Your Major Guide- 2018

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303 Martin Hall | 334.844.4744 |


Career Planning • Career Counseling: Free one-on-one sessions • Interest and Personality Assessments • Resource Library: Major and career information • Workshops and Events

Job/Internship Search Prep • Career Coaching: Free one-on-one sessions • Résumé and Cover Letter Reviews • Interview Practice • Resource Library: Job Search Guides • Workshops and Events

Digital Career Center • Career Center Resources: • Job Search Resources: • eResume Review: • "Like" us: • Follow us: • View our pins: • Join our group: (Search: Auburn University Career Center)


Courses • UNIV 1150: Your Major. Your Career. Learning Community (freshmen only)

Job/Internship Search - • Handshake: job/internship listings, career expos and oncampus interviews • CareerShift: Comprehensive job search and networking site • GoinGlobal: Information on working abroad or in other U.S. cities • InterviewStream: Online interview practice

Special Programs • Auburn on the Hill Congressional Internships: • Pathways:

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303 Martin Hall Drop-In Hours Monday-Friday: 9AM-4PM

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334.844.4744 To schedule an appointment, call 334.844.4744


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7:45AM - 4:45PM Due to the accessibility limitations of Mary Martin Hall, please notify us if special accommodations are needed.


Freshman Year

Junior Year

For specific information about progression within your major, visit 4

The career planning process takes time and small steps can be taken throughout your college education to research your options, develop your skills, build your rĂŠsumĂŠ, and make connections with potential employers. There is no need to worry if you haven't completed each recommended step during the suggested year. Evaluate where you are in your own career planning process and take action now to prepare yourself for the job search.

Sophomore Year

Senior Year


Key Words

Values Self-Assessment Personality Skills Interests

areers are more than simply jobs and paychecks; they are part of our identity. We introduce and define ourselves by titles and careers and often dedicate our lives to a single career field or industry. This is something you will dedicate 40-60+ hours per week and 2,080-3,120 hours per year to for the foreseeable future. Wouldn’t you like to enjoy that time? In addition to exploring careers and majors, it is just as important that you put thought and energy into exploring who you are. So often we are shortsighted in thinking only one dynamic is important (money), but in fact, that is only one element of your values you should be considering. Be thinking of what you enjoy learning, how you operate, what you value, and what your skillset is when


learning who you are. These elements will help you in narrowing down and identifying potential career fields that may be a good fit for you and who you want to be. This section will introduce a variety of assessments and tools to learn more about your interests, personality, skills, and values. Take time to really think about these aspects of yourself, and it will be much easier to envision career options that fit you. Even after making this decision, these elements of who you are will be useful when evaluating job/ internship opportunities, employers, and even places to live after graduation. Addye Buckley-Burnell, M.Ed., LPC, NCC Assistant Director of Career Development 

When deciding a major and career path, it is important to take stock of who you are, what you do well, your likes and dislikes, what you want to do in your future career, and the things you value in your life. Thinking about your personality, skills, interests, and values is as easy as taking a little time to reflect on your unique experiences. This self-assessment process will enable you to more effectively target potential career fields that interest you and help you make a wise decision as you move forward with your career plan.

Sarah M., a communication major, had a great eye for details and enjoyed working independently on projects. Always the compassionate type, Sarah thrived on helping others in her own quiet way and could quickly persuade her peers to join her mission. She was skilled in listening closely and developing written communications. Following self–assessment, Sarah decided to look into careers as a grant writer for a non–profit organization or a research specialist for a congressional office.

• I dentify your strengths and preferred way of doing things.

• B e able to communicate specific information about yourself and your career goals to employers.

• M ake informed decisions about the type of job you want.

• P ursue job openings that will be a great fit for you.


your preferred way of doing things

things you enjoy doing or that appeal to you

Answer the following questions by selecting the option that is your most natural and preferred behavior.

Rank the following areas of occupational interest (developed by psychologist John Holland) from 1 (most describes your interests) to 6 (least describes your interests).

Do you gain energy from...

oo the external world of people, action, & things? oo the internal world of concepts & ideas?


The Doers:

Enjoy practical & physical; prefer action to discussion; works with hands.


Enjoy gathering information & performing analysis; appreciates intellectual activities

Do you gather information…

oo in a concrete manner, with facts & details? an abstract manner, with concepts, meaning, oo in& patterns?

