Digital Magazine
Educating professionals with values and ethic principles
CHINA-LAC Global Comercial Strenght in Jalisco
Apreciable Lector: Jalisco se distingue por su gente que se arriesga a soñar, innovar y emprender; gracias a ellos, seguimos escribiendo la historia de éxito de nuestro estado y destacando en el país como ejemplo de desarrollo económico y progreso social. Nos complace que leas estas palabras como un incentivo para que te adentres en el contenido de esta publicación y conozcas a quienes con su esfuerzo contribuyen a generar prosperidad y empleo. La innovación, la tecnología y las oportunidades, son características que distinguen a la industria jalisciense y son el pilar del bienestar que está cambiando a nuestra sociedad para hacerla cada vez más justa para todos. Para seguir cosechando logros, es importante que llevemos a los empresarios e inversionistas que creen en Jalisco y su gente, el mensaje del potencial que nos ha consolidado como una tierra de progreso y oportunidades. Por ello, el Gobierno del Estado se suma a los esfuerzos que realizan empresas como Grupo Auge para impulsar el desarrollo de nuestra entidad vinculando el tema de la tecnología digital con herramientas de negocios como la revista Jalisco: Auge de México. Nos alienta que publicaciones como ésta reconozcan el esfuerzo de quienes a través de sus actividades diarias, aportan su talento y creatividad para que todos tengamos mejores empleos, mejores oportunidades y sobre todo, la posibilidad de ejercer plenamente nuestro derecho a ser felices. Por ello, es un gusto compartir la majestuosidad de Jalisco a través de la calidez y el trabajo de su gente en el marco de sus bellezas naturales así como la intensa actividad productiva que nos caracteriza. ¡Gracias por hacer de Jalisco el Auge de México!
Atentamente Mtro. Jorge Aristóteles Sandoval Díaz Gobernador Constitucional del Estado de Jalisco
José Palacios Jiménez Director of Jalisco’s Economic Development 6
EDITORIAL In this new issue of Jalisco: Auge de Mexico, we give you a magazine focused on one of the engines of our society: women. To me it is a privilege to share these pages about successful women who tell us their secrets on achieving success. I am certain that it will be of great interest to you, as we move deeper into the vision of the Women of Auge, who are creators of employment, well being, and a factor of unity in the construction of the social structure. Another topic that you can find in these pages is the Auge of construction, a sector that throughout this year has promoted the employment in our state. Here you will have the opportunity to learn about enterprise profiles that demonstrate how Jalisco currently experiences a moment of expansion and consolidation of its infrastructure and where construction companies offer global quality in their works. A latest development that I am pleased to share with you, our reader, is the professional opinion of leaders from the public, private and communications sector, of which join our pages and represent each and every section of the magazine. Without neglecting the important contribution of the authors included in our section: In the Words Of… Every day our state attracts more investment projects, thanks to the policy of economic promotion that is headed by the authorities of the Government of Jalisco. It excites me to present this new edition, full of success stories. Don’t miss out on our special content in this issue dedicated to Miguel Alemán Velasco, a great entrepreneur who throughout his career has exceptionally portrayed Mexico on the global map. Finally, I call each participant and reader of this edition to join charities that promote the integral development of those fighting for a noble cause. I appreciate the confidence and support in this great editorial project that remains focused on the best of Jalisco: its people.
María Eugenia Jiménez Zaragoza President Grupo Auge
JALISCO IS ON Consolidating Jalisco’s economic development. José Palacios Jiménez: taking firm steps towards the national leadership.
P. 6
THE AUGE OF THE JALISCIENCE WOMEN Six examples of female leadership that inspire with their stories of success and passion. Miguel Alemán Velasco
P. 20
Promoting the country’s economy through Jalisco XIII Mexico Business Summit P. 48
Section leaders Benjamín Cárdenas
Raúl Padilla
Jesús Enrique Ramos
José Medina Mora
Ma. Georgina García
The importance of the construction industry in Jalisco.
P. 28
Pablo Latapí
Jalisco, the core of Mexican culture: world class events and programs.
Analyzing the touristic scene of Jalisco through a national perspective.
Education in the triple helix model: improvement strategy in public projects.
Innovation and health in Jalisco: Cluster of the Medical Hospital Industry.
The task of innovating in sports. Increase opportunity in the social welfare.
P. 76
P. 98
P. 110
P. 116
P. 122
Economic promotion with better practices and more jobs.
P. 32
grupo auge María Eugenia Jiménez Zaragoza President grupo auge
Alejandro de León Jiménez general Director
Alejandra Reynoso
Administrative Director
María Eugenia Jiménez Zaragoza Executive Director
Fernanda Robles Jiménez general Assistant
Jalisco: world class infrastructure and destination for great businesses.
P. 52
David Carrillo Armas, Mtro. Arturo Martín Pérez Díaz Editorial Staff
Mtro. Arturo Martín Pérez Díaz, David Carrillo, Lylyana Avilés Style Correctors
sedeco, Isabel Trigo Ramírez Bussines Documentation
Lylyana Avilés, David Carrillo Armas, Arturo Cervantes Galván multimedia and Graphic Design
Lylyana Avilés, David Carrillo Armas Editorial Design
The most important book fair in Latin America hosts The United Kingdom as honor guest.
P. 78
Lylyana Avilés, David Carrillo Armas Layout
Lylyana Avilés, David Carrillo Armas, Alejandra Reynoso
Person in charge of the edition process
Javier Hoyos Photography
Lylyana Avilés
Photography Retouching
Erika Karina García Padilla Translator
Arturo Cervantes Galván
Digital Platform
Montserrat León Partida Public Relations
Touristic destination.
Ricardo de León Jiménez
P. 102
Mara Marcela Venegas Mercado
Accounting Advice
Óscar Jiménez Zaragoza Administrator
Leadership in cutting edge, literacy and performance in Latin America.
P. 114
P. 126
Jalisco Auge de México is a publication of Business Promotion and Auge S.A. de C.V. with the reservation of the exclusive use of the title Jalisco: Auge de México, under the n°03201203131255450001 with date 13 of September of 2013. Issued by the Dirección General de Derechos de Autor. Certificate of title and content is in process. Any reproduction, total or partial, by any process whatsoever, nor electronic, mechanic, photographic or recorded, without the express authorization of the editorial, is prohibited. Fomento y Auge Empresarial S.A. de C.V. is not responsible for incurring in any involuntary errors or mistakes made in the information of this issue. © D. R. Fomento y Auge Empresarial S. A. de C. V. Av. Novelistas 5137 Col. Jardines Vallarta 45027, Zapopan, Jalisco +52 (33) 3673 2001 +52 (33) 3944 4006 www.grupoauge.com.mx contacto@grupoauge.com.mx Jalisco: Auge de México - Digital Magazine Hecho en México
CONTENT EDITORIAL Editorial message from María Eugenia Jimenéz Zaragoza P. 8
GP Logistics. Reliable logistic solutions P.66 Industrial Park San Jorge. The productivity challenge P.70
CULTURE Alvaro Cuevas. A foundation that leaves its prints behind P.80
Plaza Patria. More than just a shopping mall P.74
National Holidays in Jalisco. Civic emotions and tourism P.82
Galerías Pabellón. Cutting edge and Innovation Life Style Center P.88
Checa´s art of painting on jute. Imagination without limits P.84
Why you should keep an eye on franchises By José Ignacio García de la Paz P. 16
BERBER. For a self-sufficient Mexican craft brewer culture P.92
DUE restaurant. With international flavor: Adrián Castillo Naranjo P.90
Financial habits of a successful woman By Patricia Flores Ozuna P. 18
De la Rosa. Natural-born leaders in candies P.96
Save restaurant. Authentic recipes from our seas P.94
Fiesta Americana Guadalajara. Unforgettable moments, successful stays P.100
IN THE WORDS OF… The importance of the family for Jalisco´s Development By Adriana Corona Gil P. 14
Grupo Casgo. Searching for excellence to reach transcendence P.30 Grupo Constructor Perse. Construction in expansion P.34 Construcarr. Building pathways with you P.38 Cosmopolitan. Making the properties of the Jalisciences profitable P.40 Constructora CEA. Building the future of Jalisco P.44 Ramos, Ripoll & Schuster. Legal support in infrastructure and energy projects P.46 Best Ground. At the forefront of Mexican products in the Middle East P.50 APIEJ. World class Industrial Parks P.56 PALCCO. A palace for everyone P.62
Cotton Republic. Evolution and textile vanguard P.108 UNIVA. Endless promoter of quality and ethic principles P.112
TOURISM Yelapa. Enjoyable natural harmony P.106
HEALTH How to save the life of 1.7 million people by fruit and vegetable consumption? P.120
Grupo Reqüiez. Creativity and innovation in furniture for office, contract and collectivity design P.124
Raúl Padilla López
Progress on Line 3 of Tren Ligero: cutting edge technology P.36
Juan Rafael Mejorada Flores
General Coordinator of Business Competitiveness, Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico de Jalisco
Ventanilla única para la construcción P.42
General Director of the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Zapopan
BUSINESS National Foreign Trade Congress. Jalisco: an exporting power P.54 Jalisco, host of the Bilateral Business Summit – B2B 2016 P.60 Alejandra Rodríguez Navarro. An entrepreneur in Auge P.68
María Eugenia Jiménez Zaragoza president grupo auge
Alejandro de León Jiménez General Director
President of Universidad de Guadalajara A. C. Foundation
Dr. Héctor Enrique Salgado Rodríguez
Dr. Bernardino Castillo Toledo
Director of cinvestav campus guadalajara
José García Macías
General Director of Corporative Macías Dueñas
Patricia Flores Ozuna JOURNALIST alLIES
A state’s or nation strength lies in the integration and the love that families give to each other. When a family does not work in strengthening the love bonds among its members, it will be disintegrated and it will reflect in society.
Presenter and author of the book: Tu relación de pareja, tu empresa más exitosa.
Marriage is the most important enterprise of your life. It is the place where you can make your vocation to love and service, while you grow and you allow your partner to grow. Marriage is also the beginning of a familiar life of your own to educate persons that are healthy, happy, and capable of love and be loved.
In this union it is important the leadership, managerial team, influences, acknowledge capacities, form a legacy for future generations and acknowledge that marriage is between three: husband, wife and God. Home is the factory that produces good men and women, as well as evil ones.
Marriage can get to be the atmosphere of company, confidence, unity, and solidarity. It is a challenge to transcendence that once God designed for you when He created you and gave you the possibility to trust yourself to your partner until “becoming a single soul.” MARRIAGE AS AN ENTERPRISE
The woman, who is wife and mother, is an entrepreneur by nature, since every day she is in charge of operations and home details, which demands a set of unique skills. In life’s most important company, skill and talent of a creative, lively and strong woman are required to maintain the company afloat and moving forward.
The concept of marriage as an enterprise is not something new, by centuries fixed unions with dowries between families as “economic transactions” that constituted the partner’s initial investment to take the married life project were made.
Finally, I would dare to add that a state’s or nation strength lies in the integration and love that families give to each other. When a family does not work in strengthening the love bonds among its members, it will be disintegrated and it will reflect in society.
auge de méxico
Why you should keep an eye on franchises? José Ignacio García de la Paz
Franchising makes the difference when undertaking a business because it diminishes the risk of failure. It also keeps your clients happy and makes them fans of your brand, in addition to stardadizing a service.
Vice-president of the Mexican Franchises Association of the Western Area.
The business model of franchises in Jalisco has benefited in economic growth because it has established itself as second place in the country for development of successful franchises. This system owes its success to the learning curve granted to the franchisee by the franchisor. This means that the franchisor grants an integral knowledge to commercially position the person that acquires the franchise. In other words, the franchisee starts with a good amount of tools that would be hard to obtain by themselves in a short length of time. The franchisor through their own experience has bettered themselves in effective decision making for brand development that goes from commercial space, staff and suppliers to key elements such as publicity, products and quality systems among others. This
results in the essential knowledge needed for business success ensuring that the investor can uphold a permanent franchise. Taking into consideration the success of the enterprise Todo para sus Pies, whose trajectory in health-care over the past 80 years has come to the reach of Hispanic families with 75 franchises in Mexico and Central America. The enterprise has achieved the most important commercial asset: positioning the brand and generating a high number of satisfied clients that will be able to recognize the brand in any of the new locations. For these reasons, the franchise system is focused on what really makes a difference in business: offering excellent care and service, as well as «keeping clients happy and making them fans of your brand.»
The successful woman has financial habits that distinguish her. She tends to be organized and tries to have a saving and an investment account. She has a precise register of her budget to balance her incomes and expenses, which allow her to be assertive in the decision making.
Women are usually excellent administrators, a quality that allows them to suitably distribute incomes and expenses from home as well as from the company. People are tempted to invest in things that most of the times are not necessary or are outside their budget due to the marketing invasion in the mainstream media. The successful woman has financial habits that distinguish her. She tends to be organized and tries to have a saving and an investment account. She has a precise register of her budget to balance her incomes and expenses, which allow her to be assertive in the decision making. Before acquiring any good or service, it is worth to ask yourself: How necessary is this? Is the cost accessible? Is it really on sale or is it only part of an advertising campaign? When doing a cost-benefit poll and going to different companies that offer the same products or services, we will find an enormous diversity of discounts and quality sales, as well as different credit types: For consumption: to pay goods and services. Mortgage: to acquire, construct or remodel a house or apartment.
Business: to start or extend a business. Automotive: to buy a car. Consumer durable loan: for the purchase of lasting consumer goods. Credit card: means of payment where purchases without carrying cash can be made. It is important to know that credit cards can be a very useful tool if you know how to organize yourself. An example is that a successful woman never exceeds her credit limit; she pays the total of her debt every month and avoids paying interests. An outstanding habit and common denominator in successful women is to stay informed. These women read, familiarize themselves with different topics, travel and belong to different social groups. They know about finances, currencies, stock markets and investments. This is a knowledge that is very useful because they take advantage of it and bring it into their companies, investing in a more reasoned way, and of course, they also use that gift of intuition that suits them so good. Women today are in Auge.
