Who and What is the Antichrist?

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Who and What is the AntiChrist By Daniel Wordsmith - http://issuu.com/dw.praymore/ The entire world is eagerly waiting for some sort of a ‘superhero’ to come and put an end to the wars and armed conflicts, terrorism, chaos and suffering, religious squabbles, political corruption and economic instability the world is presently enduring. According to the Bible, just such a superhero will soon appear on the world scene: a man who will be the Devil incarnate, whom the Bible calls the Beast and the AntiChrist (Rev.11:7; 13:1-4, 11-18; Da.7:7). He has been identified as an absolute master of the occult and sorcery being a possible hybrid human of interventive DNA Bio-engineering, having the title of the Grand Wizard of Noph who presides over a council of sorcerers ranked as Wizards, named the Memphis Group, based in Egypt and which controls the entire world. His ovarian hostess mother is a Jewess and his father an Egyptian (possible hybrid himself from Anunnaki descent) and he is raised in the realm of tutelage of Moscow Centre, Russia. Does that sound a bit farfetched? Of course it does. Nevertheless, the question to ponder is this: is it true and if so what does that mean for the collective human race? Depending on how one views and believes the Holy Bible and a slew of other scriptures in various religions, the concept of aliens and demons and devils certainly takes on a variety of meanings and interpretations. This book aims to give the reader the HSP (Holy Spirit Powered) version of all these things according to the New Testament Apostolic doctrine taught by Jesus Christ and his original disciples, the Apostolate. The final AntiChrist will come to power in the UNO infrastructure by means of the conduit of his false prophet and 2nd in command, and he will invoke several as yet unimplemented UN resolutions pertaining to GA resolutions 303 and 181 respectively, more on which is discussed in other chapters of this book. Numerous bible passages describe a few of AntiChrist’s personal characteristics, which when pieced together just like a criminologist’s composite profile of a suspect, can help us recognize this man as he rises to power, so we won’t be duped into following him. The AntiChrist will be intrinsically evil, yet appear as a benevolent saviour. He is variously described in the Bible as a vile person, the man of sin, the son of perdition

(Hell), and the wicked one. (Da.11:21[some versions use the word ‘intrigue’ here, in place of or in addition to ‘flattery’+; 2Thes.2:3, 8; 2Co.11:14-15; Rev.13:5) He will be of depraved orientation and savour the abominations of fallen humankind via the power of Satan in total worship. “…in the latter time *the Endtime, just prior to Jesus’ return+ when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.” (Da.8:23) Daniel Ben David of old also describes him as a man “...whose appearance was greater than his fellows” (Da.7:20); other translations render this phrase “…more stout than his fellows”, or “…more imposing than his fellows.” The AntiChrist will be extremely proud. “…the king (the AntiChrist] shall do according to his own will: he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper.” (Da.11:36) He is going to be so proud, in fact, that he will eventually claim to be God himself. “…who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god or that is worshiped so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” (2Thes.2:4) The AntiChrist will be a military genius. The prophet Daniel of old describes several major wars that the AntiChrist fights against those who oppose him during the last three and a half years of his reign. “…he will be a master of deception, defeating many by catching them off guard as they bask in false security. Without warning he will destroy them.” (Da.8:25, TLB) “…they worshiped the beast saying, who is like the Beast? Who is able to make war with him?” (Rev.13:4) The AntiChrist will not care for the traditions of his ancestors or what women desire. “…he shall regard neither the God of his forefathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall exalt himself above them all.” (Da.11:37) This verse could mean that the AntiChrist might be either celibate or a homo/bisexual or both, and he will not have any sincere interest in family affairs and security, child care or heterosocial harmony. He will debunk all religion, albeit stage-wise and diplomatically at first, and promote ‘Socialist Democracy’ as the new world religion in the guise of freedom and equality, human rights, etc. The AntiChrist will have supernatural powers. These are given him by Satan himself and could well be inculcated physically as well as spiritually and mentally. “…his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy

brilliantly, and shall prosper…” (Da.8:24, KJV) The AntiChrist will be a man of force and perverse ways. Throughout the Book of Revelation he is referred to as ‘the Beast’; and by whose power will he prosper? Not by his own, and definitely not by God’s, but by exclusive direct contact with Satan, alien heritage, and occult black magic! He will make all the despots of history seem like altar boys in comparison: imagine that! He will be the Devil’s own man, the false messiah, and through deviltry and witchcraft and all that is evil, he will take control of the world. “The Dragon [Devil] gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.” (Rev.13:2) “…even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.” (2Thes.2:9 KJV) He will astonish the world with his devices. “I saw [The AntiChrist], as it were wounded to death: and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the Beast.” (Rev.13:3 KJV) For a short time, through The AntiChrist, the Devil is finally going to get what he’s been after all the time: kingship of the entire world; and he’s going to rule the world with tremendous power. “…power was given him over all kindred, and tongues, and nations. and all that dwell upon the Earth shall worship him, who‘s names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb *Jesus+.” (Rev.13:7-8, KJV) God put these descriptions of The AntiChrist and his reign in the Bible not to cause us to be fearful, but to help us to recognize him and be prepared for the things we as saints must go through as we conduct the Great Harvest of Souls under these most adverse conditions. “You are all children of the light and of the day, so be on your guard, not asleep like the others. Watch for his [Jesus’] return and stay sober.” (1Thes.5:5-6, TLB). Know that the appearance of The AntiChrist signals Jesus’ soon return, to rescue his own, and being prepared in faith will help carry us through: the sooner the Devil appears in the form of The AntiChrist, the sooner Jesus will return! Mind you, the Beast is yet to come and we are to be vigilant and prayerful concerning same (1Jn.2:18). So what we are saying here is that one of the final signs of the end of man’s rule on Earth, to which the Bible devotes numerous chapters, is the rise of a one-world government headed by this Devil-possessed tyrant The AntiChrist or the Beast, as we have now seen and become somewhat more familiar with. The 13th chapter of the Book of Revelation says that the world is going to actually worship Satan in the person of this bestial world leader. “…and they worshipped the Dragon

