Engine Repair Test - A1
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Automotive Service Excellence Certification Program ........................................................................................................................ 1 The Automotive Service Excellence ..................................................................................... 2 Sample Questions on the Automotive Service Excellence Program ................................... 4 Chapter 2: Introduction to Test A1: Engine Repair .............................................................. 7 Understanding the Test Prep Engine Repair Study Guide ................................................... 7 Types of Questions to Expect............................................................................................... 8 Summary ............................................................................................................................12 Chapter 3: Engine Repair Test A1 Overview ..................................................................... 15 Unit 1: Understanding the Content Structure of the Engine Repair Test A1 ....................15 Unit 2: Basic Engine Theory and the Definition of Major Engine Components.................20 Unit 3: Engine Designs and Classifications .........................................................................26 Questions for Chapter Three .............................................................................................34 Chapter 4: General Engine Diagnosis ................................................................................ 37 Unit 1: Verifying a Client’s Complaint and Performing Mechanical Diagnosis ..................38 Sample General Engine Diagnosis Test Questions for Practice .........................................64 Chapter 5: Cylinder Head and Valve Train Diagnosis and Repair ....................................... 67 Unit 1: Cylinder Head Function and construction .............................................................68 Summary ............................................................................................................................93 Sample Cylinder Head and Valve Train Repair Test Questions .........................................95 Chapter 6: Engine Block Diagnosis and Repair .................................................................. 98 Unit 1: The Engine Block Functions and Construction .......................................................98 Summary ..........................................................................................................................120 Sample Engine Block Diagnosis and Repair Test Questions ............................................122
Chapter 7: Lubrication and Cooling Systems Diagnosis and Repair ................................. 125 Unit 1: Introducing the Lubrication and Cooling System .................................................126 Summary ..........................................................................................................................141 Sample Lubrication and Cooling Systems Diagnosis and Repair Test Questions ............143 Chapter 8: Fuel, Electrical, Ignition and Exhaust Systems Inspection and Service............ 146 Summary ..........................................................................................................................154 Sample Fuel, Electrical, Ignition, and Exhaust Systems Inspection and Service Questions ...................................................................................................................155 Chapter 9: Your Automotive Service Excellence Test Results and the Certification Ladder ...................................................................................................................... 158 How to Prepare for the Automotive Service Excellence Test ..........................................158 Questions for Chapter 9 ...................................................................................................159 Chapter 10: Understanding Your Test Results ................................................................. 162 The Automotive Service Excellence Certification Program Career Ladder .....................162 Chapter Ten Sample Questions .......................................................................................163 Sample Questions Engine Repair Test A1 ........................................................................ 166 Answers to Chapter One Sample Question ..................................................................... 195 Answers to Chapter Two ................................................................................................ 196 Answers to Chapter Three .............................................................................................. 197 Answers to Chapter Four ................................................................................................ 198 Answers to Chapter Five ................................................................................................. 199 Answers to Chapter Six ................................................................................................... 200 Answers to Chapter Seven .............................................................................................. 201 Answers to Chapter Eight ............................................................................................... 203
Answers to Chapter Nine ................................................................................................ 204 Answers to Chapter Ten ................................................................................................. 205 Answers to the Sample Questions of the Engine Repair Test A1 .................................... 206
CHAPTER 1: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Chapter Overview: In chapter one of this AudioLearn study guide, you will be introduced to the Automotive Service Excellence certification program: the exam details, its history, and what the first test in the series is all about. Prepare to learn about the Automotive Service Excellence organization and the Engine Repair Test. The early seventies (70s) was a difficult time for automobile owners in search of professional technicians in the automotive repair industry. These difficulties were due to the fact that anyone could pass themselves off as a professional technician without needing documentation to prove their abilities. As expected, the lack of official papers confirming a person’s abilities as an experienced technician encouraged fraudulent individuals to take advantage of desperate automobile owners, which caused large-scale confrontations. In order to avoid future problems between repair technicians and owners of automobiles, the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence was formed. The formation of the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence in nineteen seventy-two (1972) was a non-profit effort aimed at sanitizing the vehicle repair industry for its customers. But the early years of the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence were problematic. The problems the organization faced were due to the body creating tests and scoring schemes that favored the technicians. At that time, auto repair technicians formed the core parts of the organization and were responsible for all aspects of the certification program. Therefore, cheating was rampant and this called for the need of an intervention to clean up the certification process. Finally, the result of the intervention that eliminated the preferences members enjoyed led to the creation of the Automotive Service Excellence organization as we know it today.
