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Audiation My LOVE is pure. I BELIEVE in myself. The world shall see my PASSION. I shall LIVE life in my unique way. I have the COURAGE to go on. Wisps of colour seep into a grey world of uncertainty.


Eclectic magazine for the expression of music and the creative arts. For the love of music.. we interpret this passion through variations including fashion, art, lifestyle and words from the heart of the industry. Audiation Magazine is an international publication featuring music content to varied tastes. We are a proud voice for the creative sector and support Independent talent. Audiation Magazine Ltd is a registered company in the UK with writers from across the globe. Each member of the team has their own passions and projects bringing unique ideas to the magazine. The term Audiation means the imagination of sound.

"Music is much more than sound. Music can be a comforter, party maker, career path or a way of life." Ruby, Editor & Owner "Music is much more than sound. Music can be a comforter, party maker, career path or a way of life." Rokuro, Associate Editor "The birth of one's child is the only feeling that comes close to getting lost in music." Cessle, Associate Editor "Music is a form of art that reveals a truth in a world full of mystery." Sarah, Staff Writer

"No matter what's happening in life, it's usually great music will keep you going." Malachi, Staff Writer "Music is life. It's a universal language that has no barriers. It unifies people around the world. It brings people joy." Andy, Staff Writer "Music & love are the same things really. If kids grew up with music in their lives, then their lives would always be filled with love." David, Associate Editor

"The moment you feel happy about music, that is the very essence of it. Being in the vibes and understanding what music has for your soul." Steve, Staff Writer "Music is the way I see the world." Mary, Brand Ambassador

"It's an escape, a relaase, a chance to write how I feel and allow other readers to relate. Music has saved me many times." Jessie, Staff Writer "Music is love, you can feel it. Music binds people together, ending war and bringing peace to the soul." Ashna, Creative Assistant

CONTENTS 8 Radio Guide 11 Thankful 12 #IndustryBuzz 15 Resolutions 16 Music Highlights Thanks to: Vision Music Promotions On The Rise Promotions M.I.RAW Recordings Pure Trance Progressive OneFold Digital Damaged Records Josh Lasden AWJ Recordings Awad Kyle Arnott Katie Louise Sicilia Republic Media PR LaTosha Brown Alchemia Kitten And The Hip DJ Emma Champion DJ D-Mize VHS Dreams Vinyl For A Cause Daniel Wanrooy

18 New Music 25 Festival Guide 27 REWIND 2016

Photography by Ana Cahill Luke Dyson Tamara Dovgopoliuk Tarana Burke Icons & graphics by 4



Hi Guys & Dolls... We welcome 2017 with open arms. The last few weeks have certainly been a rollercoaster, it seems that many have experienced a turbulent season, perhaps there's something in the air! But it feels that the atmosphere is beginning to settle and with this, we decided to present an issue full of optimism to share with you. As you may notice, there are a few changes to our style and those will continue to develop over the months. I must also say, how good is Ed Sheeran's new track 'Shape Of You'! Love the line: "Your love was handmade for somebody like me." We commence with Steve as he brings in the new year with a theme of gratitude to all the good things surrounding our lives. "I know being thankful for trials might sound weird, but these help us to better our own self." Continuing this mood, we share some resolutions for the this year, encouraging strength and beleif in ourselves. Sarah's Thoughts look back on the previous year's music scene, documenting break-ups and solo endeavors, comebacks, Disney stars and Chicago pride. We've got your festival guide, radio listings and new music from Command Strange, Gunfight, James Kiedis and No F In Irony. Our special section rewinds our best moments of 2016. In fact, putting this altogether was a touching process. It was the year we pushed our boundaries, opened up to further lifestyle topics, brought in multiple languages and more artistic visual stimulation. Our company also featured on American Express OPEN Forum, was chosen as one of the 5 Independent Magazines Worth Following by Peecho and took part in @CakeClubHour's Euro 2016 twitter sweepstakes. I am forever proud, grateful, astonished by all of the team and we have some pretty awesome features to show off. So, enjoy reading, thank you always for the amazing support and we all wish you a wonderful year ahead with positive vibes.

Ruby x Connect with us: Facebook /AudiationMagazine Twitter @AudiationMag 6

Happy New Year!



London Timezone

MONDAY 3am Voice FM | Sister Bliss - Dance 10am BBC Radio 1 | Clara Amfo - Variety TUESDAY 9am Channel 4 FM | Ben Pearce - Variety WEDNESDAY 1am Radio X | Hattie Pearson - Eclectic 8am Puremusic247 | Pintsize - Variety 4pm Pioneer DJ Radio | Mike Wooler - Dance 7pm Hot Radio | Britrox Presents - New & Unsigned 8pm D3EP | Wisk - House, Garage & Bass THURSDAY 1am KISS FM | DJ S.K.T - House & Bass 10am Platinum Radio London | DJ Marc Dicks - House 10am Empire London | D'Elle - Urban 10pm Freek FM | Brazah - UK Garage 11pm KISS FRESH | Flava D - Grime FRIDAY 3am D3EP | The Push and Pull Show - UK Garage 2pm Rinse FM | Sam Supplier - House, UK Garage & Bass 7pm Fortheloveofhouse | Emma Champion - House 8pm Voice FM | Artful 60Hz Sessions - UK Garage & Bass 8pm BN Radio | DJ Mary Jane - Dance 9pm KISSTORY | Mike Delinquent - Oldschool House & Garage 11pm The Department of Dance | Lizzie Curious - Dance SATURDAY 4pm Funky Essex | DJ Pyro - House & UK Garage 5pm Pioneer DJ Radio | Mark Knight - Dance 8pm D3EP | Anna Kiss - House 9pm Rinse FM | Mark Radford - Tech House SUNDAY 2pm Empire London | DJ X-Ray – House & UK Garage 8am Vision Radio UK | EssnVee – House & UK Garage 10pm Capital XTRA | DJ Woody - Urban Dance 8


In 2017, we encourage you to laugh till your cheeks ache, eat till your stomach is full, dance till your feet hurt, sing for all the world to hear and love like you've never loved before. Happy new year from us all! 10


Happy New Year 2017! Hope you are enjoying the start of this new year and that it will bring loads of goodies for you chaps. Last year is gone and to be honest it was quite a mess, especially the last quarter. Anyway, it's gone now and brighter days must be ahead. I know being thankful for trials might sound weird but these help us to better our own self. To test our aptitude to stand firm or if we failed, to stand up. One thing I must be thankful for is that I'm surrounded with great people. They might not be there all the time but when they are, I feel supported. Whoever you believe in, you will reach a better self through the act of acknowledging one's flaws along with the will to change. The rest, leave it to the most high. I am starting this new year in that state of mind. There is one song that describes it the most and it is on repeat on my playlist: Alicia Keys - Hallelujah. No matter where you are from, you can aim for better days, make the first step, the rest... leave it to your beliefs.

