Friends of Emmet
Words: Ellen Desmond, Entertainment Editor Another day another dollar at the UCC Express - oh wait that’s right, I don’t get paid for this. Last week I was giving out to Audrey and Stephen about how I should be entitled to get, not just my own paycheque, but also both of theirs. It got me thinking about why the hell I bother doing this editing and journalism malarkey. Sometimes I worry that journalism, and especially entertainment journalism, can easily slip into the realm of becoming paparazzi-esque. (Fun fact: paparazzi means annoying little flies in Italian.) Aside from the fact that this may one day help me get into a masters degree, it could be classified as ultimately a massive waste of my time. I’m going to get about three hours sleep tonight because Méadhbh and I have a meeting about the music section at 9am. I have a terrible head cold. I wish I was asleep or reading Game of Thrones but here I am. To try to convince myself that my life as a student journalist has not been one of my many overly-ambitious, extra-curricular and ultimately worthless commitments, I began reflecting on the stories I’ve published in the Express - and more importantly, the people I’ve interviewed. In the past few months I’ve spoken to a man who has survived the Holocaust, an artist who used to draw Spiderman on his school books and now draws him for Marvel, a guy who won the X-Factor… and each time I did this over the phone, while sitting in my pyjamas with my cat on my lap. Thinking about the fact that the opportunity to hear stories from these amazing people is, quite literally, at my fingertips has made me feel incredibly blessed. I am very far from the same girl who was interviewed for this job. My outlook on life is so much more open and I have spoken to some of the most inspirational people without even moving from my chair; I have also gained roughly a stone since then. The first article I ever wrote for the Express was a review of Tina Fey’s autobiography Bossypants. I actually applied to be Entertainment Editor because my obsession Tina Fey’s witty feminist humour has made me power hungry and blindly ambitious. I’m also a hilarious comedienne but I don’t need to point that out. Fey wrote in Bossypants “Whatever the problem, be part of the solution. Don’t just sit around raising questions and pointing out obstacles” and for some reason or another that made me want to be a journalist. I also liked when someone said journalism should be used to “go where the silence is” but it wasn’t Tina Fey, so I wasn’t half as impressed. (If you too want to be a journalist please email entertainment@uccexpress. ie and you can get to work right away!) This week I had the honour of speaking to Keith from the band Friends of Emmet. This is a group who are definitely being part of the solution and as well as making great music, they are doing some much needed work on promoting suicide prevention. If even one person is moved by the message they have got across through my interview, well then my time was well spent - even if it is just my Dad and my Gran who read it. On a serious note however, I can’t recommend watching their video to Coming Apart enough. And on an even more serious I cannot believe the deputy editor gets paid and I don’t.
Naked Lunch
I like to pride myself on being fairly in-tune with popular culture and the general zeitgeist. Which is why it shocked many who know me to know that I had never seen the 2004 film Mean Girls. Mean Girls is one of those films you just know about. “She doesn’t even go here,” “none for you Gretchen Wieners” and “You go Glenn Coco” were quotes I knew (and sometimes, when the moment was right, used) but had no context for at all. And what better way to experience Mean Girls than with 230 or so other true believers in a packed Boole 2 screening? Surely I was the only one experiencing it for the first time, as there was an electric atmosphere in the lecture theatre. At certain points there was a murmur of excitement, which usually lead to one of the aforementioned quotes. I’m almost glad that I inadvertently waited to see this with a crowd. If you’ll excuse me, I’m off to bake a cake of rainbows and smiles.
Most writers try to avoid writing about fully erect Arabian penises, acts of homosexual hedonism and narcotic fulfilment, but William Burroughs deals with such topics in the first seventy pages alone, before divulging into sex toys filled with pasteurised cow`s milk and old men bleeding their last from the heroin that has made their lives meaningful. And to think this was published in 1959? Naked Lunch, like Anthony Burgess`s A Clockwork Orange, is a polarising read. It`s certainly a harrowing piece, objectifying acts of debauchery to the point of propagated sufferance. Yet, it`s a fascinating read none the less. The non-linear writing style displays an acerbic intellectual capacity, while the novel`s digression into the realms of good and evil is so thematically rich, that it transcends Biblical imagination. As a book, it`s leagues ahead of Jack Kerouac`s better known work On The Road. They say the devil has the best songs - well, if this anything to judge by, he must have the best books too!
Bastille – Pompeii (Live at Petit Palais)
About a year ago my brother came home raving about this new band he had heard that sang a song about some town in Italy. Little did I know, a year later, in my new acoustic binge it would become one of my favourite songs and top of my iTunes ‘most listened to.’ This version of Pompeii is different to any other version I’ve heard; it was recorded in Paris in one of the most beautiful rooms I’ve ever seen at the Petit Palais. With only a guitar, a guitar case and their voices, Bastille creates such an amazing sound - it puts other artists to shame and show their raw talent at its best.
Music Editor: Méadhbh Crowley
Arts & Literature Editor: Eoghan Lyng
Film & TV Editor: Robert O’ Sullivan
Gaming Editor: Brian Conmy
Design: Cathal O’ Gara
Mean Girls
Entertainment Editor: Ellen Desmond
I’m currently studying in Albany New York so I’m without my primary console - the PS3. I have played literally nothing, which is uncharted territory for me. I have my vita with me but finding time for the games I really want to play is becoming ever more difficult. Since I’m in America I’ve taken to playing unique little games in my head though. My favourite has undoubtedly been listening to conversations on buses and counting how many times someone uses “literally” figuratively or says “dude” or “bro” sincerely. Needless to say society is the loser in this game.