The Auge of the jalisciense woman: SIX EXAMPLES OF FEMALE LEADERSHIP
What happens when the influence and power of women mixes with the enterprise world? In this edition we decided to reunite six of our state’s most successful women to know the secret that took them to the top and what inspired them to undertake a career of great professional value. 20
Mexico’s Auge falls in the passion of those who look to make something transcendental out of an idea. Discover extraordinary paths and surprising stories with two elements in common: Jalisco and the strength of its women. 21
The auge of the jalisciense woman: six examples of female leadership
Paty Chávez Patricia Roxana Chávez Gracián - Entrepreneur and politician – General Director of Inmobiliaria Gracían and General Secretary of PRI Zapopan
An entrepreneur must have heart Molded by work, perseverance and family unity, Paty Chávez is an excellent representative of the Mexican women in Auge. She shares her secret of entrepreneurial success, which is based on authenticity, passion and generosity. Her career began in the plastic toy industry, later leading to real estate, and always with the man who inspired her by her side: her father.
«My greatest teacher in respect to business was my father, who taught me the power of your “word” and responsibility.» In addition to managing three real-estate agencies, Paty has distinguished by her role as a representative of the women of Jalisco. Within her professional career, she directs political institutions focused on the national development of women and participates in various social councils and charity organizations that support humanitarian causes. As an entrepreneur, she sees herself as a positive person that when confronted with obstacles, looks for a way to overcome them and move forward. Her career represents a responsibility: “When you have a name, you have to take care of it, be consistent with what you do, think and say.” Paty’s secret is founded on living with passion, thinking there may not be a tomorrow. Working and always giving the best of her, she keeps in mind that simplicity; humility and gratitude are the best allies of personal growth in every aspect of your life.
«If you are going to work, do it with passion; if you are going to fall in love, fall in love with passion.»
The auge of the jalisciense woman: six examples of female leadership
Rosario Mendoza Jalisciense heart and tapatía soul
María Rosario Mendoza - Artist, designer and entrepreneur - Takasami, Mexican fashion house
The success of the female entrepreneur lies in having an effective company and an affective family, says Maria Rosario Mendoza, creator of the emblematic Takasami brand, which dresses with originality and sense of belonging to men and women that search for something more than a fashionable article. Rosario is a woman of Auge that with pride declares herself as having a Jalisciense heart and a Tapatía soul, and that is now focused in her next launching: a line of ties and silk scarves. -How was your experience at the time of starting the company? -I never thought that I was starting a company; I did it because I liked it, and for the satisfaction to undertake; to feel that something else could be done. For María Rosario Mendoza, the most important achievement in her career lies in family and in human accomplishment; for this reason she expresses with pride:
«The success of a female entrepreneur lies in having an effective company and a caring family.» The EMMY winner by her design in the opening and closing of the Pan-American Games 2011 says to be surprised by this recognition. She says that she never looked for it, after working hard in the creation of 2,800 costumes; the award came by its own. Rosario remembers that although she was born in Michoacán, “I have a Jalisciense heart and a Tapatía soul because I took my first steps as an entrepreneur here. Jalisco has given me the opportunity and inspiration, but I have also corresponded to Jalisco by representing it with pride through my work.” -Your advice to female entrepreneurs? -Nothing is impossible when confronted with persistence; life gives when we give back. I say to them: believe in yourselves and don’t just have dreams, chase them.
The auge of the jalisciense woman: six examples of female leadership
Cristina Ojeda And her passion for construction
Transcendence is built with persistence, determination and responsibility; so is the story of one of the most remarkable companies of the country, Cristina Ojeda.
Cristina Ojeda - Entrepreneur - Founder of Promodesa
Founder of Promodesa, the leader company in the construction sector; Cristina has maintained an admirable path of over 30 years, where her main target has always been to contribute to the country’s economic growth, because with each developed project, new jobs are created In her talk with Auge de MÊxico, she shared one of her biggest achievements: be able to integrate successfully in the business environment, especially in real estate, a market dominated by men. Relying on confidence, courage and professionalism, she managed to establish herself as a leader in the sector, with a company that has commercialized over 220 buildings and properties inside and outside of Mexico. - What is the importance of women in the business world?
- With time, we have gained the respect of the business community, because we, women, have worked hard to obtain a professional preparation and to continue to be the backbone of the family. We have grown with maturity and therefore, we have consolidated our objectives. -What do you like the most about being a woman? -In addition to being mother and grandmother, the power to grow in a professional way as an executive and to share my business experiences, doing everything with passion.
The auge of the jalisciense woman: six examples of female leadership
The privilege of being a woman:
Trinidad Terrazas Entrepreneur, writer and presenter, Trinidad Terrazas saw a success opportunity in beekeeping. We had the chance to know Tía Trini’s story and the way it was that next to her family, she turned a hobby into a productive and profitable company and revolutionize it with electronic trade. Trinidad Terrazas Gastelum - Entrepreneur, writer, and presenter - Founder of Tía Trini
Tía Trini is a pioneering company in the breeding, development and commercialization of raw products of beehives like honey, propolis, royal jelly, pollen and bee wax. Its main objective is to contribute to the improvement of health in the country through Apitherapy’s alternative medicine. Trinidad told us about her thoughts about being a woman and about the world of technology and ideas: «I love everything that comprises the word woman. When men and women are determined to be and work together, amazing things are going to happen in society because women will humanize and organize the business world.»
«We are at the threshold of a revolution, referred to as a crisis by the pessimists. Many schemes have remained obsolete; it is in technology where people can create a company with just a spark of an idea. It is time to adopt this innovation and never stop creating.» This is how Tía Trini expressed her interest in the technological world. She also talk about her new brand Trinilabs, which will distribute natural products in the Amazon website in United States.
«I am getting on this high-speed train called cybernetic commerce, which amazes me by its reach and strenght.»
The auge of the jalisciense woman: six examples of female leadership
Geraldina Herrera Jalisco: a jewel
Jewels are needed to conquer a woman. Geraldina Herrera went beyond this; she managed to conquer the world of jewels with the creation of the brands Mackech and Cuzan. - I was born among jewels. Since I was little I was surrounded by them because my mother and my grandmother sold them. Geraldina Herrera Vega - Designer and entrepreneur - Mackech Jewels
- What do you consider as your ultimate professional achievement? - Transforming a family company into a brand with an international presence. This led us to obtain the Jalisco Award to Exportation in 2006. For Geraldina, it is a pride and a great commitment to show the Mexican talent in her line 100% Mexican high jewelry, which she says that is created from the heart. Her work is synonym of quality and her design is a creative reference in the world of fashion. She has participated in international shows in Paris, Madrid, London and Las Vegas. She also won the international award of The II Biennial Exhibition of Ibero-American Design on fashion.
ÂŤThe female entrepreneur must think about her people and her country. I truly believe that to reach success, we must think in the welfare of our colleagues and consumers.Âť - I love being a woman, being intense, emotional, sensitive and passionate. I am thankful of having born a woman and to be capable to convey the female power through jewelry, which represents an ancient culture transformed to fashion as a legacy that Mexico gives to the world.
The auge of the jalisciense woman: six examples of female leadership
The Mundo Cuervo of
Araceli Ramos With excellence as a goal, Araceli Ramos, from Mundo Cuervo, has always known how to convey the greatness of our country to countless numbers of people of different cultures, beliefs and customs through the national drink by excellence: Tequila.
Araceli Ramos Rosaldo - Director of Promotion and Public Relations - Casa Cuervo
«Jalisco is my birthplace and my essence. My profession could not be more bounded to another state. It fascinates me to make public the magic on the elaboration process of the tequila and the great work of Mexican hands behind this wonderful drink.» Director of promotion and public relations of Casa Cuervo, Araceli Ramos has highlighted the name of Jalisco through a professional career that carries the regional tourism in its heart. The creation of Mundo Cuervo is one of her more transcendental works in her way through José Cuervo.
«I am very proud of having started and developed the Mundo Cuervo concept, which has become an excellent tool for tourism promotion world-wide in respect to the beautiful town of Tequila.» Araceli has been recognized by the Federal Government by her work in the projection of women’s professionalism when participating in the improvement of the industry, as well as that of the community. -As a woman, which has been your greatest achievement? -The most important thing in a woman’s life is to feel fulfilled and complete day by day. This is obtained by doing what you love, with passion and energy to leave a legacy of education in the people who follow your steps, in your family and with your friends.
IMPORTANCE OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY By Benjamín Cárdenas President of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry
The construction industry is considered as one of the pillars with greater importance in the country’s economy, since it has a significant economic contribution to the development of Mexico. This is significant because it contributes with 7.33% to the wealth generated by the productive activity or the gdp.
In addition, the construction industry creates 2.9 million jobs in an indirect form at national level. Due to its multiplying effect, by each 100 pesos that are destined to the construction, 45 pesos are used to purchase services and materials that are offered in 176 economic sectors, out of a total of 222 that are part of the economic activity.
The construction sector generates approximately 5.8 million jobs, contributing with the 15.3% of the total employment. Only in Jalisco, it can create more than 300,000 jobs.
Thus, when there is an investment in infrastructure, the economy flows within the families, more employment is generated and this results in the decrease of insecurity.
As construction entrepreneurs of Jalisco, we have a clear, integral and long term vision of the organized growth that our country requires for the national development. With the vision of a competitive positioning of Mexico and the state in the global map, we know and we are convinced that investing in infrastructure is investing in welfare and economic income for all the citizens. We must have an infrastructure and a logistic transportation and modern communications that
promote a greater competitiveness, productivity and economic and social development. It is necessary to take advantage of the geographic location of the country, of our state and its productive capacity to generate actions that allow an optimization of the resources, in addition to an organized development of the regional economies. For this reason, infrastructure must improve the connectivity of population centers with the regional poles of development. The objective must be to obtain more competitive costs of transportation to improve security and generate added value activities, in conformity with the National Infrastructure Plan, in which Jalisco occupies a dominant place; achieving the 14th national position to make world class projects.
Examples of this are: the construction of Line 3 of Tren Ligero, the short line to Puerto Vallarta, the airport of Costa Alegre, the highway 200 that will join Melaque and Puerto Vallarta and the hydraulic infrastructure works like the Zapotillo, which will supply water to our cities. With these construction works only, the state would manage its way up in competitiveness, since it will be a trigger for tourism, trade, services and development. In the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry, we work to continue the promotion of this type of projects; always with the goal of building the state that our children deserve.
Teatro Cirque du Soleil, CancĂşn, Quintana Roo
A leader builds his own path to success, a privileged place to which only those that day to day make the effort to obtain the excellence and transcendence. As in the case of Grupo Casgo, there has been construction work of monumental magnitude in all the Mexican territory and Latin-American countries for 23 years.
Airports, university centers, convention centers, tourist resorts, housing developments and public projects of great economic and social impact are proof that Grupo Casgo has transformed the construction sector in Mexico, positioning itself as a leader in the construction process with the optimization of procedures, highly qualified staff, edge technology and multifunctional infrastructure.
www.grupocasgo.com 01 (33) 3836 0700
Projects of value: world-wide prestigious works in Jalisco
Committed to Jalisco and representing Mexico through its works, Grupo Casgo is part of the country’s evolution and is portrayed as the main character in the consolidation of projects with great advancements in buildings that meet all the characteristics of quality and prestige, establishing the company’s logo through effort, commitment and professionalism.
- Hotel Hacienda Tequila Patrón, Atotonilco El Alto, Jalisco - Theater Cirque du Soleil, Cancún, Quintana Roo - Santuario de los Mártires de Cristo, Tlaquepaque, Jalisco - Palace of the Culture and Communication, Zapopan, Jalisco - Federal highway Guadalajara – Barra de Navidad in the state of Jalisco - Down Town Playa, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo - Commercial center the Gran Sur, Mexico, Distrito Federal - Villas Panamericanas, Zapopan, Jalisco - Airport Cozumel, Quintana Roo - Airport Tijuana, Baja California - Extension Expo Guadalajara, Jalisco - UVM Vallarta, Zapopan, Jalisco
Within works of remarkable reach in which Grupo Casgo currently participates is the construction of the Hotel Hacienda Tequila Patrón in Atotonilco El Alto, a building that will put Jalisco on the map, that proudly promotes the values of the Mexican culture. The first Cirque du Soleil theater in Riviera Maya has been developed thanks to Grupo Casgo’s process of extraordinary quality and resource optimization. Based on its experience and certifications in Lean Construction and ISO 9001:2000, it has transformed a magnificent idea into a real project for the world to enjoy, with the most important entertainment and circus act.
GRUPO CASGO BUILDS: - Educative and university centers - Centers for congresses and conventions - Horizontal condominiums - Airports - Automotive agencies - Apartment towers - Commercial centers - Hotels - Cultural and recreation spaces - Institutional buildings and offices - Highways and roads - Road works - Urbanization
Grupo Casgo has a story filled with works of transcendence where everything is built with our best foot forward. The continuous improvement in its procedures has led them to corporate evolution and technological advance. Grupo Casgo is a leading company in construction, comprised with great team members. Grupo Casgo is classified as one of Jalisco’s Pride Companies.
Hotel Hacienda Tequila Patrón, Atotonilco El Alto, Jalisco
Santuario de los Mártires de Cristo, Tlaquepaque, Jalisco
Down Town Playa, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo
Auge in the construction sector • Better practices • More Jobs
The economic development of a city is reflected in great construction projects. This dynamic represents the well-being and quality of life of its inhabitants by the benefits in job creation, as well as an increase in consumption. This translates into a strong economic income in the chain of suppliers. Jalisco has implemented a best practices program in the construction sector, driven by institutions, chambers and confederations in collaboration with the state’s government. CONSTRUCTION SECTOR: CENTRAL-WESTERN REGION’S ECONOMIC IMPULSE The importance of the construction sector lies in the support that it provides to supplying input sectors. The construction industry benefits the
growth of other sectors both in the process and in the final product. The main elements that make up the construction sector are building and civil engineering projects that are present throughout the territorial scope of the Central-Western region, which is formed by Aguascalientes, Colima, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Michoacán, Nayarit, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí y Zacatecas. The construction sector lies in the first positions of economy enhancing activities, being an object of interest for strategy development that allow the success of the state’s performance and the regional economy.
CONSTRUCTION SECTOR: - One of the main developing activities in the economy. - It generates growth in other industries in its process and final product.