Stv 11

#IndustryBuzz It's always inspiring to watch our industry friends as they develop and continue to express their passions... DJ S.K.T, what can I say? The growth of his career is phenomenal and just shows how much hard work he puts in, that it's all now paying off. I doubt his phone ever stops buzzing! Recently sharing a video to supporters, he says "I always want to push the boundaries. That's the one thing I love about music - there's no rules ... I can do exactly what I want and no one can tell me that it's wrong." He has such a way of crafting and moulding sounds to give maximum impact on the dancefloor as well as bringing something new to your ears. Even with his rise in stardom, he is ever so genuinly humble and appreciative of it all. 12

Leah Lost is starting the year in a great way as her 'Many Moves EP' with SV is released on Definition Audio. Not only that, but her track titled 'Dangerous' with Rokuro is now signed and upcoming on Sony BMG! Her voice is one that works with a lot of commercial and club styles, she is always working hard on new material with various producers with a big smile on her face.

O g g i e e n t e r t a i n e d t h e fe s t i ve s h o p p e rs l a s t m o n t h w i t h h i s i n c re d i b l y s e d u c t i ve a n d s o u l f u l vo i ce a s h i s " n o r m a l " j o b i nvo lve s s i n g i n g. H ow ve r y ra re i t i s fo r s i n ge rs a n d m u s i c i a n s t o h ave a j o b t h a t h e l p s t h e m ge t by t h a t i s a c t u a l l y c re a t i ve. E ve n t h o u g h h e w a s s e l l i n g, yo u co u l d j u s t s e e h ow g ra t ef u l h e w a s t o b e a b l e t o s i n g e a c h d a y, eve n ro c k i n g o u t t h e c h e e s y c r i m b o s o n g s w i t h a g re a t b i g g r i n . S p e a k i n g of t h e b i z , h i s ow n m u s i c a n d t h e wo r k w i t h U K 3 a re d o i n g b r i l l i a n t l y. T h e t r i o a re o n t h e l o o ko u t t o wo r k w i t h g re a t d i ve rs e p ro d u ce rs a n d a re e n j oy i n g d o i n g l i ve p e r fo r m a n ce s w h e re t h ey c a n re a l l y exce l . T h e re i s n o d o u b t t h a t t h e re i s s o m u c h exce p t i o n a l t a l e n t a n d go o d m u s i c a l l a ro u n d , b u t what he rightly mentioned is that the ge n e ra l co n s e s u s i s t h a t , i f yo u a re a n u n k n ow n n a m e, p e o p l e wo n ' t l i s t e n . S o, yo u ' ve go t t o a l s o b r i n g yo u rs e l f t o t h e s p o t l i g h t a n d wo r k w i t h n a m e s w h o a re re cog n i s e d i n o rd e r t o p ro p e l yo u r ow n n a m e a n d i d e n t i t y, a n d t h e n b e a b l e t o d o m o re of w h a t yo u w a n t . H e e n d e d t h e ye a r, l i t e ra l l y, by p e r fo r m i n g a t K I SS TO RY ' S N Y E eve n t w h e re t h e c rowd e n j oye d h i s ' Fo l l ow M e ' p e r fo r m a n ce alongside DJ S we r ve.


The electronic label, AWJ Recordings, celebrate their achievements and look forward to an exciting year ahead. "Our artists have been working hard and have given us incredible sounds. On the admin side, we have also had good developments and are also now affiliated with SoundCloud to secure our rights. The label is growing stronger and getting more attention each day." 32 14

T h i s year I will... Focus on health. Boring, but to start treating my body as a temple by feeding it well and toning up. I want to eat more fruits and veggies, and cut out fast food. And GET BACK IN SHAPE! Too many times I am out of breath from one flight of s t a i r s . Definitely want to pick up yoga.

Hold on tightly to my values, beliefs, identity and ability to make positive, respectful decisions.

Tell myself "it's okay." I don't need to have it all figured out. I don't need to be sane all the time. Just go with the flow and have faith in ourselves. Believe in Get each myself and day better. c r e a t e , De-clutter my mind bringing the a n d g e t b a c k t o what's important in ideas to life, and stay l i f e . s t r o n g !


is mine for the taking. 15

HAPPY 2017! For a hot second, let’s reflect on everything that we experienced (musicrelated) in 2016... Break-ups and solo endeavors – And by this, I mean ZAYN and Camila Cabello. Their departures essentially broke up One Direction and Fifth Harmony, while also releasing solo material. ZAYN releasing an entire album, which he has yet to promote on tour, and Cabello releasing two songs with her feature: “I Know What You Did Last Summer,” and “Bad Things.” Can’t wait to see what they both have in store for 2017. Also, how about when ZAYN won his American Music Award, the first thing he says is, “This one has my name on it, right?” Yes, Zayn. Yes.

FUN FACT: Cabello was supposed to be featured on “Closer” by The Chainsmokers, but refused the job, which ultimately lead to Halsey getting the job. Could you imagine if it was 19 year-old Cabello singing about stealing a mattress from a roommate in Boulder and seeing an old flame in a hotel bar? I won’t reveal my source on that one.

Speaking of One Direction, we got other solo songs from the guys still in the band! Niall Horan released 16

“This Town,” which he wrote about a true story about going back home to his small town and seeing the people he grew up with. Louis Tomlinson recently released “Just Hold On,” which is Steve Aoki’s track that Tomlinson is featured on. I believe the song is dedicated to Tomlinson’s late mother, which ultimately has a stronger meaning than most electronic songs. COMEBACKS! Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars are the first to mind when I think about the triumphant comebacks from a dormant couple of years for the two. Both of their albums, Joanne and 24K Magic both topped the charts. Las Vegas shows! Britney, JLO, the announcement of the Backstreet Boys Vegas residency, it was a big year for Sin City. Got to go! The 1975 releasing one of the longest album titles: I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware Of It. Healy described that the title was something he actually said to a previous girlfriend when she awoke from slumber. However it is titled, many magazines and music lists are naming it one of the best releases of the year, for the album accurately catches the personality of the band: insecure, hungry for attention, mainstream, and conceited, all at the same time.

