"I would like to offer a list of events that could be the possible scenario in the next few years or decades. They are not necessarily in chronological order. 1. The nations of the Middle East will rise to economic, political and most significantly, to military power. 2. There will be a move toward an Islamic Union in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. 3. This Islamic Union will perhaps cover most if not all of the Islamic world. 4. This Islamic Union will pave the way for a political and military alliance of ten Islamic states, in order to form an Islamic governmental structure which will seek the reestablishment of the Islamic Caliphate. 5. This ten-nation confederacy of Islamic states will primarily include Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Iran and Iraq.
6. Five other Islamic states will join the other five nations and the most likely candidates among others are Libya, Sudan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan. 7. There will be a push for a peace agreement between Israel and the Islamic confederacy of ten nations. This may include a covenant that will allow the Jews to have access to the Temple Mount and rebuild the Jewish Temple next to the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. 8. Once a peace agreement between Israel and the then formed Islamic Union governed by ten different heads of state has been established, the Antichrist will arise from outside the ten-nation confederacy of Islamic states. 9. The Antichrist’s country of origin will be perhaps a new independent state that will rise in the Middle East. The Antichrist will most likely rise out of the regions of Syria and Iraq. 10. Once the Antichrist appears, he will confirm or strengthen the already established covenant between Israel and the ten-nation confederacy of Islamic states for seven more years. 11. Once the Antichrist has risen to political power, he will start his military conquest of the ten-nation confederacy of Islamic states. He will conquer three of those nations in the beginning of the first three and a half years of his reestablished covenant between Israel and the confederacy, while he pretends to guarantee Israel military security. 12. Egypt (the king of the south) will be the first nation he will be waging war against (Daniel 11:43) and as he advances to the south and to the east of Israel (Daniel 8:9), Libya, Sudan, and Arabia to the south of Israel, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan to the east of Israel will also be militarily conquered by him, thus bringing more nations of the confederacy under his authority. The remaining nations such as Turkey and Lebanon will willingly submit to his authority and become part of his military headquarters. This military conquest will cause many in the Islamic world to believe that Al-Mahdi has arrived to lead the Islamic world and reestablish the Islamic Caliphate.
13. After he has totally conquered the ten-nation confederacy of Islamic states, he will turn against the covenant with the Jews in Israel, will invade Jerusalem, enter the newly rebuilt Jewish Temple and demand to be worshiped as god by the Jews and the entire Islamic world. 14. Many Jews will flee Jerusalem, others be taken captive among the Arab nations, while many will remain in the city to die... Many Sunni Muslims will refuse to worship the Antichrist whom they will have accepted as their Caliph but not as Allah himself. Many Muslims will turn to Christ as a result of the preaching of the Gospel during these hard times and will be beheaded for their new faith. 15. Many in the Islamic world will follow the Antichrist as god and will be ready to fight for his cause. This will cause the Islamic nations ’’round about’’ Jerusalem to seek the annihilation of the Jews and bring all of Jerusalem under complete Islamic control. 16. While the Antichrist demands to be worshiped by both Jews and Muslims as he rules from Jerusalem, news from the east and from the north will trouble him (Daniel 11:44). This will perhaps be a military attack against him coming from the former Soviet states of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan. These Sunni Muslim nations will challenge his claim of deity and will try to destroy his new and revised Islam. He will counterattack and win a military victory over the armies of these nations as he goes forth to utterly destroy and make away many. (Daniel 11:44) 17. Sometime ... before he places the abomination of desolation in the Jewish Temple, western navies (Daniel 11:30) will come against him... trying to stop his attacks against Egypt. This will cause him to be furious, return to his northern headquarters in the regions of Turkey, Syria and Northern Iraq and have indignation against the holy covenant by ordering his forces to stop the daily sacrifices in the temple and place the abomination of desolation. Then Egypt will launch an attack against the Antichrist which is the king of the north. He then comes against Egypt with many ships by sea, with chariots and horsemen (Daniel 11:41) by land as he takes advantage of Turkey’s navy and military forces which will be under his control to attack Egypt, Libya and Sudan. (Daniel 11:43)
18. After all his battles against Egypt, the Northeastern alliance, the Western navies and after having placed the abomination of desolation in the Jewish Temple, he will move his headquarters from Babylon to Jerusalem (Daniel 11:45) in the glorious Holy Mountain (Temple Mount). 19. As he rules from Jerusalem, he will order the nations that surround Israel to start a massive persecution against the Jews and former Muslims who will have received Christ for the remainder of his 42 month reign. 20. At the end of his 42 month reign, Jesus returns from heaven to wage war against him and all the Islamic nations that surround Israel which will be seeking to put an end to Jewish presence in Palestine. Jesus will destroy the beast and his confederacy of Islamic nations that are ‘’round about ‘’ Jerusalem (Joel 3; Zechariah 12:1-9; 14:1-12 and Revelation 19:11-21). Many more things could take place in a totally different way than I can think of. Prophecy only becomes crystal clear during the time of its fulfillment and sometimes only after it has been fulfilled." Rodrigo Silva (Excerpts from his book “The Coming Bible Prophecy Reformation”)