[the Devil], which gave power unto the beast [The AntiChrist] and they worshipped the Beast.” (Rev.13:4, KJV) Furthermore, the Bible also tells us that The AntiChrist is not working alone. Just as God works through HSP of Heavenly forces in cooperation with his children on Earth to accomplish his purposes, the Devil works through his demons and people on Earth who are under his control like the Memphis Group and the Illuminate. So even though The AntiChrist hasn’t yet taken personal control of the world government in UNO, there are many indications that the spiritual forces behind him through the many different historical personages and events, are steadily gaining power and are busy influencing people’s thinking and actions in order to further his agenda. Those who serve The AntiChrist, either consciously or unwittingly, are lining things up for the grand entrance of this false 28halom: whether it’s through economic upheavals, war, ecological disasters brought on by the mishandling of the world’s resources, or technological advances, or whatever, it’s all heading in the same direction and furthering the same evil purpose: to cause chaos and the ‘distress of nations’ (Lk.21:25) thus setting the stage for The AntiChrist’s takeover. F.ex., over the last 20-30 years antichrist agents in the financial sector have been destabilizing national economies one by one, then allowing them to revive, and in the process taking control behind the scenes; with the economic markets more closely linked through globalization, they are now in a position to pull the plug on any or all of them at the same time and produce the desired result of control. However, most people are reluctant to give up their personal freedoms and countries have been reluctant to give up their sovereignty: before they will accept a global government, the situation will have to become extremely desperate. Now that’s why, when the time is right, those backing The AntiChrist will push the world over the brink and into total economic collapse. When then, the world is in economic ruin, antichrist agents will call for their superhero to put a stop to the chaos that he and their ilk have staged in the first place. By selective bias for industries and business that support them, they will offer to bail out the world and thus bring about a brief period of bogus world peace and stability. We cannot allow ourselves to become discouraged or confused as God’s representatives of ROD on Earth; although the immediate outlook is rather grim, it is possible to prepare for what’s ahead by staying close to Jesus, studying and

following his word. Saints can also take heart in knowing that a brighter day is coming when Jesus Christ returns to rescue his children out of The AntiChrist’s clutches and put an end to his reign of terror. A word of caution here: do not expect the unbelievers and the worldly people to understand or believe you, when you want to share this knowledge with them: they will not! They are busy working on the greatest UN stage-show and global event they could ever imagine; and the stage of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in Israel is rapidly being set for the world to accept antichrist global leadership. The Zionists will betray the world and accept the final version of the Jerusalem Peace Accord: something many people vainly hope and long for. The Bible indicates that an ingenious seven-year peace agreement or ‘covenant’ will become pivotal for The AntiChrist’s claim to global leadership. This pact will temporarily resolve the current nagging Middle East crisis, working out a compromise between the Jews and the Arabs regarding Jerusalem and its holy sites: the main focal point being Mount Moriah, sacred to Jews, Arabs and Christians alike. Holy Scripture indicates the AntiChrist’s covenant will enable the Zionist Jews to rebuild the third temple, where they will revive their ancient rituals of animal sacrifice and Mosaic-Levite worship patterns as also outlined in the Book of the prophet Ezekiel. Scripture also further indicates that the leading nations of Europe will be key players in The AntiChrist‘s world government, and that their leaders will fully unite behind him. “…these have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast…” (Da.8:23-25; 9:27; 2Thes.2:1-4; Ez.38:2; Rev.17:13, KJV) Although most of the world will initially greet the Beast as a political 29halom, three-and-a-half years after the enactment of the seven-year peace-accord through the UN, he will have become powerful enough to revoke the peace accord and show his true colour. He will criminalize all religions, except the worship of himself and his image, possibly a supercomputer controlled 3D hologram of some kind, that will be empowered to speak and cause those who refuse to worship it to be killed. (Rev.13:14-15, KJV) Jesus said that when we see this holographic image, ‘the abomination of desolation’, spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place, the third temple soon to be erected on the Temple Mount that is, “…then shall be great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world.” It will be a time of ruthless repression and persecution of all believers in God, regardless of religion, by the Beast and his regime. (Da.7:21, 25; 8:23-24; 11:31-35; 12:10; Rev.13:5-7; Mt.24:15, 21, KJV)

