Easy Words Exercise - 1 1.
DISTRAUGHT – [spell]- D I S T R A U G H T Definition: in a state of mental confusion Synonym: upset, agitated Antonym: composed, collected Sentence: She found herself feeling distraught over the amount of work she had to get done.
OVERJOYED – [spell]- O V E R J O Y E D Definition: very happy Synonym: delighted, elated Antonym: depressed, sorrowful Sentence: She was overjoyed to be reunited with her son after 15 years.
COMBATANT – [spell]- C O M B A T A N T Definition: one who fights in a war Synonym: attacker, antagonist Antonym: Sentence: Germany was one of the major combatants in World War II.
INEXPENSIVE – [spell]- I N E X P E N S I V E Definition: not costing much money Synonym: cheap, economical Antonym: expensive, pricey Sentence: She was surprised to find that the designer shoes were actually quite inexpensive.
DIGESTIVE – [spell]- D I G E S T I V E Definition: of or for the breaking down of food in the stomach Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The doctor determined the patient had some serious digestive issues.
CLIMAX – [spell]- C L I M A X Definition: the highest point of interest Synonym: capstone, turning point Antonym: bottom, anticlimax Sentence: He kept us spellbound as his story neared its climax.
AWAKENING – [spell]- A W A K E N I NG Definition: a waking up