EXPERIENCE THE VARIETY OF SERVICES Iskratel’s SI3000 brand portfolio consists of three main product families: - SI3000 MSAP (Multi-Service Access Plane) product family at the access level - SI3000 MSCP (Multi-Service Control Plane) product family at the control level - SI3000 OSAP (Open Service and Application Plane) product family at the application level Our products are scalable. We make gradual and customized network infrastructure growth possible. Every Iskratel network element is shaped for the most appropriate capacity match. Every network upgrade or extension is time and cost optimized. Our products are modular. Iskratel products are easily adaptable to the requests and demands of different operators. They are all based on open and standardized hardware and software platforms. Our products are past compatible and future ready. We make no distinction when dealing with legacy infrastructure or newly developed network elements. Iskratel supports seamless technological evolution and the coexistence of architectural principles.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Iskratel is a leading developer of customized and highly integrated communication solutions for quickly evolving convergent networks. Excellence in providing cutting-edge network elements and infrastructural configurations places the company among the global technological visionaries.
By combining experience and know-how with creativity and innovation Iskratel meets the challenges of supporting the existing networks and establishing IP-based convergent architectures, adaptable to the demands of regional specifics and subscriber preferences. With over 1,100 employees and over 450 in affiliated companies in 20 countries, Iskratel offers integrated telecommunications solutions for fixed telephony, mobile telephony, IPbased convergent networks and network management. Iskratel’s presence in different countries ensures the full compatibility of our network solutions and makes certain that the SI3000 products conform to all international standards, including ETSI, DSL Forum, Metro Ethernet Forum and others. Our presence in different countries is the very reason we are acquainted with local network specifics and requirements.
The SI3000 brand is an affective answer to the demands made by: - Fixed operators
ISKRATEL, d.o.o., Kranj
- Mobile operators
Ljubljanska c. 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia Phone: +386 (0)4 207 2000, Fax: +386 (0)4 207 2712
- Cable operators - Enterprise networks
e-mail: info@iskratel.si
- Internet service providers (ISPs) - Content providers
Iskratel Electronics, Ljubljanska cesta 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia, phone: +386 (0)4 207 34 96, fax: +386 (0)4 207 29 91, e-mail: info-ite@iskratel.si, www.iskratel-electronics.si Iskrateling, Ljubljanska cesta 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia, phone: +386 (0)4 207 62 76, fax: +386 (0)4 207 62 77, e-mail: info@iskrateling.si, www.iskrateling.com Monis, Oktyabrskoy revolucii str. 99, UA – 61157 Harkov, Ukraine, phone: +380 577 15 80 00, fax: +380 577 15 80 16, e-mail: monis@monis.com.ua, www.monis.com.ua Iskrauraltel, Komvuzovskaya str. 9a, 620137 Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, phone: +7 343 210 69 51, fax: +7 343 341 52 40, e-mail: iut@iskrauraltel.ru, www.iskrauraltel.ru Iskrabel, Harkovskaya str. 1/601, BY - 220073 Minsk, Belarus, phone: +375 17 213 03 36, fax: +375 17 251 74 59, e-mail: pihtin@iskrabel.by Iskracom, Naurizbay batyra 17, office 213, 050004 Almaty, Kazakhstan, phone: +7 327 2917 166, fax: +7 327 2917 166, e-mail: a.nikonov@mail.ru ITS Iskratel Skopje, Kej 13 Noemvri, Kula 4, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia, phone: +389 2 323 53 00, fax: +389 2 323 53 99, e-mail: info@its-sk.com.mk, www.its-sk.com.mk
There are no problems but challenges
© Designed by Creatoor
Focused on the user experience
Compatible in Every Way A Move to IMS
SI3000 - A PATH TO THE FUTURE SI2000 Technology and the development of the ever-increasing number of new services represent new challenges for telecommunications equipment manufacturers and solution providers and consequently demand the development of new products capable of meeting all the market requirements. SI3000, Iskratel’s new brand, is the answer to all the requirements brought about by new technologies and standards at the level of products as well as solutions. The SI3000 brand portfolio is based on IP technology and ensures a reliable and economical transition from next generation networks to the IMS network architecture and also the economical and safe introduction of a PSTN. In short, our products are both past compatible and future ready.
