16 minute read
Easy Words Exercise - 1
1. SERMON -[spell]- S E R M O N Definition: a public talk on religion or something connected with religion Synonym: lecture, lesson Antonym: Sentence: The minister gave a moving sermon about love.
2. CONCUSSIVE -[spell]- C O N C U S S I V E Definition: having an injury to the brain caused by a physical blow or fall Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: Though he had no outward wounds, he was injured by the concussive force of the crash.
3. SLIMY -[spell]- S L I M Y Definition: covered with soft, sticky mud or something like it Synonym: gooey, muddy Antonym: Sentence: The slimy food turned out to be jelly.
4. SNOWBALL -[spell]- S N O W B A L L Definition: a ball made of snow pressed together Synonym: escalate, intensify Antonym: decrease, lessen Sentence: Her one health problem soon began to snowball and caused a myriad of other problems.
5. OVERCAST-[spell]- O V E R C A S T Definition: cloudy or dark Synonym: gloomy, dreary Antonym: clear, bright Sentence: It was a dreary, overcast day.
6. HOMEY -[spell]- H O M E Y Definition: homelike Synonym: comfortable, cozy Antonym: uncomfortable Sentence: The hotel room was quite homey.
7. FRAILTY -[spell]- F R A I L T Y Definition: a fault due to weakness, especially of moral character Synonym: foible, shortcoming
Antonym: merit, virtue Sentence: A tendency to break his marriage vows was the president's only frailty.
8. PREARRANGE-[spell]- P R E A R R A N G E Definition: arrange beforehand Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: He made sure to prearrange reservations at the restaurant for his anniversary.
9. VOYAGE -[spell]- V O Y A G E Definition: a journey or travel by water Synonym: travel, excursion Antonym: Sentence: The man set out on a voyage overseas.
10. REPTILE-[spell]- R E P T I L E Definition: a cold-blooded animal such as a lizard or snake Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: Snakes and lizards are reptiles.
11. HYPERACTIVE -[spell]- H Y P E R A C T I V E Definition: overactive Synonym: excitable, wild Antonym: calm Sentence: The child was always hyperactive after having a lot of sugar.
12. JAGGED -[spell]- J A G G E D Definition: with sharp points sticking out Synonym: uneven, rugged Antonym: smooth, even Sentence: The broken glass had a jagged edge.
13. SIDLE -[spell]- S I D L E Definition: to move sideways Synonym: edge, tilt Antonym: Sentence: He sidled up to his co-worker at the meeting in order to ask a question.
14. OVERHANG-[spell]- O V E R H A N G Definition: to project over Synonym: extend, protrude Antonym: recede, recess
Sentence: There was a slight overhang from the roof at the back of the house.
15. ASSORTED -[spell]-A S S O R T E D Definition: selected to be of different kinds Synonym: various, sundry Antonym: similar, unvaried Sentence: She bought a box of assorted donuts to take to breakfast.
16. PEACEABLE-[spell]-P E A C E A B L E Definition: liking or keeping peace (freedom from strife or war) Synonym: friendly, amiable Antonym: belligerent, unfriendly Sentence: The treaty was aimed at creating a peaceable relationship between the countries.
17. ATMOSPHERE -[spell]-A T M O S P H E R E Definition: the character or mood of one's environment Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The atmosphere of the room during the wedding was one of joy.
18. BLUBBER -[spell]- B L U B B E R Definition: to cry loudly Synonym: weep, sob Antonym: laugh, smile Sentence: She began to blubber after receiving the bad news.
19. STUBBY -[spell]- S T U B B Y Definition: short and thick Synonym: fat, heavyset Antonym: lanky, long Sentence: The old dachshund had short, stubby legs.
20. SCRAPBOOK -[spell]- S C R A P B O O K Definition: book in which pictures or clippings are pasted and kept Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: She kept a scrapbook of all her travels.
21. TAXATION -[spell]- T A X A T I O N Definition: act or system of taxing (money paid by people for the support of the government) Synonym:
Antonym: Sentence: The taxation enacted by the county was very high.
22. FEATHERY -[spell]- F E A T H E R Y Definition: like feathers, soft Synonym: plumed, downy Antonym: Sentence: She sank into the feathery mattress and fell right asleep.
23. DEMOLITION -[spell]- D E M O L I T I O N Definition: destruction Synonym: annihilation, extermination Antonym: construction, raising Sentence: The demolition of the building took place after it was condemned.
24. CAPABILITY -[spell]- C A P A B I L I TY Definition: ability to learn to do Synonym: capacity, competence Antonym: impotence, inability Sentence: He had the capability of learning new words quickly.
25. PROTECTIVE-[spell]- P R O T E C T I V E Definition: defensive Synonym: safeguarding, sheltering Antonym: assault, attack Sentence: The mother duck was quite protective of her babies.