CHAIN OF SUPPLIES (SCM) ADMINISTRATION To restrain and avoid unfavorable circumstances in this activity; an implementation of a Supply chain management (scm) has been proposed. This implementation has been developing on an international level as a means to overcome traditional practices on the sector, which result on barriers for its evolution. With this, the improvement of the sector’s performance is expected in the following indicators: - Costs and building time - Costs and time predictability - Client satisfaction with product and services - Productivity, profit and safety
Present in the Central - Western Region: Aguascalientes, Colima, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Michoacán, Nayarit, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas. Increase of society’s well-being through the employment level and household’s income. If 10% of the companies implemented the SCM, a benefit of $533 million pesos and 1200 jobs would be reached.
This program will be carried out through massive communication strategies, big events, competitiveness, monitoring and core skills development. The scm is addressed to the sector’s best practices, which, according to successful documented cases, would bring a tangible benefit of up to 30% in cost reduction to companies that make up the sector. This project’s benefits would affect 10% of construction companies in the sector; generating with this, a net monetary gain estimated at $533 million pesos at the end of the third year of operations, as well as the creation of 1,200 new jobs.
We are a construction company specialized in the industrial, hotel and commercial areas, covering areas specialized in public works, urbanization and infrastructure, building the future of great companies since 1991. The complete satisfaction of our work has led us to build big scale projects that have had an impact in the society of Jalisco and of the rest of the country, distinguishing us as leaders in implementation processes for over 24 years.
www.grupoperse.com /GrupoConstructorPerse
recepcion@grupoperse.com 01 (33) 3647 8593
In addition to offer quality and technology through innovations, in Grupo Perse we offer a personalized service with highly trained professionals to bring our customers’ projects to life.
Professional team
In Grupo Perse we like to have the best equipment in machinery and tools, as well as in human capital. We are professionals in the areas of enginery, architecture and administration, dedicated to excellence in order to overcome the expectations of our clients.
- Planigrupo - Soriana - Cinépolis - Liverpool - UAG - Tierra y Armonía
We are committed to give quality solutions at competitive prices, supported in our technical division of innovation and budgets, through an integral system, suitable regulations and a service-orientated culture.
IN GRUPO PERSE WE HAVE PROUDLY BUILT: - Torre Centenario, Corporativo Microsoft - Mercado Corona, Guadalajara, Jalisco - Galerías Mall, Campeche - Aqueduct El Salto – Tepatitlán - Liverpool Andares - Galerías Serdán Mall, Puebla
From paperwork management in government departments to the end of the construction, we also specialize in Deep Foundations, Earth Movement and Building in general. Additionally, we are also experts in Industrial, Commercial and Airports Maintenance, Concrete Structures and Public Works.
Allies that transcend
- Commercial - Industrial - Hotel - Bank - Real estate - Public offices such as: (sct, cfe y pemex)
Along with our partners petreo and Maquinaria y Urbanización Perse, we have combined a group of great strength for Mexico’s integral development. Perse maquinaria y urbanización: Together we contribute with an added value to the construction projects through leasing and machinery transportation, as well as construction projects with heavy machinery and a bank of building materials. Petreo: Its European technology and prefabricated and prestressed concrete, and also the production and supply of ready-mix concrete, which leads us to optimize as much as possible the material and human resources, contributing to time reduction.
Progress on Line 3 of Tren Ligero: Cutting edge technology
One of the most important urban projects in the last years in Jalisco is Line 3 of Tren Ligero (light rail), which continues to show great advances in its ongoing construction work, hoping that it will be the most used means of transport by the Jaliscienses. It has been one year since the construction began and it is showing good progress, moving steadily, with an estimated total advance of 28%, according to the plan presented by the Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (sct) (Ministry of Communication and Transportation). Jorge Aristóteles Sandoval Díaz, governor of Jalisco, recently made a supervision tour accompanied by Bernardo Gutiérrez Navarro, General Director of the Jalisco Center of the Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes, and also by Rodolfo Guadalajara,
Director of the Electric Urban Train System. In the tour, Aristóteles Sandoval stated:
«This is an historical construction to the city.» He also added information about the tunneling machine that will be used to build the underground stations. It is made of German technology and has special adjustments made in Italy for its correct operation in our city. The machine has a length of 295 ft. and a diameter of 37 ft.
EDGE TECHNOLOGY The trains that will circulate in the new rail also have European technology. The French group Alstom, in association with the Constructor of Road Projects of Mexico, are in charge to provide 18 trains, range
Metr贸polis, which are currently being manufactured in Barcelona. Each vehicle will be able to reach a maximum speed of 56 mph, and equipped with air-conditioning, cameras, automatic doors and a CBTC system (Communications-based train control), considered as the most modern system in the world. Line 3 of the Tren Ligero is planned to begin operations in the second semester of 2017, mobilizing 233 thousand people daily and diminishing more than 17 thousand tons of dioxide carbon released to the atmosphere by the public transportation. METROPOLITAN IMPROVEMENT This project arises as an urban optimization to face automobile generated pollution and the increase of the population.
The growth of the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area went from 3 million 369 thousand to 4 million 434 thousand inhabitants, whereas the population of the municipality of Guadalajara decreased from one million 643 to one million 495 thousand inhabitants. This implies a dispersed population while a centrality in commercial, industrial and service activities is generated. This results is an increase population displacement and an increasing need for a greater infrastructure in services. Between the years 2000 and 2010, the number of automobile of the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area grew from 568 thousand to one million 209 thousand automotive ones. If this continues, the transportation time and the generalized travel costs (public and private transportation) that in 2013 ascended to more than 9,311 billion pesos will increased significantly.
Progress on Line 3 of Tren Ligero: Edge technology
56 mph maximum speed 33 minutes to cross the city 17,692 million pesos invested
4.5 million beneficiaries
7,000 direct employments 15,000 indirect employments
With solid foundations, Construcciones y Carreteras, S. A. de C. V. (construcarr) is a company of Auge in Mexico. A company that is strong and visionary when faced with challenges and service opportunities for clients that demand quality and formality in the delivery time of the construction works. construcarr understands that its business is to build confidence and safety; for this reason, in this
Business Profile, it shows us its strategy based on the continuous improvement and edge technology use in benefit of its clients.
Under the visionary and strategic leadership of the Engineer Ricardo Luna Valencia, construcarr established itself as a reliable company in road construction that soon diversified its operations to supply products and services with concrete plants, asphalt, grinding and housing construction. Under the motto “Guiding pathways with you”, construcarr not only builds highways and housing; its vision goes beyond because it also builds trust. The experience acquired by construcarr in model application of public-private partnerships (ppp) has taught us what must be done to achieve successful programs with private and public investments. Such is the case of Mantenimiento y Rehabilitación (m&r) and of the concession to use the right of way for the construction, operation and exploitation of two paradores integrales of the Guadalajara-Colima highway, as well as the new building for the market General Ramón Corona. Its social responsibility is part of this company’s success and expansion. Its constant effort to transcend and contribute to the development of the West of the country’s development, has led them to obtain recognitions of the Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (cemefi) Mexican Center for Philanthropy and to the acquisition of the quality standard ISO 9001:2008 and environmental ISO 14001:2004. Furthermore, as a result of the importance that construcarr gives to the development of human talent, it has been recognized for the greater number of man-hours of staff training. For all the above and for its contribution to the economic and social development of our beautiful state; construcarr is an exemplary icon of Jalisco’s Auge in the construction sector.
The Auge in our state’s economy has allowed a favorable growth in the real estate industry, promoting the development of investment projects such as shopping malls, vertical housing, office complex and business centers, among others. Cosmopolitan is a business group made up of professionals specialized in finance and legal structuring, design and real estate projects, with the objective of making the properties of the families and entrepreneurs of Jalisco more profitable. Established in Guadalajara, they have built many projects for the private initiative as well as for the public sector.
www.cosmopolitanbienesraices.com info@cosmopolitanbienesraices.com 01 (33) 3121 5105 40
SUPPLY OF INTEGRAL SERVICES: - Project Planning and administration - Financing - Marketing and commercialization of real estate projects - Construction - Real estate administration - Federal fund management for real estate projects developed by the private and public initiative. OUTSTANDING PROJECTS: - Torre Perla, Residencial Victoria, Guadalajara. - Torre Paraísos, Ciudad Granja, Zapopan. - Torre Link, Arcos Vallarta, Guadalajara. - Parque Tecnológico Agroindustrial, Ciudad Guzmán. - Tu Plaza Santiago, Fraccionamiento URBI, Tonalá. - Tu Plaza del Valle, Parques de Tesistán, Zapopan. - Tu Plaza Hacienda Real, Fraccionamiento Hacienda Real, Tonalá
Trend-setting projects Its solid team work is capable of coordinating each construction detail; from legal aspects, administrative arrangements, financial model, commercial analysis, to the construction of infrastructure of any dimension, both for the business use and housing.
Offering a set of integral services in real estate, Cosmopolitan has a wide experience in the analysis of market trends in the real estate development in a regional and national level. Its business model takes into account an efficient consultancy in the planning, administration, financing, marketing, commercialization and construction of real estate projects.
Under the leadership of Manuel Uribe Aldana, Cosmopolitan is in Auge due to the real estate projects made to suit the needs of investors. This action positions Cosmopolitan as a model in the leadership of the real estate sector, standing out in our pages as a Pride Company of Jalisco.
The real estate industry is distinguished by its severe capital management. The experience that Cosmopolitan has in the financing of projects, thanks to its solid relations with different actors of the financial market, allows it to stand out in the coordination of all the processes in the creation of new projects.
The construction sector has a potential growth rate in Jalisco; its relation with the economic development contributes to Jalisco’s Auge in aspects of investment, jobs generation and urban infrastructure, among others. Therefore, strategic operations of regulatory improvement have been implemented to make the proceeding of obtaining construction licenses easier and faster, facilitating the conditions to have a better professional performance in the sector. This new project promoted by Luis Gerardo Sandoval Fernández, General Director of Mejora Regulatoria del Estado, was presented officially in July by the Governor of Jalisco, Jorge Aristóteles Sandoval Díaz and the Municipal President of Guadalajara, Ramiro Hernández García. It was presented to the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (cmic by its
Spanish acronym), as part of the undertaken actions to make the service offered to the citizenship more efficient and to fight corruption in the procedures. AGILITY IN PROCEDURES The program is part of the modifications presented to the Reglamento de Gestión de Desarrollo Urbano for the municipality of Guadalajara. The purpose of these modifications is to make the procedure of obtaining a Construction License easier and faster through the reduction of the response time, priorities during the procedure, and the delegation of responsibilities, in addition to the communication and coordination among the involved agents and the simultaneous procedures management.
By each 10 jobs related directly to a construction project, other 8 jobs are generated in an indirect form in the local economy.
At the moment, the system is operating with tangible and verifiable results, allowing a remarkable increase in the request of licenses. SUPPORT TO THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR The construction activity plays a key role in the world’s economy and Mexico is not the exception. Construction works with logistic, energetic, social and industrial vocation and of another nature, are developed throughout the country. In the long term, these constructions outline the aspects of cities and increase their development possibilities; whereas in the short term, they appear as motors of direct and indirect employment of a great part of the population. In terms of direct contribution to the Mexican economy, this industry widely contributes to 7.33% of the country’s gross domestic product (gdp), surpassing the 2.5% of the primary sector (agriculture, farming, forest use, hunt and fishing). Regarding its relation with the labor market, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (oecd) estimates that by each 10 jobs related directly to a construction project, other 8 jobs are generated in an indirect form in the local economy. The Ventanilla Única para Construcción project in Guadalajara complements the undertaken programs by the cmci in support to the construction entrepreneurs, since it is due to the shortening of times that the investment in the construction sector will reflect a clear growth. The program will advance to five proceedings in a period of three weeks. The current time of delay is seven in 3 weeks. According to data thrown by the Federal Commission for Regulatory Improvement (cofemer by its Spanish acronym), the implementation of this program will generate benefits to the public and business sectors with an increase of 5.7% in private investment, and an increase of 16% in property tax collection.
On the matter, the Governor of Jalisco declared: “In the public and private sector we must pay attention to these new models so we can strengthen the intelligent regulation of continuous improvements together. Perceptive to this subject, we are undertaking a re-engineering to work closely to the citizens in all sectors, including the construction sector.”
An efficient government is a government that works closely to its citizens in every sector.
The Auge of the construction in the city’s urban development is driven by enterprise forces that are seeking to provide quality services, maintaining a professional ethic of honesty and transparency. CEA construction company is a clear example that a well-done work transcends. With almost 40 years of professional experience and established as a civil society in 2001, they have converted a family dream into a team of over 100 people, experts in asphalt, hydraulic concrete, dirt road, platforms, aggregates, residential areas, highways and roads.
ceaconstructora.com/cea.swf 01 (33) 3627 1882 01 (33) 3627 2056 44
With presence in the West Zone of the country, cea construction company has contributed to the infrastructure and economic growth in the state through the urbanization and real-estate development. Equipped with all the necessary machinery for an exemplary service, they have participated in great events, such as: Expo Construction and Design in Bogotá, Colombia and in National Meetings of the Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (Ministry of Communications and Transport). Courses in Lean Construction make constructions of great importance, such as the Highway Tapalpa-Sayula and Autlán-Villa Purification. Its objective is to strengthen the construction industry by encouraging other industries to invest in infrastructure, since this is a multiplier element of success. Constructions, Electrifications and machinery Rental make up the Spanish acronym cea; a company founded in team work and in the experience and quality of production in the building of infrastructure for the private initiative and the public sector. A company that makes sure that your pathway is safe.
Recognized as Law Firm of the year in Infrastructure in Mexico by Corporateintl Legal Awards, in Ramos, Ripoll & Schuster they are dedicated to the legal consultancy of high added value, specialized in projects of infrastructure and energy. Through the specialization of legal services, they offer practical and immediate solutions. Committed to the development and achievement of their clients objectives, they implement ideal strategies for the capitalization of their opportunities.
www.rrs.com.mx /Law.RRS
aripoll@rrs.com.mx 01 (33) 3627 5035 01 (33) 3682 9539 01 (33) 3673 8639
ramos, ripoll & Schuster abogados
Global importance projects
Ramos, Ripoll & Schuster addresses each project in an integral form. From the bidding process and the project’s integral legal structuring, to the place acquisition; shaping of corporate structures (partnerships); negotiation and conclusion of contracts; regulation of investment and financing programs; licenses and authorization; occupation matters; collective work contracts; labor migration; audits in the matter of social security; fulfillment of local, state and federal norms; environmental authorization; as well as the establishment of alternative mechanisms of conflict resolution.
