Spring 2014
Know Your Enemy Life In The Crosshairs
The Dragon Who’s Ticked The Sneakiest Strategy
Find Your Wings, Naturally
About MYEDGEMAG is published quarterly by the Youth Ministries Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (AUC) Limited. While all content is subject to copyright, permission is nevertheless granted by the publishers for content to be copied and reproduced by churches, schools and individuals for the express purpose of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. We simply ask that you credit MYEDGEMAG as your source.
Editor > Tony Knight Layout/Design > Jessica Symes Editorial Team > Amy Pitt > Derek Rippingale > Ellesha Knight > Jeff Parker > Julie Catton Printed by Signs Publishing Company
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The cover photo was taken by Chela Schlaeppi and modelled by (L-R): Brendan Henriques, Haylee Fairall, Eunuch Nyatanga, Julia Sherar, Will Kent, Chloe Jaques and Daniel Lawson. To see more of her work, visit <>.
OME THINGS ARE BEST NOT WATCHED. LIKE many others, these past couple of months I have been outraged to see news coverage of a parade of innocent victims publicly murdered by ISIL extremists. Graphic videos of numerous atrocities have been released onto YouTube, threats of violence have been made, and images of future victims also shown. Like I said, some things are better not seen. But don’t mistake my reticence to fill my mind with images like these as complacency or even wilful ignorance of what is happening in the world. My reasoning is somewhat different, born of a respect for the victims. Somehow I feel watching these innocents beheaded in such a shameful way smacks of voyeurism or ghoulism, and somehow diminishes and degrades these brave souls. They deserve more. Going to their graves with such courage! The exact opposite of the cowards who murdered them. British Prime Minister David Cameron described the recent killing of aid worker David Haines as “an act of pure evil,” and he is absolutely right. This is what happens when Satan takes hold of people, and therein lies the tragic irony. In a world where one huge slice of society denies God’s very existence; while another follows some grotesque caricature of God, believing that what they do is somehow in keeping with His will . . . Well, these are the symptoms of a world on the verge of implosion. And Satan laughs each time someone with the freedom to believe denies a loving God. And Satan laughs even harder when atrocities he himself has orchestrated are blamed on God, or His Son, Jesus, who laid down His own life for the very ones who either ignore Him or do violence in His name.
by Tony Knight
And Satan laughs even harder when atrocities he himself has orchestrated are blamed on God. When people cower in fear of the latest terrorist threat, crying out “Where is God in all of this?” it is perhaps better to ask a different question, “Why do people tolerate the devil?” Why do we flirt with Satan? Why do we allow him access to our minds, our worlds, our families? Why do we not see that the little niggling temptations are simply the entering wedges he uses to gain access to our souls? With disastrous consequences. It is a stark reality that we live our lives in Satan’s cross-hairs. But there is an even greater reality—the Day of the Lord is coming! Satan’s days are numbered. He is a defeated foe, bound for the lake of fire, and his lies, fast-talking and threats of violence will do him no good on that day. Justice will be done and goodness will win out. So let us take the time to know our enemy; but take even more time to know our Saviour, for in Him lies the hope of the world.
Tony Knig Victori ht lives in a, a Melb ourn Cen nd is th Austr tre Mana e Resourc e, e g alian Union er at the Confe rence .
Under The
VERB: To exercise influence on, affect or sway; to move or impel (a person) to some action.
Influence a Bachelor studying Amy Pitt is Melbourne, and of Arts in od story. loves a go
WICKED CAMPER VAN HAS GONE TOO far. And no, this time it isn’t about a bunch of adventurous backpackers overestimating their mileage. The line they have crossed is a moral one. Sydney high school teacher Paula Orbea was left aghast when her 11 year old daughter was confronted by a particularly offensive slogan spray painted on the back of one of Wicked Camper’s notorious vans when out with her grandfather. The slogan claimed that “in every princess there is a slut who wants to try it just once.” This van and many others like it had been approved by Wicked headquarters and were rolled out of the workshop, taking to the streets and highways
NOUN: The capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behaviour, opinions, etc., of others.
by Amy Pitt
IDIOM: “Under the influence”
of Australia in full force and spreading their sexist, misogynist and racist messages. Fuelled by the incident and realising that the messages you behold impact you, this school teacher took to the online peoplepower website <> and launched a campaign calling for Wicked Campers to remove the offensive slogans that are plastered over many of their popular vans. After only a few days in which 125,000 signatures were amassed, Australia’s Senate unanimously voted for the company to comply, causing Wicked Campers to change their previous statement of “we don’t care how you feel . . . we just want to have a good time” to an apology and the reworking of a number of particularly offensive vehicles.
Influence is an incredibly powerful tool. While Wicked Campers used theirs to spread messages of hate and degradation, it only took one ordinary woman harnessing the potential of an online platform to counter it with full force. Similarly, this tug-of-war is played out daily in all our lives as many different forces fight to gain influence over our choices. The first step in pushing back against the negative influences crowding us from all angles is to be alert, be informed, and to know the enemy’s plan. The challenge is to resist the influence of the world and instead influence it in a positive way.
Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the
seed of either success or failure
in the mind of another. —Napoleon Hill
Movies can and do have tremendous influence in
shaping young lives
in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of
Did you
normal adulthood. —Walt Disney
If removed from the stress of the modern world, the average human would sleep about 10 hours a day.