26. TOWERING -[spell]-T O W E R I N G Definition: very high Synonym: colossal, gigantic Antonym: common, insignificant Sentence: The child built a towering structure from blocks.
27. SHADOWY -[spell]- S H A D O W Y Definition: having much shadow or shade Synonym: dark, hazy Antonym: clear, bright Sentence: The shadowy hallway was frightening to the child.
28. CONGRATULATORY -[spell]- C O N G R A T U L A T O R Y Definition: expressing pleasure at another person's happiness Synonym: celebratory, complimentary Antonym: deprecate Sentence: He sent her a congratulatory email in light of her promotion.
29. FRAGRANCE -[spell]- F R A G R A N C E Definition: a sweet smell Synonym: aroma, perfume Antonym: Sentence: The fragrance of baking bread was unmistakable.
30. NOSH -[spell]- N O S H Definition: eat between meals Synonym: munch, snack Antonym: Sentence: He kept a lot of snacks in his desk to nosh on throughout the day.
31. FUNCTIONAL -[spell]- F U N C T I O N A L Definition: having or carrying out a particular purpose Synonym: operational, functioning Antonym: nonfunctional, nonoperational Sentence: The car, though functional, was nothing extravagant.
32. HARMLESS -[spell]- H A R M L E S S Definition: causing no pain, loss, injury, etc. Synonym: benign, innocuous Antonym: harmful, dangerous Sentence: She thought the snake was poisonous, but it turned out to be harmless.
33. DISCRIMINATE -[spell]- D I S C R I M I N A T E Definition: make or see a difference Synonym: distinguish, discern Antonym: Sentence: He was able to discriminate between the two similar types of cheese.
34. SKIMPY -[spell]- S K I M P Y Definition: not enough Synonym: sparse, inadequate Antonym: plenty, ample Sentence: She thought the servings at the restaurant were skimpy.
35. INHABITED -[spell]- I N H A B I T E D Definition: lived in Synonym: occupied Antonym: Sentence: The house did not look like it had been inhabited for a long time.
36. SHEEPISH -[spell]- S H E E P I S H Definition: awkwardly bashful or embarrassed Synonym: timid, abashed Antonym: bold, aggressive Sentence: He smiled sheepishly when he asked her out.
37. COOPERATIVE -[spell]- C O O P E R A T I V E Definition: wanting to work with others Synonym: collegial, symbiotic Antonym: uncooperative, unilateral Sentence: His cooperative nature made him a good leader.
38. ORNAMENTAL-[spell]- O R N A M E N T A L Definition: having to do with something decorative Synonym: decorative Antonym: functional, utilitarian Sentence: She has a large brass doorknocker on her front door, but it's largely ornamental.
39. GARGLE -[spell]- G A R G L E Definition: wash or rinse the throat with liquid Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: She gargled with mouthwash before bed.
40. MISFORTUNE -[spell]-M I S F O R T U N E Definition: bad or adverse fortune Synonym: adversity, mischance Antonym: luck, fortune Sentence: It was a misfortune that he died so young.
41. DISPLEASURE -[spell]- D I S P L E A S U R E Definition: the feeling of being offended or annoyed Synonym: disapproval, dissatisfaction Antonym: approval, pleasure Sentence: He felt great displeasure when he heard the scandalous news.
42. BAGGAGE -[spell]- B A G G A G E Definition: burden of beliefs, ideas, or experience Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: He felt that his experiences in life had created quite a lot of emotional baggage.
43. CAPTIVITY -[spell]- C A P T I V I TY Definition: condition of being in prison
Synonym: bondage, confinement Antonym: freedom, liberation Sentence: The animals at the zoo had lived in captivity their entire lives.
44. EVERLASTING -[spell]- E V E R L A S T I N G Definition: lasting forever Synonym: eternal, immortal Antonym: brief, fleeting Sentence: He vowed his everlasting love to his fiancé.
45. ENDURING -[spell]- E N D U R I N G Definition: lasting Synonym: permanent, abiding Antonym: Sentence: The snow was enduring, lasting for over a week before it melted.
46. ENFOLD -[spell]- E N F O L D Definition: wrap up Synonym: clutch, cover Antonym: Sentence: Feeling cold, he enfolded himself in a warm fleece blanket.
47. OVERCOME-[spell]- O V E R C O M E Definition: to win victory over Synonym: beat, defeat Antonym: Sentence: He was able to overcome his fears with great effort.
48. QUARRELSOME-[spell]- Q U A R R E L S O M E Definition: too ready to fight or dispute Synonym: argumentative, disagreeable Antonym: affable, agreeable Sentence: He had a quarrelsome nature.
49. NETWORK -[spell]- N E T W O R K Definition: a group of people/things connected so they can work together Synonym: organization, structure Antonym: Sentence: A network of businesses worked together to keep prices low.
