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TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter One: Introduction .......................................................................... 1 Course Conventions and Content .................................................................................... 3 Chapter One: Key Takeaways .......................................................................................... 6 Chapter Two: The HESI-A-Two Exam ......................................................... 8 The Beginning of a Great Career ..................................................................................... 8 The HESI-A-Two Exam ................................................................................................ 10 Eligibility, Registration, and Scheduling ........................................................................ 11 Preparing for the Exam .................................................................................................. 14 Test Center Regulations ................................................................................................. 16 Results and Retake Policies ........................................................................................... 21 Chapter Two: Quiz ......................................................................................................... 23 Chapter Two: Key Takeaways ........................................................................................ 24 Chapter Three: Math ................................................................................. 27 Basic Operations ............................................................................................................ 28 Fractions, Ratios, and Proportions ................................................................................ 32 Percents and Decimals ................................................................................................... 37 Conversions, Household Measures, and Roman Numerals.......................................... 40 Dosage Calculations ....................................................................................................... 41 Chapter Three: Quiz ....................................................................................................... 42 Chapter Three: Key Takeaways ..................................................................................... 43 Chapter Four: Reading Comprehension .................................................... 45 Chapter Four: Quiz ........................................................................................................ 50
Chapter Four: Key Takeaways ....................................................................................... 51 Chapter Five: Vocabulary .......................................................................... 53 Chapter Five: Quiz ......................................................................................................... 58 Chapter Five: Key Takeaways ........................................................................................ 59 Chapter Six: Grammar .............................................................................. 61 Chapter Six: Quiz ........................................................................................................... 69 Chapter Six: Key Takeaways .......................................................................................... 70 Chapter Seven: Biology ............................................................................. 72 Classification of Organisms ........................................................................................... 73 The Scientific Method .................................................................................................... 73 Cells ................................................................................................................................ 75 How Cells Reproduce ..................................................................................................... 77 Photosynthesis ............................................................................................................... 79 Genetics and Heredity ...................................................................................................80 Chapter Seven: Quiz....................................................................................................... 82 Chapter Seven: Key Takeaways ..................................................................................... 83 Chapter Eight: Physics .............................................................................. 85 Laws of Physics .............................................................................................................. 85 Wave Classification ........................................................................................................ 86 Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy ............................................................................ 87 Current and Voltage .......................................................................................................88 Motion ............................................................................................................................88 Gravitation ..................................................................................................................... 90 Chapter Eight-Quiz ........................................................................................................ 91
Chapter Eight: Key Takeaways ...................................................................................... 92 Chapter Nine: Anatomy and Physiology .................................................... 94 Body Planes .................................................................................................................... 95 Body Orientation and Terms of Direction ..................................................................... 95 The Skeletal System ....................................................................................................... 97 The Muscular System ..................................................................................................... 98 The Circulatory System .................................................................................................. 99 The Immune System .....................................................................................................101 The Endocrine System ................................................................................................. 102 The Nervous System .................................................................................................... 103 Body Senses .................................................................................................................. 104 Chapter Nine: Quiz ...................................................................................................... 106 Chapter Nine: Key Takeaways ..................................................................................... 107 Chapter Ten: Chemistry .......................................................................... 109 Units of Measure ...........................................................................................................110 Matter ............................................................................................................................ 111 Atoms and Elements ..................................................................................................... 112 Chemical Bonds ............................................................................................................ 114 Chemical Reactions ....................................................................................................... 115 Chapter Ten: Quiz ......................................................................................................... 118 Chapter Ten: Key Takeaways ........................................................................................ 119 Chapter Eleven: Personality Test ............................................................. 121 Learning Style .............................................................................................................. 122 Personality Profile ........................................................................................................ 123
Chapter Twelve: You Passed, What’s Next? ............................................. 128 Final Exam ................................................................................................................... 129 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 130 Follow Along PDF Manual ........................................................................ 132