Cathal Dennehy
Siobhain O’ Callaghan
Fiona White
Stephen Barry
Robert Byrne
Aoife Gleeson
Bella du Toit
Friends of Emmet
have the right state of mind
Friends of Emmet are a five piece Rock band with a difference. Entertainment Editor Ellen Desmond had the pleasure of speaking with FOE’s bassist Keith Geraghty, about their music and message he first thing apparent about Friends of over the edge, it being the most common place in San Francisco Emmet is that they are on the brink of for people to commit suicide. Director Eric Steel was trying to taking the world by storm. shock people into stopping this, and also included interviews with friends and family members of the people jumped. It was But for once, this band deserves it, and then came the inspiration for the song Coming Apart, in the the world deserves them. These five men form of a man named Kevin Hines. In The Bridge Kevin tells are making music and making it well, but his incredible story of surviving a fall from the Golden Gate and there is also something that sets them apart. highlights how after jumping he instantly regretted it. The most In an age where music drifts mindlessly disturbing part being that this is a real life story in which no one between being meaningless and money- intervened when a man was quite obviously in distress - and making, Friends of Emmet completely stand alone. Bassist, he had even made a pact with himself that he wouldn’t jump if Keith Geraghty explained how mental health awareness and someone approached him. Coming Apart is a tribute to Kevin suicide prevention has become a huge part of what his band is Hines and the importance of holding on and helping each other about. However, it was nothing less than embarrassing to hear through the darkest times. Cork is the only county that hasn’t yet given Friends of Emmet “When we were recording Coming Apart, Mark told me radio time. FOE have had their music played in the States and who he wrote it about. And I couldn’t believe the story and I sat Canada and even on shows such as Hollyoaks, EastEnders and down and I told Mark and Brian my own story and then I said Jersey Shore. well look lads, we’re gonna have to track this guy down…he “We get radio play all over the country, last week alone several deserves to hear the song that was written about him.” different tracks off our album, which is not even released yet, Keith soon learned that Kevin Hines travels America sharing were played on different radio stations… but Cork was the one his story and recalled how Kevin broke down upon hearing county that came back and said no…And I sent the mail out to their song. The video for Coming Apart was made for only 2000 the radio stations saying what we’re trying to do and they ignored dollars but has a priceless impact. Without a chart topping hit, apparently, Cork radios aren’t “The most important thing is the guy in the white shirt in the interested in a song about suicide prevention, which makes little video is Kevin Heinz. The video is based around his day. The sense considering it is one of the counties with the highest rate whole idea is he’s basically watching out over the young actress. of suicide nationally. And when he comes up to her at the end -what we’re trying to Now based between America and Ireland, FOE didn’t always teach and ask people to do is - that the government can fund plan on mental health awareness playing such a big part in their this that and the other for suicide prevention but it all starts with message but it was unavoidable. FOE members Keith, Brian looking out for each other. And that’s what we constantly say.” and Mark had been in a band called The Cage in the late 90s Keith told The UCC Express that in the darkest time of his and when things didn’t go well financially for them in LA; the life, had he not given it 24 hours and had a friend to talk it band went their separate ways. Years later Keith and Brian were over with, the outcome for him could have been very different. approached to get back in contact with Mark who had remained The language of the younger generation is music and video, and across the water. The reunited Friends of Emmet found their FOE is trying to give a tool to be able to speak about issues like name following a knock on the door of Keith’s house, when this. Speaking of a woman who lost her son to suicide, Keith friends of his son Emmet called over during the time they says he asked her if she thought her late son would approve of were searching for a name. FOE began writing music over the what they are doing and she said he would have loved it. She internet and soon Keith and Brian sent Mark the music for what believed that her son would sooner have listened to them than has now become their very important song Coming Apart. Keith a local priest, or guard or mental health and they have made described how for a long time, Mark couldn’t seem to get the considerable positive impact on her other son. That is proof right lyrics to fit the music, until he saw the movie The Bridge. enough that what FOE are trying to do definitely works. The movie The Bridge, which Keith has been trying to “…the reaction from the public [in Ireland] has been great. get aired in Ireland to no avail, shows real people in distress, The reaction from some of the organisations… some are old walking around the Golden Gate Bridge contemplating jumping fashioned, some are great, but the ones who are going to change
it are you, and the young people in UCC. It used to be hushhush, push it under the carpet kind of stuff, but now what students have to do is shout it, and shout, from the top of the mountain and let it echo and echo so that it becomes common conversation” Currently FOE are trying to set up YANA (You are not alone) clubs in schools, and forTY students to be brought on a course, one that is of a level between Assist Courses and Safe Talk courses. FOE are trying to get the Irish government to come up with this for every TY student to have to sit, in order to learn the tell tales signs for suicide prevention. FOE have already struck success in helping young people in that from this September all homework journals will have helpline information printed on the inside cover. “I was dealing with a couple of organisations, and I was saying look we need to get awareness out there every day and they were saying look, we can’t afford it... So I said right how can we get to students in an everyday mode…well they all have homework journals. So if we get it printed in the inside front cover, they’ll get familiar with the logo, they’ll get familiar with the website link and address and they’ll get familiar with the number. They’ll also know that there’s help at their fingertips, every day.” Keith highlighted that though everyone is great at talking about statistics pertaining to mental health, that nobody is putting forward ideas. Following the successful passing of Keith’s homework journal initiative, FOE have had people coming to them saying that governments in Belgium, the UK and across the world are interested in it taking on this initiative as well. The sky’s the limit for the future of a band as brave as this and Keith has reassured The UCC Express that they intend to continue writing music and touring. It’s easy to forget for a minute the sheer musical talent of this group because some of the messages they put forward are so strong and important. “We’re not all just about suicide prevention I have to state that. We’ve an album coming out in March called State of Mind, in which is the very last line of the very last song (Restless) is “Standing on the corner of another state of mind” so the reason we picked that is that it’s the last lyric of the album. Our song Hero is about trying to reach out for each other and Coming Apart is too. But the other songs are about women, wives, girls, girlfriends, struggles with alcohol, there are lots of other songs.” FOE will play one gig in Dublin and in Belfast this March, before touring abroad. They have a long term plan of releasing a deluxe State of Mind later in the year, which will have an additional CD including another ten tracks. If the popularity has built up in Ireland at that stage, there is the potential for more large-scale shows here. Friends of Emmet’s debut album State of Mind will be released in March 2014. The tracks Coming Apart and Hero are available now to download from iTunes. If you have been affected by any of the topics raised support information can be found on www.pieta.ie
12 Years A Slave The Golden Globe winning movie reviewed by Cathal Dennehy
he third feature from artist-turnedfilmmaker Steve McQueen (no, not that one!) takes his typically beautiful style and mixes it with a tough subject matter and a period setting. It may seem early to call, but the result is a very strong frontrunner for the best film Oscar of 2014. Upon first viewing, this prediction doesn’t seem that premature. 12 Years is a tough, complex and ultimately rewarding watch. Set in 1872, the story follows the incredible story of a free black man who is kidnapped and sold into slavery. Narratively, it’s rather uneventful but while the plot runs along at a smooth enough pace, the real path we take is that of the central character, Solomon Northup. Leading man Chiwetel Ejiofor has an enormous weight to bear, but he holds the film together and truly shines in an amazing role. On the surface, 12 Years appears to be not unlike a host of other historical dramas (think Schindler’s List or Changeling) in that it’s based on a true story, characters go through catastrophic circumstances, it deals with important issues etc. However, it’s much more than a simple case of the main character staying strong and keeping his hope against all odds. Solomon experiences the same emotions as most
people would in that situation: fear and confusion. These horrible events put him in impossible moral dilemmas where he often acts, understandably, in a selfish manner. Though we as the audience find these choices questionable, on the other hand this is his ultimate display of determination, his total will to live on. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but it is dilemmas like these that make the film such a complex viewing experience for the audience. The supporting cast is bursting at the seams with quality acting talent. Some seem slightly less comfortable with the levels of brutality and offensiveness, such as Benedict Cumberbatch’s
to filmmaking. The film looks absolutely beautiful, but these are more than just pretty visuals. Often, the amazing landscapes create a startling contrast between the brutality and cruelty of the human activity. The story is the anchor of the film, and this is a real, properly told tale of one man. Unlike its main awards season rival Gravity, which pushed the boundaries of the technicalities of filmmaking, 12 Years…, while not an innovator, is simply an example of the potential power of pure, emotional storytelling. Though I hate using this word when describing a film, I must admit that we are taken on a journey, and it’s an incredible journey.
