ASE A3 Manual Transmission

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Manual Drive Train and Axles Test A3

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter One: An Introduction to the Automotive Service Excellence Certification Program ................................................................................. 1 An Overview of chapter One .......................................................................................... 1 The Objectives ................................................................................................................ 1 Who is Eligible to Participate in the Automotive Service Excellence Certification Tests .......................................................................................................... 2 The Benefits of Acquiring an Automotive Service Excellence Certificate .................... 3 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 5 Sample Questions to Chapter One of the AudioLearn Study Guide ............................. 6 Chapter Two: Manual Drive Train and Axles: An Overview ......................... 9 An Overview of Chapter Two ......................................................................................... 9 The Objectives ................................................................................................................ 9 An Introduction to the AudioLearn Manual Train Drive and Axles Test A3 ............. 10 Question Formats used in the Automotive Service Excellence Certification Program ........................................................................................................................ 11 Understanding the Content Structure of the Manual Drive Train and Axles Test ............................................................................................................................... 15 Summary ...................................................................................................................... 22 Key Takeaways ............................................................................................................. 23 Sample Questions for Chapter Two ............................................................................. 24

Chapter Six Sample Quiz ........................................................................................... 109 Chapter Seven: Drive Shaft, Half-Shaft and Universal Joint, Constant Velocity (CV) Joint Diagnosis and Repair (Front and Rear Wheel Drive). ..................................................................................................... 113 An Overview of Chapter Seven ................................................................................... 113 The Objectives of Chapter Seven ................................................................................ 113 Summary ..................................................................................................................... 121 Key Takeaways ........................................................................................................... 122 Chapter Seven Sample Quiz ...................................................................................... 123 Chapter Eight: Drive Axle Diagnosis and Repair – Ring and Pinion Gears ...................................................................................................... 126 An Overview of Chapter Eight ................................................................................... 126 The Objectives of Chapter Eight ................................................................................ 126 Summary .................................................................................................................... 135 Key Takeaways ........................................................................................................... 136 Chapter Eight Sample Quiz ........................................................................................137 Chapter Nine: Drive Axle Diagnosis and Repair– Differential Case and Carrier Assembly ..................................................................................... 141 An Overview of Chapter Nine ..................................................................................... 141 The Objectives of Chapter Nine .................................................................................. 141 Summary .................................................................................................................... 146 Key Takeaways ........................................................................................................... 147 Chapter Nine Sample Quiz ........................................................................................ 148

Chapter Ten: Drive Axle Diagnosis and repair – Limited Slip or Locking Differential .................................................................................152 An Overview of Chapter Ten...................................................................................... 152 Learning Objectives of Chapter Ten .......................................................................... 152 Summary .................................................................................................................... 156 Key Takeaways ............................................................................................................157 Chapter Ten Sample Quiz .......................................................................................... 158 Chapter Eleven: Axle Shafts and Housing................................................ 162 An Overview of Chapter Eleven ................................................................................. 162 Learning Objectives of Chapter Eleven ..................................................................... 162 Summary .................................................................................................................... 167 Key Takeaways ........................................................................................................... 168 Chapter Eleven Sample Quiz ..................................................................................... 169 Chapter Twelve: Four-Wheel Drive and All-Wheel drive Component Diagnosis and Repair ............................................................................... 173 An Overview of Chapter Twelve .................................................................................173 Summary .................................................................................................................... 183 Key Takeaways ........................................................................................................... 184 Chapter Twelve Sample Quiz ..................................................................................... 185 Chapter Thirteen: Understanding Your test Results and the Certification Ladder ................................................................................ 189 An Overview of Chapter Thirteen .............................................................................. 189 The Chapter’s Objectives ........................................................................................... 189 Understanding How the Tests are Prepared ............................................................. 190 How to Prepare for the Automotive Service Excellence Test..................................... 191

The Automotive Service Excellence Certification Program Career Ladder .............. 192 Chapter Thirteen Sample Questions ......................................................................... 193 Practice Test for the Manual Drive Train and Axles Test ......................... 196 Answers to Questions.............................................................................. 232 Chapter One Answers ................................................................................................ 232 Chapter Two Answers ................................................................................................ 233 Chapter Three Answers ............................................................................................. 234 Chapter Four Answers ............................................................................................... 235 Chapter Five Answers ................................................................................................ 236 Chapter Six Questions ............................................................................................... 237 Chapter Seven Answers ............................................................................................. 238 Chapter Eight Answers .............................................................................................. 239 Chapter Nine Answers ...............................................................................................240 Chapter Ten Answers ................................................................................................. 241 Chapter Eleven Answers ............................................................................................ 242 Chapter Twelve Answers ........................................................................................... 243 Chapter Thirteen Answers ......................................................................................... 244 Answers to Practice Test for the Manual Drive Train and Axles Test ...................... 245

