PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING Dr. McPheron, chair; Dr. Baker, Dr. Carr, Prof. Craton, Dr. Kang, Dr. Kennedy, Dr. Lyle-Ippolito, Dr. Troy, Dr. Wallace, Prof. Williamson; Prof. George
The Department of Physical Sciences and Engineering offers majors in biochemistry, chemistry, physics, physical science, electrical engineering, computer engineering, engineering physics, mechanical engineering, and mechatronics engineering; as well as minors in chemistry and physics. Students gain broad scientific and engineering knowledge in the classroom while having opportunities to do significant research. Graduates often go on to medical and graduate programs, while others find careers as scientists and engineers.
ENGINEERING PROGRAMS It is the mission of Anderson University’s Engineering Program to develop highly qualified, innovative, servant leaders.
Living the Mission: • Highly Qualified Engineers — We provide a Christ-centered, hands-on education, grounded in the liberal arts that inspires students toward excellence in engineering. • Innovative Thinkers — We model resourceful, pioneering, and creative thinking to uniquely mentor students to deal with the challenges of vocation, life, and community. • Servant Leaders — We seek to live God-honoring lives of integrity, and share the importance of Christlike servanthood. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45.
Program Characteristics: • Theoretical Knowledge — Anderson University Engineering students will have advanced mathematical, scientific, and engineering skills — including significant design, problem solving, and data processing ability — built upon a liberal arts foundation. • Practical Experience — Anderson University Engineering students will have significant hands-on experiences, driven by laboratory exercises, research assistantships, internships, project management, and interdisciplinary opportunities. • Grounded in Faith — Anderson University Engineering students will be lifelong learners who, through the lens of a Christian worldview, will recognize God’s calling on their lives to serve the Church and society.
Program Educational Objectives: Engineering graduates from Anderson University, three to five years’ post-graduation, will be improving society by: • actively serving Christ in their local church, community, and/or worldwide, • using a biblical worldview for professional and ethical decision-making, • thriving professionally individually and in teams, and • successfully pursuing advanced degrees, certifications, and/or professional development opportunities.
Anderson University Undergraduate Catalog, 2022-23