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Personality Development
Personality development happens mainly in the early years of life and is determined by one s temperament, environment, and character. Temperament is largely genetic, although the exact genes responsible for this are unknown. The environment also is a major factor in the development of personality. Temperament probably plays the largest role in determining personality. High-quality parenting also plays a critical role. Character involves the behavioral, cognitive, and emotional patterns one learns from experiences in life. It also depends on one s moral development.
We have already discussed Erick Erickson s stages of development but we will talk about them again as they related to personality. Erikson did psychotherapy in children in order to identify those crises that adversely affect personality.
In infancy, there is trust versus mistrust. If the child is mistreated in this phase, mistrust is a part of their personality. Toddlers grapple with autonomy or shame, which is seen as stubbornness and tantrums during that phase. Preschoolers learn initiative versus guilt and have an active fantasy life. School age children learn industry versus inferiority, which affects their self-discipline. Adolescents have identity or identity diffusion, which helps to form their overall identity as an adult.
Carl Rogers also studied personality development. It was theorized that childhood experiences strongly affect a child s personality. There are crucial periods in the child s life where environmental factors have the greatest influence on personality. Culture also forms personality because certain cultures emphasize different aspects of a child s personality development.