Inside AUBG Issuu 54

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AUBG The Magazine of the American University in Bulgaria

ISSUE 54 : 2016


• Life at AUBG

• AUBG Milestones in Facts and Photos

• Friends and Supporters

• 25 Years of High Quality Education

• 25th Anniversary Highlight



• From Dream To Reality • re:collect ǀ AUBG Milestones in Facts and Photos ǀ • 25 years of high quality education • re:cognize ǀ Birthday Wishes ǀ • re:discover ǀ Life at AUBG ǀ • re:imagine ǀ Friends and Supporters ǀ • 25th anniversary highlight • Lifelong Legacy

Published by: Office of Communications and Marketing © Copyright 2016 AUBG. All rights reserved. Editorial Board Dimana Doneva, Despina Koleva-Hristova Consulting Editor Lisa Clark

01 02 06 08 10 12 15 23

Writers Despina Koleva-Hristova, Diana Elagina, Dimana Doneva, Ivanela Arabadzhieva, Leda Dragieva, Martin Gorunov Photographers Anastasiia Hryshchenko, Enxhi Buda, Ivanela Arabadzhieva, Tsvetiana Zaharieva

From Dream to Reality 25 YEARS OF AUBG: FROM DREAM TO REALITY By Dimana Doneva It all began with 16 full-time professors, 208 brave students, a handful of dedicated staff members and a building that used to be a communist party house. Twenty-five years later, the American University in Bulgaria has graduated over 4,000 successful alumni coming from more than 40 countries. Some of them are founders and entrepreneurs, others hold high positions in global companies, or work in governments, media organizations, academic institutions and NGOs. They have spread to all corners of the globe but remain part of a strong and supportive community. What unites them all is the determination to be part of the positive change in the region and the world. Speaking of our graduates, we can’t help but mention the faculty members who have instilled in the alumni the values that have helped them become successful. Our professors have taken the mission of the university to heart and have tirelessly acted upon it for 25 years now. Because, beyond being some of the best academics who’ve come to AUBG from five continents, they are successful professionals who know it is through hard work that excellence is achieved. Today, our professors make sure to keep the students busy as much as they did in the early years of the university. But amid demanding academic projects, AUBG students stage musicals and plays in our state-of-the-art theater hall, make their first steps in journalism as part of the various student media on campus, celebrate sports spirit in our gym, sports hall and outdoor sports facilities, make a difference with the PTPI Better Community Club and get together in the “Aspire” co-working space to exchange ideas and even set the foundations of their future companies. And that’s not all – our students run extracurricular activities that range from clubs dedicated to languages, politics, gender equality and computer science to ones that are all about cooking, fanCons or a mock show that gathers the whole university community for three hours of laughter every year. The AUBG staff does its best to keep up with the tireless students. This is why for our 25th anniversary we organized a series of events that encompassed the AUBG spirit in all its forms and expressions. We took our time to celebrate at a heartwarming reception, an alumni reunion and a festive fundraising gala evening. But we also stayed hard at play: we hosted the Innovation, Education, Entrepreneurship Conference that welcomed prominent guest speakers from around the world, we launched our new outdoor sports facilities and cut the ribbon of the “Aspire” co-working space. We also displayed two items of historical importance at “Aspire”: the first AUBG Internet modem that was also one of the first two in an organization in Bulgaria and a reel-to-reel machine that belonged to Radio AURA, the oldest AUBG student club that would become the first private radio station in the country. These items are there to serve as a reminder to the students that their entrepreneurial zest has always been and always will be at home here at AUBG. Back in the early days, an enterprising group of students from the first classes gathered together in AUBG’s computer labs to establish WizCom, a company that in just few years had over 50 employees, was developing computer games and software design tools and had customers such as Ford Motor Company. More than two decades later, the founders of WizCom are now owners of award-winning companies and mentors of young entrepreneurs. In 2014, two AUBG alumni sold their company Telerik to a global software giant for $263 million. And just this summer, AUBG graduates from the class of 2016 won Junior Achievement Bulgaria’s best startup award for their company Centroida. The American University in Bulgaria itself is one of the most successful social entrepreneurial projects in the history of the region. In fact, we recently measured just how successful we have been. Our 2016 Alumni Placement and Salary survey showed our graduates on top of the world: 99.8 per cent of the graduates are employed, 65 per cent get more than two job offers at graduation, 20 per cent earn more than $100,000 a year, 11 per cent own or partner in companies, 50 per cent attain graduate degrees, and 20 per cent of experienced alumni in the U.S. earn more than $250,000 a year. The success of AUBG would have been impossible without you: the friends and supporters of the university. This anniversary issue of our “Inside AUBG” magazine is an aim to thank you for your contribution. As you page though the stories in this magazine, we hope that we inspire you to re-live the AUBG dream, a dream that will continue to shape the reality for many years to come. •




2016, October 1 – AUBG celebrates its 25-year anniversary

2016, October 21 – AUBG marks its 25th birthday with alumni, friends and supporters at the 25th Anniversary Gala in Sofia 2016, October – New outdoor sports field opens

2015 2016, January – Stratsi Kulinski becomes the first AUBG alumnus appointed as president 2015, October 17 – The ABF theater becomes the Dr. Carl Djerassi Theater Hall

2014 2015, April 23 – The second alumni mega reunion brought together over 300 alumni to celebrate AUBG’s first commencement ceremony 20 years earlier

2014, November 6 – AUBG’s website named “Institutional Website of the Year” in the 15th annual competition BG Website 2014


2014, April – AUBG launches a virtual tour of its campus 2013, December – The ABF Student Center wins the “Building of the Year” contest in the Education and Sport category 2013, May 10 – The EMBA Program celebrates its 10-year anniversary



2013, March 15 – Radio AURA, the oldest student club on campus, celebrates its 20 th birthday


2011 2012, October 19 – The America for Bulgaria Foundation (ABF) Student Center opens

2011, October 3 – AUBG marks its twentieth anniversary with a birthday gala in Sofia’s Ivan Vazov Theater 2011, May 14 – Groundbreaking for America for Bulgaria Student Center 2011, March – AUBG graduate Georgi Iliev is named Bulgaria’s 2010 Book of the Year winner for his novel Holy Fool: Dogtown

2010 2010, November – AUBG tops first official University Ranking system in Bulgaria 2010, January 20 – AUBG and Blagoevgrad officials cut the ribbon on the Skaptopara III Residence Hall

2010, May 15 – The New Academic Building becomes Balkanski Academic Center in honor of Professor Minko Balkanski


2009, May 16 – AUBG library named after Dimi and Yvonne Panitza at official ceremony 2009, April - AUBG goes green during the first Eco Week organized by students

2009, April – AUBG grants the first Tchaprachikoff scholarships for graduate study at top 20 U.S. universities

2009, April 4 – The Griffins American football club hosts the first national tournament in American flag football

2008 2008, October 4 – Ground turned on the Skaptopara III Residence Hall

2008, October 3 – New library building opens doors 2008, September 27 – Elvin Guri ’96 receives the first Distinguished Alum Award

2007 2008, April 10 – The first musical production in AUBG history, Chicago, premieres

2007, May 12 – AUBG’s new academic and administrative building opens



2006, October – The American University in Bulgaria celebrates its fifteenth anniversary

2006 2006, July 20 – The Bulgarian National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency bestows the highest accreditation evaluation to AUBG

2006, April 1 – The first student-organized AUBG Olympics attracts over 500 community members


2005, May 27 – The first Alumni Mega Reunion brings together 11 AUBG classes



2004, May 11 – First graduates of AUBG’s Executive MBA class

2002 2003, March 19 – Elieff Center for Education and Culture in Sofia opens

2002, October 5 – Skaptopara II Residence Hall opens


2001, June 14 – AUBG is accredited by the Bulgarian National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency

2001, March 28 – AUBG receives accreditation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)


1999, November – U.S. President Bill Clinton visits AUBG and receives honorary doctorate


1999, September – FlashNews – the first online student publication – is launched 1998, April 23 – First More-Honors Academy show – the most popular show on campus of all times

1998, September 11 – Skaptopara I Residence Hall opens


1995 1997, November 27 – Groundbreaking for AUBG’s Skaptopara campus



1995, October 1 – The AUBG choir receives the laureate title (second prize) at the “Bedřich Smetana” international choir competition in the Czech Republic


1993 1993, January 27 – The AUBG choir is established

1992 1995, May 7 – First AUBG class graduates

1992, October 17 – The first issue of what would become the student newspaper Aspecter is published

1992, April – AUBG’s first Arts Festival opens


1992, December – AUBG’s first theater production - Thorton Wilder’s Our Town – is staged 1991, November – First meeting of the AUBG Board of Directors

1991, November 1 – AUBG inaugurated at an official outdoor ceremony in Blagoevgrad

1991, fall – Students use the intercom music system (“radiotochka”) in the Hilltop dormitory to begin dormitory-wide broadcasts that will later become Radio AURA

1991, June 24 – First Opening Ceremony: AUBG opens doors with 16 full-time faculty members and 208 students












Career Success 99.8%


11% 20% 20% EARN >



get 2+ job offers at graduation


attain graduate degrees


of respondents have graduated with two majors


of respondents have graduated with a minor




The institutional alumni survey was conducted in July of 2016 by the Office of Communications and Marketing at AUBG. Results are based on anonymous participation of 533 respondents who graduated from the BA program from 1995 through 2016.



