28 minute read
Course Questions
by AudioLearn
1. You find a rock that is fine-grained. What size granules must it have?
A. Less than 0.1 mm in diameter B. Less than 1 mm in diameter C. Less than 5 mm diameter D. Less than 8 mm diameter
2. The flat area along the sides of a river bed as it travels is called what?
A. Delta B. Tidal zone C. Brackish waters D. Floodplain
3. What is not something generally associated with metamorphic rocks?
A. Chemical changes B. Magnetic changes C. Mechanical changes D. Biological changes
4. The part of the earth associated most with geology is called what?
A. Stratosphere B. Inner core C. Lithosphere D. Troposphere
5. The substance that most invertebrate shells are made of is what?
A. Iron sulfide B. Calcium carbonate C. Silica D. Sodium chloride
6. A substance that crystallizes in rock to form a regular structure as it solidifies is called what?
A. Basalt B. Magma C. Mineral D. Mica
7. What type of rock is a common sedimentary rock?
A. Sandstone B. Granite C. Basalt D. Diorite
8. What is the primary process you see that leads to rust out of iron deposits in rock?
A. Weathering B. Plucking C. Saltation D. Oxidation
9. What is lahar usually made of?
A. Mud B. Sand C. Pumice stone D. Magma
10. The shiny flaky stuff you find in schist is called what?
A. Calcium carbonate B. Ooliths C. Foliation D. Mica
11. The type of igneous rock that has the largest inclusions is called what?
A. Diorite B. Gabbro C. Basalt D. Diabase
12. What will you see with regard to magma cooling and the size of its inclusions?
A. Slow cooling equals small inclusions B. Fast cooling equals large inclusions C. Slow cooling equals large inclusions D. Fast cooling and slow cooling have the same inclusion size
13. How does most sediment come to form sedimentary rock?
A. Through precipitation B. Through recrystallization C. Through gravity D. Through mineralization
14. What is a rock called that has been deposited a long way from its origins due to the actions of a retreating glacier?