Are your decisions guided by…

oo logic & objective analysis? oo personal, social, & subjective values? When conducting your life, do you prefer…

oo openness, & a free flow of oo flexibility, information? order, closure, & structure?


The Creators:


The Helpers:


The Persuaders:

Enjoy self-expression & aesthetics; prefer less structured environments

Enjoy working with people in a helping role such as teaching, training & counseling

Enjoy working with people in an influencing role; prefer to lead

CONVENTIONAL The Organizers:

Enjoy details & accuracy; prefer structured environments

my type

my interests

After completing the exercises above, begin looking for patterns and themes in your responses. These patterns are clues to the types of industries, work environments, and job duties that you might find fulfilling and find success. Think about how your personality, skills, interests and values can work together to make you a valuable employee and imagine your ideal work setting and employer based on this information.


your abilities and areas of strength

principles and beliefs you find important

Think about 8-10 skills or areas of strength that you possess using the sample list as an example. Place a star by the ones that will be beneficial in your field of interest. Add additional skills that will be beneficial & need more attention to develop.

Rank the following list of values in order of importance to you. Use the blank spaces to add other values beyond those included in the list.

serving others



managing others’ work



fixing broken equipment



creating a work of art


financial comfort

influencing others to agree with you

influencing others


managing a database of information

work location


communicating clearly with others



balancing competing priorities



Need more help? Come to drop-ins to discuss self–assessment in more detail. The Career Center offers several assessments to help you with this process and counselors are available to help you synthesize the information gained.


Key Words

WCIDWAMI? Occupational Outlook Handbook O*Net Job Shadowing Informational Interview

iscovering new career opportunities can be exciting but is an ongoing process that may take some time. Some students will have a major they want to pursue and need help exploring careers for which the major will prepare them. A college major will not always dictate a career path and there are many options from which to choose. Others will want to find a career interest and choose a major that will help them achieve that goal. Either way, the Career Center is here to help you make an informed


decision and connect you with the resources needed to choose a path that is right for you. This section will show you how to research occupations based on assessment results, major, or industry, and prepare you to learn additional insight through job shadowing, informational interviewing, and related experience. Addye Buckley-Burnell, M.Ed., LPC, NCC Assistant Director of Career Development 

Pathways serve as progression models for Auburn students to better understand curricular advancement and experiential opportunities during their time at Auburn University. Pathways guide you through four dimensions: Course Selection, Asking for Assistance, Gaining Experience, and Getting Involved. The information is further broken apart by year. In addition to showing progression within your academic years, Pathways provides introductory advice about career planning and exploration.



College of Agriculture

Agricultural Business and Economics Agricultural Communications Agricultural Science Agronomy øø Production øø Science øø Soil, Water, & Land Use øø Turf Management

Animal Sciences

øø Equine Science øø Muscle Foods øø Pre-Veterinary øø Production Management

Applied Biotechnology Biosystems Engineering

øø Ecological Engineering øø Forest Engineering

Environmental Science Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures øø Pre-Professional øø Aquaculture øø Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management øø Marine Resources Management

Food Science Horticulture

øø Fruit and Vegetable Production øø Landscape Horticulture øø Nursery and Greenhouse Science øø Pre-Landscape Architecture

Poultry Science

øø Poultry Production øø Pre-Veterinary Medicine

Raymond J. Harbert College of Business

Accountancy Aviation Management Business Administration Business Analytics Entrepreneurship & Family Business Finance Human Resources Management Information Systems Management International Business Management Marketing Professional Flight Management Supply Chain Management 12

College of Education

Agriscience Education* Business and Marketing Education Chemistry Education Early Childhood Education Elementary Education English Language Arts Education/ English Exercise Science Fitness, Conditioning, and Performance Foreign Language Education øø French Education øø German Education øø Spanish Education

General Science Education/ Physics/Chemistry General Social Science Education/ History Geography Education Mathematics Education Music Education/Instrumental and Vocal Physical Activity and Health Physical Education/Teacher Education Physics Education Rehabilitation and Disability Studies Special Education øø Early Childhood Special Education øø Collaborative Teacher Education

College of Architecture, Design, and Construction


øø Interior Architecture

Building Science Environmental Design

øø Pre-Landscape Architecture

Graphic Design Industrial Design

College of Human Sciences

Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production Management øø Apparel Merchandising øø Apparel Design & Production Management øø Consumer and Design Sciences