Chicago pride! Chance the Rapper has been BLOWING UP the charts, airwaves, television stations, and everything in between. His care for social movements, casual personality, and simple style has made him one of everyone’s favorite artists they believe no one has heard yet. Not to mention being from Chicago, he is providing nothing but pride here by having special shows including his Magnificent Coloring Day, and Grammy nomination celebration party at a music venue in Wrigleyville. SPEAKING OF WRIGLEY, how about them Cubs?!

to when next year is Uncomplicated… I don’t know I tried. Selena Gomez wrapping up her biggest tour, only to check herself into rehab and admitting on the American Music Awards that she is broken and working to repair herself. We’re here for you, Selena! Joe Jonas in DNCE winning the Video Music Award for Best New Artist, and perform Cake By the Ocean, almost every night. What a smash that tune is, really. Miley Cyrus becoming a judge on The Voice USA. I catch her Hannah Montana movies on HBO all the time, and it seems like another dimension. Can’t forget the other Jonas’s! Kevin has been releasing apps and had another daughter, Valentina, and Frankie got arrested for marijuana possession, and started college as a 15 year-old. That Jonas family though…

Drake and Taylor Swift. Not only were they fueling dating rumors, but they were writing songs together? Is this a preview to 2017 Swift? Is she crossing over to Hip Hop? Also, their Apple Music advertisements covering each other were not only BEYONCE. Lemonade. Formation entertaining, but were extremely World Tour. Girl power. Black Culture. necessary for life. EVERYTHING about this year with her has been life-changing and nothing Disney stars rising and falling, and but progression. LOVE. rising again. If you know me, I always have to keep up with my Disney stars. Here’s to an INCREDIBLE 2017! Where do I begin? Demi Lovato xoxo announcing her break-up with boyfriend of six years, Wilmer Valderamma, only to go on to headline the biggest tour of her career with her best friend, Nick Jonas, and earn a Grammy Nomination. Incredible. Jonas releasing his best-selling album and most personal album, Last Year Was Complicated. Now looking forward

Sarah's Thoughts 17

NEW MUSIC Phil Martyn - Phosphorous A smooth progressive track to ease into a light-hearted feeling. Taken from Disc 1 of Pure Trance Vol. 5 mixed by Forerunners. Phil Martyn aka Philthy Chit has been building a name as a go-to producer when it comes to progressive of the highest order. This is another example of why he has earned so many accolades from clued-up Djs who spin the finest quality prog trance and prog house; his ability to fuse tight, luxuriant grooves with mesmerising melodic touches cannot be overstated.

James Kiedis - The Kraken A bold and fierce start to the year, taking no nonsense and going ahead with full force! Huge Tech Trancer from new talent James Kiedis, who is gathering momentum for his productions! Heavy bass with an epic breakdown!


Command Strange's 'Lifetime EP' has a nice mix between tones. From light, hazy feelings to deeper, bassy sections. Regardless, they seamlessy fit together with the underlying dnb beat. Command Strange's latest release flips the script once again and finds this talented and prolific producer team up with a host of exciting artists for the Lifetime EP. Perfectly striking the balance between deep, emotive, rolling Drum & Bass and tearing bassline workouts Alexey once again sets himself out from the crowd. With label mates Alibi on hand for the majestic 'Skyline' and rising star Satl on the buttons with him on 'Life' alongside Pouyah on vocals, this is real D&B at its finest.


The stark and rigid tone of Martin Hellfritzsch's 'Ghetto Talk' is counterbalanced by rising synths and vocal melds. Martin Hellfritzsch is the next rising talent at the OneFold DGTL helm, bringing his minimal, underground sounds to the label with new track, 'Ghetto Talk' - an effortlessly danceable cut with a tough edge. Entered around a gritty broken beat, the track features melodic, murky deep vocals, piercing synths and drops of full-bodied, groaning bass. Re-worked by Daylight Robbery Records bosses Jojo Angel and Matteo Rosalare, the track's remix is an energised, bulkier sound. Pulling the powerhouse female vocal line centre stage, the pair give us the main-room, peak time makeover of Hellfritzsch's after hours, underground original. 20

Gunfight's 'Rouse EP' leads in with crowds cheering his name, then we're hit with a strong, gritty force. The beats climb in, there's a battle of focus. The pace and moods are changeable throughout this release. Each track helps to mould an eventful night of delicious chaos and fun. Since releasing 'Forsaken' and 'Sick Like Me' in 2016 its been a journey for upcoming artist GunFight. With no signs of slowing down he gears up for his first EP release of the new year titled 'Rouse.' Featuring 8 tracks that represent his signature sound which consist of heavy bass, electric guitar synths, massive stadium drums, his own vocals and a unique vibe that co-exists throughout all of the elements. This will make you feel the raw and pure emotion he pours into every tune on the EP. GunFight will continue to be an innovator of his craft and raise the bar for your entertainment to create the best experience that is possible. 'Rouse' will be available for free download January 2017. Since the beginning of 2014 it has been eventful for Austin, Texas-based music producer GunFight. The transition from DJing and promoting to producing music to make a name for yourself as an artist is seldom an easy one, but the slew of hard-hitting tracks he’s just released for free download would make you think otherwise. 21

Presenting a special edition of Clubbing Culture featuring the very best in Trance music. Commencing with upbeat tracks of 138 up to 140bpm, this episode will set your heart racing. This podcast was created to entertain my fans and allow them to discover new music without boundaries. Sending a huge thanks to all the labels & artists who continue to support and send music to be played! Turn it up & enjoy!


The Pure Progressive Extended Cuts EP consists of a euphoric though-provoking journey, a dark and motivational energy and finally a melodic wave of rhythm. 3 extended cuts from Disc 1 of Pure Trance Vol. 5 in all their glory. Moscow producer Evgeny Lebedev’s ‘Deep Thoughts’ is just that; deep and thoughtful, propelled by a cavernous portamento bassline & echo-chamber-esque plucks. Chicago’s Nick Stoynoff gives us ‘Omni’; an exercise in the craft of ‘less is more’ – a piece of music which uses expressive textures and hypnotic rhythms to create an immersive dancefloor atmosphere. ‘Utopia’ from Belgrade’s ‘Jelly For The Babies’ and fellow Serian ‘Odison’ uses layers of murky filtered piano, crisp percussion & a sonorous bassline to weave its own tapestry of progressive magic. 23

'So Fine' by No F In Irony Ft. Robbie Craig is in 3 words: sexy, funky and soulful. The remix from Dots Per Inch has a fresh, choppy take. Ladies and gentlemen can we have your attention please, we give to you Mr Robbie Craig; A voice that helped shape the sound of UK Garage back in the 90's and through Y2k who is back with 'So Fine'; A party song that along with No F In Irony a production duo out of South East of England they've given us a perfect single which builds into a bouncy Garage sing along song that has that radio & club groove we know and love so well. And although it doesn't even need to be said, we're certain 'So Fine' will be loved by fans of Robbie, Garage and music lovers across the board, & spun by Djs around the world for many years to come. On remix duties is the exciting Dots Per Inch who delivers a House And Bass mix that will have those who love classic House And Garage / UKG, and the new generation of dance music fans jumping. Grab this release, and enjoy it in the comfort of your headphones / sound system, and watch it move the club, festival, event dance floor! 28 24

