No Paper

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A zine is typically a niche form of publishing; usually self published and handmade. Its distribution based on a small circulation. In today’s current fast changing publishing market the zine is proving a growth product. The internet, advanced technology and social media have all contributed towards changing the face of publishing today and the zine movement that evolved in the early 1990’s is making its mark. “While a small and dedicated do-ityourself zine culture has been publishing for decades, zines haven’t enjoyed this much popularity in 20 years” (Melnick, 2011, online) Topics covered in zines are broad and slightly out of the ordinary. They may focus towards art, music, fashion trends, film, food etc. the subject content as a rule is sensitively personal to the creator of the zine. Simply put this report is about choosing toilet graffiti as a subject for a zine.




PRIMARY Primary research included two online questionnaires aimed at a wide age range and mixed gender audience. i. Based on peoples reading habits ii. Based on subject of toilet graffiti. (See results in Appendix) General observation of both street and toilet graffiti in selected venues. Informal interviews/discussions about reading habits and toilet graffiti. Visited exhibition – 20 years of Dazed and Confused Magazine, Somerset House. First impression of toilet graffiti...

Young teenagers expressing love or hatred for something

(Anonymous, 2012, online)

Sometimes I think its amazing

(Anonymous, 2012, online)

The graffiti gives the toilet a bit of soul/ life/colour/ cheerfulness (Anonymous, 2012, online)


SECONDARY RESEARCH Secondary research included investigation exploring the trends in the future of publishing and graffiti art. Online and Library. Visiting both male and female toilets in various venues to observe, photograph and get a general outlook of toilet graffiti. A zine as described above is typically a self published form of media and research has suggested that self publishing would seem to be the way the publishing industry is heading. Self publishing allows for the author to be in complete control of his piece of work including all design aspects, the price, the promotional plans, PR and the subsequent distribution. “In 2008, for the first time in history, more books were self-published than those published traditionally. In 2009, 76% of all books released were selfpublished, while publishing houses reduced the number of books they produced� (Publishers Weekly, 2009, Online)


This has been made possible by the development of printing technology with the availability of print on demand along with the internet and other digital technology. Toilet graffiti is nothing new, it’s been around for decades and research on the internet reveals several sites/articles/ books dedicated to toilet graffiti. Also commonly referred to as bathroom/restroom graffiti (in America) and also Latrinalia. “The late Alan Dundes, a folklorist at Berkeley, coined the term Latrinalia In 1966 to refer to graffiti found in restroom. Dundes preferred it over the term shithouse poetry as not all latrinalia is in verse or poetic poetry… can take the form of art, drawings, or words including poetry and personal reflections…. Other types include political commentary as well as derogatory comments and pictures. When done without the property owners’ consent, it constitutes vandalism. Some venues have attempted to curb such vandalism by installing in the restrooms large blackboards and providing free chalk” (Hephaestas, 2010. P78)


The Future of Publishing


“Apple Reports Third Quarter Results -All-Time Record Revenue and Earnings - iPhone Sales Grow 142 Percent; iPad Sales Grow 183 Percent ……We’re thrilled to deliver our best quarter ever, with revenue up 82 percent and profits up 125 percent,”

Digital technology in the form of electronic pads, e book readers, Lap tops, and Smart phones/ televisions are altering the culture of publishing. Familiar everyday publications that we relate to like newspapers, magazines, books (fictional and non-fictional) are all easily accessible now as electronic (Jobs. S, 2011, online) publications. This along with a Aswell as the above are the younger google generation that is well familiar and has been educated availability of phone apps that can be downloaded onto smart phones and with electronic publications will continue to change publishing as we turn the phone into an e reader. have traditionally known it. “Amazon has taken Competitive prices of electronic their kindle one pads like the I pad, and Kindle step further and has allowed the average person to also offers it buy these products and they are as an app for becoming increasingly popular. smart phones and in doing so provides an endless supply of reading opportunities which the public is happily utilizing”


So the above demonstrates how Customers no longer have to visit a book store or a newsagent to buy a publication, and that they can simply purchase and download from an electronic device at any moment in time. In addition to the above changes, there is also a change emerging in the subject matter of reading material and customer expectations. This has also been brought about by digital technology. For example the internet has led to the development of self published blogs; these alone provide for entertaining reading material and at low or no cost. Digital publishing has without doubt provided an opportunity of self publishing. Whilst it is indicative that the future of publishing is swaying towards an electronic digital platform, the traditional printed words and pictures on paper can’t be forgotten just yet. Research results definitely proved that the slightly older generation and even many of the younger were still in favour of paper copies, suggesting that this was what they were used to and that they felt more of a connection with the hard paper copy.


