What Happened to the Tree of Hope in NY?

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WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TREE OF HOPE IN NY? Photos courtesy of https://www.google.es/maps/@40.7119231,-74.0102055,3a,75y,116.59h,93.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sD36FlXlNA3UvHJ767hJZg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

The Hope Tree in April 2009

The Hope Tree in January 2013

The Hope Tree in January 2013

The Hope Tree in January 2013

The Hope Tree in August 2013. The tree is already withering.........(April 2014 – The First Bloody Moon)

October 2014 - NO HOPE TREE AT ALL!

October 2014 - NO HOPE TREE AT ALL!

October 2014 - NO HOPE TREE AT ALL!

Courtesy of http://www.thebanner.org/features/2011/01/new-york-city-s-tree-of-hope

New York City’s Tree of Hope by Rachel Snyder January 18, 2011 Author of Reviewed Item:

I first saw the Tree of Hope during the 2003 Christmas season. At that time I worked at the World Financial Center in Lower Manhattan. Every evening as I walked around the former site of the World Trade Center to the subway that would take me back to Brooklyn, I passed by that tree, located in the northwest corner of the old graveyard of St. Paul’s Chapel. The spruce was lit not with strands of conventional Christmas lights but with green, red, and white spotlights from the ground that illuminated the many snow-white doves perched on its branches. While a nice gesture, the little tree only made me more aware of the emptiness on the other side of the street. In my mind, no tree, no matter how beautiful, could possibly fill the void left by nearly 3,000 people and the majestic structures in which they worked. The following spring I became a member of Trinity Church, which owns St. Paul’s Chapel. And that November found me at the start of another Christmas season, the fourth since 9/11. As usual, the approaching holidays brought with them feelings of warmth and happiness but also a deepening of the ache that never completely goes away. That year, however, my view of the Tree of Hope was different, for I knew much more of its story. A Miracle What makes the story of St. Paul’s truly amazing is that, by all logic, the chapel should not be standing today. On Sept. 11 more than 2 billion pounds of steel came crashing to the ground. The crash was so powerful it registered on the Richter scale. Everything inside and below the WTC buildings was smashed beyond recognition. Every window facing the Trade Center was blown out. Every nearby building suffered damage, some beyond repair. The destruction seemed endless. We now know that the total amount of energy released by the impact of the planes, the explosion of jet fuel, the massive fires burning inside the towers, and finally the towers’ collapse equaled the power of a small atomic bomb. It wasn’t until Sept. 14 that anyone was able to inspect what was left of St. Paul’s. Miraculously, where workers expected to see a pile of rubble, they instead found a completely intact chapel. Not a window had been broken (one was cracked). Not an inch of the walls or the roof had been compromised. The building’s structure was as sound as it had ever been.

Inside a six-inch layer of dust coated everything, which did wreck the pipe organ, but otherwise nothing had been damaged—with one notable exception. The giant sycamore tree that had stood in the northwest corner of the graveyard—on the spot where the Tree of Hope now stands—had been knocked over in the collapse. People say that tree was responsible for saving the chapel. For a long time I resented the idea. How, I thought, could a single tree—no matter how massive—possibly have saved a tiny building from the collapse of two skyscrapers? Why do people always feel the need to explain away a miracle? I found myself thinking about that tree more and more. And suddenly I realized I’d been missing the point. The very fact that the force of the collapse was enough to knock down such a large tree made the complete survival of St. Paul’s all the more remarkable. It was almost as if all the power and fury of the disaster surrounding the church had somehow been directed at that one tree. While much larger, newer buildings suffered massive structural damage, tiny St. Paul’s Chapel was barely touched, leaving it available to provide desperately needed support to those working tirelessly to clear the Trade Center rubble. One tree, sacrificed to save the church.

Another Tree The much smaller spruce tree planted in the sycamore’s place is once again lit with spotlights and decorated with snow-white doves. As we gather to turn on the lights and begin another Christmas season, we sing the traditional carols that since 9/11 have more poignant meaning. I’m not yet at the point where I can sing “Joy to the World” and truly feel it in the present, and I don’t expect to reach that point in the near future. But at Christmas we celebrate the birth of a tiny baby who had within him the power to save all of humanity. And I know there will finally come a day when sin and sorrow no longer reign—all because of another tree, another sacrifice.

Courtesy of https://mycld.wordpress.com/2013/03/19/erez-tree-at-st-pauls-chapel-nyc/

Erez Tree at St. Paul’s Chapel NYC By Greg Sharp • March 19, 2013

The Erez Tree with the Freedom Tower in the Background. 3/17/13 GS This is a picture of the Biblical Erez Tree taken 3/17/2013. The tree is located at the northeast corner of St. Paul’s Chapel courtyard. Consistent with Isaiah 9:10, this cedar Tree would replace the fallen sycamore tree as a result of the calamity of 9/11. Ironically, this is the only cedar tree located in the garden courtyard. All other trees are large mature sycamore trees which makes the replacement cedar tree oddly noticeable. This picture captures the essence of Isaiah 9:10 as the bricks are replaced with quarried stone through the building of the Freedom Tower and the fallen sycamore is replaced with the cedar. More to come on the current health of this cedar tree and the symbolic relevance it may have on the harbinger.