THE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE Today, the Automotive Service Excellence organization serves as the recognized organization for testing the abilities of automotive repair technicians across the United States. The organization conducts the certification exams you are currently interested in taking twice a year. These exams are conducted in over seven hundred locations across the United States. It is important to know that participants who successfully pass the exams are also required to provide proof of work experience. The proof to be provided is a two-year working experience in a field related to the exam taken. Upon providing the needed details, the candidate will be officially awarded an Automotive Service Excellence certification.
WHO IS A CANDIDATE? Candidates eligible to participate in any Automotive Service Excellence Certification program come from all works of life. As long as you’re interested in the automotive industry or want to serve as a repair technician, the certification programs are tailored to suit your needs. The starting point of the Automotive Service Excellence certification program does not require interested candidates to have passed any prerequisite courses. This means that anyone could sit for the initial certification exam without a GED or any equivalent educational accomplishments. All that is required is a healthy interest in automotive repairs and learning the relevant diagnosis and repair techniques before seating for the tests. Experienced technicians are not left out, however. Any experienced technician interested in securing an official certification that highlights their abilities can also participate in the Automotive Service Excellence certification program.
THE ADVANTAGES OF ACQUIRING AN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATE Acquiring an Automotive Service Excellence Certificate comes with a set of advantages to both individual technicians and auto repair businesses. The advantages for individual auto repair technicians include the following: 2
A. Automotive Service Excellence certified technicians are trusted more by consumers. B. An Automotive Service Excellence Certificate gives you an edge over other candidates when applying for auto repair jobs. C. Acquiring an Automotive Service Excellence Certificate tells interested parties, such as clients, that you value your professional growth and development. D. The Automotive Service Excellence program provides experienced technicians with the opportunity to certify the hands-on skill sets they have picked up on the job. As stated earlier, the advantages also extend to businesses that provide automotive repair services. The benefits businesses stand to gain from having certified technicians include the following: A. An enhanced reputation in the automotive repair industry. B. The trust of customers looking for a dedicated service and repair station to use. C. Organizations looking to outsource or hire automotive repair service providers, on long-term contracts, give preferences to businesses with certified technicians. Earning an Automotive Service Excellence certificate comes with a lot of prestige. This is why certified individual technicians and auto repair business owners prominently display their certificates for customers to see.
5. Do prospective candidates need to have passed any prerequisite courses to sit for Automotive Service Excellence exams? A. Yes, a GED is needed B. Yes, a diploma is required C. No, there are no prerequisites D. No, but work-related experience is required 6. Are experienced technicians exempted from the Automotive Service Excellence certification program? A. Yes B. No C. Yes, but with conditions D. Yes, and with no conditions 7. What is the advantage of getting Automotive Service Excellence certification for individuals? A. It certifies your skills to customers B. It reduces your profile C. It slows your professional growth D. It hampers your ability 8. What is the advantage of getting Automotive Service Excellence certification for businesses? A. Reduces a business’s chances to succeed B. Enhanced reputation in the automotive industry C. Eliminates the competition D. Negatively affects the finances of the business
9. What type of work experience is needed to become certified? A. Work experience in the automotive repair industry B. Work experience in engineering C. Work experience in aviation D. Work experience in construction 10. What is the least likely benefit of acquiring the Automotive Service Excellence certificate? A. An enhanced reputation B. Certify your abilities C. Enhances your earning potential D. Earns you a certificate
CHAPTER 2: INTRODUCTION TO TEST A1: ENGINE REPAIR Overview of Chapter Two: Chapter two of this AudioLearn study guide will focus on introducing you to the first test under the Car and Light Truck Repair Test Series. This chapter will touch on what the syllabus of the Engine Repair test is all about. You will also have to answer sample test questions at the end of this chapter. Welcome to chapter two of this AudioLearn study guide. In this chapter, you'll be introduced to all that the Automotive Service Excellence Engine Repair test is about. The objectives of this chapter include the following: The Objectives: After completing this chapter, you would understand what the Engine Repair test (otherwise known as Test A1) is all about. A. The Automotive Service Excellence question format for Test A1 (Engine Repair) B. You would also understand how this study guide will aid your preparation, C. What is contained in the study guide, and D. The benefits of the study guide.
