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aubree schlepp portfolio

communicator | thinker | designer

table of c

table of contents integrated marketing communcations

5 15 31 contents graphic design

copy writing

integrated marketing communications

Communications Director Stephens Life Magazine Ad Sales



Take advantage of our Special Offer! Buy 2 ads and save!

Now, when you buy an advertisement space for both semester issues you will save $25.

X 2 = $550 $525

X 2 = $400 $375

X 2 = $250 $225

X 2 = $500 $475

X 2 = $350 $325

X 2 = $200 $175

X 2 = $450 $425

X 2 = $300 $275

X 2 = $150 $125

Stephens Life 1200 E. Broadway Box #2014 Columbia, MO 65215

For more information contact Ad Manager Aubree Schlepp 785.332.4477 // aubschlepp11@sc.stephens.edu

As Advertising Manager of a newly formed publication, I have intiated, created and built an ad sales program that keeps Stephens Life Magazine in production. I helped to set baseline prices, create sales pitches and complile lists of potential clients. I communicate with clients both over email and in person and have earned an average of $400 per semester. 6

Communications Director Stephens Life Magazine Social Media Manager


As social media manager of Stephens Life, knowledge of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are all important skills and components of my job. I also research to find relevant promotions for a specific target market, create Facebook polls and execute paid Facebook advertising. 8

Chapter Plan Stephens College American Marketing Association Fall 2012


The chapter competed in the National Competition of AMA Chapter plans. I was responsible for choosing a theme and compiling information into a well designed document.


Kappa Delta Promotional Materials Stephens College Kappa Delta Fall 2012

Benefiting Prevent Child Abuse America

Itʼs that time of year again! Come out to Stephens College Kappa Deltaʼs 6th 7 annual 5K Run/Walk to raise funds and awareness for PCAA

March PM March8th 9th@@12 1PM

Stephens Lake Park Pre-register online at

kappadeltazetaupsilon.eventbrite.com kdzetaupsilon.eventbrite.com 1A Day-of Registration begins at 12PM $20 Pre-Registration - $25 Day-of - Team prices available Registration includes T-Shirt & Lunch For more information, contact Angie Macy Westcott Thomas at zu.communityservice@gmail.com macthomas12@sc.stephens.edu

follow the race @Shamrock5K 11


international women’s friendship month one

take a picture with for a chance to win a

{ {

{ {

of your friends

free mani/pedi!

snap a photo and write a paragraph about how that friend gives you confidence post the picture to the Stephens Kappa Delta Facebook page or email it to scfriendshipcontest@gmail.com you and your friend will both enjoy a manicure and pedicure at Kelani Salon & Spa courtesy of Kappa Delta contest runs from September 17th – 26th. the winning photo will be chosen on September 28th


As Vice President Public Relations of Kappa Delta, it was my responsibility to create various marketing materials for events that we held. These are examples of my work. As well as creating print material, I also created various movies using iMovie, and also managed the chapter’s social media.


graphic design

Stephens College Infographic Information & Promotion Design Class Fall 2013

STEPHENS COLLEGE – at a glance – { 2nd oldest womens’ college in the country } Stephens makes the women’s college advantage affordable. 98% of students receive some sort of merit- or need- based aid. The average financial aid package covers more than 50% of tuition and Stephens offers more than 100 alumnae scholarships.

once a stephens woman, always a stephens woman.


Our Alumnae Association has more than 20,000 members.


Stephens was ranked #1 Most Pet Friendly Campus by Dogster.com and was featured on The Today Show for being pet friendly.

{10 to 1 student faculty ratio} COLLEGE TOWN USA Columbia, Missouri, has been called “College Town, USA” because Stephens College, University of Missouri and Columbia College are all located within walking distance of one another. Students frequently visit restaurants and clubs and attend events and other activities in the downtown area.



Our fashion students network with industry professionals who visit campus to critique designs and through trips to New York, Dallas and Las Vegas. We also showcase students work in an annual fashion show in the spring.

