Automatic Transmission or Transaxle Test A2
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter One: An Introduction to the Automotive Service Excellence Certification Program ............................................................................................................. 1 Who can participate in the ASE Certification Program? ........................................................... 2 The Benefits of Acquiring an ASE Certification ............................................................................. 3 Summary ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 Sample Questions on the Automotive Service Excellence Certification Program .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Chapter Two: An Overview of the Automatic Transmission and Transaxle
Test A Two (A2) ......................................................................................................................... 9 Understanding the AudioLearn Automatic Transmission and Transaxle Study Guide ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Automatic Transmission and Transaxle Test A Two (A2) .....................................................10 Question Formats used in the ASE Certification Program .....................................................10 Understanding the Content Structure of the Automatic Transmission and Transaxle Test ....................................................................................................................................14
Automatic Transmission or Transaxle Test A Two (A2).........................................................15 The Test Specifications and Task Lists Table...............................................................................18 Summary ......................................................................................................................................................19 Key Takeaways..........................................................................................................................................20 Sample Questions for Chapter Two..................................................................................................21
Chapter Three: An Introduction to the Automatic Transmission and
Transaxle System.................................................................................................................... 24 Understanding the Different Automatic Transmission Systems, Components and How they Function ..................................................................................................................25
The Transmission Casing ......................................................................................................................26 The Torque Converter............................................................................................................................26
Planetary Gears .........................................................................................................................................28 Brake Bands and Clutches ....................................................................................................................30
How an Automatic Transmission Works .......................................................................................30 Automatic Transmission Modes ........................................................................................................31
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................33 Key Takeaways..........................................................................................................................................34 Sample Questions for Chapter Three...............................................................................................35
Chapter Four: General Transmission or Transaxle Diagnosis – Mechanical
or Hydraulic Systems............................................................................................................. 38 Task A.1.1: Listen to driver’s concern, road test the vehicle to verify the mechanical or hydraulic system problems based on the driver’s concerns; determine the necessary action. ................................................................................................39 Task A.1.2: Diagnose noise, vibration, harshness and shift quality problems; determine the necessary action. ................................................................................................39 Task A.1.3: Diagnose fluid loss, type, level, and condition problems; determine the necessary action. ................................................................................................41
Task A.1.4: Perform pressure tests; determine the necessary action. ..............................43 Task A.1.5: Perform stall tests; determine the necessary action.........................................47 Task A.1.6: Perform torque converter clutch (lock-up converter) hydraulic system tests’ determine the necessary action......................................................................49 Summary ......................................................................................................................................................52 Key Takeaways..........................................................................................................................................53 Sample Questions for Chapter Four .................................................................................................54
Chapter 5: General Transmission and Transaxle Diagnosis –Electronic
System......................................................................................................................................... 58 Task A.2.1: Listen to customer’s complaints, road test the vehicle to verify electronic system problems based on driver’s concerns; determine the necessary actions. .............................................................................................................................59
Task A.2.2: Perform pressure test on transmissions equipped with electronic pressure control; determine the necessary action.............................................................61 Task A.2.3: Perform torque converter clutch (lock-up converter) electronic system tests; determine the necessary action. ....................................................................62 Task A. 2.4: Diagnose electronic transmission control systems using appropriate test equipment, service information, technical service bulletins and schematics; diagnose shorts, grounds, opens, and resistance
problems in electrical or electronic circuits; determine the necessary action. .....................................................................................................................................................64
Task A.2.5: Verify proper operation of the charging system; check battery, connections, and power or ground circuits...........................................................................66 Task A.2.6: Differentiate between engine performance, or other vehicle systems, and transmission or transaxle related problems; determine the necessary action. ...............................................................................................................................67