FESTIVALS Garasnow - Les Angles 6 - 7 January Les Angles, France Solution Germany 7 January Oberhausen, Germany Fridge Festival Hochkonig 14 January Hochknig, Austria Psymind Festival 14 January Marseille, France Jungle Mania Meets Andy C And TC 14 January Bremen, Germany Winter Beats 14 January Ingolstadt, Germany Up The Creek 26 - 29 January Swellendam, South Africa Rainbow Serpent Festival 27 - 30 January Lexton, Victoria, Australia Awakenings Eindhoven 28 January Eindhoven, Netherlands

Dortmund, Germany Sneeuwbal Winter Festival 28 January Utrecht, Netherlands Snowattack 28 January - 4 February Les Orres, France PollerWiesen WinterCruise 29 January Cologne, Germany Garasnow - Cauterets 3 - 4 February Cauterets, France Snowbeat 4 February Wittenburg, Germany Crazy Sexy Cool: Carnaval Edition 4 February Rotterdam, Netherlands Pleinvrees On Tour Tilburg 10 February Tilburg, Netherlands Megarave Switzerland 11 February Zurich, Switzerland

A State Of Trance Festival Utrecht 18 February Utrecht, Netherlands Pleinvrees On Tour Amsterdam 18 February Amsterdam, Netherlands Rampage 18 February Antwerp, Belgium La Route Du Rock Collection Hiver 22 - 26 February Rennes & St Malo, France Paul Van Dyk In Bratislava 24 February Bratislava, Slovakia Ultra South Africa Cape Town 24 February Cape Town, South Africa Pleinvrees On Tour Den Haag 24 February Den Haag, Netherlands

Exodus 11 February 25

STRAF_WERK - Annabel 24 February Rotterdam, Netherlands Groove CairnGorm 24 - 25 February Inverness-shire, United Kingdom Beats Evolution Workshops 24 - 25 February Prague, Czech Republic Don't Let Daddy Know Scotland 25 February Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Bremen, Germany Dreamstate London 4 March London, United Kingdom Transmission Thailand 10 March Bangkok, Thailand Lisboa Dance Festival 10 - 11 March Lisbon, Portugal

Electric Daisy Carnival Mexico 25 - 26 February Mexico City, Mexico Elevate Festival 1 - 5 March Graz, Austria Don't Let Daddy Know Amsterdam 3 - 4 March Amsterdam, Netherlands Dreamland 4 March 26

Lollapalooza Brasil 25 - 26 March Sao Paulo, Brazil Horizon Festival 26 March - 2 April Arinsal, Andorra

SXSW: South By Southwest 10 - 19 March Austin, United States

Hell / Dunkel Winter Let It Roll Winter Czech Festival 25 February 11 March Prague, Czech Republic Willingen, Germany Paul Van Dyk In Prague 25 February Prague, Czech Republic

The Skull Dynasty 25 March 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands

The Winter Social Festival 11 March Maidstone, United Kingdom


Snowboxx 18 - 25 March Avoriaz, France Ultra Music Festival 24 - 26 March Miami, United States Inurface Feat. 14 Years BMG 25 March Frankfurt, Germany Masters Of Hardcore


Can we explain


Can we name it, is it so specific? I don’t know

I DON’T EVEN UNDERSTAND When it comes to music I’m with the flow I don’t take a stand

If it should be described One definition suits me fine In Physics it has been defined

Resonance that’s what gets closest It says: “when a vibrating body induces another body to vibrate” When music

is great

I can feel it from within It twitches my guts My inside flutters And keeps me smiling I

love that feeling so much I love music so much I LOVE IT …


I did always have this dream of being involved somehow in singing later on. But, it never was something that was considered seriously around me even though my family asked me to sing at certain events, I was in the choir and musicals, but I never really shone in any way. So, I became a clinical psychologist, that was my career for a many years. I was passionate about that, it was very interesting and very challenging too. I did give it up because it did become, at a certain point, too challenging because of other events happening 'Magnetic' is the debut album by Swiss around me. singer Miel de Botton, also in collaboration with critically Music came into my life gradually acclaimed producer Andy Wright. Full around that time. I was very of sweet emotion and exquisite tones, enthusiastic for it, very joyful. I 'Magnetic' is a beautifully composed enjoyed dancing and singing around project of French chansons amongst the house, and a friend of mine who was actually a singer herself said "I English creations. think you're pretty good, would you Malachi had the pleasure of speaking like to join me on the stage and sing with Miel and Andy on their work with me?" She sang Disco events. It sort of happened very organically. together... I really loved the album. We wanted to talk to you more about your musical background and how you first came with a love for the art of music, slowly growing into what you are now as a writer and a performer. Miel: I grew up around a lot of music. My father was very interested in music, classical music and some folk music like Leonard Cohen and Janis Joplin playing all the time in the house. I attuned to it very early and

Amazing, thank you so much for giving us a little background on that. When you decided to create this album, what were the goals? Some albums come about by somebody writing a whole heap of songs and then deciding 'hey, maybe I should record one or two of these and turn it into an album.' What was the aim or goal for you deciding that you were going to come together and create the album, was it one song recorded or did you sit down and 29

decide 'we're going to do a project and try and take this somewhere'? Miel: Initially I did have an album project when I was singing, before I met Andy, of doing French chansons in an innovative way. I was looking for somebody who could help me with that, and so when I was introduced to Andy, he said "well actually, I've worked with Franรงoise Hardy" - one of my heroines! I said "wow, that's amazing", along with obviously his amazing experience with Simply Red, Simply Minds and Eurythmics. I thought how fantastic and he invited me to the studio and had a look at what I'd been doing. We started chatting about how to do this album of chansons in an interesting way. I was quite into the idea of reggae, he had other interesting ideas.. Then, he made it develop even further by saying "I think you actually write your own music." I never thought of being capable of that. We sat together in a room and started writing and he would say "well I think this is very good, I think this is genuine, go away and think about that", which I did and I spent the weekend crying over 'Beautiful You', my first song. Then, it started all coming together in this wonderful way. Andy is my mentor and he would do these beautiful arrangements. It was this wonderful process where we would sit together and create these songs and then work on the ideas for the French ones as well.


Andy: The interesting thing is, from my point of view, is that I get approached by a lot of people to come and do music with me and sometimes people have very short amount of time to satisfy their ambition. Because, they perhaps think "well, this is just a bit of fun, I'm going to do it." If people have enough resources to do that and for it to just be boxed into a small frame like that - "we've done that and it's great. I've done it in my life, wasn't it good and then I'll move on and do something else". So, when I first met Miel, I asked if she was ambitious and this was because it was a factor for me to get involved and see if we can actually do something together. Even myself at the time, I didn't realise that the ambition was deep-rooted and it would be persistence, devotion, effort, attitude, style, talent and all these things brought to it. I thought "yeah, we can work with this!" I found the initial idea very interesting. French chansons, which I love, and I was very interested in working on that and taking that to another level. So, let's go with this and try this - and what I thought at the time, was that we would work more with modern orchestral arrangements with a bit of

additional instrumentation and that perhaps I wouldn't do too much of that arrangement. I would maybe just get someone to do that, but in the meantime, while we're waiting for all that to happen, let's see if we can do some writing. That for me becomes a very interesting challenge because if someone says to me that they like the idea, but they don't think they can do it, then all of a sudden I'm in because I think "well, I'm going to prove to you that you can." With Miel, it was like that, we did one session together - I remember it so well because I had the worst cold imaginable, I literally hit a box of tissues during the writing, I'm surprised she didn't walk out like "how dare you sneeze on me so much"! - The result was the beginning of 'Beautiful You' which we got most of it, as Miel said, from my point of view at the time I noticed it was effecting Miel emotionally and that tears were arriving and I realised we were hitting something real. From that moment, it was literally like the dam was being held in by the gates and as soon as we opened it like that, it was actually another 8 to 10 songs within few months. So that's how it started, and here we are two and a half years later with a completed album with a sort of double album and perhaps 40 live appearances under her belt, now becoming a concert performer at the same time. It's worked out very well.

