jim L. Collier, Cynthia Collier, Erving V. Collier, Montenia F. Collin Jr., John D. Collins Sr., John J. Collins, Alfreda L. Collins, Donald J.
1338 788 1338 1015 26 85 85 998 85 85 726 85 587 1212 26 85 788 1056 1179 85 19 1235 998 1179 268 1179 998 998 689 1338 1015 282 1309 1338 1436 1015 1309 587 26 788 26 1742 26 1300 998 788 1235 85 1235 825 998 85 85 85 85 1300 85 85 241 1338 1300 1338 1235 85 85 85 1179 589 757 1338 26 268 85 85 788 788
Collins, Ernest T. 268 Collins, Gregory P. 1338 Collins, Juanita L. 85 Collins, Kevin F. 1575 Collins, Larry L. 627 Collins, Sherri S. 998 Coln, Theodor 1056 Colton, Edith M. 998 Colwell, Richard J. 85 Comanici, Robert S. 85 Compton, Joe W. 268 Compton, Pamela K. 883 Compton, William M. 998 Conkle-Taylor, Karen D. 268 Conner, Gregory D. 268 Conner, Jefferey T. 1338 Conner, La Toya C. 1564 Conners, Bradley J. 85 Connerton, Patrick H. 998 Connor Jr., Lawrence A. 85 Connor, Douglas E. 85 Connors, Louis W. 85 Connors, Richard M. 1309 Conroy, Thomas R. 85 Conte, Anthony 85 Contreras, Roberto 825 Contristano, Gerard A. 85 Conway, Lizabeth L. 998 Cook, Grover C. 689 Cooks, Olivia B. 788 Cooley, Veltirea 998 Coombs, Donald E. 398 Coonce, John E. 788 Cooper Jr., Ottie 268 Cooper-Williams, Kimberly 1338 Cooper, Darrell D. 1575 Cooper, May L. 998 Cooper, Sherman 282 Cope, Robert L. 85 Copeland, Elaine 998 Copeland, Robert E. 26 Corbett, Paul 85 Cordell, Dwayne 26 Cordero, Jose 726 Cordero, Ricky 726 Cordova, David C. 1575 Cornelius, Anthony D. 1436 Corner, Paulett 241 Corona, Jose A. 587 Cortes, Gerardo 726 Cosgrove, Kevin D. 268 Costello, Donald J. 85 Costello, Judith A. 268 Coston, Gregory 1309 Cotham, Richard F. 1235 Coto, Patrick 85 Cotton, Kenneth M. 26 Cox Jr., Mathew B. 1575 Cox, Jerome 85 Coyne, James E. 998 Craig, Vickie L. 788 Crain, Travis J. 1338 Crane, Arthur L. 998 Cravens, Clifton 1338 Crawford Jr., William 268 Crawford, David H. 1179 Crawford, Lyndon O. 308 Crawford, Stacy 308 Crawford, Thomas E. 1287 Crawl, Philip 998 Crear Jr., Lester E. 1277 Crenshaw, Phillip E. 1395 Crewl, Dawn M. 85 Crichley, Janet L. 85 Crigler, Lyvyra C. 788 Crisp, Garry D. 689
Criswell, Victor D. Crivaro, Charles Crocco, Eugene Crockett-Woods, Lynda G. Cromity, Mary C. Crosby, Paula P. Crosby, Ronald J. Crosby, Tamacie Pamela Crosby, Tina Crose Jr., Lloyd E. Cross, Anthony P. Cross, Eddie L. Cross, Lovell Cross, Orlando Crosson, Thomas Crosswright, Christopher Crowder, Loretta Crupi, Richard D. Crutcher, Jimmy L. Cruz Jr., Robert Cruz, John Cruz, Larry M. Cruz, Sergio Cuba, Eduardo D. Culbert, Jacqueline Culbreth II, Walter Cullinan, John J. Cullins, Edward Cummings, Cecilia M. Cummings, Mark F. Cunningham, Verlin E. Curb Jr., Allen Curcio, Vasthi Curley, Jonathan G. Curry, Brian Curry, Gwendolyn Curry, Richard J. Curtis, Bessie C. Cyrus, Carletta P. Czintos, Eric Andrew Czwojdak, Lawrence D’ambrogi, Suzanne D’angelo, Mark J. D’angelo, Patrick D’eliso II, Albert J. D’oria, Antonio Da Forna, Paul B. Dacres, Glenroy Dailey, James E. Daley, David D. Daley, Maurice Dallas, Peggy A. Dancer, Lynn S. Dandridge, James H. Dandridge, Maurice Daniels, Charles E. Daniels, Gail Daniels, Glen W. Daniels, James E. Daniels, Kimberly Daniels, Leenette D. Daniels, Victor Danielson, Carly J. Danko, Brenda L. Danko, William G. Danner, Ella M. Dansby, Vincent A. Dantzler, Billy W. Darby, Derek Dartis Jr., William Dasaro, Dennis J. Dascher, Michael Daubel, Jenine L. Davenport, Michael D. Davey, Timothy F. Davidson, Eric D.
192 85 726 268 268 85 85 26 1338 268 85 788 268 308 726 308 788 726 1235 726 1056 726 265 1338 1287 1056 1287 1338 276 1742 825 26 1309 85 1056 1342 85 998 26 1277 1342 1575 726 726 85 1056 1235 1056 1164 85 1577 998 587 85 26 587 1338 1342 689 836 1564 1179 757 85 85 268 26 998 726 1235 726 519 1015 1235 1145 26
Davidson, Linda K. Davis III, Albert Davis Jr., James A. Davis Sr., Michael V. Davis, Alta L. Davis, Anasa Davis, Claudia J. Davis, Craig B. Davis, Debra L. Davis, Donald Davis, Donnie A. Davis, Gerald H. Davis, Gregory E. Davis, Harry Davis, Henry Davis, Herman E. Davis, Irvin J. Davis, Jack L. Davis, Jimmie Davis, Justin Davis, Karen M. Davis, Linda Davis, Margaretta Y. Davis, Mark A. Davis, Marven Davis, Marvin D. Davis, Michael A. Davis, Norman L. Davis, Robert E. Davis, Robert S. Davis, Ronald F. Davis, Vivian E. Davison, Tyron L. Dawkins, Robert L. Dawkins, Timothy Dawson, Barrington A. Dawson, Valeria Day Sr., Melvin Day, Marie L. Daye, Michael D. De Boer, Ineke M. De Fazio Jr., Frank J. De James, Mark A. De Jesus Jr., Robinson De Jesus, Fred De Jesus, Jose L. De Leon, Jorge De Moss, Sadie C. De Nardo, Chris A. De Rose, Andrew De Sisto, Leonard J. Dean, Steve A. Dearing, Chandler Deatherage, Steven W. Decker, Victor M. Dehaan, Christine M. Deiseroth, Paul H. Deitt, Thomas E. Del Duca, Deborah L. Del Sorbo, Sabato Dela Cerda, Joe L. Delaney, Kevin J. Delegram, Thomas M. Deles, Marissa R. Delgado, Francisco J. Dellavalle, Anthony B. Deller, Jolene A. Deluigi, Timothy A. Delzer, David A. Demeri, Richard L. Demonbreum, Anto D. Denisiuk, Tamara Dennis, Thomas Densmore, Daniel A. Derganz, Paul M. Desiante, Peter
587 1338 268 998 788 1338 1015 85 1564 268 1338 85 26 85 1338 1338 265 398 26 164 85 1338 788 998 1564 85 689 192 1235 85 1235 268 26 1336 282 1179 1338 276 998 85 587 85 1342 1342 1056 1179 1575 1235 85 85 726 1384 265 1287 85 308 85 85 85 1342 1277 587 85 308 1309 1575 85 85 998 85 1235 587 682 85 85 1179
Devera, Virgilio B. Devers, Dennis J. Devlin, Joseph D. Devlin, Michael A. Dhanpath, Dave H. Di Dolce, Jean A. Di Fiore, Frank Joseph Diario, Louis M. Diaz, Marcos R. Diaz, Mark A. Diaz, Ricardo Dibben, Andrew K. Dickens Jr., William C. Dickens Sr., Larry G. Dickenson, Ray Dickerson, James Dill Jr., Louie Gene Dilla, John E. Dillard, James C. Dillinger, Diana R. Dillingham, Rufus V. Dimitroff, Jeffrey M. Dinwiddie, Carl Dinwiddie, Lloyd F. Dionne, Steven D. Dishong, Robert K. Diveglia, William G. Dixon, Eric D. Dixon, Frederick J. Dixon, Harold K. Dixon, Larry O. Dixon, Levay R. Dixon, Michael R. Dixon, Patricia Djedje, Freda D. Djordjevic, Michael Dobson, Bruce H. Doctolero, Ronald F. Dodd II, James R. Doggendorf, Joseph W. Dolan II, Warren C. Dolan, Laurence G. Dolan, Michael P. Dolessandro, John W. Dollhopf, Brandon L. Dolloway, William Dominguez, Diego M. Donahue, Martha A. Donald, Kassandra Donaldson, Sherly A. Donaldson, Stephen F. Donnelly, Ruth Ann Donohue, Ralph H. Doran, Daniel C. Dorreman Jr., Garret Dorsey Sr., Dyron D. Dortch, Joyce Dortch, William R. Doss-Torello, Rosie B. Doss, Sharon L. Doster, Lucille L. Dotson, Adreana Dotson, Donovan L. Douglas, Cheryl Douglas, Jonnie E. Douglas, Joseph Doviak, John S. Dow, Suzette G. Dowden, Mark D. Downey, Donald E. Downs, John A. Doyle, Daniel L. Doyle, Martha J. Drago, Vincent Drains, Judy Drakulic, George
268 85 85 85 1179 85 85 726 1336 726 587 398 689 1300 788 1338 192 85 85 85 689 85 265 1575 1015 85 85 308 1235 1309 85 825 268 1338 268 998 85 265 26 1300 587 587 85 85 998 1338 1277 1309 26 788 85 85 1575 85 825 192 1338 1177 788 1235 618 998 788 85 1338 85 85 726 85 85 85 85 788 726 26 85
Drew, Shalonda N. Drewery Jr., Edward Drishcler, Daniel R. Drumm, James Dryburgh, Donald C. Ducar, Robert M. Duff, Elizabeth Duff, Seneca A. Dugan, Michael J. Dumo, Ray F. Duncan, Anthony Duncanson, Dennis J. Dunn, Alvin S. Dunn, James C. Dunn, Nicholas Dupriest, John L. Duran, Marco A. Duree, Dennis J. Durk, Jacklyn F. Dwyer, James P. Dyer, Harold K. Dzikiy, Tina Marie Eads, Timothy R. Eagle, Richard G. Eason, James A. Eatmon Jr., Sammie L. Eaton, Kevin E. Eberra, Michael W. Echeverria, Jose Ector, Edward L. Eddins, James C. Edens, Brenda J. Edinger, John P. Edmerson, Ronnie V. Edmondson, Neil R. Edmundson, Cornelia Edwards, Alfred Edwards, Charles S. Edwards, David L. Edwards, Dennis R. Edwards, Derrick W. Edwards, Douglas Edwards, Franklin G. Edwards, Gary Alan Edwards, Jennifer A. Edwards, Karen A. Edwards, Michelle L. Edwards, Thomas Larry Edwards, William J. Egan, David L. Eggar, Stephen Andrew Eggleston, Charles C. Ehlert, Lance R. Eiben, Gary J. Eiben, Ralph James Eichelberger, Patricia A. Eiermann, Donald R. Einloth, Edward A. El Amin, Musa Abdullah Elam, Frank E. Elaoud, Said Eldridge, Kendrick Elias, Keith A. Eller, Robert W. Elliott, Larry L. Ellis, Brenda S. Ellis, Fredrick Ellis, Ketring Ellis, Patricia A. Ellis, Thomas R. Ellison Jr., George Ellison-Oslin, Gordon C. Elm, John Emerson, Janet Y. Emery, Charles W. Emery, Richard K.
1287 268 85 282 85 85 1235 1235 85 587 1338 519 1235 1235 825 268 1235 1575 998 85 1164 85 85 85 788 268 1015 1287 726 268 1235 276 85 1309 85 1235 1338 689 1177 998 1338 788 1310 164 1338 1300 85 1277 85 85 85 268 268 85 85 998 268 85 282 1338 587 1338 85 398 1235 1309 1338 1235 788 998 308 587 85 998 85 85
Emmons, Willie J. Encena, Edsel C. Engelhardt, Kurt English, Julie Louise Enochs, Wilson D. Enriquez, Rosario Ephraim, Chedwick Eppes, Barbara A. Erickson, Rita M. Erjavec, Marcia A. Erkins, James W. Erving, Everett L. Erwert, Clair L. Escobedo, Jose I. Escue, James B. Eskildsen, Lyn M. Esposito, Thomas Estrada, John F. Evans Jr., Eguene J. Evans Jr., Speregon J. Evans, Annette Evans, Brian A. Evans, Craig A. Evans, David Evans, David A. Evans, Eddie L. Evans, Edward A. Evans, Erwin H. Evans, Frances Evans, Troy B. Evans, William H. Evans, Winslow A. Everett, John O. Evers, Dale Ewen, David C. Ewing-Chow, Peter Ewing, Gloria D. Ezekial, Idella S. Fabian, Nancy L. Faccenda, Bernard N. Fair, Diana L. Fair, Mae Fairfax, Donna M. Fairley Jr., Moses Falat, Joseph J. Falls, Donna D. Farah, Abdirizak Farar Jr., James E. Farmer, Ernest Farrell, Dennis P. Farrell, Robert Lee Farrington, Donna M. Farrow, Kevin E. Farzati, Bartholomew Faucette, Donald F. Faulkner, Margaret A. Fayne, Pamela L. Fears, Jerry Feeney, John J. Felder, Sylvia Felicetty, Shannon P. Felix, Cesario J. Felton, Leon G. Felton, Mindy L. Felton, Sharon Fenlock, David G. Fenner, Patrick M. Ferguson, Timothy M. Fernacz, Joyce A. Fernacz, Richard A. Ferrington, Keith D. Ferson, Daniel W. Fetko, Charles Fetko, Daniel K. Fetsick, Thomas Lynn Few, Lawrence
1338 1235 85 276 878 265 1338 1177 788 268 998 1338 1015 1277 1235 998 726 1309 85 26 1212 85 1015 26 241 1338 689 1338 276 1179 164 1056 1342 998 276 1267 1235 689 1575 85 85 1338 1336 282 268 1235 998 689 241 85 1235 1547 85 85 689 1300 788 268 85 1287 85 276 689 1015 1338 85 1436 85 85 85 85 85 164 164 85 308
Fewell, Michael J. Fey, James P. Fields, Derek A. Fields, Judy Fields, Mario D. Fields, Ruben Figueroa Jr., Juan R. Finch, Pamela B. Finkelstein, Stuart M. Finley, Frederick Finley, Jai Damen Fiordeliso, Gino J. Fiordeliso, Richard J. Fischer, Mark J. Fischer, William A. Fisher, Donald S. Fisher, Gary R. Fisher, James D. Fisher, John M. Fisher, Sandra J. Fisher, William J. Fiske, Thomas E. Fite Jr., Alvin Fitzgerald, Thomas W. Fitzgerald, Timothy L. Fitzpatrick, Patrick Fitzpatrick, Thomas J. Fiumara, John L. Flack, Richard H. Flannery, D. Kevin Fleisner, Raymond Flemming, Ernest G. Fletcher, William M. Fliekinger, A. Bradley Flores, Adrian Flores, Anna C. Flores, Ines Flowers, Laurence C. Flowers, Warren L. Floy, Hilary A. Floyd, Janet R. Floyd, Marcus A. Floyd, Robert L. Fly, Michael A. Flythe, Juanita Patrice Fogg, John M. Foisy, Donald B. Foley, Timothy M. Folk, Carl S. Fondren Jr., Floyd Fonseca, Joao Vicente M. Fonzi, Mark D. Ford Sr., Michael W. Ford, James A. Ford, James O. Ford, Nickole Ford, Robert L. Ford, Stanley M. Forde, Frank Gerard Forester, John R. Forester, Wayne T. Forland, Johnnie F. Forno, Ernest J. Forster, Robert J. Fortino, Anthony J. Fortner, Lecand W. Fortuna Jr., Frank W. Foster Jr., John H. Foster, Barton I. Foster, Lisa R. Foster, Nakia Lacole Fouch, Shannon M. Foulk, Robert J. Fountain, James L. Fowler, Doris J. Fowler, Robert J.
85 85 1287 241 26 276 1056 85 1179 26 821 282 282 1015 85 85 1384 519 85 788 85 1235 1235 85 1235 85 85 85 85 85 85 689 1342 1436 1309 1309 1277 1277 689 726 1235 1342 1177 689 1300 689 587 85 85 788 1575 85 1212 1338 1342 85 610 689 1277 788 788 1015 1145 85 268 276 1177 268 726 1235 276 241 568 26 788 85
Fowlkes, Seglenda Fox Jr., Steven W. Fox, Michael J. Fox, Sheila Ann Frager, Rosemary Frame, Verno F. Franchino, Joanne M. Francis, Arthur Francis, Ray Francisco, Ramon Franco, Andrew Franco, Joseph S. Franklin, Cecil T. Franklin, Cheryl J. Franklin, Dwight R. Franklin, Eugene Franklin, Robert H. Franta, Andrew Frauens, Thomas J. Frayne, Allen R. Frazier, Joseph Frazier, Leonard Frazier, Samuel J. Frazier, Tyler Freck, John W. Frederick, Denise Freeman, Audrey J. Freeman, Bruce L. Freeman, Clarissa Freeman, Fred J. Freeman, Lovie Frey, Jennifer C. Fridia, Howard G. Frisoli, Anthony Frorath, Peter K. Frost Jr., Jerome A. Fruechte, Alan P. Fryer, Emmett Fugate, Yenerall D. Fuget, Sonja L. Fulford, Lee E. Fuller, Mary C. Fuller, Rhoda Fulton, Gloria A. Fuqua, Lonnie Gaertner, Daniel A. Gailes, Renda J. Gaillard, Bruce A. Gaines, Shellie Galante, Glenn G. Gales, John E. Gallagher, Jan Gambrill, Sherwood V. Gannon, Thomas J. Garay, Roberto U. Garcia, Andrew Garcia, Carmel Garcia, Jose Garcia, Manuel Gardner, Becky L. Gardner, Jared D. Gardner, Nora Gardner, Scott K. Gardner, Willie C. Garigan, Reggie D. Garland, Norma S. Garner Jr., George W. Garner, Debra A. Garner, Joseph F. Garner, Patricia Garner, Yvonne Garrett, Evelana C. Garrett, Renee Garrett, Ronald E. Garris, Deborah Garrison, Marlon B.