Task A.2.7: Diagnose shift quality concerns resulting from problems in the electronic transmission control system; determine the necessary action. .............69 Summary ......................................................................................................................................................70 Key Takeaways..........................................................................................................................................71 Sample Questions for Chapter Five ..................................................................................................72
Chapter Six: In-Vehicle Transmission and Transaxle Maintenance and
Repair ......................................................................................................................................... 75 Task B.1: Inspect, adjust, and replace manual valve shift linkage, transmission range sensor or switch, park or neutral switch, inhibitor, and neutral safety switch. ......................................................................................................................................76 Task B. 2: Inspect, adjust, and replace cables and linkages for the throttle valve and accelerator pedal..........................................................................................................79
Task B.3: Inspect and replace external seals and gaskets. .....................................................81 Task B.4: Inspect and replace driveshaft yoke, drive axle joints, bushings, and seals. .......................................................................................................................................................82 Task B.5: Check condition and operation of the engine cooling system; inspect transmission cooler, lines and fittings. ....................................................................................84 Task B.6: Inspect valve body mating surfaces, bores, valves, springs, sleeves, retainers, brackets, check balls, screens, spacer plates, and gaskets; replaces as necessary. .....................................................................................................................86
Task B.7: Torque valve body fasteners to specification. .........................................................87
Task B.8: Inspect accumulator and servo bores, pistons, seals, pins and pin bores, springs, and retainers; repair or replace as necessary. ......................................88 Track B.9: Inspect, test. Adjust, repair or replace electrical components and circuits including control modules, solenoids, sensors, relays, terminals, connectors, switches and harnesses. .......................................................................................90
Task B.10: Inspect, replace or align power train mounts. ......................................................92
Task B. 11: Replace fluid and filters; verify proper fluid level and type for transmission with or without a dipstick.................................................................................94 Summary ......................................................................................................................................................95 Key Takeaways..........................................................................................................................................96 Sample Test Questions for Chapter Six ...........................................................................................98
Chapter Seven: Off-Vehicle Transmission or Transaxle Repair – Removal
and Installation .................................................................................................................... 102 Task C.1.1: Remove and install transmission or transaxle; inspect engine core plugs, rear crankshaft seal, transmission dowel pins, dowel pin holes and mating surfaces. .............................................................................................................................. 103 Task C.1.2: Inspect converter flex (drive) plate, converter attaching bolts, converter pilot, crankshaft pilot bore, converter pump drive surfaces. ................ 106
Task C.1.3: Install torque converter and establish correct converter-to-pump engagement, inspect converter free movement for pilot engagement during transmission installation. ............................................................................................ 107 Task C.1.4: Inspect, test, flush or replace transmission fluid cooler. .............................. 110 Task C.1.5: Inspect brackets, wiring harnesses, fuel lines, heat shields, inspection covers and related components for proper routing and installation. ....................................................................................................................................... 112 Task C.1.6: Perform module coding and programming including adaptive learning reset; road test to confirm proper operation. ................................................. 114
Summary ................................................................................................................................................... 117 Key Takeaways....................................................................................................................................... 118 Sample Test Questions for Chapter Seven ................................................................................. 119
Chapter Eight: Off-vehicle Transmission or Transaxle Repair – Disassembly
and Assembly ........................................................................................................................ 123 Task List C.2.1: Disassemble, clean, and inspect the transmission case, subassemblies, mating surfaces, and thread condition. ....................................................... 124
Task C.2.2: Inspect and measure fluid pump components; replace as necessary. .......................................................................................................................................... 126 Task C.2.3: Check bearing preload; determine needed service. ....................................... 128 Task C.2.4: Check endplay; inspect, measure, and replace thrust washers and bearings as needed. ....................................................................................................................... 129
Task C.2.5: Inspect shafts replace as necessary. ...................................................................... 130
Task C.2.6: Inspect fluid delivery circuit, including seal rings, ring grooves, sealing surface areas, feed pipes, orifices, and encapsulated check valves or balls. ............................................................................................................................................... 132 Task C.2.7: Inspect bushings; replace as necessary. .............................................................. 133
Task C.2.8: Inspect and measure components of the planetary gear assembly; replace as necessary. .................................................................................................................... 134 Task C.2.9: Inspect case bores, passages, bushings, vents, mating surfaces, and dowel pins; repair or replace as necessary. .............................................................. 136