Iskratel ‘s SI3000 brand – a vision of future communications.
DIVERSITY OF ACCESS SERVICES AVAILABLE ANYWHERE, ANYTIME The SI3000 OSAP (Open Service and Application Plane) product family is designed to satisfy the needs of major telecommunications operators as well as operators of small-sized networks, service providers – and of course we have not forgotten the applications required by business environments. Our products can be used for initial installations that are very attractively priced and easily extended or upgraded with new services or applications, the emphasis being on reliability, safety and user friendliness.
Main advantages of the SI3000 OSAP product family: - Provision of services on different network types. - Upgrading current networks with advanced services. - Compatibility with networks from different generations. - Introduction of new up-to-date services requiring minimum investments. - Small initial investment. - Simple, cost-effective extensions and upgrades. - Reliable, safe and user-friendly products. - Products designed for the future. - Maintenance of the investment value.
SI3000 – an Answer to the Convergence of Different Worlds SI3000 MSAP SI3000 OSAP
Key advantages of the SI3000 brand are: - Convergence of fixed and mobile networks. - Complete understanding of network-installation problems. - Modular architecture of the product line. - Scalar architectural design, based on the pay-as-you-grow principle. - Applicability of general solutions aimed at interoperability and the suitability for any user and service type. - All the products are past compatible and future ready.
SI3000 Our SI3000 MSAP (Multi-Service Access Plane) product family, available with POTS, ADSL2+, VDSL2, WiMAX, Ethernet and optical interfaces (Fiber), ensures the complete range of tripleplay (voice, data and video) service delivery and even more. The carrier-grade access platform’s flexibility makes the SI3000 MSAP product family appropriate for every type of network. It successfully meets the specifics and demands of smaller rural environments, suburban and even large metropolitan areas.
The requirements of telecommunications operators for universal, unified control over service management are continuously growing. The future will bring about an almost limitless range of new services, which you will be able to offer to your end users. The SI3000 MSCP (Multi-Service Control Plane) products are designed to offer such new services as well as providing efficient and stable management and control of these services. Each product plays an important role and together they represent a flexible product family providing the basis for many diverse solutions.
Main advantages of the SI3000 MSAP product family: - Universal platform for the transfer of voice, video and data brings about a reduction in maintenance costs. - Easy migration to an NGN by flexible upgrading of a PSTN. - New services represent a new source of revenue. - Multiservice access. - Centralized management that increases efficiency and optimizes costs. - A solution verified by many major telecommunications operators.
Main advantages of the SI3000 MSCP product family:
- Universal platform to control of the transfer of voice, video and data brings about a reduction in maintenance costs. - Easy migration to an NGN by flexible upgrading of a PSTN. - New services represent a new source of revenue. - Multi-service control – different applications for different needs and requirements. - Modular structure offers flexible planning of network topology and traffic.
EXPERIENCE THE VARIETY OF SERVICES Iskratel’s SI3000 brand portfolio consists of three main product families: - SI3000 MSAP (Multi-Service Access Plane) product family at the access level - SI3000 MSCP (Multi-Service Control Plane) product family at the control level - SI3000 OSAP (Open Service and Application Plane) product family at the application level Our products are scalable. We make gradual and customized network infrastructure growth possible. Every Iskratel network element is shaped for the most appropriate capacity match. Every network upgrade or extension is time and cost optimized. Our products are modular. Iskratel products are easily adaptable to the requests and demands of different operators. They are all based on open and standardized hardware and software platforms. Our products are past compatible and future ready. We make no distinction when dealing with legacy infrastructure or newly developed network elements. Iskratel supports seamless technological evolution and the coexistence of architectural principles.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Iskratel is a leading developer of customized and highly integrated communication solutions for quickly evolving convergent networks. Excellence in providing cutting-edge network elements and infrastructural configurations places the company among the global technological visionaries.
By combining experience and know-how with creativity and innovation Iskratel meets the challenges of supporting the existing networks and establishing IP-based convergent architectures, adaptable to the demands of regional specifics and subscriber preferences. With over 1,100 employees and over 450 in affiliated companies in 20 countries, Iskratel offers integrated telecommunications solutions for fixed telephony, mobile telephony, IPbased convergent networks and network management. Iskratel’s presence in different countries ensures the full compatibility of our network solutions and makes certain that the SI3000 products conform to all international standards, including ETSI, DSL Forum, Metro Ethernet Forum and others. Our presence in different countries is the very reason we are acquainted with local network specifics and requirements.