Vladimir Rusev (‘97)

Bulgaria, Political Science and International Relations, Business Administration President, AUBG Alumni Association Partner Finance and Administration, EON Toys Inc

I have embedded in my businesses, in my relationships and in my family the liberal and democratic values that I have gained from AUBG. (...) The graduates of AUBG are the building blocks of an open civil society. They are ethical and honorable business partners who work for a mutually beneficial solution. They are employees who think critically, take initiative and assume responsibility. The world today needs more institutions like AUBG [to create] open democratic, free individuals, who are not afraid to speak up and challenge outdated social norms. •


Ani Gesheva (‘07), Economics and Business Administration

Columbia Business School, MBA Candidate, New York University, MA, Economics

The education in the tradition of liberal arts, along with the promotion of independent and critical thinking, the incredibly diverse and intelligent students and the outstanding faculty at AUBG had a tremendous impact on my personality and career path.

Sindi Shkodrani (‘15), Computer Science

London Business School, MBA Managing Director, JP Morgan

AUBG gave me the confidence. We did feel on top of the world when we graduated. And I think that feeling, whether justified or not, gave me the confidence that, frankly, I could do anything I put my mind to.

Borislav Stefanov (‘01), History and Business Administration

My message to AUBGers as a recent graduate: Stand out, make an impact on the community. Use what you can do best to change the things around you. AUBG may be small, but it is full of great minds.

Regent’s University London, MA, Harvard Business School, MBA Investment Director, GlobeCap Investment

I have been to three universities by now and I would say that AUBG is just as good as any of the other places that I have studied. If I could be applying to college once again, I would definitely go to AUBG..

University of Amsterdam, MSc, Artificial Intelligence, Google Anita Borg Scholar

Milena Grayde (‘95), Business Administration


Countries with AUBG graduates



re:cognize BIRTHDAY WISHES Ralitsa Vasileva

News Director, Anchor and Correspondent at BIT

I remember AUBG’s birthday 25 years ago, when Bulgaria was making its painful transition to democracy. Totalitarianism had permeated every aspect of life, including education. This reminds me of a quote from American anthropologist Margaret Mead, “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” That kind of instruction was what Bulgaria’s fledgling democracy needed the most when AUBG was born. You brought the best Western teaching practices and helped restore Bulgaria’s education to its old glory. The kind of teaching to which both my grandparents devoted their entire life. Since then I have met many of your distinguished graduates. As news director and anchor at Bulgarian International Television (BITV), I met AUBG alumna Florina Ivanova. She is a true testament to the exceptional education at the American University in Blagoevgrad. It has been a pleasure to see her blossom into an accomplished BITV reporter in less than a year. I wish AUBG continued success in helping prepare the next leaders who will take Bulgaria to new heights along its democratic path. As Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” I wish you lots of success in empowering new generations as agents of change. Happy 25th Birthday AUBG!” •

Rosen Plevneliev

President of Bulgaria

It is my pleasure to congratulate the faculty, students and graduates of the American University in Bulgaria on its twenty-fifth anniversary. Starting in 1991, you have been laying the foundations of academic learning and writing the story of success achieved through a cutting edge education. Thanks to the educational model based on an individual, interactive and practical skill-building approach that your institution follows, students have the opportunity to acquire a broad knowledge and to prepare for the challenges in life. With its renowned faculty and demanding academic environment, your university has proved itself as a leading academic center of regional importance. AUBG should take pride in its entrepreneurial spirit and the variety of initiatives aimed at developing a forward-looking mindset among students living in a dynamic and ever-changing world where competitiveness is the key to success. I compliment the introduction of a minor in entrepreneurship in your curriculum, which clearly shows the relevance and importance of your priorities for the future. The university is charged with the energy and enthusiasm of young people from around the world. I am convinced that the road ahead of you will be exciting and filled with new challenges and achievements! Set your priorities, build friendships and trust, think in perspective, and follow your dreams! I wish you a successful academic year! •



Meglena Kuneva

Deputy Prime Minister for European Policies Coordination and Institutional Affairs and Minister of Education and Science

Dear ladies and gentlemen, I congratulate you on the 25th anniversary from the establishment of the American University in Bulgaria. The quality of education is of considerable importance for the sustainable growth of Bulgaria and Europe as a whole. In the course of 25 years, the American University in Bulgaria has established a reputation worthy of respect. I believe that you will continue to follow your educational philosophy and achieve your principal goals, preparing highly-qualified professionals and creating an environment in which young people fulfill their potential. To all students I wish, by virtue of tremendous energy and ambition, to master the contemporary theoretical and practical achievements in their chosen fields of study and to reach the global standards in higher education and individual professional qualification. I express my deepest appreciation of the dedicated work of all faculty and scholars at the American University. I wish faculty patience and affection for their students that would allow them to convey their entire wisdom and academic experience, and to prepare deserving citizens and representatives of their native countries! Happy аnniversary! •

Atanas Kambitov

Mayor of Blagoevgrad Municipality

Eric Rubin

U.S. Ambassador to Bulgaria

It is a pleasure for me to congratulate the management, lecturers, and students of the American University in Bulgaria on your 25th anniversary. I salute the effort and will of all of you who contribute to the development of education. (…) I congratulate you for the time and effort invested in the validation of the prestige of both the American University in Bulgaria, and Blagoevgrad. Honorary faculty members, for 25 years you have focused on the personal development of students and helped them become specialists that contribute to our society. Dear students, you have the incredible privilege to be graduates of a prestigious institution. AUBG builds skills and provides knowledge which transforms students into educated and successful people. The American University in Bulgaria is an establishment with traditions I believe you will continue. Wishing you success and good luck! •

To chart a course for the future, we must know where we come from. This 25th anniversary for AUBG is an occasion to reflect on the many accomplishments of this university and – more importantly – of the people of AUBG. Alumni occupy important roles in government, business, the arts, and civil society. Every day, they have the opportunity to use the knowledge and skills acquired at AUBG to observe, question, and analyze the world around them and to implement change. They are guided by a framework of democratic values that include embracing diversity, striving for success, respecting different views, and working together to achieve prosperity and security for their families, their communities, their countries, and our world. On behalf of the U.S. Embassy, I wish to thank the AUBG’s board of directors, administration, faculty, and students for making AUBG a shining example of excellence in education. AUBG, congratulations on 25 years of success! •



re:discover 1991, “laptop” would have sounded like something out of a science fiction movie. In 2016, DOS would more TECHNOLOGY Inlikely translate as “definitely old stuff.”



AUBG has been a magnet for theater buffs for 20 years, and has even produced an award-winning writer and playwright Georgi Iliev-Starcheto (’96).

The smile has always been among the prettiest party accessories.





Regardless of their surroundings, our students have always been thirsty for knowledge.

Doing homework in 1991 was a slog: you had to dig through several hundred volumes to find what you need. Today the right answers are just a click away. Panitza Library offers access to the world’s best online resources in addition to more than 100,000 books and print publications.



At the first commencement ceremony in 1995, Blagoevgrad locals were taken aback by the congregation of “priests” that descended on Georgi Izmirliev Square. Today, Commencement is a much-anticipated occasion that fills the town’s main square with an admiring crowd.

The moves and the mood are the same, only the scope is different. The AUBG musical has become an AUBG landmark, touring all major Bulgarian cities every year.

HONORS CONVOCATION After 20 years of practice, our seating calculations finally came out right.


For 25 years, the senior ball has been the culmination of four unforgettable years of partying, studying and making lifelong friends.


From the hunting lodge of Bulgaria’s former communist head of state to the modern and cozy Skaptoparas, the AUBG residence halls have housed amazing characters of global magnitude.