241 85 85 998 788 1235 1309 788 820 820 265 265 689 26 268 19 1300 627 85 1342 85 1287 85 268 1267 1300 1300 998 1338 1342 1208 998 1338 85 998 689 519 268 1056 85 998 1575 1338 610 1342 85 26 265 1179 85 268 85 1300 627 1338 998 192 682 MAL 1192 788 1235 1436 788 1015 85 85 788 85 689 85 1338 1338 85 1300 26
Garten, Alana Ann Garver, Paul T. Gary, Michael L. Garza, Mike Garza, Raul Gascoyne, William M. Gates, Melvin Gates, Timothy D. Gatewood, Kenneth Gathing, Kenya R. Gatto, Carl T. Geary, Timothy Gebresenbet, Ende Gee Jr., Haywood Geer, Lawrence E. Gelormini, Joseph M. George, Glen George, Pamela L. George, Ricky Geramita, Frank D. Gerber Jr., George F. Gerber, David J. Gerkin, Michael L. Gettys, Randall R. Gibson Iv, David D. Gibson Jr., Wesley M. Gibson, Michael D. Gibson, Steven W. Gielata, Michael E. Gierczynski, Richard J. Gilbert, Stephanie A. Gilchrist, Simon M. Giles, John A. Giles, Kimberly A. Gilkerson, Pat H. Gill, Dalvinder S. Gill, Thermond E. Gillespie Jr., Lyle Gilliam III, Richard Gilliam, Corlette Gillie, Elton Gilligan, Daniel A. Gilliom, Floyd Gills, Elbert L. Gilmer, Brian P. Gilmore, Eunice V. Gilmore, Kathleen E. Gilmore, Larry B. Gilmore, Paul J. Gilstrap, Philip M. Ginsberg, Norton Giovannelli, Frank G. Givan, Anthony K. Givens, Ray F. Glaser, Gregory R. Glasko, John P. Glasow, Robert J. Glass, Johnny L. Glaze, Daryl Gleesing, Robert L. Glossett, Lee Allen T. Glover, Lori S. Glover, Patrice A. Goad, Charles R. Godesky, Thomas F. Godor, Keith S. Godwin, William M. Goggins, Anita A. Goldman, Howard D. Goldsmith, Joseph Y. Golnik, James P. Golofski, Joanne S. Gomez, Jose S. Gonzales, Becky Gonzales, Virginia Gonzalez, Juvenal
276 85 1179 265 998 1342 788 85 26 788 85 1447 1235 998 268 85 726 1145 819 85 85 85 85 268 1564 1300 85 627 85 85 587 1015 1235 1336 1742 587 998 788 26 268 998 1321 880 1338 192 1300 85 689 587 1309 1056 85 26 788 85 85 1015 998 85 998 26 1056 85 1235 85 85 1235 85 85 85 308 85 1277 265 265 276
Gonzalez, Sandra L. 682 Gonzalez, Wilfredo 820 Goob, John J. 85 Gooden, Kenneth A. 26 Goodman, Charles R. 1309 Goodman, Robert L. 1235 Goodwin, David E. 1015 Goodwin, Gary 1338 Gordier, Russell W. 1575 Gordon-Foote, Willette 788 Gordon, Cornelia Alvita 788 Gore, Kenneth E. 1177 Goscinski, Victoria A. 85 Gosha, Evelyn G. 1324 Goss, Gary L. 1342 Gothe, Howard A. 85 Gowen, Guy F. 714 Gower, Judy D. 1235 Graca, Kim E. 268 Graham Jr., Thomas J. 1309 Graham, Carl R. 788 Graham, Charles E. 1309 Graham, Elois 788 Graham, James E. 1300 Graham, Johnny C. 726 Graham, Leston S. 1179 Graham, Sheryl Ann Young 1309 Graham, Steven L. 689 Graham, William L. 1235 Gralish, Daniel C. 85 Grandberry, Cathy I. 26 Granquist, Keith 726 Grant Jr., Norman 192 Grant, Bobby J. 26 Grant, Jimmy 1338 Graves, Tiawan 1342 Graves, Todd A. 998 Gray, George E. 1235 Gray, James L. 689 Gray, Sherry 1235 Gray, Tesha M. 788 Grays, Gregory D. 26 Grays, Gregory R. 689 Grays, Willie J. 998 Greeley, Eugene S. 1576 Green Aaron D. 85 Green, Cassandra 26 Green, Charles E. 1300 Green, Clance 1309 Green, Clifton 1300 Green, Fred 1015 Green, Leona M. 85 Green, Linda 1300 Green, Shelton D. 85 Green, Simon S. 1056 Green, Timothy J. 268 Greene, Antony D. 1436 Greene, Luann L. 85 Greenhill, John H. 1235 Greenlee Jr., Charles A. 85 Greenwood, Justin 1338 Greer, Rubin J. 268 Grice, Tracey 26 Griffieth, Bruce 627 Griffin, Dwayne A. 627 Griffin, John 85 Griffith, David D. 1212 Griggs, Harry H. 85 Grigsby, Brister G. 788 Grigsby, Nicola L. 1235 Grill, Jeff P. 85 Grim, Dennis C. 85 Grimm, Darrell R. 85 Grimm, Jeffrey S. 85 Gross, Charles 85 Grosse, Eric J. 85
Grove, Mark D. Grubb, Frederick J. Grubb, Thomas Walter Grubbs III, Monroe Grubbs, Donald G. Gruels, Dwayne J. Grusong, Marcel B. Grzes, Gary W. Guarino, Samuel A. Guatell, Gary M. Guelker, Robert W. Guerrero Jr., Guadalupe Gulledge, Willie T. Gulley, Joel A. Gunn Jr., Eugene D. Gunn, James R. Guy, Audrey N. Guy, Glenda Guzman, Emigdio Gwinn, David C. Gwozdz, Matthew Gyke, Stephen L. Haave, Kenneth L. Hackworth-Hall, Julia R. Haddock, Patrick J. Haggerty, Johnny Haggins, Paulette Haid Jr., Sylvester J. Haile, Christopher R. Hailey, Belinda L. Hairston, Alvin V. Hairston, Rahfel I. Hairston, Renay D. Haldeman, Walter G. Hall Jr., John W. Hall-Easley, Patricia S. Hall, Brenda L. Hall, Derrick L. Hall, Gail Hall, Kelvin L. Hall, Loni Hall, Steven M. Hall, Tony Hall, William E. Hallom, Michael A. Hallowes, Jeffrey R. Halsel, Jackie Halsel, Roni Hamberlin, Frank J. Hamilton, Gloria J. Hamilton, Menyetta D. Hammer, Devlin W. Hammond, Antonio D. Hampton, Derrick Hancher, Rodney E. Hancock, Wilbur F. Haney, James A. Hanks, Eddie A. Hanna, James E. Hannah, Terri L. Hansen, Jennifer L. Hanson, Eunice V. Haralambidis, Anestis Harden Jr., Edward L. Harding, James M. Harding, Stephanie Hardnett Jr., J. C. Hardy, Otis L. Hardy, Richard R. Harkins, Edward R. Harlan, Norman W. Harlee, Corrie E. Harmon, Mario Harp, Rebecca I. Harper, Nettie Harper, Tiffany
26 85 1015 85 85 1179 85 85 85 85 268 1309 26 268 85 587 85 1091 998 85 923 85 1179 1338 85 1338 276 85 1277 1338 689 1015 85 880 26 1235 1300 26 276 26 1338 85 1338 268 268 1436 1447 85 998 998 26 85 26 241 85 820 85 788 85 241 1015 825 825 268 998 85 26 1300 822 85 1575 1300 1208 998 1342 1338
Harris, Alfred Harris, Angelia B. Harris, Delaney R. Harris, Emanuel Harris, Gerald E. Harris, John Henry Harris, Larry B. Harris, Milton M. Harris, Phillip Harris, Ronald M. Harris, Sandra Harris, Susan Harris, Tracy L. Harris, Vern K. Harrison, Rodney Hart, Daniel R. Hart, Thomas G. Harvey, Victor D. Harvin, Dennis Harvin, Roy Hassman, Annie M. Hast III, Charles A. Hastings, Carol L. Hastings, Reginald T. Hauck, Gary L. Hauck, Gregory J. Hauck, Jeff L. Haun, Paul F. Hawkes, Alan B. Hawkins Jr., Leroy Hawkins, Carlisa V. Hawkins, Christine A. Hawkins, Corey J. Hawthorne Jr., Raymond Hawthorne, Joseph A. Hayden, Dennis E. Hayes, Belinda M. Hayes, Jimmie Hayes, Ronald E. Hayes, Scott L. Hazlett II, Thomas S. Head Jr., Charles H. Head, Stacy L. Healy, Theresa Marie Healy, Virginia E. Heap, Donald Heasley, Kevin Mark Heath, Raymond Heaven, Daniel L. Hecht, Alan W. Hector, Manuel O. Hedges, David A. Heiber, Edward P. Helfer, Brian M. Helmer, Cindy J. Henao, Yeidy Henderson, Candance Henderson, George E. Henderson, James E. Henderson, James L. Henderson, Jerry L. Henderson, Robb Henderson, Rose M. Henderson, Terence S. Henderson, William M. Hendricks, Joan M. Hendricks, Von K. Hendrix, Annie Hendrix, Rick L. Henington, Marla A. Henley, Kurt Henley, Rainey Henriguez, Joseph Henry Jr., Willie J. Henry, James S. Henry, Michael A.
788 1177 26 308 85 192 268 1575 1575 85 268 268 85 1287 880 85 1015 1235 1300 1300 998 85 1309 1235 1235 85 1235 1575 85 1338 1300 241 276 1277 1338 788 241 26 268 1277 85 26 85 85 398 726 85 689 836 85 689 85 85 726 757 820 1338 26 788 192 1535 164 26 788 268 1300 788 1338 398 859 26 26 726 26 85 788
Henry, Walter L. Hense, Carmen M. Herald, James G. Herford, Donnie Herman, Eric J. Hernandez, Consuelo Hernandez, Jose Hernandez, Jose A. Hernandez, Marque O. Herod, James Herrera, Alfonso A. Herrera, Johnny G. Herrera, Otto A. Herring, Min Hester, Harold L. Hewitt II, James C. Hewlett, Gregory P. Hibbert, Paul Hibbs, Robert E. Hickey, Donald C. Hickman, Kenneth A. Hickman, William Hicks, Bryan K. Hicks, Geraldine Hicks, Lavon R. Hicks, Nathaniel Hidalgo, Carlos Higbee, Elizabeth J. Hikes, Patricia A. Hill Jr., James L. Hill Jr., Leonard Hill, Andre’ Hill, Christopher Hill, Delvin E. Hill, Donald Hill, Floyd V. Hill, Grace L. Hill, James T. Hill, Jamie A. Hill, John W. Hill, Marcus A. Hill, Ruth D. Hilligsberg, Norbert Hillyard, Frank P. Hinds, Tina M. Hines, John Hines, Stacey S. Hinkel, John S. Hintze, Charles E. Hinz, Kurt Hirschfield, William T. Hitchcock, Gloria P. Hixon, Friar D. Hlavsa, James R. Hobbs, Daryl L. Hobbs, Gary P. Hobsen, Earnesteen Hobson, Bonnie L. Hodge, Dana A. Hodges, Rand C. Hodges, Robert L. Hodle, Joseph Hodnick, Richard P. Hoerner, Richard J. Hoffman, Gary L. Hoffman, James H. Hoffman, Mark S. Hogan, John A. Hogan, Vincent E. Holdcraft, William F. Holden, Lawrence J. Holden, Maltarhea Holder, Jennifer J. Holland, Ralph T. Holliman, Dewayne A. Holliman, Karen E.
1300 788 85 1235 85 618 998 1577 587 1338 1575 1338 192 819 85 268 1300 268 1575 587 85 880 26 268 26 85 825 1575 1309 998 241 689 1309 788 265 788 757 1300 268 1300 26 1235 85 85 85 85 85 268 788 726 85 788 1342 85 26 1235 998 1576 85 1277 26 164 85 1179 1309 85 519 1235 26 880 85 85 1310 85 998 998
Hollinger, Edith D. Hollins, Cheral D. Hollins, Jerry L. Holloman, Tracy Holloway, Eldon Holloway, James R. Holly, Roger L. Holman, Ken Holman, Richard Holmes Jr., Robert H. Holmes, Anthony J. Holmes, Howard C. Holmes, Katisha D. Holmes, Mark J. Holt, Melvin D. Holt, Rohan Holt, Sarah A. Holton, Valleria E. Homer, Edward M. Hood Jr., James C. Hoof, Randy A. Hooper, Dale B. Hopkins, Christopher D. Hopkins, Grover D. Hopkins, John Thomas Hopkins, Lawrence Horenburg, James M. Horikawa, Keith S. Horne, David G. Horning, Johanna K. Horst, George Horton, James Horton, Leathell Horton, Vava S. Horvath, Stephen J. Hosey, Ronnie L. Hoskins, Michael Housey, Robert F. Houston, Glenn S. Hovanec, Richard Howard, Darryl O. Howard, Kymberlea Howard, Michael L. Howard, Reginald Howard, Rick W. Howell, Shun T. Howze, Michael T. Hrabic, David Hudgens, Claude Hudnall, Duane Hudson Jr., Ervin Hudson, Bernard Hudson, Dannol H. Hudson, Mary J. Hudson, Robert Hudson, Rowena Huerta, Andrew M. Huff, Andrew J. Huff, Jason R. Huffman, Mark Huggins, K. Douglas Hughes, Bryenda J. Hughes, Chaundra C. Hughes, Edmead Hughes, John K. Hughes, Katrina Hughes, Linda G. Hughes, Lonnell Hughes, Patrick J. Hughes, Phyllis Hughes, Roderick E. Hughes, Ronald J. Hughes, Vanessa Hughes, Wesley Huguley, Princess L. Huizinga, Craig W.
85 1338 1235 1338 1338 85 1300 1192 726 1309 282 85 282 1287 1235 1179 85 689 85 682 998 398 1309 1742 1015 1338 726 1277 85 1015 164 268 788 998 85 788 241 998 1309 85 1235 1338 1309 788 788 26 85 85 1235 26 998 268 85 1338 26 1338 1575 1235 85 26 85 1564 308 825 1277 268 26 998 85 1338 752 268 1056 26 85 587
Hundley, Yulane Yvette Hunt, Joe-el Hunt, Tamara A. Hunter, George Hunter, Holiday A. Hunter, Leandrew Hunter, Roderick Hunter, Sammy G. Huntley, Edwin C. Hurdle, Diane Hursey, Joseph M. Hursey, Nathaniel D. Hurtado, Cristobal Hutchins, Raymond C. Hutchison, Brett E. Huwe, Carl A. Hux, James K. Hyland, Robert T. Hyler, Edward D. Hyster, Sharon P. Hyter, Jacques H. Ibrahim, Rollin R. Ilicic, Goran Imes, Richard E. Imp, Michael J. Inglut, Andrew J. Ingram, Omar J. Ingram, Perry M. Inserra, Joseph Intrieri, Mark Ireland, Alfred Irizarry, Juan Irizarry, Marco A. Irons, Danian O. Irvine, Gerald L. Irving, Gregory R. Iskhakov, Edward S. Ispahani, Shahzad Ivkovich, Nicholas Ivy, Roger E. Jackson Jr., Fonzo D. Jackson Jr., Odvie Jackson, Angela A. Jackson, Anthony Jackson, Cheryl D. Jackson, Darryl W. Jackson, Edward L. Jackson, George A. Jackson, Johnnie L. Jackson, Jonathan Jackson, Kenneth W. Jackson, Lannard Jackson, Lula Jackson, Meltrenna G. Jackson, Richard Jackson, Rodney E. Jackson, Russell G. Jackson, Steven M. Jackson, Wayne A. Jacob, Joseph Jacob, Pierre E. Jacobs, Dyonne R. Jacobsen, Ginger A. Jagielski, Mark D. Jakubic, Michael J. James, Dennis L. James, Diane M. James, Floyd James, Kavin L. James, Mack D. James, Nathaniel Jameson, Michael Jarden, Jessie Jasko, Michael J. Jatkowski, Leonard D. Jaworski, Thomas H.
788 1342 1287 1300 825 788 1338 268 726 998 587 26 1277 1321 85 85 788 276 998 788 26 85 1235 998 998 1342 85 1235 726 85 880 726 241 1179 85 788 268 726 85 26 770 1309 1342 1056 241 85 1338 1287 998 26 1338 1338 1338 998 836 1235 843 416 1300 1056 1179 268 1015 85 268 85 1575 1338 587 26 1300 1235 1338 85 85 1145
Jean, Pierre Jeanes, Barbara S. Jeannette, Steven M. Jebamoni, Nelson P. Jedlicka, David L. Jeffers Jr., Douglass K. Jefferson, Eugene Jefferson, James L. Jefferson, Samuel Jefferson, Sharon Jefferson, Sharon N. Jefferson, Timothy K. Jefferson, Wayne D. Jeffrey, James R. Jeffries, Kerry E. Jenkins, Alphonso W. Jenkins, Harold M. Jenkins, Linda Jenkins, Michael D. Jenkins, Sandra A. Jenkins, Wilma F. Jennings II, Burton K. Jensen, Rita F. Jethroe, Ronald W. Jett III, Thomas Jett, Tommie Ruth Jiles, Daniel L. Jimenez, Irving Jimenez, Salvador Joachim, Dennis Johanson, W. Glenn John, George T. Johns, Jermalle H. Johnson III, Clifford T. Johnson Jr., George Johnson Jr., Reuben L. Johnson Jr., Richard Johnson-Brooks, Carolyn D. Johnson-Nance, Angela Johnson, Albert Johnson, Ana T. Johnson, Andre P. Johnson, Anthony E. Johnson, Calvin Johnson, Calvin Johnson, Carol Johnson, Carolyn J. Johnson, Chad A. Johnson, Charles D. Johnson, Cheryl P. Johnson, Claire Johnson, Clarence J. Johnson, Cyprian F. Johnson, Darnell K. Johnson, Darryl Johnson, Deborah Johnson, Deetra D. Johnson, Desiree Y. Johnson, Donnie R. Johnson, Eric Johnson, Frank C. Johnson, Gloria L. Johnson, Gregory A. Johnson, Gussie Johnson, Imogene E. Johnson, Inoelia Johnson, Irvin M. Johnson, James C. Johnson, Janet F. Johnson, Joe A. Johnson, John A. Johnson, John W. Johnson, Johnny R. Johnson, Joseph Johnson, Karen Y. Johnson, Kenyetta A.
1179 998 85 1577 268 1300 241 85 788 1338 1287 689 998 85 85 1338 85 268 26 1309 998 85 1576 788 85 26 726 726 682 1177 85 726 85 1235 998 241 26 1235 1235 1338 268 85 689 241 1338 822 788 1015 268 268 726 689 1300 1564 1277 1338 682 85 241 85 689 1338 1235 627 85 1235 1015 689 859 1338 1235 26 1338 1338 825 268
Johnson, Larry L. Johnson, Laurin G. Johnson, Lisa Diane Johnson, Lloyd Johnson, Luther M. Johnson, Marcus D. Johnson, Mary Louis Johnson, Michael B. Johnson, Monica J. Johnson, Neal Johnson, Ocie J. Johnson, Orlando L. Johnson, Otis L. Johnson, Phyllis G. Johnson, Rachel Johnson, Robert B. Johnson, Robert L. Johnson, Robin L. Johnson, Ronald E. Johnson, Shelia L. Johnson, Shiela Johnson, Terrence Johnson, Tiffinnee Johnson, William H. Jolliff, Sherman Jolly, Patricia Jones Jr., Rozell Jones, Ada M. Jones, Alison V. Jones, Antonia Phillippa Jones, Arnold Jones, Bobby Jones, Charles E. Jones, Clifford L. Jones, De’edra Jones, Derek T. Jones, Derry G. Jones, Duke E. Jones, Emanuel Jones, Ernest L. Jones, Estoria L. Jones, Frederic J. Jones, Gary A. Jones, George Jones, James O. Jones, James P. Jones, Joe T. Jones, John A. Jones, La Tonya S. Jones, Larry Jones, Leanza Jones, Leonard Jones, Leroy Jones, Lewis J. Jones, Lloyd W. Jones, Mark A. Jones, Nedra Ann Jones, Nickilyn Jones, Phyllis L. Jones, Quintin L. Jones, Randy L. Jones, Raymond L. Jones, Roberta Jones, Robin V. Jones, Ronald Jones, Roosevelt E. Jones, Victor Jones, Victor D. Jones, Willie Jordan, Carlton J. Jordan, Clark A. Jordan, Craig S. Jordan, Darlana Jordan, David D. Jordan, James A. Jordan, Jamie J.