Global Studies in Human Sciences Hospitality Management

øø Hotel and Restaurant Mangement øø Event Management

Human Development and Family Studies

øø Infancy and Preschool øø Child Life øø Middle Childhood/Adolescence øø Adult Programs øø Gerontology øø Family Programming and Research øø Public Policy/Legislation øø Duel Objective Program with Early Childhood Education

Interior Design Nutrition and Food Science øø Nutrition/Dietetics øø Nutrition Science øø Nutrition/Wellness

School of Forestry and Wildlife Science

GeoSpacial Environmental Informatics (Pending Approval) Natural Resources Management Professional Forestry øø Forestry Engineering

Wildlife Ecology and Management Wildlife Sciences øø Pre-Veterinary


School of Nursing

University College

Aviation Management Exploratory Major Interdisciplinary Studies Professional Flight Management

College of Liberal Arts

Anthropology Art

øø Studio/Fine Arts

Art History Communication Communication Disorders Economics øø Primary øø Quantitative


øø Creative Writing øø Literature øø Professional and Public Writing

French French International Trade German German International Trade Health Services Administration History Journalism Media Studies øø Visual Media

Music Music Performance øø Instrumental øø Piano øø Voice

Philosophy Political Science Psychology Public Administration Public Relations Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish International Trade Theatre

College of Sciences and Mathematics

Biochemistry Biomedical Sciences Chemistry Geography Geology øø Earth Science

Laboratory Sciences Marine Biology Mathematics

øø Applied Mathematics øø Applied Discrete Mathematics øø Actuarial Science

Medical Laboratory Sciences Microbial, Cellular, and Molecular Biology øø Microbiology øø Cell and Molecular Biology øø Pre-Veterinary Medicine

Organismal Biology

øø Conservation and Biodiversity øø Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior øø Integrative Biology øø Pre-Veterinary Medicine

Samuel Ginn College of Engineering

Aerospace Engineering Biosystems Engineering* øø Ecological Engineering øø Forestry Engineering

Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering

øø Computer Engineering

Industrial and Systems Engineering Materials Engineering* Mechanical Engineering Software Engineering Wireless Engineering øø Hardware øø Software

*-Interdisciplinary Program

Physics Pre-Professional Programs (not majors) øø Pre-Dentistry øø Pre-Medicine øø Pre-Optometry øø Pre-Pharmacy øø Pre-Physical Therapy øø Pre-Physician Assistant øø Pre-Veterinary Medicine

Identify three majors for further study

øø Design/Technology øø Management øø Music Theatre øø Performance

Auburn University offers more than 140 academic majors! That's quite a few to sift through. Luckily for you the university provides The Bulletin. It is an easy to use record of every major and a projected plan of study for each of them. The Bulletin can be easily found by going to


Exploring the opportunities associated with your particular major is essential in ensuring that you have made a solid and informed selection. Though looking in The Bulletin to make sure the coursework for your particular major is something that you would enjoy is a good start, that is by no means the end of your research and exploration.   This concept inherently makes sense. Choosing a major based solely on coursework is not wise. You will be spending 4-5

Option 1: business øø Sales øø Customer Service øø Corporate Communication

Option 4: non-profit øø Grant Writing øø Volunteer Coordination øø Management

years in classwork for a career lasting 40-50 years. If all you look at is which elective you will be able to take senior year, you have done a disservice to yourself. You will likely also want to look at the various career opportunities associated with that particular pathway.   Today, this is not a difficult process. In the age of Google, there are unlimited amounts of information available to you with carefully selected searches. Traditional exploration

Option 2: public relations øø Corporate Public Affairs øø Development øø Event Coordination

Option 5: government øø Community Affairs øø Legislative Assistance øø Conflict Negotiation

opportunities are available as well. Speak with a career counselor in the Career Center to get you going on the right track, reach out to a favorite faculty member in your field to get an insider's perspective, and/or ask a family friend that has a job similar to what you want to do to see if it really is as grand as it seems from the outside.   Choosing a major is really just the start, from there the possibilities are numerous.

Option 3: media øø Writing øø Publishing øø Media Sales

Option 6: higher education øø Student Affairs øø University Communications øø Development

Source: What Can I Do With a Major In...? Career Center website:


Researching your field is not as hard as you might think. The internet and a bevy of on-campus resources make what once was a cumbersome task into a breeze. Here are a few of our favorite resources for making that research seem not so bad.