We understand the industry of infrastructure and energy projects. We know the challenges and risks of the construction sector and we create integral solutions to turn them into opportunities for our clients.
Alejandro Ripoll
rrs has successfully represented national and foreign clients in diverse infrastructure projects of great scale, with a total value that surpasses the $4.5 trillion dollars, including harbors, regasification plants, railroads and highways, among others.
In addition, In Mexico they represent 5 of the 100 Main Contractors world wide of the Engineering News Record (enr) list.
- Administrative and Fiscal - Commercial arbitration - Public-private partnerships - Audit of Social Security in Construction - Corporative and Businesses - Infrastructure and Energy - Real estate and Urban Development - Labor - Litigation and Solution of Controversies - Environmental - Migratory - Notarial and Public Faith - Industrial and Intellectual property - Social security
Alejandro Ripoll: Dynamic leadership in Auge Professor of Corporate Law in Universidad Panamericana and graduate of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, Alexander Ripoll heads the team of Infrastructure and Energy of RRS. Since 2008, Ramos, Ripoll & Schuster have advised to macro projects of infrastructure with a global influence that includes countries, such as Mexico, Panama, Cuba, Costa Rica, Peru, Argentina, Honduras, among others. Exerting a dynamic leadership, Ripoll and its team have advised to 5 of the 8 projects of Mexico that are in the global Strategic Top 100 Infrastructure Projects list by cg/la. Their work in diverse projects of attracting foreign investment for our state, position Alejandro Ripoll and rrs as a factor of great importance in the Auge of Mexico.
Miguel Alemán Velasco Mexico as a power player
An anxious Mexican, with a powerful imagination and a calm glance; this is Miguel Alemán Velasco. An entrepreneur, politician, a man committed to Mexico and an endless promoter of the country, today in the pages of Auge. In his broad experience in the public and private sector, Miguel Alemán Velasco stood out in his path to the Senate of the Republic from 1991 to 1997, and between 1998 and 2004, as governor of Veracruz.
He also worked as high executive of Televisa, where he got a vast knowledge of mass media and the country’s problems, which he sees as great challenges and opportunities, instead of difficulties. The son of the former Mexican president, Miguel Alemán Valdés, with his broad experience, and in addition of leading one of the most important airlines of the country, interjet; he leads the efforts to make every year the Mexico Business Summit.
The vision of Miguel Alemán Velasco is to present more opportunities in the region, in order for Mexico to become a global competitor with applied innovation in all sectors. Thus, creating new business opportunities. A great event that will achieved its 13th edition under the concept: “Innovation: Driving force of the economic development.” Jalisco will be hosting for the second time the business forum that places Mexico as a leading country with all its competitive advantages.
Productivity also increases in Mexico along with innovation. These factors will be a key component to improve and reinforce its role in the global context, where we must compete with great economies that regard quality as a mandatory policy instead of a plus.
Mexico is entering in a new phase where the main structural reforms of the last years, as well as new aspects related to the recovery of the United States, provoke a positive impact in the global economy.
The importance of the Business Summit lies in the gathering of the leaders of the most successful nations and companies. Mexico joins to this positive synergy and to the business network where it has much to offer along with partners and competitors of the region.
Miguel Alemán Velasco’s vision is that each time more opportunities are presented in the region for Mexico to become a global competitor, where innovation can be applied in all fields to create new business opportunities.
An excellent contribution from Miguel Alemán, in the context of Mexico Business Summit, is to gather young entrepreneurs who have begun to leave a mark in businesses and politics, demonstrating their leadership.
The Mexico Future Group was created in 2011, reason why this year 2015, it has a valuable foundation to be a platform of successful projects. The gathering of the group of Mexico Future Group is based around the opportunities of encounter and dialogue with Mexican and foreign personalities, thus, encouraging the creation of new friendship ties and the exchange of ideas. Therefore, it is a great event for Jalisco to be hosting this Summit headed by a great business leader, as Miguel Alemán Velasco is.
Organic and functional products for new markets. The day a company is determined to expand its horizons, that is the day its path to ascendancy begins. This is the case of Best Ground, the leader company in the production of agave syrup, inulin and other organic products. Best Ground and its team, export high-quality food products, contributing to Mexico’s preeminence in other markets. It is a company that has stirred up the business environment in Jalisco and that proudly wears the distinction of being a Fairtrade Certified Company.
www.bestground.com.mx /BestGroundInternational
sales@bestground.com.mx +52 (33) 3648 9901
ITS STRATEGY? Market and product diversification. Best Ground offers a variety of ingredients for the industrial sector and retail market. The quality of products has lead them to expand their exportation route to four continents. Such is the example of their recent established presence in the Asian market, especially in Japan, and with a strong presence in the Middle East. This region has a high level of purchase power, stable economy and a favorable legal framework, offering great opportunities to Mexican companies. For this reason, Best Ground has faith in the presentation of two projects that are looking forward to the exportation of products of this region and of human talent. BG Work Dubai has as an objective the boosting of workforce by offering the opportunity to acquire experience and increase quality of life for residents of Jalisco and people from other States, by working in reliable companies from the Middle East.
annual production capacity of:
1 000
Good Earth looks forward to support Mexican companies, whether it is to start exportations in the Middle East or improve their presence in this market through three services that include: Check Unit, Cross Docking and trading.
EXPORT TO:: - America - Europe - Asia - Oceania
[ BEST GROUND PRODUCES: ] Organic Agave Syrup Organic Agave Inulin Tequila
Agave sugar
Dried fruit
Prebiotic syrup
Best Ground Group companies
IX China-LAC Business Summit • Jalisco destiny of great businesses • Guadalajara, world-wide class infraestructure Jalisco’s commercial strength and world-class infrastructure, which allows the hosting of seminars, congresses and forums, have given the State the opportunity to host great international events. An example of this is The IX China-LAC Business Summit, which will take place in the impressive platform of the Palacio de la Cultura y la Comunicación (palcco). Jalisco’s participation in the global business scene this year has been of great relevance, with The China-LAC Summit as the key event in our state’s international projection as host of great events. Since its conception in 2007, the China-LAC Summit is the largest event in the economic cooperation between China, Latin-America and the Caribbean.
It is a gathering that comes to Mexico for the first time, and that our beautiful city of Guadalajara hosts. More than 700 Chinese, Latin-American and Caribbean companies will meet on October 12, 13 and 14 in the Palacio de la Cultura y la Comunicación. The program includes conferences, promotion agencies consulting, forum opportunities for Chinese investors, product showcasing and other mechanisms to multiply business development in the participant countries. Commercial relations between countries contribute to their economic growth; for such reason, being the hosts of the China-LAC Summit means the opportunity to bring together in our beautiful city the great actors of world’s economy.
It is evident that for China, the region of Latin America and the Caribbean are high-priority by its high growth potential, thus it is important to strengthen the cooperation, trade and investment.
Qiu Xiaoqi, Ambassador of China in Mexico
IX China-LAC Business Summit
+20 activities of conferences and presentations
+30 700
entrepreneurs, representatives of private and governmental initiative
+18 h +200 stands
Jalisco becomes the scene of great businesses from distant regions, such as China and Latin America, to show the tendencies of the future of thousands of companies that are looking to promote their development by the commercial exchange. WORLD-WIDE CLASS ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE Jalisco has the best infrastructure and equipment for this kind of events and the availability in hotels allows the hosting of world-class events. It is expected more than 200 business-to-business (b2b) stands among the participants in this Summit. Jalisco will be host of very profitable businesses from entrepreneurs coming from the cities of Santiago de Chile; Harbin, China; Bogotá, Colombia; Chengdu, China; Lima, Peru; Hangzhou, China; San José de Costa Rica and Changsha, China; all of which have previously hosted this Summit. Guadalajara now joins this list of cities thanks to the efforts made by ProMexico and The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Development (ccpit). Efforts that resulted in the approach of both countries during the visit that Chinese President, Xi Jinping made in 2013. The Director of the Dirección General de Cooperación y Promoción Económica Internacional de la Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (amexcid by its Spanish acronym) Diego Borja, emphasized the importance of the China-LAC as a space where interlocution among companies can be realized. This space complements bilateral actions that each of the countries make, oriented to promote trade and investment.
It is a great pleasure for Jalisco to host events of such magnitude, as it is the IX China-LAC Business Summit. Welcome!
National Foreign Trade Congress Jalisco: an exporting power
Commercial relations are a relevant factor to Jalisco’s economic growth when linked with globalism in a context in which any nation can be excluded.
with the goal of determining its progress and the perspectives within the export framework and their impact in economy.
Contributing to Mexico’s peak moment our state stands out as a host of important events, such as the XXII National Foreign Trade Congress at the Centro de Convenciones de Puerto Vallarta, from September 30 to October 2.
Puerto Vallarta was recognized as the main protagonist in the conferences “Tourism as innovation and growth platform” and “Innovation in international logistic processes” for its beauty, economic growth and privileged location.
The Director of the Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico (sedeco), José Palacios Jiménez, announced a few months ago the execution of this great event whose slogan is: “Innovative Mexico, export platform.”
It became clearer the great promotion of our beaches, since these are taking advantage of the thriving ecosystem and thus leading the economy to attract millions of tourist each year.
An analysis of the structural reforms during the first three years of the actual government was made
As it does every year, one of the most prestigious awards in the business world, The National Exportation Award, was granted. The President of
IMPORTANT CONFERENCES: - Tourism as an innovation and growth platform. - Perspectives and progress on the energetic reform. - Impact on structural reforms. - Innovation and optimization of international logistic processes. - Challenges of the Mexican foreign trade diversification.
Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, delivered this award after the tour to the expositions area, which had over fifty stands dedicated to foreign trade.
JALISCO: EXPORTING STATE BY EXCELLENCE The Secretary of Jalisco’s Economic Development, José Palacio Jiménez, thanked the Consejo Empresarial Mexicano de Comercio Exterior (comce), and its award winners for the hard work they do every day, by achieving a growth of 15.7% in exportations during the first seven months of 2015 –which represents a quantity of 25,762 billion dollars. These exportations position the state in fifth national place in export matters, this is an important achievement due to the supply that includes nineteen exporting sectors –supply that no other entity has match.
It is important to emphasize that in previous years, several local enterprises have achieved the Premio Nacional de Exportación (National Exportation Award) in its different categories, among which, companies such as Transportes Innovativos y Dunes Relaxed Fashion stand out.
The national vice-president of comce, Fernando Ruiz Huarte, stated that Jalisco has an increment in its export volumes with a growth of great magnitude in the electronic and automotive sectors.
Being hosts of this event in Jalisco highlights our State as a place where important events, conventions and expositions can happen.
José Palacios Jiménez Director of sedeco
The Association of Industrial Parks of the State of Jalisco a. c., (apiej by its Spanish acronym) is a national icon in infrastructure and services for the installation of first level industries. With a philosophy that has transcended in the country’s economic development, apiej is synonym of quality, commitment, service and legal certainty of the investment. The verge and development that it represents, contributes to our state’s industrial and economic Auge, showing a solid, strong and cutting-edge character.
www.apiej.com gerente@apiej.com 01 (33) 3614 9684 56
Its professionalism is founded in Intelligent Strategies, which allows integral solutions in the fulfillment of regulations and environmental care. As part of its commitment and responsibility with our state, APIEJ looks for the optimization of resources and the generation of energy with renewable resources that are aware of the market and social environment needs. apiej is the First Link of the Productive Chain; its
creative work promotes the productive development with world class industrial parks.
Founded in July 14, 2000, apiej has marked the difference by sheltering a remarkable number of companies that contribute to the economic development of our state and of our country. Founders: El Bosque, San Jorge, Vallarta, Bugambilias, Guadalajara, San Ă ngel, cpa, Flextronics Integral Park, Solectron, Dovatron and hp. With infrastructure and cutting-edge technology, apiej has become a national strategy example by generating wealth, jobs, competitiveness and an increase in productivity.
Constituted by 26 partners and 35 industrial parks, APIEJ is a great model of the success of Industrial Parks in Mexico, thus establishing as a Pride Association of Jalisco.
Jalisco, host of the Bilateral Business Summit - B2B 2016
Jalisco is distinguished in the West of Mexico for being an entity that offers quality in infrastructure, connectivity, location, weather and mainly, human capital, which is something difficult to surpass by our competitors. Jalisco’s qualities are already wellknown in the world; this is why we earned the hosting of the Bilateral Business Summit - B2B 2016. In order to obtain the hosting of this Summit, several international tours to promote the investment in Jalisco were made, with attracting results. JALISCO AND GERMANY Jorge Aristóteles Sandoval, governor of Jalisco, participated in the Bilateral Business Summit - B2B 2015 during his working tour through Europe. In this summit, celebrated in Munich, more than 260
entrepreneurs and 180 organizations gathered in 16 work meetings, where the retinue, led by our governor, sought to promote foreign investment in the 54 industrial parks located in Jalisco. Four companies of the automotive sector showed particular interest in the industrial parks, reason why they will visit the traditional Pueblo Mágico Lagos de Moreno, to know the industrial park Colinas de Lagos which has a 100% automotive orientation. This visit will bring an investment of over 200 million dollars, which will result in the creation of thousands of jobs for the next two years; initiating formal operations in 2018. Our state generates great impact abroad, reason why it received the hosting of the following edition of the Bilateral Business Summit - B2B 2016 next
By its comparative advantages, Jalisco was positioned as the third state with greater foreign direct investment, contributing with almost 10% of the country’s total.
year, which confirms that the Jaliscienses are excellent hosts of international events. JALISCO AND AUSTRIA Before concluding its tour in Europe, the retinue made a visit to Austria with the same objective as the one in Germany. They visited companies of the aerospace, railway and automotive industry, drawing an investment of ten million dollars. JALISCO EXCEEDS THE ANNUAL GOAL OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT Exceeding the goal of Foreign Direct Investment (fdi) by 28%, is an achievement that establishes us as an economic power in the country, which leaves a great advantage to continue with the promotion of the state’s economic growth. According to figures issued by the Secretaría de Economía (Ministry of Economy), in just six months, Jalisco achieved an investment of 1,351 billion dollars, exceeding the expected goal of 1,050 billion dollars for 2015. Sixty five per cent of the investment was destined to the operational sector of wireless telecommunications from the United States. By its comparative advantages, Jalisco was positioned as the third state with greater foreign direct investment, contributing with almost 10% of the country’s total. An achievement that is perceived as indicator of the increase of the welfare of the Jalisciences.
