14 minute read

Final Exam

What follows are 60 multiple choice questions. Most will feature information you can expect to see on a written permit test. Some have to do with defensive driving and how you will respond to a situation when out on the road. Think carefully after reading each question and choose the answer that provides the most correct and accurate response. Shoot for perfect!

QUESTION 1 In many cases, who is responsible for drivers under age 16 and found not to be wearing seatbelts?


A The offender’s legal Parent or Guardian B The occupant not wearing a seatbelt C The driver of the vehicle D A passenger who is 18 years old or older

QUESTION 2 What is counter steering?

A Steering to avoid a road hazard B Steering in an opposite direction to help regain control of your vehicle in a skid C Steering to avoid a careless move made by another driver D Steering that is jerky and can throw you into a skid

QUESTION 3 In the absence of signs, who should normally yield in traffic?

A Driver on the left yields to driver on the right B Driver on the right yields to driver on the left C Driver of a car yields to drivers of buses or trucks D Drivers always yield to emergency vehicles

Question 4 What can you expect from a diamond-shaped sign with black printing on orange background?

A It provides a warning and is usually associated with work or construction zones B It provides a warning to highway traffic C Black on orange are regulatory signs D Black on orange are reserved for railroad crossings

QUESTION 5 What signs are associated (IN ORDER left to right) with the following shapes?

A No passing, yield, and stop B Yield, no passing, and stop C Yield, school zone, and stop D Yield, no passing, and stop

Question 6 Which of the following cases is not recommended for using your vehicle horn?

A Tap the horn to alert the driver ahead of you that a red light has turned green B Alert friends on the other side of the street that you are passing by C Make a prolonged blast to warn a driver who has drifted head-on into your lane D Tap the horn before starting a trip to make sure it works

Question 7 In what case might a left turn or red after stop be permissible?

A Turning from a two-way street to a one-way street B Turning from a one-way street onto a two-way street C No state allows left on red at any time D Turning left from a one-way to a one-way street

Question 8 When in a roundabout, always keep the center island where?

A To your right B It depends on what information is displayed on the entry sign C To your left D Roundabouts do not have center islands

Question 9 Which two traffic control devices are considered to be the same?

A Stop sign and red light B Stop sign and red arrow C Stop sign and flashing red light D Stop sign and automatic railroad crossing gate

QUESTION 10 What does this sign mean?

A Divided highway is ending B Divided highway ahead C Two-way traffic ahead D Center island ahead

Question 11 When stopping at railroad tracks, what is the minimum distance you should stop before the tracks?

A 25 feet B 15 feet C 30 feet D 50 feet

Question 12 What are blind spots?

A Areas directly in front of your vehicle B Areas prone to bright sunlight during the day C Areas around your vehicle that cannot be seen through your side mirrors D Areas at night with no street lighting

QUESTION 13 If a dash board indicator light reading “ABS” lights when you are driving, what can it mean?

A Your airbags are active and will deploy in a crash B Your airbags are not active and may not deploy in a crash C Your airbag sensor switch detects a young occupant (according to weight) in the front seat D Your vehicle brakes might have lost anti-lock capabilities if you come to a hard stop

Question 14 When can you be stopped for suspected DUI?

A If your BAC meets or exceeds 0.08% B If your driving reveals that you might be under the influence of something C If your BAC meets or exceeds 0.04% D If you violate the “implied consent” law

Question 15 When arriving at an uncontrolled intersection, treat it as what?

A A four-way stop B A T-shaped intersection C An intersection with a traffic light D A roundabout

QUESTION 16 What vehicle might NOT be acceptable for taking a road test?

A Emergency brake is foot operated B Windshield is cracked C Vehicle registration is not current D All the above

QUESTION 17 What does this sign tell you?

A You can only make a left turn from the far-left lane B You can go straight from any lane C You can make a right turn from the right lane only D Right turn on red is not allowed at this intersection

QUESTION 18 What does this sign tell you?

A You are approaching a T-shaped intersection B A side street is entering your street from your right C A traffic control device is ahead D None of the above

Question 19 How much leeway or “wiggle room” do you have to exceed a posted speed limit?

A Technically none; you can be stopped for exceeding the speed limit by any amount B While it differs by state, 5 mph is usually acceptable C 10 mph before you will actually receive a citation and fine D Just 1 or 2 mph to allow for the inaccuracy of non digital speedometers

QUESTION 20 When is the one time (other than crash avoidance) you can cross over a double yellow line?