268 998 313 268 1164 689 1235 788 1300 1300 998 788 1300 587 1338 1309 268 1300 788 268 1056 998 627 689 241 268 1338 1235 192 1300 1300 1338 788 85 265 26 268 1338 26 308 1300 85 1235 825 689 85 1338 1309 26 689 1277 825 998 1309 85 26 1235 1564 1235 1300 788 1300 241 1300 268 268 1177 689 825 998 85 998 85 85 998 85
Jordan, Joyce G. Joseph, Anthony R. Joseph, Kimmoko Joseph, Sidney Juarez, Javier M. Kachmar, Ronald R. Kaczmarski, Karen Kalchthaler, Richard J. Kalichuk, Dawn E. Kalman, Toby Ellen Kamauf, Dennis Kane Jr., James E. Kane, Daniel L. Karn, Gary L. Kasko, John W. Kasperowicz, Ronald Kasprowicz, Annette Kasyan, Timothy E. Kattner, Jerome M. Katz, Charles A. Kaufman, Dennis J. Kaufman, James D. Kay, David J. Keasley, Oscar R. Keating, Eileen Keating, John T. Kee, Jerard J. Keefer, John R. Keenan, Richard J. Keeps, Clothilda V. Keeton, Kevin K. Keith, Jamie Allen Keller, John J. Keller, Timothy D. Kellerman, Douglas A. Kelley, Bernus J. Kelley, Regina Kellough, Mary R. Kellough, Nicholas V. Kellum, Ronice Kelly Jr., Robert E. Kelly, Christopher T. Kelly, Gary Kelly, Jack A. Kelly, Raymond D. Kelly, Vernon D. Kelly, W. Faye Kelm, Mark R. Kendall, Lynette M. Kendrick, Rose M. Kennedy, Brian E. Kennedy, Calvin Kennedy, Charlene T. Kennedy, Michael J. Keogh, Patrick K. Kephart, Jeffery L. Kerley, Cleopatra Kern, Eddie D. Kern, Howard Kern, Wilma L. Kerr, Charles A. Ketnon, Roger L. Key, Eddie J. Key, Michael L. Keyes, Thomas B. Keyner, Willy Keys, Lee E. Khaimchayev, Zuvrun Khan, Larry H. Kidd, Fred Kiggins, Todd R. Kilgore, Herbert Killebrew, William M. Killeen, James J. Killian, David A. Kilpatrick, Henry
85 85 1575 1535 265 85 85 85 85 1548 85 272 519 1015 85 282 1342 85 998 587 416 85 85 85 85 85 1179 268 85 788 85 1742 1436 757 1309 1338 1338 1309 1309 85 587 85 26 268 268 85 1338 265 1177 26 1235 1324 1324 26 1015 568 1338 268 85 241 998 1235 26 1338 85 265 788 1179 1277 998 85 726 85 85 85 998
Kilvanick, Charlene T. 85 Kimble, Kimberly 1338 Kimbrough, Bronte’ Tamia 26 King, Alice L. 268 King, Donnie D. 26 King, James E. 1235 King, Jerome 998 King, William 1338 King, William S. 85 Kinnel, Darrell E. 788 Kinzler, Thomas M. 85 Kiper, Eugene 998 Kipp, Judy 519 Kirby, James F. 1 Kirk, Dionne M. 1338 Kirkpatrick, Brenda Jean 788 Kirkpatrick, Gloria E. 1235 Kisling, Clarence J. 1575 Kittle, Robert C. 1145 Klimko, Paul 85 Kling, Robert D. 85 Klos, Edward Henry 85 Knight, June R. 241 Knight, Stanley 1742 Knighten, Jerry W. 1742 Knighton Jr., Robert B. 268 Knott, Arthur 627 Knott, Larry C. 1338 Knox-Yearwood, Charles C. 1177 Koerner, George 268 Kohle, David A. 85 Kolb, Timothy S. 788 Kolick, Daniel D. 85 Koontz, Gregory A. 788 Kopack, Kevin 164 Kopelic, Michael D. 85 Korbe, Dennis C. 85 Koroma, Ibrahin 1338 Kosslow, Kirk R. 85 Kostresh, Boris 587 Kostresh, Christine N. 587 Kotarski, Frank 726 Koterwski, Timothy 519 Kottler, Michael J. 85 Kouvaras Jr., John N. 85 Kozikowski, William F. 85 Krakosky, Jerome 85 Kramer, Dale J. 85 Kraszewski, Thomas 1436 Krebs, Michael R. 1342 Kress, Edward J. 85 Kress, Paul W. 85 Krey, Alan R. 85 Krieger Jr., Robert W. 85 Kriehn, Douglas E. 998 Kristof, Andrew W. 85 Kroll, Brian 282 Krstonich, Jeffrey J. 85 Krueger, Donald J. 998 Krzywiecki, James 85 Kubit, Charles J. 85 Kubler, Mark J. 85 Kucewicz, Sigmund S. 1342 Kuda, Frank R. 998 Kuder, Austin D. 268 Kuester, Patrick J. 998 Kukic, Russell L. 85 Kulich, Sandra L. 568 Kunkel, Darryl R. 85 Kunkel, Gary G. 85 Kuntz Jr., Harold R. 1235 Kupecz, William E. 85 Kupetz, Mark C. 268 Kupinski, Andrew A. 519 Kusmira, Mark A. 85 Kuykendell, Ulysses 788
Kuzma, M. Keith Kuzniar, Karen A. La Gasse, Theodore W. La Polla, Paul La Velle, Dermathe’ F. Laabs Jr., Leonard C. Labbe, Gary A. Lacey, Francis R. Lachut, Sylvester J. Lacivita, David E. Lainhart, Alfred Lamar, Robert D. Lambert, Danai Lampkin, Garvin Land, Richard Landon, Ernest Landrum, Lorraine D. Lang, John A. Lang, Peter A. Lanham, Willie M. Lankford, Ray A. Lannie, Anthony Lantz, George A. Lanucha, Robert A. Lapertosa, John Largin, Robert W. Larkin, Anthony J. Lasack, David Latham, Julia M. Lathan, Ira P. Lauffer, Charles Lauri, Michael A. Lavorgne, Anthony J. Lawhorn, Scean M. Lawrence, Layne L. Lawrence, Thomas Lawson Jr., Willie H. Lawson, Joel M. Lawson, Traci R. Leak, Gertrude B. Leaman, Bryan R. Lebrow, David Ledell, Joyce E. Ledger Jr., Fred Ledyard, Robert L. Lee, Berneta Lee, Deborah R. Lee, Long Lee, Phyllis E. Leefe, Robert H. Leek, Patrick Leffler, Anthony J. Leinen, Scott J. Leitner, Stephen J. Lekovitch, William J. Leland, Timothy B. Lempner Jr., Edward E. Leohr, Carlos R. Leon, Graciela L. Leonard Jr., Virgil Leopold, Jocelyn A. Lepore, Nicholas Lester, Bobby C. Lester, Dwayne L. Leung, Tic Q. Levengood, Deborah Ann Levesqve, James R. Lewis Jr., Richard K. Lewis, Brenda Lewis, Cardinale E. Lewis, Charles W. Lewis, Darrell Lewis, Dwayne W. Lewis, James H. Lewis, Jockquise L. Lewis, Kena R.
85 85 282 726 587 85 714 85 85 85 627 1309 256 788 1338 241 998 85 85 1056 85 1056 241 19 726 1235 85 758 1235 1177 1447 1056 85 85 1235 1235 268 1300 1015 689 268 1181 1070 268 268 26 1177 1277 998 1547 1235 85 1015 1575 85 1436 268 1277 1309 998 1179 85 1212 26 1056 1164 1015 1015 1338 825 85 1338 85 998 1235 998
Lewis, Milton O. Lewis, Sharon A. Leyden, Michele Marie Leyva Jr., Arnold P. Leyva, Tommy Li, Chung M. Liebert, Boyce M. Liermann, James S. Lifricri, Luigi Liggons, Douglas Lighty, Charles E. Lihs, Roger J. Liking, Lajuana D. Lim, Roman P. Lindsey, Daniel R. Lindsley, Carlos Linganfield, Leonard M. Linkes, David N. Lipinski, Richard Lippert, Damon M. Lipsey, Derrick D. Little, Brenda A. Little, Marc C. Little, Tovera Little, William D. Litz, Phillip W. Livingston Jr., Raymond L. Locke, Reba M. Lockhart, Mia Lockridge, Stephanie L. Locksa, James E. Lockwood, Katrena L. Loeffler, James M. Loeliger, Michael W. Logan, Carol A. Logan, Michael Loman, Gail L. Long, Leonard H. Loor, Edison E. Lopez, Cesar J. Lopez, Jose B. Lopez, Luis L. Lopez, Ramon Lorenz, Rita A. Lorenzo, Jose Lorthridge, Anthony S. Los Banos, Doem M. Losteiner, Daniel Loubriel, Jesus M. Louis, Gastave Lovan, Beverly A. Love, Sarah L. Loving, Mark Lowe-Hollowell, Athena Lowe, Candace J. Lowe, Russell Lower, Leanne Kathleen Lowery Jr., Earl Lowery, James E. Lowther, Terrence Q. Lucas, Marlon J. Lucas, Thomas R. Lucchesi, John L. Luketich, Terri J. Lusk, Ulysses Lutsch, Christine Marie Lyerly, Argie Lynch, Frank W. Lyons, Edmond O. Lyons, Harold Lyons, William J. Lytle, Diane Lytle, Joan E. Mac Gregor, Thomas P. Mac Lean, Stephen M. Macabata, Robert M.
1300 998 268 1309 265 1056 85 85 726 1235 85 757 825 1309 1342 1235 85 85 164 85 26 1300 1235 1338 1300 85 587 1309 1338 788 85 1145 519 85 1309 726 689 822 1179 398 836 1267 1056 85 726 788 821 268 241 1577 788 788 85 26 1235 758 1015 726 85 1342 85 1277 1179 85 1338 85 85 689 1235 1338 788 821 1015 268 282 587
Machado, Alberto P. Macias, Manuel Maciupa, Jeff Mack, Cassandra R. Mack, John E. Mack, Melvin Macon, Beverla Madeya, William G. Madison, Anthony Q. Madison, Nina M. Madison, Shirley Magersupp, Donald A. Magilson, Robert P. Maguire, Sean R. Mahee, Ralph W. Maholmes, James G. Mahoney, Craig M. Mahoney, Stephen J. Mahr, Michael A. Maiden, Clyde J. Maier, Juliann Majernik, Donald J. Majeski, John P. Major, Jerri Makinster, Marge M. Malcolm, Lora Maldonado, Anthony Maldonado, Juan J. Mallard Sr., Johnny W. Mallett, Virginia A. Malone, Lee A. Malone, Patrick M. Malone, Terrence L. Maloon, Steve Mancuso, Angelo Mandelson, Michael Mandich, Gloria L. Mangolia, Loreen M. Manier, Mark A. Manuel, Dorothy A. Marabito, James Lewis Marable, Mary E. Marano, Tobias Marbury, Timothy D. Marion, Bertha A. Markham, Keith J. Markley, Robert S. Marolini, John Marovic, Jeffrey M. Marquez, Joaquin Z. Marrow, Henry W. Marsh, Linda Marshall, Emily M. Marti, Michael R. Martin, Christopher M. Martin, Genean J. Martin, Gerald J. Martin, Joel O. Martin, Jonathan Martin, Leonard Martin, Lizzie M. Martin, Maria A. Martin, Ronald D. Martin, Steven Martin, Theresa A. Martinelli, Salvatore Martinez, Andres Martinez, Dennis J. Martinez, Ilda Martinez, Joe R. Martinez, Rene Martinez, Steven J. Martinez, Susana Maruca Jr., Frank B. Mascilli, Donna J. Mason, Arlene
819 1277 85 998 85 1338 788 85 308 1564 1179 1300 85 587 1309 26 268 85 788 1535 85 85 85 1338 757 1577 726 1309 1338 998 788 19 26 265 85 85 85 282 1235 282 85 282 1179 689 1300 85 587 726 85 276 689 1342 1235 587 998 788 1015 26 268 627 241 85 1015 1015 85 1179 268 85 1338 1309 265 998 1091 85 85 1300
Mason, Daniel R. 1309 Mason, Frederick L. 85 Mason, Keith E. 1342 Mason, Steven A. 689 Massey, Audrey L. 26 Mastropasqua, Michael A. 1179 Mateja, John 85 Mathis, Bernard 26 Matos, Alfredo 1056 Matta, Gregory A. 85 Matthews, Ricardo D. 26 Matthews, Rosalind C. 1235 Mattox, Ruthie L. 788 Mattson, Eric L. 85 Mauceli, Nicola 1179 Maxwell, Richard L. 1235 Maxwell, Robert L. 1575 Mayberry, Preston 26 Mayer, Brent A. 1015 Mayer, Ricky A. 85 Mayo, Carl J. 923 Mayo, Conrad K. 85 Mays, Tenika L. 1235 Mazzarese, Gordon C. 85 Mazzola, Thomas 726 Mc Adams, Robert M. 85 Mc Adory, Clyde D. 26 Mc Afee, Louis 85 Mc Aleer Sr., Robert J. 85 Mc Andrews, Edward J. 85 Mc Ardle, Ryan B. 85 Mc Bryar, Isaac L. 1212 Mc Cabe, Mark A. 85 Mc Cabe, Matthew C. 85 Mc Callum, James L. 26 Mc Cambridge, Jeff L. 85 Mc Candless, Bruce 1309 Mc Carty, Phillip L. 1447 Mc Cauley, Jeff K. 1015 Mc Clain, Dwayne 26 Mc Clain, Eric 726 Mc Clain, Wilton 268 Mc Clelland, Gary D. 85 Mc Clelland, James A. 85 Mc Clendon, Darnel 1342 Mc Clendon, Richard 192 Mc Clendon, Rogerstene S. 1309 Mc Clory, Jeffrey D. 85 Mc Clure, Articia V. 268 Mc Cluskey, Wayne S. 85 Mc Collum, Tracey L. 627 Mc Commons Sr., Donald 1436 Mc Coy, Eileen A. 788 Mc Coy, Jerome J. 85 Mc Crackin, Allen D. 1235 Mc Crae, Rita R. 26 Mc Crary, Anthony E. 268 Mc Cruter, Cortez 26 Mc Culloch, Chris W. 1015 Mc Curdy, Gregory W. 85 Mc Curdy, Ryan M. 85 Mc Curry, Willis 268 Mc Cutchen, William C. 265 Mc Daniel, Gladys 1056 Mc Donald, Ella R. 241 Mc Donald, Larry J. 998 Mc Donald, Monica E. 85 Mc Donald, Nathan 726 Mc Donald, Russell E. 788 Mc Donnell, Dennis 825 Mc Donnell, Richard A. 1235 Mc Elravy, Todd R. 85 Mc Elroy, Leonard 1338 Mc Ewen, Donald E. 1235 Mc Fall-Wray, Sherrie D. 268 Mc Farlane, Corbet 1056
Mc Gee, Jesse Mc Gee, Leroy Mc Ghee, Dyana J. Mc Glory, Linda D. Mc Glothian Jr., Odell Mc Gowan, Ruby T. Mc Grath, Michael J. Mc Grew, Ronald J. Mc Griff, Alvin L. Mc Griff, Wynette Mc Hale, Brian M. Mc Hale, Michael Patrick Mc Intosh, Gunard H. Mc Intyre, Duaine A. Mc Kean, Henryka A. Mc Kee, James P. Mc Kenzie Jr., Albert L. Mc Kibben III, Frank L. Mc Kinney Jr., Elmer Mc Kinney, Avery Mc Kinney, Earle S. Mc Kinney, Wilmer Mc Kinnis, Glorietta Mc Kinsey, Ira Mc Laughlin, Michael A. Mc Laughlin, Patricia Mc Lean, James H. Mc Murray, William H. Mc Murtrie, Daniel P. Mc Neece, Gary T. Mc Neil, Charles A. Mc Neil, Jerome M. Mc Neil, Kevin Mc Rath, Henry D. Mc Vey Jr., Michael T. Mcdonald, Gerald Mcgeehan, Robert A. Meacham, Kim Meadows, Claudia J. Means, Joann Medley, Benson D. Meehan, Richard Meeks III, Gibbie Mehnert, Robert Melishen, Kevin Mellerson, Lacresha Y. Mellon, Mary L. Melvin, Willie E. Menagh Jr., James A. Mendez, Erasmo Mendez, Magali Mendyk, Joseph J. Mercer, Elmer Merritt, Alfred J. Merritt, David J. Merritt, Juanita M. Merritt, Tanya M. Merriweather, Cleo Mesa, Alberto Meyer, Karen K. Meyer, Keith D. Meyer, Robert A. Meyers, William T. Michael, Tara M. Michaels, Joseph L. Michaloski, Stanley Michel, Oscar R. Micklo, John T. Migliozzi, Frank A. Miles, Anita M. Miles, Don Miles, Fred Miles, Lawrence Milhalovic, Lucas Miller, Charles K. Miller, Gwender
26 241 268 1309 26 1309 85 1575 1309 268 85 1436 26 587 282 85 192 85 1338 26 1 998 265 1015 85 85 1300 85 85 1015 788 689 85 788 726 1338 164 85 587 998 689 726 788 820 726 1342 85 788 1277 1309 726 85 268 1309 1342 836 308 788 241 788 822 85 85 85 85 1342 1309 85 85 998 1338 26 1338 519 282 1338
Miller, James S. Miller, John Terry Miller, Kelly J. Miller, Larry L. Miller, Michael G. Miller, Mitchell A. Miller, Peggy J. Miller, Robert D. Miller, Russell G. Miller, Stanley W. Miller, Thomas G. Milliken, Joseph D. Milliken, Paul R. Milluzzo, Salvator J. Mingle, Charles R. Minney, William H. Minor, Kathy Minor, Leann M. Minor, Nathaniel Mirick, Thomas R. Miser, David G. Mitchell Jr., Cornelius Mitchell-Ward, Cynthia L. Mitchell, Carl Mitchell, Diane Mitchell, Lanette M. Mitchell, Patricia Mitchell, Raphael Mitchell, Tammi T. Mitchell, Toi M. Mitchell, Venetia R. Mitchell, Vernon N. Mitchell, Wilbur J. Mitchell, Willie L. Mitchell, Yvonne L. Mittelmeier, James P. Mizerak, Robert J. Moberly, William C. Moeslein, Thomas M. Moffett, David T. Moffitt, Rita K. Mohr, Michael H. Mojta, Michelle L. Mollise II, Salvatore Monaghan, Matthew Monroe, Gregory Monteer, Leonard J. Monter, Manuel M. Montgomery, Gary L. Montgomery, Melvin C. Montrose, Robert Moody, Clyde H. Moody, Mark Moon, Scott T. Moore-El, Gerald B. Moore, Andrew M. Moore, Donnell Moore, Edward A. Moore, Frencella K. Moore, Glenn R. Moore, Godfrey T. Moore, Gregory M. Moore, Joel P. Moore, Johnny Moore, Judy E. Moore, Laurence C. Moore, Laverne Moore, Lekeitha A. Moore, Lettie R. Moore, Monica S. Moore, Philip C. Moore, Richard D. Moore, Robert J. Moore, Tonya Moore, Wade L. Moorehead, Tammy A.
85 519 1235 26 85 85 883 19 85 1235 85 1436 1235 1235 268 85 1164 998 26 878 1164 998 1309 26 825 85 1338 85 998 26 268 1300 241 268 26 85 265 1015 85 85 689 1015 85 85 726 1309 1287 1575 825 85 822 689 1342 85 268 752 788 85 788 1015 85 268 85 1309 788 587 268 1338 788 788 26 1575 1342 689 1015 788
Morales, Armando 1338 Morales, Hector 1277 Moran, Juan E. 821 Morchinek, Patricia J. 998 Moreno Jr., Joe Armando 1277 Morgan Sr., Andrew 836 Morgan, Billie J. 1338 Morgan, Felicia J. 788 Morgan, Joseph W. 85 Morgan, Kwame A. 689 Morgan, Paul E. 1309 Morgan, Persa 1338 Morgan, Rodney Wayne 1015 Morgan, William O. 689 Mori, Rogelio R. 1277 Morman, Michael A. 241 Morris Sr., Robert H. 85 Morris, Angela J. 1300 Morris, Eileen C. 85 Morris, Gerald W. 587 Morris, Sammy L. 1177 Morton, Deborah A. 1300 Morton, James I. 85 Moser, Jeffrey L. 85 Moss III, William C. 1564 Moss, George T. 1235 Mosura, John 85 Mothershed, Lawrence W. 1309 Motosicky, Thomas P. 85 Mott, Thomas R. 1015 Mounce, Chris W. 627 Mounger, Don G. 998 Mowat Jr., Donald H. 1575 Muckle, Jerome 822 Muhammad, Basim S. 689 Mullen, Davlin 85 Mullenbach, Michael J. 998 Muller, Brian A. 85 Muller, Mary A. 1015 Mullings, Cedric 825 Mumma, Gilbert J. 788 Mummert, Timothy E. 1436 Mumolo, Jeffrey P. 1277 Mumpy, Robert A. 998 Mundy, Tony E. 1277 Muniz, Betty 1338 Muniz, Sara E. 1338 Murguia Jr., Andres 1555 Murphy, Richard W. 85 Murphy, Sharon E. 85 Murphy, Terry L. 268 Murray-Brown, Gary L. 1338 Murray, Daniel V. 85 Murray, David N. 1179 Murray, Garry V. 85 Murray, James R. 164 Murray, Janice C. 1300 Murray, Joann 26 Murray, Lawrence M. 268 Murray, Paula 1300 Murray, Philip 726 Murray, Rosalind D. 1564 Musilek, Donald F. 85 Mussington, Hugh A. 1179 Muszynski, Dennis 998 Muttillo, Anthony 880 Mutzig, David P. 85 Muzzio, Kirk J. 85 Mwasi, Muchugia 1576 Myers, Carlotta H. 241 Myers, Richard T. 689 Myres, Cynthia 1447 Naithram, Robin 689 Narcisi, Philip E. 85 Nash, Joseph M. 998 Nash, Larry 998
Nash, Yelonda L. Nashid, Asim Naujelis, Thomas J. Naylor, Richard L. Neal, Clyde D. Neal, Ira Neal, Isaac J. Neal, Johnny R. Neal, Lloyd C. Neal, Thedois Neely, Bradford R. Neidhardt, Gary A. Nelms, Steven M. Nelson Jr., John C. Nelson, Arthur Nelson, Eddie J. Nelson, Glenwood Nelson, Gwendolyn J. Nelson, Ivan A. Nelson, Jeffrey Nelson, Keith Nelson, Lashonda Nelson, Leon R. Nelson, Mark A. Nelson, Rhonda Nelson, Vicky Y. Neria, Carlos R. Nero, Doreen P. Nero, Wayne A. Neumeyer, David P. Neundorff Jr., James C. New, George E. Newhan, Guy A. Newman, Robert J. Newport III, Don C. Newton Jr., James Nezy, Arno M. Nichols, Brenda D. Nichols, Kenneth Nichols, Kevin Nicholson, Carla Nicholson, Eric Nicholson, Mabel L. Nickelson, James E. Nickeson, Robert G. Nickles, Robin Nickola, Kellie M. Nicolas, Carlo Nicotero, Ross V. Niedelmeyer, Shawn Niedert, Edward L. Nienkark, Jim Nieser, William R. Nieto, Janet Nigron, Alberto Nikolich, Cynthia Ann Nimmick, Alan R. Nimnum, Theodore A. Nishie, Brian T. Nix, William H. Nolan, Darrell D. Nolan, Gerald Nolan, Terrance R. Nolte, George S. Nordstrom, Bruce W. Norman, Judith A. Norreel, Michael G. Norris, Jeannette Norris, Rodney Norris, Willie Northington, George J. Norton, Chris L. Norton, Melaine Norwood Sr., Theodore R. Novak, Gary J. Novak, Kristine A.