UNDERSTANDING THE TEST PREP ENGINE REPAIR STUDY GUIDE This AudioLearn study guide is a comprehensive manual for understanding and preparing for the Automotive Service Excellence certification exams. It is structured to provide the reading materials and diagrams you will need to understand key concepts and ideas relating to engine repairs. The Study guide is divided into different chapters that cover all the specific question sections covered in the Engine Repair test paper. These chapters are further divided into important units that make the guide easy to navigate and simplify the reading process. At the end of every chapter, a series of practice questions have been provided to help you
keep track of all you have learned. Finally, this AudioLearn study guide is rounded up with a hundred sample questions covering all the sections in the Engine Repair Test A1.
ENGINE REPAIR (TEST A1) Engine Repair is the first test under the ‘Car and Light Truck Certification Tests’ series. As the name ‘Engine Repair’ suggests, it is a comprehensive test that assesses your knowledge about engines, diagnosing faulty engines, and repairing them. Test A1 or Engine repair test questions are multiple-choice questions. These multiple-choice questions are sixty in number and are categorized under five sections. Students are expected to answer all these questions in one hour twenty-five minutes.
TYPES OF QUESTIONS TO EXPECT The multiple-choice questions of the Engine Repair certification test are written or asked in four major formats. The following questions you would be asked to solve may also come with illustrations that serve as the basis for answering that particular question. The question formats used by the Automotive Service Excellence certification test are: A. ‘Technician A, Technician B’ format A. The format of Exceptions, B. Most-likely format, and C. Least-likely format. ‘Technician A, Technician B’ types of questions task you with picking a side when two technicians have different solutions to an engine-related problem. Basically, questions in these format state that ‘Technician A says the sky is blue while Technician B states that the sky is grey. Taking a look at the sky, who is right?’ Multiple-choice answers that include answers ranging from A, B, C, to D will then be provided for you to choose from. It is also worth noting that the answers you are provided would always include double-right and double-false options for you to choose from. Therefore, it is expected that you read and truly understand both statements before attempting to answer the question. Here is an example: 8
In a workshop, how an internal combustion engine works is being discussed. Technician A says that an engine where combustion occurs outside its combustion chamber is also an internal combustion engine. Technician B states that an internal combustion engine is one where combustion takes place only within its combustion chamber. Who is correct? A. Technician A only A. Technician B only B. Both Technician A and B C. Neither Technician A and B The Answer: B, because an internal combustion engine is one where the combustion process occurs only within its combustion chamber. A isn’t correct because Technician A claims that combustions that occur outside an engine’s combustion chamber also make it an internal combustion engine. C is also wrong because of the statement of Technician A, and D is wrong because Technician A is right.
EXCEPTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS The exception question format consists of four answers to the questions asked. Three are correct and one is wrong. You are expected to choose the exception or the answer that does not correctly answer the question asked. With this type of question, the word ‘EXCEPT’ is always written in capital letters to help you recognize questions in this format. Here is an example of an ‘Except’ question: The following parts are components of an internal combustion engine EXCEPT? A. Camshaft B. Crankshaft C. Engine Block D. Speedometer The answer: is obviously D because a speedometer does not form any part of an internal combustion engine. The other three options, namely the camshaft, crankshaft and engine block, are components that make up the design of an internal combustion engine.
MOST LIKELY QUESTIONS The hardest questions you are most likely to come across are ironically the ‘most likely’ questions included by the Automotive Service Excellence in the Engine Repair test. These questions are difficult because all the provided answers are structurally correct but you are still expected to choose the most correct answer. Here, your knowledge of engine repair will be put to the test, as well as your ability to be analytical. To better understand the most likely question format, here is an example: The most likely cause of oil leakage from an engine block is: A. A blown gasket A. A poorly fit oil filter B. A bad engine C. Overheating The Answer: is B because a leaking oil filter causes oil to leak immediately. While all answers are adequate reasons for oil leakage, they are not the most likely or common diagnosis that leads to oil leaks. Here, you can see that an in-depth knowledge of oil leakage is needed to successfully analyze questions written using the most likely format. Finally, it is also worth noting that for most likely questions, the term ‘Most Likely’ will not be written in capital letters. Therefore, you must remain vigilant throughout the duration of the test.