The American University in Bulgaria began as a courageous dream at the wake of democracy in Bulgaria. It was a dream of creating a better future for the young people in the region. It was a dream of preparing these young people “for democratic and ethical leadership in serving the needs of the region and the world.” 25 years later, AUBG is living the dream. That would have been impossible, however, had it not been for the numerous people and organizations who believed in our mission and did all that was in their power to support its advancement. Ever since 1991, large philanthropic organizations from near and far have provided indispensable support to AUBG. We’d like to thank you for helping bright students from over 40 countries live up to their potential; for allowing us to provide these students with a safe and modern campus; for empowering these students to make the world a better place. In addition to the contributions of global organizations, AUBG also takes pride in the support of a few exceptional individuals. Thanks to Dimi and Yvonne Panitza, the AUBG students now enjoy the largest English-language library on the Balkans. Thanks to Anna Tchaprachikoff, 28 AUBG students have continued their education in the best U.S. graduate schools on a scholarship. Thanks to the number of scholarship donors in the past 25 years, thousands of young people had a better start in life. We could not possibly mention all benefactors in the history of AUBG. Just this past year, we were overwhelmed by the many acts of support. An anonymous donor contributed $1,000, 000 to AUBG a month ago; When AUBG lost one of its symbols, Professor Cosmina Tanasoiu, the whole university community united in their sorrow and gratitude towards her and in just a few months raised enough funds for an endowed scholarship in her memory. Our 25th Anniversary Gala Evening itself will go in the history of AUBG as one of the brightest symbols of the generosity of the university community. We’d like to express our gratitude to AUBG’s long-time supporter Philippe Bertherat who donated $300,000 for AUBG scholarships; to the gold, silver and bronze sponsors of the Gala Evening; to all who participated in the fundraising auction that followed the official part of the Gala Dinner; to AUBG alumna Maria Oprenova whose company OpreMedia organized the event pro bono. Thank you, friends and supporters of AUBG! It is because of you that AUBG is celebrating 25 years of excellence. •



Friends and Supporters Lyubomir Minchev CEO and Co-Founder of Telelink: AUBG “had a great impact on my personal development” By Dimana Doneva What distinguishes AUBG alumni no matter what career path they’ve chosen? Beyond successful careers and a global outlook, it’s their desire to contribute to the community. A case in point? Lyubomir Minchev, Telelink CEO and co-founder. He spent three years studying at AUBG before moving to the U.S. in 1995 and continuing his education at the Sawyer School of Management at Suffolk University in Boston. A lot has happened in Minchev’s life since then. He obtained an EMBA degree from INSEAD, returned to Bulgaria and cofounded Telelink Group, a 96-million-dollar enterprise that employs 600 people across Europe. Despite his busy schedule, Minchev finds time for AUBG, an institution he believes marked the beginning of his personal and professional growth. AUBG was the first place Minchev lived away from his family and the place he began growing up. “It was my community outside of the safety of home,” he said, “and had a great impact on my personal development.” Both student collaboration and the team spirit at AUBG inspired him. Twenty-one years later, Minchev has become a great AUBG supporter. He was a bronze sponsor at AUBG’s Anniversary Gala Evening, where he bought a framed copy of the school’s mission statement at the event’s auction. “Giving back is a tradition in many societies, mostly in the Anglo-Saxon world,” Minchev said. “Unfortunately, it is not instilled enough in ours yet. Setting examples is the only way to change this in the long-term.” He aims to be such a model. Minchev returns to campus when the opportunity arises. He was one of the speakers at the “Education, Innovation, Entrepreneurship” Conference, part of AUBG’s 25th Anniversary celebration. Together with other entrepreneurs, he discussed the impact of entrepreneurship on Eastern Europe. Minchev is one of the founders of the Bulgarian subsidiary of Endeavor, an accelerator that has assisted over 1000 companies to establish more than 500,000 jobs. “We donate our time and money to make Endeavor a success in Bulgaria,” he said. “I would like to see more Bulgarian companies as world or at least regional leaders!” A successful businessman, a daring entrepreneur, a conscientious member of the society – Minchev is a role model for current AUBG students. To them, he offers this advice: “Have the courage to follow your heart!” •

Marianne Keler Chair of the Board of Trustees (2008-2014): AUBG has been “the most meaningful experience of my professional life” By Dimana Doneva A daughter of Hungarian immigrants who moved to the United States during the communist revolution of 1956, Marianne Keler has always felt Eastern Europe close to her heart. “I was very fortunate to experience the American Dream over the years mostly through the higher education system,” Keler said. She obtained her bachelor degree in International Relations at Georgetown University and then continued her education in the university’s law school. Following her graduation, Keler became a successful law professional in the U.S. but still wished to explore her interest in international relations in Eastern Europe. “I was hoping professionally to have some role that would allow me to use my knowledge of languages and my passion for public diplomacy and interest in cross-cultural communication,” Keler, who has also lived in Switzerland and France as a child, said. The opportunity eventually emerged. To the surprise of Keler’s relatives and friends in Hungary, the place ended up to be Bulgaria, and in particular, the American University in Bulgaria. Keler worked at the U.S. student loan company Sallie Mae and through connections there she was invited to join AUBG’s Board of Trustees in the spring of 2000. “I fell in love with the institution,” Keler said. “Emotionally I have been so moved and so touched by the individuals who I served with on the AUBG Board. It has been really the most meaningful experience of my professional life.” Keler grew so fond of the university that she continued to serve at AUBG after she retired from Sallie Mae. “Starting in 2006 when I retired, I came back to AUBG because of my commitment and passion for the mission of the university,” she said. Ever since she got



involved with AUBG, Keler has been one of the university’s most ardent supporters and generous donors. In 2008, Keler was elected the chair of the AUBG Board of Trustees, an experience that had both its difficult and rewarding moments. “We have had many moments of high drama inside the board room,” Keler said. “Those are certainly memorable to me and more importantly what is memorable is how as a board (…) we were always able to overcome our biggest differences. I am sure everybody feels that it was highly rewarding because of the unique nature of the institution and how passionate and supportive we all are of the mission.” And AUBG has been doing a good job in following its mission to educate the ethical leaders of tomorrow, Keler said. “I’ve always been impressed with both the faculty and the students and the unique mix of Bulgarian, regional and international students and their global view of their roles as leaders of the future,” she said. “They travel all over Europe and the United States, they are starting companies, they are bright, they are independent, they are enterprising.” A successful professional who has been making an impact on the region and the world herself, Keler gave a piece of advice to the AUBG students. “The students hear a lot of advice at commencement addresses starting from ‘wear sunscreen’ to ‘always bring a jacket,’” Keler said referring to Mary Schmich’s famous commencement speech essay. “But I think one of the smarter things I’ve heard lately is: rather than finding your passion, excel at what opportunities come your way. You can’t always find the perfect job or find the perfect volunteer opportunity or internship. But you will have something that lands in your lap. Make the absolute most of what you are able to do. Because that will open new doors for you.” Using the opportunities she had is exactly what Keler did. She got involved with AUBG by chance. “It is not that I did a long shopping spree,” Keler said. “It is what came my way.” And it turned out just right. •

Albena Markova

AUBG and PricewaterhouseCoopers: A Match That Started Well and Continues Strong By Despina Koleva-Hristova Some matches are so good, it seems they are made for each other. Such is the case with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Bulgaria and AUBG. The story of Albena Markova, a 1996 graduate and now PwC Bulgaria Advisory Partner, testifies to the success of this pairing. “While I was still a student in my fourth year,” Albena, as she prefers to be referred to in accord with PwC’s first-name policy, revealed, “I was lucky enough to be recruited by PriceWaterhouse… [S]traight from the university I came to work for one of the then-Big Six companies.” In September, she celebrated her twentieth anniversary at PwC Bulgaria. Her roles in the company have changed through the years as she’s gained experience. Currently, she is the managing consulting partner for Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo. Albena’s connection to the university remains strong. “AUBG has always been considered as an institution that produces quite high-quality people,” she said. Now, from the vantage point of an employer, she agrees with that assessment. AUBG is well-represented at PwC Bulgaria. Albena explained, “[W]e currently have quite a lot of AUBG alumni in the different lines of service within PwC,” including auditing, tax, advisory and consulting services. Albena claims she can spot AUBG alumni at work. They are thoughtful, intelligent, and willing to ask questions – qualities PwC finds valuable. They are also hard-working and diligent. “What AUBG is to us,” she explained, “is an institution that first of all selects people of good potential when entering the university, but then also teaches them throughout to solve problems, to rely on their own strength, to work collaboratively and to be really enthusiastic and brave about what they pursue.” To encourage even more people of this caliber, PwC Bulgaria employees initiated an AUBG student scholarship. Started by a few, the idea grew until, in Albena’s words, “Everyone chipped in.” The thing that has kept Albena at PwC Bulgaria for her entire working life is the community spirit within the company. Additionally, the support she’s received from colleagues and bosses over the years has helped her to develop. She also enjoys the challenging and dynamic nature of her work and the sense that there is always something to conquer. “[E]ven though I’ve been a partner for several years – in a way the highest level that one could make in such a firm – I see very broad horizons in front of me,” she said. “[W]e are given the opportunity to be entrepreneurial, so basically the sky is the limit.” Albena’s advice to young people: be patient and open to learn. She advises aspiring professionals to learn and mature. Afterwards, interesting opportunities and success will come – even opportunities within PwC Bulgaria itself. The company is always on the lookout “for talented people who are thirsty to learn and to give their best,” Albena said. AUBG students and alumni are encouraged to consider PwC Bulgaria as a place to launch and develop careers. 14


PwC Bulgaria is one of the oldest companies of its type on the market. It offers a full range of professional services to the Bulgarian government as well as businesses and communities. The company employs almost 200 people. Its name is wellrecognized and its reputation is substantiated by the fact that the firm has sustained its portfolio of companies and wide range of services as well as good relationships with clients consistently for more than two decades. •

