E nN gG iI n N E E R E ee r Ii Nn Gg E E Aa Gg Ll Ee Ss SS oO cC iI eE tT Yy The Engineering Eagles Society consists of loyal alumni and friends who support the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering with financial gifts of $1,000 or more each year. These gifts provide vital resources for enhancing programs in which our faculty and students thrive. With three giving levels, this society recognizes those whose gifts elevate Auburn Engineering to new heights and help continue our pursuit of excellence.
Annual Giving Levels Executive Eagle $5,000 or more Eagle $1,000 or more Associate Eagle $500 (alum 10 years or less)
Strengthening Aubur n Engineering Our Eagles Society members provide funding that can be designated for a particular department, program or project, or it may remain unrestricted to be used at the discretion of the dean. Eagles Society contributions have helped provide:
Student scholarships
Funding to attract world-class faculty
Renovation of Wilmore Laboratories and Ross Hall into state-of-the-art facilities
Cutting-edge laboratory and research equipment
u Hands-on learning experiences for senior design projects and competition teams such as the SAE Baja, Formula SAE Racing and ASCE Concrete Canoe
Benefits of Membership In addition to joining others who believe in Auburn Engineering’s vision to become one of the nation’s top engineering programs, some of the benefits of Eagles Society membership include: u First priority to lease a parking place for all home football games
Lapel pin and car decal
u Invitations to Eagles-only events on campus and off
E-correspondence from the college
u Name listing on a Donor Wall of Recognition in the Shelby Center
Ways to Give Your annual gift of $1,000 or more entitles you to become a member of our Engineering Eagles Society. • online at eng.auburn.edu/givenow • complete and return an Eagles Engineering Society pledge card Don’t forget that matching gifts increase the benefit of your contribution. For more information, visit matchinggifts.com/auburn
u Name listing in the Cupola Report, the college’s annual donor recognition publication For more information, contact Jordan Moseley at 334.844.7610 or jmoseley@auburn.edu.