CHAPTER ONE: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM AN OVERVIEW OF CHAPTER ONE The first chapter of the AudioLearn study guide covering the third test in the Automobile and Light Truck certification series provides a peek into the Automotive Service Excellence Certification program. The aim of this chapter is to help you better understand what you stand to gain by acquiring an Automotive Service Excellence certificate. Welcome to the first chapter of the Manual Drive Train and Axles study guide. The Manual Drive Train and Axle certification test is the third test in the series of tests provided by the Automotive Service Excellence organization. And the objectives of this introductory chapter include the following:

THE OBJECTIVES This chapter introduces the background behind the Automotive Service Excellence test, its history and its benefits to auto-repair technicians. Through the course of this chapter you will learn about the following: •

Why the Automotive Service Excellence program was formed and why it is important to every auto-repair technician.

The importance of getting an Automotive Service Excellence certification for auto-repair technicians and,

The benefits of having certified auto-repair technicians for light truck and automobile repair business or shops.

The development of more vehicles in the nineteen-sixties and the increased purchasing power of Americans after the great depression led to an increase in the number of 1

vehicle owners across the country. And with this increase in automobile ownership came a problem and the problem was how to efficiently diagnose, service and repair faulty automobiles. As a solution to this problem, hundreds of auto-repair technicians popped up in every nook and cranny of the United States offering repair services. But in three out of five cases, the auto-repair technician was out of his depth, the word ‘his’ is used here because auto-repair technicians of that time were mostly men. The unprofessionalism in the auto-repair field led to thousands of complaints and a need to bring sanity to the auto-repair industry and this was when the idea behind the Automotive Service Excellence organization was formed. In nineteen seventy – two, a couple of experienced auto-repair technicians came together to form the National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence organization. The National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence body was created as a non-profit organization with the aim of providing certification tests to auto-repair technicians. And with the passage of time, the organization’s name was shortened to Automotive Service Excellence and this name has stuck till date. Since then, the certification tests offered by the Automotive Certification excellence organization have become the standard for auto-repair technicians looking to legitimize their abilities. Today, you can now sit for the Automotive Service Excellence certification tests in more than seven hundred locations across the country.

WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATION TESTS It is important to note that the Automotive Service Excellence certification program is open to anyone interested in pursuing a career as an auto-repair technician. The certification program was also created as a means for experienced auto-repair technicians and even mechanical engineers to learn more about their respective fields. Therefore, whether you are a beginner or an experienced auto-repair technician, you have a lot to gain from participating in the certification program. The ASE certification test is open to everyone; you do not need to have passed any of the tests in the Automobile and Light Truck series in order to sit for the third test. The 2

2. Working with only certified auto-repair technicians also earns an auto-repair business some respect among its peers. This is due to the fact that other competing auto shops know what it takes to become certified. 3. Organizations looking to outsource or hire automotive repair service providers, on long-term contracts, give preferences to businesses with certified technicians. This is because certified technicians highlights how important a business views the need for constant professional development. 4. Having certified technicians also increase the earning potential of an auto-repair business as customers are willing to pay more for the professional services they expect to receive. So, here we have covered the many advantages getting an Automotive Service Excellence certification can bring to your business. Therefore, if you are considering getting certified, we are happy to let you know that you are on the right track to earning your blue ticket or badge. Finally, it is important to know that candidates who have successfully passed an Automotive Service Excellence certification test will only receive the certificate after proving that they have acquired a 2 – year work experience in the related field.


SUMMARY The first chapter of this AudioLearn study guide paints a clear picture of the Automotive Service Excellence certification program in order for you to know what exactly you are getting into. Therefore, the AudioLearn study guide covers what you stand to gain as a certified auto-repair technician and why you should consider getting certified.


