BROADLANE - Mockup Example of Magazine Cover Wrap Marketing

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Upon closer examination, you may be paying too much for your orthopedic implants. A custom approach to managing your orthopedic implant costs. - Physician Alignment - Specialized, Local Sourcing - Vendor Compliance Management - Verified Savings of 11 to 25 percent or more For more information, please contact Karen Grimley at 866.276.2356 x8023 or

This circulation wrap accompanies a limited number of complimentary subscriptions for Broadlane. It does not constitute an endorsement of Smart Money and no endorsement is implied. Smart Money is a registered trademark of The Wall Street Journal.

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David Ricker

David Ricker President and Chief Executive Officer Broadlane


Changing reimbursements. Rising costs. Staffing shortfalls. Surgery centers face major hurdles in their efforts to operate efficiently and deliver high-quality care.

Contract Portfolio Access to industry leading prices on your most commonly purchased products from best-known suppliers

Broadlane can help.

Capital Equipment Great pricing, innovative sourcing (Live Group Buys),

“Selecting the right GPO, for a surgery center, may be the

difference between financial success and failure. Speaking first hand, no other GPO offers what Broadlane can. Beyond their industry leading GPO portfolio, they listen to us and develop products which respond to our needs. For many years, we have reaped the benefits of Broadlane’s contract pricing, innovative technology and UNWAVERING dedication to support our operation. From my experiences, Broadlane’s knowledge of the ambulatory surgery market and “high-touch” account support is unmatched in the industry. No other GPO compares to Broadlane.

- Bob Schaff, Seven Hills Surgery Center Henderson, NV

Irit at Amet nit lor adionse ea facin ulluptat la alis autpat. Ready improve your bottom line?

quote reviews and budget/planning assessments

Pharmacy Utilization reporting, tier management, overcharge notification, rebate management

Technology Online catalog, web-based cost reporting, advanced e-procurement platform, transaction management and item master services

High-Touch Account Management Highly trained, knowledgeable account team providing dedicated support and account planning

Utetue duis adit lore dolobor Contact Stephanie Mahaffey at 866.276.2356 extension 7667 or visit us on the web at

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