2016/2017 The Handbook
Contents Guide to Elections
Key Dates
The Positions
Babble Breakdown
Campaign Overview
Election Tip no. 1 Speak to as many people as possible. Listen to their opinions and recognise their value.
Election Tip no. 2 Be honest and realistic about your ambitions and aims.
Guide to Elections
The annual Students‘ Union Elections is one of the most important dates on the student calendar. Nominating, campaigning, voting, it’s a time for every single student to put their opinion across. This can be by nominating yourself to be President of the SU, supporting the campaign of someone you believe will be the best Events Exec Officer this University has ever seen or casting your vote for your preferred candidates. “Elections,” you hear the word and immediately conjure up the image of middle-aged men in suits and different coloured ties arguing over taxes. Students’ Union elections focus on what is important to you whilst you are at University. Your studies, your uni-wide community, interaction between courses, organising exhibitions, clubs nights, etc... That doesn’t sound like elections, does it? But it is, or at least it can be.
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This guide includes a brief overview of all positions and their meaning. It is designed to help you understand how the elections work within the Students’ Union, how it can be the start of a chain of events that shape your university life and how every student is an important part of the process.
Key Dates
22nd Feb Election Introductions (12:30 – 1:30)
22nd Feb
4th March
Nominations (aubsu.co.uk)
7 th March
11th March Key Dates | 7
Campaign Days
7th March Hustings (12:30 – 1:00)
7th March Voting
12th March
Positions Sabbatical Officers (Full-time, paid position)
“Being on all sorts of different committees and making the right decisions for the students to make sure their experiences become even better while many tricky things are going on politically is challenging but fascinating.” Oscar Woodruff, President
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My favourite thing about the job is making AUB a better place by working closely with students and staff to develop things within the university and actually making them happen, like a new education scheme and the BUMF:Gallery.” Megan Hood, Vice President Education and Welfare
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Both roles work in close partnership with university staff to make improvements in the interest of AUB students. Country-wide and internal surveys to gather evidence for what AUB students really want inform the development of these improvements. Sabbatical Officers are encouraged to visit other SUs in the country to exchange ideas and build partnerships and also attend events hosted by the National Union of Students. Sabbatical Officers also attend exhibitions, shows and events in any way related to AUB where they act as representatives of the student body and Students’ Union.
Students’ Union President •
Chair of the Executive Officer team
Chair of Student Council Meetings
Chair of Annual General Meetings
Supervision of all SU finances
Representative on behalf of the student body to the Vice-Chancellor’s Office of AUB
Acting as student representative on the AUB Board of Governors
Deputy Chair of the Students’ Union trustee board
Attends various AUB committees including:
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Academic Board
Estates Committee
Staff/Student Liaison Group
Subject Board
Running, overseeing and promoting the student course representative system and hosting course rep drop-in sessions
Representative on behalf of the student body to the Vice-Chancellor’s Office of AUB
Lobbying to improve academic areas of the University including library, teaching and resources
Developing and celebrating diversity, equality, green policies and student welfare within the university
Sitting on the Students’ Union Board of Trustees
Attending various AUB committees including:
Learning, Teaching & Quality Committee
Equalities Committee
Environment Committee
DELTA Project Board
Gallery Group
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Students’ Union Vice-President: Education and Welfare
Positions Executive Committee (Part-time, Volunteer Position)
“My favourite thing about being the Green Officer was taking part in planting 1000 trees to offset our carbon emissions – one for every new student this year.” Davina Gilbert, Green Officer
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“My favourite thing that I’ve done this year was to recruit an editorial team for BUMF to help the magazine and creative platform grow and expand to showcase the fantastic variety of work that is on offer at AUB.” Will Ablett, Communications Officer
The role of each position is to work as a Committee in support and on behalf of the Students’ Union. This would include the oversight of the promotion and engagement of the SU in a team context. Each Executive Committee member is responsible equally for the oversight of the Students’ Union and accountable for the running of it operationally on behalf of the student body they were elected to represent.
