Jalisco Auge de México | Forth trimester '15 | Nº 02

Jalisco Auge de México is a publication of Business Promotion and Auge S.A. de C.V. with the reservation of the exclusive use of the title Jalisco: Auge de México, under the n°03201203131255450001 with date 13 of September of 2013. Issued by the Dirección General de Derechos de Autor. Certificate of title and content is in process. Any reproduction, total or partial, by any process whatsoever, nor electronic, mechanic, hotographic or recorded, without the express authorization of the editorial, is prohibited. Fomento y Auge Empresarial S.A. de C.V. is not responsible for incurring in any involuntary errors or mistakes made in the information of this issue.