If you want to keep going even further, you can become a Master Black Belt. The average -MBB- annual salary is one hundred and twenty six thousand, five hundred and twenty one dollars. Job titles for Master Black Belts include Lean Process Improvement Director and Continuous Improvement Site Leader. Teaching and mentoring is often part of an -MBB-'s role. As you can tell, there is a huge range of opportunities in the field of Quality Improvement. Even as a Yellow Belt, your services will be indispensable. So, once again, I’d like to congratulate you on your commendable decision to pursue a career in this field. Our audio course will help you to prepare for the CSSYB exam itself. When you complete the course, you will understand the entire certification process and exactly what the exam involves. Next, I’d like to give you an overview of this course. I will tell you about the content and what you can expect as we go through the material together. Thank you, again, for your interest.
COURSE CONVENTIONS AND CONTENT Welcome to the section on the course conventions and content! When I say course conventions, I’m referring to the methods I’ll use to present the course material to you. There are twelve chapters in this course. Sometimes, I will divide material from larger chapters into smaller sections. At the start of each chapter, I will give a brief introduction about what the chapter will include. Then, I will move on to the actual content. Near the end of every chapter, there will be a short quiz for you to test your understanding and knowledge. The quizzes typically consist of ten questions. You will find the quiz material in the Follow Along PDF manual; I’ll explain more about that in a moment. I encourage you to take the quizzes and consult the answer keys to see how well you are retaining the material. Alternatively, I will discuss the correct answers with you. So, you can pause the audio, take the quiz, and then listen for the correct answers after you resume the audio.