SAMPLE QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER ONE OF THE AUDIOLEARN STUDY GUIDE The sample test is geared towards testing your ability to remember all you have learned throughout chapter one of this AudioLearn study guide. You may want to pause the audio at this time and attempt to answer the questions provided in the accompanying PDF guide before listening to the correct answers. 1. What was the first official name of the Automotive service Excellence Guide? a. The Institute of Automotive Excellence b. The Automotive Service Certification Program c. The National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence d. Automotive Service Excellence 2. In what year was the Automotive Service Excellence organization created? a. Nineteen Seventy-two b. Nineteen Eighty-four c. Nineteen Ninety-two d. Nineteen Seventy-five 3. What is the acronym that is generally used to refer to the Automotive Service Excellence organization? a. ASE b. ACE c. AES d. ASC


4. The benefits of acquiring your Automotive Service Excellence as an individual auto-repair technician includes the following, EXCEPT? a. A competitive edge above other auto-repair technicians b. Trust and confidence in your abilities as an auto repair technician c. An entry point into the tech industry d. An enhanced reputation in the auto-repair industry 5. The advantages of ensuring that a business’s auto-repair technicians have Automotive Service Excellence certificates includes the following, EXCEPT? a. An edge over competing auto-repair businesses b. The possibility of increased revenue stream c. Inspires trust and confidence in your company’s auto-repair abilities d. Reduces your business’s abilities to set its prices 6. The following are reasons why the Automotive Service Excellence organization was created? a. As a non-profit organization to certify auto-repair technicians b. To bring transparency to the testing process for auto-repair technicians c. To make money from auto-repair technicians looking to become certified d. As an independent body for experienced technicians to certify their abilities 7. Are any pre-requisite courses, certificates or results needed before you can sit for the Automotive Service excellence certification test? a. Yes b. No c. Yes and No d. I don’t know


8. How do interested candidates finally get their Automotive Service Excellence certificate after passing the test? a. By having a 5 – year related work experience b. By acquiring a 2 – year work experience in a related field c. By acquiring a 2 – year work experience in any auto-repair field d. By simply passing the test and applying for your certificate 9. The LEAST likely advantage that can be gotten from acquiring an Automotive Service Excellence certificate as an individual is? a. An enhanced earning power b. A means of earning customer trust c. A means to staying competitive in the auto-repair industry d. A means to building relationships with other auto-repair technicians 10. As a certified auto-repair technician, what do you receive from the Automotive Service Excellence organization? a. Your certificate and a cap b. Your certificate and a blue badge or sticker c. Your certificate and relevant tools d. Your certificate and learning materials


CHAPTER TWO: MANUAL DRIVE TRAIN AND AXLES: AN OVERVIEW AN OVERVIEW OF CHAPTER TWO In this chapter of the AudioLearn study guide, you will be introduced to the Manual Drive Train and Axles Test A3 and what it is all about. This introduction will include the different test specifications and task Lists outlined by the Automotive Service Excellence that you are expected to know. The number of questions that will be assigned to each test specification and how they will affect your total score will also be discussed in details. Welcome to the second chapter of the AudioLearn study guide. And in this chapter, you will be introduced to the different test specifications and task lists as previously stated. At the end of the chapter, you would have learnt about the following objectives:

THE OBJECTIVES After completing this chapter, you would have acquired knowledge about the following subject matters: •

An understanding of the six task specifications and what they are all about

An understanding of how the Manual Drive Train and Axles test is scored

An understanding of the type of questions to expect and how they are defined

A more in-depth knowledge of the activities involved in the different task lists provided by the Automotive Service Excellence test.


AN INTRODUCTION TO THE AUDIOLEARN MANUAL TRAIN DRIVE AND AXLES TEST A3 This AudioLearn study guide that you are listening to has been developed in such a way that it provides you with all the requisite information needed to successfully sit for the Manual Train Drive and Axles test. And the structure used here consists of twelve important chapters which cover all the task specifications and task lists you are required to know. The chapters in the AudioLearn study guide are also complemented with images or pictures which you can only view by referring to the PDF file attached to the audio book. It is important to note that each image will be referenced while you are listening to the guide and you are expected to view the image to better understand the AudioLearn guide. These images will also provide you with a great avenue to visualize everything you are expected to learn throughout your study of the Manual Train Drive and Axles test. At the end of each of the twelve chapters in the AudioLearn study guide, the key information which you have listened to throughout the course of the chapter will also be outlined. These key takeaways will serve as reference points to help you easily recall all you have learnt from a chapter. Note that the Key takeaways are not the only mindrefreshing tools you have been provided with. This is due to the fact that at the end of each chapter, ten multiple choice questions written according to the question format of the Automotive Service excellence testing procedures will be asked. And the answers to these questions can be found in the accompanying AudioLearn PDF file. Finally, at the end of the AudioLearn study guide, hundred questions that were generated from all the test specifications contained in the Manual Train Drive and Axles certification program will round-off the AudioLearn study guide. These questions will also closely follow the testing format of the Automotive Service Excellence certification program thereby providing you with adequate materials to prepare for the examination day. The answer to these questions and why they were chosen will also be included in the AudioLearn PDF study guide. Therefore, it is recommended that you first answer the


questions while timing yourself before proceeding to ascertain your performance using the provided answers.