998 819 85 308 85 26 192 1342 85 788 1235 85 26 689 689 587 1336 282 1324 265 998 276 998 85 587 1235 1338 1342 1342 85 1056 308 1309 1336 1300 998 1338 268 26 26 788 788 1300 689 85 627 276 825 85 85 1192 1192 85 726 923 85 998 282 1277 268 1235 1235 998 85 519 85 1575 268 1338 1235 1564 1015 610 26 85 998
Nowak, Wayne Nugent, Bryan Nugent, Charles Nunlist, George Nunn, Gerald B. Nwaneri, Rameta O’Bryant, Cheryl O’Bryon, Charles R. O’Connor, Linda M. O’Connor, Maureen O’Connor, Timothy A. O’Connor, Timothy M. O’Geese, Valerie O’Neal, Patrick T. O’Neal, Phillip O’Toole, Thomas J. Oak, Yoon B. Oakford, Stephen S. Oakley Jr., Johnny Q. Obenauf, Robert P. Odell, Geno M. Odoms, Lamar Oglesby, Anthony Ogrinc, David J. Ohler, Robert J. Ojeda, Martin Olare II, William J. Olasin Jr., Joseph Olidge, Brian L. Oliva, Hector A. Oliveira, Edward B. Oliver, Arthur Olney, Christine Olsavicky, Patricia D. Olson, Jane A. Olson, John M. Olson, Richard D. Ondo, Dennis Orellana, Richard D. Orr, Jacqueline W. Ortiz, Deborah J. Ortiz, Elreco Ortiz, Robert Ortiz, Rosalva Orvis, Althea Osborne, Robert A. Oskin, Raymond W. Otey Jr., James C. Ovalle, Manuel A. Owen Jr., Robert T. Owens, James E. Owens, Lenore M. Owens, Ronald Owens, Sydney L. Pace, James A. Pacella, Joseph M. Pacheco, Kirt A. Pacheco, Robert S. Pacheco, Santo Page, Winona J. Palasics, Steve M. Palmer, Donald J. Palmer, John Palmer, John A. Palmer, John C. Palmer, Ozzie L. Palmer, Robert W. Palmieri, Generoso Panati, Janet L. Pappalardo, Peter Pappas, John Paradise, Raymond C. Parini, John J. Parisi, Frank Parker, Crystal M. Parker, Johnny L.
998 1015 726 627 1309 1338 26 85 519 1555 568 85 1338 788 26 85 1277 587 788 85 587 26 26 268 1235 1342 85 85 689 265 820 1338 1235 85 1015 519 998 85 1575 1300 1309 26 998 1309 398 164 85 1235 1177 1742 1309 85 192 1342 85 85 276 1277 825 268 268 85 1338 85 85 282 1015 726 85 726 1179 788 164 726 1177 788
Parker, Nathaniel Parker, Roedonther Parker, Sharon D. Parks, Marcus Parks, Niccolle D. Parnell, Clinton R. Parrett, Quandra Parrish Jr., Vaughn P. Parshay Sr., Darek L. Parson, Joseph D. Pascarella, John J. Pastucha, Patricia A. Patak, Stephen T. Patillo, Demetrius E. Patrick, Carlos Patterson, La Gene E. Patterson, Leonard Patterson, Ronnie Patton Jr., Larry E. Patton Sr., Larry E. Patton, James R. Patton, Nikita Samone Paul Jr., Edward J. Paul, Stanley C. Pawlowski Jr., Joseph R. Paxton, William E. Payne, Christopher Payne, Leroy Payne, Russell Payton, Curtis R. Payton, Roderick D. Pearl Sr., Angelo A. Pearson, Leslie A. Pearson, Pergena Pearson, Ray C. Peck, John S. Pedri, Vincent Peduto, Francis Pegher, William G. Pellegrino, Dennis Y. Pellegrino, Jerome L. Pena III, Dionicio Pendergrass, Ishmael Pent, Diane L. Peoples, Gerald Peoples, Loretta E. Peoples, Walter J. Pepper, Robert C. Perhacs, Arthur A. Perham, Guy M. Perich, Philip J. Perkins Jr., Lloyd Perkins, Cornell Perkins, June D. Perkins, Sandy E. Perlongo, Joseph A. Perris, David A. Perrotti, Charles A. Perry, Brenda Faye Perry, Earl A. Perry, Fountane D. Perry, Lasonji D. Perry, Robert J. Perry, Roberta L. Perry, Tyrone Perry, Wendy B. Perryman, Charles J. Peschek, Craig A. Pete, Will Petersen, Ronald L. Peterson Jr., Donald R. Peterson, Jennifer Petrick, Jerry L. Petro, George R. Petrone, Edward C. Pettaway Jr., Rommie L.
726 308 726 1300 26 85 1342 85 26 689 85 519 85 26 1300 85 85 998 1235 1235 1056 788 85 85 85 85 627 1235 788 825 1564 26 85 1338 998 1179 726 726 85 1145 85 26 1564 85 26 1300 26 788 85 1015 85 998 689 1338 308 1015 85 85 1164 998 689 689 998 85 85 689 998 998 1338 757 998 1310 268 85 1179 689
Pettiford, Paris Angela Pettingill, Nina K. Pettit, Wayne Pettway, Jessie L. Peyton, Thomas Kimmel Pezzano, Francis M. Pfefferkorn, Thomas E. Pfisterer, Leo Edward Pfleging, Frances Phelps, Donald C. Phillips, Kenneth S. Piacentino, Louis Picchini, Michael Piccininni, Frank J. Piccola, Salvatore G. Pierce, Randy Lee Pierce, Rhanda Pigrum, Elsie M. Pilkerton, Charles A. Pillow III, William R. Pimentel, Ana Pintirsch, Michael A. Pirk, Patricia I. Pirozzi, Felix R. Piskulic, Thomas R. Pitta, Joseph Pittman, Eric E. Pitts, Debra L. Pivirotto, Raymond Pizzi, Gregory Pizzuto, James C. Plair, Raymond D. Plansinis, Steven W. Pleasant, Eric Pledger, Brenda S. Pledger, Melvin L. Plummer, Chauncey J. Plump, Craig Plunkett, Robert A. Poindexter, Cryvonne Poindexter, Guenther H. Pointer, John R. Pokrinchak, Ronald G. Polk Sr., Lamar S. Polk, Willie J. Pollard, Alee F. Pollard, Michael L. Pollion, Frederick E. Pompey, Richard Poole, Mary A. Pooran, Kenneth I. Pope, Charles Popeck, Walter W. Porter, Angela J. Porter, Cynthia Porter, Cynthia Porter, Cynthia A. Porter, Richard D. Porter, Tyson T. Porterfield, Johnny Portis, Earl Potts, Wallace L. Poulos, Andrew G. Powe, Douglas L. Powell Jr., Jesse Powell, Diane M. Powell, Gregory L. Powell, Larry Powell, Simone T. Powiershih, Joseph Poyntz, Kevin M. Prater, Mary P. Pratt, Artines Presley, Sherral S. Preston Jr., Otis L. Prevo Jr., Pedro M.
276 313 1321 1336 1235 820 682 85 726 1575 1235 726 726 726 85 788 1575 192 1300 268 1338 85 1235 85 1309 726 1015 1300 85 85 85 265 85 265 1300 1300 1338 788 85 85 1300 998 164 265 998 1300 1300 788 1342 998 241 85 85 998 26 276 1395 85 1164 1300 825 714 726 770 689 241 998 1309 85 726 265 998 1208 998 1336 268
Prexta, Kenneth J. Price II, Robert L. Prilla, George D. Primm, Thomas M. Prince, Curtis L. Prince, Kimberly A. Procoffie, Charles Prokop, Michael R. Prozellar, Judith Prunty, Mark B. Psyk, Lawrence A. Pulphus, Lillian D. Pursley, Danny L. Puryear, Shelley A. Puskar, James M. Pyatt, Chiquita A. Quach, Raymond Q. Quartey, Nicholas Quin-Harkin, John Quinones, Jose D. Quintero, Carlos A. Quirk, Robert V. Quizhpe, Pablo H. Rabb, David S. Racan, James G. Radford Sr., Wesley G. Raffaele, Anthony G. Rahim, Roger A. Rakisits, Cheryl Lynn Raleigh, Bryan D. Rama, Raymond Rambo, Cynthia Ramoodit, Tilack Ramos, Jose Ramsey, James E. Ramsey, Kevin W. Randle, Gloria Randolph, Raphael L. Range, Douglas B. Rangel Jr., Daniel Ranick, Michael A. Rankin, Wendy S. Ransaw, Louis Rauenswinter, Mark R. Rawling Jr., Preston A. Rawls, Barbara J. Ray, Mancefield H. Rayman, Terry L. Raymer, Ronald G. Raynes, David C. Razack, Raymond Reason, Miriam W. Reaves, Waitus A. Reazer, Kevin S. Rebholz, Richard J. Reddick, Christopher F. Redmon, Mary Redmond, Sherman C. Reece, Andre’ T. Reed, Jerry L. Reed, Nazerine Reed, Odell Reep, Shawn S. Reese, Alvin W. Reese, Jerry O. Reese, Lashell N. Reese, Marcia M. Reese, Melvin L. Reese, Thomas W. Reeve, Gary A. Reeves Jr., Charles J. Regan, Gregory Register, Kevin W. Reichenberger, James Reichert, David W. Reid, Anthony A.
268 689 85 85 268 1235 85 85 998 85 519 308 1235 1342 85 241 1277 820 1575 1309 825 618 1235 1342 85 26 85 268 1277 26 825 1338 1056 1056 85 85 268 26 268 1309 85 1015 85 85 1309 85 1235 85 85 164 998 1300 1436 1300 85 689 1338 1338 26 998 689 241 85 265 268 85 85 998 85 587 85 85 268 1056 85 1056
Reid, Bobby C. Reid, Doris L. Reid, Frank T. Reid, Gerald E. Reid, Milton R. Reiss, Ronald W. Reitz, Charles T. Remy, Jean C. Renfro, Sabrina Renwick, Geraldine Resuello, Alfred T. Resutko, Andrew R. Revels Jr., Richard Rexrode, George W. Reynolds, Anthony L. Reynolds, Brian P. Reynolds, Bruce L. Reynolds, Renae Rhodes, Albert H. Rhodes, Julius E. Rice, Charlotte Ann Rice, Warren T. Rich, Edward T. Rich, Warren L. Richard, Mary K. Richards Sr., Timothy W. Richardson Sr., Willie L. Richardson, Beatrice Richardson, Cornell Richardson, Eric J. Richardson, Jesse J. Richardson, John T. Richardson, Kevin B. Richardson, Michele J. Richardson, Othello Richardson, Pamela Rickert, Roy W. Riddick, Mary P. Ries, John J. Riggs, Donald A. Riley Jr., Abrom L. Riley, Charmayne A. Riley, Frank W. Riley, Linda R. Riley, Mary E. Riley, Mavon S. Riley, Michael J. Riley, Michael L. Riley, Nelson A. Rinaldi, Robert Charles Riner, Michael D. Rini, Carolyn D. Rios, Edward Rios, Mike Ritter, Kyle E. Rivas, Catherine L. Rivera, Joseph Rivera, Juan J. Rivera, Wilfredo Rivero, Lydia Rivers, Mary J. Roach, Pamela J. Roark, Alan G. Roark, Joann Robbeloth, James R. Roberson, Erma Roberson, Robert J. Robert, Richard R. Roberto, Ralph Roberts II, John D. Roberts, Deloris B. Roberts, Eduardo J. Roberts, James K. Roberts, Jeff G. Roberts, Joel E. Roberts, Kenneth
1342 1056 85 1342 241 85 85 1235 1342 689 276 85 1287 689 85 1235 1287 85 85 788 85 627 85 1309 85 268 836 820 788 689 85 689 689 268 26 1179 752 788 1342 85 836 1575 998 26 26 1338 85 26 1164 164 587 85 1179 726 519 276 1056 1338 1056 1342 1309 1309 1287 1287 85 1338 1338 1235 85 85 1235 1177 825 1164 1235 26
Roberts, Rodney J. Roberts, Winifred Robertson, Bryant A. Robertson, Michael A. Robinson, Andre Robinson, Danny K. Robinson, Ellis Robinson, Enzy Robinson, Francis N. Robinson, Gary D. Robinson, George E. Robinson, James Robinson, Karen L. Robinson, Michael C. Robinson, Oliver L. Robinson, Paul D. Robinson, Tina Robinson, Tony Robinson, Tracy R. Robinson, Wiley Scottie Robison, Sheldon W. Robles, Cesar Roby, Patty L. Rocha, Lonnie W. Roddy, Marion Rodgers, Marshall E. Rodgers, Shirlleslea D. Rodney, Changra C. Rodocker, Bobbie J. Rodriguez, Beningo Rodriguez, Edgar Rodriguez, Ricardo Rogers, Everrett C. Rogers, James T. Rogers, Jennifer A. Rogers, Kenneth B. Rogers, Sharon D. Roggio, Richard Rohac, Thomas M. Rojas, Antonio Rollins Jr., John F. Rollins, John B. Roloff, Mark A. Romagna, Anthony T. Romano, Anthony B. Romano, Joseph J. Romero, Carlos V. Roner Jr., Hubert J. Rong Jr., Orval E. Rosby, Darryl Rose, Leon Roseborough, Gwendolyn Rosengrant, Barry R. Roshell, Cynthia L. Ross, Diane L. Ross, Gayla Ross, James H. Ross, Jeffery A. Ross, Larry Ross, Terry L. Rothstein, Jason Roundtree, Edith M. Roundtree, Edward L. Rouse, Kendall R. Rouse, Renee F. Roux, Charles H. Rowe, Eugene Rowe, Leonard L. Rowe, Milton G. Royal, Nicholia R. Royster, Derrick Rozga, Jeffrey G. Rozier, De Ann L. Rubinich, John S. Rubino, Joseph V. Rubio, Angel L.
998 85 689 998 1179 1338 1338 998 689 26 26 1164 26 788 241 85 1564 241 1342 1300 689 1338 998 836 788 1235 26 1179 85 1342 1342 1179 689 1300 1342 825 85 726 85 1577 1164 1015 268 85 85 1179 1309 85 276 282 825 268 164 1212 1436 1342 788 85 1338 1338 726 1300 998 998 26 1300 998 268 1342 998 85 998 85 85 1179 825
Rubio, Oscar Rucker, James H. Rucker, Lamon S. Rudder, Patricia A. Rudolph, Albert Ruffin, Kenneth J. Ruminski, Steven M. Rundle, Thomas A. Rupcic, Paul E. Rush, Horace Rushinskiy, Paul Russman, Michael J. Russo, Louise Rutherford, Darius Ryals, Amen J. Ryan, David R. Ryan, Harold Ryan, Kelli L. Ryan, Matt V. Ryan, Michael W. Ryan, Patricia E. Sabir, Muriel I. Sadowski, Robert M. Safko, John A. Sahadeo, Muniram Sahr, Glenn R. Saiani, Geno P. Saiani, Sherry L. Saji, Thomas S. Salazar, Romulo A. Sales, Kenneth W. Salido, Arnoldo Salmon, Ralph D. Salute, Karl Salvatore, Joseph D. Sanchez-Estrada, Brijido Sanchez, Daniel O. Sanchez, Manuel Sanderfer, Marguerite Sanders-Buxton, Carolyn Sanders, Bonnie M. Sanders, Carrie J. Sanders, Cynthia D. Sanders, George A. Sanders, Gerald D. Sanders, Jimmie L. Sanderson, Catrina L. Sandoval, Christopher R. Sanford II, Terry S. Sanford, George J. Santagata, Andomieglio Santangelo, Casper Santiago, John Santimauro, David A. Sapienza, Beth A. Sardo, Benny Sarsfield, Albert R. Saucedo, Maria D. Saucer, Lester Saulle, John C. Saunders, Richard J. Saundras, David C. Saussol, Albert H. Savage, Fred L. Sawdy, Gene E. Saxon, Larry G. Sayre, David Earnest Scaglione, Steve J. Scanlon, Suzanne Schaefer, Michael G. Schaefer, Ronald D. Schafer Sr., David H. Schaller, Terry J. Schallus, Charles G. Schaub, Lynette R. Schenk, Dale M.
1277 788 268 1309 268 788 998 268 85 26 1575 85 726 26 689 85 726 85 1309 85 1564 268 268 85 1179 85 85 85 1056 820 268 1309 1287 1179 618 276 265 1277 1212 1436 241 836 998 587 268 268 1177 85 587 268 618 726 726 85 85 1309 85 1309 689 726 85 85 85 1179 788 268 1742 998 85 788 26 757 519 85 85 998
Scherbick, Donald A. Schifferdecker, Jerry Schildknecht, Mark C. Schilling, Richard A. Schiraldi, Peter H. Schloss, Jess W. Schmitt, John F. Schmitt, Vivian L. Schoffstall, Albert Schoolman, Duane M. Schrader, Mary L. Schultz, Dawn Marie Schultz, Michael P. Schultz, Russell E. Schulz, Ruth M. Schwartz, Donald Schwartz, Frederick J. Schweitzer, Lucius Schwert, Paul S. Scipio, Elizabeth M. Scott, Chastidy D. Scott, David W. Scott, Dean W. Scott, Gail Scott, Kenneth D. Scott, Patricia A. Scott, Tyesha L. Scott, Victor L. Scotto, Vincent Scrugg, Alicia L. Scruggs Sr., Roger Lee Scullon, Charles G. Sealey, Beatrice E. Seaver, Christopher S. Seay, Jeff Sedacy, Sharon T. Sedillo, Phyllis K. Sedlacek, Michael Sedlacek, Patricia M. Sedlachek, Neal R. Seibert, John P. Sellers, Keith Sellman, Andrew L. Semego, Michael G. Senigar, Dexter C. Septh, Kevin B. Sepulveda, George Sereda, Gregory J. Serrano, Ana D. Serrano, Nancy Servatius, Stacey L. Shack, Samuel L. Shakir, Monica M. Shamitko, John R. Shareef, Khalil Akmal Sharrocks Jr., Robert C. Shatzer, Fred F. Shaw, Dejuan Shaw, Randall B. Sheerer, Timothy W. Shelby, Rochelle Sheldon, Noel P. Sheler, Jimmy D. Shellman, Freddie Lee Shelton, Bobby W. Shelton, Ronald M. Shepherd, William J. Sheppard, Jerrell Sheppard, Juantelro L. Sherman, Aleta Shields, Anthony W. Shimkets, Frank R. Shipley, Alvin C. Shipp, Larry H. Shoaf Jr., Thomas C. Shoals, Joshua
85 788 587 85 1145 1015 85 788 85 752 1436 85 752 998 998 1310 1005 85 1235 1300 85 1235 1015 164 1338 1015 26 998 726 1235 1235 85 85 1015 1179 1277 1309 85 85 998 85 726 689 85 1575 1056 1338 265 1336 820 1015 26 268 85 85 1179 85 627 757 85 1338 85 1235 1342 1235 241 85 1338 1338 788 1324 85 85 1235 85 1338
Shoemaker, Robert A. Shorter, Arnold Shorts Sr., Henry Shovlin, Patrick Shows, Rene’e A. Shuler Jr., Willie T. Shumate, Donna L. Sibert, Harry A. Sidhu, Gurcharn S. Siebert, Steve Siedlecki, David Siegle, Jeremy Sierra, Michael Sillman, Richard W. Silva, Roger A. Silvio, Angelo Albert Silvio, Mark A. Simak, Robert A. Simeone, Howard J. Simler, Nancy A. Simmon, Laquicha Simmons, Alicia R. Simmons, Charity M. Simmons, Ella J. Simmons, Jerone M. Simmons, Leonard Simmons, Michael Simmons, Phillip Simmons, Reginald V. Simmons, Ronald P. Simmons, Tawana E. Simmons, Wayne E. Simmons, William S. Simon, Patricia Y. Simonis, Alan J. Simpson, Jerome C. Sims, James C. Sims, James F. Sims, Kenneth W. Sims, Veronica Singh, Amar J. Singh, Santokh Singletary, David R. Singletary, Levern Singleton, Delissa K. Singleton, Gregory Sinkler, Darrell Sintas, Angel Sirk Jr., Harold W. Sirls, Machelle Siwakowski, Robert A. Skanes, Earnest J. Skiver, Patrick B. Slade, Carmen F. Slaughter, Margwenn L. Sleet, Jade L. Sloan, Matthew R. Sloss, Thomas T. Smaby, John F. Smahol, Daniel Smart, Donald B. Smith Jr., Charles Smith Jr., Earl Smith Sr., Ernest R. Smith, Arthur Smith, Audrey P. Smith, Billy A. Smith, Charlie Smith, Clara M. Smith, Clark L. Smith, David A. Smith, David S. Smith, Delesia Smith, Doris F. Smith, Emma Smith, Emmit J.