A. Intrusion B. Erratic C. Extrusive rock D. Interlocking rock
15. What type of lava specifically comes up from the seafloor?
A. Pele's hair B. Pyroclastic flow C. Pahoehoe D. Pillow lava
16. The area in a desert that occasionally fills to make a temporary lake is called what?
A. Playa B. Sea-rack C. Moraine D. Lahar
17. What factor most contributed to the development of earth's outer crust?
A. Gravity B. Water C. Oxygen D. Sun's energy
18. What was the least common gaseous substance in the Hadean Era of earth?
A. Oxygen B. Carbon dioxide C. Water vapor D. Sulfur compounds
19. What gaseous substance most helped contribute to limestone formation?
A. Oxygen B. Nitrogen gas C. Carbon dioxide D. Sulfur dioxide
20. What did the first land surfaces on earth probably look like?
A. Flat sandy beaches B. Rocky mountains C. Jungles D. Black volcanic islands
21. Which supercontinent occurred last in geological time?
A. Pangaea B. Rodinia C. Kenorland D. Vaalbara
22. What part of the earth's spheres is where we have the rocks beneath the earth's surface?
A. Biosphere B. Hydrosphere C. Cryosphere D. Lithosphere
23. What layer is attributed to a chemical layer of the earth and not to a rheologic layer?
A. Lithosphere B. Asthenosphere C. Mantle D. Mesosphere
24. Where would you imagine the earth's crust to be the thinnest?
A. Mid-Pacific B. Antarctica C. Western USA D. Middle of Africa
25. What layer beneath earth makes up most of its volume?
A. Outer core B. Mantle C. Inner core D. Crust
26. What substance makes up most of the earth's outer core?
A. Iron B. Palladium C. Silicon D. Nickel
27. What part of the earth's layers is most responsible for the earth's magnetic field?
A. Crust B. Mantle C. Outer core D. Inner core
28. What metal might you least find in the inner core of the earth?
A. Gold B. Sodium C. Silver D. Palladium
29. What activity likely created a seamount in the ocean?
A. Tectonic plate separation B. Tectonic plates coming together C. Volcanoes erupting D. Sediment falling
30. Where does the biogenous contribution to the ocean floor sediment come from?
A. Glaciers B. Seashells C. Comets D. Rainfall
31. In what area of the North American continent will you find Precambrian rock more easily?
A. Florida coast B. Hawaii C. Southwest deserts of US D. Ontario
32. What best describes the Proterozoic era regarding the earth's crust and its plates?
A. The plates were thinner and moved more quickly than now. B. The earth was mostly without any solid features. C. The continents were much like they are now. D. There were a few cratons but not any solid continent or supercontinent.
33. The eukaryotes were not the first organisms on earth. What was not generally a feature of these organisms?
A. They were capable of being multicellular. B. They had clusters of chromosomes. C. They can reproduce sexually. D. They were all photosynthetic.
34. What is not considered a probable cause of the snowball earth that happened about 700 million years ago?
A. The sun was not as strong as it is now. B. The earth was more tilted than it is now. C. The ice on earth was too reflective of the sun's rays. D. There was more oxygen around the earth and oxygen is not a greenhouse gas.
35. You find some rocks with fossils of the Paleozoic era. Which fossil type might you see from the Paleozoic era you would consider the earliest among them?
A. Crinoids B. Trilobites C. Mollusks D. Brachiopods
36. What was a key feature of many of the known arthropods emerging in the Paleozoic era?
A. They were able to swim in water. B. They were very large. C. They were photosynthetic organisms. D. They had a calcium carbonate shell.
37. Which period is not from the Mesozoic era?
A. Triassic B. Jurassic C. Silurian D. Cretaceous
38. What animals were dominant on land during the Mesozoic era?
A. Dinosaurs B. Amphibians C. Insects D. Mammals
39. What was the cause of the mass extinction leading to the end of the age of the dinosaurs?
A. Volcanic activity B. Plant overgrowth C. Rise in seawater D. Asteroid impact
40. In dating rocks, what would least likely help you?
A. Carbon dating B. Magnetism C. The principle of horizontality D. Fossils
41. Which is not a known principle of stratigraphy?
A. Horizontality B. Laterality C. Superimposition D. Cross-cutting relationships
42. You see a cross-cutting layer in sedimentary rock. What would you see as a main feature of this?
A. It is thinner than the other layers B. It is more mineralized than the other layers C. It is shinier than the other layers D. It is diagonal with respect to the other layers
43. What is not a key feature of an index fossil?
A. It lived a long time span. B. It is easily identified. C. It is from a common species. D. It is widespread across the world.
44. Which dating technique for rocks would not work for those dating from billions of years ago?
A. Radiocarbon dating B. Potassium-argon dating C. Uranium series dating D. Fission track dating
45. Which absolute dating method is not based on imperfections or traps in crystals that trap escaping electrons from other atoms?
A. Thermoluminescence B. Potassium-argon dating C. Optical stimulating luminescence D. Electron spin dating
46. What ore is most used in dating rocks for its radioactivity?
A. Thorium B. Gold C. Tungsten D. Uranium
47. You might see a body fossil in amber. What is amber?
A. Solidified lava B. A golden mineral C. Hardened tree sap D. Crystallized golden quartz
48. What did researchers notice most about the earth's crust when using bathymetry?
A. That the crust was made of basalt in the ocean B. That there were mid-oceanic ridges in all major oceans C. That earthquakes occurred in the oceans D. That the earth's crust was very thin in the oceanic areas
49. What did magnetic striping seen on the ocean floor indicate about the movement of the continents?
A. That the continents were traveling in a northward direction. B. That the ocean is spreading out slower than before. C. That mid-oceanic ridges have shifted over time. D. That the earth has changed polarity as the oceanic ridges have spread the ocean floor.
