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Easy Words Exercise - 1

1. DISTRAUGHT – [spell]- D I S T R A U G H T Definition: in a state of mental confusion Synonym: upset, agitated Antonym: composed, collected Sentence: She found herself feeling distraught over the amount of work she had to get done.

2. OVERJOYED – [spell]- O V E R J O Y E D Definition: very happy Synonym: delighted, elated Antonym: depressed, sorrowful Sentence: She was overjoyed to be reunited with her son after 15 years.


3. COMBATANT – [spell]- C O M B A T A N T Definition: one who fights in a war Synonym: attacker, antagonist Antonym: Sentence: Germany was one of the major combatants in World War II.

4. INEXPENSIVE – [spell]- I N E X P E N S I V E Definition: not costing much money Synonym: cheap, economical Antonym: expensive, pricey Sentence: She was surprised to find that the designer shoes were actually quite inexpensive.

5. DIGESTIVE – [spell]- D I G E S T I V E Definition: of or for the breaking down of food in the stomach Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The doctor determined the patient had some serious digestive issues.

6. CLIMAX – [spell]- C L I M A X Definition: the highest point of interest Synonym: capstone, turning point Antonym: bottom, anticlimax Sentence: He kept us spellbound as his story neared its climax.

7. AWAKENING – [spell]-A W A K E N I NG Definition: a waking up

Synonym: arousing, stimulating Antonym: sleeping, resting Sentence: After an abrupt awakening, he could not fall back asleep.

8. SCALLOP – [spell]- S C A L L O P Definition: a series of curves on the edge of a dress, etc. Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The hem of her dress was scalloped.

9. QUARTERLY – [spell]- Q U A R T E R L Y Definition: happening or done four times a year Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: He was responsible for generating quarterly reports of the company's profits.

10. DEPARTED – [spell]- D E P A R T E D Definition: a dead person Synonym: decedent, corpse Antonym: Sentence: At the funeral of the recently departed man, there was much weeping.

11. BESTREWN – [spell]- B E S T R E W N Definition: scattered around Synonym: dispersed, disseminated Antonym: gathered, collected Sentence: The playing cards were bestrewn about the table.

12. SMUDGE – [spell]- S M U D G E Definition: a dirty mark or stain Synonym: blot, blemish Antonym: Sentence: The charcoal the artist was using left dark smudges on her fingers.

13. THUNDERSTRUCK – [spell]- T H U N D E R S T R U C K Definition: astonished Synonym: amazed, aghast Antonym: Sentence: She was thunderstruck to learn that she was adopted.

14. COCKEYED – [spell]- C O C K E Y E D Definition: tilted or twisted to one side Synonym: awry, crooked

Antonym: level, straight Sentence: He is suspicious of strangers, and views them with a cockeyed expression.

15. INTERPRETATION – [spell]- I N T E R P R E T AT I O N Definition: an explaining the meaning of Synonym: understanding, analysis Antonym: Sentence: Her interpretation of the poem was a bit far-fetched.

16. BLAZE – [spell]- B L A Z E Definition: a bright flame or fire Synonym: flame, burn Antonym: Sentence: The blaze soon consumed the house, burning it down in its entirety.

17. BLEAK – [spell]- B L E A K Definition: depressing Synonym: cheerless, desolate Antonym: cheerful, bright Sentence: Having just lost his job, he had a pretty bleak outlook for the future.

18. INACCURACY – [spell]- I N A C C U R A C Y Definition: error or mistake Synonym: blunder, defect Antonym: accuracy, correctness Sentence: The medical test's inaccuracy led her to believe she had a serious disease when, in fact, she did not.

19. SENATE – [spell]- S E N A T E Definition: a governing or lawmaking assembly Synonym: parliament, council Antonym: Sentence: After a long campaign, he was elected to serve in the Senate.

20. COMPETITIVE – [spell]- C O M P E T I T I V E Definition: having to do with a contest Synonym: aggressive, ambitious Antonym: Sentence: His competitive nature compelled him to try and win every game.