The SI3000 brand is an affective answer to the demands made by: - Fixed operators
ISKRATEL, d.o.o., Kranj
- Mobile operators
Ljubljanska c. 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia Phone: +386 (0)4 207 2000, Fax: +386 (0)4 207 2712
- Cable operators - Enterprise networks
e-mail: info@iskratel.si
- Internet service providers (ISPs) - Content providers
Iskratel Electronics, Ljubljanska cesta 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia, phone: +386 (0)4 207 34 96, fax: +386 (0)4 207 29 91, e-mail: info-ite@iskratel.si, www.iskratel-electronics.si Iskrateling, Ljubljanska cesta 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia, phone: +386 (0)4 207 62 76, fax: +386 (0)4 207 62 77, e-mail: info@iskrateling.si, www.iskrateling.com Monis, Oktyabrskoy revolucii str. 99, UA – 61157 Harkov, Ukraine, phone: +380 577 15 80 00, fax: +380 577 15 80 16, e-mail: monis@monis.com.ua, www.monis.com.ua Iskrauraltel, Komvuzovskaya str. 9a, 620137 Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, phone: +7 343 210 69 51, fax: +7 343 341 52 40, e-mail: iut@iskrauraltel.ru, www.iskrauraltel.ru Iskrabel, Harkovskaya str. 1/601, BY - 220073 Minsk, Belarus, phone: +375 17 213 03 36, fax: +375 17 251 74 59, e-mail: pihtin@iskrabel.by Iskracom, Naurizbay batyra 17, office 213, 050004 Almaty, Kazakhstan, phone: +7 327 2917 166, fax: +7 327 2917 166, e-mail: a.nikonov@mail.ru ITS Iskratel Skopje, Kej 13 Noemvri, Kula 4, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia, phone: +389 2 323 53 00, fax: +389 2 323 53 99, e-mail: info@its-sk.com.mk, www.its-sk.com.mk
There are no problems but challenges
© Designed by Creatoor
Focused on the user experience
Compatible in Every Way A Move to IMS
SI3000 - A PATH TO THE FUTURE SI2000 Technology and the development of the ever-increasing number of new services represent new challenges for telecommunications equipment manufacturers and solution providers and consequently demand the development of new products capable of meeting all the market requirements. SI3000, Iskratel’s new brand, is the answer to all the requirements brought about by new technologies and standards at the level of products as well as solutions. The SI3000 brand portfolio is based on IP technology and ensures a reliable and economical transition from next generation networks to the IMS network architecture and also the economical and safe introduction of a PSTN. In short, our products are both past compatible and future ready.
Iskratel ‘s SI3000 brand – a vision of future communications.
DIVERSITY OF ACCESS SERVICES AVAILABLE ANYWHERE, ANYTIME The SI3000 OSAP (Open Service and Application Plane) product family is designed to satisfy the needs of major telecommunications operators as well as operators of small-sized networks, service providers – and of course we have not forgotten the applications required by business environments. Our products can be used for initial installations that are very attractively priced and easily extended or upgraded with new services or applications, the emphasis being on reliability, safety and user friendliness.
Main advantages of the SI3000 OSAP product family: - Provision of services on different network types. - Upgrading current networks with advanced services. - Compatibility with networks from different generations. - Introduction of new up-to-date services requiring minimum investments. - Small initial investment. - Simple, cost-effective extensions and upgrades. - Reliable, safe and user-friendly products. - Products designed for the future. - Maintenance of the investment value.
SI3000 – an Answer to the Convergence of Different Worlds SI3000 MSAP SI3000 OSAP
Key advantages of the SI3000 brand are: - Convergence of fixed and mobile networks. - Complete understanding of network-installation problems. - Modular architecture of the product line. - Scalar architectural design, based on the pay-as-you-grow principle. - Applicability of general solutions aimed at interoperability and the suitability for any user and service type. - All the products are past compatible and future ready.