50. Which of the tectonic plate is not a minor plate but is instead a major plate?
A. Sunda plate B. Australian plate C. Philippine sea plate D. Somali plate
51. The major and minor tectonic plates are mostly associated with land masses. Which plate is instead mostly underwater?
A. Antarctic B. Eurasian C. Pacific D. Indian
52. What plates are involved in the East African Rift seen in Kenya?
A. African and Pacific B. Nubian and Pacific C. Somali and African D. Nubian and Indian
53. Which mountainous area was not made by subduction processes?
A. Andes B. Alps C. Balkans D. Sierra Nevada
54. What is happening with regard to plate tectonics at the San Andrea fault in Western USA?
A. Transform boundary with dextral motion B. Transform boundary with sinistral motion C. Convergence with subduction D. Divergent boundary
55. Island arcs are made from what geologic phenomenon?
A. Volcano buildup at places of plate divergence B. Volcano buildup on upper half of oceanic convergence and subduction C. Volcano buildup at convergence without subduction D. Volcano buildup at continental convergence with subduction
56. What plate tectonic measuring technique can help determine the speed and direction of ocean floor spreading events?
A. Geodetic technique B. Geometric technique C. Seismic technique D. Paleomagnetic technique
57. Which plate tectonics measuring technique uses GPS to make these measurements?
A. Geometric measuring B. Seismology C. Geodesy D. Paleo magnetometry
58. What element is the most common in the earth's crust?
A. Carbon B. Iron C. Silicon D. Oxygen
59. The mineral you have has certain characteristics. In describing a mineral's characteristics professionally, what is not one of those you'll list?
A. Color B. Luster C. Chemical composition D. Cleavage
60. Which color is not a common color you'll see in quartz?
A. Gray B. Blue C. Pink D. Yellowish green
61. If you find a nice piece of olivine and turn it into a gem for jewelry, what gem would this create?
A. Garnet B. Amethyst C. Opal D. Peridot
62. What is not a distinctive feature of talc as a mineral?
A. It is a hard mineral B. It is white in color C. It has a pearlescent luster D. It feels greasy when you touch it
63. If a mineral is to fully form from an aqueous solution, what must happen?
A. Evaporation B. Condensation C. Sublimation D. Aerosolization
64. What are the pink crystals you see in granite?
A. Quartz B. Biotite C. Potassium feldspar D. Plagioclase feldspar
65. Why is lava black and granite, which is also made from magma, not black?
A. Lava has no mineral-making materials in it. B. Not enough pressure is involved in making lava. C. Lava is just one mineral. D. Lava has cooled much more rapidly.
66. You are hiking in California and come across some tufa towers. What element are you sure to find in it as its main substance?