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More than 50% of the edits on Wikipedia are done by the 524 most active users.
(culture watch) #THESTREAM | 03
n o g a r D The , d e k c i T s ’ o h W e m i T s i H e s u Ca g n i k c Is Ti McCutch by D e r e k
HERE IS SUCH A THING AS A DEVIL. And he is ticked off!
Whether it is fear or anger or a mixture of both, Revelation 12:12 points out that everyone living here on Earth is in strife because there is a devil, he knows his time is ticking, and he’s ticked off! He is not angry with you per se—so don’t take it personally—but he is furious nonetheless. As Seventh-day Adventists, we believe there is a unique message to be found in the book of Revelation. There may be times when we can get bogged down in the details and there will be times we don’t get it right, however, unlike the majority of the Christian world, at least we make an attempt to engage with the text and try to understand it.
The Why Revelation 12: War of the Words (or Law)
Many scholars recognise the book of Revelation as being written in a chaistic form. If you don’t know what that means then think AB-BA (not the Swedish pop band!). If you are still confused, Google it! If Revelation is indeed chiastic, then the main emphasis of the whole book is to be found in the middle section—the chapters of Revelation 12-14.
Revelation 12 seems to suggest that it all started over a “war” in heaven. Obviously not . . . war over a war as we commonly a difference know here on Earth with tanks, bombs, in philosophy. guns and things. Instead, maybe a war over a difference in philosophy. God was all about operating heaven under a Law of Love. Everyone is equal. Everyone is to love one another. Everyone is to love and worship Him as the Creator.
This gives insight not only to what the book of Revelation is about, but also gives the background of the whole biblical story - why it all started, how it’s going to play out, and warnings given on what to do about it.
There is a text in Isaiah 14 that seems to suggest that the “falling from heaven” was all over the promotion a different form of law—the Law of Liberty. That there should be no form of governing that influences
04 | PLUGIN (feature article)
This illustration was created by Jessica Symes. To see more of her work visit <>.
others. That everyone should be free to do their own thing. “I will ascend . . .; I will raise . . .; I will sit . . .; I... I... I...” Blah blah blah! It’s all about me! Me! Me! Must have been quite a war! This is not a small band of disgruntled angels crying over spilt milk because they are not getting their own way. Turns out that Revelation 12:4 suggests that maybe as much as one-third of heavenly beings actually thought the Devil had a good case—or a powerful one at least. So after the Devil had been hurled to the Earth, he had one thing on his mind: revenge. Verse 13 says that in order to get revenge, he pursues the woman. Who could that possibly be? My assumption, is that just like a dragon is not a real dragon (but the devil), and the lamb is not a real lamb (but Jesus), then possibly the woman is not necessarily a real woman, but a symbol for something else. If you read texts like Ezekiel 23 and Jeremiah 2 in the Old Testament, or statements in the New Testament made by Paul in Ephesians 5—or even the story of Hosea and the Hooker (yes, you read that right)—you will find that what the woman may actually represent is a group of people —in this instance the people of God.
So after the Devil had been hurled to the Earth, he had one thing on his mind: revenge.
So the Devil goes out to pursue the people of God in order to take his revenge on God. But when the woman escapes with the wings of an eagle to the wilderness, and then escapes because the Earth swallows a flood, the dragon goes hopping mad (if dragons actually hop)!
The How Revelation 13: Two Big Beasts used as Puppet-heads Revelation 13 shows how things are going to play out at the height of this war. Amongst all the imagery of beasts, animal parts, and time prophecies, etc, the main gist is that the devil uses two institutions to do his dirty work. If what he wants is people to acknowledge his law over God’s law, then he will use whatever means necessary to carry out his evil plan. It seems that the Devil gives power and authority (verse 7) to two different forms of puppet-heads in order to rouse his revenge. If he thinks it will work, he’s bound to try! (For more on this visit <> & <>)
The What Revelation 14: Angelic messages about Fearing, Falling and Forced Worship Then finally, Revelation 14 shows what needs to be done about the situation. In a nutshell, if you want to be one of the saved and learn the “new song” (obviously not the overkilled “Above All”), then do yourself a favour and don’t associate with any person or institution that promotes the lie that you can do whatever you want and still be saved. You need to follow the Lamb (Jesus) wherever He leads! Three angels are given a message each to shout from the stratosphere to help warn us against the attacks of the Devil. This is a very quick summary: Angel 1: Remember who the Creator is and give Him ALL the glory. The ‘fearing God’ is not the scary fear but the respecting fear. Big difference! Angel 2: Don’t listen to anybody who tells you that it is all about you and not God— no matter how liberating or intoxicating it may be to believe the opposite. Angel 3: If there is ever a person or institution that forces you to do something against God’s will, then don’t fall for it. Don’t worry about the consequences. God has it all under control. In conclusion, it is not you that the Devil is upset with. It’s God’s issue. However, if you are a follower of God and do your best to keep God’s commandments and continue to share your story about your faith in Jesus, then unfortunately you can’t help but be part of the story (12:17). The question is, “How do you gain the victory in this war that has nothing to do with you?” We’ll look at that exact question in the next edition of MyEDGEMag. Can’t wait till then? Visit < diy-course>
Derek M cC of religio utcheon is a “m n in Associa and creativity” ister te D an Ministr irector of You d ies in P erth, W th A.