Task C.2.10: Inspect valve body mating surfaces, bores, valves, solenoids, springs, sleeves, retainers, brackets, check balls, screens, spacer plates, and gaskets; replace as necessary. ......................................................................................... 137 Task C.2.11: Inspect transaxle drive chains, sprockets, gears, bearings, and bushings; replace as necessary. ............................................................................................... 138 Task C.2.12: Inspect and measure transaxle final drive components; repair, replace and adjust as necessary. ............................................................................................. 139 Task C.2.13: Assemble after repair. ............................................................................................... 140 Summary ................................................................................................................................................... 142 Key Takeaways....................................................................................................................................... 143
Sample Questions for Chapter Eight ............................................................................................. 144
Chapter Nine: off-Vehicle Transmission or Transaxle Repair – Friction and
Reaction Units ....................................................................................................................... 147 Task C.3.1: Inspect components of the hydraulic clutch pack assembly; replace if necessary....................................................................................................................... 148
Task C.3.2: Measure clutch pack clearance; adjust as necessary. .................................... 150 Task C.3.3: Air test the operation of the clutch and servo assemblies. .......................... 151 Task C.3.4: Inspect one-way clutch assemblies; replace parts as necessary............... 151 Task C.3.5: Inspect bands, drums, and housing; replace or adjust as necessary. ...... 153
Summary ................................................................................................................................................... 155 Key Takeaways....................................................................................................................................... 156
Sample Questions for Chapter Nine .............................................................................................. 158
Chapter Ten: Understanding Your test Results and the Certification Ladder ...... 161 Understanding How the Tests are Prepared ............................................................................. 162
How to Prepare for the Automotive Service Excellence Test ............................................ 162 The Automotive Service Excellence Certification Program Career Ladder ................. 163 Sample Questions for Chapter Ten ................................................................................................ 165
Practice Test for the Automatic Transmission and Transaxle Test ......................... 168 Answers to Questions ............................................................................................................... 201
Chapter One Answers .......................................................................................................................... 201 Chapter Two Answers ......................................................................................................................... 202 Chapter Three Answers ...................................................................................................................... 203
Chapter Four Answers ........................................................................................................................ 204 Chapter Five Answers ......................................................................................................................... 205 Chapter Six Answers ............................................................................................................................ 206
Chapter Seven Answers ...................................................................................................................... 207 Chapter Eight Answers ....................................................................................................................... 208
Chapter Nine Answers ........................................................................................................................ 209 Chapter Ten Answers .......................................................................................................................... 210 Practice Test Answers ......................................................................................................................... 211
not listened to the first study guide in the Automobile and Light Truck Test series, then
this chapter is important to your learning process.
The Automotive Service Excellence organization was formed in the year nineteen
seventeen-two (1972), with the aim of bringing some much needed sanity to the auto-
repair industry. This was because in the sixties and early seventies, the auto-repair
industry was populated by unprofessional service technicians who had no idea about
repairing automobiles. A majority of the auto-repair technicians in that era, made use of
guesswork and repeated trials when diagnosing and repairing faulty automobiles which made the end product of their repair processes rather uncertain. And this led to considerable friction between automobile owners and auto-repair technicians.
Recognizing the possibility of continuous conflict between automobile owners and
repair technicians, a group of concerned individuals came together to form the National
Institute of Automotive Service Excellence organization. This new entity was created as
an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to certifying the abilities of auto-
repair technicians using a transparent testing process. And in the nineteen eighties, this
non-profit organization officially became the Automotive Service Excellence also known by its more popular acronym, the ASE. A for Alpha, S for Sigma and E for Echo; ASE
Today, the ASE certification program has become the standard for certifying auto-repair technicians and mechanics in the United States. The certification program is conducted twice annually, and it takes place in over seven hundred locations in the United States.
These locations are spread throughout the country, and it means that a testing location is definitely around your vicinity.
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE IN THE ASE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM? As stated earlier, the ASE program was provided as a means for auto-repair technicians
and mechanics to certify their abilities. Therefore, the certification programs are for any individual interested in automobile repairs. This could be an auto-technician just
starting out with his or her career, an already experienced technician and mechanical
engineers interested in auto-repairs.
The ASE certification program is all inclusive and does not require you to have any form of prerequisites before you can participate. This means you do not need a Bachelor’s
degree, passed any assessment test, or even a General Education Development (GED) certificate in order to sit for the ASE certification test. All that is required is a healthy
interest in auto-repairs and a good understanding of the diagnostic procedures, repair
techniques and tools required for repairing faulty automobiles. And this knowledge can
be acquired by using this AudioLearn study guide as your learning material for the Automatic Transmission or Transaxle Test.
