4 minute read

CAD Manager


Now this may seem like a “duh” moment and very basic concept, but I have mentored others who didn’t really know how to articulate their goals clearly.

They tend to set a general goal like, “I want to be more efficient with software.” Okay, so what does that really mean?

I did say identify your “specific” goals, so get more granular!

If, for example, your goal is for more software training, pick specific concepts you want to learn, such as Getting Started with MicroStation, Introduction to Dynamo, or Revit for Advance Users.

Be specific, and then go find the exact resources that will help you reach your goal.


Once you have identified your specific goal(s), write them down.

Research has shown that the act of writing increases the likelihood that you will accomplish your goals by about 42%, so there is power in writing your goals down.

You can post a list of your goals on your desk, or even screenshot them and make it your phone background image to help keep them top-of-mind.

Writing and sharing your goals is a declaration and commitment to taking your next-level potential seriously.

Getting others to rally behind you can be the encouragement you need when you feel like you are falling behind and need some support and additional accountability.

If you want some major accountability, I dare you to post it to social media and maybe tag me to let me know. I’ll be your accountability buddy.


Busyness often gets the best of us, so to make sure we reach our goals, we need to put it on our calendars.

Figure out how much time you will need and update your calendar accordingly. For example, do you need 30 minutes a day? or 90 minutes a week?

Whatever time you think you need, break it down and put it on the calendar today.


Putting your goals on your calendar is good, but respecting that personal goal appointment and using that scheduled time to progress your goals is key to crushing it.

Think of these goal appointments like you would think of a meeting with your boss or CEO of the company or client.

Respect your goal appointments, and you will see the difference over time.


Again, project work and busyness often gets the best of us, so at the end of the month, revisit your goals to ensure you are on target.


If you don’t reassess your goals regularly, you don’t allow yourself the proper time and space to pivot & reset should your goals need to change.

Being on top of your goal’s progress really does allow you to roll with the punches that get thrown at you daily, as it provides time for corrective action.

If you aren’t on top of your progress, time will get away from you and all those milestones you planned will come and go with no progress towards your overall goals.

Once your back is against a wall, it can be really hard to recover, and you don’t want to ever put yourself in that position, ever.


At the end of the day, the effort that is put into achieving your goals is up to YOU. Period.

Setting realistic goals that are geared toward your career ambitions will give you greater and deeper ownership, so you will truly be vested in accomplishing them.

And I know you don’t want to let yourself down.

If your boss or company gives you a less desirable goal but it’s a very important to the firm, make sure to make that a priority, since your job performance will be measured by it.

You want to make sure you position yourself well to maximize the outcome by achieving that goal—you want that raise or promotion, after all!


Consider the 10 steps above when setting and planning your 2023 goals, and make them your own to achieve greater success this year.

You’ve heard it before: “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet,” so thoroughly plan to achieve your goals.

I am confident that by being prepared, you will see some new and amazing opportunities that might not have been visible in 2023 when your head was down and your focus was on all the busyness work—when you forgot to preserve the integrity of your goals.

As you plan your 2023 goals, what are you hoping to achieve this year?

Feel free to reach out to me and let me know, since you have a fan over here cheering you on to great success in 2023 and beyond.

Mr. Eric DeLeon has over 24 years of professional CAD experience within the semiconductor and AEC industries. Eric is currently serving as the CADD/BIM Technology Manager at Halff Associates based out of Richardson, Texas. Mr. DeLeon is also the Host of the CAD Manager Confessions Podcast which is for CAD Managers in their purpose of the perfect set of plans. On the podcast, Eric interviews other CAD Manager so the CAD community can learn from their stories and where he also confesses all of his lessons learned, strategies, and his project delivery secrets. Eric is currently serving as an active member of the AUGI Board of Directors. Gandhi once said... "A sign of a good leader is not how many followers you have, but how many leaders you create". Creating CAD Leaders is Mr. DeLeon’s new purposedriven mission, and he is looking forward to helping as many CAD professionals as possible step into leadership roles that help them reach the next level in their careers which will make them invaluable assets to their organizations while helping them master project delivery. Go to www.ericdeleon.com to learn more about Eric’s upcoming CAD Leadership development workshops, coaching, and programs.

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