25th anniversary highlight THE “EDUCATION, INNOVATION, ENTREPRENEURSHIP” CONFERENCE AT AUBG WELCOMES PROMINENT SPEAKERS By Diana Elagina Education, innovation, and entrepreneurship are the buzzwords of our time. What do they mean for AUBG and for society? Students, professors, and guests discussed this on Sept. 30 in the America for Bulgaria Student Center at the “Education, Innovation, Entrepreneurship” conference. America for Bulgaria Foundation (ABF) is a major supporter of innovation on campus. Nancy Schiller, president and vicechair of the board of directors of ABF, opened the conference. “We are very proud of our relationship with AUBG,” she said. AUBG President Stratsi Kulinski thanked the students, faculty, donors, and alumni for making the university what it has become today. He also recalled memorable moments for the university. AUBG was the second place in Bulgaria to have Internet access. Student-run Radio Aura was the first private radio station in the country. Elvin Guri (’96), AUBG’s major donor alumnus and CEO of Empower Capital Fund, shared his view on education. At the “Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Prospects in the Region,” panel, four experts in entrepreneurship talked about the ins and outs of startup culture in Eastern Europe. Veneta Andonova from Los Andes University in Bogota, Colombia, Iskren Krasteff from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Bulgaria, Launch Hub co-founder Todor Breshkov, Anna-Marie Vilamovska, secretary for Innovation and Healthcare at the Administration of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria and Telelink CEO Lyubomir Minchev shared their perspectives on entrepreneurship’s impact on Eastern European society and economy and spoke about the role of education in shaping enterprising individuals. Yanina Tateva from Ideas Factory, Atanas Maev from Derida Dance Center, Raycho Raychev from EndureSat/Space Challenges, Gavril Tonev (’15) from Centroida, and Daniel Tomov (’97) from Eleven Accelerator Venture Fund shared their stories of success and discussed whether education is needed for a particular job or for developing critical thinking skills. The conference finished with a reception at “Aspire” and the evening rock concert featuring the Bulgarian group Fondation in the ABF Sports Hall. •




By Despina Koleva-Hristova AUBG has earned a place among the region’s top hot spots for entrepreneurship and innovation. The new academic year began with the exciting opening of “Aspire” – a shared working space that aims to encourage the exchange of ideas among the AUBG community and to facilitate the transformation of creative visions into reality. AUBG President Stratsi Kulinski and Member of European Parliament Eva Paunova launched “Aspire” at a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Sept. 30 as part of the 25th anniversary celebrations. “You’ve been the drivers of progress [and] innovation since your foundation,” Paunova declared in her keynote speech. The new shared working space has welcomed the AUBG community since the beginning of the semester. “You can work there, you can have a meeting there, and you can exchange ideas with coworkers, faculty, and students,” AUBG President Stratsi Kulinski said, adding, “It looks nice and welcoming.” “Aspire” welcomes “anyone who is related to the AUBG family,” said AUBG marketing and entrepreneurship professor Alec Campbell, who is the driving force behind the project. Campbell also believes that collaboration and teamwork are central to making a vision come to life. The goal of “Aspire” is to bring people from different areas within the university to one place, where all share one common aspiration to create something, whether it is a start-up business, a tech venture or a book. “Entrepreneurs,” he added, “come in all forms.” “Aspire” itself shares the characteristics of a people-driven, creative project. The idea is to let the AUBG community drive the initial stages of the initiative, Campbell explained. This would help identify the exact type of place and resources they need, molding the future of “Aspire.” The project’s objectives are ambitious. “Our second-phase goal of ‘Aspire’ is to start an accelerator program,” Campbell said. People with fledgling businesses will have the chance to participate in an intensive, sixweek to three-month training, he explained. “We’ll bring in expert mentors that will drive a business to a level where it could really take off.” In addition, “Aspire” will host guest speakers, who, Campbell said, will be “people from different walks of life,” delivering inspirational talks on innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity at large. The university has demonstrated a strong entrepreneurial spirit. “AUBG has been talking about the importance of introducing or incorporating innovation and entrepreneurship as topics, as underlying themes in our education and in our activities for maybe two years now,” said AUBG marketing professor and entrepreneurship champion Milena Nikolova. According to Nikolova, university leaders have been seeking partners to further these aims, noting the involvement of a number of AUBG board and faculty members in such initiatives. The type of events and initiatives supported by AUBG, she contends, send a strong message that innovation and entrepreneurship are celebrated as a way of thinking and also strengthen the university’s identity. To respond to and celebrate campus zest for innovation and entrepreneurship, AUBG has undertaken a variety of initiatives. During September, the university hosted two major entrepreneurship events: the Social Entrepreneurship Academy and the Education, Innovation, Entrepreneurship Conference. Results from the recently-conducted Alumni Placement and Salary Survey show that a solid 11 per cent of AUBG graduates demonstrate entrepreneurial skills, either owning or partnering in their own businesses. • 16


BULGARIAN SUPERGROUP THE FONDATION ROCKS AUBG By Ivanela Arabadzhieva The lights went out in the AUBG Sports Hall and a hush fell over the room. Hundreds of people held their breaths as four spotlights hit the stage. A guitar chord resonated and the audience went wild as Bulgarian group The Fondation opened its gig with the first of many favorite Bulgarian rock songs. For the next two hours, the group rocked the stage with some of their greatest hits – the favorite songs of several generations – as spectators jammed together in front of the stage to dance. At the end of the spectacle, The Fondation returned to the stage to perform two extra songs after the audience cheered for more. Bulgarian music legends Kiril Marichkov, Ivan Lechev, Slavcho Nikolov, Venko Poromanski and Doni drew together AUBG alumni, faculty, staff, students and fans from the Blagoevgrad community for an unforgettable performance Sept. 30. “It is not just us, the people on stage who make a good concert,” said vocalist and guitarist Slavcho Nikolov after the event, “it is you, on the other side, who help us make it even better.” Stefan Ivanov, class of ’95, said that this was “a great way to celebrate” the anniversary. “This is the best concert I have ever been to,” added first-year student Ognyan Trendafilov. •

AUBG OPENS NEW OUTDOOR SPORTS FACILITIES By Martin Gorunov New outdoor courts opened for the AUBG community on Oct.1 during the celebrations for the university’s 25th anniversary. A basketball court, a football field, two tennis courts and a volleyball court are the newest additions to the AUBG campus. At the ceremony, many current students, staff and faculty members as well as alumni shared a toast of sparkling wine to celebrate the official opening of the sports facilities. In his speech to the community, AUBG President Stratsi Kulinski said that, in traditional AUBG spirit, the university welcomes visitors to use the new facility. AUBG has a long-established tradition of supporting events and activities dedicated to sportsmanship and a healthy lifestyle. The university offers various fitness programs and numerous student clubs are dedicated to sports. For more than 10 years, the AUBG Olympics club has organized an annual big sports event near the end of the school year and welcomes the entire community to participate. Famous Bulgarian athletes have also taken part. “These fields will help us a lot to organize different events and promote the active way of life to the community”, said Martin Inkyov, president of the AUBG Olympics club. “When I started working at AUBG in 1992, we didn’t have any sports facilities, ” AUBG Athletics Director Yasen Nedelchev said. “After 25 years, I can finally say that my dream – to have indoor and outdoor world-class sports facilities – has come true.” Who’s most excited about the new facility? AUBG students. “The new fields are great and will help us enjoy our favorite sports even more,” said student Maksim Lezginov, a basketball player. “I appreciate all the work that the university has put in them.” The cutting of the ribbon marks a new chapter in the university’s active lifestyle. The new facility is both a great addition to the campus and a means to strengthen bonds between the AUBG community and the citizens of Blagoevgrad. • 17