(feature article) PLUGIN | 05
A Trivialised Tyrant by Joseph Kha b
REMEMBER WITNESSING MY FIRST HALLOWEEN IN THE United States. I was driving through town with my wife and I was IjustSTILL mystified as I looked through the car window and saw kids
dressed up as witches, monsters and zombies. But what especially caught my attention were the children who dressed up as the devil. Their costumes had the little bat wings, the pointy tail, little horns
protruding out of their heads, and a plastic red and black pitchfork. It made me wonder if society has trivialised Satan to a point where he no longer exists. I mean if our communities actually believed that Satan is real, would they have kids dressed up as devils? In this Bible Study, we will discover what the Scripture has to say about Satan.
READ: Luke 10:18; Ezekiel 28:11-17; Isaiah 14:12; Revelation 12:7–9.
Who is Satan and where did he came from? What type of being was he? How did he get expelled from heaven? The word “satan” is the Hebrew transliteration of the word “adversary.” Therefore, Satan is the one who opposes God. Satan was originally called Lucifer, an angel God created to be a “model of perfection.” Satan was cast out of heaven because of his pride—he wanted to be God. Why might it be easier for people with abundant wisdom or beauty or wealth to be tempted by pride? What gifts from God are we as humans inclined to take credit for?
What tactics does Satan use? READ: Mark 4:15 and 1 Peter 5:8.
What will Satan’s eventual end be? READ: Revelation 20:10
Why does Satan hate humanity so much? READ: Romans 8:31-39
Eventually, Satan will be cast into the lake of fire. Satan would rather die in fire than serve God in heaven and be in His presence. Pride leads to Satan’s ultimate destruction!
Satan hates us because of how much God loves us.
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Describe times when we can pray to fight pride in our lives and take the opportunity to point others to Jesus.
When we read the Bible and our heart is touched by truth, Satan immediately comes and tries to snatch it away. His ultimate purpose is to destroy us.
How could you share with someone the work of Christ in your life to overcome your pride and bring you back into the presence of God?
READ: Hebrews 2:14. How Did Jesus gain victory over Satan at the cross?
Satan is seeking to lure as many people as possible to his side through deception. His destruction is inevitable because of his pride. That same spirit of devilish pride can be found even in our lives, which seeks to place self on the throne of our hearts.
Jesus’ death on the cross broke Satan’s chains of death itself. Satan thought death would keep Jesus in the grave. Rather, Jesus walked out of the grave alive, nothing could hold Him back, not even death!
By giving Jesus control,we can share in His victory through the cross and have the chains of Satan broken in our lives!
06 | RECHARGE (Bible study)
l i v e D : C SYN rown by Nathan B
Nathan Br ow Publishing n is book editor at Sign Co Victoria, an mpany in Warburt s on, d Manifest a co-convener of th Creative Ar e ts Festival .
Ask your family and friends for their responses to these questions, and share and compare them with your answers. Why is the devil already beaten, even if it often doesn’t seem like it? Is it too easy to blame all the bad things in the world on the devil, rather than bad choices people make or other “ordinary” causes?
Why does it often seem so much easier to do wrong than to do good? To be negative than to be positive? To muck things up rather than make things right? Why should the devil have all the good music?
How would you respond to a friend who thought that talking about the devil was a kind of superstition? Why do you think some people—particularly younger people—have a fascination with the darker side of life and spirituality?
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devil”? you think of “the you imagine when g in th st fir e th is What at might be a g of the Bible, wh d share with in nd ta rs de un that you coul Based on your cture of the devil nd what you believe? ta more accurate pi rs de un r them bette a friend to help and our own vil’s temptations matter? de e th n ee tw be rence rence What is the diffe isplaced desires? Does the diffe m d brokenness an
FAMILY Dynamics young
We must study the devil and his strategies so we can successfully resist them and be aware of his evil influence in the world. vs We should not give the devil too much space in our thinking or blame for what happens in the world, focusing instead on God and His goodness.
Duelling Ideas Have you had an experience in your life that you would describe as an experience of evil? How do you avoid being overcome by evil in big or small ways? Is temptation something that you have found to be real? What strategies have you found helpful in resisting temptation? How do you keep a balance between a focus on God and His power while also being aware of the devil and his work?
Have you been afraid of the devil and evil spirits at times? Have you ever done a Bible study on the devil? Is it a topic that is talked about much at your church or school? What surprises you about the Bible’s descriptions of and teachings about the devil? How do you best avoid doing wrong things—by focusing on not doing the wrong thing or by doing something better? (discussion q&a) SYNC | 07
The Sneakiest
strategy by Julie Catton
T’S A CRAZY WORLD THAT WE LIVE IN. Everything is so fast paced. There’s a good reason why it’s called a rat race! When’s the last time you asked someone how they’re doing and they didn’t say “busy”?
