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Chapter One: Quiz

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1. What part of the nervous system is also referred to as the gut-brain axis in the nervous system?



2. Which statement is not true of peripheral nerves?

A. Many are coated with myelin to speed transmission. B. Most peripheral nerves are both afferent and efferent. C. The entire nerve is called a fascicle. D. Peripheral nerves can be cranial nerves or spinal nerves.

3. Which lobe of the cerebrum is most responsible for hearing and the interpretation of speech?

A. Frontal B. Parietal C. Temporal D. Occipital

4. Which is the deep fissure that separates the temporal lobe from the parietal and frontal lobes?

A. Central sulcus B. Lateral sulcus C. Longitudinal fissure D. Lunate sulcus

5. What is not a major function of the thalamus?

A. Perception of fear B. Filtering of sensory input C. Regulation of wakefulness and alertness D. Filtering and relaying of motor input

6. What is the major function of the pineal gland?

A. To modulate the activities of the rest of the endocrine system. B. To establish a circadian rhythm in the body. C. To temper the body’s response to stress. D. To send hormonal signals to the pituitary gland also located in the brain.

7. Which hormone is not made by the hypothalamus?

A. Oxytocin B. Luteinizing hormone C. Gonadotropin releasing hormone D. Antidiuretic hormone

8. When it comes to the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, which hypothalamic hormone does not directly trigger a hormone to be released from the anterior pituitary gland?

A. Oxytocin B. GnRH C. TRH D. CRH

9. Which part of the brainstem is involved in breathing centers in the brain?

A. Diencephalon B. Pons C. Midbrain D. Medulla

10. What part of the brainstem is where the motor fibers decussate as they descend out of the brain?

A. Thalamus B. Hypothalamus C. Medullary pyramids D. Pons

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