85 268 1145 682 26 1179 1356 26 276 26 256 627 26 85 192 85 85 85 85 85 1338 282 1342 85 788 85 26 26 689 1015 1342 268 788 770 998 85 26 998 1575 282 276 276 752 1300 610 26 1179 19 268 788 998 1395 268 1177 276 836 268 1235 519 282 820 788 268 878 26 241 1436 1338 998 1235 1742 627 268 1235 1338 1395
Smith, George W. Smith, Homer Smith, Howard J. Smith, Inga Smith, Jamal D. Smith, Janenell M. Smith, Joann Smith, Joel D. Smith, Joseph C. Smith, Joseph D. Smith, Joseph D. Smith, Juanita E. Smith, Juwanna L. Smith, Kathryn D. Smith, Kevin M. Smith, Lambert Smith, Leonard Smith, Lester C. Smith, Levester Smith, Mary C. Smith, Michael D. Smith, Mickey E. Smith, Paul E. Smith, Ralph L. Smith, Ricardo Smith, Richard J. Smith, Robbie A. Smith, Robert W. Smith, Saundra M. Smith, Tenqua Smith, Thomas E. Smith, Willie J. Smith, Winfred Smith, Yolanda G. Smith, Zachary G. Smylie, Noel A. Smythe, Yvonne Sneed, Alissa M. Snider, David F. Sniegocki, Michelle L. Snoderly, Lee R. Snyder Jr., Richard E. Snyder, Barbara J. Snyder, Teri L. Somerville, Charmale F. Sommer, Cynthia L. Sonnie, James D. Sontheimer, Gregg A. Sossong, Mark E. Soto, Denis Southern, Jenarold J. Spangler, Glen C. Sparacino, Joseph Sparandera, Paul F. Sparby, Rita Sparks, Penn Dora Spearman, Joe W. Spearman, Theoplius G. Spears, Charles Spears, Corine A. Spence, Donald B. Spence, Frederic L. Spence, Gregory D. Spencer, John F. Spencer, Lester Spencer, Sharlene Elizabeth Spencer, Teresa A. Spivey, Dwayne L. Spivey, Maria Spraggins II, Frank J. Spraggins, Jesse J. Spratley, Joseph Sprott, Samuel Squire, Patricia A. Sr.ay, David St John, Gary A.
1300 308 85 1300 689 268 726 788 85 825 1212 822 85 1212 788 1555 1235 587 1235 1235 85 1338 1338 85 85 714 1287 26 241 1338 998 268 627 998 85 268 726 26 265 85 1164 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 726 1309 682 726 726 1333 26 268 788 308 308 1342 998 26 1287 788 1336 268 276 1309 788 788 85 19 1321 85 1309
Stadtfeld, Glen E. 85 Stallworth, Dewitt 1395 Stallworth, Ronald C. 998 Stanberry, Alice R. 1395 Stanley Jr., John 85 Stanton, Craig 878 Stanton, Kipp A. 85 Stark, Raymond G. 85 Starkman, Alfredo 85 Staton, James R. 1547 Staudt, Jeffrey P. 85 Steele, Edwin J. 820 Steele, Tobbie 268 Steele, William C. 788 Steger, Robert A. 1235 Stepnick, John R. 85 Steptoe, Charles 1338 Sterling, William E. 164 Stevens Sr., Maurice 1342 Stevenson, Chyrel 1575 Steward, Anthony 1235 Stewart, Craig A. 85 Stewart, Jeffery A. 752 Stewart, June M. 1300 Stewart, Mary A. 85 Stewart, Tina C. 682 Stewart, Wilbert E. 85 Stewart, Zelliar D. 1056 Still, Damian D. 85 Stinnett, Claydron 1338 Stitzel, William J. 85 Stock, Glenn P. 85 Stocke, Dennis J. 85 Stojanova, Violeta B. 788 Stokes, Robert W. 85 Stoudmire, Donald H. 85 Strader, William J. 1179 Straub, Robert J. 85 Streck, Karolyn K. 587 Street, Monique Y. 689 Streeter, Lournie 1300 Streuli, Daniel 1235 Strickland, Jo A. 1235 Strong, Barbara 998 Strong, Exzavier S. 268 Stroud, Rick B. 1164 Stroud, Sherri L. 26 Strupp, William J. 998 Studer, Mark D. 85 Suarez, Leonel Villalpando 1277 Subaric, Vasilije 241 Sugrue, James 726 Sullivan, William G. 589 Summers, Sherman L. 1235 Sumpter, Gregory 1179 Suprano, Gregory S. 85 Sutherland, Maurice L. 1321 Sutton, David D. 1179 Sutton, Robert 1235 Swanstrom, William Rich 1015 Swartwood, Deborah M. 1342 Sweeting, Nathen 825 Swift, Randall L. 998 Swimelar, James R. 1015 Swinney, Kimmer L. 788 Swisher, Gary D. 85 Sykes, Larry 1564 Sylvester, Edmond G. 825 Szalai, Frank D. 998 Szmyd, Robert M. 85 Taalib, Brenda Y. 788 Tabbert, Carl E. 519 Tagaloe, Daniel M. 85 Talarico, Vincent A. 85 Tallent, John I. 1164 Talley, Linda E. 1235
Talocco, John Tanco, Justiniano Tansmore, Tashell Tarasi, Joseph Tarnowski, Thomas N. Tarr, Richard M. Tarsala, Ronald A. Tasby, Henry E. Tate, Scott A. Tatum, Billy D. Tautkus, David G. Taylor III, Charles H. Taylor Jr., Granthom Taylor, Brenda Taylor, Clarence H. Taylor, Diane Taylor, Elizabeth F. Taylor, Gerald D. Taylor, James L. Taylor, Jon J. Taylor, Lisa K. Taylor, Max S. Taylor, Mildred Taylor, Pamela J. Taylor, Paul A. Taylor, Reid Taylor, Sean L. Taylor, Stanley M. Teague, Raymond W. Teasley, La Donna Teeter, Dale M. Tejsingh, Laikram Telek, Ronald K. Templer Jr., Tom Terrell, Trevor D. Terreri, Dennis J. Terry, John D. Terry, Nathan S. Tharpe, Lamont Thom, Michael P. Thomas, Alfred Thomas, Allan Thomas, Andrew R. Thomas, Brian L. Thomas, Carla D. Thomas, Douglas L. Thomas, Jacqueline E. Thomas, Jason R. Thomas, John L. Thomas, Roland Thomas, Ronald Thomas, Roy Thomas, Sha’ron Thomas, Teresa Thomas, William L. Thomas, Willie B. Thomas, Willie L. Thompson, Byron B. Thompson, Latasha S. Thompson, Terry A. Thompson, Willie L. Thorps, Vivian M. Thorton, Sondra Thrower, Jeffery J. Tidwell, Cassandra Tiedeman, Donald Tilley, Bessie L. Tillman, Felicia A. Tillman, Wilbert Tinker, Linda M. Tipton, Eddie L. Todaro, Charles Todd, Christopher J. Todd, Quentace Tognarine, Regis J. Tolbert, Charles
825 1179 85 85 998 85 85 1338 998 1287 85 282 1342 268 241 268 1342 998 192 85 1235 1742 1300 788 1742 1179 689 689 1179 26 1145 1056 85 998 1235 85 241 1300 1309 268 880 825 998 752 1338 85 1056 85 587 788 1338 726 1300 519 788 587 618 788 788 85 268 788 627 1015 268 836 1091 1342 1342 1436 998 1342 1309 85 85 268
Tolbert, John K. 282 Tollens, Jose A. 282 Toney, Samuel M. 85 Toomey, David J. 726 Torello, Rosie B. 788 Torian, Rosalind 19 Torres Jr., Carlos 1179 Torres, Jose 689 Torres, Jose G. 1179 Torres, Steven A. 276 Tortora, Ludwing 726 Tousignant, Peter M. 998 Touvell, Diamond 276 Tovar, Rodrigo 1277 Towns, Travis 998 Townsend Jr., James O. 26 Townsend, Christine E. 788 Townsend, Eric 85 Tramontano, Vincent 618 Travers, Carolyn M. 1300 Travis, Robert A. 85 Treadwell, Scott A. 85 Trevino, Mario A. 1235 Trimble, Geraldine 268 Triplett, Charles N. 788 Triplett, Walter 268 Triplin, Ernest E. 1179 Trost, Charles 726 Troyer, Teresa 1015 Truby, Richard W. 998 Truiett, Joseph D. 1300 Truitt, Lugene 26 Trujillo, Eduardo R. 823 Trujillo, Joseph Lynn 85 Tsegaye, Fassil 1235 Tubens, Edwin 1056 Tucker, Anthony G. 268 Tucker, Darla J. 85 Tucker, Jeffrey S. 1235 Tucker, Michael J. 1235 Tucker, Vince E. 689 Tucker, Welbert L. 268 Turinski, Eric 164 Turner, Allen Sidney 85 Turner, Jerome L. 85 Turner, Larry G. 26 Turner, Rochelle D. 1300 Turner, Timothy L. 627 Turner, Vanessa Ann 192 Turzak, Gregory 85 Twardowski, Boguslaw Bob 1277 Tynes, Doris L. 1177 Tyrell, Leighton W. 1179 Tyus, Gwendolyn D. 268 Uglialoro, Rudy M. 282 Uherc, Joseph 268 Uhls, Claude R. 1235 Ulam, Michael T. 85 Urango, Edna 265 Urda, Frank J. 85 Uthuppu, Issac 825 Uzzell, Larry L. 788 Vachal, Joseph E. 85 Valdivia, Henrietta 1287 Vale, Vernon P. 1575 Valentine, Francis 726 Valentine, Freddie 1338 Valentino, Emedio V. 85 Valenzuela Jr., Andrew 1056 Vallecorsa, William J. 85 Vallus, John 85 Van Ellis Jr., Charles 308 Vance, Bernice M. 26 Vang, Ge 519 Vargas, Andrew L. 268 Vargas, Rene I. 1145
Vargo, Rocky J. Varley, William D. Varnum, Kevin Vasher, David Vaughn Jr., Frenchel Vaughn, Calvin E. Vaughn, Nikki Vaughn, Reginald Vazquez, George L. Vega, Sharon L. Velez, Lucio Veloz, David A. Veltri, Francis R. Ventrice, Anthony P. Vereb, Eugene J. Verges, Debra Verhaalen, Robert J. Verlato, Ted W. Vermeulen III, Frank J. Vernon, Geraldine N. Vides, Francisco Vietmeier, Thomas J. Vikara, George J. Villanueva, Alfonso V. Villegas, Hector M. Villegas, Olga R. Vincent, Arthur M. Vitalbo, Lisa A. Vogel Jr., James F. Vogel, Edward C. Vollmar, Richard J. Von Arx, Richard Vukmanic, Joseph Vurich III, Joseph P. Vybiral, Matthew S. Wachtl, James A. Wade, Arnold S. Wade, Richard W. Wade, Rita T. Wagner, Ronald R. Wagner, Wayne E. Waite, Kevin Wakefield, Rosalyn K. Waken, Daniel E. Walden, Stephanie L. Walker Jr., David Walker Jr., Donald F. Walker, Ackema S. Walker, Anthony L. Walker, David A. Walker, Deborah J. Walker, Dennis Walker, Donna R. Walker, Henry J. Walker, L. D. Walker, Margaret Walker, Thomas G. Wallace Jr., Lorenzo Wallace, Thomas R. Waller, Cornell Walls, Vincent D. Walnick, Mark A. Walsh, James T. Walther, Kenneth P. Walton, Howard L. Walz, Gerald Wang, Chuen H. Ward Sr., Carl Ward, Sheron M. Wardezak, James C. Ware, Eddie L. Warner, Michael L. Warren III, Ernest Warren Jr., Joseph D. Warren, Laverne Warren, Liticia Lanette
1575 85 726 1338 1338 788 26 1564 726 268 1338 1277 85 85 85 788 998 85 85 282 820 85 85 1277 1309 819 85 85 85 85 998 519 268 265 85 998 85 1235 1164 85 85 726 268 268 85 1338 85 1235 268 1575 268 268 85 26 689 1300 1164 268 85 26 268 85 85 998 268 164 1056 26 788 85 268 398 1287 276 308 1300
Warren, Nathaniel R. 26 Warwick, Willis Lavalle 843 Washington-White, Brenda S. 788 Washington, Adrian L. 85 Washington, Angela M. 1575 Washington, Anthony E. 689 Washington, Brian K. 788 Washington, Kirk 26 Washington, L. Robin 1177 Washington, Lonnie 998 Washington, Milton E. 1287 Washington, Newman V. 1338 Washington, Paul 998 Washington, Synetta L. 1395 Washington, Tywanna F. 85 Wasick, Michael D. 85 Waters, Stephanie D. 1300 Watkins, Brian S. 752 Watkins, Donna M. 241 Watkins, Jerry 1235 Watkins, Kevin W. 788 Watkins, Mallory Y. 85 Watson Sr., David E. 26 Watson, Debra A. 998 Watson, Delores 308 Watson, Marjorie B. 1577 Watson, Reginald 1338 Watson, Roy M. 689 Watts, Glenda G. 1309 Wayman, Paul F. 1145 Waymer, Charise 726 Waymer, Christopher 726 Weare, Ivory 998 Weatherly, Marcus P. 1342 Weaver, Anita 26 Weaver, Dana 1235 Weaver, Franklin J. 587 Weaver, Jimmy E. 256 Weaver, John L. 1436 Weaver, Joseph L. 998 Webb, Alice L. 757 Webb, Danny K. 788 Webb, Gerald E. 689 Webb, Richard M. 1145 Webb, Wendy D. 788 Webster, Arlene M. 85 Webster, Keenna D. 998 Webster, Kenneth A. 788 Webster, Michael C. 85 Weems Jr., Leonard F. 268 Weems, Troy A. 85 Wehner, David C. 85 Wehrmeister, Brian A. 85 Weihrauch, Scott T. 85 Weiss, William T. 85 Weitz, Alan F. 85 Wellington, Donnie L. 998 Wellington, Larry D. 689 Wells Jr., Frederick M. 26 Wells, Donald L. 1277 Wells, Labarion 998 Welman, Samuell 1338 Wendt, Alan F. 998 Werwie, James J. 85 Wesby, Yvonne 788 Wesley, Joyce 1338 Wesley, Robert L. 1564 Wessell, Eric S. 923 West, Earl P. 1179 Westfall, Mary E. 85 Wetmore, Edward C. 85 Wetmore, Gene 85 Wetzel, Thomas E. 85 Whatley, Thomas J. 268 Wheeler, Alious 1342 Wheeler, Ellen 26
Wheeler, George H. Wheeler, Jack Wheeler, Leona Wheeler, Monika Whelan, Stephen Whetstone, Olivia Whitaker, Alphonso White, Angelique G. White, Carmale L. White, Drayfris K. White, Edna J. White, Gary T. White, Larita Yvonne White, Nathaniel L. White, Richard W. Whitehead, Tyrone B. Whitfield, Willie L. Whitley, Dan E. Whitlock, Gregory T. Whitlow II, Reginald M. Whitten, Clarence Whittley, Rodney Wickenhoefer, Claudine Wierzchowski, John F. Wierzchowski, Kim R. Wietrzykowski, Charles R. Wilbert, Lauri Wilcher, Stephine D. Wilcox, Robert L. Wilder, Denise E. Wiley, Gary H. Wiley, Jeanette Wilford, Lestine M. Wilke, Terry L. Wilkerson Jr., Robert Wilkerson, Freddie M. Wilkes Sr., Malcolm P. Willett, David J. Willette, Steven L. Williams Jr., Charles A. Williams Jr., Earl Williams Jr., Jorge R. Williams Jr., Lewis Williams Jr., Martin C. Williams Jr., Paul Williams-Green, Ruby D.
998 726 1300 85 726 1300 1177 192 788 308 276 85 276 1300 85 85 241 788 1309 26 1300 998 1575 85 998 85 85 1235 689 587 85 1338 788 1015 26 1338 1177 1300 998 689 788 1177 1300 268 268 788
Williams, Albert Williams, Almazine Williams, Bradley D. Williams, Catherine Williams, Charles Williams, Charley L. Williams, Charmin Williams, David Q. Williams, David T. Williams, Donald L. Williams, Duane G. Williams, Edwin A. Williams, Elaine R. Williams, Eric Williams, Gary A. Williams, Gary L. Williams, Gerald L. Williams, Gregory M. Williams, Henrietta Williams, Izell Williams, Janice M. Williams, Joseph Williams, Karima K. Williams, Keith Williams, La Vaughn Williams, Lamar I. Williams, Laronda Williams, Lautricia Williams, Leslie Williams, Lisa W. Williams, Lolette Williams, Manzell Williams, Marshall T. Williams, Melvin D. Williams, Michael L. Williams, Milton H. Williams, Nicole L. Williams, O’Dell R. Williams, Phyllis J. Williams, Regina G. Williams, Reginald Williams, Rene Williams, Ronnell M. Williams, Roxanne S. Williams, Shant Williams, Stanley Q.
241 1164 1342 241 1338 788 627 265 689 1287 26 1179 85 1309 1300 1338 26 26 85 1177 268 1338 85 1447 26 268 1338 1338 819 268 1179 276 1056 268 85 85 1436 26 85 1338 26 265 19 85 1300 1300
Williams, Theresa Williams, Ventley R. Williams, Victoria Williams, Walter Williamson-Cheatham, V. Williamson, Derrick K. Willis, Gary M. Willis, Troy M. Wilmer, Sharon Wilson Jr., J. C. Wilson-Lowery, Jamie C. Wilson, Calvin L. Wilson, Cheryl R. Wilson, Deborah J. Wilson, Donald A. Wilson, Donald L. Wilson, Gerald B. Wilson, Kenneth L. Wilson, Kevin E. Wilson, Latanya Wilson, Maria Wilson, Michael Wilson, Rodney Wilson, Rosetta L. Wilson, Terry A. Wilson, Wayne Carlyle Wimbish, Johnny D. Wimbish, William E. Wincko, Michael P. Winston, Joe T. Winston, Walter Winters, Daniel J. Winters, Lamont M. Winters, Robert L. Wirbicki, Vincent Wisbey, Sherry T. Wisdom, Warren Wise, Lori Jean Wise, Ted J. Wisniewski, Robert Witcraft, Paul Witherspoon, Thomas R. Witkowski, Kelly J. Witt, Robert J. Wittenmeyer, Dale W. Wojtseck Jr., John E.
1091 998 1309 26 1564 308 268 1235 85 26 998 265 847 85 998 1309 26 85 1338 1338 627 825 268 1300 85 85 1309 1309 85 689 268 85 788 1342 85 1015 1309 85 1015 85 519 689 85 1300 85 85
Wolas, Richard D. Wolf, Charles W. Womack, Delores D. Woo, John Y. Wood, Callie M. Wood, Debra P. Wood, James M. Wood, Michael Woodall, William J. Woodard, Gerald R. Woodard, Linda L. Woodcook, Frances C. Woodley, Brenda J. Woodruff, Byron L. Woodruff, Edward S. Woodruff, Luther Woods, Robert G. Woodward, Carla D. Wortham, Darry D. Wortham, Kean Worthy, Sandy L. Woshner, Gregory T. Wright Jr., Ray A. Wright, Alan Wright, Colin M. Wright, Curtis E. Wright, John K. Wright, Lawrence L. Wright, Manuel A. Wright, Melvin Wright, Rodney Wynn, Derek A. Wynn, Gregory A. Wynn, Roosevelt L. Wynn, Stephanie R. Wynn, Yvette R. Wynott, Charles D. Wyrick, Clyde E. Wyrsch, Gregory A. Xiques, Alberto Yakelis, David A. Yandrlic, Richard D. Yang, Ge Yanosky Jr., Steven Yarbrough, Rita C. Yarusinsky, Michael G.
