2 minute read
1. What is it called when faced with a stressor and you judge what your options are to deal with it?
a. Primary appraisal b. Stimulus-based stress c. Secondary appraisal d. Response-based stress
Answer: c. Secondary appraisal of a stressor is based on self-efficacy and involves the person judging what their options are to deal with a specific stressor.
2. What is it called when it is believed that stress is mostly physiological and based on the person’s reaction to a stressor?
a. Primary appraisal b. Stimulus-based stress c. Secondary appraisal d. Response-based stress
Answer: d. With response-based stress, most of the stress is a physiological response, which will vary from person to person. The stressor may be experienced to a greater degree in some people and not in other people.
3. What is not part of the natural stress response?
a. Increased heart rate b. Increased respirations c. Decreased GI motility d. Constricted pupils
Answer: d. Each of these is a part of the natural stress response, which is based on the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, except that the pupils will dilate rather than constrict.
4. What is the last stage of the generalized stress response?
a. Fight or flight b. Exhaustion c. Resistance d. Alarm reaction
Answer: b. In the generalized stress response, there is an alarm reaction, which is basically the same as the fight or flight response, then the stage of resistance, and then exhaustion, in which fainting or death can occur.
5. What change in life leads to the greatest degree of personal life adjustment?
a. Divorce b. Surgery c. Job loss d. Death of a spouse
Answer: d. While each of these things requires an adjustment, the death of a spouse requires the greatest degree of personal life adjustment, followed by divorce.
6. What is not a particular criticism of the SRRS scale, which measures the impact of stressors?
a. It is too vague. b. It does not apply to all cultures. c. It does not take the person’s appraisals into account. d. It plays equal emphasis on negative and positive stressors.
Answer: b. Each of these is a criticism of the SRRS, except that it does in fact apply to all ages and cultures.
7. What underlying emotional state is most associated with high blood pressure?
a. Sadness b. Shame c. Guilt d. Anger
Answer: d. The available research shows that there is a strong connection between the development of high blood pressure and underlying anger.
8. What psychological condition is most associated with the development of physical diseases?
a. Anxiety disorders b. Depression c. Schizophrenia d. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Answer: b. Depression has a major link to most of the major physical diseases.
9. Which psychological state is most associated with the development of an asthma attack?
a. Depressed mood b. Excitement c. Anger d. Anxiety
Answer: d. Asthma is most closely associated with anxiety and with other negative highly emotional states.
10. What is most associated with problem-focused coping strategies?
a. Altering the situation b. Minimizing the problem c. Distancing oneself from the problem d. Reappraisal of the situation
Answer: a. Problem-solving coping involves altering the situation itself while the other strategies involve emotion-focused coping.