“I just can’t imagine myself sitting on a beach on my hols reading a kindle, plus would I have to think about charging the battery!” (anonymous,2012, online)

This is to be expected, and after all the sale of newspapers, magazines and books are not just going to disappear overnight. However publishing is moving on and the following case study of a popular published magazine demonstrates how things are changing and what down to business measures the publication has taken to carry itself into the future.

“You can’t just be a writer of stories or books anymore. You have to be a creator of entire, immersive, interactive, multimedia realms of experience” (Friedman, 2011,p1)




Dazed and Confused is one of the most influential monthly magazines of today and is sold globally in over 40 countries. As a British publication the magazine established itself in the publication market in 1992. Dazed and Confused Magazine was started on a very small scale with a publication that could be described as a zine. It consisted of a 4 page fold out poster in black and white. Its founders Jefferson Hack and prominent photographer Rankin were college students at the young ages of 19 and 23. They began the magazine in 1991 producing original work that pushed boundaries. The founders pride themselves in creating a magazine that is 100% independent in both ownership and spirit. Today Dazed and Confused has grown into a well loved, cultural magazine that has a certain edge that your typical glossy magazine (i.e. Elle, Cosmopolitan) does not.


During Dazed and confused’s twenty years of publication it has developed a reputation for individualality and culture. It centres its editorials around new things, literature, artists, musicians, film industry and up and coming designers. D&C’s different because it has an impudent attitude offering debateable and controversial content. It has been recognised for spotting new talent and setting new trends rather than simply following. In keeping with its innovative approach D&G throughout its years of publication has encouraged and supported areas of social debate and led campaigns involved with World Aids issues and disability and beauty! Readers enjoy originality in a range of subjects mixed in with some in-depth, innovative interviews. “developing into a notoriously creative platform for new artists, musicians, designers, and filmmakers, and being widely known for its irreverent attitude, Dazed & Confused represented a new wave in the British press, bringing together figures from an assortment of fields and eras” (Unknown Author, 2011,online)


Dazed and Confused celebrated twenty years of publication with an exhibition at Somerset house, London, and the launch of a book “Dazed – Making it up as we go along”. Studying the history and achievements of Dazed and confused reveals a publication that represents the future of publishing. Dazed and Confused has evolved with the changes of the publishing industry as a result of the internet, social media and digital technology. The timeline demonstrates.


1996 March issue provides a link to Dazed own web site

1991 1st issue of Dazed and Confused 1992 Magazine gains popularity and increases sales with regular issues

1998 Supporting social causes and encouraging debate issue 46 was based on Fashion – Able dealing with the perceptions of beauty and disability.

2000 By this time issues gave links to several 2001 web sites June issue and most cover contributo-displayed Alicia Keys rs were proving the listed with email magazines is addresses. 1 step 1999 Looking beyond the printed page Dazed Film and TV was launched.


ahead, Alicia was awarded best newcomerin 2002 and now gone onto huge interna tional success. international success.

2002 April D&G l in Ja demon ing i succe the g marke 2001 Increased growth of the Dazed group saw the launch of Another Magazine� a bi-annual publication.

2006 Collaborated with Myspace to campaign for Red World Aids Day

l saw launch apan nstratit ess in global et. 2006 Dazeddigital. com was launched. This is an online version of the magazine.

2009 May issue - 1st mention of Twitter 2007 1st mention of Facebook within an issue. Proving the need to keep up with new social media sites.

2008 April 10th Joined Facebook


2011 Launch of the app Jefferson Hack, Publisher and Co-founder of Dazed & Confused. “With the new app, A whole new audience of culturally aware iPad and iPhone users will be introduced to Dazed”.

2010 September and the ‘Reactivate’ project saw the dazeddigital site become first UK online publisher using an HTML5 with a faster loading interface. The online site is innovative and very interactive with blogs, youtube , social networking. The Dazed group confirmed its leading position of the digital version of the magazine.