85 880 1321 1575 788 1179 689 1056 1212 268 1235 85 282 689 85 689 85 268 998 1338 757 85 1070 1338 587 788 998 998 1309 788 1338 85 1235 1177 788 85 589 85 1575 1338 85 85 519 85 268 85
Ybarra, Richard R. Yeargin, Linda F. Yearsley, Joseph W. Yenchik, Steven P. Yobbi, Gregory D. Youkers, Terence J. Young Jr., John J. Young, Andre L. Young, Donnell Young, Marcus Young, Raymond Young, Robert L. Young, Thomas Young, Tyler R. Younger, James M. Younghans, Gregory G. Yuen, Steven Yura, Thomas C. Zagami, Anthony J. Zahn, James E. Zaldivar, Damian J. Zambri, Paul L. Zangrilli Sr., Daniel J. Zapata, Thomas Zawacki, Ronald R. Zeis, Robert M. Zellars, Kenton H. Zendejas, Michael Ziebart, Gordon D. Ziegler, John A. Zilch, David A. Zimmerman, Bernard Zimmerman, Roger Zink, Stephen L. Zito, Gala Znidarzich Jr., John J. Zoeller, David P. Zook, Chad A. Zubik, Sherry Ann Zuelow, Lewis F. Zupanek, David R. Zwetzig, Michael J.
256 1235 85 85 85 85 85 85 26 519 85 26 923 1179 1342 85 308 85 1056 85 1309 85 85 1056 85 85 85 1277 998 85 85 1267 519 1015 1338 85 85 1436 85 1575 85 757
NJ Council Rally The New Jersey Council joined a recent demonstration in front of the statehouse in Trenton where over 15,000 union members gathered to protest cuts and changes in public employee pension systems. The state wants to do away with defined pensions for new employees and offer 401(k) retirement plans instead. From left, are Recording Secretary Ray Greaves, Local 819-Newark, NJ; Local President John Costa, 819; and Vice President Benjamin Evans, 819; Local President Alvin Dingle, 821-Jersey City, NJ; and New Jersey State Joint Council Chair Vito Forlenza.
Local 276 - Stockton, CA
Local 741 - London, ON
Local President Vincent Contino and International Vice President Bill Mclean report the results of interest arbitration between members of Local 276 and the San Joaquin Regional Transit District.
Local President Stephen Holmes and International Vice President Randy Graham report settlement between members of Local 742 and the London Transit Commission. Operator Wages Over Term: $21.12 - $23.07 H & W: Vision Care $250 (was $225) Shoe Allow.: $125 (was $110)
7/1/03 - 6/30/06
7/1/06 - 7/1/09
Operator Wages Over Terms: $19.59 - $23.22 Mechanic Wages Over Terms: $21.78 - $25.81 H & W:
’ee opt-out min 25%
Life Ins.: $20,000 Sick Leave: Max accrual increased 12 days/yr for each yr of contract, 100% buy back at retirement Tool Allow.:
To $430
Unif. Allow.:
To $385
Note: Maintenance Differentials: 5% Swing, 7% Graveyard, 5% Lead Mechanic
Local 587 - Seattle, WA Local President Lance Norton and International Vice President Ron Heintzman report settlement between members of Local 587 and Paratransit Services, Inc. (Clallam). Term:
1/1/07 - 12/31/09
Operator Wages Over Term: $13.60 - $15.07 Mechanic Wages Over Term: $17.12* - $18.98 *per CBA COLA Yr 2 & 3 - based on 95% of CPI-U (Seattle) min 2% - max. 4% Vacation: 20 yrs of svc - 200 hrs (new) Note: Trailer Pay - 110% of hourly rate
Local 690 - Fitchburg, MA Local president Anthony Salerno and International Vice President Richard Murphy report settlement between members of Local 690 and Dial-A-Mart (MTS2). Term:
11/1/06 - 10/31/11
Operator Wages Over Term: $15.35 - $18.00 Overtime: Bereavement, Jury Duty, Personal Vacation will count as time worked (new) S & A: Short term disability: ’er contribution 50%, ’ee 50% by end of collective bargaining agreement (new) Vacation:
6 wks after 24 yrs of svc (new)
4 days (spouse & child) was 3
Training pay 50¢/hr (was 25¢/hr) allow = allowances COLA = cost-of-living allowance d/b/a = doing business as ’ee(s) = employee(s) eff = effective ’er = employer eve = evening FMLA = Family Medical Leave Act FT = full-time H&W = Health & Welfare
Local 757 - Portland, OR Local President Jon Hunt and International Vice President Ron Heintzman report settlement between members of Local 757 and Oregon Housing and Associate Services. Term: 7/1/06 - 6/30/08 Operator Wages Over Term: $15.10 - $17.00 Mechanic Wages Over Term: $16.48 - $18.19 H & W: Opt Out - monthly equivalent paid to ’ees Vacation: Bid every 6 mos, cannot be cancelled by ’er Sick Leave: FT - 8 hrs/mo, max accrual 480 hrs (was 320) Longevity: 6+ yrs of svc - 40¢/hr Note: New position of lot attendant created shift differential - 25¢/hr
Local 900 - Waukegan, IL Local President Gary Schaefer and International Vice President Janis Borchardt report settlement between members of Local 900 and PACE North Division. Term: 1/1/06 - 12/31/08 Operator Wages Over Term: $20.10 - $21.60 Mechanic Wages Over Term: $22.14 - $23.77 Bonus: Perfect Attendance - $50 + one additional day off every 6 mos Life Ins.: To $28,000 Pension: ’er contribution 4% of earnings ’ee contribution 4% of earnings Sick Leave: 3 days/yr - 4 days w/ 2+ yrs Tool Allow.: To $350 Unif. Allow.: To $270 Note: Maintenance - shift differential 20¢/hr
Local 966 - Thunder Bay, ON Local President Charles Brown and International Vice President Larry Kinnear report settlement between members of Local 966 and the City of Thunder Bay. Term: 7/1/04 - 6/30/09 Operator Wages Over Term: $19.01 - $21.52 hr = hour ins = insurance max = maximum med = medical mi = mile min = minimum mo = month PT = part-time pmt = payment prem = premium
S&A = sickness & accident SL = sick leave svc = service unif = uniform yr = year wk = week w/=with @=at +=plus x=times
Local 1220 - Richmond, VA Local President Marshall Avent and International Vice President Tommy Mullins report settlement between members of Local 1220 and the Old Dominion Transit Management Company. Term: 10/1/06 - 9/30/09 Operator Wages Over Term: $18.00 - $19.84 Mechanic Wages Over Term: $19.64 - $21.22 Progression: - 32 yrs (was 42) - 6 mo increments (was 1 yr) - Fewer than 3 absences & no preventable accidents will move ahead an additional step S & A: Short Term Disability to $310/wk by end of collective bargaining agreement Life Ins.: To $31,000 by end of collective bargaining agreement Pension: Contributions to ’ee 6.5%, ’er 8.5% by end of collective bargaining agreement Holidays: Eligible at end of probation (was 1 yr)
Local 1374 - Calgary, AB Local President Len Munter and International Vice President Bob Hykaway report settlement between members of Local 1374 and the City of Red Deer. Term: 1/1/07 - 12/31/08 Wages: $20.50 - $22.33 Overtime: Paid at 2x regular rate (was 1.5x) Vacation: Add 1 day for each 2nd yr after 24 yrs of svc Sick Leave: 1 day/mo (was 3/4 day) Note: Training rate - 106% of regular rate
Schedule of Upcoming Events April 25 - 29
Can-Am Conference Orlando, FL
May 24 - 27
40th Anniversary Black Caucus Chicago, IL
June 7 - 10
Canadian Council Conference Niagara Falls, ON
June 13 -14 AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurers Conference Cincinnati, OH June 28 - July 1 * Women’s Caucus Sacramento, CA
Local 1498 - Joplin, MO Local President Richard Davis and International Vice President Tommy Mullins report settlement of an agreement between members of Local 1498 and Jefferson Lines. Term: 3/1/06 - 2/28/09 Operator Wages Over Term: $.3350 - $.3550/mi Mechanic Wages Over Term: $22.87 - 23.91 Bonus: Up to $.0075/mi for meeting safety & performance standards Overtime: Additional 10¢/mi when work on day off Tool Allow.: $140 (was $125) Note: Operators receive 2 hr pay for fueling buses.
Local 1547 - Brockton, MA Local President Richard O’Flaherty and International Vice President Richard Murphy report settlement of an agreement between members of Local 1574 and East Coast Transit Services. Term: 7/1/06 - 6/30/11 Operator Wages Over Term: $20.60 - $24.00 Mechanic Wages Over Term: $21.78 - $25.13 Bonus: Signing bonus $200/FT, $100/PT S & A: Short Term Disability to $475 (was $425) Life Ins.: $40,000 (was $30,000)
August 7 - 8
AFL-CIO Executive Council Meeting Chicago, IL
September 14 - 16 Latino Caucus Las Vegas, NV September 17 - 21 55th International Convention Las Vegas, NV October 22
22nd Annual MS Golf Tournament Rockville, MD
October 27 - November 1
Financial Secretary Seminar Silver Spring, MD
November 13 - 17
Arbitration Seminar Silver Spring, MD
*Recent Change
wellness As an ATU member, you work hard all day to keep the vehicles moving so that your passengers can get where they need to go. You take pride in the vehicles you operate and maintain; you do your best to make sure that they are in safe operating condition. The ATU is challenging you to take the same care and pride in making sure that your body is in safe operating condition. Just like your passengers depend on the safety of the vehicle you operate or maintain, you and your loved ones depend on you keeping your body in a healthy and safe condition. By establishing a routine of exercise and healthy eating habits, you may reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, certain cancers, and other medical conditions. You can increase your chances for a longer life.
Start by taking a walk. A five minute walk can: (1) reduce your blood pressure; (2) increase your ability to burn calories; (3) decrease your stress levels; and (4) help control your appetite.
Next, make smart dietary choices. The best way to give your body the balanced nutrition it needs is by eating a variety of nutrient-packed foods every day. Just be sure to stay within your daily calorie needs. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which regularly issues science-based nutrition and dietary guidance, a healthy eating plan: n n n
Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products. Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. Is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars.
To calculate your daily calorie needs, go to http://www.health.gov/dietaryguidelines.
Get Started Today! The sooner you start, the better for you, your family, and your future! To receive monthly ATU Focus on Wellness emails, with additional exercise and nutrition tips and recipe recommendations, go to http://www.atu.org.
*Information for this article was provided courtesy of the USDA and Marsha Mann, a certified medical and conditioning specialist in McLean, VA.
General Executive Board LAKE BUENA VISTA, FL - OCTOBER 9 - 13, 2006 FIRST SESSION The meeting convened at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, October 9, 2006. General Executive Board Members present were Joseph Welch, Rodney Richmond, Donald Hansen, Robert Baker, Randy Graham, Javier Perez, Jr., Richard Murphy, Bob Hykaway, Charles Cook, William McLean, Ronald Heintzman, Janis M. Borchardt, Paul Bowen, Larry Hanley, and Gary Rauen. International President Warren George presided. Also attending were International Executive Vice President Michael Siano, International Secretary-Treasurer Oscar Owens, Chief of Staff Benetta Mansfield, General Counsel Leo Wetzel, Executive Assistant to the International President Beth Petrusic, and Administrative Assistant to the International Executive Vice President Missy Goode. Retired International Vice President Karen Simmons and retired Canadian Council Director Ken Foster attended as guests. International Vice Presidents Tommy Mullins, Larry Kinnear, and Kenneth Kirk were excused. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS AND GENERAL DISCUSSIONS International President George outlined several pending matters and issues of concern to the Union, each of which was the subject of open discussion between and among the executive officers and the members of the Board. The circumstances faced at Local 1181-New York, NY, following the federal court indictment of the Local’s president, its financial secretary, and the administrative director of the union’s pension and welfare funds, was reviewed at considerable length. A pending petition from members of Local 113-Toronto, ON, suggesting that the International Secretary-Treasurer require an independent audit of that Local’s books was also discussed. International President George additionally discussed concerns in the face of certain allegations which arose in the Local 1462-St. John’s, NL, trusteeship proceedings. A variety of other topics likewise arose and were the subject of general discussion, including the International Union’s unwavering commitment to diversity in the selection of union representatives, the current status of efforts promoting maintenance testing and certifications, and recently instituted and planned improvements in communications from the International Union, including an up-dated website. AUDIT COMMITTEE APPOINTED Appointed to the Audit Committee were International Vice Presidents Randy Graham, Javier Perez, Jr., and Richard Murphy. International Vice President Randy Graham, further, was appointed as Chair of the panel. MINUTES APPROVED The minutes of the previous General Executive Board meeting were approved. The meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m. to reconvene at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 10, 2006.
SECOND SESSION The meeting convened at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 10, 2006. General Executive Board Members present were Tommy Mullins, Joseph Welch, Rodney Richmond, Donald Hansen, Robert Baker,
Randy Graham, Javier Perez, Jr., Richard Murphy, Bob Hykaway, Charles Cook, William McLean, Ronald Heintzman, Janis M. Borchardt, Paul Bowen, Larry Hanley, Kenneth Kirk, and Gary Rauen. International President Warren George presided. Also attending were International Executive Vice President Michael Siano, International Secretary-Treasurer Oscar Owens, Chief of Staff Benetta Mansfield, General Counsel Leo Wetzel, Executive Assistant to the International President Beth Petrusic, and Administrative Assistant to the International Executive Vice President Missy Goode. Retired Canadian Council Director Ken Foster attended as a guest. International Vice President Larry Kinnear was excused. STRIKE SANCTION APPROVED Upon the request of International Vice President Tommy Mullins, the Board granted strike sanction to the members of Local 1220Richmond, VA, employed by the Greater Richmond Transit Company. PREVIOUS AUTHORIZATION FOR CHARGES OF DUAL UNIONISM AGAINST LOCAL 1235-NASHVILLE, TN, MEMBER RESCINDED At the request of International Vice President Tommy Mullins and in accordance with the expressed desires of the members of Local 1235-Nashville, TN, the Board duly enacted to withdraw its prior authorization for the issuance of a complaint against Member Dujan Thompson under Section 22.2 of the ATU Constitution and General Laws on charges of dual unionism. REPORT OF THE INTERNATIONAL SECRETARY-TREASURER ON ATU-COPE, ATU SCHOLARSHIP, AND MS RESEARCH FUNDS ATU-COPE The Amalgamated Transit Union Committee on Political Education (ATU-COPE) program collects voluntary contributions from ATU members for the purposes of making contributions to and expenditures for candidates for federal, state and Local offices and addressing federal, state and Local political issues. ATU-COPE consists primarily of the Voluntary Account, which is used to make contributions to candidates for federal elections (i.e., U.S. Senate, U.S. House, and U.S. President), and to state and Local candidates in jurisdictions which strictly regulate political contributions. In addition to the Voluntary Account, ATU-COPE maintains the Special Holding Account for contributions to state and Local candidates and also maintains separate accounts in Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, New York, Virginia and Wisconsin, as required by those states’ laws. The highlights of the fully reported contributions paid from the various funds (combined) for the six month period ending June 30, 2006, were as follows: Federal Senatorial Campaigns Congressional Campaigns Other
$ 28,928.11 $ 129,600.00 $ 25,000.00
State Senatorial Campaigns Representative Campaigns Other
$ 44,780.00 $ 47,970.00 $ 6,200.00
Local Mayoral Campaigns Councilperson Campaigns Other
$ 5,650.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 18,205.00
Between January 1, 2006, and June 30, 2006, ATU-COPE took in contributions totaling $365,994.83. As of June 30, 2006, the funds had a combined available balance of $232,721.68. ATU SCHOLARSHIP The selection process for the 19th annual ATU Scholarships, named in memory of John W. Rowland, former International President, was completed during this period by the Scholarship Selection Committee. The committee was chaired by James Kennedy, Jr., senior vice president of Union Labor Life Insurance Company. Committee members consisted of: John W. Harrison, III, president of Eberts & Harrison; and Cynthia Watson, Esquire, of Watson Labour Lawyers. A total of 85 applications (67 from the U.S. and 18 from Canada) met all of the program’s requirements. These were reduced to 18 finalists and one finalist for the vocational scholarship. The Committee complimented the applicants for their interesting biographical statements and essays. This year’s winners were as follows: Hiu-Yan (Tracy) Chan, daughter of ATU Local 1277-Los Angeles, CA, member Manchiu Chan, who is interested in pursuing a career in biomedical engineering. Matthew Dick, son of Local 113-Toronto, ON, member, Owen Dick, who plans to pursue a career in public affairs and policy management. Jenny Einarson, daughter of Local 1587-Toronto, ON, member Jean Martin, who plans to obtain a degree in chemical engineering. Julia Lane, daughter of Local 587-Seattle, WA, member Doug Lane, who is interested in obtaining a degree in international relations and film production. Brian Muir, son of Local 589-Boston, MA, member David Bruce Muir, who plans to pursue a career in biomedical engineering. The vocational/technical scholarship was awarded to Alexis Chan, daughter of Local 615-Saskatoon, SK, member Stephen Chan, who is pursuing a career as a pharmacy technician. ATU MS RESEARCH FUNDS The 21st annual golf tournament for the benefit of multiple sclerosis research was scheduled for September 25, 2006, at Norbeck Country Club. At the close of the reporting period, we were looking forward to returning to Norbeck after last year’s tournament was unexpectedly moved to Worthington Manor due to a landscaping disease on the course. The announcements for our annual fundraiser were mailed in June and a full complement of golfers was expected. A representative from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society was to speak at the tournament and share information regarding the use of our donated funds, as well as provide information on any developing advancements in multiple sclerosis research. Financial Statements for the period of January 1, 2006, through June 30, 2006, for both the U.S. and Canadian MS Research Funds were provided to the General Executive Board members. REQUESTS FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE LOCAL 1498-JOPLIN, MO Local President Richard Davis, by letter of January 27, 2006, requested financial assistance due to pending contract expenses and legal fees associated with several arbitrations necessitated by Jefferson Partners’ failure to honor the terms of the labor contract between the parties. The financial statement for Local 1498 for the period ended December 31, 2005, listed a beginning balance of $5,152.14. Receipts for the period amounted to $42,615.85 and disbursements were $53,831.89,
leaving a balance at the end of the period of $2,281.47. Following careful review and consideration, the General Executive Board voted to authorize the executive officers to further investigate the circumstances presented and to afford to Local 1498 such financial assistance as they might determine, in the exercise of their discretion and judgement, to be appropriate. LOCAL 1317-CLIFTON, NJ Local President Lou Dziopa requested financial assistance in the form of a six-month per capita tax waiver due to the legal expenses incurred for 11 arbitration cases dating back to January 2003 and two upcoming arbitration cases, as well as contract negotiation costs associated with the development of a new collective bargaining agreement for a term commencing in September of 2006. The financial statement for Local 1317 for the period ended December 31, 2005, listed a beginning balance of $2,007.63. Receipts for the period amounted to $81,444.68 and disbursements were $80,632.81, leaving a balance at the end of the period of $2,819.50. Following careful review and consideration of the facts, the General Executive Board voted to grant Local 1317 a waiver of its per capita tax obligations for six (6) months. TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO PENSION PLAN FOR INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES International President George informed the Board that the actuary retained by the pension plan for the ATU officers and employees had advised that significant contributions will need to be made to the trust fund in order to satisfy minimum funding requirements. The actuary also advised that the U.S. Pension Protection Act of 2006 may have a significant effect on future funding requirements. A brief discussion of the new U.S. law and its anticipated impact upon collective bargaining negotiations over the coming years ensued. Acting pursuant to Section 43 of the ATU Constitution and General Laws, the General Executive Board then unanimously adopted a motion to ratify and approve the transfer from Union funds the required contributions to the pension plan and trust as determined by the plan’s actuary. APPEALS TO THE GENERAL EXECUTIVE BOARD Luciano Moore, 1277-Los Angeles, CA There came before the General Executive Board an appeal of Luciano Moore, a member of Local 1277-Los Angeles, CA, from a February 15, 2006, ruling of International President George that found no fault with the Local union membership’s decision to not submit his grievance to arbitration before a promotion review board established pursuant to the applicable collective bargaining agreement. Contesting his employer’s failure to promote him to a mechanic lead-man position, Brother Moore challenged the propriety of the computerized testing he had undergone. His grievance was denied at each level of the contractual dispute resolution process, however, and the Local 1277 membership ultimately voted against pursuing his case any further. President George’s subsequent ruling concluded that the union had provided Brother Moore with appropriate representation in accordance with all applicable standards. Brother Moore appeared before the General Executive Board, reviewed the circumstances of his case, and answered several inquiries from members of the Board. After a thorough study of the facts in this case, the General Executive Board enacted to deny the appeal before it and to affirm the decision of the International President. Thomas Nero, Simon Jean-Baptiste, Dina Nero, and Warren Zaugg, 1181-New York, NY There came before the General Executive Board an appeal of Thomas Nero, Simon Jean-Baptiste, Dina Nero, and Warren Zaugg,
each a member of Local 1181-New York, NY, contesting the conduct and results of the election of Local union officers conducted on June 5, 2005, and a ruling of International President George dated June 6, 2006, which ultimately sustained a membership action accepting the election outcome. In election challenges timely filed pursuant to Section 14.8 of the ATU Constitution and General Laws, the appellants had lodged several varied bases for seeking a new election, including claims of irregularities in the membership lists which were used to determine voter eligibility on election day, alleged systematic threats and intimidation designed to discourage voting by members of AfricanAmerican and Carribean-American descent, perceived collaboration between incumbent officers of the Local and employers to make bus transportation to the voting sites available only to select members, claimed improper use of Local union resources, and other impermissible and/or inappropriate conduct. Those challenges were the subject of an investigation by a committee appointed by the Local union’s executive board, whose recommendation to reject each of the challenges was adopted at a Local 1181 membership meeting conducted on January 31, 2006. In an extensive ruling dated June 6, 2006, International President George addressed the individual election challenges and in each case found insufficient evidence in support of such. In considering one of those challenges, which protested the use of “slate voting” that permitted an individual to vote for each member of an entire slate of candidates through a single mark on the election ballot, International President George concluded that the ATU Constitution did not prohibit such, noted that the ballot format had been approved by all candidates, including those of the slate opposing certain incumbent officers, and observed that the balloting instructions specified that a voter was free to vote for individual candidates. Addressing other stated grounds for the appeal before him, International President George also determined there was an insufficient basis to conclude that the Local’s investigation of the challenges was biased, inadequate, or had been tainted by an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. In addition, while acknowledging that the published notice of the membership meeting in which the challenges were considered did not specifically indicate that intended agenda item as the Local union’s counsel had once indicated it would, International President George found that in the totality of the circumstances no purpose would be served by resubmitting the matter to the membership again. The four appellants appeared before the General Executive Board and each offered elements of an extensive presentation of the issues under consideration. Members of the Board thereafter asked numerous questions, each of which was responded to in full by one or other of the appellants. Acting on behalf of Local 1181, Michael Lucivero, the Local union’s vice president, also appeared before the General Executive Board. Brother Lucivero reviewed each of the election challenges at some length and thereafter responded to questions posed of him by members of the Board. Thereafter, the General Executive Board adopted a motion to require that the challenges to the election of Local union officers conducted on June 5, 2005, which were previously brought before the Local 1181 membership and subsequently addressed by the June 6, 2006, ruling of the International President, be once again put before the membership of Local 1181 subject to the supervision and monitoring of the International Union. The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. to reconvene at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 12, 2006.