A. Silicon B. Calcium C. Magnesium D. Sodium
67. When you see a crystalline vein in a rock, what can you assume must have been involved?
A. Water B. Hot gases C. Rapid cooling D. Sodium chloride
68. You are describing the look of a diamond and decide it has what type of luster most likely?
A. Vitreous B. Resinous C. Pearly D. Amantadine
69. If you are describing a mineral as being resinous, what aspect of the mineral are you talking about?
A. Its hardness B. Its luster C. Its density D. Its color
70. What type of mineral might you have if it was found to set off a Geiger counter?
A. Uraninite B. Magnetite C. Fluorite D. Calcite
71. Which mineral among these is the hardest?
A. Topaz B. Quartz C. Corundum D. Calcite
72. What does the Vickers scale in geology measure?
A. Mineral luster B. Mineral fracturing ability C. Mineral specific gravity D. Mineral hardness
73. What does the Vickers test actually measure besides hardness in minerology?
A. Resistance to pressure B. Density of a mineral C. Scratchability of a mineral D. Resistance to cleavage
74. What most makes clays so easy and slippery to work with?
A. The silicates break up more easily B. The silicates are made into sheets C. The silicates are unconnected to one another D. The silicates are mixed with sand
75. Biotite and muscovite are examples of what type of silicate?
A. Mica B. Olivine C. Quartz D. Amphibole
76. Which non-silicate mineral is made with iron and oxygen?
A. Sylvite B. Cinnabar C. Hematite D. Galena
77. What major element makes up the mineral substance in Epsom salts?
A. Iron B. Copper C. Manganese D. Magnesium
78. Which type of rock is usually rich in marine fossils?
A. Granite B. Dolostone C. Halite D. Red sandstone
79. What geologic mineral is behind ruby and sapphire gemstones?
A. Hematite B. Fluorite C. Corundum D. Iron oxide
80. What happens in decompression melting to allow rocks to suddenly melt faster?
A. Rocks dive deeper into the earth's core B. Rocks rise closer to the earth's surface C. Rocks get hotter as the temperature rises D. Rocks get ejected from a volcano
81. When you have a flux heating phenomenon with rock melting, what happens to cause this?
A. Rocks have water added to them. B. Rocks get pushed to the surface of the earth. C. Rocks are under a much greater pressure. D. Mixing of magma causes increased friction on the rocks.
82. When magma cools, which component will crystallize first?
A. Pyroxene B. Biotite C. Olivine D. Amphibole
83. You have a mafic rock that cooled underground. What is it likely to be called?
A. Basalt B. Gabbro C. Granite D. Andesite
84. You see a fine specimen of felsic rock. What might it be?
A. Granite B. Andesite C. Diorite D. Basalt
85. Your piece of granite has a lot of pinkish coloration in it. What element would account for this?
A. Iron B. Potassium C. Sodium D. Sulfur
86. In a magma chamber that cools, what will crystallize and fall to the bottom of the chamber first?
A. Pyroxene B. Quartz C. Olivine D. Potassium plagioclase
87. You see some rock called porphyritic rock. What best defines this rock?
A. It is extrusive rock. B. It has a light density. C. It is mostly black. D. It has differing crystal sizes.
88. Which stone is most likely a phaneritic igneous stone texture?
A. Granite B. Basalt C. Obsidian D. Andesite
89. Which stone of the igneous type is most likely called vitreous or glassy stone?
A. Granite B. Basalt C. Obsidian D. Andesite
90. From which type of igneous texture will you get large gemstones like garnets or sapphires?
A. Phaneritic B. Aphanitic C. Vitreous D. Pegmatitic
91. What is a pluton?
A. An irregular piece of molten rock within another rock B. An upward plume of solidified magma C. A piece of hard olivine that solidified deep in the earth's core D. A piece of country rock that has melted
92. What is a large sheet of sill that has deformed the rock layers in sedimentary rock called?
A. Laccolith B. Xenolith C. Dyke D. Batholith
93. At what level below earth's surface do diamonds get formed?
A. 5 miles B. 20 miles C. 90 miles D. 300 miles
94. If you were to find a diamond on the ground, where would you most likely look for one?
A. Along the beach B. In a mid-continental stream C. Under the ocean ridges D. On top of mountains
95. What part of the volcano's anatomy falls to the earth up to thousands of kilometers away?
A. Lava flow B. Eruption column C. Pyroclastic flow D. Eruption cloud
96. What part of the volcano's anatomy is ejected as a liquid but quickly solidifies?
A. Lava bomb B. Lava flow C. Eruption column D. Side vent
97. The stuff that comes off a volcano mixed with water and ash is called what?
A. Pyroclastic flow B. Lahar C. Lava bomb D. Eruption cloud
98. In a large eruption, what kills more people in general?
A. Lahars B. Lava flows C. Pyroclastic flows D. Eruption clouds
99. Which of the known volcanoes is not a composite volcano?
A. Mount St. Helens B. Mount Fuji C. Mount Hood D. Mauna Loa
100. What will you see in a composite volcano that you won't see in a cinder cone?
A. Dykes B. Weathering C. Volcanic activity D. Ash formation
101. What type of volcano is Mauna Kea in Hawaii?
A. Composite volcano B. Cinder cone C. Shield volcano D. Lava dome
102. Which volcano is the world's largest active volcano?
A. Mount Etna B. Mauna Loa C. Mauna Kea D. Mount Kilimanjaro
103. Which type of eruption would you most expect a lot of popping sounds when gas bubbles are released but not much damage?
