2 minute read
1. What was the earliest theory of personality based on?
a. Phrenology b. Innate temperament c. Personality axes d. Humors
Answer: d. Hippocrates first developed the idea of four humors, which represented fluids in the body that helped to determine what a person s personality was.
2. What factor is least likely to play a role in one’s overall personality development?
a. Temperament b. Intelligence c. Character d. Environment
Answer: b. Personality development depends on three factors, which are temperament, character, and environment. Intelligence plays the least role.
3. Which defense mechanism involves going back to an earlier developmental stage as a coping strategy?
a. Regression b. Repression c. Reaction formation d. Projection
Answer: a. Regression is a defense mechanism that involves going back to an earlier stage of development in order to cope with something that is unacceptable.
4. Which defense mechanism involves adopting beliefs that are contrary to one’s actual beliefs?
a. Displacement b. Repression c. Reaction formation d. Projection
Answer: c. Reaction formation involves the adoption of beliefs or a belief system that is the opposite of what one actually believes.
5. According to social-cognitive theory of personality proposed by Bandura, what is not one of the three things that interact and influence one another to determine personality?
a. Context b. Subconscious desires c. Behavior d. Cognition
Answer: b. According to the social-cognitive theory of personality, context, behavior, and cognition all influence one another in order to form one s personality.
6. What is truer of a person who has an external locus of control versus an internal locus of control?
a. Do better academically b. Have better coping strategies c. Are more depressed d. Are more independent
Answer: c. Each of these is something one would see in a person who has an internal locus of control, except that people with an external locus of control are more depressed in general.
7. Which personality disorder is most likely to have close personal relationships with another person?
a. Paranoid personality disorder b. Schizoid personality disorder c. Schizotypal personality disorder d. Dependent personality disorder
Answer: d. People with paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal personality disorders do not easily have close personal relationships with others. People with dependent personality disorder will have close ties with others but the relationship won t likely be healthy.
8. Which personality disorder is least likely to be trusting of others?
a. Anankastic personality disorder b. Borderline personality disorder c. Paranoid personality disorder d. Narcissistic personality disorder
Answer: c. People with paranoid personality disorder are generally mistrusting of others and do not easily have close interpersonal relationships.
9. Which personality disorder involves a constant need to be admired by others yet involves being extremely envious of others?
a. Anankastic personality disorder b. Antisocial personality disorder c. Avoidant personality disorder d. Narcissistic personality disorder e. Answer: d. People with narcissistic personality disorder have a constant need to be admired but feel extremely envious of other people.
10. Which personality disorder is most associated with obsessive-compulsive tendencies?
a. Anankastic personality disorder b. Antisocial personality disorder c. Avoidant personality disorder d. Narcissistic personality disorder
Answer: a. The person with anankastic personality disorder often has obsessive-compulsive tendencies as part of their personality pattern.