THIRD SESSION The meeting convened at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 12, 2006. General Executive Board Members present were Tommy Mullins,
Joseph Welch, Rodney Richmond, Donald Hansen, Robert Baker, Randy Graham, Javier Perez, Jr., Richard Murphy, Bob Hykaway, Charles Cook, William McLean, Ronald Heintzman, Janis M. Borchardt, Paul Bowen, Larry Hanley, Kenneth Kirk, and Gary Rauen. International President Warren George presided. Also attending were International Executive Vice President Michael Siano, International Secretary-Treasurer Oscar Owens, Chief of Staff Benetta Mansfield, General Counsel Leo Wetzel, Canadian Council Director Robin West, Executive Assistant to the International President Beth Petrusic, and Administrative Assistant to the International Executive Vice President Missy Goode. International Representatives Gary Maurer and Marcellus Barnes were also present. International Vice President Larry Kinnear and International Representative Ray Rivera were excused. INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT’S REPORT The report of the International President for the six-month period ending June 30, 2006, was approved as printed. INTERNATIONAL SECRETARY-TREASURER’S REPORT The report of the International Secretary-Treasurer for the six-month period ending June 30, 2006, was approved as printed. PRESENTATION ON ATU-SPONSORED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANS Representatives of Morgan-Stanley and the Quorum Consulting Group made a presentation to the General Executive Board about the current status of the ATU’s Section 401(k) and Section 407 Retirement Savings Plans. In exchanges with the executive officers and members of the Board, methods for further improving levels of employee participation were explored. REPORT OF THE INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT ORGANIZING CAMPAIGNS During this reporting period, we were involved in 44 campaigns. Out of those, we won four (approximately 395 new members) and lost five; 11 were withdrawn for various reasons and 17 were pending at the close of the June 30, 2006, period. STRIKES Local 1001-Denver, CO On Monday, April 3, 2006, at 2:01 a.m., the members employed by the Regional Transit District (RTD) in Denver went on strike after rejecting the public body’s final offer. This group included approximately 1,750 bus and rail operators, mechanics and clerical workers. On Friday, April 7, 2006, the striking members voted to accept the management’s offer, thus ending the job action. Local 1395-Pensacola, FL As previously reported, the members of Local 1395 employed by Pensacola Bay Transit (paratransit) went on strike on November 1, 2005. On Wednesday, January 18, 2006, the striking members agreed to return to work based on a tentative agreement reached (pending the proper funding), thus ending the twelve-week job action. EXPENSES Approximately $283,510.41 was spent during this report period on organizing, as well as other costs such as materials, mailing lists, and full-time international representatives’ salaries and expenses for those who assisted in these organizing campaigns. Local union officers and members assigned to assist with these drives were reimbursed by the International for their wages and expenses incurred.
REPORT OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Several legal developments in the six-month period which ended on December 31, 2005, were highlighted for the benefit of the members of the General Executive Board and discussed at some length. We were partially successful in the unfair labor practice proceeding which we previously initiated before the National Labor Relations Board on behalf of Local 1637-Las Vegas, NV, against ATC. Unfortunately, the administrative law judge discounted testimony of the Local’s president and found that the union had agreed to mid-term wage increases for workers meeting certain safety standards without properly conditioning the matter upon a membership ratification. Focusing only upon the recognition clause in the parties’ labor contract, the hearing officer also decided that the company’s use of supervisors and drivers from other ATC locations to perform bargaining unit work in Las Vegas was not a unilateral change in working conditions. Still, in a decision subsequently upheld by the full NLRB, ATC was found to have acted unlawfully in questioning union officers, under a threat of suspension, about any communications with other unions or public officials concerning possible strike plans in violation of the contract’s no-strike clause and in failing to honor Local 1637’s request for information relevant to various grievances. We also received a mixed decision from a hearing officer of the Michigan Employment Relations Commission in our previously reported unfair labor practice case against the Eaton County Transportation Authority. In this case, the administrative law judge found that the chairperson of the Authority’s board had unlawfully threatened the president of the newly organized Local 1761-Charlotte, MI, saying she “had dealt with unions before” and knew how to “get rid of ” him. But the judge also ruled there was insufficient evidence that the employer’s anti-union animus was the motivating cause of the discharge of the Local union president approximately two months later (and all of six months after the ATU won the initial representation election) – which came after he was involved in a serious accident. This decision has been appealed, although our prospects for overturning the ruling of the hearing officer are not especially promising. We negotiated the almost complete settlement of unfair labor practice charges we filed against Laidlaw Transit on behalf of Local 1356-Sioux Falls, SD. The company agreed to post NLRB notices effectively (but not legally) admitting that it had unlawfully threatened to discontinue the deduction of certain insurance premiums in response to a union grievance about the deduction methods and had improperly restricted union access to the property in violation of the labor contract. One additional charge alleging that the Local’s financial secretary was placed on administrative leave in retaliation for pursuing a grievance about the insurance matter was deferred to arbitration. The International’s Legal Department also worked its way through several unfair labor practice charges brought on behalf of the at the MV Transportation unit organized by Local 1005Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, in the fall of 2005. The discharge of one union activist was settled on the day of the NLRB hearing for $17,000 in lost wages. In early July, just after the close of the reporting period, the hearing officer concluded that MV had violated employee rights by telling employees it would be futile to vote for the ATU, by interrogating workers about their union activities, and by creating the impression that union activities were subject to surveillance. In addition, the agency ordered back pay to an employee who missed work after a supervisor shoved the worker into a wall in the course of a disagreement about whether she had been improperly denied two hours of pay. In the legislative arena, our focus has shifted from the reauthorization of the Federal Public Transportation Act to its implementation and funding. The 2007 appropriations statute has been delayed, with the Republican-controlled 109th Congress
passing only two of the 11 bills required to fund the U.S. government through the current fiscal year. The House of Representatives approved its version of the transit appropriations bill in June, but the U.S. Senate failed to take any action on its version of the measure as reported out of that body’s appropriations committee in July of 2006. Any final action in a post-election lame duck session of Congress is likely to provide grant funding at the fully authorized levels with the exception of the new “small starts” program for smaller fixed guideway projects such as street cars, commuter rail, and bus rapid transit lines. The Federal Transit Administration granted our request for ATU representation on its Advisory Committee on Changes to the Current Restrictions on Charter Service by federally-funded systems. Director of Political and Regulatory Affairs Karen Head is now a member of that committee and has already distinguished herself in its initial proceedings. We also have successfully challenged FTA’s proposed regulations implementing the new tribal transit program, which originally suggested that Section 13(c) protections not be applied to that funding. Similarly, we defeated an effort to waive employee protection requirements in connection with legislation passed this summer allowing Katrina-affected areas to use capital grant money for operational expenses. In addition, we are lobbying the U.S. Congress to support legislation that would allow operating assistance grants to systems in urbanized area with populations over 200,000 but less than 100 buses in peak- hour fixed route service. Section 13(c) employee protections figured heavily in Colorado state court litigation that was the subject of extensive review before the Board. The foundations of this matter were actually laid some years back when Local 19-Colorado Springs, CO, raised the prospect of interest arbitration pursuant to its Section 13(c) Agreement. The labor contract which was then being negotiated with the transit system’s private sector management contractor was settled without any actual invocation of impasse procedures. But the City of Colorado Springs still lodged an attack on the interest arbitration clause before the U.S. Secretary of Labor. To its credit, the Labor Department rather casually dismissed the City’s claim that although any interest arbitration would be with the private contractor, the public body would have ultimate financial responsibility and the clause therefore should be deemed unconstitutional under state law. With that history in mind, when the contractor refused our arbitration demand following an impasse in the parties’ 2006 negotiations, we were careful to name only Professional Transit Management in our litigation to enforce the Section 13(c) Agreement. We were not terribly surprised when PTM responded to our suit in part by reviving the supposed constitutionality argument of the City. We were, however, taken aback upon discovering that under express terms of the company’s contract with the public body, the employer was formally relieved of any obligations under any prior agreements of the City or its previous system managers. In a disappointing opinion which refused to order interest arbitration, the state court found that language to be controlling. Intervening circumstances still offered Local 19 some hope, as for independent reasons PTM was itself replaced by another contractor and as we petitioned the Department of Labor to condition any future transit grants to Colorado Springs upon supplemental terms specifically mandating that the City bind any and all service contractors to the Local’s Section 13(c) Agreement. But at least one other ATU Local has already been faced with an employer’s resistance to interest arbitration on the alleged basis of the Colorado court decision. It was therefore suggested that ATU officers be quick to emphasize that the ruling against Local 19 was very fact-specific and very likely to be distinguishable from any other case that might arise elsewhere.
REINSTITUTION OF COLA PAYMENTS CONSIDERED A motion was made to reinstitute the provision of cost-of-living payments to International Union officers and staff effective January 1, 2007, subject to a formula recognizing cost increases since the Board voted to temporarily waive those adjustments at its fall 2005 meeting. Following a discussion of the total expense which would be incurred, the motion was defeated. The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
FOURTH SESSION The meeting convened at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, October 13, 2006. General Executive Board Members present were Tommy Mullins, Joseph Welch, Rodney Richmond, Donald Hansen, Robert Baker, Randy Graham, Javier Perez, Jr., Richard Murphy, Bob Hykaway, Charles Cook, William McLean, Ronald Heintzman, Janis M. Borchardt, Paul Bowen, Larry Hanley, Kenneth Kirk, and Gary Rauen. International President Warren George presided. Also attending were International Executive Vice President Michael Siano, International Secretary-Treasurer Oscar Owens, Chief of Staff Benetta Mansfield, General Counsel Leo Wetzel, Canadian Council Director Robin West, Executive Assistant to the International President Beth Petrusic, and Administrative Assistant to the International Executive Vice President Missy Goode. International Representatives Gary Maurer and Marcellus Barnes were also present. International Vice President Larry Kinnear and International Representative Ray Rivera were excused. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT The report of the Audit Committee for the six-month period ended June 30, 2006, was approved as written. AUTHORIZATION OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO LOCAL 726-STATEN ISLAND, NY, AND LOCAL 1056-FLUSHING, NY The financial implications of court-imposed fines growing out of the December 2005 transit strike in New York City and their potential impact upon the ability of Locals 726 and 1056 to continue properly servicing their memberships was discussed. The General Executive Board authorized the executive officers to provide a waiver of each union’s per capita tax obligations for a period of up to six (6) months, as deemed appropriate by the executive officers in the exercise of their discretion and judgment. REPORTS ON CURRENT LOCAL UNION TRUSTEESHIPS International Vice President Larry Hanley briefed the Board on the status of the trusteeship of Local 842-Wilmington, DE, noting in part that the process of adopting bylaw amendments had begun. International Vice President Janis M. Borchardt briefed the Board on the status of the trusteeship of Local 1493-Raleigh, NC, noting that the stewardship was slated to terminate effective November 1, 2006. International Vice Presidents Charles Cook and William McLean reported to the Board on the status of the trusteeship of Local 1555Oakland, CA. Noting that the election for new officers had been conducted in September, the appointed trustees expressed confidence that this stewardship could be terminated in the coming months. International Vice President Javier Perez informed the Board as to the status of the trusteeship of Local 1755-Denver, CO. International Vice President Randy Graham reported as to the status of the trusteeship of Local 1462-St. John’s, NL. He discussed at some length the results of an audit of the Local’s books and records which figured prominently in the trusteeship hearing and that gave rise to concerns about the financial activities of International Vice President Larry Kinnear. International Vice President Kenneth Kirk briefed the Board as to the current status of the trusteeship of Local 1235-Nashville, TN, reporting
in part that with assistance from International Vice President Tommy Mullins he had been able to successfully conclude collective bargaining negotiations on behalf of the Local. REPORT ON STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT INDUSTRIAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE Chief of Staff Benetta Mansfield reported on her participation on behalf of the ATU on the State and Local Government Industrial Coordinating Committee at the AFL-CIO. Specifically, she gave the General Executive Board copies of the jurisdictional dispute language that had been drafted by the committee and adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council. She reported that the committee is now drafting operating standards including per capita voting and payments. Finally, she reported that the committee intends to focus one of its first strategic campaigns on Colorado. NEW ATU TRUSTEESHIP HANDBOOK REVIEWED Chief of Staff Mansfield briefly reviewed the trusteeship handbook prepared by staff members in furtherance of discussions before the special meeting of the General Executive Board conducted in January of 2006. RETENTION OF INDEPENDENT COUNSEL TO REVIEW LOCAL 1181 INTERNAL AFFAIRS Following an extensive discussion about circumstances currently faced by Local 1181-New York, NY, the General Executive Board adopted a resolution providing as follows: [The ATU shall] retain an independent counsel [to] explain to the Board the meaning of the racketeering statutes and the statutes on obstructing justice, as charged by the U.S. Attorney in this case [U.S. v Ianniello, et al., 05 Crim 774 (U.S. Dist. Ct., S.D. NY)]. The Counsel should examine the facts, review all issues now in the public domain pertaining to the indictments, convictions, pleas, underlying issues, who the other defendants are and their involvement in our Union. In short, what are the reasonable conclusions based on the evidence and what is the impact on our Union of the criminal acts and convictions? The independent counsel should develop recommendations for the International Union as to how to deal with the matter and also to guide us in formulating a policy for dealing with like matters in the future. We should develop a policy for cases where the members are deprived of the honest services of the union such as through bribery or racketeering. We must reaffirm our integrity by publicly announcing that the independent counsel will investigate these matters and go wherever the facts lead us. The counsel should report to a special meeting of the General Executive Board within 90 days. Our actions then will be guided by the facts. GENERAL DISCUSSION The remainder of the day was devoted to general discussions among the International Officers and General Executive Board regarding pending issues. The meeting adjourned sine die at 1:50 p.m.
Oscar Owens Secretary
INTERIM ACTIONS AND RULINGS BY THE GENERAL EXECUTIVE BOARD FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2006, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2006 1. Strike Sanction Granted to the Members of Local 1587-Toronto, ON, Employed by Millar Transit On January 12, 2006, strike sanction was granted at the request of International Vice President Randy Graham to the members of Local 1587 employed by Miller Transit. 2. Authorization for Local 682-Fort Wayne, IN, to Enter Interest Arbitration On January 13, 2006, Local 682 was authorized to enter interest arbitration with the Fort Wayne Public Transportation Corporation. 3. Authorization for Local 1384-Olympia, WA, to Enter Interest Arbitration On January 23, 2006, Local 1384 was authorized to enter interest arbitration with Kitsap Transit. 4. Authorization for the International President to Place Local 1548-Plymouth, MA, in Temporary Trusteeship By mail action on February 9, 2006, the General Executive Board authorized International President Warren S. George to place Local 1548 in temporary trusteeship, effective at such time as the International President might determine, in the exercise of his discretion, to be appropriate.
12. Strike Sanction Granted to the Members of Local 1001-Denver, CO, Employed by the Regional Transportation District On April 6, 2006, strike sanction was granted at the request of International Vice President Tommy Mullins to the members of Local 1001 employed by the Regional Transportation District in Denver, CO. 13. Authorization for Local 966-Thunder Bay, ON, to Enter a Six-Year Agreement On April 7, 2006, Local 966 was authorized, upon the request of International Vice President Larry Kinnear, to enter a six-year agreement with HAGI Transit, Inc. 14. Strike Sanction Granted to the Members of Local 1277-Los Angeles, CA, Employed by the Riverside Transit Agency On April 13, 2006, strike sanction was granted at the request of International Vice President William McLean to the members of Local 1277 employed by Riverside Transit Agency. 15. Adoption of Hearing Officer’s Report on the Trusteeship of Local 1555-Oakland, CA By telephone and mail action on April 20, 2006, the General Executive Board adopted the Hearing Officer’s Report as its Findings and Determination ratifying and continuing the trusteeship of Local 1555.
5. Authorization for the International President to Place Local 1555-Oakland, CA, in Temporary Trusteeship By mail action on February 9, 2006, the General Executive Board authorized International President Warren S. George to place Local 1555 in temporary trusteeship.
16. Authorization for Local 1742-Charleston, WV, to Retain a Lower Dues Structure On April 28, 2006, Local 1742 was granted permission to retain its current dues structure.
6. Authorization for Local 1758-Las Vegas, NV, to Enter a Five-Year Agreement On February 15, 2006, Local 1758 was authorized, upon the request of International Vice President Donald Hansen, to enter a five-year agreement with Laidlaw Transit, Inc.
17. Authorization for Local 1737-Douglas County, CO, to Retain a Lower Dues Structure On April 28, 2006, Local 1737 was granted permission to retain its current dues structure.
7. Authorization for Local 1603-Bethlehem, PA, to Enter Interest Arbitration On March 7, 2006, Local 1603 was authorized to enter interest arbitration with Trans-Bridge Lines, Inc. 8. Authorization for the International President to Terminate the Trusteeship of Local 713-Memphis, TN By mail action on March 7, 2006, the General Executive Board authorized International President Warren S. George to terminate the trusteeship of Local 713 effective March 15, 2006. 9. Authorization for Local 1761-Charlotte, MI, to Enter Fact-Finding On March 21, 2006, Local 1761 was authorized to engage in fact-finding proceedings aimed at the development of an initial collective bargaining agreement with the Eaton County Transportation Authority. 10. Authorization for Local 1336-Bridgeport, CT, to Retain a Lower Dues Structure On April 4, 2006, Local 1336 was granted permission to retain its current dues structure. 11. Authorization for Local 591-Hull, QC, to Enter a Four-Year Agreement On April 6, 2006, Local 591 was authorized, upon the request of International Vice President Randy Graham, to enter a four-year agreement with the Outaouais Transportation Society.
18. Authorization for Local 1753-Venetia, PA, to Retain a Lower Dues Structure On May 4, 2006, Local 1753 was granted permission to retain its current dues structure. 19. Authorization for Local 1108-Quincy, IL, to Enter a Four-Year Agreement On May 5, 2006, Local 1108 was authorized, upon the request of International Vice President Janis M. Borchardt, to enter a four-year agreement with the City of Quincy. 20. Authorization for Local 618-Providence, RI, to Enter a 42-Month Agreement On May 11, 2006, Local 618 was authorized, upon the request of International Vice President Richard Murphy, to enter a 42-month agreement with the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority. 21. Authorization for Local 1745-Kankanee, WI, to Enter a Four-Year Agreement On May 17, 2006, Local 1745 was authorized, upon the request of International Vice President Janis M. Borchardt, to enter a four-year agreement with First Student, Inc. 22. Authorization for Local 1145-Binghamton, NY, to Enter Interest Arbitration On June 9, 2006, Local 1145 was authorized to enter interest arbitration with the Broome County Department of Public Transportation.