Miel: Being magnetic is a notion which has now achieved more prominence than before. Even when I started, it wasn't that well known. It's the idea of through positive ways of acting and being, attracting positive things to one. Which is my desire, and most people's desire. The question is how to do that. The song 'Magnetic' definitely expresses and puts it out there: this is what I'd like, I'd like a beautiful life please Lord. In the hope that it will then happen. It is amazing, ask and it is given concept.. Thank you so much, I have really appreciated your time.

Why the album title 'Magnetic'? 31

LaTosha Brown, the American RnB & soul singer, is an inspirational women doing great things across the pond. She is a strong activist, firmly standing up for positive beliefs and encourages LOVE. Beautiful inside and out, she learns to embrace her inner goddess. "I want to live a long and healthy life. I want to feel good about myself. So, instead of beating myself up to lose the weight, I am going to love myself where I am and believe that the LOVE will help lead me wherever I choose to go. The LOVE will inspire me to address the additional weight. The LOVE will help me take charge of my health goals." Photography by Tarana Burke. LaToshaLoveBrown


"When we do music, we need to touch people and try to get out of the system where we forget about the essence of life. We need to be able to bring some change. There was a time when you had people like Gandhi that would change the world. Maybe if each and everyone tried to bring some good energy, just put our soul and heart into it, it could be slightly different."



KITTEN AND THE HIP Many people know Kitten & The Hip from The X Factor.. How did you find the experience and would you encourage other singers and artists to enter talent shows like The X Factor and The Voice?

Lets rewind for a moment, what were your earliest musical memories? Ashley was raised on a diet of country music, bluegrass, easy listening and country music, bluegrass, easy listening and dixieland jazz. He also remembers his dad having lots of musicians over playing with his dad, who could play anything with strings on it.

We have two very different views about these shows, but also a similar conclusion. Ash hates them, but he's a grumpy old git who's come up from live playing and working your ass off to get anywhere, so he sees these Scarlett grew up with an indie loving shows as a shortcut to oblivion. mum and dad, so Stone Roses, Elliott Smith, REM, Neil Young, Tracey Scarlett is more pragmatic and realises Chapman, Lauren Hill and The Posies. that although music seems to be She also used to go and see her dad's democratised and it feels like anyone band, Blow Up. could have a hit from Soundcloud (and that can sometimes happen, but very What plans do you have going forward rarely) in reality, it costs a lot of money for the band? to break a pop act and the people who hold the keys to the wallet are still We want to keep making tunes and there, and still holding the keys. Simon videos, keep on being out there. Cowell happens to be one of those Hopefully a lot of touring over the people, so if you get asked to take part spring and summer, we love gigging in his show, it's worth a bash, and we for many reasons. We love performing, both agree with that. That's how we we like traveling together. We love ended up on The X Factor. meeting new people and don't love sleeping in mud or in stranger's The process itself is quite humiliating shockingly filthy beds and dehumanising, they use pretty crude psychological methods to _________________________________ ensure that the participants are pretty much on edge all that time. Ash reckons that they probably break several human rights laws per episode. -- Rokuro



The Oldschool Collection Annette - Dream 17 This tune is an absolute percy, I am lucky enough to have a copy for myself. It really is an important tune for me as it defines my youth, the places I went to, the people I met at this time. The drugs I took and the euphoria I felt every weekend. They really were the best times. -- DJ Emma Champion

Ray Hurley - Your Love Released originally on Hurleys Grooves, but later on Quench Records. From the opening punchy kick drums, skippy tight percussion, heavy sub bass and stabby hooks this track has everything a UK Garage track requires to do the bizzo on the dance floor. -- DJ D-Mize


aspiring producers just starting out? Always "steal" from successful people. Which means to study how professionals do things, how they mix, how they create their sounds, how they promote themselves. Take any useful lessons and adjust them/apply them to your own situation and career. Is producing and DJing your full time career.. And do you think it's getting Mixing Up Different Music and EDM very difficult to make a living from Genres with New production music these days? Techniques and Retro 80’s vibes makes VHS Dreams one to watch. Yes, producing and DJing is my full time occupation. I don't think making a living How would you describe your sound? from music is much harder today than any other time in history, that's just a As modern dance music heavily common myth. It all comes down to two inspired from the past. I take everything things, how exactly one lives and associated with the extravagant music whether he or she exploits their own of the 80's and early 90's and merge it talents to the maximum or not. If you with a modern beat. are single, and live in a simple manner without needless expenses it is very When did you first realise you had a easy to make a living from music. But passion for retro and 80’s sounding where most producers fail is not selling music? all their talents. Anything you can do can be a source of income and you can do I always loved 1980's music, but began many things within the context of making music like that only two years producing; offer mixing and mastering ago. The first tracks were written for my services, DJ or perform live, remix other personal pleasure, having fun with my people's tracks, create sample packs for friends about how much retro- sample companies, also start getting sounding I could go. At some point, and revenue from radio, have sync licenses while I discovered that others were for your music to be used in films and doing that kind of music too, I began TV... Do as much as you can, it's hard taking it more seriously and worked on work and sacrifice but it pays off! many tracks intensely up to the point __________________________________ Future 80's Records found me on Soundcloud. Then my career as a retro- oriented artist began What tips would you give to young -- Rokuro 37