2010 Soft launched in September, is Dazed new destination for video only content.



I personally have an interest in art and love the quirky side of contemporary art, for this reason I have decided to channel my ideas towards this fascination and create a zine based on toilet graffiti. I feel toilet graffiti has a level of idiosyncratic art. Graffiti is nothing new, and has been around for decades. Some people love it and consider it represents a level of art and some hate it considering it’s mindless and a deliberate form of vandalism. Because of this it is a debateable subject and therefore would spark interaction on the digital forum sites. In addition to the art element toilet graffiti has a little more to offer; the words expressed on those toilet walls can be interesting and often appear to have inner depth meanings. Within a changing culture, for people reading toilet graffiti it can be fascinating and entertaining. Analyzing the words of some of the graffiti is very intriguing and this can be expanded on to provide the opportunity to carry the subject forward. People express their inner most feelings, revealing secrets to people they do not even know. Other great things about toilet graffiti are that it simply adds personality to toilets and also the kind and difference of graffiti that appears within the male and female toilets is a whole new exciting issue. Toilet graffiti material is always changing and being updated and is therefore fresh; so a zine based on this subject will always have original material. What’s more viewed globally is again something totally different because toilet graffiti is so diverse to regions and countries.


Consumer Profile


34% Opinionated 20% Cultural 16% Rebellious 12% BALLSY 16% MUSEUM ATENDEE The target consumer for “No Paper� is a person who has an appreciation for art and culture, together with an open minded attitude towards life. They will have an interest in psychology and have opinionated views on topical issues. Their personality is likely to display unruly and bolshie characteristics. I have created this consumer profile to show the five main types of characteristics the consumer will be.


Promotional Campaign


During the creation of “NO PAPER” it has joined the social network sites facebook. The development of a web site is under review. “NO PAPER” is definitely an art based publication and the target consumer would have an interest in cultural and contemporary art. For this reason and with consideration to sourcing a potential sponsor it would seem sensible to aim towards an art gallery or museum. An art gallery like the Tate Modern would be an ideal sponsor; Britain’s national museum of modern and contemporary art has spaces allocated for temporary exhibits. The proposal for the promotional campaign would have a cost element and it would be hoped that the sponsor would contribute toward the costs. It would be of benefit to a sponsor because the campaign will produce a finished piece of art material that could be exhibited The plan is to design and create two life size toilet cubicles, one to be male and one female. The cubicles will be created out of plywood and used to form the toilet walls. Each cubicle will be fitted out to appear authentic just like a public toilet; with a wc pan and lid, a mirror and toilet roll holder.


The walls will be painted white in a product that can be easily written on. The intention is to locate the promotional set on London south bank and to invite members of the public to come and “EXPRESS YOURSELF� by writing graffiti on the toilet walls. The cubicles will be fitted with a closing curtain so as to provide privacy for the graffiti artist; this would hopefully encourage interesting and positive results.


The intention is that when all the wall space is filled with grafitti, then the finished article could be donated as a piece of contemporary art to the sponsor for exhibiting. The “NO PAPER” zine could be sold from the museums gift shop. If “NO PAPER” were successful in gaining an audience and curiosity from the pubic it could raise adverse criticism for encouraging graffiti; this in itself would be a cheap form of publicity. This whole concept could easily be taken global. Suitable art gallery/museum sponsors would have to be identified within different countries, and the zine updated with photography and narrative to tie in with the relevant location. 24



A Press release detailing plans for a promotional launch will be issued to a select list of publications. The example press release is addressed to “Tank” magazine . I have chosen this publication because I feel that the typical reader of this magazine would have an attraction to a zine publication like “No Paper”. Tank magazine was first introduced in 1998 and is a self published magazine with four editions a year. It is distributed to a worldwide audience. The magazine can be described as Informed, articulate with original style, photography, art and writing, it is very different and it is cultural and by no means your typical monthly, glossy fashion magazine.


NO PAPER To:Tank magazine, Masoud Golsorkhi NO PAPER PRESENTS “EXPRESS YOURSELF” Name: EXPRESS YOURSELF For Release: 1 Month prior to campaign goes up. Address: South Bank London Campaign Date: 5th May 2012 The Tate Modern, London Invites you to be a part of “NO PAPER” The Tate Modern are proud sponsors of a campaign to launch a new and exciting niche publication “NO PAPER”. It’s a publication that has been developed around the notation of toilet graffiti. Graffiti is an international habit classed by so many as mindless and a form of vandalism. However sectors of todays society looks upon graffiti with an opinion that it does have something to offer and deserves a little more recognition. After all Banksy amongst other graffiti artisrts has become infamous with his street art. Toilet graffiti is to some extent quite unique compared to street graffiti. It’s secretive and there is a sinister side to those cagey words being inscribed on the toilet walls. The campaign involves inviting members of the public to express themselves on toilet walls. The toilet walls will then be exhibited as a piece of contemporary art within the museum. Members of the public are invited to become involved in creating an exciting work of contemporary art. Plus view some interesting photographs from the 1st issue of “NO PAPER” and purchase at a copy at a special promotional price. No one will know who wrote or drew it, but everyone can view it! Example graphics of “NO PAPER” available on request.


