Official TOEIC Vocabulary 3000

Page 9

Easy Words Exercise - 1 1.

SERMON -[spell]- S E R M O N Definition: a public talk on religion or something connected with religion Synonym: lecture, lesson Antonym: Sentence: The minister gave a moving sermon about love.


CONCUSSIVE -[spell]- C O N C U S S I V E Definition: having an injury to the brain caused by a physical blow or fall Synonym: Antonym: Sentence: Though he had no outward wounds, he was injured by the concussive force of the crash.


SLIMY -[spell]- S L I M Y Definition: covered with soft, sticky mud or something like it Synonym: gooey, muddy Antonym: Sentence: The slimy food turned out to be jelly.


SNOWBALL -[spell]- S N O W B A L L Definition: a ball made of snow pressed together Synonym: escalate, intensify Antonym: decrease, lessen Sentence: Her one health problem soon began to snowball and caused a myriad of other problems.


OVERCAST-[spell]- O V E R C A S T Definition: cloudy or dark Synonym: gloomy, dreary Antonym: clear, bright Sentence: It was a dreary, overcast day.


HOMEY -[spell]- H O M E Y Definition: homelike Synonym: comfortable, cozy Antonym: uncomfortable Sentence: The hotel room was quite homey.


FRAILTY -[spell]- F R A I L T Y Definition: a fault due to weakness, especially of moral character Synonym: foible, shortcoming


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