A. Hawaiian B. Strombolian C. Plinian D. Pelean
104. Which type of eruption was Mount Vesuvius's eruption in 79 AD?
A. Vulcanian B. Strombolian C. Plinian D. Pelean
105. What eruption type was Mount St. Helen's in 1980?
A. Vulcanian B. Pelean C. Hawaiian D. Plinian
106. On the VEI scale of volcanic explosivity, what would you expect the VEI for a volcano like Kilauea in Hawaii to be?
A. Zero B. Four C. Six D. Ten
107. What type of volcanic eruption leads to tuya formation?
A. Submarine B. Plinian C. Subglacial D. Surtseyan
108. Which type of eruption is also called a steam-blast eruption?
A. Submarine B. Phreatic C. Sub-glacial D. Strombolian
109. What heralding event to a major volcanic eruption will be felt by grazing animals?
A. B waves B. A waves C. Long-period waves D. Harmonic tremors
110. What is not true of chemical weathering of rock?
A. It is a rare phenomenon. B. It is a faster process when smaller rocks are acted on. C. It works on rock surfaces only. D. It turns rock into soluble ionic compounds.
111. The process of hydrolysis in rock will take feldspar and turn it into what?
A. Sand B. Clay C. Quartz D. Mica
112. What factor least accelerates the dissolution of rocks?
A. Warm weather B. Acidity C. Dry weather D. Biologic agents
113. Oxidizing of metal accounts for some weathering situations in geology. What does oxidation do to weathering?
A. It Increases the rate of weathering B. It decreases the rate of weathering C. It makes the rock more likely to form silicates D. It makes the rock more likely to turn into elemental iron
114. What factor causes most of the mechanical weathering in the world?
A. Wind B. Water C. Ice D. Gravity
115. What least likely affects the rate of weathering of a rock?
A. Nearby soil B. Temperature C. Moisture D. Air pressure
116. What organisms help us use nitrogen by fixing it out of nitrogen gas?
A. Algae B. Plants C. Bacteria D. Cyanobacteria
117. Which layer of soil contains only the parent rock and nothing else?
A. O horizon B. B horizon C. C horizon D. R horizon
118. Some soil has an eluviation layer that is rich in what?
A. Organic material B. Minerals C. Rocks D. Clay
119. Which soil is mostly seen in the desert?
A. Aridisols B. Mollisols C. Ultisols D. Vertisols
120. Which soil would you most likely add to your garden to promote the healthiest garden because of its nutrient content?
A. Loam B. Peat C. Silt D. Chalk
121. Which soil type is not good for growing plants that need acidic soils?
A. Chalk B. Loam C. Sandy D. Silt
122. Which substance can be best mined in acidic soil and rock?
A. Gold B. Silver C. Lead D. Zinc
123. When sediment gets transported, which medium only transports ionic media and not solid media?
A. Rivers B. Groundwater C. Wind D. Glaciers
124. What is not a major function of transportation?
A. Sorting B. Rounding C. Chemically reacting D. Moving
125. What happens when you see depositional sorting in the process of sedimentation?
A. Sand and clay get mixed together. B. Heavier items are deposited away from shorelines. C. Clay never comes out of suspension. D. Finer sediments settle out in calm deeper waters.