It is during this time that The AntiChrist imposes his infamous ‘666’ global credit system, as I have described in other chapters, although it will be available by free choice quite some time before that. “…he (the false prophet and top aide to The AntiChrist or ‘Beast’; likely in the vein of a Vladimir Putin type and possibly the actual secretary general of the UNO) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom: let him who has understanding calculate the number of the Beast, for it is the number of a man: his number is 666.” (Rev.13:16-18) Without being excessively cryptic, all this points towards a sort of internet type registration that goes beyond mobile phones and GPS locators. As mentioned elsewhere, 666 brings to mind that humankind was created on the sixth day, the actual weight of the planet-mass of Earth is 666 sextillion tons, the famous tenet of Abraham Lincoln’s democracy: for the people, by the people and of the people; oodles of other thoughts on this cloaked enigma surge forward to perplex. But there is a specific and logical mapping of the actual control plan that even now may be studied and deciphered to make a chilling sense of this abject evil, disguised as progressive improvements for the global community. Have you heard, beloved, about the angel from Hell? Applied Digital Solutions (ADS), a NASDAQ-traded technology company, has announced its acquisition of the patent rights to a miniature digital transceiver, which the company has nicknamed Digital Angel®, capable of both sending and receiving data: the device is designed to be implanted in humans and animals. More benevolent applications include providing a tamper-proof means of identification for credit and other purposes, locating lost persons and lost or stolen property, and monitoring medical conditions of at-risk patients. When implanted in the body, the device is powered electromagnetically through the movement of muscles, and can be activated by either the wearer or the monitoring facility. Global positioning and retrieving satellites will continuously track the transceivers signals, just like we see in the movies where spies plant tracking devices on each other and suspects. An ADS prospectus explains: “…while a number of other tracking and monitoring technologies have been patented and marketed in the past, they are all unsuitable for the widespread tracking, recovery, and identification of people due to a variety of limitations, includingunwieldy size,

maintenance requirements, insufficient or inconvenient power-supply and activation difficulties. For the first time in the history of location and monitoring technology, Digital Angel® overcomes these limitations. The company projects a global market for this technology in excess of US$ 100 billion.” To meet that projection, every human being on earth would need to get one of these implants: and that’s the entire idea. This monitoring technology is precisely what the AntiChrist and his government needs in order to implement their total control strategy because if you know where someone is located and can control their money, you are the boss! The mark of the Beast prophecy is therefore truly remarkable. Think about it: nearly 2,000 years ago the Apostle John, who prior to meeting Jesus had been a simple fisherman, predicts that a global economic system will one day be instituted in which everyone will be forced to receive a number implant, without which they will not be able to buy or sell! It is only since the advent of computers and electronic banking that this prophecy could be fulfilled. There are currently a number of methods commonly used for purchasing various items: we can use cash, we can write a check, or we can use a credit or debit card; another means of transferring money that is already being used in various countries, and is being promoted in many others, is the smart card connected with so called ‘internet E-wallets’. These look like an ordinary credit card, but there’s a big difference: they have a tiny computer chip embedded in their plastic. These electronic marvels not only give you instant access to your bank account, but they can also contain all your passport information, your medical records, driver’s license, photographs, welfare eligibility and all sorts of other data. Millions of health smart cards are in use in France, Canada, Germany and Britain among others today. Vested interest groups are well on the way to eliminating cash: advocates of a cashless society offer many compelling reasons why: a primary one is that cash is the ‘mother’s milk’ of drug smuggling syndicates, gun runners, human traffickers and illegal trader who often deal in cash, suitcases-full at a time. With no cash, illegal transactions at ground levels would be greatly hampered. In fact, law enforcement agencies say that to eliminate cash would eliminate most kinds of criminal activity and terrorism. While this is undoubtedly true, we must look beyond the immediate expediency of such technological symptomatic treatment for a very sick society and see what

other uses this will bring. Albeit, our own personal microchip implant will soon become reality for us to accept or reject, as there will be free choice at first: before cash, checks and credit cards can be phased out completely, an absolutely foolproof identification system must be developed and implemented. Retailers must be sure that the person presenting a card or whatever for a transaction is actually the owner of the card or procedure chip in question; as we all know, credit card fraud is rampant and quite successful in spite of many safeguards. Nevertheless, a global cashless society is in the making: fibre optics, satellites and computer databases have the potential to be used in control the world and populations in a way that boggles the imagination. Permit me to further embellish this sinister concept of the coming cashless society. As already pointed out, new technology for a cashless society is marching right in step with other moves toward the coming antichrist world government. Have you ever realized that until recently the switch to electronic commerce had been slow and gradual, F.ex, but since the last few years E-commerce and MLM companies through technological leaps and bounds are staggering the imagination of ordinary citizens. Although, many say the social enjoyment of actual shopping cannot be replaced with virtual shopping, but more and more people like the speed and convenience of electronic commerce, in spite of being comfortable with the way things have been all their lives. Furthermore, with the application of binary networking benefits for the so called ‘early-birds’ of E-commerce and paid ‘advertising view marketing’ distributed directly to the consumer, 100% success is guaranteed eventually. (Da.11:21-24) Obviously when E-commerce dominates, many big retailers and trading houses will fall, because they cannot compete with the economic excellence of this sinister plan. Malls, chain retailers, and such will simply crash and vanish after the manner of the small local retailers who similarly succumbed to the big boys of the ‘Malls’ previously. E-commerce has no need for gargantuan overheads to sustain large labour forces, rents, taxes, electricity bills, advertising, transportation logistics and warehousing, credit ratings and cash transactions, plus a plethora of related headaches on a daily basis. Much of the mid-level management will become obsolete and free up overhead costs to make products and profits conveniently more attractive in the realm of Ecommerce. Affordability for the consumer, where the spoils of the retail giants are