LEAST LIKELY QUESTION FORMAT Least likely questions are the direct opposite of the ‘most likely’ question format in terms of how the correct answer is chosen. Questions that follow the least likely format also have answers that are all structurally correct. But in this case, your task will be focused on finding and choosing the least correct option out of four correct options. Here is an example of a least likely question and answer format:
What is the LEAST likely cause of oil leakage? A. A blown gasket B. A poorly fit oil filter C. A bad engine D. Overheating The answer: is D because while overheating may lead to oil spillage, it is the least likely cause out of the four answer options. The other options A, B and C are more likely to cause oil leakage than overheating. Another important thing to note is that, questions that follow the ‘least likely’ format have the term ‘LEAST’ capitalized in all of them. The use of capitalization here serves as a means of bringing attention to the question format in front of you.
SUMMARY The multiple-choice question format is the only format used by the Automotive Service Excellence test. Therefore, you do not have to prepare for essays and fill-in-the blank question formats when practicing for the Engine Repair certification test. Also, everything you will need to use in answering the set of questions for the Engine Repair test will be provided in the question booklet. Therefore, you will not be required to bring in mechanical charts or draw any diagrams throughout the duration of the test. Key Takeaways: The Engine Repair test is a multiple-choice test created according to four question formats. You can easily know the format of a question by identifying these four terms or phrases: most likely, LEAST likely, Technician A or Technician B, and EXCEPT. These terms will be capitalized except for the word ‘most’ where the most likely question is involved.
SAMPLE QUESTIONS ON THE ENGINE REPAIR TEST AND IT’S QUESTIONING FORMAT The questions in this section will test your understanding of the Automotive Service Excellence question type and how you should approach the examination. This may be a good time to pause the audio and attempt to answer the questions provided in the accompanying PDF guide before listening to the correct answers. 1. What is the first certification test under the Automobile and Light Truck Repair test series? A. Engine Repair B. Manual Drive Train and Axle C. Brakes D. Suspension and Steering
Figure 3.
The Opposed Engine Configuration: the opposed engine arrangement consists of cylinders facing one another from opposite ends of the crankshaft. The opposed configuration is also known as the ‘pancake’ type due to the flat shape made by opposing cylinders. The opposed configuration flat profile makes it the preferred option for rear and mid-engine applications. Sport cars, such as Porsches, make use of the opposed configuration due to its low profile.
The Slant Configuration: The slant engine arrangement or configuration is a variation of the inline and the V-type engine configurations. In a slant engine, the cylinder sits low and looks like half of a ‘V’. The slant engine is used in lowering the hood line of an automobile. It is also unlikely that you will regularly come across the slant engine type in workshops because it is generally used in high-end cars.
TASK A.6: PERFORM ENGINE VACUUM TEST; DETERMINE THE NECESSARY ACTION In certain situations, engine-related problems will require more in-depth testing of the entire engine system’s condition before any diagnosis can be given. These in-depth tests are always a bit more advanced and detailed than the previous tests you have learned to conduct from Task A.1 to A.6. These tests are generally conducted using specialized instruments and one of these in-depth tests is the vacuum engine test. A vacuum engine test is a test conducted to analyze the condition of an engine by checking the engine’s manifold pressure using a vacuum gauge. The vacuum test can be conducted in three to five minutes by simply following the instructional manual of the vacuum gauge. The test shows the difference between atmospheric pressure, which is the external pressure around the car, and the vacuum pressure inside the intake manifold. Before discussing how a reading is conducted and its meaning, it is important to understand why vacuum testing is important as an engine diagnostic procedure. You can see a picture of the vacuum gauge in the PDF complementary guide by referring to Figure five.
Figure 5: A Vacuum Gauge
22. Looking at the tool in the figure, what is it being used to check at this time? Refer to the AudioLearn PDF guide to see the figure.
A. The valve lifter height B. Camshaft journal out-of-round C. Pushrod length D. Camshaft lobe lift (B.15) 23. The cooling system of an engine has a positive crankcase ventilation valve hose that is being restricted by debris. What could this restriction lead to? A. A stumbling acceleration B. Oil accumulating around the air filter C. An engine that surges at higher speeds D. A knocked engine (E.6)