Fireworks 2024 Sponsorship

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End of Summer



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Auburn Bay Residents Association


The Auburn Bay Residents Association (ABRA) is a non-profit organization, which is professionally managed and maintained to ensure Auburn Bay’s community features, amenities and the Auburn House facility, lake and park is and will continue to be both aesthetically pleasing and conveniently available for the long-term use of its member residents.

The ABRA, among managing and maintaining the Auburn House facility and amenities, also organizes a number of community events throughout the year. These events aim to foster a strong sense of community among residents The highlight of our calendar is undoubtedly the End of Summer Fireworks Spectacular, which consistently draws the largest crowd and is eagerly anticipated by residents who wouldn't dream of missing it

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The End of Summer Fireworks Spectacular is an occasion like no other as the night sky above Auburn Bay Lake comes alive with a breathtaking fireworks display. This highly anticipated event brings together families, couples, and individuals of all ages for an enchanting evening of entertainment and community spirit.

Before the main event, residents enjoy a variety of pre-firework activities and entertainment to enhance the evening's experience, including bouncy houses, interactive games, roving entertainment, and delicious treats such as popcorn, mini donuts, and hot beverages, perfect for keeping warm on a cool evening by the lake.

The ABRA fireworks event promises an unforgettable evening filled with joy and a strong sense of neighbourly connection. With an average attendance of 3500 residents, this gathering exemplifies the vibrant unity of our community

This is a private, resident-only event Not open to the public

E V E N T S P O N SO R S H I P 2 0 2 4 W a t c h t h e 2 0 2 3 e v e n t v i d e o
TESTIMONIALS “ B E S T E V E N T O F T H E Y E A R ! W E L O V E T H I S S O M U C H . ❤ ❤ ” “ F I R E W O R K S W E R E A W E S O M E ! T H A N K Y O U ❤ ” “ S P E C T A C U L A R ! ! T H A N K Y O U F O R H O S T I N G S U C H A M A Z I N G E V E N T ! ! ” E V E N T S P O N SO R S H I P 2 0 2 4 “ T H A N K Y O U A U B U R N B A Y ! ! T H E Y W E R E F A N T A S T I C ! I L O V E L I V I N G I N T H I S C O M M U N I T Y ! ”

By becoming a sponsor of this event, your business will gain numerous benefits, including:


Reach a wide and engaged audience of local residents, boosting brand visibility and recognition.


Show your support for the community and build positive relationships with potential customers.


Utilize various promotional channels, including on-site event presence, social media mentions, and acknowledgment in promotional materials, to amplify your brand message. A U D I E N C E D E M O G R A P H I C S

Our audience comprises a diverse array of individuals, ranging from families with young children to seasoned professionals and retirees They represent various cultural backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses. Together, they come to celebrate and create lasting memories, embodying the rich tapestry of our neighborhood.

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PACKAGE $10,000 +GST

We are excited to extend this sponsorship opportunity for the 2024 End of Summer Fireworks Spectacular, an event that promises to be a highlight of the year for our community. Join us in making this event truly memorable for all attendees.


On-site event presence company booth (tent is sponsor supplied)

company swag/give-aways (sponsor supplied) company signage (sponsor supplied)

up to 4 company representatives at your booth permitted

Featured ABRA social media and website recognition

Logo recognition in the winter Program Guide & Event Calendar linked to your website

Logo recognition in October issue of ABRA eNewsletter email distributed to residents of Auburn Bay

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E V E N T E V E N T D A T E : D A T E : S A T U R D A Y , S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R S E P T E M B E R 7 , 2 0 2 4 7 , 2 0 2 4 T H I S P A C K A G E I N C L U D E S :


PACKAGE Details & Disclaimers

Please note the following details and disclaimers for the package details noted on the previous page.

* Sponsor swag/give-aways must be pre-approved by the ABRA


Sponsor supplied tent must be no larger than 10'x10' and must be secured down on all 4 legs with sufficient weights (safety protocol)

* All names of company representatives in attendance for event must be provided to ABRA in advance of the event

No public advertising of the event permitted (includes post-event mentions, event footage, etc.) - this event is NOT open to the public.

Any event marketing must be pre-approved by ABRA (ABRA must be tagged, linked, etc.)

~ No on-site selling of services or products of any kind

~ Sponsorship does not grant naming rights or affiliation with your company for this event

~ Valid only for 2024 event

Don't miss this opportunity to align your brand with one of the most anticipated events in our community To discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact: Jennifer Tait | ABRA Events Manager.

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C O N T A C T C O N T A C T I N F O : I N F O : J E N N I F E R J E N N I F E R T A I T T A I T E V E N T S E V E N T S M A N A G E R M A N A G E R e v e n t s @ a u b u r n b a y . o r g e v e n t s @ a u b u r n b a y . o r g

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