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Welcome to this audio course on preparing for the HESI-A-Two Entrance examination! I will guide you through the course material. The HESI-A-Two exam is also known as the HESI Admissions Assessment Exam. And by the way, HESI stands for Health Education Systems Incorporated. The test is actually a series of separate exams covering all the topics, rather than just one big test. You may or may not know that many nursing schools use this exam to screen applicants before accepting them into their programs. Since you’re listening to this course, I assume you’ve decided to pursue a nursing career and you’re getting ready for this exam. Maybe you've found a nursing program you want to enroll in, and they’ve advised you that you must take this exam. Perhaps you’re just thinking about becoming a nurse, and you’re curious about the entry requirements for nursing degree programs. Whatever your reason for taking this course, I want to congratulate you for considering such a potentially rewarding career path — rewarding both financially and emotionally. Let’s explore a bit about the opportunities that passing these exams can afford you. Of course, the direct result of passing the HESI-A-Two exams is getting into a nursing program. But what about the long term benefits? Suppose you’ve passed the HESI-ATwo and you’ve been accepted into the nursing program of your choice. After completing your studies, you’ll take more exams to determine if you’re ready to become an entry level nurse. The official test required for your actual license to practice as a nurse is the NCLEX: the National Council Licensure Examination. Every state regulatory board requires you to take the NCLEX. Many nursing schools also use a test to see if you’re ready to take the NCLEX. One such exam is the HESI Exit Exam. This particular test has shown to accurately predict success on the NCLEX with ninety eight percent accuracy. In many, if not most cases, you'll have
to pass the HESI Exit exam to graduate. The content of the exit exam is not the same as that on the HESI-A-Two; it will be based on your specific nursing program curriculum. As you can tell, I hope, the HESI-A-Two is your gateway to a rewarding nursing career. Passing this exam is only the first of many steps to follow. In this audio course, I'll give you the opportunity to thoroughly learn about all the subject areas on which you will be tested. I’m going to provide you with all the information you need to know as well as some effective study tools. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for registered nurses is growing. In fact, between twenty-twelve and twenty-twenty-two, demand is expected to increase by nineteen percent. As you prepare to enter the nursing field, it’s also important to consider any areas you might like to specialize in. Of course, it’s only natural that you’ll have a better idea about this after completing your nursing program. But it never hurts to give the subject some thought. Nursing is a field that offers the opportunity for continuous development. You can always expand upon your education and skills and climb the career ladder. With time and experience, you can assume a high level of responsibility on behalf of your patients. Perhaps you may choose to work with specific populations like children or the elderly. Maybe you will choose to specialize in working with patients who suffer from certain conditions like diabetes. Regardless of the path you take, there are always options to develop and refine your expertise. Listening to this audio course will not just help you prepare for the content of the HESIA-Two exam itself. You will also understand the practical aspects of the format and structure of the test. For example, how you register and schedule an exam date. Once your big day arrives, you’ll be fully prepared. Now, I want to give you an overview of this course. I will tell you about the content and what you can expect as we go through the material together. Thank you, again, for your interest.
COURSE CONVENTIONS AND CONTENT Welcome to the section on the course conventions and content! I will now brief you on the concepts and methods I will use to present the course material to you. There are twelve chapters in this course. Sometimes, I will divide larger chapters into smaller sections. At the start of each chapter, I will give a brief introduction about what the chapter will include. Then, I will progress into the content. Near the end of every chapter, there will be a short quiz for you to test your knowledge. The quizzes typically consist of ten questions. You will find the quiz material in the Follow Along PDF Manual; I’ll explain more about that in a moment. I encourage you to take the quizzes and consult the answer key to see how well you are retaining the course material. Alternatively, I will discuss the correct answers in the lectures. So, you can pause the audio, take the quiz, and then listen for the correct answers. If you feel really bold, take the quizzes as I read off the questions. This is a more challenging option because you will have less time to answer questions unless you pause the audio. On top of that, you will be reading questions on your real exam. It's best to get into that habit right from the outset. So, it's best to read and answer the questions and then listen as I give answers and explanations. To help you effectively summarize and retain what you learn, I will end every chapter with a list of takeaways. This list will summarize the most important information from each chapter. You can expect around ten on each list. Earlier, I mentioned a Follow Along PDF Manual. With every AudioLearn course, you get access to our signature study guide: our Follow Along PDF Manual. These manuals contain the chapter quizzes and answers, summaries of important information, and links to supplemental information. They also contain your final exam. This course contains a final exam that you can use as a practice test for the real thing. It consists of one hundred questions and tests you on everything I will cover in this course. You can print out the PDF manual or simply read it in its digital format. I recommend printing the manual and using it to write additional comments and notes as you see fit. However, if you are not able to read the Follow Along PDF Manual, you can ignore it
temporarily. Consult it when you are in a more appropriate setting. You can still get valuable information just by hearing what I have to say. Many learners find repetition to be an extremely effective and helpful technique during their exam preparation. We use this technique in our courses. Soon you will discover that I will repeat many terms and concepts throughout the course. When you hear ideas that have been repeated, even multiple times, take note of them. We consider them to be very important concepts. This repetition ensures that you thoroughly understand the ideas. If you use this technique, you will find it easier to recall important information. I am about to cover a great deal of information. I wholeheartedly recommend your listening to every chapter in this course at least twice, or even more. Listening a few times will help you to fully grasp everything you need to know for the HESI-A-Two. Right now, I’m going to outline the material I will cover throughout this course. I hope this motivates you to want to listen and to dive right into the content. In the next chapter, I will give you an overview of the HESI-A-Two exam. I will go into more detail about each of the sections on the test. I will also cover eligibility requirements and how to register for and schedule the exam. I will talk about test center regulations and results and retake policies. There is also a section on tips for effective exam preparation. So, that’s chapter two. Chapter three covers the essential mathematical skills you’re going to need. It includes all the fundamentals of arithmetic, and we'll apply it to scenarios such as dosage calculations. Chapter four is about the reading comprehension part of the exam. I’ll explain the skills you’ll need to demonstrate for this test. In general, you need to be able to understand reading passages about health-related information. In chapter five, we’ll go through the vocabulary you’re expected to know regarding different aspects of health care. Chapter six covers grammar. Communicating well is critical to your success as a nurse or, in any profession for that matter. You need to know how to communicate effectively when both speaking and writing. That's where practicing good grammar skills comes in.