126. A sedimentary rock that is mainly a lot of seashell material that has dissolved and then solidified is called what?
A. Clastic B. Chemical C. Biochemical D. Organic
127. How big does a boulder have to be at a minimum?
A. 3 inches B. 10 inches C. 24 inches D. 35 inches
128. You have sediment that settles out by size. Which size of clastic sediment is just a bit bigger than clay and will settle out just before it?
A. Cobble B. Pebble C. Silt D. Sand
129. What is not true about sorting of sediment when sedimentary rocks are being made?
A. Stream sorting is usually uneven. B. Windblown sorting is uneven. C. Beaches sort out using higher energy than streams. D. Sorting depends on density and particle size.
130. When looking for mature sedimentary rock, what would you see as a very mature type of sediment?
A. Olivine B. Pyroxene C. Quartz D. Plagioclase
131. You see a type of sedimentary rock that is filled with pink-colored feldspar as its main substance. What would you call it?
A. Arkose B. Wacke C. Arenite D. Lithic sandstone
132. What is the most common source of biochemical chert you'll see in biochemical sedimentary rock?
A. Coral B. Crabs C. Diatoms D. Algae
133. Which type of rock is not made from a type of silica chemical chert?
A. Agate B. Diatomite C. Flint D. Jasper
134. How long does it take to make one varve of sedimentary rock?
A. A year B. 100 years C. 1000 years D. A million years
135. What phenomenon would most likely cause hydrostatic metamorphism?
A. Reservoirs B. Mountains C. Streams D. Waves
136. If you see a foliated metamorphic rock, what will tell you that it is of this type?
A. Pink coloration B. Large speckles of crystals C. Easy flaking D. Banded or layering
137. You see a rock that is foliated and coarse-grained. It appears to be gneiss. What type of mineral will you see in it?
A. Muscovite mica B. Feldspar C. Iron oxide D. Olivine
138. What type of rock is jade?
A. Green-colored quartz B. Green shale C. Green sandstone D. Green schist
139. What type of substance do you get from limestone that is heat treated over time in contact metamorphism?
A. Jade B. Marble C. Mica D. Amethyst
140. Wollastonite is used in paints for its color. What is this metamorphic rock's color?
A. White B. Red C. Pink D. Black
141. Which type of metamorphic rock is the most coarse-grained among these?
A. Slate B. Marble C. Schist D. Gneiss
142. What feature will you see in injection gneiss that you won't see in other types of gneiss?
A. It has alternating bands of igneous and sedimentary rock. B. It has a bright green color. C. It is mostly layers of different white quartz. D. It takes on iron oxide to have a bloodstone effect.
143. Fuchsite quartz is a type of quartz that is contaminated with what contaminant?
A. Copper B. Iron C. Chromium D. Zinc
144. Hornstone is a hard rock that comes from what process?
A. Heating quartz B. Heating shale C. Adding pressure to granite D. Adding pressure to limestone
145. What is a common contaminant in dolomite that changes under conditions of metamorphism to become anorthite?
A. Zinc compounds B. Sodium compounds C. Aluminum compounds D. Iron compounds
146. Which mineral is not green in color and wouldn't necessarily be seen in green rocks?
A. Chlorite B. Epidote C. Serpentine D. Iron oxide
147. What is not true of foreshocks, mainshocks, and aftershocks?
A. They occur at the same location as each other. B. The mainshock is the biggest shock. C. There is only one foreshock. D. Aftershocks can last for years after the mainshock.
148. What statement is not true of a seismograph?
A. It generally only picks up the main earthquake. B. It detects seismic wave activity of the crust. C. They are not very portable devices. D. It can record events over a period of time.