SI3000 Our SI3000 MSAP (Multi-Service Access Plane) product family, available with POTS, ADSL2+, VDSL2, WiMAX, Ethernet and optical interfaces (Fiber), ensures the complete range of tripleplay (voice, data and video) service delivery and even more. The carrier-grade access platform’s flexibility makes the SI3000 MSAP product family appropriate for every type of network. It successfully meets the specifics and demands of smaller rural environments, suburban and even large metropolitan areas.
The requirements of telecommunications operators for universal, unified control over service management are continuously growing. The future will bring about an almost limitless range of new services, which you will be able to offer to your end users. The SI3000 MSCP (Multi-Service Control Plane) products are designed to offer such new services as well as providing efficient and stable management and control of these services. Each product plays an important role and together they represent a flexible product family providing the basis for many diverse solutions.
Main advantages of the SI3000 MSAP product family: - Universal platform for the transfer of voice, video and data brings about a reduction in maintenance costs. - Easy migration to an NGN by flexible upgrading of a PSTN. - New services represent a new source of revenue. - Multiservice access. - Centralized management that increases efficiency and optimizes costs. - A solution verified by many major telecommunications operators.
Main advantages of the SI3000 MSCP product family:
- Universal platform to control of the transfer of voice, video and data brings about a reduction in maintenance costs. - Easy migration to an NGN by flexible upgrading of a PSTN. - New services represent a new source of revenue. - Multi-service control – different applications for different needs and requirements. - Modular structure offers flexible planning of network topology and traffic.
SI3000 - A PATH TO THE FUTURE SI2000 Technology and the development of the ever-increasing number of new services represent new challenges for telecommunications equipment manufacturers and solution providers and consequently demand the development of new products capable of meeting all the market requirements. SI3000, Iskratel’s new brand, is the answer to all the requirements brought about by new technologies and standards at the level of products as well as solutions. The SI3000 brand portfolio is based on IP technology and ensures a reliable and economical transition from next generation networks to the IMS network architecture and also the economical and safe introduction of a PSTN. In short, our products are both past compatible and future ready.
Iskratel ‘s SI3000 brand – a vision of future communications.
DIVERSITY OF ACCESS SERVICES AVAILABLE ANYWHERE, ANYTIME The SI3000 OSAP (Open Service and Application Plane) product family is designed to satisfy the needs of major telecommunications operators as well as operators of small-sized networks, service providers – and of course we have not forgotten the applications required by business environments. Our products can be used for initial installations that are very attractively priced and easily extended or upgraded with new services or applications, the emphasis being on reliability, safety and user friendliness.
Main advantages of the SI3000 OSAP product family: - Provision of services on different network types. - Upgrading current networks with advanced services. - Compatibility with networks from different generations. - Introduction of new up-to-date services requiring minimum investments. - Small initial investment. - Simple, cost-effective extensions and upgrades. - Reliable, safe and user-friendly products. - Products designed for the future. - Maintenance of the investment value.
SI3000 – an Answer to the Convergence of Different Worlds SI3000 MSAP SI3000 OSAP
Key advantages of the SI3000 brand are: - Convergence of fixed and mobile networks. - Complete understanding of network-installation problems. - Modular architecture of the product line. - Scalar architectural design, based on the pay-as-you-grow principle. - Applicability of general solutions aimed at interoperability and the suitability for any user and service type. - All the products are past compatible and future ready.
SI3000 Our SI3000 MSAP (Multi-Service Access Plane) product family, available with POTS, ADSL2+, VDSL2, WiMAX, Ethernet and optical interfaces (Fiber), ensures the complete range of tripleplay (voice, data and video) service delivery and even more. The carrier-grade access platform’s flexibility makes the SI3000 MSAP product family appropriate for every type of network. It successfully meets the specifics and demands of smaller rural environments, suburban and even large metropolitan areas.
The requirements of telecommunications operators for universal, unified control over service management are continuously growing. The future will bring about an almost limitless range of new services, which you will be able to offer to your end users. The SI3000 MSCP (Multi-Service Control Plane) products are designed to offer such new services as well as providing efficient and stable management and control of these services. Each product plays an important role and together they represent a flexible product family providing the basis for many diverse solutions.