distributed among them via direct purchases in a horizontal marketing structure via sustainable binary networking, instead of the old vertical structure of inept, useless and expensive management whose expenses are inculcated into the product cost and paid for by the consumer, will be the final determining factor that sways the public in favour of the new system infrastructure! It is true that for hundreds of years, the world has operated on cash: bills and coins that are tangible and give people a sense of truly possessing. In that respect, the world hasn’t changed much in thousands of years, since coins were first minted. Many people are still uneasy with the idea of a computerized card or chip linking them to their invisible wealth. For them cash still the way, and so they can for a while still withdraw cash from their E-wallets to their bank accounts and from there to their pockets. But sooner or later, say perhaps within another 5-10 years even that will be eliminated worldwide. As the time draws nearer, the AntiChrist must speed up the move toward a cashless economy by proving to the world that it needs his ‘mark of the beast’ or ‘666’ financial system (Rev.13:16-18). To do that, he already uses economic crisis after crisis in the financial systems of the nations of the world. One such crisis will be a soon-to-come nearly global economic crash: ‘the recession of all recessions’, if you like. He will use this irrecoverable crash to overcome the inertia of the status quo, which radical intervention changes the present way too slowly progress of the masses to suit Satan’s purposes and fit his time frame. Other factors and developments will also make this new economic system seem necessary. Governments will embrace it as the means of cracking down on crime and terrorism, by cutting government spending and trimming bureaucracy. Businesses will embrace it as a means of instant payment and automated inventory and accounting, reducing their expenses and thereby increasing profits; whereas the masses will embrace it for its speed, convenience, security, and ease. There will be many apparent advantages. However, a drawback to this seemingly progressive advance of the antichrist new monetary system, whereby they will profess to fix the world’s economic woes, is that those who want to be a part of this new economy and society will eventually be compelled to receive the ‘Mark of-the Beast’ in their right hand or forehead: probably in the form of a tiny computerized chip bearing all the personal, financial, and medical information of an individual, as previously discussed, making it possible for the new world order to be able to monitor everyone’s every move.

In fact, a few people have already taken the step of receiving computer chip implants: chipping of people began quietly in the USA in May 2002, with the chipping of the Jacobs family. This otherwise normal family of four and several other volunteers had unique identifier chips, named VeriChip, injected under their skin. The VeriChip, produced and marketed by Applied Digital Solutions, is about the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen and can be read by a handheld VeriChip scanner. How long will it be till this chipping of people becomes the norm and widely used to facilitate daily business such as shopping and banking? Digital Angel, Inc. (NASDAQ: DIGA) develops global positioning satellite (GPS) and radio frequency identification (RFID) technology products for consumer, commercial, and government sectors worldwide. Headquartered in Delray Beach, Florida, their products include RFID applications, end-to-end food safety systems, GPS/Satellite communications, and telecommunication, security infrastructure and the controversial VeriChip human implant. Applications for this burgeoning technology include pets, wildlife and livestock identification using implantable microchips, scanners and antennas. Digital Angel has manufactured RFID microchips for millions of pets throughout the world; providing those with unalterable and permanent identification should they become lost or stolen. Digital Angel makes RFID products for farmers, ranchers, sale barns and other livestock producers to identify and track animals. Digital Angel has developed GPS search and rescue beacons that integrate geosynchronous communications for use by the military and the private sector to track aircraft, ships and other high value assets. ‘VeriChip’ was the only Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved human-implantable radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip. It was marketed by PositiveID, a subsidiary of Applied Digital Solutions, and it received United States FDA approval in 2004. Its manufacture and marketing of the then model type were discontinued in 2010. About twice the length of a dime, the early device was typically implanted between the shoulder and elbow area of an individual’s right arm. Once scanned at the proper frequency, the VeriChip responds with a unique 16 digit number which could be then linked with information about the user held on a database for identity verification, medical records access and other uses. The insertion procedure was performed under local anesthetic in a physician’s office. As an implanted device used for identification by a third party, it had generated controversy and debate.

Finally now, year 2012, there is a tamper-proof identification device from VeriChip Corporation, www.verichipcorp.com that is implanted under the skin of a person for medical or security purposes. Using RFID technology, a wand is waved over the skin to pick up the unique number stored in the chip, which is now no larger than the tip of a ball point pen. http://www.answers.com/topic/verichip#ixzz1cct6DiKs There’s just too much evidence to discard the possibility that the Mark of the Beast is a sub-dermal microchip implant, namely the VeriChip implant. In fact, the language in the Book of Revelation strongly supports such an idea. RFID, which stands for Radio Frequency Identification, is currently making leaps and bounds as a replacement for the common barcode. RFID is also being hyped as the next big thing in personal identification. There are two types of RFID microchips (a.k.a. tags or transponders) in development, passive and active. The barcode replacements and current versions of the VeriChip implant are passive transponders. A passive transponder requires an outside source of energy to activate. A burst of energy within a close distance (usually a few inches) charges the microchip enough to respond with whatever information is stored on it. In the case of the VeriChip, that information is a 16 digit identification number which is then cross referenced against a database for unlimited amounts of information. In contrast, active RFID tags have their own power supply and require no outside energy to broadcast their information. Because this type of microchip will soon be available to be implanted in human bodies, an internal renewable power supply is a must. This is a major challenge and is also big business. Commercial devices are coming to market, which will be surgically implanted and require some sort of power supply. This is nothing new, consider the pacemaker. The big difference though is that a pacemaker runs on batteries, and batteries need to be replaced. Replacement requires another costly operation, which inherently involves risk. The point of an internal renewable power supply is that the batteries will never have to be replaced. There is already existing technology that provides a means of creating an electrical current through the process of temperature change. The Mark of the Beast is said to be in the hand or forehead and it is no surprise that these are prime areas for hot and cold changes. Thermo Life, owned by Applied Digital Solutions through its purchase of eXI Wireless, is a technology that converts temperature change into electricity. Consider the following: “This next-generation Thermo Life™ is a direct result of VeriChip Corp’s acquisition of eXI Wireless; knowing that the acquisition was in the