Jalisco, host of the Bilateral Business Summit - B2B 2016
A PALACE FOR EVERYONE The Palacio de la Cultura y la Comunicación (palcco) (Culture and Communication Palace) and all its glory is about to be inaugurated. palcco is more than just a structure, palcco is the house of culture and communication in the West
of Mexico. Its construction has marked a significant change in a project that will attract the world’s attention to Jalisco as host of a modern cultural space that will harbor ideas and concepts able to transform the artistic and business experience.
www.palcco.com +52 33 1561 0490
After constant efforts, the development of this innovating building represents the broadcasters and TV channels dynamism with dignity and commitment for the culture of Jalisco and Mexico in the world, that without a doubt, will generate great transcendence and social impact. With its upcoming opening, we will find a privilege place for all sorts of events in the 24,000 m2 designated to this complex. Music, plastic arts, theater and dance converge in a single place to enjoy presentations of classic music, opera, musical comedies, live spectacles, plays, ballet, massive rock and jazz concerts… Endless activities that can be carried out in the modern facilities developed by the prestigious firm gva PALACE OF THE BUSINESS WORLD palcco venues combine design with digital and communications technology to receive, not only spectacles but also conventions, congresses, seminaries and exhibitions. Each site provides ideal services for business character events linked to commerce and the national and international professional activity. palcco’s proposal as a Palace of Conventions and Congresses, complements the business meetings supply in the city, with more than 16,000 m2 equipped in diverse areas for different nature meetings. It also offers rooms for press, meetings and rehearsals.
WORLD QUALITY VENUES PALCCO, Jalisco’s Pride, will have different venues focused in a great variety of spectacles, among which are: - Theater José Pablo Moncayo - Sala Jose Rolón - Massive spectacles: Ágora - Business center - Meeting place for communications: Cyberspace of digital communication - Mexico’s first museum of radio and television: MURTV - Tribute to scenic arts exponents from Jalisco: Hall of Fame - Artistic exhibitions: Walk of art - Dance and music schools - Restaurants and Bars
auge de méxico
Each action that a company takes has its passion printed in it; this can be seen in the satisfaction of its clients. Such is the case of GP Logistics, a proudly Mexican group that with a path of over 35 years is trained and committed to the country’s logistic management.
www.grupoporteo.com.mx /GrupoPorteo
comercial@gporteo.com.mx 01 (33) 3283 4800 Houston, tx: 001 +52 (713) 4294 369
Regional Expertise Creators and initiator in the logistic sector, GP Logistics in the pioneer group in the sector thanks to its unparallel experience, which through the years has generated an important employment network and support to national and foreign enterprises in its path to success.
With international presence, GP Logistics broadens its horizons with offices in Houston, Texas.
Due to its extensive coverage in systems and partners with regional experience, GP Logistics is considered as the best logistics company in Latin America by the Quality Latin Institute. This has led them to carry out a specialized path in the chemical, pharmaceutical and industrial sectors. In addition, it participates in important expositions such as Expo Logística, Business Summit and Logistics Summit cscmp.
Its first level facilities in industrial parks fulfill the expectations of its clients that are leaders in consumption, agribusiness, chemical and automotive products. With a wide range of integral solutions in every supply chain, its infrastructure includes edge technology applied in national distribution processes in storage, refrigerated, frozen and dried products; making GP Logistics a model in the promotion of the state’s economy.
In the last years, young people have taken a significant role in the business world due to their passion and understanding of technology. Nowadays the biggest and most influential companies are directed by a young generation that has found the key to success in digital tools. Events like Campus Party, have a great significance in the development of projects with an impact in population, their program of challenges creates a bridge among institutions and young professionals and generates interesting results. This is the case of Alejandra Rodríguez Navarro, contest winner to create an influential web-platform, that the Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico de Jalisco (sedeco) (Ministry of Economic Development of Jalisco), along with the Instituto Jaliscience
del Emprendedor (ijaldem) (Jalisciense Institute of the Entrepreneur). The challenge was launched on July, and it consisted on the redesign of the digital portal of sedeco with an inclusive approach; this means accessibility for deaf-mute and visual impaired-people. The website should have unique characteristics, such as location methods, voice commands, calendars and links not only on social networks but in the totality of the material related to sedeco as well. A total of thirty-one projects were registered that met all the rules and guidelines of the challenge. The challenge reached a national range since it received project proposals from Puebla and Veracruz. In the evaluation process, six finalists were chosen to obtain access as campuseros to the sixth edition of Campus Party in Mexico.
Nobody assures you that you are going to be rich or that it will be easy. What’s important is to realize if you are believing in yourself; everything works with passion after this.
Alejandra Rodríguez Navarro
Director of ijaldem, Daniel Gómez Álvarez Moreno, explained the challenge selection process: “The six finalist’s projects were presented to the jury, consisting of our institute, an investment fund and organizers of the Campus Party. After the presentation it was decided that Alejandra Rodríguez and her team developed the best project which met in its totality the desired needs.” The Director of sedeco, Jose Jiménez Palaces, emphasized the participation of young entrepreneurs in the development of digital platforms with inclusive approach and thanked them for the great response that the contest had. AN ENTREPRENEUR WOMAN Alejandra Rodríguez Navarro is 24 years old and is a graduate student from the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (iteso) Its winning project of the Party Campus 6 challenge, received a prize of thirty thousand pesos. At the moment, Alejandra is to the front of the creative study Krrrunch, which develops branding strategies based on new technologies through software, virtual applications and stores, among other tools.
The Industrial Park San Jorge has consolidated itself as a valuable asset of Jalisco’s economic promotion in the development of spaces, infrastructure, plots and industrial units. We contribute to our state’s improvement by the generation of ideas. We are a company committed to job creation and business opportunities, thus improving the productivity within the national market.
www.sanjorgeindustrialpark.com suarez_constructora@hotmail.com +52 (33) 3613-6604 3614 +52 (33) 3613-6604 9684 70
Our first level infrastructure services are sustained with the Certification ampip, generating favorable conditions for the development of each present company in our industrial park.
location and infrastructure of global competition for companies that require of a strategic site to install their productivity plant.
Thanks to our Certification of the Mexican Norm NMX-R-046-SCFI-2011, we grow in a dynamic form in real estate business matters for the generation of urban order, economic income and taxes for the state.
The character of the Industrial Park San Jorge is oriented to a leadership with vision to future, reason why we have anticipated to the challenges that the private initiative faces, which are a result of the demand’s development.
We are part of Jalisco’s business center coparmex, reason why we have developed a strategic vision headed by Arquitect Jorge Suárez Navarro, who has established a place with an excellent geographic
In the Industrial Park San Jorge, the investors have a place with legal certainty to develop their expansion projects and to generate wealth in the community, thus being an economic model of the state of Jalisco.
Industrial Park associated with:
MORE THAN JUST A SHOPPING MALL Plaza Patria has transformed into the place of reunion in Guadalajara, thanks to our areas designed for the joy of the Tapatía family, that generation after generation have transformed our shopping mall into a Jalisco’s traditional place. Plaza Patria is proud to be part of the memories of thousands of families, giving the society a valuable place of healthy recreation where tradition and innovation are joined.
www.plazapatria.com /plazapatria
información@plazapatria.com 01 (33) 3641 3513
The comfort of buying comfortably Through its four decades path, Plaza Patria has received multiple recognitions by its design, functionality, administration and constant success. In addition, it stands out for supporting different cultural events of the state, such as Encuentro Internacional del Mariachi y la Charrería and the International Book Fair (FIL by its Spanish acronym). With a privileged location, unmatched practicality, atmosphere and business diversity, Plaza Patria stands out as a shopping mall that supports the families of Jalisco and guides each one of its actions to make every member of the family feel welcome in the stores, spaces and services that are design to meet your needs. Through its founders’ vision and initiative, Plaza Patria contributes to Jalisco’s economic development in a direct and indirect form, since more than 1,500 jobs are created here. In addition, the continuous investment in new products, appearance and innovation of its clients and suppliers, it generates important figures in the state’s economic income.
IN PLAZA PATRIA YOU WILL FIND: - Department stores - Services - Entertainment for all ages - Restaurants - Banks - Coffee shops - Beauty - Shoes - Fashion - Sports - Furniture and decoration - Technology - Gifts - Jewelry - Accessories - And more…
Jalisco, the core of Mexican culture By Raúl Padilla López President of Universidad de Guadalajara A. C. Foundation
Past, present and future join and give feedback to each other in Jalisco. The towns and cities of Jalisco are authentic palimpsests and piles of old and new shared meanings and dynamic social and cultural movements that seek to give a new promotion to the state relying in its vast cultural heritage and creative capital. Jalisco is owner of many icons that gave visibility and identity to Mexico. In addition, Jalisco is also owner of a wide artistic and cultural heritage that strengthen and guide its tourism. Jalisco also
has a wide variety of urban and environmental heritage sites –which are certified by national and international authorities- that broaden its cultural and environmental geography to share them with the entire world. Currently, the importance of the cultural development in Jalisco looks after the broad benefits that society creates; such as: sense of belonging and identity, economic development, citizenship- building, public areas and in general as a restorer of the social structure. Indeed, culture can be an extraordinary
platform for development when it meets the following conditions: decentralized model with short, medium and long term objectives; cross culture policies and more importantly, the participation of professionals and beneficiary communities in the design, implementation and supervision of the initiatives. Consequently, the professionalization of the cultural management is a task and need that our state has quickly addressed. The new culture professionals are building its professional meaning closely linked to the challenges of their time and surroundings in
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Courtesy by FIL Guadalajara / Marte Merlos
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Courtesy by FIL Guadalajara / Bernardo De Niz
Courtesy by FIL Guadalajara / Paola Villanueva Bidault
dynamic contexts and with global links. Thus, they achieve a positive impact in our communities. Universidad de Guadalajara has done its part through different cultural projects that I am honored to lead; such as: The International Book Fair in Guadalajara (FIL by its Spanish acronym), The International Film Festival, The University Cultural Center, as well as those that we promote in the United States for our culture’s promotion and advertising among the Hispanic people in the country. These projects demonstrate that culture is a privileged vehicle that
renews the representations of our shared humanity from our recognized differences as Jalisciences, Mexicans and citizens of the world. Our strategy in these cultural initiatives –that are owned by the Jalisciences own and that have national and international acknowledgements - has been to promote the state’s wealth and cultural talent through intervention models that join the federal, state, municipal, university and private resources with the dynamics, social and cultural needs of the communities.
It is important to clarify that this text pretends to set out the great importance that Jalisco has in the cultural picture of Mexico, highlighting that among the Jalisciences exists a shared conscience about the possibility of a promising future for everyone. With the cultural development as the core that can offer meaning and collective leadership, thus benefiting – in cooperation with the efforts of other states- the integral development of our people. As Carlos Fuentes once said, “With our first-world culture, we could come out of our third-world.”
漏 Courtesy by FIL Guadalajara / TAPE
ITS MAJESTY, THE BOOK - FIL 2015 The International Book Fair (fil by its Spanish acronym) consolidated as the most important cultural space of Mexico under the presidency of Lic. Raul Padilla L贸pez. It represents a true Auge for the reading in the Hispanic world, where Su majestad, el libro (Its majesty, the
book) is the central actor of this world-wide event hosted in Jalisco. fil 2015 takes place from November 30 to December 3, 2015, and this time, the country guest of honor is United Kingdom, which means an opportunity to create new cultural connections and enrich
business relations. United Kingdom is the land of Shakespeare, Jane Austen and Charles Dickens; it is the cradle of Thomas Hardy, J. R. R. Tolkien, Virginia Woolf, George Orwell, Graham Greene, Doris Lessing, Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Ian McEwan, Zadie Smith and J. K. Rowling.
Courtesy by FIL Guadalajara / Jorge Barragán
fil has positioned itself in a global scale as
one of the most important book showcases, where the program of the promotion of reading stands out. The program includes the following:
• Galas of The Pleasure of Reading • The Readers Present • Poetry Program • FIL Children • FIL Youth • One Thousand Young People with... • Echoes of FIL • Reading Promoters Conference • International Short Story Writers Conference • World Book Day From all these programs, we can highlight the Gala of The Pleasure of Reading, since it has allowed the readers to bond directly with poets, narrators, short story writers and literature lovers, who in a simple way and without formalisms, talk about their experience as readers. One of the most successful strategies of fil was the creation of a series of awards that are given annually, among them are: FIL Literary Prize bestowed by the Civil Association of
the Juan Rulfo Latin American and Caribbean Literature Prize, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Prize, the Publishing Merit Award, the Tribute to the Bibliophile, the Tribute to a Librarian, the Fernando Benítez National Tribute to Cultural Journalism and the Tribute to ArpaFIL. These awards are given to writers, publishers, librarians, book lovers, journalists and architects, as part of fil’s cultural promotion efforts. In this year 2015, The fil Literary Prize bestowed by The Civil Association Prize for Literature in Romance Languages went to the Spanish writer Enrique Vila-Matas. From his narrative work, the following stand out: La asesina ilustrada, Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil, Suicidios ejemplares, Hijos sin hijos, Bartleby y compañía, El mal de Montano, Doctor Pasavento, París no se acaba nunca, Exploradores del abismo, Dietario voluble, Dublinesca, Chet Baker piensa en su arte, Aire de Dylan, Kassel no invita a la lógica y Marienbad eléctrico. Among his books of literary essays are: Aunque no entendamos nada, El viento ligero en Parma, Perder teorías and El viajero más lento. Nobody will miss fil 2015; not even you reader friend. We’ll read each other in Expo Guadalajara.