The equestrian facilities at Stephens includes 16 acres, two riding arenas and two stable areas with room for 61 stalls. Stephens offers four disciplines of riding: Reining, Huntseat, Saddleseat and Western.

{build an

Our Strategic Communication: Integrated Marketin students have lots of opportunities to work with real clients

Internships are im

By working h been able to i agencies, award w

{study abroad


Our dance students perform 4 concerts eac year and spend 6 week in the Summer Dance Intensive.

The small class size Psychology studen conduct research al

Our edu environm K-5th gr

enter the workforce quicker

Event & convention management is just one of several programs that lets you graduate in just 3 years/6 semesters. www.stephens.edu









s wo wo om ns es of


{build an impressive portfolio} Our Strategic Communication: Integrated Marketing students have lots of opportunities to work with real clients

Creative Ink

The state’s only student run marketing firm

Stephens Life

Student produced publication that produces 2 magazines per year

The Strategic Communication : Design program has won 16 ADDY awards in 6 years

Internships are important in preparing you for a professional career By working hard & utlizing alumnae connections, students have been able to intern with corporate fashion companies, advertising agencies, award winning horse stables and internationally known hospitals.

{study abroad

Stephens College expands the boundaries of the campus with a wide variety of overseas study opportunities that combine academics with cultural immersion.




Our dance students perform 4 concerts each year and spend 6 weeks in the Summer Dance Intensive.

Our theater students get opportunities to perform 10 Theater performances a year starting their first year.

The small class size gives Biology and Psychology students tons of opportunites to conduct research alongside faculty members. Our education majors begin observing the classroom environment starting their freshman year in our on-campus K-5th grade Children’s School.

enter the workforce quicker Event & convention management is just one of several programs that lets you graduate in just 3 years/6 semesters. www.stephens.edu

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences awarded Stephens a $10,000 educational grant to our Citizen Jane Lecture Series to bring women in film to campus.

Stephens offers 7 NAIA sports.

designed by Aubree Schlepp ‘15


This infographic was created for the Stephens College Marketing Department as new material for prospective students. It was chosen to be professionally printed.

Project Components: – Attend intake session – Research and Ideate to target a specific market – Present final product to employees of the Stephens College Marketing Department 16

Art in the Park Campaign Information & Promotion Design Class Fall 2013


experience the magic

JUNE7&8 th

saturday 10 am - 5 pm sunday 10 am - 4 pm

stephens lake park

artintheparkcolumbia.org 573.443.8838



JUNE7 8 th



experience the magic

This campaign was created for Art in the Park, an annual art festival held in Columbia, Missouri. My campaign was chosen as a finalist to be used for production. Components: – Attend intake session with the director of the festival – Research and Ideate – Present final product to client


Left the Nest Guide Book Information & Promotion Design Class Fall 2013


Left the Nest is a guidebook I created as part of the Information and Promotion Design class. The goal was to create an informational product that fills a missing niche in the marketplace. It’s a guide that gives parents helpful information on how to deal with becoming empty nesters. The book was written and designed by me, and the full version can be seen on my issuu.com page. This design was submitted to the 2014 student ADDY competition in Kansas City, Missouri.


Promotional Flyers KC Connections Internship Summer 2013


As a graphic design intern at KC Connections, I was able to create various flyers, logos and web layouts for the company to utilize. These are three examples of flyers that I designed that were put into production and used to market events on KC Connection’s social media outlets.



DAVID FREESE shares his ties to mid-missouri, he stays motivated to win and how his love o grew from a high school past time to a profe with the st. louis cardinals story by Anita neal harrison INSIDE COLUMBIA SEPTEMBER 2013 22

This project is a mock magazine layout for Columbia Home Magazine, showcasing baseball star David Freese and his connections to Columbia. Components: – Design a spread that fits the existing brand of the magazine – Work with photos and copy provided – Capture the target audience’s attention 23

photos by l.g. patterson


Magazine Spread Information & Promotion Design Class Fall 2013

david freese Get to know one famous St. Louis Cardinal with CoMo connections

Q. Considering you were on a break from baseball while at MU, how did you grow explains how while a Tiger? What did you take from your time in Columbia? fA.baseball Quitting baseball after high school was a tough decision, but the right one at the time essional for me. It’s gig what I wanted to do.