THE BENEFITS OF ACQUIRING AN ASE CERTIFICATION It comes as no surprise that you are interested in knowing the benefits of acquiring an ASE certificate, and how it can help your career. This is due to the fact that as humans,
we expect our efforts to be rewarded with something tangible. And in this AudioLearn
study guide, the benefits for both individual auto-repair technicians and auto-repair
businesses will be stated for you to note.
Starting with the benefits of an ASE certificate for individuals like you, the advantages of being certified include the following:
A. First and foremost, ASE certified technicians earn the trust of automobile owners looking for professional auto-repair technicians to care for their vehicles.
B. Every reputable automobile workshop or business respects the effort a technician puts into acquiring the ASE certificate. Therefore, a certified auto-repair technician has an edge over other competing candidates when searching for a job. C. The blue tag that comes with successfully acquiring an ASE certificate bestows instant respect on the bearer or owner. This is because it showcases your beliefs of pursuing professional development in your field. D. Lastly, it is a great way to test your hands-on knowledge and abilities against thousands of professional auto-repair technicians across the US. Businesses that operate auto-repair shops also have a lot to gain from hiring certified
auto-repair technicians. or ensuring their technicians acquire an ASE certification. The
advantages businesses with certified auto-repair technicians stand to gain include the following:
A. Auto-repair shops or businesses with ASE certified technicians have already earned the trust of prospective customers. This is because customers have been trained to check for the certification stickers and seeing them increases their trust in the business’s services. B. Working with only certified auto-repair technicians also earns an auto-repair business respect among its peers. This is due to the fact that other competing auto shops know what it takes to become certified. C. Organizations looking to outsource or hire automotive repair service providers, with long-term contracts, give preference to businesses with certified technicians. This is because certified technicians highlight how important a business puts into constant professional development. D. Having certified technicians also increases the earning potential of an auto-repair business, because customers are willing to pay more for the professional services they receive. So, here we have covered the many advantages an ASE certification can bring to your
business. Therefore, if you are considering getting certified, we are happy to let you
know that you are on the right path to earning your blue ticket or badge. Finally, it is
important to know that candidates who have successfully passed an ASE certification test will only receive the certificate after proving they have acquired a 2 – year work experience in the related field.
Here, you have learned what the Automotive Service Excellence organization is all about and the driving force behind the certification program. This knowledge will serve you well as you continue to pursue your professional development by becoming ASE
certified in your related auto-repair field.
SAMPLE QUESTIONS ON THE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Throughout the AudioLearn study guide, you will be provided with questions at the end of each chapter. The aim of these questions is to help you remember the information contained in the relevant chapter. The answers to the questions have also being
provided in the accompanying PDF files attached to the AudioLearn study guide.
1. What was the initial name of the certification program for testing auto-repair technicians?
A. The Institute of Automotive Excellence
B. The Automotive Service Certification Program
C. The National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence D. Automotive Service Excellence
2. In what year was the Automotive Service Excellence organization created? A. Nineteen Seventy-two B. Nineteen Eighty-four C. Nineteen Ninety-two
D. Nineteen Seventy-five
3. What is the acronym that is generally used to refer to the Automotive Service Excellence organization?
4. The benefits of acquiring an Automotive Service Excellence as an individual auto-repair technician includes the following, EXCEPT?
A. A competitive edge above other auto-repair technicians
B. Trust and confidence in your abilities as a repair technician 5
C. An entry point into the tech industry
D. An enhanced reputation in the auto-repair industry
5. The advantages of ensuring that a business’s auto-repair technicians have
Automotive Service Excellence certificates includes the following, EXCEPT? A. An edge over competing auto-repair businesses B. The possibility of an increased revenue stream
C. Inspires trust and confidence in your company’s auto-repair abilities D. Reduces your business abilities to set its prices