THE FIL IN NUMBERS: Attending 765,706 Publishing Houses 1,945 Book Professionals 20,393
Huellismo Alvaro Cuevas is a multidisciplinary artist that represents with excellence the cultural Auge of our state. Through digital fingerprints the painter and sculptor captures a deep and symbolic message in his art pieces that reminds us that we are unique and incomparable. An artistic proposal has been generated within the different disciplines of paint, which he has named Huellismo. It consists on painting with the fingertips and when the result is seen at a distance, it forms in the spectator’s retina an image created by the artist. To learn more about its artistic proposal, you can go to the artist’s webpage: www.alvarocuevas.com
An organization that leaves its prints behind the painting of the sculptures with different techniques, thus generating a periodic transformation and creating an artistic platform.
There are public spaces dedicated to the expression of urban art and these increase due to society’s demand now that they have become more aware of the art around them.
The foundation’s goal is to merge the artistic talent with the private initiative, searching for culturally responsible companies and governmental institutions to generate sinergies. This can be achieved by offering programs that create a social bonding, economic and touristic income, but above all, to promote a Mexican cultural identity that leaves its print behind.
Some of these urban spaces can be enjoyed and appreciated in Galería Escultórica Urbana, located in Av. Montevideo’s median strip in Colonia Providencia, in the beautiful city of Guadalajara. These 6 sculptures of great size, with the form of a folded paper known as origami, were assembled in 2012 by the artist Alvaro Cuevas de Alba.
Identity code that leaves prints
In collaboration with other states, the Festival Ofrenda has been created on the occasion of the Day of the Death, thus strengthening our traditions and sharing our talent in this significant date.
The foundation TODOS DEJAMOS HUELLA has within its objectives the Galería al Aire Libre program, which consist on the recovery of public spaces to turn them in places of cultural coexistence through sculptures and murals. This combination has been achieved in the intervention of Av. Montevideo with the Galería Urbana Escultórica, where artists take part in
This set of transformations can be seen in public spaces such as murals, streets, public squares, median strips, gardens and in other places, such as Bosque Colomos, where the organization has generated a 10 year agreement to embellish its 90 hectares. To learn more about the organization, go online to: www.todosdejamoshuella.org
National holidays in Jalisco Civic emotions and tourism
The Guadalajara Metropolitan Area is a great receiver of tourists that generate an important economic income within the national holidays, as it is the Independence Day, where the city fills with color and sounds that identify the national folklore. The Auge that these festivities have had is impressive, generating benefits as the economic income and the cultural strengthen of the national identity with customs and cultural assets like Mariachi music, among others. During several times of the year, Jalisco fills with sounds from trumpets, guitars and violins, but especially from August 28 to September 6, when the Encuentro Internacional del Mariachi y la Charrería takes place, with around 300 events
organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Guadalajara. Within the events of this musical gathering are: Ambassador of the Mariachi contest, Record Guinness challenges, parades, sung masses, a public gala in Guadalajara, music workshops, cultural pavilions, and mariachi galas, among others. The Mariachi Vargas presented on August 31st in Plaza de la Liberación and the galas in Teatro Degollado were from August 28 to September 4. In addition, there was a great parade on August 30 in Andador Chapultepec that started in Glorieta Niños Heroes and filled the avenues Chapultepec and México with great emotions.
The Auge that these festivities have had is impressive, since they have generated benefits such as the economic income and the cultural strengthen of the national identity with customs and cultural assets like Mariachi music, among others.
National holidays in Jalisco
Encuentro del Mariachi had a total attendance of 200,000 people in its different events, which generated an economic income of 120 million pesos. In respect to the civic celebrations, they were also very captivating since it was also the 204th anniversary of the start of the battle for the independence of Mexico, that this year had a variation in the representation since there was a multimedia 3D show for the amusement of the audience. The projection of this video had the presence of the Governor Jorge Aristóteles Sandoval Díaz who, from the main balcony of the Government Palace, gave the traditional “Cry of independence” with which the national heroes were recognized in the 1810 heroic battle. It is worth mentioning that during the national holidays, the vocational movement turned out very positive for Jalisco, since the average hotel occupancy was of 80% in the main Jalisco’s tourist destinies. This figure was confirmed by Enrique Ramos Flores, the Director of the Ministry of Tourism (sectur by its Spanish acronym). Enrique Ramos Flores reaffirmed that Puerto Vallarta had a hotel occupancy of at least 85%.
According to the air traffic, the figures are also very encouraging because in the Puerto Vallarta and Guadalajara airports, each day arrive flights filled with tourists that come to celebrate the national holidays. The Ministry reported an occupation of 100% in mountain destinations, while in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area, the rooms had a good percentage of occupancy. In the Jalisco region of Arandas, the hotels Centinela Grand, Jagua Express, Hacienda Vieja and Hotel Santa Bárbara had 100% occupancy during the national holidays of September 15 and 16.
What to us is an art piece, for the artist is an endless quest up to the domains of imagination, where Checa shows us beautiful female pictures on jute. Miguel Barragán, better known in the world of plastic arts as Checa, is a young Tapatío painter, who has stood out by his hard work and exploration with the diverse materials that painting offers. He is an Integral Design graduate of the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (iteso by its Spanish acronym). His last artworks are based on the study of the sensual indwelling that every woman has, portraying everyday moments that shift away the daily vision reflected in the female body. Checa has explored for over seven years the technical study of painting and drawing, dedicating his hard work to different quests, where the priority has been to extract his own artistic essence and interests of expression from the brush. Together with his great friend and teacher, José Fors, he set up the individual exhibition “Circunstancias cotidianas” in The Art Museum Raúl Anguiano (mura by its Spanish acronym). Trials, errors, frustrations, joys, dreams and achievements were joint together in four frames of oil and nine frames in acrylic, all of them made on jute; an experimental style that has allowed him to delve his technique into textures and color palettes.
The artwork of Miguel Barragán, rounds between reality and the subconscious. He issues a dialogue not only with himself, but it also faces the spectator through a translation of the reflection of the artist’s subconscious towards the spectator. In the end, what to us observers and lovers of the human expressions might be a piece of art; to the artist is an endless search. At the moment Checa is planning his following artistic proposal after giving us the remains of his first collection, result of a quest through a brush that had the ability to reconstruct reality, highlighting its more ephemeral beauty: the present. “Circunstancias Cotidianas are those situations that complement a day; if they are pleasant, you will be happy; if they are bad, you will live sad. But if we don’t see the daily circumstances, when the alarm clock rings, you go to work and it is still there.”
Galerías Pabellón is an original project of mixed use that is transforming with its new image and concept, offering a cutting-edge and innovative product. It offers a space with an attractive contemporary design with perfect adaptations to the current life style demands. Located in a privilege place in Av. Patria and Acueducto, it embellishes Guadalajara’s commercial infrastructure with a challenging proposal that few will be able to resist.
galeriaspabellon.com comercialización@galeriaspabellon.com 01(33) 333 190 5087 01(33) 3611 0126 01(33) 3611 0127 88
The new concept offers luxury, comfort, status and an ideal mix of companies and services, such as the renown hotel Fiesta Americana, with approximately 185 rooms; a Corporative of great importance; a gourmet market; an exclusive international gymnasium, where customers will be able to do exercise routines within the facilities, and outdoors, since the building has access to Bosque Colomos; Cinépolis, with its new format in cinema; foreign companies of decoration and design; a Roof Top with a gastronomical hall aaa of bars and thematic restaurants with spectacular views to the buildings of Puerta de Hierro and Bosque Colomos; the Food Court that has a large terrace wit panoramic view to the green areas, a safe and comfortable parking lot and valet parking, in addition to having all the needed services. Its new facade inspired in a global patented technology, surrounds its two towers unifying it as a whole. These towers are built using construction and cutting edge technology systems. The executives of Pabellón enjoy challenges, this is why the new project of Galerías Pabellón grows, updates and optimizes flows, accesses and their areas with commercial spaces that are perfect to receive for the first time in the West of Mexico, an attractive investment of international companies with high reputation, complementing the zone’s commercial offer. Galerías Pabellón has a clear mission: be a reference point by creating unique sensations and experiences linked to the familiar and business life style, satisfying the commercial, gastronomical, entertainment and services needs of all visitors, to be the perfect place to spend a day with your family, friends and even your pet.
From New York to Milan and, of course, Mexico, Adrián Castillo, is one of the Tapatío chefs more recognized in the culinary art, which made him stand out with a name that has become a benchmark in the city’s restaurant union, where its supply is on fully Auge.
www.duecosmopolitan.com /DueCosmopolitan
contacto@duecosmopolitan.com.mx 01 (33) 3630 5743
Culinary Art
Adrián’s path is very consistent; he has travelled to the main capitals of the international kitchen to go deep into the sensory experience that signature kitchen offers to their diners. He has worked in famous restaurants, such as: T’ Bonis, Luciano’s, Per Voi, The Original Pine Tree and Gondolieri. Here, he learned from internationally renowned chefs like Alexander Cea and Antimo Savese, in addition to Aldo Conni, the Italian sommelier with who Adrián mastered the art of pairing wine and food. Now we can enjoy in our city the creativity of Adrián in its own restaurant committed to gastronomic pleasure.
Due Cosmopolitan Cuisine & Bar From the chef’s inspiration and with the goal of offering pleasant moments for the client, one of the most recognized restaurants by our city’s society and the kitchen professionals is born: Due Cosmopolitan Cuisine & Bar. Located in the entertaining zone of Chapultepec, the offered culinary concept began with Italian food, to shortly after evolve in a signature and classic cuisine, including different specialties of international cuisine. Its fresh atmosphere is one of the elements that shape up a sensory experience that includes the delight of the taste, pleasant scents and interesting textures. The menu is carefully designed to please the most demanding palates, as well as to captivate the new diners.
Beer is a millenarian drink with great tradition in Mexico. In addition, it contributes positively to the economic development, because as a country, we are positioned in the sixth world position in its production and consumption. The importance of this industry for the economy, is of great transcendence. Altogether, the brands of craft micro-brewery contribute the 0.16% of the brewing production in Mexico. Berber comes out with an attractive proposal to promote this sector and to establish itself as the number one micro-brewery in Mexico by its quality and capacity of production.
www.berber.com.mx /cerveceriaberber
contacto@berber.com.mx 01 (33) 3687 2337 01 (33) 3694 2337
Beer made seriously, not in series Hundred percent of Mexican origin products, Berber has specialized itself in the elaboration of designed beers to delight the palate of its consumers. With an unique and original concept, Berber has created four styles of craft beer, which are an excellent complement to our food, weather and customs. In its way to consolidate as the greatest micro-brewery at national level, its vision will do of Jalisco, the main producing state of craft beer, obtaining its distribution in important supermarket chains in Mexico, as well as its abroad commercialization, mainly in the United States. The facilities of its new brewing plant Región Valles based in Tala, Jalisco, will have a monthly capacity of elaboration of 1 million liters in its first stage, an important number in the production of beer in the country, contributing to the economic development and a greater job creation in the region. Founded in 2011 in Guadalajara and inspired by the apogee of craft beer, Berber is a company whose goal is to promote the brewing culture in Mexico and the world. A beer made by Mexicans and for Mexicans. Berber’s essence lies in its commitment with its clients and suppliers, stimulating the quality of production of the Mexicans and putting our country´s unity out there. Quality, presentation, price and service, are the qualities of this company that currently contribute to Jalisco’s establishment as an Auge of the Mexican craft beer.
BERBER IS: Blonde - Pilsner Style Amber - Style Vienna Lager Brown - Style Brown Porter Dark - Style Sweet Stout
Named after the city of Guasave, Sinaloa, restaurant Save offers a flavor proposal with traditional recipes from the beach Las Glorias, original and exclusive gastronomical creations to satisfy each one of its clients. With three successful restaurants in the city of Guadalajara, Save has started its expansion, beginning to look as the leader in the area at national level.
www.restaurante-save.mx /savedemar
contacto@restaurante-save.mx Suc. Av. Patria: 01 (33) 3629 3123 Suc. Guadalupe: 01 (33) 3121 4476 Suc. Av. MĂŠxico: 01 (33) 3813 1194
Culinary Art It is like being in the sea, without the sea It knows the particular way to serve each one of its dishes with all of the air that beach air of the traditional palapa sinaloense. From the opening of its first restaurant in 2010, Save has committed to the development of the Mexican restaurant industry, obtaining Trip Advisor’s Certificate of Excellence 2014. Save serves more than 35,000 diners each month thanks to the 315 team members, trained to guarantee the best experience for its clients. One of the basic characteristics of its flavor is the selection of naturally fish and seafood, originated in the coast of Mexico, assuring therefore the quality and freshness of its products. An unique flavor, sea atmosphere, joy and hospitality of the people from the coastal region of the north of Sinaloa, these are some of the qualities of their restaurants that combine with comfortable facilities with valet parking, parking, children’s play area with specialized personnel, private rooms, balconies, halls for meetings and events; as well as areas for smokers. Constantly innovating its dishes for the delight of its clients, Restaurant Save is the best option for familiar and business meetings, promoting our country’s gastronomical culture in Auge.
OUTSTANDING: OYSTERS DRAGÓN PELANCHA One of its representative subjects that are in Auge is the fire shucked marinade oyster, accompanied by a cream sauce with bacon and mushrooms.
BRANCHES: - Save Patria - Save México - Save Guadalupe
In Dulces De la Rosa, its directors and workers are to the vanguard with permanent training, strengthening fortifying with cutting-edge technology, it provides raw materials, packaging and services that guarantee quality and innocuousness of more than 400 candies in different presentations, initiating this range with the legendary mazapรกn De la Rosa since 1942, An extensive history. Nowadays, it has certificates of the food industry, as it is fssc 22000, one of the 10 certifications recognized world-wide by gfsi (Global Food Safety Initiative) Proposal 65, for lead control, These are achievements reached due to the requirements of the global market.
www.dulcesdelarosa.com.mx /delaRosaDLR
dulces_delarosa@terra.com.mx 01 (33) 3694 0951 / 52
This important candy group creates thousands of direct and indirect jobs in the different national and international supply industries. In its products distribution chain, it promotes important indirect jobs in the product commercialization. These jobs allow that the million elaborated daily candies can arrive fresh and with great quality to the consumer in our country and abroad. Dulces De La Rosa is 100% Mexican industry that has started its expansion to the international market, generating an increasing demand of their products in the international self-service chains, as well as in the market of distributors and wholesalers.