We’re busy with so many things, good things. We’re busy working, learning or exercising. We’re busy living life to its fullest, seizing the day. So in our down time it’s great to be able to just relax. And we all relax differently. We watch television e, lbourn untill we nod off to in Me teacher s e v n li ary sleep. We ‘play’ Catto is a prim g staying e li u in J nd n. enjoy ria, a on Facebook, Victo currently her childre is h it who ome w scrolling through at h feeds as the 08 | BUMP (discipleship)
hours tick by. We surf the net, for nothing in particular . . . just looking because it doesn’t actually require any brain power. None of these things is essentially wrong. The difficulty comes when your work time and your down time are so full, that there’s no room for God time. And that plays right into the master deceiver’s hands. We might be able to tattle off a quick prayer, and maybe read a Bible verse that someone has posted on fb, but really it’s nothing of quality. It’s not spending time in prayer and studying our Bible. And its most definitely not allowing us to “Be still and know that He is God” (Psalm 46:10), because we’re too busy! Between doing the things we HAVE to do and doing the things we THINK will help us relax and make us happy, we’re not doing the one thing that will give us true peace
The difficulty comes when your work time and your down time are so full that there’s
no room for God time. and contentment. The one thing that will change our lives from just “getting through it” to really and truly “living it”. God has given us one whole day to relax: Sabbath. And so we read the verse “The Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27) and figure that if Sabbath was made for us then we can do whatever we want. Whatever makes us feel good, right? Our Sabbath can end up looking a bit like this: Get up after nice relaxing sleep in. Drive to church listening to favourite “chill
This illustration was created by Heather Piez. To see more of her work visit <>.
Do You Find it hard to Make “God Time”?
Instead of becoming discouraged because you can’t wake up at 5 am to do an hour of Bible study and prayer, why not try connecting with God once an hour every hour that you’re awake? Set an alarm on your phone or your work computer, and pray where you are and in whatever you are doing. Just make it one sentence of praise, a request or heartfelt thanksgiving. “Father, thank you for my job, help me to do my best and honour you.” “I’m really struggling to be patient with my colleagues this morning, please help me to be patient—to act and speak with love and grace.” “You are an almighty, powerful God, creator of everything I see, and so worthy to be praised.”
out” radio station. Arrive at church 10 minutes before the service ends (at least you made an effort). Spend afternoon at friend’s house watching YouTube. In this scenario though, there seems to be a complete absence of perhaps the most crucial thing for Sabbath—and that would be God. Our focus is entirely on us instead of on the One who created us. We believe the lie “If God really loved you, He would want you to have the things that make you feel happy.” But here’s the catch: what we think will make us happy and what God KNOWS will make us happy can be quite different things. And if I was a betting person, I’d put money on God knowing you better than you know yourself (I guess it’s the whole “He created you” thing!).
God’s Voice vs Satan’s Voice stills you
rushes you
leads you
pushes you
reassures you
frightens you
enlightens you
confuses you
encourages you discourages you comforts you
worries you
calms you
obsesses you
convicts you heals you
condemns you harms you
So, what will really make us happy? You’ve probably heard it so many times it’s started to sound cliché. But you’re hearing it because it’s true. Spend time with God. Connect with Him. Pray. Read your Bible. Worship your Creator. Time is the one thing that money can’t buy. It’s the one thing we wish we had more of, but often waste what we have. So next time you’re tempted to waste away “down time”, try to be still. Then maybe you really will get to know that He is God. (discipleship) BUMP | 09
g n i l l a i e v D h t i W
e D he
g ppin i R erek by D
AVE YOU EVER MADE A deal with the devil? Nick Dutt made such a deal one afternoon among the steel racks in the back of a factory in Pakuranga, New Zealand, where he was working as a 19 year old. He badly wanted something he felt he could not get on his own. He told the devil, “If you give me what I want, you can have my soul.” Soon after Nick got what he wanted. Nick grew up in a largely nonChristian family. Heavily influenced by the music he was listening to, Nick found Satan to be much more real than God. The things labelled as wrong and even satanic, he found to be “cool and fun.” Nick remembers about his teens, “I used the devil’s number 666 quite freely. I had it written on the steering wheel of my car and even tattooed it on myself.” Nick was certain that “the God thing was just a big con by the churches to get rich.” “I’m a control freak.” confesses Nick. “Even when I drank alcohol, to stay in control I rarely drunk to excess.” In New Zealand, things were getting out of control for his mates and were closing in on him. Australia looked like a way out from the gangs and jail. The shift to Brisbane and later a baby daughter caused him to think, “It’s about time for me to get my act together.” Within a few weeks though, he had lost his job and was in Boggo Road prison facing an 11-year sentence for drug possession. A lack of evidence saw him released after a few weeks and a job offer in Melbourne appeared to provide the opportunity to get his life under control. Before heading to Melbourne, Nick decided to visit his father in New Zealand to show him his new granddaughter. He said to his father that there might be some complications getting through customs
because of significant unpaid fines he owed but at least his partner and daughter would get through. Despite the concern, he passed through customs and met his father exclaiming, Hey, they didn’t get me”. “I know they didn’t,” his Dad said, “I went and paid your fines!”
God sees me today as without sin . . .