23. Authorization for Local 128-Asheville, NC, to Retain a Lower Dues Structure On June 14, 2006, Local 128 was granted permission to retain its current dues structure. 24. Authorization for Local 1493-Raleigh, NC, to Enter a Three-Year & Five Month Agreement On June 16, 2006, Local 1493 was authorized, upon the request of International Vice President Janis M. Borchardt, to enter a three-year and five-month agreement with MV Transportation, Inc. 25. Strike Sanction Granted to the Members of Local 1181-New York, NY, Employed by the New York City Board of Education On June 21, 2006, strike sanction was granted at the request of International Vice President Joseph Welch to the members of Local 1181 employed by the New York City Board of Education. 26. Strike Sanction Granted to the Members of Local 1498-Joplin, MO, Employed by Jefferson Partners, LP (d/b/a Jefferson Lines) On June 26, 2006, strike sanction was granted at the request International Vice President Tommy Mullins to the members of Local 1498 employed by Jefferson Partners, LP (d/b/a Jefferson Lines). 27. Authorization for Local 256-Sacramento, CA, to Enter a Four-Year Agreement On June 26, 2006, Local 256 was authorized, upon the request of International Vice President Charles Cook, to enter a four-year agreement with MV Transportation, Inc. (Roseville, CA). 28. Authorization for Local 256-Sacramento, CA, to Enter a Four-Year Agreement On June 26, 2006, Local 256 was authorized, upon the request of International Vice President Charles Cook, to enter a four-year agreement with MV Transportation, Inc. (Elk Grove, California). 29. Authorization for Local 1622-Danbury, CT, to Enter a Four-Year Agreement On June 26, 2006, Local 1622 was authorized, upon the request of International Vice President Richard Murphy, to enter a four-year agreement with the Housatonic Area Regional Transit District (HART) . 30. Authorization for Local 1729-Pittsburgh, PA, to Retain a Lower Dues Structure On June 26, 2006, Local 1729 was granted permission to retain its current dues structure. 31. Authorization for Local 690-Fitchburg, MA, to Enter a Five-Year Agreement On June 26, 2006, Local 690 was authorized, upon the request of International Vice President Richard Murphy, to enter a five-year agreement with Management of Transportation Service, Inc., of Gardner, MA. 32. Authorization for the International President to Place Local 1755-Denver, CO, in Temporary Trusteeship By mail action on June 29, 2006, the General Executive Board authorized International President Warren S. George to place Local 1755 in temporary trusteeship. 33. Authorization for Local 1321-Albany & Troy, NY, to Enter a Four-Year Agreement On June 29, 2006, Local 1321 was authorized, upon the request of International Vice President Lawrence J. Hanley, to enter a four-year agreement with Capital District Transportation District, Inc.
General Executive Board Special Meeting BETHESDA, MD - JANUARY 11, 2007
The meeting convened at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 11, 2007. General Executive Board Members present were Tommy Mullins, Joseph Welch, Rodney Richmond, Donald Hansen, Robert Baker, Larry Kinnear, Randy Graham, Richard Murphy, Bob Hykaway, Charles Cook, William McLean, Ronald Heintzman, Janis M. Borchardt, Paul Bowen, Larry Hanley, Kenneth Kirk, and Gary Rauen. International President Warren George presided. Also attending were International Executive Vice President Michael Siano, International Secretary-Treasurer Oscar Owens, Chief of Staff Benetta Mansfield, General Counsel Leo Wetzel, and Executive Assistant to the International President Beth Petrusic. International Vice President Javier Perez, Jr., was excused. International President George reviewed the meeting agenda with members of the Board. Three guests then joined the session and were introduced by the chair. The first was Richard W. Mark, a law partner in the New York City office of Orrick, Harrington & Sutcliffe LLP who was retained pursuant to an action of the Board at its fall 2006 meeting to review allegations of corruption in Local 1181-New York, NY. Accompanying Mark was another litigation partner in the Orrick firm, Jay K. Musoff. Also welcomed was Richard N. Gilberg, a partner in the New York City law firm of Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein, P.C., retained to act as counsel to the recently appointed trustees of Local 1181. REPORT OF INDEPENDENT COUNSEL RETAINED TO REVIEW LOCAL 1181-NEW YORK, NY, INTERNAL AFFAIRS Independent Counsel Mark provided an extensive review of the allegations of organized crime influence and control of Local 1181New York, NY, made in the federal district court proceedings referenced as United States v. Ianniello, 05 Cr. 774 (S.D.N.Y.), and related criminal cases. Cataloging information publicly available in the court pleadings, in the transcripts of guilty pleas entered into to date, in certain testimony offered in the trial of one of named defendants, and in various media reports, Mark detailed the alleged criminal activities of the then-Local 1181 president, Salvatore Battaglia, and its then-financial secretary, Julius Bernstein, as well as the obstruction of justice charge to which the since-removed administrator of Local 1181 health and welfare fund, Ann Chiarovano, plead guilty in August of 2006. Throughout the presentation, General Executive Board members frequently interjected questions, each of which Mark fully addressed. The independent counsel concluded that there is evidence that organized crime has used Local 1181 to conduct racketeering activities in which senior ranking officials of the local union participated. He recommended that, consistent with the union’s fiduciary obligations, further investigation be undertaken to determine the extent of criminal activity and to eliminate corruption at Local 1181. His report also suggested that the ATU Constitution and General Laws be amended to even further emphasize the union’s commitment to eliminating any organized crime influence or racketeering.
Following a lunch recess, members of the Board explored the independent counsel’s report and recommendations at length. The trustees of Local 1181, International Vice Presidents Tommy Mullins and Robert Baker, explained that an exhaustive forensic audit of the local union’s financial affairs was underway and that arrangements had already been made to further investigate the prior activities of the local union and its officers. Noting that the hearing officer’s findings and recommendations are expected to issue by early February, International President George expressed confidence that if the stewardship of Local 1181 is ratified and continued by the Board, the trustees will be able to institute reforms aimed at ridding the local union of any remaining corruption. While acknowledging that changes to the ATU Constitution are only properly initiated through the International President or local union action under Section 6.16 rather than by the General Executive Board, the independent counsel’s submissions in this regard were also discussed. Acting upon an earlier suggestion of attorney Mark, upon a duly seconded motion the Board voted to preserve the confidentiality of the independent counsel’s written report and preclude its disclosure to any third party except in compliance with a lawful subpoena, with the additional direction that all provided copies of the document be retained at the International headquarters and made available as needed at future meetings of the General Executive Board. CONVENTION REGISTRATION FEE ESTABLISHED Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board approved a $150 Convention registration fee for each delegate and guest beginning with the Fifty-Fifth Convention to be held in Las Vegas, NV, on September 16 - 21, 2007. STRIKE SANCTION APPROVED Upon the request of International Vice President Joseph Welch, the Board granted strike sanction to the members of Local 1729Pittsburgh, PA, employed by Laidlaw Transit, Inc., in its school bus operation at the Frankstown Road terminal in Monroeville, PA. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. sine die.
Oscar Owens Secretary
In Memoriam
Death Benefits Awarded January - February 2007
1-Members at Large James L. Bartig Richard Anton Beste Francis A. Bisbee Claude Bishop Raleigh Brooks Omer Otho Cosner Ernest Atkins Davis M.K. Durkin William Grover Eskew Lavern W. Esser Richard H. Halvorson Clayton Morse Beverly S. Shelton, Jr. Franklin C. Strong William Tailford Marvin Albert Wilson Nick J. Zeleznak 26-Detroit, MI Elbert Hugh Adams Stephen J. Buda Frederick A. Mulvin Everett J. Podgers Luthur Roy Rogers Harold Stewart Columbus H. Taylor 85-Pittsburgh, PA Eugene Doss, Jr. Lester C. Freeman Edwin E. Horrell Clyde Russell Kienzle Joseph P. Manse Henry J. Maranowski Eugene O. McDanel Melvin Harry Obryon Lloyd Rawlings Gerald T. Wilson 107-Hamilton, ON Charan S. Mangat Robert Zadravec 113-Toronto, ON William E. Beveridge Frank Caparello Frederick A. Gale Antoni Gwozdz Kenneth Harvey Gordon R. Horsfield Donald Howson George Henry Hughes Keith Lount Irwin Alexander Kelly Shabeer A. Khan Donald E. Lane Guiseppe Manzo James Mc Brearty James B. McLennan Cecil Newell
Harold R. Pridday Alvin Percy Raymer Ronald Sallows Sellathurai Sanmugalingam William G.D. Sharpe Louis M. St. Louis Garth Thompson 134-Vancouver, BC John R. Cairns Leonard Harry Winders 192-Oakland, CA Harold F. Berrner Booker T. Shavers, Jr. Eugene A. White 241-Chicago, IL Edward Antee, Jr. Terrence E. Bole Daventer Bond Glendora G. Burton Enrique I. Calzada Curtis L. Davis Henry E. Hartford Seymour Hoffman Martin A. McMahon Lindberg Mitchell Beatrice E. Nash Domenick Papa Victor J. Priolo Robert E. Tierney Bennie Wesley Fred Worlds Bernard Worrell Debra C. Wright George J. Zastresek 256-Sacramento, CA John David Houston John William Moore Kenneth Zawlocki 265-San Jose, CA Plester W. Boshell Giuseppe C. Giusti Ralph J. Melatti Reola M. Moss John Paul Wilson 268-Cleveland, OH Timothy B. Bell Michael Boreczky Morrell Driscoll Michael Homage Ben Kozimer George Nieto Paul S. Stanko Isadore Vernick Jean M. Wint
James W. Wyatt Michael W. Yankovitz 279-Ottawa, ON G. Harold Bradley Anthony Frangione Anne T. Gagnon Elwood R. Lackie Cleophas Laplante Ian D. Lyons 282-Rochester, NY Frank A. Nardone Lawrence C. Thayer 308-Chicago, IL Patrick Doyle Carl R. Johnson William Love Abigail Olan Sadie C. Rankins Leroy Richards, Jr. Cardine Smith Freddie L. Washington James L. Wright 382-Salt Lake City, UT Stanley R. Johnson Eddie Ortega 425-Hartford, CT Louise King James Steele 443-Stamford, CT Bernard Griswold 448-Springfield, MA Lucas Romero 517-Gary, IN John Vernich 540-Trenton, NJ Johnson Schnerr Leon Frank Talar 580-Syracuse, NY William H. Jordan Angel Reyes 583-Calgary, AB Murney W. Blixt Kenneth L. Johnson Eugene Kroetsch Dedde Waslander 587-Seattle, WA Michael W. Donahue Robert I. Johnson Jack M. Olcott
Douglas B. Rockness Fritz Wedeberg Daisy M. Wesselius 589-Boston, MA Enrico J. Abate Joseph J. Agri Michael P. Bassett Robert A. Breen Joseph M. Casey Emerson L. Clarke Gerald P. Clougher Paul P. Dalis Roland Joseph Demers Richard W. Galvin Melvin Harris Paul F. Keough Francis R. Luongo Joseph S. Mattaliano Virginia M. McNeil Francis H. O’Donnell Michael Ruane William F. Sullivan, Jr. Joseph M.F. Walatt Paul A. Warwick Donald J. Wyse 615-Saskatoon, SK Magnus E. Lundgren 616-Windsor, ON Clifford A. Donais 618-Providence, RI Richard J. Hodge 627-Cincinnati, OH Eugene F. Metz, Jr.
Charles W. Jones, Jr. Ralph E. Livengood Eugene Miller Leon Delbert Richeson Lloyd G. Sigafoo Richard K. Tinsley Thomas E. Turner III Charles Early Wampler Jack Hubert Weaver 713-Memphis, TN Junior B. Bates Dorothy J. Jordan 726-Staten Island, NY Frank B. Di Angelo Agostino Ferrantelli 732-Atlanta, GA Nathaniel L. Anderson Carroll W. Cox Richard Kemp Fred Austin Morris 757-Portland, OR Edward C. Linnum Rick J. Sollers Gary A. Stone 788-St. Louis, MO Robert L. Brand Derrick Gill Lewis McFarlin Melvon C. Mills Wilma A. Royal Jimmie L. Thompson
662-Pueblo, CO Scotty M. Scott
819-Newark, NJ Willis Edwards Ella M. Flowers Nathalie Harris Milton Lovgren Ernest Schneider Matthew Sharpe
682-Fort Wayne, IN Blanche Hofherr
822-Paterson, NJ Edgar Perez
685-Brantford, ON John S. Pray Jack Gordon Prime
823-Elizabeth, NJ Peter J. Cipriani
628-Covington, KY Herbert D. Henderson
689-Washington, DC Donald Paul Alley Leslie A. Cherry John Clifford Colvin John H. Cooksey Clarence Corley John A. Dunston Conrad H. Henderson Robert Alan Holtzman
825-Oradell, NJ Richard W. Jacobus 880-Camden, NJ Louis A. China Henry Eden Jeane E. Gitto Matthew Mc Mahon John Whitman George Wiley, Jr.
966-Thunder Bay, ON Ronald Ernest Lambert 998-Milwaukee, WI James R. Dunning, Jr. Adeline Fasse John Konrad, Jr. Howard J. Mermal 1001-Denver, CO Jerome P. Abeyta William Arnold Sidney H. Helper James J. King Robert H. Mendenhall Donald J. Schimpf 1005-Minneapolis & St. Paul, MN Leo J. Griffin Burley E. McDonald Nathaniel M. Ranten Harold T. Victor 1015-Spokane, WA Albert M. Anderson Ernest T. De Ponty 1028-Des Plaines, IL Thomas N. Widerski 1031-Beaumont, TX Beatrice Lee Fancher 1056-Flushing, NY Percival A. Anderson Jean C. Beaugene Oswald B. Bynum, Jr. Roy J. Capobianco Less Cunningham Paul L. Dantzler John G. Dausch George E. Disch Robert N. Eckert George Edwards Mervin Graves Richard J. Hulser Stephen Juda Frank Loiacono Richard H. Mall Rocco J. Nicosia Frederick Otten Manuel Ramos, Jr. George L. Richardson Carmine A. Santorelli Michael Santorello Cecil Schardsmith Robert Stallworth Everett L. Stone
1070-Indianapolis, IN Edward Wilson
1192-Waterloo, IA Lorraine A. Goetsch
1145-Binghamton, NY Douglas E. Burke
1225-San Francisco, CA Buren B. Camp Vernon E. Hiller
1181-New York, NY Frances Barbato Fanny Carlantone Larry Chernick Gloria D’Agrosa Anna Gunther Nicholas Iannuzzelli Gerard J. La Penna Ralph E. Lecessi Rose-Dolores Margioni James Sands McKenzie Bertha Monica Catherine Sofo Elouise D. Williams
1229-St John, NB Lillian M. Martin 1235-Nashville, TN Mattie M. Lloyd William D. Taylor 1277-Los Angeles, CA James Earl Davis Hiromu Hironaka Henry N. Macias Johan F. Meyer Leo Bernard Rowen
Oliver Walker 1287-Kansas City, MO James B. Wood 1293-Lincoln, NE Alan P. Helms 1300-Baltimore, MD James L. Anthony Vernon De Frank James E. Mitchell Raymond F. Stinchcomb
1336-Bridgeport, CT Anthony Carter 1338-Dallas, TX William A. Lewis Robert J. Ramos 1342-Buffalo, NY Melvin Drakeford David J. Gesicki Henry S. Kochmanski Irvin Ram
1574-San Mateo, CA Terry L. Code
Kenneth Norman Kirkpatrick Allen Morrow 1436-Harrisburg, PA Joseph Gayle Henry A. Speaker 1447-Louisville, KY Elwood Ingram Paul Willard Nethery
1578-Lowell, MA Carl D. Nicolosi 1591-Broward County, FL Mary Naugin-Dempsey 1700-Chicago, IL John L. Hagan Kerry Ivory William Paul Sperry
1309-San Diego, CA Teddy L. Hays A. DeFoe Miller
1345-Reading, PA Robert K. Blessing Robert Paul Oswald George J. Ward
1505-Winnipeg, MB Wycliffe B. Blake Harry Boss John W. Collinson Gerard A.J. Remillard
1321-Albany & Troy, NY William H. St. Jean
1374-Calgary, AB Arthur Cross
1512-Springfield, MA William H. Wayner
1729-Pittsburgh, PA Albert W. McKeen 1745-Kankakee, IL Thomas G. Hayward
Arbitration Decisions ATU Local 174 and Union Street Bus Company, AAA Case Number 11 300 00954 06 ISSUE: Did the company violate the collective bargaining agreement when it required an employee to substitute accrued paid vacation leave for FMLA leave? SUMMARY: In early 2006 the grievant, a bus operator, requested unpaid FMLA leave. The company denied the request, maintaining that the grievant was required to first exhaust accrued vacation leave. The union filed a grievance arguing that FMLA provisions do not allow the company to substitute otherwise scheduled vacation leave for unpaid FMLA leave, because the two benefits are utilized for materially different purposes. They further argued that the company “policy” of substituting paid vacation leave for FMLA leave was never bargained with the union and no past practice of such existed. The company countered that contractually it was within its right to make “final” decisions with respect to the use of paid vacation leave. HOLDING: On September 15, 2006, Arbitrator Richard Boulanger ruled that the company policy of forcing employees to substitute accrued vacation paid vacation leave for FMLA leave was a violation of the parties collectively bargained labor agreement. He ordered the company to cease and desist the practice and awarded the grievant four days of vacation leave, to be used at a time of the grievants choosing.
ATU Local 1321 and Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA), FMCS Case Number 06-03886 ISSUE: Did the employer violate the collective bargaining agreement by changing the number of vacation slots available to “floor” workers for the 2006 vacation pick? SUMMARY: On October 7, 2006, the CDTA director of maintenance issued a memorandum to all maintenance personnel outlining a new policy limiting the number of vacation slots, or the number of employees allowed to take vacation leave at the same time, to 4 during normal weeks and 5 during select holiday weeks. This was a change from the 7 slots that had been available for over 25 years. The union filed a grievance over this Aunilateral change in the established pick procedure for the contractual vacation benefit.@ The union contended that the collective bargaining agreement establishes that a past practice be left in effect absent a Amutual agreement@ to change them. In this instance the company unilaterally implemented the change without the advice or consent of the union. The company argued that establishing staffing levels was within its rights as outlined in the management rights section of the labor agreement. HOLDING: On January 10, 2007, arbitrator James Markowitz found in favor of the union by holding the collective bargaining agreement requires the employer to maintain “all present practices . . . in effect.” The practice of allowing 7 vacation slots was well established and in effect for over 25 years, and does not interfere with any other provision in the labor agreement. Arbitrator Markowitz stated, “had the company wished to avoid committing itself to the continuation of ‘all’ practices it should not have agreed to in the clause.@ The company was ordered to restore to 7 vacation slots per week.”
PROUD TO BE ATU Moving the U.S. and Canada Safely Missouri Member Saves Toddler in Traffic Chris Leslie, 691-Springfield, MO, received the “Operator of the Year” award from Springfield City Utilities last year, but he is now being praised for his quick action in a situation which, thankfully, few drivers will ever have to face. Leslie was letting passengers off on a busy street in Springfield when a threeyear old toddled off with a cheery “Bye!,” and walked straight into traffic. Leslie sprang from his seat and grabbed the girl just as a car and a truck screeched to a halt in front of them. The child had ignored Leslie’s warning to wait for her mother was who was coming down the aisle with a baby in a stroller which separated, her from her three-year old. “My heart was about to pound out of my chest,” Leslie said. The mother and her rescued child were still hugging as Leslie pulled away. The entire thing was caught by the bus’s security cameras and the dramatic video was played on local TV news broadcasts and on the internet. When Leslie returned home that evening he hugged his own two-year daughter for a long time.
Winnipeg Member First Woman Named “Operator of the Year” Carol Doerksen, 1505-Winnipeg, MB, has been named “Operator of the Year” by Winnipeg Transit. She is the first woman to receive the honor since its inception in 1959. Doerksen began her career with Winnipeg Transit on February 3, 1986. She has 21 years of safe driving. During this time, she has received 159 public commendations for her efforts in providing excellent customer service. Her customers have described her as “always very approachable, smiling, happy, very considerate, extremely helpful” and simply “a super driver.” The Winnipeg operator has been recognized for her efforts throughout her career receiving the Operator of the Month Awards for April 1989, June 1998, and August 2006, as well as a Special Recognition Award for 1994. Local 1505 Executive Vice President Jim Girden writes, “We at Local 1505 are proud of Carol and all of her achievements, as we are proud of all of our members who provide the best service to our citizens. To Carol from all of us, job well done and deserving.”
Amalgamated Transit Union
AFL-CIO/CLC 5025 Wisconsin Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20016 www.atu.org