process, our research and development personnel aimed to improve the Thermo Life™ product to provide a potential power source for an active RFID tag for People.” Scott R. Silverman, Chairman and CEO of Applied Digital… Thermo Life is a permanent power supply that operates off temperature fluctuations in the human body. One of the main advantages of a powered (active) RFID implant is to allow for tracking. In fact, Applied Digital Solutions is currently hard at work incorporating GPRS into their VeriChip for the allowance of global tracking. Thermo Life will likely power these devices. The name alone is reminiscent of eternal hell fire, exactly what partakers of the Mark of the Beast can look forward to. Applied Digital Solutions has already been successful in marketing and developing external devices that track people at small and large scales. Their Hugs and HALO products track newborns while in the hospital. RoamAlert and WatchMate are external devices used for security or ‘Wander Prevention.’ Not long ago their VeriKid product tracked children in urban environments, but they have since pulled this product, likely until the market is able to accept it more readily. It was easy to see the similarities between VeriKid and the Mark of the Beast. The tracking doesn’t stop at geographic location either. Heart rate, breathing, temperature, sleep, and consciousness can all be monitored from any remote location. All of this is already being used in real world applications. Why Applied Digital Solutions, why VeriChip Corp, why not some other company or device? Because Applied Digital Solutions holds the patent to “A transceiver device implantable in a human body comprising: a trigger-able radio frequency transmitter, a power source for powering said transmitter, triggering means for activating said transmitter, receiver means allowing the detection of an externally generated information signal...” That covers the complete operation of the RFID microchip and the device to read its signal. No company can legally step in and manufacture a similar device. And the patent is absolutely correct when it states that “The device meets the growing demand for a new level of safety and peace of mind.” This device is here to stay. The first people to receive the VeriChip in large numbers will be those who society feels need a watchful eye; children, the elderly, immigrants, prisoners and paroled criminals are all likely candidates, and the list goes on. Police officers and gun owners could also be some of the first to accept the implant. A microchip in the hand and another in the gun would allow only the owner to fire the weapon, thereby reducing accidental death and increasing safety. VeriChip Corp is already marketing to a diverse range of individuals. The microchip

implant seems ready to go, so what’s left before mass adoption? Active RFID, GPRS, and security are all likely to be rolled into next upcoming generations of the chip almost in the market. Security is probably the biggest factor since the current generation of the VeriChip has already proven to be insecure. And there’s no room for error when finances and identification are at stake. Expect to see large scale applications in animal ‘chipping’, both in pets and livestock. These are perfect pilot programs to test and refine a system that will be used on the populace. Criminals will follow since they have no choice in the matter, and children will come next as the fears of parents are increasingly preyed upon. All the while a restless and rebellious segment of the general population will be getting chipped because they think, it’s ‘cool’. So what am I saying? Well, Satan has always wanted to be God. This is why he fell from God’s grace and position in the first place. The prophet Isaiah wrote, “How you are fallen from Heaven, 0 Lucifer Son of the Morning! You said to yourself, ‘I will ascend to Heaven and rule the angels. I will take the highest throne. I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the most high.’ But instead, you will be brought down to the pit of Hell, down to its lowest depths.” (Is.14:12-15, TLB) Saints must keep in mind that this is what Satan is really after when he causes his son, the AntiChrist, to set up the coming one-world credit system: to force the people of the world to bow down and worship him: so watch out for 666! There will be more to accepting the ‘Mark of the Beast’ than merely an economic decision. Though disguised as a technological breakthrough for the betterment of society and empowerment of consumers, voluntarily receiving it will primarily be a spiritual decision to accept and worship the demonic AntiChrist. Note well why the Bible warns, “If any man worships the Beast and his image, and receives his mark in his forehead or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the Beast and his image, and whosoever receives the mark of his name.” (Rev.14:9-11, KJV) God would not mete out such stiff punishment for simply accepting an identification and credit mark that allows you to buy groceries! So how does all this relate to Jerusalem and the return of Jesus at this prime location? How can the Wizard of Noph and his Memphis Group get control of the entire world and headquarter in Jerusalem? Allow some more details concerning the third temple and the last seven years before Jesus actually sets his blessed foot

on the Mount of Olives upon his return. According to Bible prophecy, the event that will clearly mark the start of the AntiChrist’s seven-year reign is the signing of a pact or agreement or accord or say ‘covenant’: “He [the AntiChrist] shall confirm a covenant with many for one [prophetic] week [seven solar calendar years].” (Da.9:27); because the accord is called a ‘holy covenant’ in Da.11:21-33, it obviously has something to do with religion or religious rights. The Jerusalem Peace Accord will, in part, make it possible for the Jews to build their third temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. The rebuilding of the temple is an important Endtime event, because it is crucial to other key Bible prophecies, some of which also involve the ancient Jewish practice of blood offerings, which can only be carried out in the temple in Jerusalem: blood offerings ceased in 70 ad, when the Romans razed the second temple and has become an absolute must for the religious antichrist Zionist factions of Israel. As we all well know, the first temple was built under the direction of King Solomon and dedicated in BC 960 (1Ch.22:1-19; 1Kg.5-7). In order to facilitate the building of the first temple, a retaining wall was built around the summit of Mount Moriah, and the area inside the wall is what is known as the court of the Gentiles; part of this retaining wall, referred to in recent centuries as ‘the Wailing Wall’, remains today. The foundation of the ancient temple’s altar was the rock upon which Abraham started to sacrifice Isaac. Unfortunately, after looting the temple during his first attack (2Kg.24:13), Babylon’s king Nabu Chad Nasser burned it to the ground in BC 586. (2Kg.25:9, 13- 17) Cyrus, king of Persia (who conquered Babylon), authorized the return of the Jewish captives, the return of the temple vessels Nabu Chad Nasser (Nebuchadnezzar) had looted, and the reconstruction of the temple, which was finished in BC 516 (Ezra 1). Herod the Great, the Rome-appointed client-king of Judea, began enlarging and beautifying the second temple complex. The project was completed in AD 64, during the rule of Agrippa 2nd; the temple was razed by the Romans only six years later, fulfilling Jesus’ prophecy in Mt.24:2 “Do you not see all these [temple buildings]? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” Abdul Malik, the fifth caliph of the Arab Umayyad Dynasty, built a shrine called the Dome of the Rock over the ground rock that he believed was previously the altar rock in the Jewish temple, a site that is also sacred to Muslims because it is from