Go to Mizzou as a student and not play ball. It allowed me to evaluate my life and come to the realization I was a baseball player and that’s what I wanted to do. I loved my2013 time EPTEMBER 23at Mizzou and always enjoy going back. A great year there in school led me back to playing ball.

Q. I’ve read that you at first didn’t believe

it was Cardinals General Manager John Mozeliak calling with an offer. You were already in the MLB. How important or exciting was it to get to be a Cardinal? A. I got the call from Mo while I was at a Burger King in California. I loved playing in the Padres organization but was thrilled to become a Cardinal. Yes, at first I wasn’t too sure if it was actually Mo who left the message or a buddy messing around, but when the Padres called me, I knew I had been dealt.

Q. Those two at-bats in World Series Game 6 – how did you pull that off? I mean, if you were coaching, what would you tell someone in that kind of pressure situation was the key to success? A. You have to embrace the situations that God puts you in. The good and the bad. It’s all about poise. The results will not always be how you want but the effort needs to be there. Preparation is a huge part of becoming successful.

Q. What experiences and opportunities

stand out as the most memorable or fun, on the field and off? A. I got to do some cool things after the World Series. Being on “Leno” and “Ellen” was amazing. I’ve always said this, though: The coolest moment was standing in the end INSIDE COLUMBIA SEPTEMBER 2013 24

Freese celebrates the victory in Game 6 at the 2011 World Series. “You have to embrace the situations that God puts you in. The good and the bad,” says Freese.

zone at the Mizzou-Texas football game [Nov. 12, 2011] surrounded by the whole stadium on their feet cheering. I will never forget that feeling. What motivates you?

Q. I want to win. For me, it’s about winning. Everything else that comes with A.

being in the big leagues is great, but nothing compares to winning a championship. How are you feeling as the 2013 season begins? Q. I am very excited about this team this year. A. It’s a talented group with a ton of desire, but we have a lot of fun, too, and you need that during a six-month grind. Health is always the first thing you need to be a contender. If we can stay healthy, I like our chances to compete.

Born: April 28, 1983 Position: Third base Mid-Missouri Connection: Freese attended the University of Missouri his freshman year. Although offered a baseball scholarship, he didn’t take it. At the time, he thought he was done with baseball. MLB Debut: April 6, 2009, for the St. Louis Cardinals

Career Statistics Batting average: .296 Home runs: 35 Runs batted in: 177 Teams: St. Louis Cardinals (2009–present) Career Highlights David Freese will forever be remembered for his batting in the 2011 World Series championship. In Game 6, facing two outs and two strikes, he hit a triple in the

ninth inning to tie the game, and then in the 11th — again with two strikes — he hit a walk-off home run. His bat had already earned him the 2011 National League Championship Series MVP award, and when the Cardinals won the championship in Game 7, he became the World Series MVP as well. His 21 RBIs in the 2011 postseason set an MLB record and earned him the 2011 Babe Ruth Award. He is also a 2012 All-Star. INSIDE COLUMBIA SEPTEMBER 2013 25


Magazine Spread Digital Imaging Fall 2012

This project required me to create an original spread for a magazine. I chose to capture the beauty of the Missouri countryside in a mock magazine called “Rural Travels.” Components: – Brainstorm ideas for a new magazine – Coordinate photoshoot 25

– Write original copy and design spread


Mainspring Schools Infographic Freelance Work Fall 2014

our fundraising luncheon Support

325 community leaders will join Mainspring at the Renaissance Hotel on April 16, 2015. Show them you support quality early education for disadvantaged children by sponsoring this luncheon.