A When you pass on a multi-lane road B When you change lanes on a highway C When you need to access a turning lane D When you make a left turn

QUESTION 21 When should you NOT make a U-turn?

A When you are within 500 feet of a hill or other obstacle| B When you do not have sufficient room to make such a turn C When a sign is posted that prohibits U-turns D All the above

Question 22 When are you NOT required to stop for a school bus displaying flashing red lights?

A There is no case where you do not need to stop B When you approach from behind C When you are on a road separated from the bus by a physical barrier D When you approach the bus from the front

QUESTION 23 In many states when you first get your license and are under age 18, which might be true?

A You are not allowed to parallel park B You cannot drive during overnight hours (with a few exceptions) C You must have a driver over age 21 in the front seat with you D You can never drive at a speed exceeding 65 mph

QUESTION 24 What is true about motorcycles following you on a highway?

A The operator of the motorcycle may drift in the lane to improve the view ahead B They are only required to stay one bike length behind you C Motorcycle operators must maintain the same speed as you are traveling D Motorcycle operators must pass you on the right

QUESTION 25 Who is allowed to pass on this road (assuming it is safe)?

A Neither vehicle A nor vehicle B B Vehicle B only C Vehicle A only D Both vehicles A and B


QUESTION 26 Why do you turn off all lights after pulling off the road in heavy fog?

A Your battery may drain prematurely B Light is reflected back into your eyes if you leave the lights on C Other drivers may mistake your lights for marking the road and will hit you D None of the above

QUESTION 27 What is the first thing you do when you discover your vehicle is hydroplaning?

A Pump your brakes B Press and hold your brake pedal C Counter-steer D Let up on the gas and do not touch the brake

QUESTION 28 When should you adjust your speed from what is posted?

A If you are late for a meeting B You should never change your speed from the posted limit C If there is snow on the road D It is permissible any time

Question 29 When parking on a steep hill facing downhill, how should you leave your front wheels?

A Turned in towards the curb or side of the road B Turned away from the curb or side of the road C Leave them facing straight ahead D There is no suggested wheel position for this situation

QUESTION 30 When approaching a vehicle head-on, when do you switch from high to low beams (may vary by state)?

A 200 feet B 500 feet C 250 feet D 100 feet

QUESTION 31 From top to bottom, what are the colors of the lights on a standard traffic signal?

A Green, yellow, red B Yellow, green, red C Red, green, yellow D Red, yellow, green

QUESTION 32 What is the primary difference between a solid white and solid yellow line in the road?

A Traffic on the other side of a white line is traveling in the opposite direction B Traffic on the other side of a yellow line is traveling in the same direction C Traffic on the other side of a yellow line is traveling in the opposite direction D Both lines mean the same as long as they are solid lines

QUESTION 33 Why might an IID (or CIID) be installed in your vehicle?

A Someone who will operate the vehicle has a DUI conviction B The owner of the vehicle has a DUI conviction C You want to prevent an underage driver from starting the vehicle D You want to be able to track the vehicle if it is stolen

QUESTION 34 What does this sign tell you?

A Yield to other traffic B There is a yield sign up ahead C Yield only if you are going straight ahead D There is a road hazard ahead

QUESTION 35 In normal traffic, how far, measured in time, do you stay behind a vehicle ahead of you?

A 15 seconds B 20-25 seconds C 2-4 seconds D 10-15 seconds

QUESTION 36 Which is true when your travel speed increases?

A Time to react increases B Distance to stop decreases C Time to react remains unchanged D Time to react decreases

QUESTION 37 Under normal circumstances, when do you activate your signal for a turn? (May vary by state)

A About 100 feet before your turn B About 50 feet before your turn C About 15 feet before your turn D About 25 feet before your turn

QUESTION 38 Why are lap seatbelts so important?

A They are less restrictive than shoulder belts B They can prevent your ejection from a vehicle in a crash C They serve as a substitute for airbag systems D They negate the need for ABS on your vehicle

QUESTION 39 What is an “active” railroad crossing?

A A crossing with a train moving through B A crossing where passenger trains (only) pass through C A crossing where more than six trains per day pass through D A crossing that has lights, bells, and gates

QUESTION 40 When is passing on the right allowed?