Chapter seven is the first chapter about biology. I will cover topics such as photosynthesis, metabolism, cells, cellular respiration, biology basics, and biological molecules. In chapter eight, I’ll go through some fundamentals of physics. This will include Newton’s Laws, gravitation, acceleration, optics, and more. In chapter nine, we revisit biology; I'll discuss topics including anatomical structures, systems, and general terminology. In chapter ten, we'll explore some fundamental chemistry concepts. They are atomic structure, the periodic table, matter, chemical equations, chemical reactions, chemical bonding, and nuclear chemistry. By chapter eleven, we’re done with the scientific content; instead, I will go through the personality profile and learning style assessments. And finally, chapter twelve contains your final exam. I'll also explain the steps you'll need to take after you pass the HESI-A-Two exam. Now, it’s important to note that not all nursing programs require you to take all of the exams I just mentioned. I’ll explain more about this in the next chapter. As you can tell, we have a lot of work to do. Take your time and work at a pace that feels comfortable for you. Listen as often as you can. Make sure you thoroughly understand all the concepts in a particular chapter before moving on to the next one. I recommend that you retake written quizzes, especially if you get any questions wrong. This will help you to completely master the course material and better grasp the concepts I present. Remember, the whole purpose of your taking this course is to put yourself in the best position to ace your exam. The more you know the material, the more prepared and confident you will be. And now, we have reached the end of this introductory chapter! Since this was just an introduction, this chapter does not contain a quiz. But there are some key points to remember. So, let’s go through those takeaways I mentioned.
CHAPTER ONE: KEY TAKEAWAYS Here are your key chapter one takeaways: 1. Passing the HESI-A-Two exam is the gateway to beginning your nursing career. It’s the first step. When you pass this exam, you can be accepted into a nursing program. 2. Once you complete your nursing program, you may have to take the HESI Exit Exam. The content of that exam is based on your nursing curriculum. It checks your readiness to take the actual licensing exam: the NCLEX. 3. This course is not only to prepare you for the exam itself; I will also inform you about all the practical parts of the exam, such as how to schedule it. 4. Each chapter in this course will begin with a brief introduction before I move on to the chapter content. After that, I will present you with a quiz. I encourage you to take these quizzes to see how much of the content you’ve retained. Quizzes help to provide direction for which areas you need to study more. At the end of each chapter, I will give you a list of takeaways: important points from the chapter that you need to remember. Repeating these key points helps to reinforce them in your memory. 5. At the end of the course, you have a practice exam of one hundred questions. 6. I gave you an overview of what material this course contains. The separate exams for the HESI-A-Two are: Math, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary and Grammar; Biology, Physics, Anatomy and Physiology, and Chemistry; And finally, the personality profile and learning style assessment. 7. Not all nursing programs require you to take all of these exams. I’ll explain more about that in the next chapter. 8. The Follow Along PDF Manual contains summaries of important course material as well as links to supplemental information. It contains the quizzes and your final exam. Again, use the quizzes to test how much knowledge you’ve retained.
9. When you hear ideas that have been repeated, especially multiple times, take note of them. They are important. 10. Listen to every chapter in this course at least twice, or even more. This puts you in the best position to remember everything you need to know to pass the exam. That’s all for this introductory chapter. In the next chapter, I will explain everything you need to know about the exam. If you are ready to get started, be sure to have your Follow Along PDF Manual close at hand. Get comfortable, gather all the necessary supplies, and let’s begin!
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