The film looks absolutely beautiful, but these are more than just pretty visuals. Often, the amazing landscapes create a startling contrast between the brutality and cruelty of the human activity. portrayal of the meek slave owner Master Ford. However everyone is clearly on top form, most notably Michael Fassbender’s role as the deranged slave owner Epps, and Solomon’s fellow slave (and screen newcomer) Lupita Nyong’o. All these impressive performances are brought together by the impressive direction of McQueen. His artistic flair has clearly not diminished since he took
On the surface, it may appear to be Oscar bait (and in many ways, it is) as some would argue that it’s impossible to criticize a film dealing with such a ‘worthy’ story; however, the film is an absolute success in its goal: to tell an incredible and almost unbelievable story. The highest praise I can give it is that it honours a fascinating tale and absolutely does Northup justice.
British Invasion Many times, a show is successful in the UK, and as a result many of these shows have been bought by various networks and companies in America. Now, while not all of these shows make the jump across the pond, some do. Here are some of those lucky few (that aren’t reality shows):
The Thick of It, became Veep
The Thick of It was British political satire at its finest. The show was a reasonable success for the BBC, with its film adaptation In the Loop being nominated for an Academy Award. I honestly can’t go any further without mentioning Malcolm Tucker. The premier spin-doctor is no doubt the best part of the show, played excellently by the simply Steptoe & Son, became Sanford & Son wonderful Peter Capaldi. The show revolves around a fairly obscure and increasingly useless department of the British government and Steptoe & Son is a sitcom about a father-son team their attempts to rise the political ladder, while trying not to cause yet that collect scrap-metal and junk to sell in their yard. Steptoe is a dirty old maaaaan, the ultimate another controversy. When the show was brought over to America by curmudgeon. Harold, the son, is constantly sick of creator Armando Iannucci, they decided to kick it up a notch. Instead his lot in life, and has a taste for the finer things of in an obscure minister, the show revolves around the Vice-President of life. Steptoe & Son enjoyed great success, which the USA, played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Despite being on drastically lead to its recreation as Sanford & Son. The show different rungs of the ladder, both versions show that, while being ran for over 5 years, and is one of the most beloved an elected official, they have to do a lot of messy and sneaky work to American sitcoms. Both shows, while incredibly actually get anything done. Veep is a fantastic show in its own right, different at first glance, have a few similarities: and certainly isn’t a carbon copy of the British version. The only thing both shows are renowned for their awesome lacking from Veep is its own version of Malcolm Tucker, who really theme songs, and both shows deal with themes isn’t in the show enough to merit a comparison. Perhaps it was for the of racial or social inequality in 60s London and better: I couldn’t imagine anyone but Capaldi doing the role justice. 70s Los Angeles respectively.
Little Britain USA Britain, Britain, Britain. Whether you liked it or not, you can’t deny Little Britain’s success. For a while there it held the coveted “Father Ted” spot on RTÉ (seriously, it was on every night). Little Britain was everywhere: Lou and Andy mugs, Vicky Pollard underwear, Daffyd Thomas wall clocks, Tom Baker soundboards...which, is actually pretty cool. Little Britain did very good numbers stateside, which of course lead to the almost inevitable American version. Rather than the typical remake formula used by shows like The Office, Little Britain USA was a continuation of the British version, with some characters and continuity carrying on. The show was surprisingly good; different, but good. HBO, delighted with the ratings, ordered a second season of the show from creators Matt Lucas and David Wa l l i a m s , who actually turned down the offer.
A lot of British shows have successfully migrated to the “Home of the Brave,” and some of the US’ most popular shows of the last few decades have come from Britannia: The Office, XFactor, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Hell’s Kitchen, One Foot In The Grave, Britain’s Got Talent. So I say to Americans out there: the British are coming, and they’re bringing some bloody good telly.
Words: Rob O’ Sullivan
Film & TV
Quotes You Can (and should)
Use in Everyday Life 1. “Carpe Diem. Seize the day” -Dead Poets Society, 1989. The original YOLO. Although the phrase was first used by the Latin poet Horace, it was made famous in this cult classic.
2. “Allons-y!” -Doctor Who, 2005. A favourite catchphrase of 10th Doctor David Tennant, it means “Let’s Go!” in French...which makes a lot of sense, when you think of it. 3. “None for you Gretchen Wieners” Mean Girls, 2004. “Four for you Glenn Coco, you go Glenn Coco.” 4. “Groovy” -Earthworm Jim, 1995/ Evil Dead, 1981. A misunderstood phrase, groovy is the coolest way of saying...cool. Not just a word for hippies. 5. “I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore” -The Wizard of Oz, 1939. A great way of expressing either your loss of directions or feeling out of place is a social situation. Bonus points if you’ve been to Kansas before.
6. “I resemble that remark!” The Three Stooges, 1925. This quote is best used as a sassy comeback to an insult. You sassy git, you. 7. “Go ahead, make my day” Sudden Impact, 1983. This is the go-to line if you want to sound tough. You just better hope the other person doesn’t have a .44 Magnum… 8. “I see you’ve played knifey-spooney before” The Simpsons, 1989. If someone calls you out on talking about something you’ve no idea about, use this quote. It’s an apt description of the situation, and the non-sequitur might distract them from your idiocy. 9. “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn” -Gone With the Wind, 1939. Not only is this the ultimate film quote, but it’s possibly the most badass thing you can say while sounding entirely gentlemanly. 10. “That’s so Raven” -That’s So Raven, 2003. I’m almost entirely certain they never actuallysaid this in the show, but really...everyone should say this. This is great.