here that the prophet Mohammad is believed to have made his Miraaj, or night journey, into the heavens. The Dome of the Rock (Arabic: , ‫سجد م ب ة ق صخرة ال‬ translit: Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah, Hebrew: ‫ כיפת הסלע‬, translit: Kipat Hasela) is a shrine located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. The structure has been refurbished many times since its initial completion in 691 CE at the order of Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik. The site’s significance stems from religious traditions regarding the rock, known as the Foundation Stone, at its heart. The Dome of the Rock still stands today; and this is the main crux of the problem in the property dispute: the Muslims will never agree to the destruction of the Dome of the Rock so the third Jewish temple can be built on this site, and it is extremely unlikely that the Jews would ever consider rebuilding their temple anywhere else than directly connected to the original first temple built by Solomon. The Dome of the Rock is in the centre of a greater Muslim shrine, known as the Haram ash Sharif (Noble Sanctuary), which Muslims believe commemorates Muhammad’s miraculous Night Journey into heaven. Later commentary by Muhammad, known as the hadith, has him name Jerusalem as the site of the Night Journey: “When the people of Quraysh did not believe me (i.e. the story of my Night Journey), I stood up in Al-Hijr and Allah displayed Jerusalem in front of me, and I began describing Jerusalem to them while I was looking at it.” (Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 226) The Dome of the Rock is located at the visual center of a platform known as the Temple Mount. It was constructed on the site of the Second Jewish Temple, which was destroyed during the Roman Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE.

Two recent developments are particularly significant to Bible prophecy, and both are related to the rebuilding of the Jewish temple: in January 2005, the New Sanhedrin (the highest ruling body and court of justice among the Jewish people) convened for the first time in 1,600 years. Two weeks later, on February 9, 2005, the New Sanhedrin began to consider the rebuilding of the temple and reinstitution of ancient animal sacrifices as commanded in the Law of Moses. The most difficult problem is to determine exactly where the previous temple’s foundations are. The New Sanhedrin determined that there are only two viable theories: one holds that

the temple stood where the Dome of the Rock now stands; the second theory holds that the temple stood north of the Dome of the Rock and any construction can thus touch the original wall of Solomon’s temple and thereby validate construction.

Dr. Asher Kaufman developed this second theory, based on certain archaeological findings. If the second theory proves satisfactory to the New Sanhedrin, it means the temple may be rebuilt alongside the Muslim Shrine without disturbing it. The fact that a re-established Sanhedrin is now considering the rebuilding of the original Solomon’s temple after 2700 years is extremely important to Bible prophecy, since it the setting in which the AntiChrist will base and perform his abominations.

Solomon’s Temple, also known as the First Temple, was the Holy Temple (Hebrew: ‫ ה ית‬: Bet HaMikdash) in ancient Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount (also known as Mount Zion), before its destruction by Nebuchadnezzar II after the Siege of Jerusalem of 587 BCE. According to the Hebrew Bible, the temple was constructed under Solomon, king of the Israelites. This would date its construction to the 10th century BCE, although it is probable that an earlier Jebusite sanctuary had stood on the site, since originally the Entire Jerusalem area and mount was the House of Jebus given to Noah and his Patriarchal Dynastic family, as mentioned in other chapters and books of the NSFD series. During the kingdom of Judah, the temple was dedicated to Yahweh, the God of Israel, and is said to have housed the Ark of the Covenant. Rabbinic sources state that the First Temple stood for 410 years and, based on the 2nd-century work Seder Olam Rabbah, place construction in 832 BCE and destruction in 422 BCE (3338 AM), 165 years later than secular estimates. Because of the religious sensitivities involved, and the politically volatile situation in East Jerusalem, only limited archaeological surveys of the Temple Mount have been conducted. No excavations have been allowed on the Temple Mount during modern times. There is currently no direct archaeological evidence for the existence of Solomon’s Temple, and no mentions of it in the surviving contemporary extra-biblical literature. An Ivory pomegranate mentions priests in the house of YHWH, and an inscription recording the Temple’s restoration under Jehoash have appeared on the antiquities market, but the authenticity of both has been challenged and they remain the subject of controversy. Another possible but disputed mention is in a Judean inscription, probably from the 7th century BCE, that refers to the “House of Yahweh” and a king called Ashyahu. In other words, since the exact location of the First Temple is unknown, it is only believed to have been situated upon the hill which forms the site of the 1st century Second Temple and present-day Temple Mount, where the Dome of the Rock is situated. However, two other, slightly different sites have been proposed on this same hill: one places the stone altar at the location of the rock which is now beneath the gilded dome, with the rest of the temple to the west. The Well of Souls was, according to this theory, a pit for the remnants of the blood services of the korbanot. The other theory places the Holy of Holies atop this rock. Still another location has recently been proposed between the Dome of the Rock and the gilded dome, based on orientation to the eastern wall, drainage channels, orientation of the platform stones, and the location of a possible Boaz pillar base.