21. SLEAZY – [spell]- S L E A Z Y Definition: disreputable

Synonym: sordid, tacky Antonym: fine, reputable Sentence: She tried to ignore the sleazy headlines she saw on the gossip magazines.

22. OVERREACH – [spell]- O V E R R E A C H Definition: to get the better of by cunning Synonym: overdo, overextend Antonym: Sentence: Through cleverness, he was able to overreach his boss's objections.

23. EVENTFUL – [spell]- E V E N T F U L Definition: full of important happenings Synonym: exciting, memorable Antonym: dull, uneventful Sentence: He was looking for a quiet, restful evening but it turned out to be quite eventful instead.

24. OVERACHIEVE – [spell]- O V E R A C H I E V E Definition: to perform better than expected Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: Although no one expected it, he overachieved on the test.

25. HERBIVOROUS – [spell]- H E R B I V O R O U S Definition: feeding on grass or other plants Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: Horses are herbivorous creatures.

26. ACCUSATORY – [spell]-A C C U S A T O R Y Definition: having a charge of doing something wrong Synonym: allegation, complaint Antonym: Sentence: She asked in an accusatory tone if he had stolen her book.

27. NIGHTMARE – [spell]- N I G H T M A R E Definition: very distressing dream Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: She often had nightmares about her worst fears.

28. SEAWARD – [spell]- S E A W A R D Definition: toward the sea (large body of water) Synonym:

Antonym: Sentence: The man headed seaward in order to catch a boat.

29. COMMONALITY – [spell]- C O M M O N AL I T Y Definition: a common quality Synonym: synonymous, similar Antonym: dissimilar Sentence: A commonality between the two of them is their stubborn nature.

30. THWART – [spell]- T H W A R T Definition: to prevent from doing something Synonym: obstruct, hinder Antonym: facilitate Sentence: She attempted to thwart her boss's plans of promoting her because she didn't want the job.

31. UNAVOIDABLE – [spell]- U N A V O I D A B L E Definition: that cannot be avoided Synonym: inevitable, certain Antonym: escapable, avoidable Sentence: He decided to tell her the truth because it was simply unavoidable.

32. PENALTY – [spell]- P E N A L T Y Definition: punishment imposed by law Synonym: punishment, damages Antonym: Sentence: He had to pay a penalty for his mistakes on his taxes.

33. YAMMER – [spell]-Y A M M E R Definition: to complain Synonym: moan, whine Antonym: Sentence: The child had a tendency to yammer on about everything.

34. TWINE – [spell]-T W I N E Definition: a strong thread or string made of two or more strands twisted together Synonym: yarn, coil Antonym: Sentence: The chef used the twine to bind up the stuffed chicken breasts.

35. AFFECTIONATE – [spell]-A F F E C T I O N A TE Definition: showing love Synonym: tender, caring

Antonym: aloof, unfeeling Sentence: The two siblings were extremely affectionate toward each other.

36. OBSCENITY – [spell]- O B S C E N I TY Definition: the quality of offending decency Synonym: indecency, profanity Antonym: decency, pleasantry Sentence: His words were an obscenity not appropriate to a work environment.

37. TOLERANCE – [spell]- T O L E R A N C E Definition: a willingness to endure the beliefs and actions of which one does not approve Synonym: fortitude, patience Antonym: weakness, disapproval Sentence: The teacher had remarkable tolerance when it came to her talkative class.

38. TRACT – [spell]- T R A C T Definition: stretch of land, water, etc. Synonym: area, lot Antonym: Sentence: He purchased the tract of land from his brother.

39. FIDGETY – [spell]- F I D G E T Y Definition: restless Synonym: jittery, uneasy Antonym: calm, composed Sentence: Feeling fidgety, he got up and paced the room.

40. RELIANCE – [spell]- R E L I A N C E Definition: trust or dependence Synonym: dependence Antonym: self-reliance, self-sufficiency Sentence: The child's reliance on her mother was unsettling considering her age.