Verge’s resident DJ Fiona White tagged along to Alesso’s recent opening party at London club, Project, and gives her thoughts on people’s reactions. A concert or a gig of any type of music can be an almost spiritual experience. Moments can be shared amongst thousands of people, or just a few, but what these people have in common is a mutual desire to see, hear and generally experience the act in question. As a DJ myself, it was pretty exciting to know that I’d be at Alesso’s opening party in London’s exclusive club, Project. Clubs like these are small so they remain intimate and hella expensive. Tables cost a full year’s tuition but if you can go, then it means a guaranteed close encounter with the act that they have booked to play. A VIP pass meant being literally close enough to touch him, while he was playing, so it was necessary to have an aide there to prevent the girls from requesting photos or worse, to play ‘Rihanna’ during his set. Resident DJ Kaveh opened with some fresh new deep and techno house; warming up to Alesso’s set with skill that you won’t find in most other DJs. The problem was that nobody was listening. His skill and his track selection meant that the vibe had such a massive potential but the crowd were simply waiting for the man of the moment. Alesso’s arrival didn’t mean confetti cannons, thousands or even hundreds of screaming fans vying for a ritualistic and spiritual excursion from the mundane. No, from the moment he hit the decks, the majority of the club’smembers had their phones out and were taking videos. The few who actually knew who Alesso was may have tried but the vibe simply wasn’t there when you can’t let go and enjoy because you have too many people videoing the moment, rather than experiencing it. There was absolutely no atmosphere and the moment he finished, everybody left, regardless of the fact that Kaveh’s after-set was technically better and much fresher, than Alesso’s. You just know that the next day’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds would have been full of ‘AMAZING NIGHT Xx x #AlessoForever’, when you know that the day before, for many, it was more likely a case of ‘#AlessoWho?’ There’s nothing worse for an entertainer to have a whole crowd who are just staring and not getting involved. Needless to say, he didn’t hang around too much longer after his set and his minders got completely hammered. I would have also. But here’s the thing, it sounds like I’m bashing the DJ, the club and all involved but I’m not; far from it. I love that club, (judge me all you want but when you get a chance to drink really, really nice drink rather than that Aldi/ Lidl rocket fuel and decide not to turn back, then you’ll know), DJ Kaveh is award winning, Alesso is a class act and his management are doing an excellent job. The owners of Project have branded their nightclub exceptionally well. So where’s the issue? People, put your phones away and enjoy the moment. It’s much more believable when you were having too much fun to take photos rather than filling your feed with them the next day. Nobody is falling for it.
Concert Experience A
Robert Byrne reviews Snoop Dogg's latest record Many things don’t go well together; alcohol and I being one, but for Snoop Dogg it was Reggae. While his Rastafarian reincarnation enabled him to smoke eighty blunts a day and lengthen his dreadlocks, his last effort under the alias of Snoop Lion, was, well, a midlife crises for everyone to see. But every now and then a magical combination arises, one that makes you wonder why it hasn’t happen before. For Snoop Dogg (now Snoopzilla), teaming up with long time friend and funk disciple Dâm Funk, it seems like the musical equivalent of Strawberries and Cream. From the outset, it appears that the collaboration has paid its dividends, Hit the Pavement evokes outlandish eighties g-funk with a host of velvety synthesizers and programmed drumbeats, forming a comfortable backdrop
Eoghan Lyng calls for a new performance from Rock legends, Led Zeppelin The Stone Roses were, arguably, the most lauded band to perform at the Benicassim Festival in Spain 2012. Black Sabbath went down a storm, thanks to their new record ‘13’. Take That have become one of the most successful groups in the world, particularly after their reunion with noughties pop star, Robbie Williams. It seems that we are witnessing the age of the reunion. There is, however, one band that should be placed on the above list and that is the godlike Led Zeppelin. Yes, they reunited in 2007 and yes, it must have been spectacular to witness. But the O2 stadium could not hold every Zeppelin fan and there are thousands of people (such as I), who would give up their left arm to witness these magnificent men in action once more. The band was blessed with four of the finest musicians that ever crossed the earth. Their leader, Jimmy Page, not only possessed a penchant for the guitar that no one, bar possibly Jeff Beck, can rival, but could also be considered a wizard as a record producer. He was rivalled
to Snoopzilla’s smooth rapping style. While Jamaica almost ruined the Snoop Dogg we all know, his time there appears to have had the added perk of transforming the Dogg into a sagacious philosopher. Topics of reflection include domestic economy, grammar and truth, ‘If you don’t work you don’t eat/ battin my eyes while crossin my T’s/ … Act like you know/ Know not, better know better.’ Plato, he ain’t. Thankfully, Snoop’s preaching doesn’t survive into the sophomore track; Let it Go, which eases the vibe with a Prince-esque woozy bassline and Snoop Dogg’s trademark croon; exposing the former pimp as something of a tender soul. Docile tones continue in Faden Away, where a reverberated keytar riff permeates through a laid back chorus in which Snoopzilla sobs, ‘I can’t live another day.’
ZEPPLIN'S by drummer John Bonham, whose impeccable groove and hammering sounds put him in a league above any other drummer of his generation. Then there was Page`s songwriting partner Robert Plant, a man who could give the likes of Pavarotti and Cabalé a run for their money. There was also of course John Paul Jones, whose gift for playing a multitude of instruments has rarely been matched. Can you name anyone else who can play bass guitars, keyboards, recorders, mandolins, guitars and percussive instruments? Without resorting to hyperbole, there are very few artists who maintained the high standard of Zeppelin`s records. After twelve years, the band broke up following the death of John Bonham. Since their dissolution in 1980, the other members have reformed for a mere five occasions. Their performances at Live Aid and the Atlantic Records concert in 1985 and 1988 respectively, were shambolic to say the least. Their performance at Jason Bonham`s wedding (John Bonham`s son) was little more than a jam session. Their shows at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Despite the sobriety, there is something oddly amusing about how Snoop, a married father and millionaire parodies his new alter ego. Ride and Do my Thang form a hilariously bizarre homage to his shady past, envisaging a Snoopzilla who pedals and abuses soft drugs, while having a funky good time. Ostensibly, it seems that little on 7 Days of Funk works as either straightforward R&B or gansta-funk. Though for every triviality that fails, there is something that succeeds in its own peculiar way. A recent interview with Snoop Dogg revealed that writing with Dâm Funk ‘brought his knack back’ for song craft. Thankfully, it is a knack that has delivered one of the most funky and chilled out EP’s in recent memory, a record that begs you not to give a Dâm out the pressures of life; Snoop doesn’t, so why should you?
L a st STAND
in 1995 and their 02 performance were excellent, but fans were left disappointed without the prospect of further concerts. John Bonham may not be around anymore but his son Jason is more than capable of playing drums in his absence. The three surviving members may not be as youthful as they once were, but if Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan and Mick Jagger can continue to perform, even as they enter their eighth decade, then surely Page, Plant and Jones can muster up a few more performances. Indeed, Plant, at sixty six, still has a huge vocal range. The music of Guns N` Roses, Muse and the Foo Fighters proves the type of music they wrote is still as popular as ever. Forget thee not that President Barack Obama himself awarded Led Zeppelin for their services to music in 2013, indicating that their music is as sound as ever. Therefore, it would seem silly for the remaining members not to reform. For the sake of the thousands of fans, let Stairway to Heaven, Whole Lotta Love, Kashmir, Black Dog and others be performed by its writers once more upon a live stage.
It’s that time of year again, and between the Oscars, the BAFTAs, the IFTAs and the Golden Globes, we tend to forget that it is also the time for the music world to have its awards, the most prestigious being the Grammys. 2013 was a huge year for music and it made the awards even more difficult to predict but I’ve picked out potential winners for the biggest and most sought after awards of the night, we’ll just have to wait and see if I’m right on the 26th of January.