The seemingly excessive flap about the precise location of the First Temple, and the Second Temple for that matter, may well appear to be boring archaeology to some. Nevertheless, it is actually of utmost importance in the prophetic aspects of the Endtime details concerning the soon to come construction of the Third Temple, which as we have said, will house the Abomination of Desolation by the AntiChrist, the Great Wizard of Noph, and play a pivotal role in the final witnessing scenario of the Two Last Prophets, who there testify against the AntiChrist during the last 42 months of the Jerusalem Accord. The Temple Mount, known in Hebrew (and in Judaism) as Har haB‫ב‬yith (Hebrew: ‫ ) ה ת י ה‬and in Arabic (and in Islam) as the Haram Ash-Sharif (Arabic: ‫ال سي ق د ال‬ ‫ ف شري الحرم‬, al-haram al-qudsī ash-sharīf, Noble Sanctuary), is one of the most important religious sites in the Old City of Jerusalem and it has been used as a religious site for thousands of years. At least four religions are known to have used the Temple Mount: Judaism, Christianity, Roman paganism, and Islam. Biblical scholars have often identified it with two biblical mountains of uncertain location: Mount Moriah where the binding of Isaac took place, and Mount Zion where the original Jebusite fortress stood; however, both interpretations are disputed. Judaism regards the Temple Mount as the place where God chose the Divine Presence to rest (Isa.8:18); according to the rabbinic sages whose debates produced the Talmud, it was from here the world expanded into its present form and where God gathered the dust used to create the first man, Adam. The site is the location of Abraham’s binding of Isaac, and of two Jewish Temples. According to the Bible the site should function as the center of all national life: a governmental, judicial and, of course, religious center (Deu.12:5-26; 14:23-25; 15:20; 16:2-16; 17:8-10; 26: 2; 31: 11; Isa 2: 2-5; Oba.1:21; Ps.48). During the Second Temple Period it functioned also as an economical center. From that location the word of God will come out to all nations, and that is the site where all prayers are focused. According to Jewish tradition and scripture (2Ch.3:12), the first temple was built by Solomon the son of David in 957 BCE and destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BCE. The second was constructed under the auspices of Zerubbabel in 516 BCE and destroyed by the Roman Empire in 70 CE. Jewish tradition maintains it is here the Third and final Temple will also be built. The location is the holiest site in Judaism and is the place Jews turn towards during prayer. Due to its extreme sanctity, many Jews will not walk on the Mount itself, to avoid unintentionally entering the area where the Holy of Holies stood, since according to rabbinical law, some aspect of the Divine Presence is still present at the site. It was from the Holy of Holies that the High Priest communicated directly

with God. In light of the dual claims of both Judaism and Islam, it is one of the most contested religious properties in the world. Since the Crusades, the Muslim community of Jerusalem has managed the site as a Waqf, without interruption. As part of the Old City controlled by Israel since 1967, both Israel and the Palestinian Authority claim sovereignty over the site, which remains a major focal point of the Arab-Israeli conflict. In an attempt to keep the status quo, the Israeli government enforces a controversial ban on prayer by non-Muslim visitors. Assuming colocation with the biblical Mount Zion, its southern section would have been walled at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BCE, in around 1850 BCE, by Canaanites who established a settlement there (or in the vicinity) named after their eldest leader, Jebus. The story of the reconciliation of Jebus with God and the House of Noah, where he made peace with God by complying with the curse give on his ancestor Canaan by Noah by bequeathing his lands and services to the Noahic Dynasty and its descendants in the covenant that became associated with and termed for the area as Jebus haShalom, or Jerusalem, is well given in the NSFD book ‘Escape from Babylon’. The hill is believed to have been inhabited since the 4th millennium BCE. Biblical scholars have also identified it with Mount Moriah where the binding of Isaac took place. According to the Hebrew Bible, Mount Moriah was originally a threshingfloor owned by Araunah, a Jebusite. The prophet Gad suggested the area to King David as a fitting place for the erection of an altar to YHWH, since it was there a destroying angel was standing when God stopped a great plague in Jerusalem. David then bought the property from Araunah, for fifty pieces of silver, and erected the altar. YHWH instructed David to build a sanctuary on the site, outside the city walls on the northern edge of the hill. The building was to replace the Tabernacle, and serve as the Temple of the Israelites in Jerusalem. Thus the Temple Mount is an important part of Biblical archaeology. During the 1967 Six-Day War Israel captured the Temple Mount together with all of East Jerusalem and the West Bank from Jordan, who had controlled it since 1948. The Chief Rabbi of the Israeli Defense Forces, Shlomo Goren, led the soldiers in religious celebrations on the Temple Mount and at the Western Wall. The Israeli Chief Rabbinate also declared a religious holiday on the anniversary, called “Yom Yerushalayim” (Jerusalem Day), which also became a national holiday that commemorates the reunification of the city. Many Jews saw the capture of

