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Chapter 14: Questions and Answers
by AudioLearn
1. When plants undergo photosynthesis they give off water into the atmosphere.
What is this called?
A. Transpiration B. Evaporation C. Sublimation D. Condensation
2. Snow will give off gas from solid to vapor phases, bypassing the liquid phase.
What is this called?
A. Transpiration B. Evaporation C. Sublimation D. Condensation
3. You measure the water velocity of a stream that started in a mountain and ended with several intervening tributaries. Where would you expect the channel velocity to be the greatest?
A. At the mouth of the channel near the ocean B. At the base of the mountain C. Near the top of the mountain D. Where a tributary means a larger one
4. You are documenting a stream size. How do you describe the stream's size correctly?
A. It is the width of it at its mouth B. It is the stream's volume output per unit of time at any spot C. It is the total water volume of the stream D. It is the total length of the stream
5. What drainage patterns of streams is the most common one?
A. Dendritic
B. Rectangular C. Radial D. Trellis
6. The fluvial processes dictate a stream's character. What is not a fluvial process related to erosion?
A. Abrasion B. Saltation C. Corrosion D. Hydraulic action
7. When you dig a well, what layer beneath the earth do you want to reach and get below?
A. Zone of aeration B. Capillary fringe C. Vadose zone D. Aquitard layer
8. What rock layer beneath the ground is impermeable to water?
A. Aquitard layer B. Capillary fringe layer C. Aquiclude layer D. Vadose zone
9. Where on a shoreline would you put your beach towel to be as close to the water as possible without much of a chance of getting wet?
A. Foreshore B. Backshore C. Berm D. Shoreface zone
10. Water coming onto shore in some cases has a narrow pathway out, such as in an inlet area. It forms a path to get out that has a lot of energy and can drive swimmers to sea. What is this called?
A. Rip current B. Longshore current C. Undertow D. Rogue wave