149. What aspect of a given earthquake is variable in nature?
A. Magnitude B. Fault length C. Intensity D. Duration
150. When you see a sand blow, you know that what earthquake feature has happened to cause this phenomenon?
A. Liquefaction B. Landslide C. Tsunami D. Ground shaking
151. What earthquake phenomena are especially common in the Pacific basin area?
A. Landslides B. Liquefaction C. Tsunamis D. Fault scarps
152. Which waves on a seismograph are able to pass easily through the earth's mantle?
A. P waves B. Love waves C. Raleigh waves D. S waves
153. Which waves from an earthquake spread out in an elliptical fashion?
A. P waves B. Love waves C. Raleigh waves D. S waves
154. An earthquake in one year was 1.0 Magnitude points higher than in a previous year. How much stronger was the second earthquake?
A. 5 times B. 10 times C. twice D. 100 times
155. Below what magnitude level on the MMS will you not call it an earthquake at all?
A. 10 B. 5 C. 3 D. 1
156. What is not a factor used to determine earthquake intensity?
A. Furniture damage B. Chimney damage C. Whether it is felt or not D. Dollar losses
157. You are using triangulation to study an earthquake. What are you looking for?
A. Whether or not a tsunami is coming B. The intensity of the earthquake C. The epicenter of the earthquake D. When the earthquake is coming
158. What can be predicted in an earthquake?
A. The magnitude B. The location C. The time it will happen D. The probability that it will happen
159. There are different kinds of pressure on rock. Which type of pressure is represented by having a steady load of rock upon other rocks?
A. Tensional stress B. Uniform stress C. Compressional stress D. Shear stress
160. Which type of stress upon rock is said to stretch rock out?
A. Tensional stress B. Uniform stress C. Compressional stress D. Shear stress
161. Which type of stress on rock is most likely to twist rock in some way?
A. Tensional stress B. Uniform stress C. Compressional stress D. Shear stress
162. Where does the transition zone in the crust lead to more ductile behavior below this level?
A. 1 kilometer B. 5 kilometers C. 15 kilometers D. 35 kilometers
163. In measuring the dip and slip of an inclined plane, what statement is true?
A. Water level is always set as horizontal if it's part of the inclination. B. The slip and dip are parallel to one another. C. The dip is set toward the north. D. The slip is the angle of the plane to the horizontal.
164. If a dip of an incline is along the East-West line, what is the direction of the strike?
A. East B. West C. South D. North
165. You see a rock formation where there is a fault line. You stand on one side of the fault and see that the opposite side to your right has drifted downward or in the direction behind you. What is this called?
A. Normal dip-slip B. Reverse dip-slip C. Right lateral strike-slip D. Left lateral strike-slip
166. An extension fault area has had one block fall down with respect to another there is no uplift at the other end of the block. What would you call this?
A. Graben B. Half-graben C. Horst D. Half-horst
167. At what point in a geological fold with the folding pattern be most severe?
A. Fold axis B. Hinge line C. Fold plane D. Limb
168. In which type of folding pattern will you not be able to identify a true fold axis?
A. Syncline B. Monocline C. Dome D. Anticline
169. An extreme folding pattern in rock that looks like zigzags is called what?
A. Chevron fold B. Overturned fold C. Asymmetric fold D. Recumbent fold
170. Which type of mountains were neither created by folding of rock or fault thrusts?
A. Himalayans B. Appalachians C. Cascades D. Sierra Nevadas
171. What degree slope do you need to have a debris flow occur in most cases?
A. 20 degrees B. 45 degrees C. 55 degrees D. 65 degrees
172. In any landslide, what part will be nearest to the highest elevation?
A. Zone of accumulation B. Zone of depletion C. Transverse cracks D. Crown
173. Of the different types of mass movements, which one is more dangerous to larger areas and is also sudden in nature?
A. Fall B. Topple C. Debris flow D. Slide
174. Which type of mass movement involves a slope of fall that isn't an incline plane but is instead a concave surface?
A. Translational landslide B. Rotational landslide C. Topple D. Debris flow
175. What is the major factor leading to the development of a lateral spread of material in the earth?
A. Steep slope B. Unstable bedrock C. Liquefaction D. Overhanging cliffs
176. What factor makes a progressive flow last so long?
A. They involve a lot of earth falling at once. B. They gain momentum over time as more stuff is picked up in the flow. C. They are just so imperceptibly slow that they last a long time without anyone noticing. D. They are usually sustained by repeated earthquake tremors.