Jerusalem and the Temple Mount as a miraculous liberation of biblical-messianic proportion. A few days after the war was over 200,000 Jews flocked to the Western Wall in the first mass Jewish pilgrimage near the mount since the destruction of Temple in 69 CE. However, the Israeli government subsequently left the Islamic waqf in control of the site. The site has become a flash-point between Israel and the Muslim world. Between 1992 and 1994, the Jordanian government undertook the unprecedented step of gilding the dome of the Dome of the Rock, covering it with 5000 gold plates, and restoring and reinforcing the structure. The Salah Eddin minbar was also restored. The project was paid for by King Hussein personally, at a cost of $8 million. To recap the importance of the site: Jewish connection and veneration to the site arguably stems from the fact that it contains the Foundation Stone which, according to the rabbis of the Talmud, was the spot from where the world was created and expanded into its current form. It was subsequently the Holy of Holies of the Temple, the Most Holy Place in Judaism. Jewish tradition names it as the location for a number of important events which occurred in the Bible, including the Binding of Isaac, Jacob’s dream, and the prayer of Isaac and Rebekah. Similarly, when the Bible recounts that King David purchased a threshing floor owned by Araunah the Jebusite, tradition locates it as being on this mount. An early Jewish text, the Genesis Rabba, states that this site is one of three about which the nations of the world cannot taunt Israel and say “you have stolen them,” since it was purchased for its full price by David. As is well known by now and often has been said: David wanted to construct a sanctuary there, but this was left to his son Solomon, who completed the task in c. 950 BCE with the construction of the First Temple. As saints might well be pondering, what are we supposed to do in view of this prophetic information? The answer is simple: do not be fooled by the Zionist lies and propaganda concerning the Third Temple! This is a rank betrayal of God’s will to believe Jesus and his Messianic Mandate. The only viable alternative to an antichrist United Nations and ‘Socialist Democracy’ is the Royal Order of the House of David and the ‘HSP Monarchy’ of Jesus, the Holy Anointed One of Israel! We, the saints of Jesus who trust and believe to obey our Lord 100%, without reservation or hesitation, are expecting you to be led to us somehow through God’s HSP for salvation and preparation to meet and greet Jesus upon his return to Earth, to gather all of his saints for the ‘Great Rapture’ as described in the Bible. (Jn.6:37, 39,

44, 65; 10:30; 14:2-3; 17:24) The blasphemy of the Third Temple is also portrayed as a religious notion and desire in Judaism rooted and expressed in many of Judaism’s prayers for the return and rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem that had once stood as the First and Second Temples that were destroyed by the ancient Babylonians and the Romans. Since the destruction of the Second Temple in AD 70, religious Jews have expressed their desire to see the building of a Third Temple on the Temple Mount. Prayer for this is a formal part of the Jewish tradition of thrice daily Amidah prayer. Though it remains as yet un-built, the notion of and desire for a Third Temple is sacred in Zionist Judaism, particularly Orthodox Judaism, and anticipated as a soon to be built place of worship. The prophets in the Tanakh called for its construction to be fulfilled prior to, or in tandem with, the Messianic age. The rebuilding of the Third Temple also plays a major role in Endtime interpretations of our Christian eschatology. The Third Temple, or Ezekiel’s Temple (Hebrew: ‫ בית דש המ השלישי‬: Beit haMikdash haShlishi), is the future Third Jewish Holy Temple architecturally described in the Book of Ezekiel, a house of prayer for all people with a sacrificial service. It is noted by Ezekiel as an eternal edifice and permanent dwelling place of the God of Israel on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Architectural plans for the third Temple exist most notably in Chapters 40–47 of the Book of Ezekiel (Ezekiel’s vision pre-dates the Second Temple) and some scholars entertain the notion that the Temple Scroll also describes the Third Temple. Since a number of Jewish scholars have stated that the deadline for the arrival of the Jewish Messiah is the Jewish Year 6000 (2240 CE), this would also seem to be a deadline for beginning the construction of the Third Temple. Orthodox Zionist Judaism believes in the rebuilding of a Third Temple and the resumption of sacrificial worship, although there is disagreement about how rebuilding should take place. Orthodox scholars and rabbinic authorities generally believe that rebuilding should occur in the era of the Jewish Messiah at the hand of Divine Providence, although a minority position, following the opinion of Maimonides, holds that Jews should 45halom45d to rebuild the temple themselves, whenever possible. Orthodox authorities generally predict the resumption of the complete traditional system of sacrifices, but Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist authorities disavow all belief in the resumption of Korban. This belief is embedded in Orthodox Jewish prayer services. Three times a day, Orthodox Jews pray the Amidah, which contains prayers for the Temple’s

restoration and for sacrificial worship’s resumption, and every day there is a recitation of the order of the day’s sacrifices and the psalms the Levites would have sung that day. The generally accepted position among Orthodox Jews is that the full order of the sacrifices will be resumed upon the building of the Third Temple. Although Maimonides wrote in his early work ‘A Guide for the Perplexed’ ‘that God deliberately has moved Jews away from sacrifices towards prayer, as prayer is a higher form of worship’; however his definitive book ‘Mishneh Torah’, which is considered by some to be the final authority on Jewish law, states that animal sacrifices will resume in the third temple, and details how they will be carried out. Such reasoning and doctrine is to Messianic IHR (Israel’s Holy Remnant) saints and the general body of believers in the world crass heresy and obvious blasphemy in view of the NT Apodoc scriptures and Old Testament prophecies that forms our basic belief and faith foundation. What then should saints do, in order not to be moved? All we have to do is believe and receive the truth, then God will do the rest; and you can start by saying this simple prayer with me: “Dear Jesus, Lord, please come into my heart, I open my door for you! Forgive me my sins, and cleanse my heart in your blood to create a new spirit within me; let your Holy Spirit teach me to love God our Father and to believe him; fill me with God’s love to overflowing unto others, and grant me the spiritual gifts as promised in your testimony recorded by the Apostles. Let my innermost self be filled with a craving for God’s word and maturity in passing onto others that, which you give me for the glorification of God; help me to find the place you have for me in our Father’s Kingdom, and grant me to make a credible testimony of faith workable in love even unto the end; that I may be found standing in faith to receive you upon you return in God’s glory. Amen.”

Excerpts from the book “Unveiling the Final AntiChrist“ http://issuu.com/dw.praymore/docs/1._intro_and_preface_ed

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