Album of the Year: "The Blessed Unrest" — Sara Bareilles "Random Access Memories" — Daft Punk "Good Kid, M.A.A.D City" — Kendrick Lamar "The Heist" — Macklemore & Ryan Lewis "Red" — Taylor Swift
Record of the Year: Song of the Year: “Get Lucky" — Daft Punk & Pharrell Williams "Radioactive" — Imagine Dragons "Royals" — Lorde "Locked Out Of Heaven" — Bruno Mars "Blurred Lines" — Robin Thicke Featuring T.I. & Pharrell Williams Although all the songs in this category would have won any award in any other award show, it was probably the hardest category to pick a winner. One of the songs caused controversy across the world; another was from a little known indie band and another by a 16 year old from Australia. Despite her age, I think that Royals by Lorde will scoop this prize. She brought her unique sound to the world in 2013 and Royals was one of the most played singles on radio stations worldwide.
"Just Give Me A Reason" — Pink Featuring Nate Ruess "Locked Out Of Heaven" — Bruno Mars "Roar" — Katy Perry "Royals" —Lorde "Same Love" —Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Featuring Mary Lambert Another great category! But one song really stands out for me and I think a lot of people would agree. Same Love was not just a protest song about California’s Proposition 8, but also a simple yet amazing pop song which dominated our airwaves over the summer. The song has substance which a lot of songs today are lacking in.
In this category there really is only one winner and it is the one and only Taylor Swift. Her album Red has sold over 5 million records worldwide and didn’t disappointment, especially considering all the hype in the run up to its release. If Taylor doesn’t win at least one award I’ll eat my hat.
Best Dance/ Electronica Album: Random Access Memories — Daft Punk Settle — Disclosure 18 Months — Calvin Harris Atmosphere — Kaskade A Colour Map Of The Sun — Pretty Lights It’s a pretty easy category to predict who will win this. Who knew five years ago that a Scottish DJ would be nominated for a Grammy award, I know I didn’t. Although Daft Punk did resuscitate their career, I don’t think their album has done enough to beat off Calvin Harris’ 18 Months.
Best New Artist: James Blake Kendrick Lamar Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Kacey Musgraves Ed Sheeran Macklemore appears again in this category, but I honestly don’t feel he’ll take this award home. It’s been a long time running for Ed Sheeran, having already being nominated for a Grammy for A Team, but having spent 2013 touring the world with Taylor Swift and doing his own tour of Ireland and the UK, it really has revived his debut album “+” and this is definitely Ed’s year.
Grammy’s 2014 Music editor, Méadhbh Crowley, predicts who’s going to win the biggest prize in the music industry.
And the nominees are… With the 2014 now in full swing, it comes the time where Irish music goes under the microscope of the Meteor Choice Music Prize judges. Instead of using sales or airplay as criteria, the Meteor Choice Music Prize puts focus, simply and solely, on the music. Artists from all over Ireland have waited all year to see if their single and albums were good enough to meet the grade from the panel of experts which is composed of media and industry professionals, representing Irish print, radio TV, online and other assembled music professionals.
And the nominees are And So I Watch You From Afar - All Hail Bright Futures (Sargent House) Bell X1 – Chop Chop (Belly Up Records) Girls Names – The New Life (Tough Love) Kodaline – In A Perfect World (Sony Music) Little Green Cars – Absolute Zero (Universal Music) Mano Le Tough – Changing Days (Permanent Vacation) My Bloody Valentine – MBV (MBV Records) O Emperor – Vitreous (Big Skin)
SINGLE OF THE WEEK Wild Heart- The Vamps The Vamps have really started to make a name for themselves already in 2014. Their new single Wild Heart is annoyingly catchy and you’ll find yourself absentmindedly singing along to it when it comes on the radio.
Lisa O’ Neill – Same Cloth or Not (Song Seeds Records) Villagers – {Awayland} (Domino) With past winners including Delorentos, Jape and Two Door Cinema Club it is obvious that the standard of the winners is quite high. Nominees are anxiously waiting for Thursday February 27th at Vicar St, Dublin. Tickets will go on sale from Ticketmaster on Friday January 10th 2014 priced €23.50.
This week’s playlist comes from former RTÉ presenter and Spin 103.8 DJ, Dara Quilty
Demi Lovato - Neon Lights Naughty Boy/ Wiz Khalifa - Think About It Beyoncé - XO Pitbull/Kesha - Timber Jason Derulo - Trumpets Lana Del Ray/ CedricGervais - Young & Beautiful Little Mix - Move Avicii - Hey Brother John Newman Losing Sleep Pharrell Williams Happy
You can listen to this playlist at:
Words Méadhbh Crowley
ALBUM OF THE WEEK Radio 1 Dance Anthems-Danny Howard One of the year’s first compilation albums, BBC Radio 1 presenter,Danny Howard features tracks from artists such as Ellie Goulding, John Newman, Calvin Harris and London Grammar - all mixed in the unique style of Danny Howard.
ARTIST OF THE WEEK Ed Sheeran Having just announced that his new album will be released shortly, being nominated for a Grammy and nearly selling out an arena tour in less than 30 minutes, it’s been a good month for Sheeran and hopefully there will be more to come.
The Spies Who Loved Us
Eoghan Lyng and Siobhán O`Callaghan discusses an ageless genre of pulp fiction There`s an undeniable joie de vivre about a great spy thriller. Palpably fantastic, effortlessly entertaining and as ageless as a vintage wine, spy novels have the grace and backbone to thrill, spill and kill within the vortex of their pages. It`s a genre that has transcended continents, braced governmental authorities, discussed politics (both governmental and at times, sexual) and enthralled readers of all ages. Spy novels have grown through the ages. Probably the earliest foregone spy novel was James Fenimore Cooper`s aptly named The Spy (1821). Undeniably aided by Alfred Dreyfus`s conviction, an increased surge of interest in France at the turn of the twentieth century, leading to an interest to such work throughout the rest of Europe. There were a number of decent spy novels written in that first decade (Joseph Conrad`s The Secret Agent is a particularly good read), but it was during the First World War that spy fiction really took off. By 1915, Britain had their first great spy writer in the hands of John Buchan.Centring his novels The Thirty Nine Steps (1915) and Greenmantle (1916)around the adventures of Richard Hannay, an idealistic English man caught in the middle of propagated espionage. Admittedly, these books are littered with nationalistic ideals (Buchan was a Governor General of the British Empire, after all), and have understandably dated in the hundred years since their publication (although his division between civilisation and barbarism is a tad quaint). But is incredible how many of the attributes later spy fiction developed upon are found in these early works. Concepts such as deceit, disguise, loyalty, survival and purification are thrown around in these works, ribboned with a delicious salt of humour. Designed to be read for the Western Front, Buchan`s novels were among the more devoured by soldiers as the years dragged on and on. Purely escapist, the books placated archetypal themes future thriller writers would emulate. As the years went by, and the vibe began to die, spy novels continued to publish from place to place. Devoid of any war time policies by the nineteen fifties (these books were no longer written for war time appeasement), the books became more and more fantastic. The fifties and sixties were a time of merriment and celebration of youth culture and these values were audibly reflected in the works. Suddenly, being a secret agent became more of an enjoyable past-time, rather than a dangerous occupation. Characteristically debonair and sophistically enigmatic, many of the most popular literary spies introduced in the fifties/sixties included Johnny Fedora, Matt Helm and Nick Karter – Killmaster. At the end of it all, none of these hold a candle to the best known secret agent in popular culture, a man who made his first debut in 1953: James Bond. No, Ian Fleming was not as natural a writer as his peers Christopher Wood or Graham Greene, but