Sweet memories, the determination to move forward and future dreams: all three generated optimism at AUBG over the weekend. They were also the foci of the 25th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony held on Oct. 1 in the Dr. Carl Djerassi Theater Hall. Hosted by AUBG President Stratsi Kulinski, the event highlighted all three aspects, boasting success over the past quarter-century, encouraging progress today and bright hope for the upcoming years. Kulinski, an AUBG alumnus from the class of 1995, shared with pride the results of the recently conducted Alumni Placement and Salary survey. Feedback from former students all over the world revealed that 98.8 per cent of AUBG graduates are employed, 11 per cent are entrepreneurs, 45 per cent have master’s degrees, and 50 per cent earn more than $40,000 per year. Reminiscing on his earliest memories of AUBG, Kulinski said, “I met some new people, professors and it was all new, all exciting. We also had difficulties. I remember signing up for classes required walking into a dark basement and going to a table with a piece of paper on it which said: Economics 101 and you went there and wrote your name. I remember vividly a sense of exuberance and community. So, AUBG to me is not just a university, it’s really a family – a place where people live, study, work and have fun together.” “We foster spirit of collaboration, critical thinking, democratic values and ethical behavior – these are not strange things, they are elements of the fundamental human moral code,” Kulinski explained. “When you have a community like this here, it’s just refreshing to see there are places in the world where we can still make a difference.” Today, AUBG is accredited by both the Union Association of Schools and Colleges in the United States (the accreditation agency that accredits top universities like Harvard and MIT) and in Bulgaria by the accreditation agency that awards an EU diploma. Beyond being a great place to live and work, the AUBG campus is also a place that produces impactful citizens who carry its values into the world. Kulinski thanked AUBG friends and sponsors, emphasizing that the school would not be in the place it is today without their support. Sharing how he climbed the business ladder, Vladimir Rusev, the new president of AUBG’s Alumni Association reminded the audience that success involves both ups and downs. He said he was able to manage the “storms” in his life by broadening his social connections, helping others and being optimistic. The ceremony included congratulations from Blagoevgrad Municipality Mayor Dr. Atanas Kambitov. Attendees also enjoyed performances by the AUBG choir and the student-led clubs Samodiva and The Broadway Performance Club. A short film about AUBG’s history, created by the Office of Communications and Marketing and featuring interviews, stories and memories, brought tears to the eyes of many. There was also an awards ceremony where the winners of the three categories of the AUBG anniversary competitions — re:capture, re:state and re:call — were announced. What lies ahead for AUBG? Kulinski quoted the vision of the university: “Our goal is to be the definitive center of excellence for teaching, learning and working together in South-East Europe. We have to be the role model and I think we’re already on our way to do[ing] that. Our future is full of promise and it’s up to you, it’s up to all of us to make it a reality.” Happy 25th Anniversary, AUBG! • 18



AUBG graduates from all classes gathered together on campus for the most eventful weekend in the university’s history Sept.30Oct.2. To celebrate its 25th birthday, AUBG held a conference on innovation, education and entrepreneurship, launched the co-working space “Aspire”, hosted a rock concert, opened its new sports facilities, staged art performances, and had a series of lectures, an exhibition, a celebration ceremony, a reception for all and a fireworks show. The alumni came back to their alma mater to immerse in the festive atmosphere and reunite with old friends but also to give lectures and share experience with current students. An event that brought together experts from near and far, the Education, Innovation, Entrepreneurship Conference on Sept.30 included several AUBG alumni in its program. Board of Trustees member, entrepreneur, and EMBA professor Elvin Guri (’96) took part in the “Innovation and Education in the 21st Century” panel; Telelink CEO Lybomir Minchev who studied at AUBG until 1995 spoke at the panel that discussed prospects for entrepreneurship and innovation in South-East Europe. Daniel Tomov (‘97), co-founder at the Eleven Startup Accelerator Venture Fund and Centroida co-founder Gavril Tonev (‘15) shared their work experience on the “Innovation Stories from the Region” panel. “It feels great to be back in the vibrant community of AUBG and the amazing atmosphere of the 25th Anniversary celebrations surely made it hard to leave again,” Tonev said. “I think that the [Education, Innovation, Entrepreneurship] conference was a remarkable way to show how a modern university can serve as the bridge between innovation and entrepreneurship, while at the same time delivering much more than a standard education. For me it was exciting to see how the ideas of students come to life in ‘Aspire’ and I can only wait to watch them grow.” It wasn’t long until ideas started growing in the newly opened “Aspire” co-working space. Georgi Manolov (‘14) and AAA President Vladimir Rusev (‘97), both part of mobile investor club KOWN, gave a talk at “Aspire” Oct. 1 to share the details on a new partnership between KOWN and AUBG. The collaboration aims to connect AUBG startups and investors and launch successful tech companies. Amid the series of celebratory events and presentations, the alumni also had a chance to attend several thought-provoking lectures on pressing topics. AUBG professor in political science Ivelin Sardamov gave a lecture on jihadism. During the lecture Sardamov also announced he is working on a new book which will be published in the coming months. Professor in political science Robert Phillips spoke about the 2016 presidential election in the U.S. and its possible outcomes; Science professor William Clark gave an overview of climate change. EMBA professor Elvin Guri talked about entrepreneurship and innovation. “The presentation was very interesting to me,” firstyear student Martin Gorunov said. “As a person with years of experience at the highest levels of company management, Mr. Guri shared great business insights.” The on-campus celebrations concluded with an emotional celebration ceremony, a reception for all and a fireworks show. “I haven’t skipped an event that gathers the students and alumni in Blagoevgrad, because I love AUBG, I love the people connected to it, I love the town,” said Eva Aleksandrova (’16, EMBA). “As a full-right graduate, I am extremely proud and glad to be here.” Vladimir Rusev, the new president of the AUBG Alumni Association said that to him, the anniversary means “25 years of successful graduates and 25 years of growth and development while keeping an adventurous spirit and experimenting.” •




The AUBG Anniversary Gala Evening was the perfect ending to the series of events that marked AUBG’s 25th birthday. Over 300 distinguished guests celebrated the milestone in Sofia Oct. 21. Among them were government and business representatives, ambassadors, alumni, friends and supporters of the university. The celebrations began at the National Archaeological Museum, where the guests enjoyed music performances and an anniversary video that got them acquainted with the history, challenges and achievements of the university in the past quarter century. The evening continued with a formal dinner at Sofia Hotel Balkan, where AUBG President Stratsi Kulinski welcomed the guests and announced the highlight of the night: AUBG’s long-time supporter Philippe Bertherat’s $300,000 donation that will go towards AUBG’s scholarship fund. “I am very honored to receive this award,” Bertherat said. “I think that the mission of AUBG is as pertinent as it was when [the university] was founded 25 years ago, and I am very happy to be part of this all. Thank you very much!” President Emeritus Julia Watkins, who served at AUBG from 1993 to 2003, brought the audience back in time with her stories about AUBG’s challenges and achievements over the years. She spoke about how AUBG became one of the first two organizations in Bulgaria to have an Internet modem and the first university in the country to introduce individual student emails. In an emotional speech, Board of Trustees Chair Ivan Manev reminisced about AUBG’s first steps and expressed his gratitude to the many people who contributed to the success of the university. Following the official addresses, the guests enjoyed the performance of famous Bulgarian singer Orlin Pavlov, saw a short “Thank You” video and took part in a fundraising auction. The night concluded with a music mix from AUBG’s oldest student club Radio AURA. The DJs had selected the best hits from the past 25 years. •



Lifelong Legacy AUBG COMMUNITY CREATES A SCHOLARSHIP IN MEMORY OF PROFESSOR COSMINA TANASOIU By Dimana Doneva The AUBG community has gathered together to establish a scholarship in honor of beloved professor Cosmina Tanasoiu. Professor Tanasoiu passed away on Aug. 5 after a long illness. Professor Tanasoiu taught politics, established AUBG’s program in European Studies, empowered students to create the European Society Club and the Model EU and advised Honors-track students working on senior theses. Beyond her undoubted intellectual capacity and unyielding professional dedication, Professor Tanasoiu was a devoted mentor and friend that left a lasting mark on the minds and hearts of everyone who knew her. “Those who knew her well will always remember her not just as one of the best professors they have had but as an extraordinary human being, a do-gooder, a gifted leader, a team player, an advisor, a mentor, a soldier, a hero. A friend!” This is what AUBG alumnus Daniel Penev (‘16) wrote in a social media post honoring the memory of Professor Tanasoiu. “Given Cosmina’s unwavering dedication to her students and classes, I think nothing would be more appropriate than creating a scholarship in her honor,” said Mihaela Racovita (‘07), a former student and friend of Professor Tanasoiu and one of the initiators of the scholarship. “And also, I think it would have made Cosmina proud.” The Professor Cosmina Tanasoiu Memorial Scholarship is a joint effort of the whole AUBG community and aims to raise 20,000 USD – the amount required to create an Endowed Scholarship – by Professor Tanasoiu’s birthday, Dec. 21. As of mid-November, the total contribution to the scholarship amounts to $25,800. •

REMEMBERING YVONNE PANITZA, AUBG DEAR FRIEND AND ARDENT SUPPORTER By Dimana Doneva Yvonne Panitza, one of AUBG’s dearest friends and a passionate devotee to the mission of the university passed away at the age of 87 on March 28. Together with her husband Dimi Panitza, Yvonne founded and inspired a number of initiatives advancing democratization, free press, and education in Bulgaria. Firm believers in the values of the American University in Bulgaria, Yvonne and Dimi gave their wholehearted support to the institution since its very establishment. In 1994, Yvonne and Dimi purchased the entire collection of the Fairleigh Dickinson University library and donated it to AUBG, thus laying the foundations of the university’s library that now bears their name. Thanks to the support of the Panitza family, the Panitza library grew to become the largest English-language library in Southeast Europe. The Panitza family has also generously contributed to the scholarship fund for needy and deserving students, supporting more than 250 youngsters in their pursuit of quality education over the years. “Yvonne – though French – shared Dimi’s passions and commitment to helping Bulgaria overcome decades of communist rule and worked just as tirelessly at fostering civil society, and of course AUBG,” said Aernout van Lynden, former AUBG professor and friend of the Panitza family. “With exquisite charm, a fine sense of humor and gentleness (…) she persuaded many of the worth of the causes Dimi espoused. She was a wonderful woman.” A bright example of generosity, kindness and devotion, Yvonne will always remain in our thoughts and hearts. May she rest in peace. •