Communications Officer (2) The AUBSU Communications Officers will work closely with the Sabbatical Officers, The BUMF team and the other Exec members to ensure that students always have access to up-to-date information about the goings on of AUBSU. From updating the website, to helping prepare BUMF publications, the Communications Officers will develop existing and new lines of communications with the students. Community Officer (1)
Events Officer (2) The AUBSU Events Officers will work with Sabbatical Officers and other Exec members to produce high quality events for students. They will work to help organise and develop the annual events already run by the SU, such as Freshers and Graduation as well as organise new events that appeal to our students. Gender Equalities (1) The AUBSU Gender Equalities Officer is a new role within the Exec committee. They will work closely with the Sabbatical Officers and others within the Exec Committee to ensure that all genders are represented and treated equally during their time at AUB. This officer attends the AUB equalities committee as a student representative. Green Officer (1) The AUBSU Green Officer will work closely with the Sabbatical Officers and other Exec members to develop green campaigns and encourage students to become involved with environmental issues. This officer attends the AUB environment committee as a student representative.
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The AUBSU Community Officer will work closely with the Sabbatical Officers and other Exec members to promote greater links between University students and the local community in particular with green and volunteering opportunities. They will also help to develop the feel of community amongst the AUB students.
Halls Officer (1) The AUBSU Halls Officer will work closely with the Sabbatical Officers and other Exec members to ensure halls life is enjoyable, from organising halls events to forwarding complaints. International Officer (1) The AUSBU International Officer will work with the Sabbatical Officers and other members of the Exec committee to promote the interests of the growing number of International students we have here at AUB. This officer may liaise with the international department at AUB. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Plus Officer (Equalities) (2)
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The AUBSU LGBT+ Officers will work closely with the Sabbatical Officers and other Exec members to ensure that the LGBT+ members of AUB are well represented and supported through their time at university. These officers attend the AUB equalities committee as a students representatives. Mature and Postgraduate Officer (Equalities) (1) The AUBSU Mature/Postgraduate Officer will work with the Sabbatical Officers and other members of the Exec committee to ensure that those enrolled as Mature or Postgraduate students are well represented within the University. This officer attends the AUB equalities committee as a student representative. Race Equalities Officer (1) The AUBSU Race Equalities Officer will work with the Sabbatical Officers and other members of the Exec committee to ensure that all students, whatever their background, culture or nationality, are represented and treated equally during their time at AUB. This officer attends the AUB equalities committee as a student representative.
Prep HE Officer (1) The AUBSU Prep HE Officer will work closely with the Sabbatical Officers and other Exec members to represent all those students enrolled onto Prep HE, ED or National Certificate courses. RAG Officer (1) The AUBSU RAG Officers will work with the Sabbatical Officers and other Exec members to encourage volunteering opportunities amongst the students and to develop charity fundraising for the chosen charities of the year.
The AUBSU Societies Officer will work closely with the Sabbatical Officers and other Exec members to develop existing and new Societies. They will work to ensure that all Societies are following SU guidelines and work out ways in which to promote Societies across AUB and BU. Sports Officer (2) The AUBSU Sports Officer will work closely with SU President, Vice-President, SU Staff and other Exec’s to develop existing and new Sports Clubs. With the aim to get more of our Clubs into BUCS, our Sports Officers will encourage participation and engagement of students in sport. Sports Officers can also encourage cross collaboration between clubs and help in organising socials and events. Students with Disabilities Officer (Equalities) (1) The AUBSU Students with Disabilities Officer will work closely with the SU President, Vice-President and other members of the Exec committee to ensure that all students who identify as having any type of disability are represented and supported. Volunteering Officer (1) The AUBSU Volunteering Officer will work closely with the SU President, Vice-President and other Exec Committee Members to promote volunteering opportunities within the University, the local area and further afield.
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Societies Officer (1)
Positions Student Trustee (Part-time, Volunteer Position)
“As a Student Trustee I have gained the opportunity to see strategic planning in practice, see the behind the scenes of Student Union decisions, as well as put my ideas and views as a student across to the board for discussion to positively increase the student experience for all. A really interesting and rewarding role.� Jaillin Bates, Student Trustee The Positions | 16
AUBSU is a registered charity and it is our legal responsibility to be overseen by a Trustee Board. Our Board is made up of 3 student Trustees, 4 external Trustees and 2 sabbatical Trustees. Our Trustee Board ensures that we have the necessary financial and structural stability to carry out our aims. This means that you will be making major decisions on legal and financial issues and holding AUBSU accountable to its constitution.
Babble Breakdown Manifesto A document the candidates make which says all the things they promise to do if they were elected.
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A platform where all candidates are able to make a speech about why they would be the ideal candidate for the position. A neutral person often prepares questions in advance and all candidates are asked to answer them as best they can.
Fly Posting Sticking up posters/stickers on walls/ doors without prior permission and in areas that are not allocated for publicity purposes. Remember, this is not allowed!