41. FLURRY – [spell]- F L U R R Y Definition: a sudden commotion Synonym: outbreak, turmoil Antonym: peace, calm Sentence: The fire alarm ringing in the building caused a flurry of motion.

42. SENSUAL – [spell]- S E N S U A L Definition: of or having to do with the bodily senses rather than the mind

or soul Synonym: sensuous, tactile Antonym: Sentence: She found listening to the band's music to be a sensual experience.

43. COMPLICATION – [spell]- C O M P L I C A T I O N Definition: confused state of affairs Synonym: complexity, confusion Antonym: health, wellness Sentence: A complication arose in their vacation plans when a hurricane hit, causing their flight to be cancelled.

44. HOBO – [spell]- H O B O Definition: a person who wanders about and lives by begging or doing odd jobs Synonym: tramp, wanderer Antonym: Sentence: The hobo lived beneath the city bridge.

45. EXCESSIVE – [spell]- E X C E S S I V E Definition: too much Synonym: exorbitant, inordinate Antonym: modest, moderate Sentence: The number of apples she purchased to make a pie turned out to be quite excessive.

46. REGARDLESS – [spell]- R E G A R D L E S S Definition: with no heed Synonym: heedless Antonym: Sentence: He decided that, regardless of the snow on the roads, he needed to go to the store.

47. NAMELY – [spell]- N A M E L Y Definition: that is to say Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: He asked if she was going to the party, namely so he could ask her to go with him.

48. PRECURSORY – [spell]- P R E C U R S O R Y Definition: indicative of something to follow Synonym: foregoer, harbinger Antonym: Sentence: The cold temperatures were precursory of the snow.

49. FORCIBLE – [spell]- F O R C I B L E Definition: made or done using force Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The police entered the house in quite a forcible manner.

50. AVENGE – [spell]-A V E N G E Definition: to take revenge Synonym: vindicate, redress Antonym: Sentence: He decided that, no matter what, he would avenge his father's death.

51. PERSISTENCE – [spell]- P E R S I S T E N C E Definition: the act of continuing on firmly Synonym: tenacity, perseverance Antonym: irresolution, idleness Sentence: His persistence eventually landed him the promotion he wanted.

52. TRITE – [spell]- T R I T E Definition: worn out by use Synonym: commonplace, cliché Antonym: original, unique Sentence: The author was known for use of trite phrases in an unexpected way.

53. VOCAL – [spell]-V O C A L Definition: inclined to talk freely Synonym: outspoken, articulate Antonym: quiet, silent Sentence: She was always vocal about her opinions.

54. SLURP – [spell]- S L U R P Definition: to eat or drink with a noisy gurgling sound Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: She slurped up the last of the milk in her cereal bowl.

55. LEGENDARY – [spell]- L E G E N D A R Y Definition: celebrated or described by legend (story coming from the past) Synonym: fabled, mythical Antonym: Sentence: He was somewhat legendary as a high school athlete in his hometown.

56. TRUDGE – [spell]- T R U D G E Definition: to go on foot Synonym: shuffle, plod Antonym: Sentence: The tired joggers trudged down the pathway to home.

57. AMNESIA – [spell]-A M N E S I A Definition: partial or entire loss of memory due to brain injury Synonym: forgetfulness Antonym: Sentence: For months, she suffered from amnesia, unable to even remember her family.

58. KINK – [spell]- K I N K Definition: a twist or curl in a thread or rope Synonym: bend, crinkle Antonym: straighten, Sentence: He wondered why water wouldn't go through the hose—then he discovered it had a kink in it.

59. PICTORIAL – [spell]- P I C T O R IA L Definition: having to do with pictures Synonym: illustrative, graphic Antonym: Sentence: She was inspired to take a trip after buying a pictorial guide to Ireland.

60. TUSSLE – [spell]- T U S S L E Definition: to struggle or wrestle Synonym: scuffle, skirmish Antonym: Sentence: The boys tussled in the backyard in good-natured play.