he proved the template for serial novels to follow. Incorporating both his insatiable taste for fashion and good food with his military experience (Fleming was a naval intelligence officer during the Second World War), Fleming created one of the best loved characters of the late twentieth. In hindsight, there is a certain irony that James Bond, so named because he could have been any man, has become one of the most coveted male icons of all times! Unlike Buchan, Fleming`s works were meant as mere throwaways: where Buchan`s books subliminally attacked the German empires, Fleming`s interpretation of Russian criminal organisations are so hilariously quaint, they could not possibly be seen as anything more than cartoon characters, simply put on paper for the amusement of his readers. True, much of the realism thought to be found in spy fiction may have been discarded by Fleming, but in its place, spy fiction became much lighter to read and more accessible to enjoy. Novels continued and continued in such a vein throughout the decades. As The Cold War tightened and tightened, writers found themselves more and more willing to write about such icy surroundings. The Spy Who Came In From The Cold dealt with events in Eastern Berlin, while Tom Clancy `s The Hunt For Red October and Craig Thomas`s Firefox centred around Russian-American politics. The unexpected closure of the Cold War left an unattainable void in spy fiction for some time and few spy novels of any worth were written in the following years. That all changed in the noughties, where a new type of paranoia became the backdrop to those novels. A decade of phone hackings in the UK, the 9/11 attacks in the USA, changing governances in Russia and the infamous Edward Snowden case, has allowed for a further interest in spy fiction. Such was the demand for such thrilling pieces of writing that International Thriller Writers Inc. was set up in 2004. The first global organisation that encourages thriller writers, this has had a huge influence on the idealism of spy fiction. With a new generation of fans looking for novels more heavily bound in realism than the spy novels of the nineteen fifties/sixties, Brad Thor, Ted Bell and William Boyd are amongst a new generation of spy writers who have succeeded in delivering modern day novels of high distinction. Look no further than Stieg Larrsson`sTheMillenium Trilogy. They are cutting edge thrillers filled with the intensity of a great thriller, albeit with a sophistication and seriousness that makes them sufficiently. All in all, Larsson became one of the best-selling novelists of 2008. Spy fiction is far from dead. It still encapsulates the imagination of readers globally. An eternal genre, for all the classes and masses, Spy Fiction is a literary genre that takes up too much for one article. Of course, we could tell you more. But then we might have to kill you!
That all changed in the noughties, where a new type of paranoia became the backdrop to those novels
(MI)6 Essential
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Ronald Reagan`s support of the novel has turned Tom Clancy`s debut novel into an unnecessary political tool (he did the same with Bruce Springsteen`s Born In The USA). Ignoring the former president`s usage of the book and you find an excellent modern day naval yarn. Introducing Jack Ryan (the closest thing to an American James Bond), The Hunt delves in claustrophobic circles that only naval stories can provide.
The Hunt For Red October (1984):
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It all started with Scottish author John Buchan. Main character Richard Hannay proved the perfect archetype for later literary stiff upper lipped British action-heroes. The book`s content has undoubtedly dated, and similar to Rudyard Kipling, Buchan`s adherence to Colonial Empires seems a tad passé for the twentieth century. But, it`s a thrilling read nonetheless, much more in tune with modern day action heroes than either Sherlock Holmes or The Scarlett Pimpernel. Published only shortly after the outbreak of war, The Thirty Nine Steps is said to have been one of the more enjoyed books read by soldiers in the trenches (casing point for sheer fanaticism!)
The Spy Who Came In From The Cold (1963): I reviewed this novel for a Favourite Fortnightly for the Express`s third issue, ergo, I tried not to review for this section to avoid appearing clichéd. That proved impossible; this novel is simply too contrast good. A chilling reflection of the state of Europe t h a t during the Cold War at its iciest, it remains coloured e t c h i n g John Le Carré`s magnum opus. Devoid achieves. So of political ideologies (there are good too does Mark and bad communists found here), Hathaway’s “The Le Carré has attempted to emulate Car in the Pool” – this TSWCTC`s magic unsuccessfully image, understandably again and again in works like chosen as the poster for the The Looking Glass War and exhibition, displays the artists The Tailor of Panama. incredible technique to create But Le Carréneed not depth and perception in a seemingly worry- nobody has simple two dimensional image come close to this through texture. The clarity of the blue classic tale of water over the pink car further impresses. espionage. Pablo Picasso’s lithograph “Maternité” and linocut “Le Veux Roi” shows this master painters experimentalism and to t h e diversity, while George Rouault’s aquatint “Dame Haut Quartier” portrays an ability P r e s e n t ” , on the artist’s part to use print technique a collection to its fullest emotionally expressive effect of some – the sense of loss and disillusionment of the finest of the female figure’s face comes alive print works that though the contrast in shading achieved Crawford houses, by Rouault. which were chosen by Two works in particular stand out to Gallery employees. This me for their sheer beauty, the first being continues the tradition of Daniel Maclise’s engraving “The Origin Crawford actively engaging of the Harp” and second Salvador Dali’s with its audience; this time chromolithograph “Voyage”. Maclise’s through providing an historical work achieves an astonishing degree insight into the evolution of printing of detail and subtlety, while Dali’s techniques and their application by encapsulates the surrealist master’s some well-known masters of the craft. preference for playing with shape and The collection displays a wide variety colour. “Voyage” attracts the viewer of techniques, including mezzotint, form across the room with its abstract coloured etching, lithography, aquatint, composition and beautiful use of colour screen printing (made popular by Andy – a must see for Dali fans as well as any Warhol in the 60’s), wood engravings, other art lover interested in print! dry point and chromolithography. These The collection also addresses modern are all comprehensively described on techniques through its inclusion of Corben plaques next to the painting, providing Walkers interesting Inkjet on Paper work, the viewer with a greater appreciation “CAD Drawing 6”. It lends a sense of of the complexity and talent involved continuation to the collection which not in creating print works. The personal only looks back at the history of printing insights provided by each staff member techniques but also anticipates future on their chosen piece lends further to works in the medium. Curators Francesca collection, giving it a human element Costanzo and Marica Gagliardi have which speaks not only of the gallery managed to put together a thoroughly employees’ love for the work, but their enjoyable exhibition which not only own differing understanding of the displays the tastes and ideas of their medium. colleagues, but manages to engage the As with all exhibitions, particular works audience with an underappreciated visual stand out. David Hockney’s “French Shop” art form with a long and complex history. serves as such an example. Hockney, one the most influential British artists of the “OurChoice” is an ongoing exhibition in 20th century, shows the start detail and the Crawford Gallery throughout 2014. .E ni g
Palmer, as Michael Caine will have you believe) delves into a world of fine dining, good living and Russian politics. Similar in tone to Simon Templar`s The Saint, Len Deighton`s book is a cracking read, with tongue placed very firmly in cheek!