Now that you have the research phase under your belt it is time to start exploring. Think of research as discovering the possibilities and the exploration as trying them out. Just like researching there are many opportunities to try things out.

Auburn University Course Bulletin

Part-Time Job

Lists every major and minor the university provides and the coursework associated with it. Remember coursework is not the only thing you want to consider, but consider it you should.

Occupational Outlook Handbook Great resource for looking at employment projections; objective information regarding tasks on the job, training and education required, and links to on-point outside resources.


Not only a great way to gain some extra spending money but, if related, also a great way to try out a field and see if it is a good fit for you.

Job Shadowing 303 Martin Hall Want to know what you could be doing as a doctor, engineer, veterinarian, accountant, etc.? What better way than to see what one of those professions do? Schedule a job shadowing experience to see firsthand how professionals in your field of interest work day-to-day.

Informational Interview 303 Martin Hall

Allows you to search by interest area, work activities, and education required for a variety of positions. This resource has very in-depth information about occupations.

What Can I Do With a Major In?(WCIDWAMI) This resource shows you almost every major that Auburn has to offer, and lays out multiple paths you could go down professionally based upon that particular major selection.

Candid Career

Does job shadowing sound a little intimidating? Well maybe you should try an informational interview. This is your chance to ask that professional all the questions you have not been able to discover in your research and get the inside scoop.

Internship/Co-op Likely the best way to explore without committing to a full time position. These opportunities really allow you to see firsthand what a field can be like and the kind of work with which you can look forward to being involved.

Use this resource to view video informational interviews.

“Has it happened yet? Have you been asked THE QUESTION? You know the one; it’s the question that cuts to the core of your existence, the question that haunts you pretty much from the time you decide to be a college student to months, even years, after you graduate. It starts so innocently. Someone asks what your major is, so you tell them. There’s a slight pause. Then comes THE QUESTION: ‘What are you going to do with that?’” — You Majored in What? by Katherine Brooks 15

Career Pathing

Job Shadowing

Informational Interview

Exploring your options is not just limited to the traditional methods. Let's take a look at Katie B., a savvy student who turned her LinkedIn account into an exploration and job attainment tool. Katie was a Human Development and Family Studies major. Katie did not want to go down the popular HDFS pathway of counseling, but really liked the coursework that her major was exposing her to and did not want to change. Having recently joined LinkedIn, Katie wanted to see what people with HDFS degrees were doing. After searching Human Development and Family Studies, she was able to connect with someone in Human Resources. After the initial connection, Katie and her contact set up an informational interview to learn more. Katie identified that HR was something she would be interested in doing, and her degree would be complementary. She was able to obtain a related internship and a part-time job in the community related to the field. With the assistance of her initial LinkedIn connection and their network, Katie was able to secure gainful employment in Human Resources and still use the HDFS degree that she enjoyed so much.

Job shadowing is often only discussed amongst the Pre-Health students. Rightly so, it is difficult to obtain a Medical/Therapy/ Dental school interview without having significant shadowing experience, so start early. However, job shadowing is not just for those individuals. Job shadowing is for all. A good job shadowing experience will allow you to observe and experience firsthand what it is like to be a professional in any given field. Job shadowing can help you to gain a lot of firsthand knowledge in a relatively quick amount of time. It is better to find out freshman year that accounting isn't for you because of one shadowing experience, than to find out after your senior internship. As with informational interviewing the Career Center is happy to help facilitate your job shadow experience. Come by 303 Mary Martin Hall for more information.

The informational interview is likely one of the most undervalued resources for learning and developing an understanding of a career field. This is an excellent opportunity to speak with someone who is in the area of interest that you are considering. Reading about your field, doing research online, and meeting with a career counselor are all great steps, but at a certain point, you must begin to see how a position may be in the real world. Things to try out: øø The Career Center can help facilitate an informational interview for you. Drop by 303 Mary Martin Hall to find out more. øø Try asking: What do you like most about your job? What do you like least about your job? What is one thing you wish you would have known going into your field? How did you get here? What would you have done differently? øø Too nervous to start with an informational interview right out of the gate? Try Candid Career ( students). This resource provides short, concise interviews with professionals in a variety of  fields. Watch one or two in between class or marathon several on a slow weekend.