177. What factor does not lead to the development of an avalanche?
A. Snowmobiles B. Skiers C. Snowstorms D. Loud sounds
178. What is the major factor in snow deposition in a slab avalanche?
A. Glacial melting B. Spring thaw C. Windy conditions D. Solar radiation
179. In powdered snow avalanches, what is the main causative factor?
A. Warmer temperatures B. Recent snowfall C. Seismic activity D. Windy weather
180. What is the main associating factor linked to a lahar?
A. Heavy rainfall B. Fracture of a rock wall C. Volcanic activity D. Extreme temperatures
181. In an earth flow, what will most likely be seen at the leading edge of any surge of the flow?
A. Mud B. Soil C. Water D. Boulders
182. All water that you see in a stream comes from an area called what?
A. Tributary B. Floodplain C. Mouth D. Basin
183. What is an endorheic basin?
A. A drainage area that ends in the ocean B. A drainage area that does not end in the ocean C. The end of a stream as it empties into a river D. The area around a river that floods seasonally
184. What is the end of a stream called where it meets with a larger stream or river?
A. Tributary B. Basin C. Mouth D. Delta
185. Flow water in a channel in nature is termed what in geological terms?
A. River B. Brook C. Creek D. Stream
186. If you had to determine the thalweg of a stream, how would you find where it was at any given spot?
A. You would measure the stream's width B. You would measure the bend in the stream C. You would measure how much water was flowing past that area D. You would find the deepest spot in the stream
187. Studying drainage patterns of streams helps to understand regional geology. What pattern might you see if there were many subterranean caves or streams in a region?
A. Rectangular B. Radial C. Deranged D. Dendritic
188. As you study a stream, you plot its longitudinal profile. What will the graph be plotted like?
A. Stream volume over time B. Stream volume over distance along the stream C. Stream elevation over distance D. Stream elevation over velocity
189. You see an oxbow lake. What nearby feature caused that lake to appear?
A. Volcano B. River delta C. Waterfalls D. Meandering river
190. What would be the least factor weighing in on the size and shape of a delta?
A. Water temperatures B. Wave action C. Tides D. Sediment
191. Where will you find a speleothem in geology?
A. On a mountaintop B. At the mouth of a stream C. In the water table D. In a cave
192. What is not considered an example of karst?
A. A lava tube B. A sinkhole C. A cavern D. A limestone tower
193. The time it takes for adjacent water crests to pass at a given point in space or from one crest passing you to another is called what?
A. Wave velocity B. Wave period C. Wave amplitude D. Wave trough
194. Where do waves in the ocean come from in general?
A. Underground currents B. Seismic activity C. Wind D. Volcanic activity
195. What is the cause of a fjord?
A. High waves B. Plate tectonic activity C. Limestone dissolution D. Glaciers
196. What statement is not true of geothermal phenomena?
A. They are evidence of magma close to the earth. B. They always occur near areas of volcanic activity. C. They involve some form of heated water. D. They can be dangerous.
197. Which geothermal phenomenon involves flash steaming?
A. Geysers B. Fumaroles C. Mudpots D. Hot springs
198. What statement about glacier flow is not true?
A. Glaciers flow the fastest at the bottom. B. Glaciers are rigid and more brittle at the top. C. Glaciers flow on a watery slide beneath them. D. Glaciers flow internally, despite being solid.
199. What is not a major effect of global warming on glaciers?
A. A decrease in glacier thickness B. A retreat of valley glaciers C. A retreat of the equilibrium line D. A decrease in calving
200. A ridge between two glacial valleys is called what?
A. Col B. Arete C. Tarn D. Cirque