Choose Your Sponsorship Valedictorian : $10,000 • 2 tables of 10 with prominent placement • Event signage and special mention from podium • Listing in event program, all publicity materials and on Mainspring Schools web page

Class President : $3,000

• 8 Luncheon tickets • Event signage and special mention Class from podium Presiden t • Listing in event program, all publicity materials and on Mainspring Schools web page

Honor Roll : $500

• 2 Luncheon tickets; Signage near the podium at the Luncheon • Listing in event program, all publicity materials 27

Salutatorian : $5,000 • 1 table of 10 with prominent placement • Event signage and special mention from podium • Listing in event program, all publicity materials and on Mainspring Schools web page

U A+

Straight A’s : $1,500

• 4 Luncheon tickets; Signage near the podium at the Luncheon • Listing in event program, all publicity materials and on Mainspring Schools web page

Teacher’s Pet : $200

• 1 Seat at Luncheon Table plus 1 seat for a Mainspring Teacher at the Luncheon • Listing in event program

Academic Success for Disadvantaged Children Innovative community program solving a national problem

The Difference We Make

We have provided the highest quality early education to children and families in poverty for over


without Mainspring:

In Austin, more than

Disadvantaged children start school far behind Social-behavioral skills are insufficient Many parents don’t know how to be their child’s best teacher



of our children enter school unprepared

with Mainspring: Graduates ace school readiness assessments Children learn how to follow rules and work with others Parents know how to help their child succeed in school

families 75% ofliveourin poverty

Arts opportunities including visual, music and dance Engaging playgrounds where children are safe to grow and play!


Among the first preschools in Austin to earn and continuously maintain accreditation from the most rigorous accrediting body in the US


at Mainspring

Low student-teacher ratio Small class sizes 88 children, ages 6 weeks5 years Farm-fresh meals and snacks Degreed Staff Mandatory Parent Education classes All parents working or in school Full time counselor on staff

This piece was created for Mainspring School’s annual fundraising luncheon. Mainspring, located in Austin, educates low-income students and their families while providing a healthy and safe learning environment. The goal with this piece was to combine previous years’ donation letters into one easy to read document. This infographic was presented to the Operations Director of the school, and was then presented to the school’s Board of Trustees where it was chosen to represent the fundraising event as well as general marketing collateral for the school.


copy writing

“Nashville Band Apache Relay Gains Momentum” Stephens Life Magazine

Q: Favorite song on upcoming album A: Forest for the Trees – Michael Ford, Jr Terrible Feeling – Brett Moore

Q: Favorite show ever played A: Dixon, Illinois : Gentlemen of the Road stopover with Mumford & Sons, 2012

Q: Craziest experience on tour A: “Broke my finger, spent half of a day in

the hospital and had to cancel some shows.” – MF

Q: Most played song on your iPod right now A: Brighter, by Cass McCombs – MF 32



Q: Any hidden talents? A: “I don’t have any visible talents.” –BM “Brett has the best memory of anyone I know.” – MF “The shame of it is I can only remember really arbitrary details. “ – BM

Q: What would you be doing if you weren’t

doing music? A: “Community worker, social worker. I like helping people. I have a new fascination too with winning a gold medal in the winter Olympics. I think I’d go pretty full time into that.” – MF

Q: What event? A: “I feel like you can be a little bit older and still do curling.” –MF

Q: How would you guys describe each

other? A: Kellen- He’s tough as nails. We liken him to Beethoven, a musical genius. He’s got the skills and the look down too. He just looks like he’s hard. Steve Smith- Loyal and a hard worker. Mike Harris- “Big Mike” Life of the party and social coordinator Ben- Very hard working, very much a big picture kind of guy and taste-maker for the group because he shows us different bands. Michael- Leader, keeps us focused. Brett- The most emotionally stable person, keeps us all from losing our minds. Most badass guitar player and a great singer. He’s a hidden jewel, secret amazing singer.