50. BITTER -[spell]- B I T T E R Definition: having a sharp, unpleasant taste Synonym: harsh, sour Antonym: sweet Sentence: The cheese had a bitter taste that she did not find appealing.
51. DISPOSABLE -[spell]- D I S P O S A B L E Definition: something that can be gotten rid of Synonym: expendable Antonym: Sentence: Considering the leftovers disposable, she threw them in the garbage.
52. PUNISHABLE-[spell]- P U N I S H A B L E Definition: liable to cause pain, loss, or discomfort for some wrong or offense Synonym: penalize Antonym: pardonable, excusable Sentence: Stealing is an offense that is punishable by law.
53. BARRETTE -[spell]- B A R R E T T E Definition: a pin with a clasp worn by women in their hair Synonym: fastener, pin Antonym: Sentence: The little girl loved to wear barrettes in her hair.
54. FROTHY -[spell]- F R O T H Y Definition: foamy Synonym: bubbling, fizzing Antonym: flat Sentence: A cappuccino is a frothy beverage.
55. IMPRESSIVE -[spell]- I M P R E S S I V E Definition: able to have a strong effect on the mind or feelings Synonym: powerful, influential Antonym: inconsequential, insignificant Sentence: His view of the Grand Canyon from where he stood was impressive.
56. MARINA -[spell]- M A R I N A Definition: dock where supplies are available for boats Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The fisherman went to the marina to buy bait for his journey.
57. GUISE -[spell]- G U I S E Definition: style of dress Synonym: garb, appearance Antonym: Sentence: The celebrity traveled in the guise of just an average person.
58. REVERSIBLE-[spell]- R E V E R S I B L E Definition: that can be made opposite Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: Her reversible comforter was floral on one side and pink on the other.
59. POPULARITY-[spell]- P O P U L A R I T Y Definition: fact or condition of being liked or admired by most people Synonym: recognition, acclaim Antonym: unpopularity, dislike Sentence: His popularity as a performer was due, in part, to his charisma.
60. OATH -[spell]- O A T H Definition: a solemn promise Synonym: vow, pledge Antonym: Sentence: He made an oath to help the girl find her mother.
61. OVERSEE-[spell]- O V E R S E E Definition: to look after Synonym: manage, supervise Antonym: Sentence: It was his job to oversee the task.
62. CAVITY -[spell]- C A V I T Y Definition: a hollow place Synonym: hole, crater Antonym: bulge, protuberance Sentence: There was only a cavity where a fencepost used to be.
63. DINGHY -[spell]- D I N G H Y Definition: a small rowboat Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: They fled the sinking cruise ship in a dinghy.
64. SILENCER -[spell]- S I L E N C E R Definition: person or thing that creates an absence of all sound Synonym: muffler Antonym: Sentence: The silencer on the gun ensured that the shots would not be heard.
65. HASSLE -[spell]- H A S S L E Definition: struggle or contest
Synonym: bother, harass Antonym: Sentence: She found making dinner a hassle because she was so tired.
66. TRUCE -[spell]- T R U C E Definition: temporary peace Synonym: amnesty, armistice Antonym: war, fighting Sentence: The two fighting countries finally agreed on a truce.
67. GLINT -[spell]- G L I N T Definition: gleam or flash of light Synonym: glimmer, twinkle Antonym: Sentence: She saw a glint of something on the carpet and knew it was the ring she'd lost.
68. FASHIONABLE -[spell]- F A S H I O N A B L E Definition: following the latest in the prevailing trends in clothing Synonym: chic, trendy Antonym: old-fashioned, outdated Sentence: Always fashionable, she was the talk of the office.
69. SPITEFUL-[spell]- S P I T E F U L Definition: eager to annoy or irritate Synonym: vindictive, hateful Antonym: friendly, lovable Sentence: The spiteful dog chewed up all of its owner's shoes when he was left for the day.
70. POPULATION-[spell]- P O P U L A T I O N Definition: people of a city or a country Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The county had a very diverse population.
71. REFERABLE-[spell]- R E F E R A B L E Definition: that can be turned to for information or help Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The thesaurus is a book that is referable when you are in need of a word.
72. SNIFFY -[spell]- S N I F F Y Definition: inkling to draw air through the nose as if in contempt or scorn Synonym: haughty, arrogant
Antonym: humble, modest Sentence: She was very sniffy when it came to the suggestions of her friends.
73. FIXEDLY -[spell]- F I X E D L Y Definition: without change Synonym: intently, attentively Antonym: Sentence: She stared fixedly at the people across the street.
74. ABLAZE-[spell]-A B L A Z E Definition: on fire Synonym: burning, fiery Antonym: dim, cold Sentence: With the logs ablaze in the fireplace, the house felt cozy and warm.