In Melbourne, the job didn’t work out and before long, he became a “debt collector,” enforcing deals and making people pay up. His direct methods got quick results and required no lawyers! He successfully started a tattoo shop and then another one. He was also playing in a band that regularly did gigs in pubs and bikie clubhouses. “I was happy,” says Nick. “I thought I had it all, I was doing pretty well. Everything I had dreamed about and wanted had become reality and I thought I was leading a fulfilled life. I was living how I wanted, without being controlled by anyone or anything. I was living it my way.” His new partner had an Adventist connection. One day the opportunity to attend church arose. “Something must have been playing on my mind,” remembers Nick. “Having knocked and mocked religion all my life I thought, ‘How can I knock and mock something I know nothing about?’” He went along wearing his usual gear—a singlet and jeans, but then decided to hide his tattoos, including those on his neck, so he pulled on a polo neck jumper. He recounts, “I wanted to look more conservative to fit in.” However, he sat under a heater that blew warm air on him and forced him reluctantly to take off his jumper. Sitting there feeling awkward, the projected words of a song, “come as you are”, hit him. Nick recalls, “I was sitting there for the rest of the service with tears in my eyes and an overwhelming emotional feeling and I thought, ‘Wow, this is a much better buzz than I have ever had.’” On hearing about his experience with the Holy Spirit, a church member said he needed to come again. Nick smiles, “I wasn’t sure whether she said that because she thought I needed all the help I could get or something special was going to happen to me if I did come back. It turns out it was both!” Fast forward a few years. Nick now describes himself as a “budding” Christian. His life has seen some big changes. He half-jokes, “I haven’t belted anyone since attending church.” He started “taking his hands off the wheel and letting God steer.” Within 12 months, he was on his first of several mission trips to Cambodia and Laos. He has learnt lessons in humility, compassion and empathy. Nick now enjoys Christian fellowship and discovering Bible truths. His tattoo shops are now regularly places of spiritual discussion and prayer with surprised but needy customers, and places where he regularly hands out copies of “Steps to Christ”. God has used him to reach people who otherwise might not be reached. Nick is acutely sensitised to sin and sees more clearly the traps the devil lays everywhere. He warns young people, “Don’t be fooled by the media and things that tempt you away from what deep down you know is right.” On the other hand, Nick appears burdened by some things from his previous life that have These photos were taken by Jessica Symes. To see more of her work visit <>
hung around, despite often his own efforts to overcome or control them. Noticing this, I asked him, “How does God see you?” Words like “struggling” and “trying” started to feature in his answer. I pressed further, “No, how does God see you, given what Christ has done?” There was silence. Tears welled up in his eyes as he sat there, wrestling with the enormity of the answer and its implications for a past life for which he feels remorse. The trap for Nick, and for many of us, was worrying about what he was bringing rather than focusing on what he had been given, even while a self-declared enemy of God. He needed to truly “come as he was” and receive God’s gift in its full measure.
By the look on his face, you might have thought Nick had just been hit. In an Derek R ip Launch pingale lives emotional voice, and is co ing Place, Victo in ria -f he hesitatingly directo ounder/mana , r of an IT comp ging answered, any. “God sees me today as without sin. . .” Nick’s deal with the devil is terminated. Just as his dad once did, Christ has already paid Nick’s penalty for him. In Christ, the deal Nick made has no power to be enforced. For Nick, increasingly sensing every morning what Christ has done for him opens him up even more to the transforming power in his life. Praise God! (interview) LIFE IN HD | 11
nt Assista e is the .H ictoria Martin Trent irector in V re, youth D Youth iking in natu nology. h loves try and tech minis
Disconnect to RECONNECT by Trent Martin
AVE YOU EVER HAD A CLOSE FRIEND who has been accused of being fake? Of having a dark side? A hidden agenda? If I’m close to someone who’s being wrongfully accused, I feel like jumping in the ring for them and defending them tooth and nail. But if I’m not really close to them, or we’ve lost touch over the years, I’m not so fussed. We’re not connected, so my level of caring isn’t that high. I think of God as my best mate. We’re connected, and we’ve been through a lot together. He was there when I was born in 1987. He was there when I got hit by a car, 14 years later. He was there when I was smoking weed and getting drunk at 15, attempting to fill the hole He was meant to fill. He was there to pull me out and fix me up when I was giving up on life at 16. He was there to save my life on the Gold Coast freeway at 19, and it was Him who arranged that first day I met my wife a few weeks later. God knows me intimately, and I feel connected to Him. So when God, my Mate, is being accused by Satan of being unfair, dictatorial and restrictive (among other things), I feel 12 | OPINION
i’M TRADING gOD IN FOR something THAT’S SECOND-RATE. like I wanna jump in and defend Him. But Satan’s not too keen on my connection with God and I see Him constantly trying to break that bond. To make me indifferent to His accusations. Just like in any other friendship, I stop caring when I stop connecting, and I stop connecting when other things become more important. I get distracted by empty entertainment: games, movies, TV series. Most probably aren’t bad for me on a moral level. Some probably are. But either way, I can’t help but wonder whether I’m trading God in for something that’s second-rate. And, like most people in my generation, I’m constantly connected. Between Facebook, music, gaming, texting, Instagram, Snapchat, selfies, shopping, web browsing, and the million other things
I do while I’m connected to my devices, where do I find God? Is it sufficient for me to like Jesus’ Facebook page? When do I connect to my Source of life? My closest connections with God have been in the bush, alone. When I’m disconnected from my devices, I connect with God like I’m standing next to a Telstra 4G tower, with a brand new iPhone 6 Plus. But there’s a difference. Connecting with a game or a social network or an app feels a bit like eating ice cream on an empty stomach. For me, it tastes sweet at the time but leaves me feeling dissatisfied afterwards. Connecting with God is like having a tasty, wholesome meal. I’m left feeling nourished, intrigued, and utterly satisfied. Satan’s greatest lie today is that we can survive a disconnected life by being connected to entertainment. Maybe you’re not too different from me. Maybe you feel like, as much as you’re connected and entertained, you’re often left dissatisfied. Maybe, like me, you need to disconnect more, so that you can reconnect with your Maker.