Yes, Butlin’s is not the environment that you would instantly associate with underground dance music but it’s hard to disagree with the notion that they pull it off successfully year in year out. This year was to be no different with a line up that highly appealed to 18-25 year olds and an environment more than comfortable for your seasoned raver to let loose. The Bugged Out Weekender celebrated its 5th year of their 3 day bonanza with a stellar line up that included industry heavyweights Armand Van Helden, Catz n Dogs, Hannah Wants, Heidi, Bicep and DJ EZ joined by some of the freshest acts breaking through on the scene such as Jozef K, Bowler and DJ Barely Legal. If it wasn’t Kerri Chandler, the award for best set of the weekend (if there was one) would have gone to Catz n Dogs. The Pets Recordings label bosses took to the stage like true bosses and performed a masterclass. A solid hour and 45 mins of a style that oozed rhythmic grooves and round basslines, quality techno with a real Berlinesque feel to it. To close the night House & Techno great Kerri Chandler completely bossed it. A real ground hugging performance picking up from where the the queen of jackin house Heidi had left off, taking the floor on a real journey through sound. Kerri had us all within the palm of his hands as he stood a mere few meters away from a room full of dishevelled ravers who had, through the sheer energy and quality of the track selection, mustered enough energy to party right through to 3.30am on a Monday morning ending the Bugged out weekend on a high. We’re looking forward to more of the same in 38

2017. Jozef K is one of the UK’s fastest rising stars who has respectively earned himself a residency at Sankey’s Manchester and Tribal Sessions in London nightclub Fire. We managed to catch up with jozef K for a quick chat after warming the room and opening for DJ Koze. How did you get into the game, how did you start? When I was 17 I went to Sankeys and I just thought, this is for me, this is my domain and I want to be a part of this. After one of the Tribal Sessions nights, they gave out flyers to do work experience in the office, so I applied for that and luckily I was chosen out of 200 applicants. I started working in the office, and though I enjoyed working and learning about the industry I found it really difficult at times - I always did it with the ulterior motive of becoming a full time DJ. If you could put it down in a few sentences, what makes a great DJ? ADAPTABILITY - Reading a room. I think to be a true DJ, you have to have spent most of your life listening to music to develop the perfect sense for which record fits the moment.

Photography by Luke Dyson -- Cessle & Malachi


She's not just Jenny from the block look. Her hair parted to the side with a anymore, J-Lo's sensuous glamour is little volume and waves. To finish, idolised and now you can Get The Look! sparkling silver jewellery paired nicely with the dress detailing. The singer & actress wore a draped sunshine yellow number, the body Ambreen emulates this look on Neev modestly covered with the figure- whilst turning it into more of a hugging dress aside from a daring long statement piece with bold eyes and a reveal of the right leg. dark burgundy lip. She looked ravishing with simplistic make-up of dark red lips and a glowing 40

in the process. I have always been really careful about the relation between the education (by introducing new concepts, artists and music genres to the population) and the viability of doing it. This is the reason why you will never see me sticking to one genre, it doesn't make any business sense here in Mauritius. We can't afford to have only one target market. What can customers currently expect from the entertainment at The Irish? At the moment it's quite basic: Live bands 3 times a week, DJ sets for the weekend until 2am and sometimes other types of shows, such as magic shows or bar flairing. This entertainment program already speaks to a great amount of customers and, in a few weeks we'll be able to reveal an innovative program to become more Javed Vayid is the General Manager specific to our clients needs. at The Irish, the first Irish pub/restaurant in Mauritius. The Irish launched towards In fact on a single day we can get 3 types the end of 2015 with the original of customers: the after-work people, the concept of a combination venue - club, families/friends and the partygoers. bar & restaurant. After a trial of this They all come at different hours with a combo, the management quickly different perception of the venue. The gauged and acknowledged the fact that common ground is the good time they the customers wanted something are enjoying at The Irish. different. The customers can expect to find With your knowledge of the music quality, innovation and uniqueness - we industry, how do feel the country is do not like doing what everyone else is progressing and what would your doing. business ideas be to improve this? You have a high level of business The music industry is doing good in the acumen. What would your advice be to sense that promoters are working really young individuals who have big dreams hard to introduce new concepts and in the creative & business areas? music on the island, and bad because they often lose huge amounts of money 41

I will say always stay a rebel, think out offer. of the box, spend time with yourself and keep a positive surrounding, thoughts and environment If you believe in something, trust your gut feelings and do not let the people around you drain your energy. Sometimes even your closest friends and family will try to bring you down, often without realising. The bigger the dream, the further you will reach and if you want to be part of the 1%, you can't act or think like the 99%. Bare that in mind to keep the fire burning.

You've now been living in the paradise island for almost 5 years. What can you tell us about this whole transition and how it's developed from your expectations to now? I arrived here in May 2011 and the moving process was a lot more complicated than I had anticipated which is why I didn't continue/finish the blog, I just didn't have the time. Since I've moved here my life has

Last words... The world is becoming a negative, dangerous place and we are all responsible. Keep a positive mind, love nature, become more spiritual, look to build a better world by doing better actions and most importantly learn to love and help others. Our generation can - and must - shape a better future.

Damien Scanlan is a Folk musician, originally from Ireland he now resides in Mauritius. This big move happened within just a few months from a job 42

Myself and my Brother Luke opened the Barber Shop in July 2014, he was here for 6 months but then returned to Ireland due to visa complications, so I moved full time to the shop to concentrate on management and development of the business. Now I'm living here happily with my beautiful Mauritian girlfriend Beatrice who I've been with for about 2 years, focusing my attention on making the barber shop more and more popular and expanding my contacts in the local music scene. I now play my set of eclectic music regularly at various venues also and I play my Traditional Irish Music set at 'The Irish'. In the last few months I've been playing various shows and venues ranging from The

Tamarin Eco-Arts Festival, The Santosha Refuge music community, Big Willy's, Le Bonne Chute, Seama Beach Club, Tamarin Bay Hotel and various others and I'm always keep to play at a jam on the beach beside a fire :) How are the locals' reactions and thoughts to your sound?

a. Compassion! I have little time for organised religion but I suppose I should at least consider myself an agnostic. But there is one thing that sits well with every religion and culture around the world and that is; 'Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself' - As far as I'm concerned, we need more

compassionate people in this world. I can't stress that enough. If you live They really seem to like the ballad type your life in a compassionate manner, stuff but when I play songs on the Irish life will be much easier and you will drum (the Bodhrรกn) it really gets the be a much happier person. Mauritian audience interested because they see how similar it is to the Ravanne (and generally think it's a ravanne) and when they see how I play it they tend to be intrigued by how a ravanne is being played with a stick and how it's being played effectively sideways. Outside The Irish, I mix my set up completely so it's a lot of eclectic Rock and Folk mixed with some of my Irish stuff and some acoustic renditions of modern, more tasteful (in my own opinion) stuff. This appeals a lot to the expat crowd, and of course, Black River has a large expat community so I need to play to my audiences tastes. Generally this gives me the opportunity to play lots of random stuff from different genres so I enjoy this and doing this has also helped me to develop my set list considerably.

b. Keep an open mind... The more you accept and learn about other people and other cultures, whether it's in your own country or the other side of the world., the more people will accept you and the more intelligent and enlightened you will become over time. c. Don't let restrictions in your life, control your life. Work around them and experience as much as you can. You will only get one go at life on this planet and it could end any time so make the most of it.