Courtesy of https://bigr.wordpress.com/2014/12/14/blood-moons-and-the-erez-tree/

Blood Moons and The Erez Tree December 14, 2014

I received an e-mail from a gentleman who scoffed at the blood moon tetrad saying, “So what? It hasn’t affected me so far!” I replied “that’s the key…’so far.'” This blood moon tetrad is a signal because when you look at the Jewish calendar, this particular tetrad (we’re in now) appears to be a sequence unlike anything seen before in this generation, and will not be repeated for over a thousand years. Tetrads will be repeated, but not on Hebrew Holy Days. Since I cited Jonathan Cahn in his book, “The Harbinger,” one of the “Harbingers” was the replacement of the sycamore tree (which was destroyed in the ‘first attack’ of 9-11-01) with the ‘Erez’ tree. The leaders of ancient Israel shook their fist in the face of God which is recorded in Isaiah [Isaiah 9:10 – “Bricks have fallen, but we will build with cut stones; the sycamores are cut down, but we will use cedars instead.” This was the defiant expression that summarized their dependence on themselves and their strength and no need for the God who established them in the first place. Interestingly enough, the final – crowning beam on the Freedom Tower, at ground zero was signed by President Obama, and the eight words he wrote are: “We remember, We rebuild, We come back stronger.” Sound familiar? It is the same curse Israels leaders pronounced that brought judgment on Israel, now pronounced by the leader of the US, and placed on the top of the tallest building in the United States. The leaders who pronounced this don’t even know that it was a statement that brought judgment. They had no idea, A literal fulfillment took place with a spruce tree (which is of the same family as the cedar), a conifer that was named the “Tree of Hope” was planted in the exact spot where the sycamore had been. Despite all of the efforts of expert arborists, the ‘Tree of Hope’ withered and died. It was removed, and then completely shredded on the day of the first blood moon of the tetrad. (April 2014!)

Courtesy of http://www.nationalwriterssyndicate.com/content/view/19084/2/death-tree-truth/

The Death Of A Tree; The Truth Is Out There! August 23, 2014 By George Wilson – I am writing to present some thoughts regarding the current state of our country with respect to a particular recent event. The death of a tree. In Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Harbinger, he pointed out several sayings and events that ancient Israel spoke and did in rebellion to God’s warnings. They said this: Isaiah 9:10 “The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with hewn stones: the sycamores are cut down, but we will replace them into cedars.” Instead of heeding God’s warning and turning to him, they boasted and relied instead on themselves and defiantly doubled down on their corruption, announcing their boastful pride. Interestingly, the day after 9/11 Senate leader Tom Daschle stood on the floor of the United Stated Senate and repeated the very words of Isaiah 9:10! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukYiWd3T9sk I don’t know if, in his ignorance of the meaning of those words he thought it was a blessing and wanted to invoke God’s support for America or if it was something one of his aids picked for his speech that day. But it was not a blessing, it was a curse! John Edwards later repeated the very same words. George Washington’s first act, after being sworn in as president, in New York City, was to march the entire congress down to St. Paul’s Chapel (located at ground zero, oddly enough) and dedicate the United States of America to almighty God-the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible. Only two countries in history were ever dedicated thus, Israel and The United States. In the courtyard of that little chapel, there stood a sycamore tree. While the chapel itself was not harmed in the 9/11 attacks, the sycamore tree was destroyed. The builders of the Freedom Tower planted a type of cedar (Ezra or evergreen) tree, “The Tree of Hope” at the site of the 9/11

Muslim terror attack. They also set a “hewn stone” (see below) at the rebuilding of the new Freedom Tower. Recently there were some frantic efforts to keep the newly planted tree at ground zero alive. They even replaced the soil. But it died! They quickly removed the tree and had it destroyed.. Jonathan Cahn believes that the United States has received another warning (harbinger) in the dying of that tree. He doesn’t think America has straightened up her act since 911. What do you think? What can we do? Nothing, except this: Pray to God daily. Ask him for forgiveness and guidance. Because, I don’t know if we are in the end times that the Bible speaks about, or if we will witness that destruction of America (Maybe I should say further destruction). But I believe this: When the feces hits the whirly blades, whatever you do, you do not be on the wrong side of the battle. Eternity is at stake. Shalom, gw Footnotes: 1) At the end of Wall Street there is a statue of George Washington, his hand outstreached and facing down. The reason it is facing down is because it is on the Bible. 2) If you look at history, it seems that, while individuals are to receive their reward or punishment in the afterlife. But God seems to have a tendency to judge nations in their own time. His preferred method of judgement seems to be to allow their enemies to destroy them.

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