MANUAL DRIVE TRAIN AND AXLES TEST A-THREE (A3) The Manual Drive Train and Axles test was developed with the aim of testing your understanding of manual drive train components as well as how they operate in optimal conditions. The test was also developed to check your ability to diagnose the common and not so common problems that relate to modern drive trains and axles. The test will also take into consideration the different equipment and tools needed to diagnose issues with a manual drive train. The task of servicing a manual drive train not functioning at its best is also covered in details in the third test under the Automobiles and Light Truck test series. Now, in order for a candidate such as you to be successful in taking the test, it is important that you have an understanding of the testing procedure used by the Automotive Service Excellence organization. This is due to the fact that having some understanding of the type of questions to expect will get you better prepared for taking the test. Therefore, the next paragraphs will introduce the question formats used by the Automotive Service Excellence program in conducting its series of tests.

QUESTION FORMATS USED IN THE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Every certification test in the Automotive Service Excellence makes use of the same testing and question format. And the format the Automotive Service Excellence organization makes use of the multiple choice question formats. Multiple choice questions are those questions that are asked or stated and are accompanied by objective answer choices which you are expected to select the correct answer from. Therefore, the Automotive Service Excellence multiple choice question formats includes a question statement and four objective answers titled as A, B, C, and D.


LEAST-LIKELY QUESTION FORMAT Finally, we have the LEAST likely format to explore. The Automotive Service Excellence organization makes use of LEAST likely questions as a counterbalance to the most likely question format. And with questions in this format, you are expected to choose the least likely cause of a specific problem from the answer options provided in the exam booklet. It is also worth noting that the task of identifying questions in this format has been simplified by the Automotive Service Excellence organization. This process is simplified due to the fact that the word ‘LEAST’ will be written in capital letters to highlight the fact that you are about to provide an answer to a LEAST-likely question. A good example of a LEAST likely question is the following: A faulty vehicle is brought into the shop for repairs. What is the LEAST likely diagnostic procedure to start with? a. Listening to the customer’s complaint b. Checking the battery for damage c. Uninstalling the crankshaft d. Listening to the sounds coming from the vehicle. The answer is C. Removing the engine and uninstalling the crankshaft or any other component is the LEAST likely first step to take when inspecting a car for damage. Here, you can see that LEAST likely questions are a bit easier than some of the other question formats and the word LEAST has been capitalized to help you know the type of question you are tackling.

UNDERSTANDING THE CONTENT STRUCTURE OF THE MANUAL DRIVE TRAIN AND AXLES TEST The Manual Drive Train and Axles test was developed with the aim of assessing your knowledge of diagnosing and repairing damages to an automatic transmission system.



Driveshaft: the driveshaft also known as the propeller shaft is a mechanical component that transmits torque or rotational force from the engine to the drive train. A driveshaft is also a connecting device that connects other components of a drive train.

Transaxle: A transaxle is a component that combines the functionality of other components such as the transmission, axle and differential into an integrated assembly.

Gearbox: The Gearbox or transmission is a part of the transaxle and it consist of gears and gear trains which provide speed and torque conversions from a rotating power source to other components.

Differential: A differential is basically a gear train that consists of three shafts. The differential functions in such a way that at any given time, the rotational speed of one of the three shafts can be equal to the average speed of the other shafts. The rotational speed can also be a fixed multiple of the average speed of


Fig 3

The rear-wheel drive train assembly is generally found in older cars and it has some advantages. The advantages include; superior breaking and it splits the job of steering and driving in the vehicle. The rear-wheel drive train consists of the following: •

A driveshaft



The Front-Wheel Drive train – most modern vehicles are powered by a front-wheel drive train arrangement. In this arrangement, torque is transferred to the front wheels to move the vehicle. To view the front-wheel drive train, refer to your AudioLearn Study guide PDF. The front-wheel assembly and its components are highlighted in figure



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