Impartial representatives of the NUS & Students’ Union who ensure that all election rules are followed by all candidates. All publicity, queries and complaints to do with elections must be directed to them.
Proposers Two students who support your nomination to run for a position.
Slate Running a campaign for two people to get elected for two roles i.e. President and Vice-President.
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Returning Officer (RO) & Deputy Returning Officer (DRO)
Election Tip no. 3 Don’t be afraid of speaking condidently about your campaign.
Election Tip no. 4 Be visible in your campaign and think of ways to show how you are abke to make a difference to students.
Campaign Overview Elections can be an exciting time at University, a chance to get really involved in how things are run, a shot at a fantastic full-time job however, there are some rules that everyone must follow. A full list can be found in the By-Laws but we’ve put together some of the most important/relevant ones.
Any AUB student can nominate themselves for position within the SU Elections.
Some positions require students to self-define for the role.For example LGBT+ Officers must define as a member of the LGBT+ community.
Nominations must be made via the AUBSU website.
All nominations must have 2 proposers. Proposers must also be AUB students.
Nominations made after the deadline will not be accepted.
Manifestos •
All nominees must upload a manifesto to the AUBSU website by the deadline.
For Full-Time (Sabbatical) Officers the manifesto must be under 500 words.
For Part-Time (Exec) Officers the manifesto must be under 250 words.
Manifesto guidance will be available from the Student’s Union.
Manifestos are an important part of your campaign; a strong manifesto can encourage people to vote for you and gives you a great guideline for how you want to work during your year in office.
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Campaigning Campaigning can only start at the time set by the DRO (7th March – 11th March) Campaigning can only take place between 12pm-2pm, and only be in the areas designated by the DRO, no lecture theatres, workshops or near the ballot box. No negative campaigning. Each candidate will have a chance to speak at Hustings. No bribery or any similar incentives. Publicity Campaign Overview | 22
Candidates for Sabbatical positions are awarded up to £30 for publicity materials, don’t forget to keep those receipts. Up to 2xA3 posters can be printed, these will be placed in poster frames by the DRO, and flyposting is not permitted. No negative campaigning. Candidates are responsible for their supporters, if they do something against the rules it will count as if the candidate had committed the offence. Candidates running for Sabbatical positions will have access to the SU music table, during lunch time hours. Use will be fairly allocated by the DRO and advanced notice will be given to the candidates. There is a limit of 200 fliers per candidate.
Election Tip no. 5 Be commited to the cause/ individual/group you are campaigning for.
Election Tip no. 6 Promote who you are and what you’re about. Think about how students will relate to what you are passionate about.
Voting It’s important to get involved whether it be by running or voting as what the SU achieves will benefit us all.
Voting for policies means that your beliefs can actively play a part in what happens in the future.
It’s important for students to know they have a voice as well as other people in the same situation as them.
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Voting is the opportunity to have your say, to be valued and to shape your world.
Don’t lose your voice! At the SU we work hard to ensure all the right people hear your voice. We give your voice direction but it’s you, the students, who give it power. You may not want to nominate yourself for a position but voting makes sure that your voice is still heard.
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Don’t lose your voice, make your vote count.
FAQ Who can run for Sabbatical/Committee positions? Sabbatical positions are generally filled by 3rd year or MA students who finish their degree this year. Who can run for Committee positions? Exec Committee positions have to be taken by current students. Who can run for Student Trustee? Trustee positions have to be taken by current students.
A list of all the roles and descriptions of responsibilities can be found on the aubsu.co.uk website. If elected, do I need to do anything before I start? If you’re elected into any of the positions you won’t start your role until 1st July. Before that time we will ask you to attend a training session to help you get the most out of your role but we try to keep things to a minimum so you can focus on your studies. What are the time commitments? The two Sabbatical positions are full-time (paid), 37 hours a week. The Exec Committee positions are part-time and are highly flexible to fit around your studies. On an average week most exec members will give no more than 5 hours to their position, however, if you decide to undertake projects and expand upon your role then you may put a little more time into it. There are times in the year where the SU will ask for your help at events such as Freshers or where you will be required to attend meetings or training... But we always expect studies to come first!
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Where can I find out more about the roles?
Contact Rebekah Isaac Students’ Union Liaison Officer Deputy Returning Officer (DRO) risaac@aub.ac.uk Oscar Woodruff Students’ Union President owoodruff@aub.ac.uk Megan Hood Students’ Union Vice-President: Education and Welfare mhood@aub.ac.uk