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Chapter Seven
9. Answer: c. If you can afford one, a Doppler radar system is ideal for telling your constituents when to expect high winds in thunderstorms and other severe weather systems.
10. Answer: b. According to definition, wind direction at ninety degrees means that it is coming from the east and moving toward the west.
1. Answer: b. The sun strikes the spherical earth at a greater density of rays than you will see at the poles. This increase in density is what accounts for differential thermal input to our earth over its entire surface.
2. Answer: a. The net effect across the entire earth is equal input and output; however, there is a net input at the equator and a net output at the poles. That averages out when you include all the data from all parts of the world.
3. Answer: b. The convergence of two Hadley cells at the equator is where winds are light and there is gently rising air from the ground up to the tropopause.
This is where the doldrums are located.
4. Answer: d. If you take advantage of the trade winds in the northern hemisphere, you would start out somewhere in Europe and travel them to the
Southwest. These are called north easterly winds based on the direction they come from.
5. Answer: b. Each of these devices will help you detect turbulence in the air, seen in air pockets. The exception is conventional radar, which will not be able to detect this.
6. Answer: d. Each of these is something that maximizes the chances of air pockets in the atmosphere. Rain clouds do not necessarily trigger these phenomena.
7. Answer: b. Each of these is a feature you need to have lake effect snows. The exception is balmy temperatures as these types of snow situations often