1 minute read

Traffic Control Devices: Lights

Red means STOP. Remain stopped until the light changes. Remember that, by law you may still be “in motion.” Do not use cell phone or other devices. Do not block crosswalks or intersections.

Yellow means that signal is about to turn red. Slow and stop unless too far into intersection or driver behind you is too close and cannot (or will not) stop behind you. Never try to “beat the light.”


Green means GO. Always check to be sure your path is clear after the light has turned green. Drivers traveling in other directions may be trying to “beat the light.”

Treat flashing red as a stop sign.

Flashing yellow. Use caution. Proceed when safe. Yield to other traffic. Stop for direction of arrow.

Flashing—Use caution and yield to other traffic before turn in direction of arrow. Solid—Arrow about to turn red.

OK to turn in the indicated direction if safe to do so.

Light Combinations on Pedestrian Activated Signals

When you see a flashing yellow light, slow down. A pedestrian has probably activated the signal.

With a solid yellow light, slow down and prepare to stop. Pedestrians will be crossing.

With a solid red light, stop. You should see pedestrians crossing in the cross walk.

With flashing red lights, proceed only if the path is clear. Pedestrians have just crossed.

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