Our industry has been positioned itself as the main candy group of Latin America, with the help of the sagacity and leadership of the bold directors German Daniel, Miguel Ángel, Jaime Enrique Michel Velasco and every one of their sisters. Their consolidation and expansion in the market has projected, created, maintained and impelled with wisdom what their parents Don Jesús Michel González and Doña Elvira Velasco Rolón started as a family company, with shortages and adversities, but always with the spirit of a tireless fight, arduous work and perseverance. By their flavor, quality, variety, large selection of candies and its price, they are the favorites of children and adults.
Mazapanes, marshmallow, jelly candies, hard and stuffed chocolates, caramel, chewing gums, caramel and candy filled lollipops, tamarind candies, soft toffee, dulces de leche, cookies, chocolate marshmallows, and a wide range of peanuts, such as japanese, chili roasted, salty, sour, spicy...
…a million flavors that will make your mouth water!
It will continue… An endless history…
TOURISM IN JALISCO FROM THE NATIONAL PERSPECTIVE By Jesús Enrique Ramos Flores Secretary of Tourism of Jalisco
Tourism is one of the most important and dynamic economic sectors in the current world due to its levels of private investment, participation in employment and contribution of currencies. Jalisco’s contribution to the regional development through the strengthen of production chains, whether it is through the benefits that generates the activity in a direct way or as detonator and driving force of economic activities of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, currently establishes it as a promoter of national development in a strategic sector.
Jalisco is the state that has more tradition in the country, since among its assets are the icons of the Mexican culture, such as mariachi, tequila and charrería. Also, Jalisco has different attractions that are considered as Cultural Heritage of the Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). These are municipalities with the denomination of Pueblo Mágico, religious sanctuaries, beaches, culture, tradition and natural beauties that reflect the environmental wealth of the Jalisco.
The importance of tourism as a driving force of development in Jalisco is reflected in its 8.6% contribution of to the state’s P.I.B and the direct employment of 270,000 people working in activities related to the visitors’ assistance. There has been an average annual growth of 4.42% in the economic income from visitors in the last six years, going from 27,634 billion pesos in 2009 to 36,230 billion pesos in 2014. Regarding the tourist affluence, it increased from 23.1 million visitors in 2012 to 24.1 million in 2014.
At national level, Jalisco takes the first places in the indicators that measure tourist activity. At the end of the year 2014, it obtained the second place in domestic arrivals with 37,672 flights, with a participation of the 9.38% of the country’s total; as well as the third place in international arrivals with 20,415 flights and a national participation of the 13.71%. Thus, in total arrivals of passengers, Jalisco takes the third place with 5,840 billion passengers, corresponding to the 11.69% of the country’s total arrivals. Regarding cruises, in 2014 Puerto Vallarta received
110 arrivals with 240,519 passengers, making it the third port of arrival in the Mexican Pacific. In relation to the offer of accommodation; Jalisco has shown a considerable growth. In 2014 it had a supply of 65,677 profitable units and reached an occupancy of 9,104 billion rooms, winning third place nationally. Regarding domestic tourism, the state obtained second place countrywide, with 6,310 billion tourists hosted, and third place for foreign hosted with 2,794 billion tourists.
In the last three years 1,103 companies have been trained and their certification has been promoted in order to increase competitiveness in services and to obtain touristic quality certificates. Jalisco stands out with the award “Tesoros de México” for the premium offer of accommodations, in which Jalisco is the national leader.
One of the companies with greater innovation and Auge in the satisfaction of the client is Fiesta Americana Guadalajara. With the mission to offer unforgettable moments, Fiesta Americana makes an effort in taking care of its guests up to the last details so they can enjoy successful stays. With great innovations and modernization of the facilities, Fiesta Americana Guadalajara, supply of beautiful places for events and conventions, as well as amused recreation areas.
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Those who travel by pleasure or business, find the suitable places to cover its lodging needs and to live unforgettable experiences. Fiesta Americana Guadalajara in the Minerva is within the economic and financial heart of this great metropolis, it is located near the historical center, Expo Guadalajara, as well as stores, art galleries, museums, restaurants and bars. Fiesta Americana Guadalajara is capable of satisfying the most demanding tourists for all type of intentions: events, meetings of work or pleasure, conferences; having facilities and halls totally renewed with spaces to lodge up to two thousand people simultaneously. Our fifteen halls are equipped with the latest in technology and its design will do of your meetings, a full experience:
- Salón Stelaris - Salón Floresta - Salón las Flores - Salón Violeta - Balcony for smokers
Simplicity, amplitude and great comfort describe each one of the 391 rooms that evoke a great atmosphere of relaxation, offering a stay that is beyond comparison. To complement its cosmopolitan services, Fiesta Americana Guadalajara has one of the world’s best chefs: Guido de la Mora, a Culinary Arts graduate with experience in the world kitchen, openings and development of standards for the Waldorf Astoria in the Middle East, Doha, Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dabhi, Ras al Khaima UAE, Salmiya and Kuwait.
Our beautiful state is a dominant force among Mexico’s tourist destinations. In addition to the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco has an attractive coast that year after year continues to captivate national and international visitors, positioning the state as a western tourist force. Recently, two Jalisco destinations have grown in the international tourism: Playa Camarones and Playa Palmares, both located in the municipality of Puerto Vallarta. In the XI National Encounter of Clean Beaches, Pronatura Mexico gave the Blue Flag award; an
international certification that the Foundation for Environmental Education (fee) grants to beaches that have reached excellence in quality of water, management, environmental education, as well as in security and services. Francisco Maass PeĂąa, Subsecretary of Quality and Regulation of the Tourism Ministry, was present during the ceremony; in addition to the General director of Pronatura Mexico, Adolph Alaniz, who emphasized work and care that federal state and municipal institutions, as well as civil society have made on the environment, which are reflected in the increase of responsible tourism.
Blue Flag certification: - Granted by the Foundation for Environmental Education (fee) through Pronatura Mexico. - International level. - beaches and 1 marina certified for season 2015-2016. - 4 000 certified coast destinations. - 148 Countries.
Certified beaches of Puerto Vallarta: - Garza Blanca. - Amapas-Shell. - Chinease - Mismaloya. - Holi. - Shrimps. - Palmares.
It is worth mentioning that the Blue Flag certification is the most important award in the world, due to its strict selection, verification and following process at national and international level. Its standardization process is formed by thirty three quality criteria, which includes the following: - Ecosystems recovery and restoration. - Public spaces cleaning. - Signals installation. - Infrastructure. - Safety. - Environmental education programs. - Lifeguards presence. - Habitat protection. - Monthly monitoring of water quality (with microbiological and physic-chemical parameters).
The diffusion received by beaches and marinas is of great magnitude since all Blue Flag destinations are in international tourist promotion networks, as well as
applications that allow any traveler to get to know the zones that have this certification in our country. PUERTO VALLARTA, THE BEST TOURIST DESTINATION OF THE MEXICAN PACIFIC With these certifications, Puerto Vallarta strengthens its presence as Jalisco’s second more important economic zone due to its international tourist relevance. The beautiful harbor, named after Governor Ignacio L. Vallarta is the municipality with more certified beaches at national level, because in addition to the Blue Flag certification, it has six Bandera Blanca certifications, granted by the Instituto Mexicano de Normalización y Certificación A.C. (Mexican Institute of Standardization and Certification A. C.) As an endorsement of Mexico’s great interest in the Pacific tourism; the relations with the Federation of
Cruise lines of Florida and the Caribbean (fcca) were recently reinforced. This will promote the arrival of international cruise ships to the beaches of Puerto Vallarta. One hundred twenty-eight cruise ships arrivals have been already scheduled this year, which means a 16% increase in comparison with the previous year (numbers of the Dirección de Fomento y Administración Portuaria of the sct). Each cruise ship arrives with up to 2,500 passengers, thus it is expected to conclude the year with the arrival of 200,000 tourists in this branch. These are a few results of the joint effort made by the municipalities along with the Jalisco’s Government for the improvement and maintenance of ecosystems, as well as the promotion of tourist destinations to attract a greater number of visitants and thus develop the region’s economic growth and life quality.
The coast of Jalisco offers endless numbers of beautiful beaches and paradise places where pleasure is the common element among activities that go from extreme sports to relaxation and meditation activities. A widely known secret that captivates; Yelapa is a place that combines mountain scenery with one of the state’s best beaches. Located in the lust jungle of the Sierra Madre to the south of Puerto Vallarta, next to Bahía de Banderas, is a representative beach of the municipality of Cabo Corrientes. The name comes from Purépechas ethnic group and means “place where waters are joined.”
AN INSPIRATION REFUGE Its privileged location offers a calm and private atmosphere away from the stress of the city. The calm and casual lifestyle has captivated visitors in search of inspiration and contact with nature. The best way to arrive to this special refuge is by sea, since the nearest highway is a dirt road that finishes at the top of the mountain, 0.62 miles away from town. Yelapa invites you to swim in its beautiful beach or rest in its golden sand, while enjoying the astonishing sunsets, mountains and views.
Yelapa’s beach: - Access only by sea. - Located in the municipality of Cabo Corrientes.
Traditional gastronomy: - Yelapa pie and Raicilla liquor. - 45 min away from Puerto Vallarta by water taxi. - 1500 inhabitants.
Illuminated by candles, restaurants and palapas at the shore of the bay, give the city nights a bohemian-like atmosphere. They offer a diversity of sea products that can be complemented with raicilla; local liquor made of agaves, or with the traditional Yelapa pie; a delicious recipe inherited from Socorro Azurmendis, a woman recognized by the support she gave to local women to increase their quality of life. ADVENTURE AND ADRENALINE Yelapa is also known by the different activities for adventurers. There are two rivers deep into the forest: Tuito and Yelapa, in which waterfalls up to 98ft height can be found. Its waters are excellent to practice snorkel and diving, in addition to other options like parasailing, fishing and kayak. In the town you can enjoy long walks and horse riding, as well as meeting the locals and buying crafts made in the locally cultivated rosewood. Accommodation in Yelapa is very accessible and diverse, since it has near the beach lodgings with rustic decoration or boutique hotels located at the top of the mountain. Yelapa is, without a doubt, a place filled with magic, ideal to escape from the daily routine and to immerse yourself in a paradise where it seemed that time has stopped. Let yourself be pampered by Yelapa´s nature and bohemian atmosphere.
Active, dedicated and influential professionals need complementary clothes for their work style that can provide distinction, comfort and security to them. Cotton Republic is a worldwide model of quality in uniforms for specialized professions that offers a distinctive appearance to its clients while protecting them in any risk situation in the work area.
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Cotton Republic is:
- Confidence, formality, quality and safety
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Its line of design, related to the technology used in its production and present in its raw material, has made of Cotton Republic a factor of growth and evolution in the clothing industry. Its presence in Jalisco and Mexico has extended to such point that it is estimated that the company will soon reach the American, Canadian and European market. There is no better certification or award than the one offered by your own clients. Cotton Republic is a company specialized in the complete satisfaction of its clients, thanks to its creative and exponential product catalogue that offers uniforms and industrial safety equipment, with garments that are resistant to chlorine, because its color lasts up to more than 100 washing cycles with hypochlorite without displaying some kind of deterioration.
Vanguard in the evolution of dressmaking Standardizing the world with vanguard textile technology, each garment designed in Cotton Republic has exclusive characteristics that guarantee quality, comfort and durability. Cotton Republic is a first level company with an integral and experienced vision that is aware of the industrial safety and commercial appearance needs of its clients. Thanks to the undertaking of new businesses lines and production techniques, nowadays it works to make their products accessible to any professional through retail stores and distribution in self-service establishments on a national level. Influencing in a positive way in the country’s economic growth, Cotton Republic carries with honor its recognition of Jalisco’s Pride Company.
The triple helix, union of the public, private and academic sector, has demonstrated its effectiveness by undertaking successful projects in which a rewarding long term collaboration is distinguished. The academic sector has assumed its duty with responsibility and commitment by offering quality education to the jaliscienses. The quality of university programs in the training of students for professional careers has stood out in Jalisco; since the country’s best universities –which are focused in
the integral formation based on the experience of values, are in the state. The public sector has, by constitutional mandate, the responsibility to provide safety, health and education, and to regulate the economic activity to foster free competition, promoting the creation of jobs and wealth, vital elements in the triple helix. The business sector, on the other hand, has the mission to create jobs and to impel economic growth,
since it is the key element to wealth generation. Nevertheless, within the frame of its corporate social responsibility, it also offers four other aspects: ethics, quality of life, environmental care and community engagement. An obstacle that this type of alliances have faced, is the lack of continuity from the government, due to the work period by which it was elect. This means that many good governmental projects are discontinued by the change in administration. Thus, the
way to guarantee its permanence and continuity is to have long term programs for the Government’s transcendence. A case of triple helix success is the Instituto Jaliscience de Tecnologías de Información (ijalti) (Institute Jalisciense of Information Technologies), an organism in which different first level universities collaborate along with the Government of Jalisco through the Secretary of Innovation Science and Technology (sicyt), and the private sector through Information Technology companies.
Therefore, it is time to include a fourth helix to this type of collaborations that have demonstrated its effectiveness: society. Citizen participation is of extreme importance to face situations and subjects of great significance in the country, because this joint collaboration brings an enormous power to change things in favor of the economic welfare. An excellent relationship between the four helix (Government, Entrepreneurs, Academy and Society) is essential in order to build the Mexico that we all deserve.
Educate young adults capable of making a positive impact in society through their profession ”
- Ideology univa.
“Values must be essential in the new professionals,” says Priest Lic. Francisco Ramirez Yáñez, Rector of Universidad del Valle de Atemajac (UNIVA by its Spanish acronym), leader institution in educative innovation.
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Priest Lic. Ramirez Yáñez also presides over the Consejo Directivo de la Federación de Instituciones Mexicanas Particulares de Educación Superior (fimpes) (Directive Council of the Federation of Mexican Private Institutions of Higher Education), in which a total of 111 universities participate with the objective to preserve the quality of the formation programs. Recently the members of fimpes were added to the signature of the Declaration of Ethic Principles, which will rule over the moral formation of students.