The Thirty Nine Steps (1915):
With the ever present popularity of spy mysteries, Eoghan Lyng recounts some of the most essential of spy novels
Restless (2006):
Hands down, the best of the James Bond novels, this book had the good fortune to feature in a list published in 1961, featuring John F. Kennedy`s ten favourite novels. An acerbic Cold War thriller, it`s a fast paced, adrenaline fuelled thriller, containing the fundamental James Bond elements (namely sex, travel and expensive wines/food). The book delves into philosophical territories at other points, most pertinently, Bond`s self-retrospective comments after killing a Smersh agent in cold blood. It was adapted into a film starring Sean Connery in 1963- like the book, it remains the jewel of its film canon!
Arguably the most cerebral of all the novel`s in this list, William Boyd`s story is a mirror between a by-gotten, romantic age in World War II espionage and a dirtier reflection of seventies London. It`s a tale of a daughter re-discovering her mother and ultimately readers are left to ask the ultimate question: are double agents less truthful to their friends or to themselves? Restless is beautifully written and arguably the spy novel of the decade.
“O ur
r a w f o r d Art Gallery is one Cork City’s best loved cultural institutions; with some of Ireland and the world’s greatest art works being displayed freely to the public. Regular visitors will know that the gallery’s special exhibitions are always worth visiting, with the curators taking the greatest care to put together engaging and though provoking collections which always challenge the ways in which we think about art, beauty and the role of creative expression in Irish society. Their latest exhibition, “OurChoice: A journey through Different Techniques from the 18th Century
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‘Induction of Psycho-neuroses by Conditioned Reflex under stress’. Not the greatest acronym in the world, admittedly, but it is one of the more original styles of diabolical villainy. One of the finest Airport Novels of the sixties, o f a frivolous adventure story more in tune with the spy movies of the sixties than it does with the works of John Le Carré or Graham Greene. The nameless narrator (not Harry on
The IPCRESS File (1962):
From Russia With Love (1957):
Brian Conmy discusses how the response to the new Alien: Isolation could reflect a widespread growing negative criticism in the whole gaming industry
o a new year and a new Alien game. The industry knew this game was coming, it had been long rumoured and leaks had already occurred in the run up to this announcement, but oh boy, that reveal was stranger than I could have ever imagined. Let me back up here in case you’ve missed out. In 2013 Gearbox studios, the makers of the Borderlands series released Aliens: Colonial Marines. This game had been long anticipated, after an amazing showing at a number of trade shows including E3, which featured game demos showing incredibly fluid moving and intelligent Xenomorphs, the titular aliens featured in the Alien movies. Hype on the game was high and long-time fans of the movies were excited to see how the game played with the stories of the original movies and allowed the player to finally experience the terror of a Xenomorph attack. But it sucked. The issue with the game wasn’t that it didn’t live up to its hype though, as so many games do. No in this instance what ultimately disappointed fans, reviewers and basically everyone, was that everything we’d ever seen of the game was a massive lie. The areas and action set pieces that Gearbox had shown off in demo previews were nowhere to be seen in the final game and the quality of the finished product was much lower than the amount of time and money that had gone into the game would suggest. Every subsequent piece of information about Colonial Marines further exacerbates the problems everyone has with the game, not only releasing a season pass for DLC but that it turns out that money set aside for Alien may have been used to develop Borderlands 2 but worse
again, that Gearbox may not have even developed the game themselves, as they have said. In years to come a book will undoubtedly be released about the debacle that was this game and I eagerly await it.In the meantime though, some brave souls have decided to step forward and show off their new game, Alien: Isolation. If warning bells aren’t immediately going off in your head about the impending release of a new Alien game then maybe you haven’t been paying attention. Or maybe you’re just not as jaded as a number of gamers now seem to be. Alien: Isolation would seem to bear a number of similarities to the pre-release information given out about Colonial Marines. While Marines was a sequel to Aliens, Isolation is a sequel to Alien. They both change the known canon of the series in some way. They both feature strong graphics with striking Xenomorph design and animation. What they both don’t seem to share is the level of hype that preceded Marines, now replaced with distrust. In as many ways as Isolation may sound like Marines, it’s undoubtedly a different game in even the most basic ways. Developed by The Creative Assembly Isolation,it’s an atmospheric horror title more in the vein of Amnesia or Outlast than any previous Alien game. Playing as the lead of the Alien series, Ellen Ripley’s daughter the game is at the very least, trying not to tamper with existing Alien canon as Marines did, to no fanfare. With what little we’ve publicly seen of the game, it seems to offer a few new tricks, namely the utilisation of a tracker that has to be looked at in a way that takes the majority of the screen out of focus; leaving you open to Xenomorph attack. And attack it will. From what we’ve seen and heard, your main opponent in the game is a single Xenomorph who will track down your character, rather
than follow pre-determined paths; an ambitious AI achievement - if it works. I must admit, as much as I loathed everything Colonial Marines, I’m a little excited for Isolation. Not only for what it seems to offer in terms of a strongly atmospheric horror game but also for redeeming the Alien franchise and possibly even offering a new and interesting insight into the events that happen between movies. But now back to my earlier point, when this game premiered a number of people were quietly excited, some more openly awaiting the games release this year and the remaining majority denouncing the game as doomed to the fate of its predecessor. Although I can only speak anecdotally, the places I frequent for my gaming news and opinions are often not the breeding ground for positive discussion of games and gaming culture that I’d like them to be. While in this particular instance (once bitten, twice shy after all) a healthy cynicism is understandable and perhaps admirable in trying to temper ones expectations. It’s better to go into a game with low expectations and be surprised than to go in ready to give the game your heart and have it crushed. It’s the same basic premise we have with any media form or hobby. If you go in with expectations too high you’re more easily hurt. Yet to me it seems that gamers are much more affected by this than fans of other hobbies. In fact it’s starting to seem that long standing, industry related individuals are becoming more and more jaded as time goes on at the cost of their reader/viewership. One such example is Charlie Cade aka The Gaming Brit, someone I tangentially pay attention to now and again. Recently, in response to another critic, Jim Sterling, he stated that he was unimpressed with Sterling’s review style and disliked the approach reviewers took in
an opinion of a game If warning representing rather than a critical, objective view. How this objectivity and critical bells aren’t thought is possible without the filter of personal experience is possible I immediately trulyThiswonder. is one such example of many and it’s an trend. It is not going off in just commonunfortunate among critics but also the average person commenting your head with on forums or message boards about If I see one more comment about the games. about how Anita Sarkeesian is running industry, about how Gone Home impending the isn’t a game, how The Last of Us, Infinite and many other release of Bioshock games are actually terrible for some arbitrary petty reason, then I don’t a new Alien know that I can really keep using these communication methods to talk about In the end if I lose those then game then games. I don’t know what I do. For someone into gaming as I am, with such a maybe you ashistory in the hobby, I really wonder about younger people who’re coming haven’t up as gamers the way I did. of whether or not Alien: been paying Regardless Isolation turns out to be a good game, I pray it does, or whether or not attention. and the majority of conversation about
gaming is turning bitter in tone it may be worth anyone reading this to think about the way they think and talk about games. A negative comment on a game is fine, it’s necessary in gathering as many differing viewpoints as possible and having healthy discussion. If all you can offer though is vitriol and hate towards everything, then I question what you’re gaining from sharing these opinions. This is a hobby. We do it for the love of the games, the community, the experiences or any other individual factors you personally enjoy while gaming. If you can’t enjoy it for what it is or what it can be then please, back away and find something to do with your time that you enjoy the way I want to enjoy the new Alien game. Now get away from my medium you bitch!