DONORS IN FISCAL YEAR 2014 DONORS IN FISCAL YEAR 2016 (1 July 2013 – 30 June 2014) (1 JULYthe 2015 – 30individuals JUNE 2016) The American University in Bulgaria gratefully acknowledges following and organizations for their generosity. Please note that the The American University in Bulgaria gratefully acknowledges the following individuals and organizations for their generosity. that the list reflects only gifts received during fiscaland year 2016. Foundation Transformation Gifts Please noteValues Ivan Manev* Alexandra

Albanian - American Transformation Gifts Development Foundation Mariannefor M.Bulgaria Keler* and Michael America Foundation Kershow Marianne Keler Open Society Foundation Philippe Bertherat ** Leadership Telerik AD Gifts Leadership Gifts Andrey Delchev * Albanian-American Elvin Guri ‘96 Development Foundation The Tianaderrah Foundation Chris von Christierson * US Embassy of Turkmenistan Sustainability Gifts Sustainability Gifts All Channels Communication Anonymous Ltd. Anonymous Aurubis Bulgaria AD for BulAmerican Foundation Carl Djerassi garia Claude Alumni Janssen Association ** AUBG David & Kathleen Flanagan Borbala Cox ‘99 Eurobank Bulgaria AD Deloitte Bulgaria Fondation de France Dobrin Staikov ‘96 Gerard van der Sluys** HRH Princess Maria*Luisa of Elena Poptodorova BulgariaAuth Evelyn Jan Protogerov Bulgaria Kathleen Flanagan Foundation Maria Luisa Chrobok ** Lumina Foundation for Education One World Foundation Michael & Louise Easton + SAP Bulgaria Michael McGoldrick Pavel Ezekiev * Steven Sullivan Richard Ramsden ** Stratsimir Kulinski ‘95 Robert and Nellie Gipson The Tianaderrah Foundation Salgo - Noren Foundation Victoria Entwistle * * Stephen & Evelyn Auth Vladimir Borachev Steven Sullivan + ‘95 Stratsimir Kulinski ‘95 Susan & Joel Morse * Tianaderrah Foundation Turkmenistan Youth & Civic

Development Gifts Youlia Berberian-Maleeva ** Yvonne Panitza ** Alaric Securities Development Gifts Andrey Kuljiev ‘95 Alexander Dourtchev EMBA ‘10 Anne Woodbury Alexander Tsachev ‘95 Barbara Janeff, in memory of Milen Ambassador John Menzies * Janeff Ana Milicevic ‘01 BogdanIchev Cosmaciuc ‘99 of Andon ’95, in memory Cyrus Capital Richard Woolfe Partners Andrey Bachvarov ‘01Inc. Dynamics Resources Andrey Kuljiev ‘95 Elena Fernandez-Bollo Andrew Norman Francois Riston * Anguel Anguelov ‘00 Gerrard van der Sluys * Ann Ferren Google Inc. Asen Kalenderski ‘09 Assya Madjarova Gueorgui Nikolov‘95 ‘95 Asya EMBA Ivan ’02, Manev * ’07 & Alex Alexandrov ’96, EMBA ’05 Jeffrey Nilsen + Avus Capital OOD KarenKalchev Boucias ‘96 ** Boian Lucia Miree + Borislav Stefanov ‘01 Christo Angelov Lydia Krise + ‘95 Cornpauw L. Andrew Foundation Norman Daniela Kissova ‘96, in memory of Maria Petrunova, in memory of

Dimi Panitza Lyuben Petrunov

David Reich Nikolai Dimitrov ‘99’00 Fingarov, Dessislava & Tancho Pauline in memoryPorter of Lyuben Petrunov Diane Love Polimex Holding EOOD Dilyan ‘95 Bulgaria Rays ofPavlov Hope for Ervin Luga ‘00 Unicredit Bulbank AD Gates Hawn Spas Dimitrov ** ‘99 George Gueorgiev ThomasY.Bird ** ‘95 Georgi Georgiev George ThomasManahilov Celli * Georgi Malchev Varbin Staykoff ‘04 ‘96 Georgi Zahariev ‘95 Vassil Terziev ‘01 Ivaylo Vatev ‘95 YuryGramatikov Zabello ‘02 ‘07 Ivan

*Member, AUBG Board of Trustees


** Member, University Council

Todorova Support Gifts‘95 Ivan Vargoulev Ivanka Lakova ‘96 Alexander Hristov John Gulliver * AndreyBoucias Gurov + Karen ** Ladies Forum Anna Gueorguieva ‘99 Lora Atanasoff ‘95 Barbara Brittingham Mr. & Mrs. Lyubomir Minchev ‘95 Borislav Stefanov ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Tomov ‘97 Charles Fagan III ** Mariya Mitova ’06 & Mois Charles F. Rauch, Jr. of Marcella in memory Moshev ’06, Mosheva & Blaga Coca-Cola HBCMitova Bulgaria

Mihail Mihaylov DanielaLambrinov Todorova EMBA ‘05‘97 Milena Stefanova ‘05 Dimitar Nachkov ‘95 Ministry of Education, Bulgaria Emilia Zankina + Miroslav Mateev + Ernst &Trifunovic Young Bulgaria Nikola ‘04 Herzog Franz von Bayern Nikolay Arnaudov ‘00 Nikolay Georgiev ‘03 LTD Hydroenergy Company Nora Georgieva ’95 & Dimiter Iliya Lingorski * Gurdjilov ‘95 Ivaylo Vatev ‘95 Pauline Porter, in memory of Iveta Gigova William Porter **, in honor of Prof. Svetla Torbova and Dimitar Petar Sogindolski ‘06 Gigov John ’96 Gulliver** Petia & Rossen ’95 Hadjiev PricewaterhouseCoopers John Mahon * Rachael Johnson ‘10 Konstantin Ivanov Ralitza Nikolaeva ‘96 Leon Selig ** Robert Phillips Jr. + MAT Star OOD Dorpel * Ronald Vanden Mirela Elena & Ltd. Rossen ’00 Ivanov Rossen Petkov Nikola ’06 & ‘04 Sergey Koinov ‘96 Ekaterina ’07 Mihajlovic Simeon Georgiev ‘07 Petar Sogindolsli ‘06, in honor of Slavi Slavov Klara Sogindolska Spas Dimitrov ** Peter ’95 Rousseva & Lora Atanasoff ‘ 95 Stoianka ‘99 Petia Vretenarova ‘96 Svetozar Georgiev ‘00

Svetlozar Petrov+* Rami Majzoub Sylvain Payou EMBA Refan Bulgaria OOD’12, in honor of + Member, Faculty or Staff

Robert Phillips +

Artan Tigani ‘04

Rossen Petkov ‘04

Asen Dimitrov ‘11

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation

Slavi Slavov

Asen Kalenderski ‘09

Deyan Vassilev ‘95

Speedy Ltd.

Asen Velichkov ‘95

Diego Lucci +

Todor Glogov ‘96

Bansko Municipality

Diliana Angelova ‘95

Velitchka Hristova ‘98

Barbara Snowadzky

Dimana Doneva ‘14

Vera Dimova +

Bayasgalan Enkhbaatar ‘08

Dimtar Keremidchiev ‘96

Youlia Berberian – Maleeva **

Besart Kamberi ‘04, in honor of Bes

Dimitar Kostadinov ‘97

YouLocal Inc.


