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Course Conventions and Content
If you want to keep going even further, you can become a Master Black Belt. The average -MBB- annual salary is one hundred and twenty six thousand, five hundred and twenty one dollars. Job titles for Master Black Belts include Lean Process Improvement Director and Continuous Improvement Site Leader. Teaching and mentoring is often part of an -MBB' s role.
As you can tell, there is a huge range of opportunities in the field of Quality Improvement. Even as a Yellow Belt, your services will be indispensable. So, once again, I’d like to congratulate you on your commendable decision to pursue a career in this field. Our audio course will help you to prepare for the CSSYB exam itself. When you complete the course, you will understand the entire certification process and exactly what the exam involves.
Next, I’d like to give you an overview of this course. I will tell you about the content and what you can expect as we go through the material together. Thank you, again, for your interest.
Welcome to the section on the course conventions and content!
When I say course conventions, I’m referring to the methods I’ll use to present the course material to you. There are twelve chapters in this course. Sometimes, I will divide material from larger chapters into smaller sections.
At the start of each chapter, I will give a brief introduction about what the chapter will include. Then, I will move on to the actual content. Near the end of every chapter, there will be a short quiz for you to test your understanding and knowledge. The quizzes typically consist of ten questions. You will find the quiz material in the Follow Along PDF manual; I’ll explain more about that in a moment.
I encourage you to take the quizzes and consult the answer keys to see how well you are retaining the material. Alternatively, I will discuss the correct answers with you. So, you can pause the audio, take the quiz, and then listen for the correct answers after you resume the audio.
To help you summarize and retain what you learn, I will end every chapter with a list of takeaways. This list will include the most important information to remember from each chapter. You can expect around ten important points from each one.
Earlier, I mentioned a Follow Along PDF Manual. With every AudioLearn course, you get access to a Follow Along PDF Manual. These manuals contain the chapter quizzes and answers, summaries of important information, and links to supplemental information. They also contain your final exam. This course contains a final exam that you can use as a practice exam for the real thing. It consists of one hundred questions and tests you on everything I'll cover in this course.
You can print out the PDF manual or simply read it in its digital format. I recommend using your PDF manual to write additional comments and notes as you see fit, so printing it is best. However, if you are only able to listen while commuting to work, for example, you can ignore the manual temporarily. Consult it when you are in a more appropriate setting. You can still get valuable information just by listening to what I have to say.
Many learners find repetition to be an extremely effective and helpful technique during their exam preparation. We use this technique in our courses. Soon you will discover that I will repeat many terms and concepts throughout the course. When you hear ideas that have been repeated, even multiple times, take note of them. We consider them to be very important concepts. This repetition ensures that you thoroughly understand those concepts.
I am about to cover a great deal of information. I wholeheartedly recommend your listening to every chapter in this course at least twice, or even more. The entire body of material is a lot to take in. It’s likely that you’ll need to listen a few times to fully grasp everything.
Now I’m going to outline the material I'll cover throughout this course. I hope this motivates you to want to listen, and to get right into the content.
In the next chapter, I will give you an overview of the CSSYB exam. I will explain details such as the types of questions you can expect and other practical things you need to know. I will also cover eligibility requirements for the exam and how to register for and
schedule the test. I will talk about the test center regulations and result and retake policies. There is also a section on tips for effective exam preparation.
Chapter three is all about Bloom’s Taxonomy. It’s essential that you understand this concept. It indicates the level of complexity of each exam question, helping you to know what is required of you.
The next two chapters covers Six Sigma fundamentals. In chapter four, I discuss:
• Six Sigma foundations and principles,
• Lean foundations,
• And Six Sigma roles and responsibilities.
Chapter five builds on this foundation by teaching you about quality tools, Six Sigma metrics, and teams.
Let me pause for a second to remind you about DMAIC define, measure, analyze, improve, and control. You're about to hear those phases now.
In chapter six, we begin exploring the Six Sigma methodology. The define phase is divided into two chapters. Chapter six covers project identification, while chapter seven concerns project management basics.
Chapter eight is all about the measure phase. We’ll cover basic statistics, data collection, and measurement systems.
Chapters nine and ten are about the analyze phase. In chapter nine, I explain process analysis tools, root cause analysis, and data analysis. In chapter ten, you’ll learn about correlation and regression and hypothesis testing.
Chapter eleven addresses both the improve and control phases. I explain improvement techniques, control tools, and documentation.
And finally, chapter twelve contains your final exam. I also explain the next steps for securing your certification, and what happens if you do not pass the test.
As you can tell, we have a lot of work to do. Take your time and work at a pace that feels comfortable to you. Listen as often as you can. Make sure you thoroughly understand all the concepts in a particular chapter before moving on to the next one.
I recommend that you retake quizzes, especially if you get any questions wrong. This will help you to completely master the course material and better grasp the concepts I present. Remember, the whole purpose of your taking this course is to put yourself in the best position to ace your exam. The more you know the material, the more prepared and confident you will be.