Sink or Swim: How one entry can end a franchise Words: By Stephen Barry has been received over the past number of years. One Ah, another year done and a new one begun - you know what that means! More entries in ridiculously annualised franchises! Sorry, that came off as a little cynical. Still though, between Call of Duty, Assassin’s Creed, Battlefield, all of the sports franchises (I am definitely not naming all of them) and the rest, one can only expect to grow jaded after a while. However, I am not here to rant about how video game publishers are churning out repetitive iterations in slowly stagnating franchises to prey on the consumer and stifle innovation. No, not at all.I am going to rant about how it is steadily leading to the downfall of those franchises, or in some rare cases, saving them. Last year was a real shakeup in terms of how annualised franchise entries are typically received. One stellar example of this is Call of Duty: Ghosts. Now, I do love me some mindless first-person shooter action, but it would be a struggle for me to say that I am truly enjoying my experience with 2013’s Infinity Ward developed entry to the franchise. If you are to look at how the gaming media received it, you would not find dissimilar opinions. Ghosts is a solid game, of course, I would not expect any less, but the best way of describing it is as merely a new coat of paint over an exhausted template. It is, in my belief, that this is a result of the annualisation of the Call of Duty franchise, which has resulted in the series going steadily downhill since the release of Modern Warfare 2. However, there is some disparity in how the franchise onflict. That's what all great stories need; it's one of the necessary elements to the process. However, like with many other facets of storytelling, games are still often heavy handed and onthe-nose, maybe even juvenile, when dealing with violence. We go right to the most straightforward representation: combat. The medium is still young and combat is an easy thing to represent in games, we understand it, it's been mastered. Triple A games usually treat it as a requirement and this can create limits and barriers for the growing medium. This kind of idea can be oppressive and limit a game's ability to stay true to its story. For instance, think of Bioshock Infinite. The most interesting part of that game by far was its world and narrative. However the gameplay barely reflected this. The beautiful and fascinatingly warped world of Colombia became a mere backdrop for endless arenas, which became repetitive quickly. The normal citizens of Colombia were rarely seen or interacted with. The combat, lifted from the original, felt inorganic in this world. Personally, I would have preferred to talk more with the brainwashed aristocracy or the brutally oppressed instead of facing off against endless militia. Imagine what a shallow experience Mass Effect would have been if none of the in-depth conversations had occurred. This also happened to the unfortunate Remember Me, which bloated itself with uninteresting combat (much worse than that of Bioshock's) while barely exploring the facet many were hoping to see, the manipulation of memories, which was only possibly a handful of times in the finished game. Another problem, that an over reliance on combat can cause, is dissonance between story and gameplay, when what's happening while you play is at odds with what the story is telling you. A simple example of this is Nathan Drake seeming to be a charming, loveable rogue with a sensitive
will notice that the Treyarch developed entries such as Black Ops 2 have been applauded for their innovation and creative changes. Yes, what you are thinking is correct; two different teams alternate development of Call of Duty every year. This is so that publishers such as Activision and Ubisoft, who I will talk about in a moment, can churn out games every year before the holiday season. This results in a number of issues, including lack of commitment to changes made in previous entries, major differences in creative vision and after a while, the series will just sink like that English Schooner I just plundered in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. Speaking of the Assassin’s Creed series; while it hasn’t been going quite as long as Call of Duty, the formula of free-running and stabbing began to show its age in 2012’s entry, Assassin’s Creed III. Bringing us to the American Revolution, we found the adventures of Conner Kenway, also known as Ratonhnhaké:ton, not as exciting or intriguing as those of his ancestor Ezio Auditore. Touted as the beginning of the end of the series, it seems that this was not the case as his dashing grandfather, Edward, swooped into save the day along with his developer’s and publisher’s respective hides. With his sly pirate ways and his daring forays into naval combat, he quickly stole the show and all but cleaned the sour taste from our mouths. However, this doesn’t mean that the franchise is safe from the storm yet, as its sails could yet be torn by the apparent release of two different entries to the franchise this year.
side in cutscenes but then gleefully snapping necks while laughing "gotcha!" like a huge psychopath in the next gameplay segment. This kind of dissonance is curious in Uncharted, since the bones of the story are actually built around gameplay, with the set pieces of the third game being built first and then the story being written around it to retroactively justify it and not always succeeding (this explains the random boat bit). The occasional mood whiplash, between the light hearted tone and dark implications of the violence, contrasts well with Naughty Dog's other game, The Last Of Us, in which every kill represents your dwindling humanity in a ravaged world. This feels a lot more honest in comparison. This is also true of Spec Ops: The Line where the increasingly graphic animations parallel the protagonist's transformation into the antagonist and spiral into insanity (criminally underplayed game by the way, you should get this). These games show that there is, of course, a place for games that place an emphasis on violence and combat but it's just a matter of judging when it fits. As the line of what constitutes a game continues to blur, we need to get rid of the assumption that games need to be heavily based around combat. Gone Home is securing ‘best of the year awards’ galore, with its engagingly minimalist approach to interactive storytelling; the same could be said about Journey last year. Developers are exploring new and exciting ways to use the medium to tell stories, which doesn't just consist of endlessly shooting people in the face. This trend seems to have limited penetration in Triple A development, which still focus on flashy action and this may not always be true to the essence of the game. Games are moving into a new generation and technology advances allow developers to create even bigger more immersive worlds and stories. Now let’s just resist the urge to shoot at everything once we get there.
My only hope is that Ubisoft Montreal doesn’t crumble under the potential cannon fire if either of them is not received well. The main point of all this, is that annualisation and the franchising of intellectual properties is an art that must be performed with great care and caution. While Call of Duty and Assassin’s Creed continue to perform well, that is not to say that we won’t grow tired soon. The same goes for the various sporting franchises which seem to grow very little year on year. With the dawn of next-gen and various new IPs on the horizon, the industry is about to become a touch more competitive, and we will see if flooding the market with some freshly repainted, yet repetitive entries will continue to succeed in the future.
FIRE RELOAD REPEAT Aoife Gleeson (@AoifeGlees) asks if violence is always the answer
We need to get rid of the assumption that games need to be heavily based around combat
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