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Sources of Intelligence
Psychologists have long debated the origins of intelligence. Some of the issues surrounding this have been answered in the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart. In it, the intelligence quotient or IQ was measured in different populations. Identical twins reared together and identical twins reared apart had basically the same similarities in their IQs, especially when compared to siblings who were not identical. Even so, it is also believed that intelligence can be shaped by the environment a child is raised in. Environmental stimuli play a lesser role but are still important in enhancing or inhibiting the IQs of children.
Every person reacts to their environment based on their underlying genetics. This is referred to as the range of reaction. It means that the genetic potential is fixed but the reaching of that potential depends on factors such as environmental stimulation. Some ethnic groups perform more poorly on IQ tests but this is believed to be due to the environment and the test itself than on true intelligence. The same is true of kids raised in poor socioeconomic circumstances, who have greater degrees of stress. There are also biases in the IQ tests that discriminate against certain minority groups.
Learning disabilities affect cognition in different ways. They can affect both language and reading, which are the most common learning disabilities. Learning disabilities are more likely related to specific neurological impairments rather than a developmental disability or global intelligence. Dyslexia is a difficulty in reading, while a language disability is difficulty understanding or making use of spoken words. ADHD is highly linked to also having a learning disability.
Dysgraphia is the inability to easily write with pen and paper legibly. Thoughts are not easily put on paper, even though intelligence can be normal. They do better on oral exams. The most common learning disorder is dyslexia, which is a reading or letter processing disorder. Dyscalculia is an inability to easily understand mathematical principles.