Freshman øø øø øø øø

Fall Spring Explored options øø Started looking for summer part–time Joined campus organizations work Acclimated to campus and rigors øø Lined up job shadows for summer Met with a career counselor to discuss øø Brought résumé to Career Center majors Summer øø Job shadowed several different industry individuals øø Worked in part–time position

Sophomore Fall øø Carried over summer job to fall øø Developed time management skills øø Studied abroad øø Interned

Spring øø Confirmed major selection øø Secured early internship for summer Summer

Junior øø øø øø øø

Fall Updated résumé Attended Career Expo for networking Started expanding professional wardrobe Began major courses

Spring øø Carried over part–time job øø Secured leadership position within organization øø Attended Career Expo for additional networking

Summer øø Expanded role for part–time position øø Cultivated networking relationships leading into senior year

Senior Fall øø Attended Career Expo to secure full– time job øø Completed graduation check with academic advisor

Spring øø Negotiated position offer øø Secured housing for future employment øø Graduated

Scott T.: Finance Major, Spanish minor 17

Starting college can be a very confusing time for any student. You will begin hearing terminology that you may have never experienced. Here is a cheat sheet to help you navigate these common phrases: Academic Advisor: This person will be assigned to you and will help with course selection, review the course requirements in the major you have selected, and assist you with any academic concerns you may encounter. Career Counselor: The person who helps you explore career/major options and advises you on how to prepare in order to be successful in your chosen career field. Curriculum: The classes prescribed or outlined by an institution for completion of a program of study, including core curriculum, leading to a degree. Core Curriculum: Coursework that students must take that are not major specific with the intention of broadening knowledge in a variety of subjects including English composition, social sciences, humanities, and science & mathematics. Total of 41-42 credit hours at Auburn University. Degree Requirements: A specific list of required courses and electives to be completed for a degree and may also include required GPA, prerequisite coursework, and/or minor areas of study. Credit Hour: The weight of each course or number of hours each course will meet in one week Grade Point Average (GPA): The average of all of the course grades you have received, on a four-point scale.


GPA Calculation: To calculate a GPA, for each course taken, you must multiply the grade received by the number of credit hours attempted for the course (A=4, B=3, etc.). Add the totals for each class together then divide by the total number of credit hours. Major: Primary area of study for your undergraduate degree and the background for the career you plan to pursue after graduation (for example: business, chemistry, anthropology, psychology). Minor: Secondary area of study with fewer classes than are required for a major. Many minors are a specialization of a major field. For example, students who want to become a reporter for a scientific publication might major in journalism and minor in biology. University: A university is composed of undergraduate, graduate, and professional colleges and offers degrees in each. College or School: The term used to designate the organizational units of a university such as the College of Education, College of Engineering, or School of Nursing. Academic Departments: A division of a college or school with faculty devoted to a particular academic discipline such as the Department of Psychology or Department of Finance.

Degree Types Bachelor’s Degree: This is the undergraduate degree offered by fouryear colleges and universities. The minimum credit hour requirement for a Bachelor's Degree is 120 hours. Common degree titles include Bachelor of Science (BS), Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Civil Engineering, etc.. Master’s Degree: A graduate degree that usually requires two or more years of study beyond the bachelor’s. Common degree titles include Master of Science (MS), Master of Arts (MA), Master of Education (MEd), Master of Business Administration (MBA), etc.. Juris Doctorate (JD): To practice law, one must first complete a bachelor’s degree before continuing their education in a Juris Doctorate program and taking the Bar Exam. These programs take about 3 years to complete. Doctoral Degree: This advanced degree that can be obtained in 4-5 years typically and may be entered into after completing a bachelor’s or a master’s degree depending on the program and qualifications of applicant. Common degree titles include Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Education (EdD), or Doctor of Psychology (PsyD), etc.. Medical Degree: This advanced degree program is needed to practice as a physician or a surgeon and can be started after obtaining a bachelor’s degree. Completing a medical degree will earn you the title of Doctor of Medicine (MD).

oo Meet with a career counselor to discuss career plans and goals come to drop-in hours*

oo Complete the TypeFocus assessment to gain personal insight into career direction

oo Explore “What Can I Do With a Major In...” resource

oo View Candid Career Video informational interviews

oo Visit to explore internship and part-time job opportunities oo Shadow or interview a professional in your career field of interest oo Join at least one social/service club and one professional/leadership organization

a new résumé oo Create *To schedule an appointment in an accessible location, please call. Auburn University is an equal opportunity educational institution/employer.

War Eagle!





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