61. OVERHAUL – [spell]- O V E R H A U L Definition: examine thoroughly so as to make any changes or repairs as needed Synonym: restore, reconstruct Antonym: fall short Sentence: The old house was going to get a complete overhaul.

62. STORYBOARD – [spell]- S T O R Y B O A R D Definition: a set of panels with sketches showing the sequences of events for a motion picture, program, or commercial Synonym: picture, sketch Antonym:

Sentence: The director created a storyboard of the scene to discuss with his writers.

63. CARDIAC – [spell]- C A R D I A C Definition: having to do with the heart Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The woman went to the doctor and found she had several cardiac problems.

64. OBLONG – [spell]- O B L O N G Definition: longer than broad Synonym: oval, elliptical Antonym: Sentence: The table was oblong in shape.

65. TERRORIZE – [spell]- T E R R O R I Z E Definition: to fill with great fear Synonym: bully, intimidate Antonym: Sentence: The boy enjoyed terrorizing his younger siblings.

66. FASCINATE – [spell]- F A S C I N A T E Definition: attract very strongly Synonym: enchant, captivate Antonym: repulse, bore Sentence: He was fascinated by her overwhelming beauty and charm.

67. OCCASIONAL – [spell]- O C C A S I O N A L Definition: happening only once in a while Synonym: sporadic, intermittent Antonym: regular, frequent Sentence: She ate fairly healthfully, except for an occasional splurge on sweets.

68. MASTERY – [spell]-M A S T E R Y Definition: rule or control Synonym: command, leadership Antonym: Sentence: The teacher had mastery over her classroom.

69. TRUSS – [spell]-T R U S S Definition: to tie or fasten Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The little boy was just learning to truss his shoes.

70. UNFOUNDED – [spell]- U N F O U N D E D Definition: without reason or basis Synonym: baseless, unjustified Antonym: justified, substantiated Sentence: It turned out that his accusation was completely unfounded.

71. OVERSHOOT – [spell]- O V E R S H O O T Definition: to aim over, higher than, or beyond Synonym: overreach Antonym: Sentence: He managed to overshoot his goal for the marathon.

72. ASSESS – [spell]-A S S E S S Definition: estimate of value Synonym: appraise, estimate Antonym: Sentence: In order to assess his weight loss, he charted his progress.

73. LUNACY – [spell]- L U N A C Y Definition: insanity Synonym: madness, mania Antonym: sanity Sentence: Her alleged lunacy was eventually disproven.

74. ARITHMETIC – [spell]-A R I T H ME T I C Definition: art or practice of making calculations with numbers Synonym: computation, mathematics Antonym: Sentence: Arithmetic was his favorite subject in school.

75. AUTOGRAPH – [spell]-A U T O G R A P H Definition: a person's signature Synonym: signature Antonym: Sentence: The little boy asked the celebrity for his autograph.

76. RESTRICTIVE – [spell]- R E S T R I C T I V E Definition: confining Synonym: opposed, prohibitive Antonym: allowing Sentence: The tight dress she wore was rather restrictive of her movements.

77. ABBREVIATION – [spell]-A B B R E V I AT I O N Definition: part of a word or phrase that stands for the whole Synonym: compression, shortening

Antonym: extension, lengthening Sentence: The abbreviation FBI stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation.

78. TEMPTATION – [spell]- T E M P T A T I O N Definition: a being made to try or do something by an offer of pleasure or reward Synonym: lure, attraction Antonym: Sentence: She ignored the temptation of the cookies in her cupboard.

79. CALCULATING – [spell]- C A L C U L A T I N G Definition: scheming and selfish Synonym: wily, shrewd Antonym: artless, naïve Sentence: Few people trusted him because he seemed to be so calculating.

80. FUMBLE – [spell]- F U M B L E Definition: feel or grope about clumsily Synonym: botch, bumble Antonym: Sentence: The football player lost the game by fumbling the ball.