6. The following are reasons why the Automotive Service Excellence organization was created?
A. As a non-profit organization to certify auto-repair technicians
B. To bring transparency to the testing process for auto-repair technicians
C. To make money from auto-repair technicians looking to become certified
D. As an independent body for experienced technicians to certify their abilities
7. Are any pre-requisite courses, certificates or results needed before you can sit for the Automotive Service excellence certification test? A. Yes B. No
C. Yes and No
D. I don’t know
B No, you do not require any prior certificate to sit for an Automotive Service Excellence exam
8. How do interested candidates finally get their Automotive Service Excellence certificate after passing the test?
A. By having a 5 – year related work experience
B. By acquiring a 2 – year work experience in a related field
C. By acquiring a 2 – year work experience in any auto-repair field D. By simply passing the test and applying for your certificate
B, it is required that you have a 2 – year work related experience to get
your certificate.
9. The LEAST likely advantage that can be gotten from acquiring an Automotive Service Excellence certificate as a individual is? A. An enhanced earning power
B. A means to earning customer trust
C. A means to staying competitive in the auto-repair industry
D. A means to building relationships with other auto-repair technicians
D, building relationships with other auto-repair technicians is not a real advantage of the certification program.
10. As a certified auto-repair technician, what recognition do you receive from the Automotive Service Excellence organization? A. Your certificate and a cap
B. Your certificate and a blue badge or sticker C. Your certificate and relevant tools
D. Your certificate and learning materials
B, A certificate and the choice of pasting the certified badge at your business
Figure 1
THE TRANSMISSION CASING The transmission casing is basically the housing that supports all the parts or
components of the transmission. This casing is generally made of aluminium and it
protects the moving gears and components from damages.
The torque converter is a donut-like component that is located between the engine and
the transmission. The torque converter is generally responsible for translating or
moving the power generated by the engine to the automatic transmission system. The torque converter’s major objectives are to; transfer power from the engine to the transmission input shaft and to multiply the engine’s torque output.
Figure 2
The Torque converter is also a system on its own made up of four major components
that aid its work. You should refer to the PDF study guide to view the diagram named
figure two (figure 2) that contains the parts of a torque converter. Now, the four
components which you have just seen include the following parts and their functions: A. The Pump or Impeller: the pump is a fan-like component that is connected to the
torque converter’s housing and the housing is also connected to the engine’s flywheel. These connected components ensure that the pump rotates according to the speed set by the engine’s crankshaft. The pump also pumps transmission fluid from the engine to the turbine. B. The Turbine: The turbine looks like a fan and it is connected to the input shaft of the transmission but not to the pump. This means that it rotates but at a different speed when compared to the pump. The turbine’s rotation is usually a by-product of the transmission fluid that flows through it. C. The Stator or Reactor: The stator is the component that is located between the pump and the turbine. The stator functions as a multiplying factor that increases the torque coming from the engine to get the vehicle to move from its idle position. The stator returns the transmission fluid from the turbine back to the pump or impeller. It is importance to note that the stator is connected to a fixed shaft on the transmission by a clutch. This connection ensures that the stator rotates only in one direction. The ability of the stator to amplify torque ensures that the vehicle and the transmission receive more torque when required. 27
D. Torque Converter Clutch: The torque converter clutch is a component that is connected to the turbine and its aim is to ensure that any energy lost during the transfer of fluid to the turbine is replaced. Therefore, the torque converter clutch is only engaged to negate energy loss in the transmission system. And in most vehicles, the converter is generally engaged when the engine reaches a speed of approximately two thousand three hundred rotations per minute (2300rpm).
PLANETARY GEARS The planetary gear system is the component responsible for determining the amount of
torque sent to the car’s wheels and it executes its tasks with the use of gear ratios. The
rule of thumb here is that; a higher gear ratio means a reduction in the torque delivered
to the wheels while a lower gear ratio means an increased torque delivery to the vehicle’s wheels. The planetary gear ratio in an automatic transmission system
increases and reduces without manual aid due to the different components that make up the planetary gears.
These components are the sun gear, planet gears and the ring gear which can be seen in
the PDF study guide attached to this AudioLearn audio book. You can refer to figure
three (figure 3) to see the three components of the planetary gear.
Figure 3
A. The Sun Gear: the sun gear is located at the center of the planetary gear system and it usually serves as the input gear which passes power from the engine to the planetary gear system.