How did this band get started? Michael Ford, Jr. - “We all just love playing music and this band came together pretty naturally. I had some songs I was really excited to play out and show people, and I really wanted to play in a band setting. I called these guys up and they were willing to do the gig with me. This was 5 years ago now, in 2009, which is weird. Makes me feel old. Then we played this show at a Bongo Java in Nashville and it felt really good, everyone enjoyed it. I contacted producer Doug Williams, who we love very much and asked him if he wanted to make our record and he did. ' What were some of your inspirations for your new album coming out in April? MF- “I don’t know if there’s one particular inspiration. We wrote 30 or so songs going out to LA, in between the last record and the tracking of this album, and a lot of that was actually scrapped. We kept bits and pieces, but for a large part it was scrapped. We did the majority of the writing out there, and we did a lot of collaborating with a songwriter named Jonathon Rice. The relationship with him is really interesting, he actually submitted lyrics to the songs and melodies were already written for 4 or 5 of the songs. So half the record is his lyrics and the other half we co-wrote together. We took my old versions of lyrics and then reworked them. The record definitely has a lot of different inspirations because there are so many different minds putting out lyrics.” What is your guys’ creative process when writing new music? Brett Moore- “I think it varies, looking back at this the way we made this record, and the way we wrote songs, it was very

experimental. I don’t know that we’ll do it again this way, but there were very experimental ways of writing songs. Just the fact of bringing in other people that had lyrics and stuff, we were all pretty open minded and it definitely wasn’t our normal way of doing things or making a record. Its good to do that sometimes, it’s good to get a change of scenery and just try to do things differently to see what you come up with.” MF- “It felt like a musical palette cleanser. That whole experience. It was like we were wandering around in the dark for a really long time trying to figure out what we were doing musically. And we got out there, and since that experience, I feel like everyone knows what they want.” BM- “That’s a really good way to put it. For a while I think we were getting pigeon holed into a lot of things musically that we didn’t want to be pigeon holed in. But we were just sort of figuring out what we wanted to do musically. Through this interesting, kinda backwards experience of creating music it’s definitely got us focused into what we’ve wanted to do all along. It’s shifted us in the direction that we’ve wanted to go. And I think next time we’re writing and recording music, we’ll do it in a different way and it be much more focused.”

They were obviously pretty big at the time, but that was before they became massive so it was cool meeting them then.” Where do you guys see yourself in the future? BM- “It’s hard to say. We just have to take each day at a time and let the muses show up and inspire you when they inspire you. I’m hoping with this album release that we’re playing a ton of shows and hopefully seeing the world. I also hope we don’t wait as long as we did to make new music, I think it took us forever between the two albums, but such is life.” MF- “I would like to be in a place where we can play small theaters across the nation. I love playing theaters. I love the sound, I love the vibe, I love the historic rooms. My goal would be to do that. “ interview by Lluvia Garcia & Aubree Schlepp photos by Lluvia Garcia

Tell us more about your friendship with Mumford and Sons MF & BM- We met them in Nashville, a friend band. Our friend Ross plays violin with them when they tour. Then we first met them at a house party that we had at Mike’s house and Mumford played at and it was really fun. It was really normal, it was like hangin’ out with other bros. We’re all just people in bands and playing shows. @stephens_life . STEPHENS LIFE



“Downtown Destinations” Stephens Life Magazine



“King No More” Stephens Life Magazine

RICHARD KING’S REIGN ENDED AT THE BEGINNING OF NOVEMBER WHEN HE SOLD LOCAL CONCERT VENUE THE BLUE NOTE. Richard King, who owned the Blue Note for 34 years, began discussing selling the venue early last year. After having heart surgery, King reevaluated his priorities and decided it was time to sell. He signed ownership of both The Blue Note and Mojo’s over to Matt Gerding, a Columbia native, and Scott Leslie. Gerding and Leslie have been a duo since meeting each other in Los Angeles and bonding over poorly run music venues. A few years later the two opened The Majestic Theater in Madison, Wisconsin, which bears an uncanny resemblance to The Blue Note though slightly bigger. The Majestic books similar acts and has the equivalent to King’s 9th Street Summerfest, a tradition that bring many Columbians together on 9th street outside the Blue Note for great live music. King saw the passion in Gerding and Leslie, much like himself and former business partner Phil Costello had when they opened the Blue Note on Business