81. DETERIORATE – [spell]- D E T E R I O R A T E Definition: become lower in quality or value Synonym: depreciate, degrade Antonym: elevate, improve Sentence: As his health began to deteriorate, he visited the doctor more frequently.

82. PARLIAMENT – [spell]- P A R L I A M E N T Definition: council or congress that is the highest lawmaking body in some countries Synonym: congress Antonym: Sentence: Britain's Parliament makes many important decisions every day.

83. FRISKY – [spell]- F R I S K Y Definition: playful Synonym: jumpy, lively Antonym: calm, lifeless Sentence: The kitten was frisky when it was let out of its cage.

84. FORTRESS – [spell]- F O R T R E S S Definition: a large fortified place or building

Synonym: citadel, garrison Antonym: Sentence: The child liked to imagine his tent of sheets as a powerful fortress.

85. MISTRESS – [spell]- M I S T R E S S Definition: woman who is at the head of the household Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: As mistress of the household, she took care of many duties.

86. CHANGEABILITY – [spell]- C H A N G E A B I L I T Y Definition: a quality that can be altered Synonym: fickleness, malleability Antonym: stability, decisiveness Sentence: Because of the changeability of her nature, her actions were hard to predict.

87. OPTIMAL – [spell]- O P T I M A L Definition: most favorable Synonym: ideal , best Antonym: worst Sentence: The student studied hard in order to obtain optimal results on the test.

88. PERKY – [spell]-P E R K Y Definition: cheerful or brisk Synonym: optimistic, bubbly Antonym: glum, gloomy Sentence: He could tell she was in a good mood from her perky attitude.

89. GULCH – [spell]- G U L C H Definition: a deep, narrow ravine with steep sides Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: A small stream flowed through the gulch.

90. BOUNDARY – [spell]- B O U N D A R Y Definition: a limiting line or thing Synonym: border, confine Antonym: center, interior Sentence: When he reached the boundary of the city, he saw a sign.

91. LOATHE – [spell]- L O A T H E Definition: feeling strong dislike and disgust for Synonym: abhor, hate

Antonym: love, adore Sentence: He loathed going outside in the cold rain.

92. OOMPH – [spell]- O O M P H Definition: energy or vitality Synonym: stamina, potency Antonym: idleness, laziness Sentence: Their cheering at the sideline gave him the extra oomph to finish the race.

93. BRAWL – [spell]- B R A W L Definition: a noisy quarrel Synonym: altercation, argument Antonym: agreement, peace Sentence: When a brawl broke out, the police had to break it up.

94. MANAGE – [spell]-M AN A G E Definition: guide or handle with skill or authority Synonym: administer, handle Antonym: Sentence: He was tasked with managing the long-term project.

95. INACCESSIBILITY – [spell]- I N A C C E S S I B I L I T Y Definition: being hard to get at, reach, or enter Synonym: Antonym: accessibility Sentence: The inaccessibility of the park caused him to go home.

96. FICTIONALIZE – [spell]- F I C T I O N A L I Z E Definition: give an imaginary or made up form to Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The author fictionalized his life story instead of telling it in a memoir.

97. DEMOTION – [spell]- D E M O T I O N Definition: act of reducing in rank Synonym: downgrade Antonym: promotion Sentence: When he constantly kept showing up late to his job, his boss had no choice but to serve him a demotion.

98. DESTRUCTIBLE – [spell]- D E S T R U C T I B L E Definition: capable of being ruined Synonym: perishable

Antonym: invincible Sentence: Due to its destructible nature, he could not ship the gift.

99. JUMBLE – [spell]- J U M B L E Definition: to mix or confuse Synonym: tangled, cluttered Antonym: sorted, arranged Sentence: After finding out the terrible news, her thoughts were all jumbled.

100. UNFORESEEN – [spell]- U N F O R E S E E N Definition: not known beforehand Synonym: unexpected, surprising Antonym: expected, predicted Sentence: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the party had to be cancelled

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