Find Your Wings,
Ellesh Victo a Knight li ria, a ves in n of Oc d is study Melbourn cupa ing a e, ti La Tro onal The Masters ra be Un iversit py at y.
by Ellesha Knight
ODAY WE LIVE WITH THE WORLD AT OUR fingertips. We have microwave dinners, express carwashes, a solution for everything —even if there isn’t a problem. Life is becoming easier in many ways for us. But in our rush to improve, are we making some mistakes? What about the “advancements” that are sending us backwards? One of our weirdest developments is that we can now buy energy in a can! We’ve all seen them, those cool looking energy drinks that boost your status just by holding one. But let’s just say you’re not drinking them for swag points. What if you’re actually drinking them for the energy hit? Does it work? Are you really getting that promised energy boost or are you being mislead? Bottom line is yes, energy drinks do give you a boost, but not the kind you want. A few minutes after sipping on an energy drink you might experience a “rush”, which could involve increased alertness, super concentration or just the ability to stay awake longer. What they don’t tell you though, is that energy drinks hold a close resemblance to certain forms of drugs. They’re not only packed with sugar—the “silent killer”—which
1. An apple—boring? One apple actually gives you more energy, which lasts longer, and doesn’t cause you to come down after your energy high. This energy boost will last you as long as 2-3 hours, as opposed to a maximum of 15-30 minutes from an energy drink.
2. Fifteen star jumps (30 if you’re Rocky). This takes you about 20 seconds, and the short burst of activity is all it takes for your body to release endorphins causing a boost in your mood, concentration, and motivation.
Energy drinks Do give you a boost, but not the kind you want. we know causes a spike in blood sugar levels, but they also contain caffeine, a stimulant that causes your heart to beat faster. The two of these combined produces a powerful effect on the body, which in turn causes your brain to panic, trying to bring you back to a normal level of functioning. So this supposed “energy hit” you’re receiving is actually just over-stimulation. So what’s the problem? Well, energy drinks may give you wings, but be prepared for the bonus headache. Migraines, insomnia, type 2 diabetes, anxiety, mood swings, weight gain, cardiac arrest . . . we’ll stop there because I have a word limit. Of course, one or two energy drinks over a few weeks isn’t going to hospitalise you, but prolonged regular use just might. The key is knowing what is in these drinks, and what it’s doing your body. So now that energy drinks have been ruined forever, what next? If you’re looking for an alternative, there are heaps of other options that will be of far greater benefit to you without the side affects.
3. Water—one of the main causes of fatigue or lapses in concentration is dehydration. Staying hydrated will avoid these issues altogether.
4. Take a nap! Your body knows best. If you’re struggling to stay awake, sleep! After a 15 minute power nap you’ll feel refreshed and ready to go.
While we are working away at making life easier for ourselves, always keep your eye out for sneaky short cuts. They may take you somewhere you really don’t want to go. HEALTHY LIVING | 13
Th eR oa dt o
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e r e h No-w da by Aman
E LIVE IN A world like no other. A world where the young, the innocent, and the precious have become the special targets of Satan’s wrath, and humanity’s exploitation. Human trafficking, child porn, sexual abuse, and violence against women—especially young girls—has reached what could be fairly described as epidemic proportions. What is even more tragic is the fact that while these abuses in their extreme forms are easy to spot, resulting in cries of outrage from even our jaded, mediasaturated society, the first steps down the road toward’s such extremes are often taken willingly by the eventual victims. That’s how Satan likes to work—by deception and enticement. Amanda Bews, author of the book Heaven Sent describes how it was that she came to write a book dealing with such hard hitting issues as family break-down, rape, abuse and alcohol-fuelled violence. “My husband and I were driving and discussing a disturbing article we had read in the newspaper about the choices some young people were making, choices that were ending very badly for them and leaving them hurting in ways they hadn’t foreseen. There was a map in the pocket of the car door and I said, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if there was a map for life!’ We began reflecting on some of our past choices and during this discussion the rough plan for a series of books was born, the first of which is Heaven Sent.”
14 | REBOOT (life coaching)
A Kiw Amand i based in M elb a her sec Bews is curre ourne, ntly ond due for book, Summ finalising e publica tion ne r Fades, xt year.