75. TRADITIONAL -[spell]- T R A D I T I O N A L Definition: having to do with the handing down of beliefs, opinions, customs, etc. Synonym: conventional, classic Antonym: Sentence: The couple decided to have a very traditional wedding.
76. INCONCLUSIVE -[spell]- I N C O N C L U S I V E Definition: not convincing Synonym: ambiguous, unclear Antonym: certain, conclusive Sentence: The results of the test were inconclusive.
77. SCENIC -[spell]- S C E N I C Definition: of or having to do with natural scenery Synonym: picturesque, breathtaking Antonym: Sentence: On his way to work, he drove through downtown to take the scenic route.
78. OINTMENT-[spell]- O I N T M E N T Definition: a substance often containing medicine used on the skin to heal or soothe Synonym: balm Antonym: Sentence: He put ointment on the burn.
79. UNWRITTEN -[spell]- U N W R I T T E N Definition: understood or customary but not expressed in writing
Synonym: accepted, tacit Antonym: explained, explicated Sentence: The lawyer was always sure to follow the unwritten rules of ethics.
80. DERAIL -[spell]- D E R A I L Definition: to run off the tracks, as with a train Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: When the train derailed, the result was catastrophic.
81. VACATE -[spell]- V A C A T E Definition: to give up occupancy of Synonym: leave, abandon Antonym: occupy, remain Sentence: They had to temporarily vacate their home when they found it was infested with termites.
82. SCAVENGE -[spell]- S C A V E N G E Definition: to search through waste, junk, etc., for something that can be saved or used Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The bird scavenged about the yard for worms.
83. JABBER-[spell]- J A B B E R Definition: to talk or speak rapidly and indistinctly Synonym: babble, blather Antonym: quiet, silence Sentence: The girl jabbered on excitedly about her soccer game.
84. BLISTER -[spell]- B L I S T E R Definition: to attack with sharp words Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: His blistering words were incredibly hurtful.
85. CEASELESS -[spell]- C E A S E L E S S Definition: going all the time Synonym: incessant, continual Antonym: ending, ceasing Sentence: The music played on a ceaseless loop.
86. GUTLESS -[spell]- G U T L E S S Definition: lacking courage Synonym: timid, feeble
Antonym: bold, brave Sentence: He resolved not to be gutless and, as a result, asked her out.
87. UNIMAGINABLE -[spell]- U N I M A G I N A B L E Definition: that cannot be conceived Synonym: unbelievable, fantastic Antonym: believable, common Sentence: The death of her father was unimaginable.
88. BARCODE -[spell]- B A R C O D E Definition: a series of vertical lines with spaces between which can be read by a machine Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: In most stores, they use barcodes to check prices and ring up customers.
89. FOOTING -[spell]- F O O T I N G Definition: basis of understanding Synonym: foundation, basis Antonym: Sentence: She had a strong footing in math and science.
90. DELIBERATION -[spell]- D E L I B E R A T I O N Definition: careful thought Synonym: consideration, debate Antonym: disregard Sentence: After great deliberation, the jury came to a verdict.
91. TAMBOURINE -[spell]- T A M B O U R I N E Definition: a small shallow drum with jingling metal discs Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: She played the tambourine and the drums in the band.
92. PEEK-[spell]- P E E K Definition: to look quickly and slyly Synonym: peep, glimpse Antonym: ignore, overlook Sentence: The child peeked around the corner at the guests who had come into the house.
93. SHRUBBERY -[spell]- S H R U B B E R Y Definition: small tree-like plants collected into a mass Synonym: shrubs, bushes
Antonym: Sentence: He planted shrubbery just beside his front porch.
94. PLAYWRIGHT-[spell]- P L A Y W R I G H T Definition: writer of plays Synonym: author, writer Antonym: Sentence: The playwright penned many famous plays.
95. TWIDDLE -[spell]- T W I D D L E Definition: twirl or play with idly Synonym: fidget, fiddle Antonym: Sentence: Nervous about her date, the girl twiddled with her hair.
96. QUIRK-[spell]- Q U I R K Definition: a peculiar or strange way of acting Synonym: oddity, peculiarity Antonym; Sentence: One of her quirks was her insistence on using a coupon to buy everything.
97. SATISFACTORY -[spell]- S A T I S F A C T O R Y Definition: good enough to meet or fulfill demands or desires Synonym: tolerable, decent Antonym: inadequate, insufficient Sentence: The student, though not exceptional, did satisfactory work.
98. THRASHER -[spell]- T H R A S H E R Definition: person who beats Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: The dog was known as a thrasher because of his forcefully wagging tail.
99. INOPERABLE -[spell]- I N O P E R A B L E Definition: incurable Synonym: deadly, fatal Antonym: curable, treatable Sentence: She found out that she had an inoperable tumor.
100. SCALD -[spell]- S C A L D Definition: burn with hot liquid or steam Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: She accidentally scalded herself with the boiling water.