Loop 70 all those years ago. While live music will continue to be the venues’ “bread & butter,” Gerding and Leslie are looking into expanding programming to include dance parties and wedding receptions, which they had success with in Madison. There will also be small changes marketing changes, like outsourcing promotional materials. King only had two requests upon the sale of the Blue Note and Mojo’s- that the new owners keep the current staff and continue to use Mojo’s location at Forrest Rose Park to its fullest potential. It is important to him to keep the importance of the local music scene in tact at Mojo’s especially. Gerding is also excited to use his connections in the music industry to bring bigger acts to the Blue Note. This acquisition also included Thumper Entertainment, responsible for putting on Roots n’ Blue n’ BBQ which King will still be a part of, and a sale price was not disclosed.


with Jonah Goldenhersh and Alex Thornton

HOW DID YOU GUYS FIND EACH OTHER? Goldenhersh: “Me and Clark went to the same elementary school. Alex kinda just came along.” Thornton: “Clark is actually the reason I’m in the band. We jammed one night in his practice space and he said, all right, we’re kicking the former guitar player, John, out. So then I show up and we totally turned Jonah’s mom’s basement into a recording space, and they were like, ‘Here’s a guitar. You’re recording. Welcome to the band.’ That was our first practice, and it went OK.” WHAT’S YOUR CREATIVE PROCESS WHEN MAKING MUSIC?

Meet Devices for Survival, a band from right here in Columbia. While they may be a fairly new band, members Jonah Goldenhersh, guitar loop station and bass, Clark Leyshock, drums, and Alex Thornton, guitar, prove they’re a band that will stick around for years to come. These guys got together in summer of 2012 and have been jamming ever since. After walking into Mojo’s on a Tuesday afternoon, Devices for Survival handed the booking manager nothing but an iPhone recording of their work, and the manager said, “Yeah, I can put you on something.” Soon Devices for Survival started getting more shows. Since then, they have played at almost every venue in town.

One unique thing you’ll notice is that there are no lyrics or song titles to their music. “We don’t want lyrics because one of our main missions is to give the listener and completely subjective sound so that each person can have their own experience. You can perceive it as a sad song and someone else could hear it differently. We don’t have song titles either for that same reason. As soon as you give it a title you’re biasing their thoughts on what the song is about. It’s not about anything, it’s just pure sound and we put our emotions behind it, which are constantly evolving,” Goldenhersh said.

Goldenhersh: It all started when I started making these guitar loops. I started making them and layering all these short loops. Clark was the best drummer I knew, and he was doing solo work. I thought it was a good idea to make instrumental, experimental stuff so I wanted to get him, and we can build on these loops and add a guitar. I wanted to get a different guitarist because the loops are all guitar. I wanted to get a different person’s perspective on the sound to make it more diverse, and that’s where Alex came in.” WHAT’S THE MEANING BEHIND THE NAME OF YOUR BAND? Goldenhersh: “The first name was actually Cicada, but we found out that was a signed band already. Then it was Cicada Summer. Then I was listening to NPR one day, and they were talking about how they’re trying to develop robots to drive disaster relief vehicles and save people. And it just came to me. It originally was called Devices for Your Survival, but that was too hard to say and didn’t fit on bills as well. It then turned into Devices for Survival.” @stephens_life . STEPHENS LIFE



Camp Vega Blog Summer 2014


As Social Media Coordinator of the #1 girls camp in the country, I was responsible for not only maintaining and updating the social media platforms, but also writing a weekly blog for friends and family of the campers to enjoy. Here are a few of my posts, and the full blog can be found at http://www. campvega.com/vega-blog/. 38

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