Dimitar Yurukov ‘14

Besart Myderrizi ‘09

Dobrodana Popova ‘08

Bisser Dokov ‘95

Dren Sopa ‘06, in honor of Alban

Blazhka Klyumbova +


Bledi Celiku ‘09

Edon Vrenezi ‘03

Bonka Popovska +

Eftim Eftimov ‘08

Boriana Alexiev ‘97

Elena Bozhkova ‘95, in honor of

Boris Ivanov +

Janet Connolly

Friends of AUBG Adeliada Mahmetaj ‘13 Adriana King ‘97 Agim Maxhera ‘09 Aglika Gotseva ‘96 Agon Mailiqi ‘06 Agron Fazliu ‘03 Akumulatori BG Alban Pruthi ‘05, in memory of his father Shefqet Nasir Pruthi

Albena Kehayova Alexander Boumbarov ‘03 Alexander Oliver ‘01 Alexandra Pierrou ‘05 Alexandra Zasheva + Alisa Magardicheva ‘99 Andon Ichev ‘95 Andrea Somai ‘03 Aneta Spendzharova ‘02 Angelina Georgieva + Anna Ivanova ‘EMBA 09 Anna Thompson ‘01 Anton Hristov ‘09 Anton Kolev ‘95 Anton Velkov ‘12 Antoniya Arnautska + Arbnor Hasani ‘08 Arita Hasani ‘10 Artan Ajazaj ‘04

Borislav Tyulekov + Boryana Zaneva ‘00 Camelia Stoitzova + Christo Angelov ‘95 Constantin Nikodimov ‘95 Dane Gordon Daniela Dimitrova ‘96 Daniela Ivanova ‘99 Daniela Kostova Daniela Trajkovska ‘98 Daniel Glushkov ‘05 Daniela Gruwell ‘07 Daniela Kovacheva + Daniyar Abenov ‘09 Dardan Velija ‘03 Darina Angelova ‘02 David Reich Delgerjargal Uvsh ‘07 Denislav Todorov ‘95 Denitza Krasteva ‘95 Desislava Nikolova ‘96 Despina Koleva-Hristova ‘05 Dessislava Slavtcheva ‘04

*Member, AUBG Board of Trustees

** Member, University Council

Elena Kostadinov ‘00 Elena Krumova ‘95 Elizaveta Chaikovskaya ‘08 Elka Bogusheva + Elza Ibrosheva ‘97 Emil Tsenov ‘95 Emilia Palaveeva ‘96 Emilian Belev ‘97 Ereza Pula ‘09 Ermir Suldashi ‘13 Eva-Maria Kadiev Evelina Alexandrova Evelina Baronova ‘10 Evelina Lacheva + Evelina Terzieva + Fermer-21 EOOD Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova ‘01 George Gueorguiev ‘99 Georgi Iliev ‘96 Georgi Kutiev Georgi Malchev ‘04 Georgi Tsvetkov ‘06 Georgi Zahariev ‘95 + Member, Faculty or Staff

Gergana Krusteva ‘00

Kendra Gray

Miroslava Angelova ‘00

Gergana Nenkov ‘01

Kiril Alexiev ‘98

Mladen Dimitrov ‘08

Gergana Tsvetanova ‘00

Klajd Hasimi ‘06

Monika Evstatieva ‘05

Gevorg Khachatryan ‘08

Krasimir Petrov ‘06

Morgan Stanley

Gezime Hasani ‘10

Krassen Draganov ‘96

Nadezhda Kaneva ‘97

Gregory Prince **

Krassimir Vrangov ‘96

Narantuguldur Saijrakh ‘09

Grigoriy Anananiev ‘00

Krenar Bujupi ‘05

Natalia Oglu ‘02

Henmus-Co Ltd.

Kristina Popova ‘10

Nadegda Mitevska ‘95

Henry Weaver

Kristiyan Dimitrov ‘15

Nadejda Boyadjieva ‘99

Hristina Jordanova ‘03

Krum Dukin

Nadejda Michkova +

Iassen Lazarov ‘99

Krum Hadjigeorgiev ‘00

Nadezhda Boboshevska +

Ilir Bytyqi ‘04

Ksenia Lukanova ‘14

Nataliya Dimitrova ‘99

Iliya Kardashliev ‘04

Kushtrim Shaipi ‘05

Nestor Dinkov ‘97

Ilko Vangelov +

Laila Zulkaphil ‘09

Nevena Ivanovic ‘98

Ilona Lalova ‘05, in memory of An-

Laura Good

Nikola Mizo ‘97

drei Panici

Lenisa Chang ‘04

Nikolay Alexiev

Irina Gigova ‘96

Leon Malazogu ‘99

Nikolay Stoyanov ‘08

Iryna Hlushakova ‘06

Lilian Luca ‘96

Nikoleta Mincheva

Iva Kratchanova ‘97

Liliya Baeva ‘01

Nikolay Rumenin ‘07

Ivan Gramatikov ‘07

Lora Kratchounova ‘95

Nino Gugushvili ‘06

Ivan Ivanov

Ludmilla Wightman

Nino Rurua ‘13

Ivan Sabrin ‘95

Maia Parmakova +

Nita Gojani ‘07

Ivan Sartonev ‘08

Malina Marinova ‘01

Olga Draganova +

Ivan Sidzhakov ‘95

Marenglen Berisha ‘06

Oltiana Pappas

Ivan Valchanov ‘95

Maria Arnaudova

Orlin Stoychev +

Ivaylo Aksharov ‘95

Maria Mehandzhiyska +

Orlina Boteva ‘01

Ivaylo Borisov ‘09

Maria Petrova ‘95

Pano Shuperliev ‘95

Ivelin Sardamov +

Maria Sotirova

Pateev Ltd.

Jamal Hasanov ‘03

Mariya Bozhilova

Paulina Nikolova

Jana Tchinkova ‘96

Mariya Orbant ‘10

Jelica Vesic ‘01

Markus Wien +

Pentagon Interactive Bulgaria EOOD

Jetmira Kaziu

Martin Manolov ‘08

Petar Svarc ‘02

John Galletly +

Martin Ouzounov ‘97

Peter Ivanov +

Joseph Pilov ‘96

Martina Vezenkova +

Peter Tchesnovsky ‘95

Kartex P AD

Miladin Bogetic ‘03

Petrina Makakova ‘96

Kasra Mottahedeh ‘95

Milen Jissov ‘97

Pobeda AD

Kastriot Fazliu ‘06

Milena Geneva ‘99

Polia Petkova

Katerina Potter ‘05

Milena Grayde ‘95

Qendresa Rugova ‘06

Katerina Rollins ‘95

Milena Stefanova ‘05

Rachel Noonan ‘10

*Member, AUBG Board of Trustees


** Member, University Council

+ Member, Faculty or Staff

Radena Georgieva

Stela Tipi ‘99

Vasil Nikolov ‘14

Radu Filip ‘12

Stephen Abott

Vasil Strelkov ‘05

Radu Panciuc ‘08

Stoianka Rousseva ‘99

Vassia Stoilov ‘02

Rafi Tahtakran ‘15

Stoil Stoilov ‘15

Vassil Stoitsev ‘10

Ralitza Nikolaeva ‘96

Stoyan Atanassov ‘96

Velislava Stoianova ‘06

Rifat Likov ‘03

Stoyan Kurtev ‘95

Ventsislav Dinov +

Roman Sorocan ‘14

Stoyan Tchaprazov ‘98

Vera Iordanova ‘98

Ron Wiginton +

Suad Mammadkhanli ‘08

Vesselina Komitska ‘95

Rostislava Ivanova ‘07

Svetlana Ouzounova ‘97

Vicky Politova ‘95

Rumyana Boshkilova +

Svetlin Krastev

Vlad Muntean ‘15

Rumyana Velichkova ‘09

Svetoslav Gatchev ‘95

Vladimir Rusev ‘97

Sabina Wien +

Svetsolav Semov

Vladimira Ilieva ‘98

Sabri Tahiri ‘05

Tanya Markova +

Volin Karagiozov +

Senad Sabovic ‘01

Tanya Papazova +

Wayne Thompson

Serdar Karliyev ‘09

Tatiana Ivanova

William Cope

Serguey Ivanov +

Tatyana Dimitrova-Russler ‘96

Yan Hristov ‘14

Serik Sharipov ‘08

Tatyana Hristova ‘07

Yana Petrova ‘07

Sevdalina Yontcheva ‘05

Temenuzhka Panayotova ‘14

Yana Simeonova ‘00

Shpatar Morina ‘09

Teodora Dinova +

Yavor Kasterliev ‘00

Shenoll Muharremi ‘04

Tenyu Boyadjiev ‘96

Yelena Osipova ‘09

Slaven Karadaliev

Tinka Obushtarova ‘10

Yllka Bina ‘09

Slaveyko Djambazov EMBA’10

Toshka Borisova +

Yordanka Slavcheva ‘97

Sophia Katsarska +

Trimor Mici ‘05

Yoto Yotov **

Sophia Poster

Tsvetomir Milchev ‘10

Yulia Pechanova +

Srdjan Smajic ‘97

Valdrin Lluka ‘06

Zdravka Bozhinova +

Stefan Gyoshev ‘08

Valcho Tsvetkov EMBA’12

Zornitsa Keremidchieva ‘97

Stefan Ivanov ‘95

Valentin Melnikliyski ‘08

Stefan Karaivanov ‘01

Valentina Petkova AUBG Annual Giving Levels

Transformation Gifts from $100,000 Sustainability Gifts from $5,000 and below $30,000 Support Gifts from $250 and below $1,000

Leadership Gifts Development Gifts Friends of AUBG

from $30,000 and below $100,000 from $1,000 and below $5,000 below $250


In Honor

Lyuben Petrunov

Alban Pruthi Dimitar Gigov

*Member, AUBG Board of Trustees

** Member, University Council

Janet Connolly Klara Sogindolska Svetla Torbova + Member, Faculty or Staff

ALUMNI GIVING Class of 1995

Class of 1996

Class of 1998

Andon Ichev Andrey Kuljiev Anton Kolev Asen Velichkov Bisser Dokov Christo Angelov Constantin Nikodimov Denislav Todorov Denitza Krasteva Deyan Vassilev Dimitar Nachkov Diliana Angelova Elena Bozhkova Elena Krumova Emil Tsenov Georgi Zahariev Gueorgui Nikolov Ivan Sabrin Ivan Sidzhakov Ivan Valchanov Ivaylo Aksharov Ivaylo Vatev Kasra Mottahedeh Katerina Rollins Lora Atanasoff Lora Kratchounova Maria Petrova Milena Grayde Nadegda Mitevska Pano Shuperliev Peter Atanasoff Stefan Ivanov Stoyan Kurtev Stratsimir Kulinski Svetoslav Gatchev Vesselina Komitska Vicky Politova Vladimir Borachev

