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How to respond to new trends? Iskratel has designed an open multi-service platform for application creation and delivery in the following network types: • PSTN and 2G/3G mobile networks, • pure IP (NGN) or mixed TDM/IP networks, • SIP-based and IMS infrastructure. The platform serves as a universal and scalable basis with modules for networking and application provisioning. The included application servers are independent of the underlying technologies – the addition of new applications is smooth and easy, and time efficient.
The open platform, which acts as equipment independent of the core network, is a suitable solution for mobile, fixed or combined FMC/IMS networking environments. Upgradeability with intelligent protocols makes the multiservice platform a future-proof decision. The availability of web 2.0 applications presents telcos with an opportunity to adapt their business models as they continue their pursuit of data revenues. These applications based on open technology standards drive changes in Internet usage, and provide high levels of interoperability with telco services.
Everyday working tasks and private life are tightly interwoven through social networking and web applications. Combining SIP-based voice communications with social networking sites is a potential opportunity for increased subscriber loyalty and revenue.
Iskratel develops integrated telecommunications solutions for the future information society. With 60 years of experience in telecommunications, Iskratel is a global high-tech company.
Evolve Your Services and Applications
The company provides integrated telecommunications solutions for fixed and mobile telephony and next generation networks, combining telephone, internet and multimedia solutions. Our services can be used via telephones and internet sites and, last but not least, via TV sets and multimedia systems. A large number of different services, accessible via different media, ensure their usefulness at anyplace and at any time. The design of all the applications provides a seamless transition to IMS technology.
Demanding and tech-savvy users are in constant search for the most appealing and broadest service offering. They produce, consume and share a vast amount of content.
Recent investments in broadband access and core telecommunication network equipment have resulted in omnipresent high-performance networking and a sufficient bandwidth offering. However, the lack of profitable applications and sustainable business models is clearly evident.
Active participation in online communication is a necessity in both private and professional life. Corporate environments nowadays are all about mobility, unified communication, undisturbed connectivity and websupported collaboration.
The presence of Iskratel’s employees in other countries guarantees the complete compatibility of network solutions, since the SI3000 products conform to all the international standards, such as ETSI, DSL Forum and others.
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Advanced call routing
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Univ ersal telep hone num ber
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Convergent Telco 2.0 services services
Web and Telco Services Mashups
There are no problems only challenges
Iskratel’s SI3000 brand portfolio consists of three main product families: - SI3000 Access Plane product family - SI3000 Control Plane product family - SI3000 Application Plane product family
Iskratel, d.o.o., Kranj Ljubljanska c. 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia Phone: +386 (0)4 207 2000, Fax: +386 (0)4 207 2712 e-mail: info@iskratel.si
The SI3000 OSAP Open-Service and Application Platform A Move to IMS
Iskratel Electronics, Ljubljanska cesta 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia, phone: +386 (0)4 207 34 96, fax: +386 (0)4 207 29 91, e-mail: info-ite@iskratel.si, www.iskratel-electronics.si Iskrateling, Ljubljanska cesta 24a, SI 4000 Kranj, Slovenia, phone: +386 (0)4 207 62 76, fax: +386 (0)4 207 62 77, e-mail: info@iskrateling.si, www.iskrateling.com Monis, Oktyabrskoy revolucii str. 99, UA – 61157 Harkov, Ukraine, phone: +380 577 15 80 00, fax: +380 577 15 80 16, e-mail: monis@monis.com.ua, www.monis.com.ua Iskrauraltel, Komvuzovskaya str. 9a, 620137 Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, phone: +7 343 210 69 51, fax: +7 343 341 52 40, e-mail: iut@iskrauraltel.ru, www.iskrauraltel.ru Iskrabel, Harkovskaya str. 1/601, BY - 220073 Minsk, Belarus, phone: +375 17 213 03 36, fax: +375 17 251 74 59, e-mail: pihtin@iskrabel.by Iskracom, Naurizbay batyra 17, office 213, 050004 Almaty, Kazakhstan, phone: +7 327 2917 166, fax: +7 327 2917 166, e-mail: iskracom@iskracom.kz ITS Iskratel Skopje, Kej 13 Noemvri, Kula 4, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia, phone: +389 2 323 53 00, fax: +389 2 323 53 99, e-mail: info@its-sk.com.mk, www.its-sk.com.mk
Keep your users well connected! Step beyond the separated web/telco offer. Converge your service offer and create attractive service packages.
Iskratel has shaped four groups of open services and applications to be provided using standard network elements with open interfaces:
Iskratel services and applications ensure easy and efficient 3rd party service provider cooperation, additional revenue sources, FMC and IMS readiness.
• Telco 2.0 services – the hybrid suite of web applications and traditional telco services.
SIP services, IP-based switching and transport are changing the nature of communication paths. A constantly increasing share of convergent communications solutions utilizes the web as the transport media.
• Convergent services for mobile and fixed user flexibility (services, access network and devices). • Voice and Video VAS for enhanced user-to-user and user-to-network interaction. • Advanced Call Routing for call-routing adaptability and call presentations based on variable rules.
Meet and exceed your customers expectations.