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1. Energy that comes from the splitting of certain atoms is referred to as what kind of energy?


a. Chemical energy b. Nuclear energy c. Thermal energy d. Electrical energy

Answer: b. Nuclear energy comes from the splitting of certain atoms, which is why it is sometimes referred to as atomic energy.

2. Which type of energy is not considered potential energy?

a. Radiant energy b. Electrical energy c. Nuclear energy d. Chemical energy

Answer: a. Each of these forms of energy is considered potential energy, except for radiant energy, which involves the movement of particles rather than potential energy.

3. Which law of thermodynamics refers to entropy at absolute zero?

a. Law of conservation of energy b. First law of thermodynamics c. Second law of thermodynamics d. Third law of thermodynamics

Answer: d. The third law of thermodynamics indicates that entropy approaches zero at absolute zero, which is 0 degrees Kelvin or -273 degrees Celsius.

4. The tendency of the universe to become increasingly disordered is called what?

a. Entropy b. Enthalpy c. Work d. Heat capacity

Answer: a. Entropy is a measure of a system to become increasingly disordered or to reach the lowest energy state, which is the same for all practical purposes, to be disordered.

5. Which measure of heat changes with the amount of the substance?

a. Heat capacity b. Volumetric heat capacity c. Specific heat capacity d. Molar heat capacity

Answer: a. The heat capacity will change as it depends on the volume or amount of the substance. In other words, the heat capacity of a substance will double if twice the amount of the substance is being looked at. This is not the case with the other measures of heat, which are intrinsic measures of heat.

6. If using calories instead of joules, what is the specific heat capacity of water in calories per kilogram per degree Kelvin?

a. 1 b. 4.32 c. 10 d. 532

Answer: a. The specific heat capacity of water in units of calories per kilogram per degree Kelvin, is 1.

7. What is measured in order to determine the energy given up by a reaction in a bomb calorimeter?

a. The change in temperature inside the bomb chamber b. The change in temperature in the surrounding air around the calorimeter c. The change in temperature in the surrounding water around the chamber d. Both the change in temperature of the surrounding water and in the chamber

Answer: c. What’s measured is the change in temperature of the surrounding water around the chamber and not the temperature change in the chamber itself.

8. When is enthalpy the same as the heat flow in a system?

a. Under all systems or reactions b. Under constant pressure situations c. When there is pressure volume work done in a system d. When heat is not lost by the system to the environment

Answer: b. The enthalpy is the same as the energy flow when the reaction is done under constant pressure.

9. In standardizing enthalpy of an equation for one mole of substrate A going to 2 moles of end product B, what are the units to describe this enthalpy change?

a. Joules b. Joules per mole of the substrate A c. Joules per mole of the end product B d. Joules per mole of either the substrate or the end product

Answer: d. Enthalpy standardized for the stoichiometry of the equation can be represented as joules per mole of either substrate A or end product B.

10. The equation: one mole of substrate A goes to two moles of end product B plus 100 joules of heat can be described as -100 joules per mole of substrate

A. What is the description of the reverse reaction?

a. It is still -100 joules per mole of substrate A. b. It is -50 joules per mole of substrate B c. It is +50 joules per mole of substrate B d. It is +100 joules per mole of substrate B.

Answer: c. Because the reaction is A goes to 2B and is exothermic, the enthalpy is negative. The reverse reaction is endothermic so the enthalpy will be positive and will be half of 100 joules because of the stoichiometry of the reaction.

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