d. Keep up to date with global affairs. Knowledge of how other people are living around the world is extremely Last words... I don't claim to be a wealth beneficial in many ways. of global and cultural knowledge but I've seen and done quite a bit over the last 15 years despite the health restrictions placed on me, so if I was to offer some generalised advise to budding travellers it would be as follows:

e. Learn to speak a different language and put it to use damosgentlemansemporium


covering each other's music really is. It’s all about respect and love and wanting to show how much of an impact it has made on you. We started talking about how cool it would be to get 2 bands together, that really respect and cherish each other’s music, and let them choose 1 or 2 songs to record straight to vinyl. We then thought about how we could really give back to the community and help set this idea apart from others. Charity and letting bands choose the cause they want to represent became Combining music and charity is one a huge factor in our business model. of the world’s wonders, because of it the outcome provides a better Is there a dream artist/band you wish community for us all. Adam Victorn to sign? Also, is there a specific genre and Charlie Greengoss do just that. of music you tend to record? They founded Vinyl For A Cause, a Chicago-based record label that Due to how we started this whole creates vinyl records whose thing, Modest Mouse and Brand New proceeds support music education would be a pretty amazing full circle. programs across the U.S. I was lucky We love and admire Jack White’s enough to interview them, check out commitment to preserving analog their story.. music in the 21st century, so he’s definitely another guy that we’d What sparked the idea/passion for absolutely love to work. Both of us creating the label? grew up on rock and alternative music, but again, the biggest thing is A few years back we were hanging that we’re on the same page with the out together and watching videos on artists we’re working with for us, Youtube. We came across a video of that’s makes all the difference. Brand New covering Modest Mouse’s ________________________________ Trailer Trash. Jesse Lacey started off the video by talking about how it’s an honor to play this song and how much he loves and respects the music that they make. This really resonated with us and we started thinking about how cool the idea of musicians

Sarah's Thoughts





Music is Medicine for My Mental Health.


Music. The word alone can ignite such excitement into me it’s unreal. When I’m happy, sad, down, relaxing or falling asleep music is there for me. It’s the one thing in my life that I know for certain can help me through the darkest of days. Even though my taste varies during the day it’s still always blaring into my ears, and soul through my skull candy headphones. For when I wake up and it’s sunny I blast Vybz Kartel, to when I’m falling asleep I’ll be soothed by James Bay, and inbetween those moments it has to be Daughtry. You see each of these artists and their songs double as my voice when I feel I just have no words. Music has helped me and my journey of Mental Health an awful lot. For some days I can barely find the energy to open the curtains and that is when my sad songs are played. As soon as the music starts to play in my ear I am filled with such an inspiration, for each song to me has a deep meaning, it’s something I can relate to.

Music saved me in many ways and is always the core foundation for my writing. Every artist on my phone has been through a journey, they each have a story to tell and they do so through songwriting James Bay and his acoustic lullaby voice is my remedy at the moment for helping me through my dark days. His voice alone projects so much emotion it almost makes you want to cry. ‘Need The Sun To Break’ is my utmost favourite song of his and I have had it on repeat every night for four weeks The raw emotion of the song is enough to give me goosebumps. Music has and always will be my medicine, my saviour and inspiration. It speaks to people when I can’t and expresses what I can’t get out. For as long as I have the ability to hear, I will drown out the world with music. p

-- Jessie


We work, work, work in hope that we would one day be presented with an opportunity to finally live the life we have always imagined. We exhaust ourselves, we run on energy drinks, we have sleepless nights... We break down, burn out and fall into depression. What about self care? How about balancing our commitments and maintaining a healthy body, mind and spirit? It's no wonder why our efforts are never good enough no matter how hard we try. We had just overlooked the skill of happiness. When we love and take care of ourselves, we would be able to find success. It is WITHIN us. Being healthy influences positive experiences in other areas of our lives. Law of attraction. Simple as that. Remember to feed your body, mind and spirit with the food it needs and you WILL grow in happiness. Start with YOU. -- David


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The Yoga Girl "...if we perform even the smallest task with imagination, our lives feel richer and more varied..." Scouting for the best overall yoga book, I came across 'Yoga For Real Life' by Maya Fiennes. The advice and options she gives are varied for many lifestyles which attracted my attention. What I later got to learn is that she is a musician! Of course, I would pick out the one yoga book by a musician. The way she speaks is warm and is something I feel I connect with very easily.

in the music industry. As a child, she would lose herself in the sounds from notes on a keyboard, this lead Maya to learn and love playing the piano. She chased the dream and ended up performing for glitzy events. She grew weary from just playing the notes off a page and found freedom in creating her own pieces. Maya explains that underneath all of our "wants" we will find our real untapped passion.

We do not need to be perfect. We do not need to be the best. Tapping into your imagination and exploring different avenues will give you lots of pleasure. We can even feel Maya goes into the way in which sounds "limitless"! Trust your instincts are beneficial; background music as and belief in yourself. well as mantras. Though the latter is not something I partake in, her advice is "...being able to detach notable that whilst we focus on the from your noisy, sounds, our mind can be de-cluttered. information-chomping, She mentions also the benefits of the over-analytical mind will vibrations and how they stimulation encourage inspiration..." various parts of ourselves. Music during, not only yoga, all activities can create a vast array of effects: Stuck writing lyrics or motivation, relaxation, joy, sadness and unable to finish more. So, expectedly, if you want to feel track production? calmer during a session then play Stop overthinking, ambient music or for more energy play calm your thoughts uptempo sounds. Silence is also and the ideas will refreshing, just the sounds of your own flow. breathing and distant murmurs can really bring you back to stillness and For more info on Maya Fiennes, visit: yourself. Silence is golden. As we move onto learning more on the Sacral chakra which governs creativity, Maya talks about her own experiences 50

CYCLING: Daruty Forest Listening to Leon Bolier - Shimamoto If you are into mountain biking or road biking, well guess what, Mauritius is the place to be. I starting mountain biking a couple of years ago, and I can tell you that I myself wasn't aware Mauritius had such amazing places for mountain biking. Of course there are sugarcane fields all over the island which makes it fun, but the best part is there are several endemic forests which are the best places around. My favorite place for mountain biking regularly is Daruty Forest. Located in the north of the island, it's one of the most unique forests of its kind. The forest is divided in two parts. one side starts from Grand Baie motorway and the second one from Vale to Petit Raffrey. The tracks are part rocky terrain, flat surfaces, couple of hilly sections and of course off-road tracks as you would expect. I would definitely recommend anyone into mountain biking to give it a go as the sensation is unique on its own. -- Awad 51



The sounds of children filled the air alongside iconic Disney melodies being played throughout the parks. Yes, I was at Disneyland Paris! We were lucky enough to catch the Ohio University Marching Band in action bringing a great energetic vibe in an exceptionally regimented manner. Consisting of 245 members, the Marching 110 has performed in NFL halftime shows, NYC's Carnegie Hall, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parades and internationally.

