1 minute read



1. What is the main function of the cytoskeleton in prokaryotic cells?


a. It holds the cell organelles in place b. It is a highway for molecular transport c. It participates in cell to cell communication d. Prokaryotes do not have a cytoskeleton

2. Which are the thinnest filaments in the cytoskeleton?

a. Actin b. Microfilaments c. Microtubules d. Intermediate filaments

3. Which component of the intermediate filaments is found exclusively in the nucleus in order to hold up the nuclear envelope?

a. Keratin b. Lamin c. Desmin d. Vimentin

4. What filament is responsible for separating sister chromatids in the dividing cell?

a. Microfilaments b. Intermediate filaments c. Microtubules d. Actin filaments

5. What is not an aspect of what microfilaments can do?

a. Aid in drawing chromosomes apart in cell division b. Aid in cell movement c. Participate in muscle contraction d. Keep organelles in place

6. How many actin filaments wind together to make a microfilament?

a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Six

7. What are the bands in a muscle cell referred to that contain only actin filaments?

a. Z discs b. I bands c. A bands d. H bands

8. What are the ends of the sarcomeres called?

a. Z discs b. I bands c. A bands d. Actinomycin complex

9. What molecular structure provides the energy necessary to drive the contraction of the muscle fiber in muscle contractions?

a. GTP b. Cyclic AMP c. ATP d. Calcium

10. What molecule is not associated with the actin molecule?

a. Troponin b. Tropomyosin c. Nebulin d. Titin

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