No Paper




To promote the publication of “NO PAPER” in addition to the proposed sponsor mentioned above “NO PAPER” would endeavour to partner with commercial enterprises that might use examples of the toilet graffiti photographs on their products, initial thoughts include like greeting card companies, t.shirt companies. It is believed that selected pieces of toilet graffiti could be fashionably utilised on an array of products. The reputation and image of the companies selected would have to blend with the mood and persona that “NO PAPER” conjures up.


Paperlink are a greeting card publishing group that boast market leaders of contemporary and humorous greeting cards.

“Artists and Cartoonists - We are always interested in new ideas from artists, cartoonists and copywriters :-Click here to find out more about how to present your work for consideration” (paperlink, 2012,online) Having the opportunity to get some of the “NO PAPER” photographs published into greeting cards would provide a great form of promotion, with contact details displayed on the back page of the card. On the other hand the self publishing and printing could be done independently and sold direct to retail stores.


Collaborating with an independent tee shirt brand with the intention of them using “NO PAPER” graphics on their tee shirts would be another form of promotion. For the purpose of this report and as an example the brand Cuckoos Nest has been identified. The brand portray the right kind of image for “NO PAPER” and supply to the retail stores like Urban Outfitters and Cult, similarly brands with a cutting edge that blend with the “NO PAPER” image. “The Cuckoos Nest Clothing brand is one of the leading designers of graphic t-shirts in the UK and Europe. Our designers are worn by celebrities and style icons…In the late 60’s artists realised the potential for designer t-shirts and started producing increasingly original designs, a trend that Cuckoos Nest has carried forward to today with a contemporary twist”

(cuckoo, 2012, online)




The above report chose the publication Dazed & Confused to use as a case study to represent the future of publishing. It’s an independent, self published magazine that started out as a zine in 1991. Since then it’s had global success and is presently growing from strength to strength. Amongst other things the magazine pushes boundaries and is edgy. Its cultural, arty, debateable and sometimes controversial; one of its earlier issues displayed on the front cover “If you can’t buy it, steal it” below the barcode; controversial as much as its condoning stealing. The Zine created alongside this report “NO PAPER” offers similar traits and if the original zine is popular and future issues are carefully edited and promoted in the correct fashion it would perhaps find itself a niche within the future of the publishing world.




REFERENCES Melnick, 2011, online Millot,J. (2010).ONLINE

Hephaestas, 2010, p78 Jobs. S, 2011, online SCHUSTER,2011, P3 Friedman,2011, p1 Unknown Author, 2011, online paperlink, 2011,online Cuckoo, 2012, online

BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS Friedman, J. (2011) The Future of Publishing: Enigma Variations, publisher, p1 Hephaestas, 2010, Articles on Graffiti and Unauthorised Signage, General Books LLC, Page 78 SCHUSTER , C. 2011, E-publishing Trends and Opportunities, Published in the united states of America, p3

WEBSITES Jobs. S,( 2011), Apple Reports Third Quarter Results, [online] available at Melnick. M, (2011) Anatomy of a Zine: When Magazines Go Indie, arts/article/0,8599,2091194,00.html paperlink, (2012), Contact us, [online] available at Millot,J. (2010). Self-Published Titles Topped 764,000, [online] available at http://www. Unknown Author, 2011, Making It Up As We Go along [online] available at Cuckoo, 2012, About Us, [online] available at


Books Todd. M, Watson,E.(2006) Whatcha Mean, What’s a Zine?: The Art of Making Zines and Minicomics. Graphia Books Sischy,I, Hack,J. Rankin. Furniss ,J.(2011) Dazed and Confused: Making it Up as We Go Along. Rizzoli International Publications Brown,J. Boulderstone,R. ( 2008) The Impact of Electronic Publishing: The Future for Publishers and Librarians. K.G. Saur; 1 edition. Websites


ILLUSTRATION LIST fig1- Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, Berlin Toilet-Splattered paint, own photograph fig 2- Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, Women wearing glasses, own photograph fig3- Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, Idea, own photograph fig4- Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, Berlin Toilet-Splattered paint, own photograph fig5- unknown author 2011, !0% population are gay, photograph [online] com/search/?q=toilet%20graffiti fig 6- Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2011, Dazed and confused exhibition, own photograph fig 7- Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2011, Dazed and confused exhibition, own photograph fig 8- Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, womens toilet , own photograph fig 9- Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, graphitised wall, own photograph fig 10- Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012,racist , own photograph fig 11- Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, women wearing glasses, own photograph fig 12- Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012I don’t care about your blog, own photograph fig 13, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, Dazed and confused exhibition, own photograph fig 14, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, pissed off rather than pissed on, own photograph fig 15, 2007, dazed and confused exhibition front cover super nature, photograph, online, fig 16, 2010, dazed and confused 3d addition, photograph, online, news/2010/11/17/dazed-confused-magazine-daft-punk-3d-cover/ fig 17, 2010, dazed and confused-october, photograph, online, blog/?tag=dazed-and-confused-magazine-dowlonad fig 18, 2011, Dazed making it up as we go along, photograph, online, com/art-culture/page/2/ Fig 19, 2012, Dazed Digital, photograph print screen, online,