Main advantages of the SI3000 MSAP product family: - Universal platform for the transfer of voice, video and data brings about a reduction in maintenance costs. - Easy migration to an NGN by flexible upgrading of a PSTN. - New services represent a new source of revenue. - Multiservice access. - Centralized management that increases efficiency and optimizes costs. - A solution verified by many major telecommunications operators.
Main advantages of the SI3000 MSCP product family:
- Universal platform to control of the transfer of voice, video and data brings about a reduction in maintenance costs. - Easy migration to an NGN by flexible upgrading of a PSTN. - New services represent a new source of revenue. - Multi-service control – different applications for different needs and requirements. - Modular structure offers flexible planning of network topology and traffic.
EXPERIENCE THE VARIETY OF SERVICES Iskratel’s SI3000 brand portfolio consists of three main product families: - SI3000 MSAP (Multi-Service Access Plane) product family at the access level - SI3000 MSCP (Multi-Service Control Plane) product family at the control level - SI3000 OSAP (Open Service and Application Plane) product family at the application level Our products are scalable. We make gradual and customized network infrastructure growth possible. Every Iskratel network element is shaped for the most appropriate capacity match. Every network upgrade or extension is time and cost optimized. Our products are modular. Iskratel products are easily adaptable to the requests and demands of different operators. They are all based on open and standardized hardware and software platforms. Our products are past compatible and future ready. We make no distinction when dealing with legacy infrastructure or newly developed network elements. Iskratel supports seamless technological evolution and the coexistence of architectural principles.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Iskratel is a leading developer of customized and highly integrated communication solutions for quickly evolving convergent networks. Excellence in providing cutting-edge network elements and infrastructural configurations places the company among the global technological visionaries.
By combining experience and know-how with creativity and innovation Iskratel meets the challenges of supporting the existing networks and establishing IP-based convergent architectures, adaptable to the demands of regional specifics and subscriber preferences. With over 1,100 employees and over 450 in affiliated companies in 20 countries, Iskratel offers integrated telecommunications solutions for fixed telephony, mobile telephony, IPbased convergent networks and network management. Iskratel’s presence in different countries ensures the full compatibility of our network solutions and makes certain that the SI3000 products conform to all international standards, including ETSI, DSL Forum, Metro Ethernet Forum and others. Our presence in different countries is the very reason we are acquainted with local network specifics and requirements.
The SI3000 brand is an affective answer to the demands made by: - Fixed operators
ISKRATEL, d.o.o., Kranj
- Mobile operators
Ljubljanska c. 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia Phone: +386 (0)4 207 2000, Fax: +386 (0)4 207 2712
- Cable operators - Enterprise networks
e-mail: info@iskratel.si
- Internet service providers (ISPs) - Content providers
Iskratel Electronics, Ljubljanska cesta 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia, phone: +386 (0)4 207 34 96, fax: +386 (0)4 207 29 91, e-mail: info-ite@iskratel.si, www.iskratel-electronics.si Iskrateling, Ljubljanska cesta 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia, phone: +386 (0)4 207 62 76, fax: +386 (0)4 207 62 77, e-mail: info@iskrateling.si, www.iskrateling.com Monis, Oktyabrskoy revolucii str. 99, UA – 61157 Harkov, Ukraine, phone: +380 577 15 80 00, fax: +380 577 15 80 16, e-mail: monis@monis.com.ua, www.monis.com.ua Iskrauraltel, Komvuzovskaya str. 9a, 620137 Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, phone: +7 343 210 69 51, fax: +7 343 341 52 40, e-mail: iut@iskrauraltel.ru, www.iskrauraltel.ru Iskrabel, Harkovskaya str. 1/601, BY - 220073 Minsk, Belarus, phone: +375 17 213 03 36, fax: +375 17 251 74 59, e-mail: pihtin@iskrabel.by Iskracom, Naurizbay batyra 17, office 213, 050004 Almaty, Kazakhstan, phone: +7 327 2917 166, fax: +7 327 2917 166, e-mail: a.nikonov@mail.ru ITS Iskratel Skopje, Kej 13 Noemvri, Kula 4, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia, phone: +389 2 323 53 00, fax: +389 2 323 53 99, e-mail: info@its-sk.com.mk, www.its-sk.com.mk
There are no problems but challenges
© Designed by Creatoor
Focused on the user experience
Compatible in Every Way A Move to IMS