MEE Audio Crash Course

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MEE Audio Crash Course™ Complete Test Prep and Review for the NCBE Multistate Essay Examination


This study guide is designed to assist you in studying for and improving your score on the Uniform Bar Exam. The following pages will provide you with the tools that you need to succeed, by overviewing the point-getting techniques and substantive rules of law that the MEE most frequently tests. That said, the following pages are not a prediction of what will be asked on the upcoming UBE. No warranty or guarantee is made here as to what rules of law the National Conference of Bar Examiners will test on the upcoming UBE or any future examinations. Similarly, while we are confident that the materials contained here will help you improve your UBE scores, no warranty or guarantee is made here that you will pass the upcoming bar exam or any future bar examination. As such, under no circumstances shall we be liable for any losses or damages whatsoever, including direct, indirect, incidental and consequential damages, resulting from the use of this Study Guide, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory. This Study Guide and the materials contained herein are provided “as is,” and there are no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the use of this Study Guide, or its contents. The content of this Study Guide is not intended to and does not constitute legal advice, nor is it intended to establish any attorney-client relationship.

Reading beyond this point constitutes your acceptance of the terms above.

TABLE OF CONTENTS PART ONE: INTRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Chapter One: Introduction to this Audio Course ---------------------------------------------------- 2 Chapter Two: Introduction to the MEE ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Chapter Three: Introduction to Scoring on the MEE ----------------------------------------------- 9 PART TWO: SUBSTANTIVE CHAPTERS --------------------------------------------------------------------------13 Chapter Four: Dissecting An MEE Question ---------------------------------------------------------14 Chapter Five: Mastering the Process of Essay Writing --------------------------------------------21 Chapter Six: Agency and Business Associations ----------------------------------------------------28 Chapter Seven: Corporations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------65 Chapter Eight: Conflict of Law------------------------------------------------------------------------- 109 Chapter Nine: Estate Law ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 138 Chapter Ten: Family Law ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 181 Chapter Eleven: Trust Law ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 227 Chapter Twelve: Secured Transactions ------------------------------------------------------------- 260 Chapter Thirteen: Frequency Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------- 291 Practice Test ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 297



CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION TO THIS AUDIO COURSE There is no shortage of MEE books on the marketplace, because the MEE is a multimillion-dollar industry, and that industry happens to revolve around a highly standardized and predictable test. But with even just a cursory review of the materials, you’ll find a stunning lack of diversity among the bar exam books on the marketplace. Just about every MEE book out there will review, with enormous depth, what the MEE is and how it is graded, then offer a few pages of generic essay-writing advice, and then throw hundreds and hundreds of practice exams at you. This is not that kind of MEE guide. Instead, what we seek to accomplish with this audiolearn book is to truly dissect the core of what makes the MEE tick, then provide you with a serious, deep dive into how to squeeze the most amount of points out of the essays you get on Exam Day. That is why this audiolearn book will focus less on burying you under a mountain of practice questions, and focus much more on discussing specific test-taking techniques and giving you ample opportunity to practice recognizing and responding to common exam tactics. To that end, this audiolearn book is structured as follows: First, we will introduce you to the MEE: what topics it tests, how it tests them, where the test itself comes from, and what makes it “hard.” We will also cover how to read MEE questions, and how to determine what they are asking of you. 2

Second, we will explore a number of proven techniques that can help you dissect any given question in any area of law, then we will explore topic-specific techniques. Test-taking advice will only be useful to you if you have a firm understanding of the rules of law in each area of law, after all. But make no mistake: we are not dealing with dry, encyclopedic outlines here. Instead, we will review the areas of law with an eye toward what you will actually encounter on Exam Day, so we will show you the most commonly tested rules in action instead of simply reviewing the rules in the abstract. Third, this audiolearn book ends with a summary of what you’ve learned, as well as a thorough practice test with sample answers and a grading rubric. Specifically, here is a chapter-by-chapter breakdown of our audiolearn book: Chapter One, of course, is the following introduction. Chapter Two explores how the Multistate Essay Exam is structured, what is it about this structure that makes it difficult, and what its goals are for you. Keeping all of this in mind will help you properly prepare for it, since you need to know not only the information being tested, but also the kind of test that you can expect. Chapter Three focuses on the most important goal you can have on the MEE, which is scoring points. This chapter discusses how points are scored, how grading works, and what the average range of scores are. Chapter Four breaks apart the typical MEE question into its three parts, and explains how to analyze each part on its own in order to read between the lines and figure out what exactly the examiners are looking for. Chapter Five helps you master the process of writing essays for the bar exam, which requires a very different mentality than writing essays for law school.


2017 Statistics




Number of Examinees




Mean Scaled Score




Standard Deviation




Maximum Score




Minimum Score




Median Score




Figure One

If you look at Figure One in your follow-along PDF guide, you will see the 2017 bar examination statistics in the number of examinees, the mean scaled score, standard deviation, maximum score, minimum score, and median score.



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