CHRISTIAN MINISTRY Dr. Burnett, chair; Dr. Kirkpatrick, Dr. Lozano, Dr. Overstreet, Dr. Varner, Dr. Willowby
Questions of truth and destiny confront each generation and are at the root of all human enterprises, necessitating that the very nature of the educational task focus on these basic issues. With a firm commitment to the centrality of the Christian tradition for all such considerations, the Department of Christian Ministry offers coursework and field experiences designed to accomplish the following: • Develop in all students a familiarity with and appreciation for the biblical foundations of the Christian faith; • Make available from a Christian perspective a wide range of knowledge concerning the religious experience of humankind; • Provide the biblical, theological, and pastoral Christian education, field courses, and experiences central to preparing enlightened and committed Christian leaders; and • Develop students’ appreciation for and critical reflection on their own and others’ beliefs, practices, and experiences. Students seeking two or more majors in the department (including complementary majors) must earn a minimum of 15 hours that are unique to each major. Students seeking minors as well as majors in this department must choose a different area of study for the minor and present a minimum of 12 hours not applied to the major. BACHELOR OF ARTS AND MASTER OF DIVINITY 5-YEAR (4+1) DEGREES
The BA/MDiv 4+1 degree program is designed for undergraduate students who are highly motivated academically and sense an early call to ministry. It is designed to enable the student to complete both the BA and Master of Divinity degrees in a seamless 5-year program between Anderson University undergraduate studies and Seminary preparation. (Traditionally, completing both the BA and MDiv degrees has taken an average of seven years.) Basic requirements for the 5-year program are: • Students must complete all requirements for an undergraduate BA degree at Anderson University and all requirements for the MDiv degree from AU Seminary. • Students must submit the appropriate “change in major” form with the University Registrar so that graduate Seminary courses may be taken by undergraduates and substitute for the appropriate undergraduate courses. • The MDiv degree may be combined with one of three undergraduate majors in the Department of Christian Ministry: Bible and Religion, Christian Ministries, or Youth Ministries. For more information and a complete outline of courses, contact the Chair of the Department of Christian Ministry, the Dean of the School of Theology and Christian Ministry, or the Anderson University Office of Admissions. BIBLE AND RELIGION
Courses in this major are drawn from the related areas of theology, Bible, and religion as students explore the biblical sources of Christian religion and its theology, practice, and relation to life and culture. This major is valuable for pre-seminary students and for students who want to pursue graduate studies in Bible or religion, such as a PhD degree.
Anderson University Undergraduate Catalog, 2022-23