For the third time, univa obtained the “Lisa y Llana” accreditation, which is the maximum level that the fimpes grants, by the quality in its processes and services.
For Father Ramirez Yáñez, the most important thing as Rector, is to promote the comprehensive education of students so in addition to graduating with a high level of competitiveness; they will practice the universal values in their daily life. univa is present at national level with 11 campuses in the cities of Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta, Tepic, Colima, León, Lagos, Querétaro, Aguascalientes, Uruapan, Zamora and La Piedad. Its academic excellence is recognized by the Ministry of Public Education, and has accreditations of evaluating organisms on the permanent quality of its study programs. For the third time, univa obtained the “Lisa y Llana” accreditation, which is the maximum level that the fimpes grants, by the quality in its processes and services.
Its academic model, unique in the country, includes high school, bachelor degrees, master and doctoral levels in addition to continuous education and enterprise consulting. univa establishes the students as center of the formation process, impelling their human potential and knowledge development in first level facilities and laboratories of edge technology for the areas of health, engineering and social sciences. Constant innovation in the update of its training programs makes their graduates highly competitive in the labor field. univa is a dynamic University System that responds to the real needs of society. univa is a name that endorses.
UNIVA is a name that endorses.
Access to education is a subject of great importance in Jalisco, for such reason, a series of programs has been created to promote the education development of all Jaliscienses, no matter the age. ALPHABETIZATION AT ANY AGE In the past months, El Instituto para la Educaci贸n de J贸venes y Adultos (ineejad) (Institute for the Education of Youths and Adults) gave literacy certificates and elementary and middle school certificates to more than 800 adult jaliscienses that concluded their studies. The culmination of studies and the acquisition of new knowledge increase the quality of life, reason why unesco describes education as a powerful instrument that allows people who are socially and
economically marginalized, to leave poverty by their own effort and to participate fully in the life of their community. In addition, with these programs, ineejad expects that minors and adults reaffirm their individual and social conscience with a sense of commitment, responsibility and joint participation in the exercise of democracy. The expectation is also the achievement of a harmonic coexistence with themselves and the community by respecting the diversity, environment and themselves. EDUCATION LEADERS OF LATIN AMERICA In 2013, unesco initiated in fifteen of the nineteen Latin American countries the Third Comparative and Explanatory Regional Study, which evaluates
151 000
$357 550 000 OF INVESTMENT
the performance of third and sixth grade elementary school students. Results were announced during the third trimester of 2015, in which Mexico managed to position itself in the first places of the different evaluated subjects, along with Chile and Costa Rica. Altogether, 67 thousand students were evaluated in the different subjects: reading, writing, mathematics and natural sciences. Also, with the goal of obtaining information on the factors associated to learning, a series of questionnaires were applied to students, families, professors and principals. These types of results confirm the effort of the authorities to offer a quality educative system, same that is trying to be reinforced with the new regulations of the educational reform. In the actual scholar cycle, 1,774,904 students of basic education began classes in 14 thousand public and private schools in Jalisco. JALISCO AT THE FOREFRONT IN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY The President of the Ministry of Education of the Government of Jalisco, Francisco de Jesus Ayón López, explained the process of interactive classrooms implementation in secondary level with the goal of updating the teaching methods during the Encuentro Internacional Virtual Educa 2015. “We are working in equipment, formation and support of interactive classrooms stages, which have been already installed in our state. At the moment, 7,614 professors from secondary level who already count on equipment to have technological support in their classes, have been benefited,” stated Ayón Lopez.
We are working in equipment, formation and support of interactive classrooms stages, which have been already installed in our state. At the moment, 7 thousand 614 professors from secondary level who already count on equipment to have technological support in their classes, have been benefited.
Ayón López
It is estimated that in 2018, around one million students and more than 21 thousand teachers in 151 thousand classrooms will be benefited. This represents an investment of 357, 5 million pesos. This interactive classrooms strategy contemplates the implementation of the digital educative platform Aplícate, which will count on free official educational resources, available 24 hours, that will support the inside and outside of the classroom learning resulting on the enrichment of the teaching activities.
Innovation and health in JaliscO Cluster in the Medical Hospital Industry By María Georgina García Martínez President of Jalisco’s Cluster in the Medical Hospital Industry
The Cluster of the Medical Hospital Industry is an initiative that is born in the state’s productive sector along with the Secretaría de Innovación Ciencia y Tecnología in September 2014. It is an organism that seeks for a better health of Jalisco’s population, it has four thematic areas: industry, government, academy and society. It understands health as an integral project from the productive system to the care system with high technology, and it is focus in the prevention and norms of innocuousness.
The health cluster works with three main guidelines to strengthen the state: 1. Creation of a strengthen medical industry. 2. Formalization of the health tourism. Jalisco is the state with greater potential to attract this kind of tourism. 3. Have a permanent campaign with spot metering of the social medicine and its impact in the health of the residents of Jalisco as well as its visitants. In order to do this, the cluster of the medical hospital industry and the Consejo Estatal de ciencia y
Tecnología (coecytjal by its Spanish acronym) supported to the creation of the first project of remote care services and video communication for the assistance of the first 500 elders. Currently, the project is almost ready to begin activities of remote care service, which will begin on October 2015. An outstanding fact is that for the first time in Jalisco, a Promotion Council for the Medical Tourism will be created with the cooperation of the Ministry of Tourism of the Government of Jalisco, along with
the Ministries of Economic Promotion; Innovation, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Health, as well as the social sector through the Association of Civil Hospitals and Private Hospitals.
In addition, we will have the representation of 13 Chambers of the industry, accompanied by top companies, thus, promoting the innovation, health care, prevention and evaluation.
In this action will also participate the Cluster of the Medical Hospital Industry of Jalisco, and in a determined way, the Association of Jalisco’s Hotels and the Convention and Visitors Bureau (ovc by its Spanish acronym) They will be working under the target brand: Jalisco Care, where we will promote Jalisco as the main destination for medical care for foreigners.
Innovation and health in Jalisco
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How to save the life of 1.7 million people by fruit and vegetable consumption?
It might seem incredible to believe, but the consumption of fruits and vegetables can save your life as well as increase your alimentation –which can help you look good. The World Health Organization (who) has stated in several reports that the lack of exercise and organic food consumption are risk factors that can contribute to mortality. According to the National Institute of Public Health in Mexico, fruit and vegetable consumption diminished
up to 30% in the last twenty years, due to social dynamic change. To illustrate this food crisis, health authorities estimate that 52.2 million Mexicans suffer from weight-gain and obesity because of the over consumption of processed foods. In Latin America they celebrate the fruit day on August 4th as an initiative to promote its consumption, cultivation and distribution. On this day, Héctor Padilla Gutiérrez, the Chairman
To prevent diseases like cancer, diabetes and obesity, one should consume 400 grams daily of fruits and vegetables.
of the Asociación Mexicana de Secretarios de Desarrollo Rural A. C. (amsda by its Spanish acronym), supported the proposals made by the World Health Organization (who), to promote and encourage public policies in favor of the implementation of food education programs. «Cinco al día» is one of the most famous programs formed by public organisms, nonprofit organizations, as well as enterprises, work in collaboration to increase fruit and vegetable consumption in order to improve health. According to studies, it is estimated that the insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables cause approximately 19% of gastrointestinal cancer cases, 31% of ischemic heart diseases and 11% of cerebrovascular accidents in the entire world.
How to save the life of 1.7 million people by fruit and vegetable consumption?
To prevent diseases like cancer, diabetes and obesity, one should consume 400 grams daily of fruits and vegetables. This can also reduce various nutrient shortages. Their consumption represents a high nutritional value for the body by its high content of vitamin C, B1 and B3, calcium, iron, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. It is recommended to eat five portions of vegetables a day, however, in Mexico the consumption of vegetables is only 3.6 days a week. This is the reason why one of the government’s priorities in Jalisco is to promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables among the jalisciences.
- The sufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables could save up to 1,7 million lives each year. - The insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables is one of the 10 principal factors of mortality risk in a global scale. - It is estimated that the insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables cause approximately 19% of gastrointestinal cancer cases, 31% of ischemic heart diseases and 11% of cerebrovascular accidents in the entire world.
THE TASK OF INNOVATING IN SPORTS By Pablo Latapí Communicator and Economist. Innovation Promoter in the Coordinating Council of Grupo Salinas.
Guadalajara is destined to be an important innovation center simply because it is “The great Guadalajara”, a metropolitan zone that merges eight municipalities, headed by Jalisco’s capital, which has been established as a world-class creativity center. When talking about innovation, it is important to do it in all senses, not only from the technological point of view, but also in daily life matters, such as sport
activities, which reflect the welfare of the population. It is important to talk about all senses of innovation, not only from the technological point of view, but also in daily life matters that reflect the welfare of the population, such as sport activities. Talking specifically about one of the sports with more supporters in the world, we can say that Jalisco has been the national capital of soccer due to the great quantity of famous soccer players born here, and
also because it has been a launching pad for those who come from other states. The teams of Guadalajara and Atlas are emblematic in the country. Innovation in soccer is a paradox because while there is the willing to bring more people to stadiums by offering a better spectacle, it is necessary to do it without getting in the way of the sport’s basic rules. This includes the almost 100% responsibility of the referee, with its errors and limitations.
Unlike medicine, where very soon we will see robot doctors, the human factor is an essential part of soccer when following the simplest and understandable rules that allow soccer matches to be played equally whether it is in front of million spectators or in an improvised soccer field in a mountain without any public. Innovation, in the goal of getting better spectacles and people to stadiums, will have to settle with
the player’s high performance and their capacity to respond almost to a 100% in the ninety minutes of the match. Another important aspect will be to fill the stadiums. There are those who think about using the law of supply and demand, recognizing that there are soccer matches with poor demand, while others are automatically filled due to the teams rivalry. For this reason, the implementation of statistical models will be done. These will allow the estimation of the total
attendees expected in each game and thus, set the cost of the entries; this way, the stands will be filled. Let’s remind ourselves that soccer, like many other sports, has a high emotional content that inexplicably causes heat of passion in million people. For many cities, including Guadalajara, this represents an opportunity to increase social welfare, and therefore, build a better place to live from good results.
Throughout its path, Grupo Req端iez, with over 30 years of experience, has developed a set of brands that stand out by their quality, design and technology. Nowadays it is one of the Pride companies of Jalisco by its outstanding work in the production and distribution of furniture on great scale. Req端iez, offers us more than furniture; their products satisfy the most demanding comfort needs by equipping offices and all kind of productive spaces.
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Their brands include different lines of design that combine the new tendencies with the classic style to create pieces that fulfill the highest levels of functionality and ergonomics. Grupo Reqüiez, contributes to the creation of extraordinary spaces in an wide variety of places, such as hotels, offices, restaurants and schools. It is the main ally of architects and interior designers in the development of custom-made residential and enterprise projects.
A vision transformed into history Over more than three decades, the General Director of Grupo Reqüiez, Lic. Abelardo Arreola Jiménez, had the vision to improve the work space of the drawer in draft tables, which took him to start a constant search of the best options to produce furniture with excellent ergonomic characteristics. His mission expanded until the successful concepts of contract, office and collectivity were reached. At the moment, Abelardo directs a company formed by an extraordinary team of mental labor and productive labor force in the distribution of furniture; in which persistence, tenacity and discipline stand out to make the furniture industry a pride of Mexico.
The leadership of Jalisco in sports in national scale is evident; for this reason young tapatíos athletes were our representatives in the Pan American Games Toronto 2015.
jaliscienses of the Mexican delegation, participating in the biggest sport competition of the American continent, achieved 22 medals, whereas the national delegation obtained 95 medals.
On the matter, Jorge Aristóteles Sandoval Díaz, governor of Jalisco, emphasized the significance that sport has in society.
Compete to gain a medal is not all that matters in the sport world. The main mission is that our country stands out.
While describing the obtained results in roller-speed skating, Mike Alexander Páez Cuellar, gold medalist in this sport competition, mentions: “Today things are heading in the right direction and must stay like this.”
«We are guarantee of taking with pride the name of Jalisco and Mexico to the podiums, knowing that when there is dedication and a winning mentality; good results are obtained.»
Our athletes gave their maximum effort with the dream of climbing up to the podium. 78 athletes
Sportive inspiration When speaking of an athlete’s life, it is impossible to leave aside the effort, discipline, sacrifice and perseverance that surround their preparation for the different competitions. Alejandra Orozco, Iván García, Juan René Serrano, Nuria Diosdado and Karla Hinojosa are just a few of the names of the Pan American heroes who obtained a medal in Toronto.
“The jaliscience athlete is used to being the rival to beat and these results justify the governmental investment, which continues after the event and remains as a constant call for athletes to join the national team.” André Marx Miranda Campo
Breaking records and continuing with the success, the young athletes demonstrated their courage; to which the Director of the Consejo Estatal para el Fomento Deportivo (code) (State Council for Sports Promotion), André Marx Miranda Campo stated the following: “The jaliscience athlete is used to being the rival to beat and these results justify the governmental investment, which continues after the event and remains as a constant call for athletes to join the national team.”
Parapan American success
Jalisco has found the best platform of representation and leadership in sports. The 18 medals that the athletes jaliscienses won in the Parapan American Games are proof of this. Mexico obtained the fourth general place with 113 medals. One of the most touching events was the participation of José de Jesús Castillo, who imposed a new Parapan American record in powerlifting, by raising 496,04 lb and therefore obtaining the gold medal and his direct pass to the Rio Olympic Games in 2016.
PAN AMERICAN GAMES: Sixth general place with 94 medals altogether
The Mexican delegation was integrated by 181 athletes from whom 25 were from Jalisco. Their performance in sports like table tennis, judo, swimming and weightlifting was extraordinary; obtaining six gold medals, five silver medals and seven bronze medals.
Outstanding sports: roller-speed skating, archery, diving and synchronized swimming
PARAPAN AMERICAN GAMES Forth general place with 113 medals altogether
Outstanding sports: table tennis, judo, swimming and weightlifting
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