Aglika Gotseva Anton Roussev Daniela Dimitrova Desislava Nikolova Dimtar Keremidchiev Dobrin Staikov Elvin Guri Emilia Palaveeva Georgi Iliev Joseph Pilov Irina Gigova Jana Tchinkova Krassen Draganov Krassimir Vrangov Lilian Luca Petia Vretenarova Petrina Makakova Ralitza Nikolaeva Stoyan Atanassov Tatyana Dimitrova-Russler Tenyu Boyadjiev Todor Glogov Varbin Staykoff Zornitsa Keremidchieva

Daniela Trajkovska Kiril Alexiev Nevena Ivanovic Stoyan Tchaprazov Velitchka Hristova Vera Iordanova Vladimira Ilieva

Class of 1997 Adriana King Boriana Alexiev Dimitar Kostadinov Elza Ibrosheva Emilian Belev Iva Kratchanova Martin Ouzounov Milen Jissov Nadezhda Kaneva Nestor Dinkov Nikola Mizo Srdjan Smajic Svetlana Ouzounova Vladimir Rusev Yordanka Slavcheva


Class of 1999 Alisa Magardicheva Anna Gueorguieva Bogdan Cosmaciuc Borbala Cox Daniela Ivanova George Gueorguiev Iassen Lazarov Leon Malazogu Milena Geneva Nadejda Boyadjieva Nataliya Dimitrova Nikolai Dimitrov Stela Tipi Stoianka Rousseva Class of 2000 Boryana Zaneva Elena Kostadinov Gergana Krusteva Gergana Tsvetanova Grigoriy Anananiev Krum Hadjigeorgiev Miroslava Angelova Yana Simeonova Yavor Kasterliev

Class of 2001

Class of 2005

Alexander Oliver Anna Thompson Borislav Stefanov Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova Gergana Nenkov Jelica Vesic Liliya Baeva Malina Marinova Orlina Boteva Senad Sabovic Stefan Karaivanov Vassil Terziev

Alban Pruthi Alexandra Pierrou Daniel Glushkov Despina Koleva-Hristova Ilona Lalova Kastriot Fazliu Katerina Potter Krenar Bujupi Kushtrim Shaipi Milena Stefanova Monika Evstatieva Sabri Tahiri Sevdalina Yontcheva Trimor Mici Vasil Strelkov

Class of 2002 Aneta Spendzharova Darina Angelova Miladin Bogetic Natalia Oglu Petar Svarc Vassia Stoilov Yury Zabello Class of 2003 Agron Fazliu Alexander Boumbarov Andrea Somai Dardan Velija Edon Vrenezi Hristina Jordanova Lenisa Chang Jamal Hasanov Rifat Likov Class of 2004 Artan Ajazaj Artan Tigani Besart Kamberi Dessislava Slavtcheva Georgi Malchev Ilir Bytyqi Iliya Kardashliev Rossen Petkov Shenoll Muharremi

Class of 2006 Agon Mailiqi Dren Sopa Georgi Tsvetkov Iryna Hlushakova Klajd Hasimi Krasimir Petrov Marenglen Berisha Nino Gugushvili Qendresa Rugova Petar Sogindolsli Valdrin Lluka Velislava Stoianova Class of 2007 Daniela Gruwell Delgerjargal Uvsh Ivan Gramatikov Nikolay Rumenin Nita Gojani Rostislava Ivanova Tatyana Hristova Yana Petrova Class of 2008 Arbnor Hasani Bayasgalan Enkhbaatar

Dobrodana Popova Eftim Eftimov Elizaveta Chaikovskaya Gevorg Khachatryan Ivan Sartonev Martin Manolov Mladen Dimitrov Nikolay Stoyanov Radu Panciuc Serik Sharipov Stefan Gyoshev Suad Mammadkhanli Valentin Melnikliyski Class of 2009 Agim Maxhera Anton Hristov Asen Kalenderski Besart Myderrizi Bledi Celiku Daniyar Abenov Ereza Pula Ivaylo Borisov Laila Zulkaphil Narantuguldur Saijrakh Rumyana Velichkova Serdar Karliyev Shpatar Morina Yelena Osipova Yllka Bina Class of 2010 Arita Hasani Evelina Baronova Gezime Hasani Kristina Popova Mariya Orbant Rachel Noonan Tinka Obushtarova Tsvetomir Milchev Vassil Stoitsev Class of 2011 Asen Dimitrov

Class of 2012

Class of 2014

Class of 2015

Anton Velkov Radu Filip

Dimana Doneva Dimitar Yurukov Ksenia Lukanova Roman Sorocan Temenuzhka Panayotova Vasil Nikolov Yan Hristov

Kristiyan Dimitrov Rafi Tahtakran Stoil Stoilov Vlad Muntean

Class of 2013 Adeliada Mahmetaj Ermir Suldashi Nino Rurua

AUBG SOCIETY OF FELLOWS The AUBG Society of Fellows recognizes private cumulative giving, since 1991, in support of AUBG University Benefactors America for Bulgaria Foundation George Soros - Open Society Institute Anna K. Tchaprachikoff Athanas A. Zamphiroff Panitza Fellows Anonymous Alex Balkanski Minko Balkanski Philippe Bertherat Brother’s Brother Foundation Eliot Elieff The International Media Fund Marianne M. Keler The Salgo-Noren Foundation Davidson Fellows

Richard J. Ramsden John C. Whitehead The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation The Pew Charitable Trusts The Sallie Mae Fund Presidential Fellows

Fellows Anonymous Thomas W. Bird Duke Franz Foundation Craig Hall Ann S. Ferren and Jonathan D. Fife Freedom Forum


Nan Frederick

Chris von Christierson

Mary Lee Herbster

Gordon E. Cadwgan

Terry Hopkins

David T. Flanagan

ING Bank – Sofia Branch

Norris Darrell Jr.

Jules T. Kortenhorst

Nellie & Robert Gipson William J. Hume

HRH Princess Maria Luisa of Bulgaria

Claude Janssen

Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria

Lumina Foundation for Education

Representation of the European

Charlotte S. Metcalf

Harrison Richardson

MobilTel EAD

Leon M. Selig

Albanian – American Development Foundation

Nancy R. Newhouse-Iovenko

Ralph P. Davidson

The Nando Peretti Foundation

Elvin Guri

The Starr Foundation

Telerik AD

J. Dimitri Panitza


Commission in Bulgaria

AUBG Society of Fellows University Benefactors from $1m Panitza Fellows from $500k

Davidson Fellows Presidential Fellows

from $250k from $100k


from $50k

ENDOWMENTS Endowments are permanent legacies that support AUBG in perpetuity

2002 USAID Endowment 2007 Anna K. Tchaprachikoff Endowed Scholarship Michael & Louise Easton Endowed Scholarship Ann S. Ferren and Jonathan D. Fife Scholarship for Community Service 2008

Michael Iovenko Endowed Scholarship Athanas A. Zamphiroff Endowed Scholarship Ilya V. and Katherine K. Talev Endowed Scholarship David Huwiler and Svetlana Khamatova Endowed Scholarship Fund

2009 Metcalf/Ramsden Endowed Scholarship Stephane Groueff Distinguished Endowed Scholarship 2010 Robert L. Woodbury Endowed Scholarship 2012 Eugenia Shudtz Brechka and Roberta Louise Nilsen Memorial Scholarship 2013 Stratsimir Kulinski ’95 Endowed Scholarship 2014 Dimi Panitza Memorial Professorshipp 2015 Lyuben Petrunov Memorial Scholarship 2016 Victoria Pavlova-Entwistle Endowed Scholarship Note: Every effort has been made to make this listing 100% accurate. If, however, your name has been omitted, misspelled, or misplaced, we sincerely apologize. Please let us correct our mistake by contacting the AUBG Development Office at

AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN BULGARIA CELEBRATES 25 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE American University in Bulgaria Main Building 1 Georgi Izmirliev Sq. Blagoevgrad 2700, Bulgaria President’s Office: (+359 73) 888 307 Development: (+359 73) 888 366 Fax: (+359 73) 883 227 Admissions Office America for Bulgaria Student Center 12 Svoboda Bachvarova St. Blagoevgrad 2700, Bulgaria (+359) 73 888 111

Elieff Center for Education and Culture 1 Universitetski Park St., Studentski Grad Sofia 1700, Bulgaria Switchboard: (+359 2) 960 7910 Fax: (+359 2) 961 6010

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