A Only from turning lanes B Only in two-way left lanes C When you are behind a driver who is turning left D When you are behind a driver who has signaled for a left turn

QUESTION 41 After passing a vehicle, when do you know you can check and re-occupy your original travel lane?

A When you see both headlights of the car you passed in your rear-view mirror. B When the back of your vehicle passes the front of the vehicle you passed C When you are two car lengths ahead of the vehicle you passed D When you can see one half of the front of the car you passed in your rear view mirror

QUESTION 42 When starting a three-point turn, where do you begin?

A On the left side of the road B On the right side of the road C In the middle of the road D You can start from any spot you choose

QUESTION 43 Why might your road test end early?

A You perform all required moves under the maximum time allowed B You make a full stop at a stop sign C You roll through a red flashing light D None of the above

QUESTION 44 What does this sign tell you?

A There is a hill up ahead that is just over fourteen feet high B Trucks higher than fourteen feet four inches must follow this route C There is a height gauge ahead D Because of a bridge or other obstacle ahead, a vehicle must be lower than 14’4” to pass.

QUESTION 45 When would you use a deceleration lane on a highway?

A You are approaching your exit and want to lower your speed for the exit ramp B You discover that you have been traveling far too fast C You need to pull over to make a cell phone call D You discover that your engine is overheating

QUESTION 46 What is the importance of mileage markers on highways?

A They mark your route number and help in navigation B You can use them to pinpoint your location when reporting an emergency C They show how far away your exit is D Mileage markers are only found in residential areas

QUESTION 47 If you approach a pedestrian sign showing flashing yellow lights, what can that mean?

A A pedestrian has just activated the signal B A pedestrian is in the crosswalk C School is in session D A pedestrian has just finished crossing the street

QUESTION 48 Why is driving while fatigued so dangerous?

A Your reflexes are slower B You might fall asleep C Your concentration will not be as sharp D All the above

QUESTION 49 How old might a child be who is secured in a rear seat, facing backwards?

A 8 years old B 5 years old C 6 months old D 2 years old

QUESTION 50 What harm can excess tire tread wear cause?

A You could suffer a blow out B You could be more prone to skidding C It may be more difficult to stop your vehicle D All the above

QUESTION 51 Why is your peripheral vision so important?

A You need to be able to see at night B You need to be able to detect trouble on your sides C You need to be able to read dash board gauges from your normal seated position D Good peripheral vision helps to prevent “highway hypnosis”

QUESTION 52 What happens if you approach a four-way stop intersection at the same time as another vehicle?

A Come to a full stop and yield to the vehicle on the right B Come to a complete stop and yield to the vehicle on the left C If the other driver signals you to proceed, there is no need to stop D Follow posted signs or lights as usual

QUESTION 53 To maintain the safest cushion around the sides of your vehicle, what do you do?

A Stay in the left side of your lane B Stay in the right side of your lane C Stay in the center of your lane and do not drift D Accelerate if you notice vehicles along your sides

QUESTION 54 If you are sure you are about to be rear-ended when stopped, what do you do?

A Turn hard to the left and pull away B Brace yourself and release the brake just at impact C Turn hard to the right and pull away D Put your vehicle in reverse and depress the accelerator

QUESTION 55 If stopped by a law enforcement officer, when do you lower your window?

A Only after the officer instructs you to do so B Only after you have turned on your dome light C Only to receive your citation D Before the officer arrives at your vehicle

QUESTION 56 What might it mean if both headlights on your vehicle go out at the same time?

A It is normal for both lights to burn out at the same time B Your darkness sensor has turned them on C You may have an electrical problem with the lights D Headlights do not burn out like other bulbs do

QUESTION 57 What can cause a wind draft along a highway?

A A large truck passes by you B You enter a tunnel C You are towing a utility trailer D Wind drafts are natural events occurring near open fields

QUESTION 58 What is the maximum distance from which you should park from a curb? (may vary by state)

A 12 inches B 6 inches C 24 inches D There is no suggested distance

QUESTION 59 How can you dry brakes that have become wet?

A Pump the brake pedal repeatedly B Lightly press the brake pedal with your left foot while accelerating with your right C Increase your speed to as high as you can legally D Drive as you normally do, but lengthen your route if you can

QUESTION 60 What does this sign tell you?

A There is an intersection ahead B There is an island ahead C There is a four-way intersection ahead D There is a roundabout ahead

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