"It was definitely a jam-packed whirlwind of a trip. We took a day to settle in upon arrival and then spent the next three days performing at the American Cemetery & Memorial at Normandy, the foot of the Eiffel Tower, and then Disneyland Paris (where you saw us!). This was the first time myself and many others have ventured outside the American border, and almost all of us didn't know what to expect out of performing for a crowd who almost definitely knew nothing about us. The 110 actually performed in Ireland and Italy back in 2013, but only a minority (4th/5thyear members) got to experience that. We're used to an adoring crowd during our halftime shows back here in Ohio and always impress opposing fans when we occasionally travel on the road with the football team, but who knows what to expect from international spectators? It was exciting to see our high-energy style met well by this untapped crowd, where the smiles were wide and the cheers were loud. After the performance days, we got to explore Paris (with one quick day in London) and focus on taking in all the culture and entertainment the city had to offer.� Kyle Arnott, Ohio University Marching 110 Trombonist. 3753

Every Tattoo Has A Meaning The buzz of that tattoo machine fills me with joy knowing that I’m about to have artwork displayed on my body forever. The artist has free will to decorate me with his/hers design and I get excited each time. 26 tattoos later and I still yearn for that needle to penetrate my skin for hours on end. Each and every one of my tattoos has a meaning and is special in its own way. Whether it's a memorial for my nan or the time my daughter was born. I have no regrets when it comes to my tattoos for each one was designed and tailored to fit my taste and my body. You see, people say to me “you’ll regret those when you’re older, what will you look like?” I look at them and answer softly, for I will be a part of a generation that is a tattooed grandparent. My sagging skin will be decorated with artwork and designs picked by me and I will look awesome! I remember clearly my first tattoo and how nervous I was to go under the needle. As soon as that needle broke my skin, I knew I was gonna be addicted. Always think about your tattoos though, put thought into them, don’t rush them. 54

Everyone is unique and our bodies are canvasses waiting to be decorated. Blank arms and legs await to be inked by artists all over the world. Whether it’s sleeve tattoos, thigh pieces or a small butterfly on your shoulder.. Each tattoo is a special piece of art waiting to be placed onto your skin. In a generation of many teenagers, it’s now the in thing to be tattooed - I can’t find a single person who doesn’t have a tattoo. We are a new generation of people displaying art proudly on our bodies and I’m proud to be one of those people. May we continue to proudly display artists' work on us and be cool grandparents in years to come. Happy inking. <3

Photograph: Katie Louise Sicilia

-- Jessie


29th May 2016 in Zurich, legendary Rock God Zakk Wylde graced the stage with a thrilling performance. Jared James Nichols also joined him as a supporting act on the European tour. Mary & Tamara had the pleasure of being in the front row for this incredible live concert show.. “It feels like I have been invited to a private music party hosted by Zakk Wylde. The atmosphere of the event was very welcoming, friendly and highly professional. It shall be noticed that doors of the venue ‘Dynamo’ were opened without delays that surprised fans as it started to rain. The venue is very comfortable, providing great sound and atmosphere of being involved."



"As a true fan of Zakk Wylde, I came early a n d g o t a p l a c e i n t h e fi r s t r o w . N e e d l e s s t o mention how virtuously Zakk can make powerful sounds that are beyond any possibility to try practicing by yourself. And in the middle of the gig, I thought, I would rather be standing at the rear as Zakk came inside the crowd playing a long solo part. Honestly saying, I have never seen such close artist experience! It was awesomely lucky for those standing by the guitar legend as if it was their friend. So, if you love guitar and music as much as I do, I absolutely recommend you to catch Zakk Wylde’s gig in your city. It is worth experiencing!�





Sarah takes on the Windy City running into people from my work left and right. It was one big summer party! Lake Shake Festival! Howdy! Over the weekend of June 17-19, 2016, Chicago hosted its second Lake Shake festival, which is a threeday country concert! I went with girls from B96, and I am bringing the recap of the festival right here to Sarah’s Thoughts. This was my first time at a music festival in general where I went all three days, so the entire experience was brand new. Overall, this entire weekend showed me how much rock and some pop is incorporated in today’s country music.

SATURDAY NIGHT - June 18, 2016 This night started with a very hungry squirrel eating some popcorn we brought with, so we almost walked away with a pet, other than the experience of a concert. We showed up just in time for Jon Pardi to sing his hit song “Head over Boots,” which is one of the best songs on country radio to singalong to in the car. He ended up doing a meet and greet afterwards, so we got to meet him!

SUNDAY NIGHT - June 19, 2016 Want to shout out to Dee Jay Silver who While walking into the festival, we saw played in between each act all three a man walking an iguana on a leash, so days. He kept the party going and played that was the start to the night. all the classic hits in all genres, so it kept First, it felt like it was a million degrees the energy up. He was amazing. outside, so being in a crowd was the last thing we wanted to do. But, we showed FRIDAY NIGHT - June 17, 2016 We got there during the first act - Jana up during Chris Janson’s set and he was Kramer. She has a hit country song probably the biggest ball of energy with called “I Got the Boy,” which is about the most beautiful blue eyes. It made us watching someone you dated when you forget about the heat! He has a song were young grow up into a man and fall called “Buy Me a Boat,” which I really don’t know the meaning of, but it is a in love with someone else. total summer song. After Kramer, we walked around the festival. It had plenty of bags games to play, (and for those that aren’t familiar, bags is a game with two boards with a hole people try to toss bean bags into. Other people call it baggo and cornhole). There were food trucks, another stage for up-and-coming country artists from a stage called Next from Nashville, and a swing ride. B96’s sister station called US99.5 was a sponsor of the entire festival, so I was 62

Jason Aldean closed out the night, and he just reminds me of a grizzly bear. He captured the stage in a way where I felt a bit intimidated, but that means he had extremely strong stage presence.

I am amazed by how much synth, guitar solos and heavy bass is used in live country music. I know plenty of people that make fun of the genre for being all banjos, but I really felt like it was more than just country, but like a rock and pop crossover. The artists were fun, goodlooking (I mean, come on), and everyone in the crowd was having a blast. Already looking forward to going back next year! THANK YOU LAKE SHAKE!

Image by Ana Cahill

Sarah's Thoughts 63

"My set starts tonight at 1:00am and the resident DJ is already warming up the crowd and he is doing a great job. The place is packed. People brought CD's where my music is on to sign, just great. The club prepared a special intro for my show with an amazing light show and fireworks. The crowd has been amazing and it was great to see a lot of familiar faces from the last 2 times I was here. This was a night I will never forget." 64


Issue AM033 Photographer: Tamara Dovgopoliuk



With love Ruby, Rokuro, Cessle, Sarah, Malachi, Andy, David, Steve, Jess, Mary & Ashna xx

Audiation Issue AM033, 8th January 2017 Copyright 2017 © Audiation Magazine Ltd

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