Anderson University Flagship Center: Located at I-69 (Exit 222); provides more than 53,000 square feet (three floors) of operational space to support educational initiatives of the university.
Blackbird Media Lab: Houses production rooms, a TV studio, cyclorama green screen, editing bays, offices, and class labs for the cinema media arts major and university marketing.
• Dance Annex: Houses three of the four dance studios, lockers, practice and conditioning space. All dance studios are equipped with L’Air sprung floors, mirrors, and barres. ●
Decker Hall: Houses administrative offices, the Center for Student Life, Information Technology Services, the Mail Distribution Center, Create (dining venue), services for adult students, the esports lab, the Center for Security Studies and Cyber Defense, and several other offices and classrooms including the academic departments of computer science, English, history and political science, mathematics, modern languages, and teacher education.
Hardacre Hall: Houses the Falls School of Business (including the Star Trading Room and Dunkin Digital Media Lab), the office of Marketing & Communications, University Police and Security Services, and Physical Plant Department.
Hartung Hall: Houses several offices and classrooms, laboratories, a lecture hall, and the academic departments of biology; nursing; physical sciences and engineering; psychology; and social work, criminal justice, and family science.
Krannert Hall: Houses classrooms, laboratories, practice and rehearsal rooms, recital venues, a MIDI lab, a recording studio, faculty studios, and the Wilson Galleries, as well as the academic departments of music, theatre, dance, and communication and design arts. The first floor of the facility houses the engineering center, including lab facilities for engineering students.
Robert A. Nicholson University Library: A merger of the Wilson (undergraduate) and Byrd (seminary) libraries; houses the university’s library collections, computer labs, group study rooms, the Kissinger Academic Center for Excellence, the archives for Anderson University and the Church of God (Anderson, Ind.), the Elizabeth and James York Reading Room, and various special collections.
School of Theology and Christian Ministry: Houses the Adam W. Miller Chapel, classrooms, faculty and administrative offices, and “The Common Place” (student lounge).
Welcome Center: Connected to Decker Hall; houses the offices of Admissions, Financial Aid and Scholarships, the University Registrar, and Educational Support Services.
Byrum Hall: Historic campus landmark once used for basketball games and physical education classes; houses a 530-seat proscenium theatre.
Reardon Auditorium: Used primarily for chapel/convocation, performance events, and conferences. Seats 2,200.
York Performance Hall and Galleries: Attached to Krannert Hall; serves as performance venue for student, faculty, and guest artist recitals. Seats 320 guests plus orchestra space for 45 and a choir loft for 75. Contains the Scheierman Galleries (Warner Sallman Collection) and The Jeeninga Museum of Near Eastern and Biblical Archeology.
Anderson University Undergraduate Catalog, 2022-23