AManda’s Top 10 Tips for Sometimes watching other people fall can be more painful than stumbling yourself. I hope Heaven’s story saves a few young people a grazed knee or two. WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO DEVELOP THIS STORY? “The high number of young women who are sexually assaulted while under the influence of alcohol. We do not live in a safe place. Our society is all about ‘me first’ and unfortunately there are people who will prey on the unsuspecting—and sometimes those people can be closer to us than we think.” WHAT DID YOU LEARN OR WAS MOST SURPRISING IN THE WRITING PROCESS? “I guess what shocked me the most was the number of people who, when I told them what I was writing about, could identify with Heaven’s story. There are so many people who are our friends, colleagues and part of our church family that have suffered through soul-damaging experiences and say nothing. We can live alongside them unaware of their hurts. Stories give people an opening to share.” Amanda is right. In Australia, the incidence of date rape is huge with young people aged between 15 and 19 years being identified as representing the highest risk group for sexual assault (ABS 1999b). In one government survey, some 215,500 women above the age of 15 reported sexual assault by a boyfriend or date. As large as these numbers are, experts believe this is just the iceberg, as “relationship rape” as it is now more-commonly called, goes largely unreported. This is not a pretty topic, but it needs to be exposed so let’s be clear. Sexual assault includes any sexual activity carried out against the will of the victim through the use of violence, coercion or intimidation, even if it did not end in penetration (ABS 1996). Sexual assault is a criminal offence.1 YOU ADDRESS SERIOUS SOCIAL ISSUES IN THIS BOOK. WHY DO THAT IN THE FORM OF A STORY, RATHER THAN A TEXTBOOK? “I hope that Heaven Sent will be an entertaining story, while also allowing an opening for discussion, for the reader to ask the questions they have ‘through’ Heaven and the other characters, making any potential discussions less sensitive and personal . . . I [also] hope teen and youth small groups and school groups might consider reading this story and working through the study guides together. There are 13 discussion guides covering topical issues so leaders can run with it for an entire church quarter or school term—or pick and choose from the discussion what is most relevant to their situation.” Note: Study guides are available for download at <>
WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS YOU HOPE A YOUNG PERSON MIGHT TAKE AWAY FROM READING THIS STORY? “Throughout the story, Heaven moves from a life where God is largely irrelevant to a place where she begins seeking His leadings in her decisions. I hope young people will think about what it means to be ‘with’ God in everyday life choices because He wants to do life with them. I also hope they ask themselves, ‘Is this wise?’ Sometimes we spend time considering what we would and would not like to do. That is all nice but sometimes the things we feel we want to do are really not wise or safe. Life can pivot on what felt like one small choice. Since we cannot foresee the future, we need to play life like a game of chess and consider where our next move will take us.” 1. Paper 157: Date Rape—A Hidden Crime. Laura Russo, Australian Institute of Criminology, June 2000, page 1.
Making Wise Choices
Making decisions can be difficult—and our lives are a series of important decisions! Here’s 10 tips that are worth considering when making an important choice. 1. Get the right Grid. Ask yourself the question: “Is this wise?” Not simply is this good or bad or right or wrong. Things can be justified as “right” but that doesn’t always mean it’s wise. 2. Is this safe? With the exception of extreme sports, sometimes this is as far as the decision—making process need go. For example, why would I put a drug in my mouth that has been made synthetically by criminals in a bathtub? Seems a pretty easy decision to me. It is not safe. 3. Brush off the bullies. Don’t allow someone to coerce you into doing something you don’t want to. People who try to force you into doing things you aren’t sure about are not your friends. 4. Pray and ask God for wisdom. Start with prayer. Ask God to guide you when you are making significant decisions. 5. What Biblical principles apply here? What does the Bible have to say on the decision? While the Bible knows nothing of modern technology or today’s drugs, it does have timeless principles like respecting your body as God’s temple and caring about people.
6. How does this fit with my values? If you aren’t sure what your values are; then you should map those out before you make your decision. Every time you say “yes” to something you say “no” to something else. 7. Talk to wise people. When a big decision is at stake, talk to people you respect and believe are wise. 8. Base your decisions on facts. Don’t just follow your heart. Feelings need to measured against the facts. 9. Impact On Others. Could my decision potentially hurt someone else, either now or in the future? 10. How might this decision play out in my future? For example, if I take this photo and put it on social media, what will my future employers think when they see it? Yes, employers do Google your name. Things that you post at 13 will still be there when you are 26.
Manifest From Sign up for the monthly newsletter and connect on Facebook and Instagram (@manifest–au).
Prize Winner TO
Recording Artist J
AYNEEN ORWA WOWED THE JUDGES at the Manifest Creative Arts Festival 2014, collecting both the Psalter Music Songwriting Prize and the Institute of Worship Songwriting Prize. Based in Melbourne, Jayneen travelled to Manifest to collect her prize and perform at the Gabe Reynaud Awards program as part of the festival. Psalter Studios offered a choice between the $1000 prize money and three days
in the studio, the latter is of course much more valuable. Dale Willis, Psalter Music Prize judge and Psalter Studios manager and producer/engineer reflects on listening to Orwa’s prize entries, “We wanted to give her the option of having her songs professionally recorded because I felt they really deserved and needed that presentation. It helps give opportunity for young artists such as Jayneen to come in and ‘test the waters’ at Psalter Studios, with
A special offer for MyEDGEmag readers We want you to have a copy of Heaven Sent (see previous page). Present this coupon or quote code “MYEDGEMAG” at your local Adventist Book Centre to get Heaven Sent for $12. (Fine print: Limit 1 per customer, offer expires December 31, 2014.)