Fig 20,1992, dazed and confused first issue, photograph, online, http://blog.exacteditions. com/2011/11/22/dazed-confused-and-now-archived/ Fig 21, 2008, dazed- Fashion able, photograph, online view/1064/Susannah_Frankel_on_Lee_McQueen Fig 22, 2001, Dazed- Alicia Keys, photograph, online, http://entertainmentrundown. com/2011/11/18/alicia-keys-kelis-pharrell-dazed-confused-redux/ Fig 23,

Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, graffiti on board, own photograph

Fig 24, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, Berlin toilets 2, own photograph Fig 25, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, I like a good pasty, own photograph


Fig 26, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, Consumer profile, own photograph/photoshop. Fig 27, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, sluts rule, own photograph Fig 28, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, South Bank London with toilet, own photograph Fig 29, 2010, graffiti cbgb bathroom, photograph, online, fiti-and-beyond/graffiti-cbgb-bathroom/

Fig 30, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, suck balls, own photograph Fig 31, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, press release, own photograph Fig 32, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, Business card 1, own photograph Fig 33, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, Business card 2, own photograph Fig 34, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, South Bank London with toilet, own photograph Fig 35, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, back of business card, own photograph Fig 36, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, Zine front , own photograph Fig 36, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, Zine middle , own photograph Fig 37, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, toilet seat, own photograph Fig 38, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012,card 1 , own photograph Fig 39, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, card 2 , own photograph Fig 40, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, card 3 , own photograph Fig 41, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012, card 4 , own photograph Fig 42, Paperlink, 2012, Humour - Pants!, greeting card, photograph, online Fig 43, Paperlink, 2012, Humour – Iffy greeting card, photograph, online Fig 44, Paperlink, 2012, Humour- Mahoney joe, photograph, online productlist/4/171/mahoney_joe.html Fig 45, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012,T shirt, own photograph Fig 46, Cuckoo’s nest, queen t shirt, photograph, online products Fig 47, Cuckoo’s nest, the good times got old t shirt, photograph, online Fig 48, Cuckoo’s nest, fresh death t shirt, photograph, online FIG 49, Amy-Jane Twelvetrees- own image, 2012,stamp, own photograph


QUESTIONAIRE 1. Are you male or female? Male Female 2. What age range do you fall into? 16-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 50+ 3. Have you ever applied graffiti to the walls in a public toilet? Yes No 4. If yes what did it read or please give an idea of the subject matter? If no please proceed to question 7 5. If yes can you remember why you did it? 6. Can you remember what your thoughts were at the time? 7. When you visit a toilet and there is graffiti present what are your first impressions? 8. Do you read the graffiti in public toilets and do you find it entertaining? 9. Can you recall any graffiti that has stuck in your mind or been significant for any reason? 10. Thinking about all graffiti in general have you ever thought it clever/skilful and compared it to art?




-Original idea; whilst there are publications relating to the subject of graffiti, “No Paper” is dedicated to toilet graffiti. -Toilet graffiti found within the different gender toilets creates an added interest value. -Grafitti is a debateable and contentious subject, so would generate interest. -A huge amount of material out there (in public toilets) to work with. So the publications can be kept innovative. -Self publishing is possible. -The zine can be creatively and positively displayed on an array of digital platforms.


-The whole concept of the publication can be taken global. -With members of the public supplying the material there will always be new material to work with. -Development of brand recognition; exploiting the photographs from “No Paper” to promote the brand. -To release additional issues. To look towards the publication of a book. -Increase publication to increase profitability -Brand partnerships and collaborations



-It encourages and condones graffiti. -There will be a section of the consumer market that will find “No Paper� objectionable -Maintaining the readers interest with ground-breaking ideas.


-Negative publicity regards graffiti, a growing public awareness of the unfavourable effects of graffiti. -Government strengthening rules and regulations with regard to graffiti abuse. -Maintaining the novelty factor. -Competition from similar publications -Danger of a business flop






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