Or purchase the ebook edition for Kindle at <>
Behind The Scenes with JayneeN Orwa
the hope they may return at some point as their song writing and careers develop.” Taking you inside the songs from Jayneen Orwa’s upcoming EP release, this “behind the scenes” video gives you an insight into Jayneen as an artist and the songs she recorded in July at the iconic Psalter Studios in Sydney. Scan the QR code above or visit the website <>.
Review Afterworld
March 20–22, 2015 Avondale College of Higher Education
by Lynette Lounsbury
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risks of looking and moving beyond.
Don’t read this book for a Bible study of what happens after death—it is a work of fiction after-all. Instead, we are told that this “afterworld” has been “created” by humanity itself as a conglomeration of the many and varied beliefs that humans have held in many culture and religions through history. And like many mythologies of journeys into the world of the dead, the hero’s task is primarily about learning to live well in the world we all know. Author Lynette Lounsbury lectures in the School of Humanities and Creative Arts at Avondale College of Higher Education. She draws on her life experience and academic studies to imagine and populate this shadow world and the maze that looms as the ultimate test of Dominic’s character and relationships. Afterworld sustains the mythology, metaphor and meaning over its 400 pages as an imaginative, intelligent and engaging story. —Nathan Brown
into patterns of life not so dissimilar from the world Dominic had known. It is a dark, sometimes violent and seemingly hopeless city, accepting the status quo in preference to the challenges and risks of looking and moving beyond.
g sin o p om ing C ak ng s So ilmm Art F l a u Vis riting W
It’s a gripping story that must suggest comparisons with The Hunger Games and, by its descriptions of a shadowy in-between world, C S Lewis’ The Great Divorce, perhaps with a little bit of The Shack thrown in as well. But this story is more about life than about death. So many of the people of Necropolis seem to have settled
accepting the status quo in preference to the challenges and
arts meet
OMINIC MATHERS SEEMS A normal teenage boy—except, of course, he’s the hero of a youngadult novel, so we should not expect him or his story to be too “normal.” Just as the reader is getting to know him, he finds himself dead and starting out on a series of adventures he could have barely imagined. Afterworld tells the story of his exploration, mission and battles to survive and escape Necropolis, the strange city of the dead.
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It is a dark, sometimes violent and seemingly hopeless city,
Manifest is an annual creative arts festival exploring, encouraging and celebrating faithful creativity.
◗ Competitions (cash prizes) Entries close March 6, 2015
◗ Gabe Reynaud Awards Saturday, March 21 at 3pm
◗ “Tell Me a Story” Saturday, March 21 at 7.30pm
◗ Workshops Sunday, March 22, 9am–3pm To find out more or to enter, visit
Dunedin Youth Group D
UNEDIN, FROM THE OTAGA REGION IN SOUTH New Zealand, has an active youth group who are passionate about serving those around them. They are very involved in their local church and often take worship services, help out with running pathfinders, and leading out in other special days in the church.
Every second weekend they run either a Friday night vespers or Sabbath afternoon program. “We love to reach into the community too” say their youth leaders Solomua and Miriama. “We have seen youth from the community join our group and we have just had one of our new youth baptised this year. That We have seen youth excites us.”
from the community join our group and we have just had
Nellie, who was recently baptised as a new Christian, says: “Becoming a Christian is the best thing because my life now has purpose. I have finally found someone who will not let down. The moment . That me I became a Christian I excites us. realised that I belonged to someone who loves and cares for me more than anyone on this earth.” She continues by saying: “I got to join a church and I have become a part of a loving family and now I want to share the good news about Jesus Christ with others that don’t know him”.
one of our new youth baptised this year
Dunedin youth love to spend time together at each other’s homes or Pr Erik’s place. Food is an important part of our bonding times they say. Most of all they love to discover more about who Jesus is and how He can change their lives from the inside out.
18 | STATUS UPDATE (youth group)
NSLAND 07 3218 7777
Coming up... The One Project 7-9 Nov, 2014 MINISTRY MINISTRY.
Coming up... Youth Rally 29 Nov, 2014
MINISTRY. 03 6273 6277 07 4779 3988
Coming up... Big Camp 16-24 Jan, 2015
GR Twitter - @sydadvyth 02 9868 6522 Coming up... Youth Rally 29 Nov, 2014
TE Twitter - @S7youthdirector 02 6249 6822
Coming up... Refinery 25 Oct, 2014
Coming up... Envision 5-7 Dec, 2014
IA Twitter - @vicyouth 03 9264 7740 Coming up... Summer Camps 13 -25 Jan, 2015
Black Transparent Box is not part of logo.
Coming up... iThirst Pathfinder Camporee 6-10 Jan, 2015
F I C DIVISION 02 9847 3221
Coming up... Youth Rally 1 Nov, 2014 Corroboree 6 Dec, 2014
Coming up... Junior Camp 16-21 Dec, 2014 Teen Camp 12-25 Jan, 2015
TH 08 9398 7222 02 4951 8088
THE WA LL 08 8269 2177 Coming up... Big Camp 12-19 April, 2015 03 9871 7555 Coming up... ASA Youth Convention 5-11th Jan, 2015 Global Youth Day 21 Mar, 2015
ant t s i s s A oral t s a P Lay
â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Courses available â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
Equipping you
Youth Bible Wor ker
for active ministry and outreach
Encouraging you to work together
Empowering you in your area of gifts
Engaging you in fulfilling service
For more information visit or phone 03 9871 7555.